PAQE FOUR Gift Umbrellas Xobo4yv-would think of re.oaiUns AnyUxly with an umbrella unless it wa al least n fairly stood one. To t aecedaMe at all lo lie worth iviiatt or re eeivinj:. an umbrella should eol al least fS.flO. And when there i Ittal much to Im spent, the reallv Wise person wril see our Mpek. Some a tow a IJ.oo. Pure silk in colors around l.K. John Bulger Lid, Jewellers BOYS' SUITS In Tweeds, Serges and Cheviots with 2 PAIRS PANTS Larpe mpc I choose frni in latest K.nctish styles from $9.85 ACME Importers Third Avenue Ic ill UUUUU.VO Pure Pork Sausage, per lb. .. 30e Beef auJ Park Sau&ajre.. per lb- , 25c Tomato Saaare, per lb. 2Sc Freh Home-made Head Cheese, per lb. ... . 25e Reef Drippins. per lb... 10c Seaiy 8 Doodson Sixth Street Phone S5. We deliver Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Hgr$on Block. Prince Rupert, B.C. Office tloars 9 la 6. X-Riy Service Phone Cf. prs T;e.sdy art! Thursday Kvesanrs SturJjys 9 to 12 noca MILK From Bulkier Valley FRESH MtLX AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table i'jmih at ISe for UaU PiaL Quality and Service Valentia Dairy Phone 6S7 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone U. '-trim. Wareliouting, and liilribullnR. Team or Motor Senlce. Val. Sand and Gravel We Specialise In Plane ane Furniture Cevlng. II tlTJL iiAlLY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus y ) e TE.wrO! thi, oo i think the , j 5 W Jl f WWT : lj2Lx 11 oisir.n. Ut II vyfcv) t I . . J jj c - -.. ; - 3 ?3 i DEBATE SCHOOL SYSTEM SOUTH Victoria School Trustees to Have Proposed Change Under Consideration YIirrnRlX Sar. ii. -Wbe'ber kr nt the junwr hipa srbn or mxiilte -irimoi -ystn tf ekea- tinn. reeMaiMeNtM fttr a4nttMn' in ltntih GRhimbia av Ike re- ienl Kduratiurrai Surrev Vietarta, will :x e.ieiM by :t- ;CitT School T.ntte. iihatrr. i lie,rge Jay iia lleoi a p.- kw of Ihe Srutmi KUvarl f-.-Ibi eeainjt. when ej:J.'r.. will be jciven the ifipnil ..-lan4 Sebti ann-v TV biily f tbf u?se"!eW . betns bvilel thr-iih the . v Inmb f the junxr hit it -! here has bee raided. .r ' UTvdaHlbtedty; tki aae ..i i M.'ualNtn will rereie the tt-ar.t - attenti. Member pr :he Seh.w.1 lt.wr-1; a4 Munirtpal lnpretr iierv leane. belee !hal the MeiHtatMM) rnaiiie in k- r.- port h iae urev Mmi'Aii buM be earetulH dealt si by tlte tnatee. t!h a t I., seeing whether r no! tnte the prpwal stt.mM be akptn here. t Studying Proposed System hitpeetinr lane ha heen jriv- ',iSS rareful oludr lt Ike jane lush vijm. sTslea, and wil .refill a n'lwirt af hi inelt- catii.ti to the trustee. Weir's Proposal-That many ..f Ike fault of the 'at i nre 'irtanf. what ,ubieet 'h" irv no! adapted fr. ' Ilr. Ve;r s'aSed. BLUE FOX FARM LS SUCCESSFUL IN SOUTH Annual Meeting al Vancouver Declares Dividend on Operations at Reynard Island , VAXi nrVFlt. Mareh 5. Tbe annual meeting: Van-ouer of the t'anadiaiii IV .u- ot Farms. Ltd which t.a! Trfe:i ojerj'in? Was Nearly Crazy l From Headaches ITw K BHU, 579 Kwoot Ave. ' W-ac pr(. iUa.. write: -"I vvt ; OeaUni vita jack mm keaiwara ! tkat mom iixx I vru Marly craxr ; with tkeat Oi Jay a fnea taU ae iluet, 1 aad adrad aw t tae I triel it. sad h ku bm a rM af rsod. I jat tack tv sad a kaU Ux-Jn. aU I Unal kU a klk ftr a ks f -mi, Pet p eaV Vr TV T. Uara 0 1-i-;; Ttriiii, Osx of Lancida guarantees its Age present -yfem roM be avoided were ! n by the introduelMMi of the ix-1 1 three-three .ylent, that if, ?i years in the junior sHmmI. three in a ntMle or intermedial divisM.n and three in a finihin$ ebl. wa the view expressed by lr. !. M. Weir. Pmfessor l KdueatHMi al Ibe rntveritv o." Hritish CttiwalMa, anl a meMbei if the Eaueatio&il Survey, ia a IwiBl AlairAA ikft. Ilu Vf'.inlmJ " -m TTi i tbe yiHi in ie Jvl BnslamL Tbi system am be ' -o:?IroHetl hy a nratt. cumI- aiter hureau whK-ii will kaw ia la general way xbal subjert eaeb . and iri is .ulapfrit for. and My 9 YEARS OLD 42 Th; au i S' ' - - .ii 4Uihs!nSi . irtt .. !Ue Ln)u..' i. .. I'. ..,t.i ,r tv the 'iorf: of ttri'.ish Coiumbta. mi Heynard Kiaini. -h-TrJ that j tbe enlerurtse bad been earned t a!tip tmr tbe eiabteen ntonlb it had been iu exisfare with bt- nal Mieress. dividend wf fie per rent on tbe Uck issue was derlamd. Caaetaliicd al 1 1 . the asHs of tbe mntpairy lo be ISi.lI.- sms profit of was shown In hae been made hy tbe eniDpany. A net profit of -l.t? vra earned to profit and loss aerounl. After Ibe pro-tafitm and operating eipenes sinre the ineeplion of the bii-nes had been written off there fwn a urplns of fron whieh .In idenrf ill he paid. SIR JOHN HACDONALD CLUB IN VICTORIA VICTORIA. Manrh iS Wtona i U bay- a ir John A. M acton - laid taub. MnOar to tbe Launer Clttb of Vaarrn er. Tbvs chtb miil K Pvr the norpose of fasttioc into effevt -ibe nolMSe for I mhieh the srrat 0n-rr at i 'irea ,! ssHilberty wind: oar. Jo l:i WINSLOW HEADS FOOTBALLERS Annual Meeting Held Last Night; a no organization Is Deterred Foe Two Weeks : M H inio was fleeted i9 .. -uient of the Prince Hupert r.;tqiU ..,- ..'ii.ii al Ibe - nte-iii. ... the aurtuMi. A'ii-h t4 H i Ut rvmins in : u -:ljr rour :-c rhamber. iiar$n K- '- rtv-D iee-pre-ttteiit. I hf ele ..I a seereiary . teferred. nntal rei-.rf.. wre reeerted, atij.ii. I m.l. after nr -. m. tt wit-. .ided io adjnum "-- )wm eei. he a lMart of .-.M trwl mill apMunted ami ' irtNer nrariaiin lor the -" irwre4M with. IiM-re a aali altendaac ' t)i - teooral iiUlir at tbe nurl - Jinj the ;!l.iwniK were pee - i-: in ?heir offirial rapaeUie: rgf Hifl. reiirtwz preeidwat; l.pne Htaek. rtirnjc iee.pre-.t-'-: 'ieorsse s. NHeil. retirts miarj irea-urer; 4trrt Marraa : 4 i. t'. uart. BteNlber or la.; -ar s bard of enlroi; II. Parr n. l. K-nre.iy. 4elat for ! -u.rajte: S. i. Maedwti-M a iwi J. at. JeJeate for ;'- ll;e.. an. I Ren Self and R. jPowe. 'b'teaate for the rand -ruaival '!ub. CRBBAGE LEAGUE Euslness of Season Wound up and Arrangements Made to Present Season's Trophy. At a Brlitt of the Oibbase l.en-He U-IU bMl Hisht in Lbej :y Hall. :HS-bMs 0f the pat eMm -a- Unnnd p and it wa WbbHl to hotd a rribbaice drive and dartre m tbe Boston Uall eai ' irt! J a h-n the Ikawson lUia. HibbrniatH- of ri?y rribhace rhampMnhip. will be presented to it Ibis year tbe Laval iran?e Lodsre. j SPORT CHAT I tlhaKi-Ktistiin b'onorA in Ibe of the t-raienl Wbtel l-ea.we will be settled to. fifirbt or !-, , psnytn trill be necear, fiwwfi the St. A- dw-h'. .wtv 4 tbe Hi- lfix- I! 1 ho ?ete lbe If ibe ir setarans and Ibe lender stoswt -Tke inifal steps j Me ni, er Ibe IMdfHkm. toward oegtcanisinc bave beonjtbe p!a---tT vrtat be neresary later, and a general meetinaMHTw.-. he S Andrew will wilt he ealle4 m tm rhos!be out . cHH wi! naret tbe officers. Itauabler. of lftaeiaa.iL Hhan. WIRELESS REPORT Thursday.- Mar. 25, S ajn. 1 1 WHY " Part rioudv eim r jtX; leatp. ?: ev -iu..'.!!: teaner Anrar bound' from Anyos to Taronva. ntilr-. fnim Anroi ilh Ijird Tnle-lin in low. IFA UTRIl laronaeer. 3.-i: lentp, ! Wli. lURlWiR. Cl.Mtdy-ralas: bar :emp. tl: lima well; al . ov Prjfie Vonarra at!. Bn : t ft t ht.ankl t.. Squirrel r.e: f t S. tommr ;v- talmersi..n norths- uul: tn o! plies seelwo. ir 'he piny -of? WKM awi for Ibe lvbHo at 4 the Xewidn I jrp. trophie f tbe rbaaMHr an i runners, u; respect ivy. The bird a;; of the eenintp to nshi i' be between the Kniehts .i : lansbu and Fiks ft re-4!i sill aaake no differ-eoer !- jrnera! wnleoee M tbe Iraa. 4. 11. bc Northern FJerirw aiany, " a a visitor to njpas lat wee, he- aimnnicame ntlerc:eal m Anyos basket ball to ttrr xfenl of providien? a ro!( i t yearly coaat-titK b tc leant f Ibe LdiV Leasvte. Hx i-ia"-! i f ae fM -ond: 9 p.m. lank- a a brti MotlhlMh'irtd. Nocn till . i; ,,ti -tm: bar. . Jl sra uk.oJh. F H TRrF it,- aa.ijit; . 39. Itl U. flAHU U temp 17. lit a.m. i"-iall a Mill-' irrs n H. r - R a- V- md. il! arrive in nn Mr Urmby ail. r .i valvar anedala Im thai awalr id nnoW of tbe team wn- ii; tK- crp each year a a memcntr. .. ' Ibe el. Tbe -ot For Salel For Rent w.vra. - IIS. ! DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WMTKft flMdjMl 1 FOR SALE nier ename. Prufe NtHrthem Ksraana". Avenue. aMaf -.r"" ?U fnd FwjR SAIX.- -Two lone walnut dinins Mtite; l!heterfieid el. Fwo tone walnut hovrfoot bed and dre-Mier; OrraMa rbef robe: nanonany Ule-r-neeke hskrase: Xonarnh bent-er. Pbnne Mark ;3. ; FOR SALE. I h p I eyele tt nsoiiel . A 9. enpine eonsplete; utfit prartieatlr new. ihtap for rash. Phone Red Sill even-bans, between S ! . 51 HtrTF.1. and funeral iiore fo. real or for sale, f ull particulars on awptiratton to Johnson and LrlHike. vitt. Knlak-. B.C. U HM SAf.F. - rVon.tisft.bred Rhode lland ye o!.t ul!els. ?. apWe. K :e. a lie. Seal iif. Puon.- ttiara Ml. T FlhH SAIJ5. 5 h. Imperial 1 eyrte marine en tne. Vppir Seairdouab Hay. FOR SA1.H. Mayer piano, in first cla rondiuon Appfv Savoy Hotel. 73 TO RENT FfHl HK.N r. -Modera fonr mam. ed flat wtlb Maaarrb mzp, Oapp itloek. WeAtebar Hroa. if FOR RfeNT. Piaavaa. player fana ph anagraph and sew. inr micbmej- Walker's Moie 5hre. FOR REST. Tailor-hop; bdt9e ton heiwa-. t A Ihipr noaeM above. MTeeAen-bavtr Tkrn. Ii rTaLSTsnilr Wwdiopina- WaeSam to teat by tbe day. wee 1 th Pbone R M. tf FOR REXT. Furnihed hoosc-keepina u t e. Musallen. ApartBtrat. P..t. ia if FOR REXT.- Fw hot walar brated. & Mallet su.t. afdy Saait- MODHR.V PLAT for Real Apply Max HHtbeoner. tf aven borne oat ibw imcr Prince m i ie Inmawmir mi TV-' leaU . . - . -..TwncT cr j tsr b a 1 mr r.rtraa : krophy PALMER HtMSE. Fnrvjmbed atte for rent. tl TRAPPET3I I XKEIl i; MIXK .ICIXS Be4 price paid. See me before yoo ell yemr far, if ii fur Tl buy tbea. W. C0LDBL0OM. Secaevf Ae. The clooest Far Man. base bawl ebostf obwwni tbiat abey are low patad fr aay-ls that ibte dwtirt ba to offer and. cernydy ihere are no more norio for laeaa o.rm. ta ,r U ' ' Fro. r. m tboer vsrsone overl - e serir for ibe lad "" .'" " 1 -. ..j. iiS '-Hair;-itfrbip ... .,- "Mr . . f-jl '' "i" ' ' ' ,Ma, e Lei cf Ia c.Sj w J re-1 Adteit ie a la. j Sews 1 Ffl ?A1.R. Xe and ued! marbinery. boats and engine. Coiumbta propel lor. litll i-e ton rin Also mU bna'.ie uttabte for trnlter r Kill netter. S h.p. nVw yle Pal- DRY WOOD. Pplil to any lenxth in block, per load $6.00. . SU.T IlKnillXti. A. ISAACSON, Seal Ome. Phone Itlark 11 BOARD AND ROOM. HtlARIt AMi TtiMiVI. i:5 Thirl Avenue. Phone Rr. 3.1. tstkARIt The 4.d veni Inlander. H3o Ol.M tv? AUCTIONEER. I.ISTKX. I.IMIK. STt P J I be. huz only to one orvaniialHNi tbe wie and the Itohhed bead aeialni Make oao dollar Imd. like 10 tin faerf1 ale. task man both way boys, set) or eirhanse. Aow-Ibins arranged if neeeary. . F. lirtne. anetmneer anl and. FURNITUE AND .RANGES r.WVfllRTT. Prewirr and Km I ay Hanaes heay m attars. Reel-aaore bed, eatntintmn ? inch pools, from IMJ ap: any Op .Iired. Hmma room awte; Ihims rtmm rbair aad nxtozes. A rod aseetaewt of palter Dominion Lioo- from ?Se ir yard. Io- rates pallera. all aiar. Wirfcer chairs : J nr lied linen. Table Itnea aod towels, a. Vaekemie. Farai-lare. Phone 775 AUCTION SALE. AKTT1IIX SAI.K will he held al 733 Tatlow trec-t. rear of S EisMh Atetwe West. oe Tbnrstay. March ?S. al 5Jh PJW. Oontlir ff oak diaiac wtte: tTnniwdevim rvjur. Merrta ebair. roeser. 4pb. neater. partiee, laser ewrinip machine, bureau. hds. rbiffoniere. IrnolevuH. ren?e. kttehen ntev. art, etc. PHILIHITT, EATTT AjCt), Aaeiiwneee. 70 AFCTIOX SAt.K will be brM at t Ftfth Ave Wot ( Snlurday. Mareh 7 al SJ pjai. eonilin? of Mendeaoin p-ano. nak davrtrport. Cooaol. earn rr, ra. eombmalina deb and china cabinet, Stncor sewmr maehlne nt t&kl. m-tth "! AUTOMOBIUI 4. See the Ne Imee, 4! CHEVROLrrj lTriajr. prw ' Rupert . . 'Koadter. p : . , j a . prti I P''"t !edan. pru i I If t ll lnda.i s.i..r Ptinr.' M'::-"rt tCnainvef i ' i ... . PrtnOO ttuprrt t-lfc ban Oka... Prioee Rape: Call In and get pa G.M.A C. Easy Payment A fe barpain -liar KAIEN CARACC la ail I.'- tin. lioktaod. .1-Uae and Cnmr.. WMrrJCIKii SFRM. Xli.H I XEW Hr V 1 PRICK vf n XEW IIMi IMherrsI . Self tartcr ,4 Rimabeul . f 1 .Mirtn I odor Comatert at ' .- Track taaaeete Ouaranteed Used Can l Sfmrmlty lHlMfXSTRATIoN .leoaon a' ' S. E. PARKER. LTD, Jit Seen.t TAXI Phone 7 Tstf (Call rteorye. Pa 5x- and ert --" baker al nir !; er Me Service 0.0 SS etROS. POOL R00 Mtefcer Block Aero GOOD EATS CAFE Third Avenue Opposite lie - ebiftoaiere.f r,rf "r U automat ie leave, boremm. be,!, rbatr. healer.! Rr- ' He. PHILItrrT. EVITT A Mr 1 " a- Aflmaeer. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC Hirh Low a - V clse afe ll" jorsran !. t - r'. --i -ave ,'a-e -1 'ef m tl - ,- Hish PIGEONS RACI.VfJ Homer, bred from omo of Ibe be I hlnod in tbe world Strata. Mt. Itarker. Ito-v Ami; alo iU meant Pjkwt Powler. Tumbler and Suab Itreeder Slock bird and iraiviei aim, r mm ss aa i. flS.o per pair. Jack IUnk. IIS3 Hatmx Street. Eal. Vaneoaver. It.C PRINCE RUPERT T10ES Thursday. March 25 am 17.9 ft 3 33 a.m. 9.3 -I 5 1 p.m. 5.7 " Friday, March 2 - d:o7 aj. 18.0 ft.; I?:3 p.m. 1 7 - :! a.ui. . - l p m. S - Saturday, March 27 a 27 a.m I. fl I? M pm 19 15 am 7 1 - 19 0 pm. " Back lo the eld si SIS Th All ttc SHKI I V Columbia rtft RECORDS AND PHOOCM" I ROT HW ELL'S TRASSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture '.! iUzrare aad x Sltfd;LlllIe Xrw 5 35. Re. paoe - FURNITURE Xrw-and Seene.t lure Slore. We H' " cbaare Xew a : Good. GEO. PAPADOPUV X? Tbird ve - CAMERON TBrt Phoce Baeaaae, Furniture If ynu want any : or delhered. P?e PJO. Bit M-