liurlday March 25, 1020, A Mellow, Appetizing TlavorYou Gnn't Resist! When you cat Kraft Cheee You want MORE Kraft Cheese 1 Eat it freely! It is as good as it tastes. Dietitians are all agreed that cht ;e is one of the most val able foods man can eat, rot' tinini? as it does the es- ' sential vitamines A and B -rithout which the human body cannot thrive or keep tn a state of health. Kraft Cheese .selected for quality, blended for flavor, properly matured, pasteurized for purity by the Kraft patented process, is the finest cheese available. You can buy it by the slice, and in ilb. and 1-lb cartons at any grocery. IN LENT Kraft Ch'tM m HtytJ in man 'tplotinf mil. H'rilt M for Cmmc Htcipt Bocl(. Another No-Mar Furniture Display 7-26 4 piece Walnut Bedroom Suite in the renowned No-Mar finish guaranteed by the manufacturers. h, ---IT, llllf forri!.'. I'.ll.tll Willi lillie eill itild Imiw- hi lie, I -uppliril villi SuititiKii - Slmnlic-r King -prion ami s nimii' Olcrniiii'i t 1 1 it Ni. ltr- mure imitlrc. Mllplett' $242.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Due .i-l "I Ii.uh New- Olh'e 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER -Timber-. l)inieii'n. Shipui-, Fu Filial). Floor-mg. V Joint. MnsIi. ami Hotel Hi. ling. Odar uml Fir iltiitl Lumber. Fu ;uid lltilttoiw "'d Veneer, Mouldings Shingles. Kulored Shinnies Lath, Uuk. Hardwoods, Sftli and Hour-. Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc.- Portland tnient, Keene' Cvmeril, As beslos Cement, liardwnll IMnaUi, Piaster oT Haris. Plaster Hoard. Lime. Hydraled Lime, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Hriek, Fire Hrirk, Pressed Hriek. AKiieolliiial Tile. Vitrified Pipe. Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS NiK Huildiug Paper, Tar Paper, Hillibeloid Hoofing. John. Mnnville's Asbestos Hoofing. Asphalt, Asphalt Hoofing Papers, Sand and Ornvcl. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nol Coal lor vmir Kibhen Hungc. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 anci 117. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prinoo Rupert, B.C. Local and Personal I'lione 15, IMl. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. If P.O. Undertaken!. Phone t. Cameron's"; Dance Orchestra. I'hune 177. . . tf Mm. I), Xurelli returned lioine on the Prince ueoiye yesterday after Victoria. a trip to Vancouver and Music lovers are iuvilcd to hear Hit I'rinco ItuperL mailu phonograph '.toiiisht after 7 p.'m. al I lie Palmer House, tievunlli Avenue West. n. Hanklii,. second officer of the O.f J..M.M. freighter Canadian Con tier, arrived from ?Vsuicoi'vef yesterday lo rejoin ins snip which will leave dry. dock here at Hie end of the week. J. I. .Miller, inspector of en. loins nd 'J'. Ma-on, his ussist- ant, were passenger ahoard Hi" I'rfnee Seor?e yesterday after noon bound from Vancouver lo Aiiyoio pfffeial duties. V. A. Wallace of Hie Hritfkh CorpornHoo, niariny underwril-cru, i a viikir in the city on official lni'ines having arrived from Vancouver on the Prince eorjre jeslerday afternoon. V.! It.' Slivers, United Stall eu-lonn, omrer at lljuer, wa a passcntfer on board the Priuci Oemve elenlay afternoon n turning lo the northern towi afler an extended trip in Hie foiled Stale. Jixeph S. linger, manager of Hie IIiiiitI Marine Prolucts I. Id. -elurnrd In the cily on the Prince Keurgp yeslehlay aflor- niMii followin? a month's Iiihi n' trip winch tok In sticii cilieo a Xew York, Chicago Toronto and Winnipeg. The 'ieamef Prince Koyal will uriivo from Ihe miuIIi Mii week-end in idace of I lie I'rin- ees '.Jlalricc In the O.PJl. local service. The Princes Ileal rin-has been taken out al Vancou ver- fur nnnuar liry anl dmt-' haul. Mr. and Mm. J. Hawthorn of llii city have announced the en gageiuenl of their eldett ilaugh- 'er. Agrifi l)oris, In Alan It lavie, yotiny-esl on of Mad itni Lilian !aie of Vancouver. The wedding will lake place in SI Paul's Chureit, Vancouver, April 5. on J. I., lee, loeal manager of Hie A I If ii Fisheries, relumed on Ihf Prince licorge yesterday af ternoiin from Vancouver. Mrs, wtio n'eenlly umlenvenl n serious oirntioii in Ihe soiilli, is niakingv good recovery and is ex-peeled lo he home m about two week' lime. ANNOUNCEMENTS First Foiled Church Raster Sale March 27. Saereil Cantata, (iood Friday, April linllnil Uneeii Mary Hall April 5. Chapter HalTodil Anglican Tea and Sale or Work April 8. (iyrn Hoedown Friday, April 9, in Auditorium. ItoyiiJ Purple brldgv, whist drive and dance, Llks' Home. ' April 11. v Lutheran Women's Aid Spring Sile, April 15, at .tflfl Sixth Ave. West. Tennis Club Hull, Klks Home, April l. Presbyterian Church Aid Spring Sale. April 21. Ladies' THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREft Sheddon's Taxi and Messenger Service. Phone 134. (f Fresh Oolichans. l'.oat "Anna Orace." just arrived a Cow Hay. , Kniuhl of I'ylhfas whist drive and dance, Murci--jy, in Huston Hull. 71 Subscription ialten for the Fdnionton l'uily JJullctin. Pliune 582. " '.: 71 Huldblooni buys furs and pays the, lilglircl prices in Canada. .Sec him first. i;i'clrolyis-f Hie only nine cure for superfluous hair, wart. moles, etc, J'lione lllack 025 -... --) tf Sister Martina" of SI. Joseph's cademy will sail for Vancou ver on Hie I'ririce George tomorrow uiornliiff. Judge Youiii' left on last nt'ht's train for Smilhers to preside over County Court which Is in session there today. Crilibage drive and dance, lloslon Hall, Wednesday. April 7, under auspices of CriMiagc Lea gue. Arthurs orcncslru. Mrs. John Newtek of Ilaellon will arrive from the interior on tomorrow morning's train and sail for Vancouver. on Ihe ."team nr Prince iteorge. Mr. J. A. hfrVoatriCii and Mi Isabel Kirtpalrick have re turned toihe eity. after sjiemlinw the pat two mouths in South ern California. Vancouver Pro vince. Union freighter Chdkool, t.apl C. H. Smith, arris ed in port from the soutli al 10 o'clock last night and, after unloading tumher a Ihe Hi? Hay Lumber Co.' wharf. proceeded to Stewart. The ves st'l i expeeled bak here again tomorrow souiiuhjuikIi Mr. and Mrs. Jarfk Halcliford and family wilt I wive the cily lv Saturday nrglit's tr.ltu and wi' visit for some Hum in various part of the Middle stales. The may decide to remain there al though it is also ixissJHe thai they may return to Prince Itu perl. Miss Johnson, stewardess Ihe steamer Prince (Scorre, hack on her duties aboard that ship afler having spenl several mouths ashore iu Vancouver on company work. Mis Johnson is one of the senior officers ahoard the C.X. It. eoat sleanicra and her many local friends are glal lo ee her hack again. . Howard Frizzed ami Her I Morgan, as delogulcs from the l-'air Hoard, al tended Ihe meeting of Ihe Klks' Lodge last night in connection with the carnival that is to be held jointly by the two organizations on May ?l. The Llk.s' committee for Ihe event consists id W. K. Williserort. Jainrs Neville, Have Halfouratid Lam e Policrton. TRANSLATING FLAfPER AND OTHER WORDS TO THE FRENCH LANGUAGE OTTAWA. March 25. How- may one translate the word "Flapper" in French? This problem recently engaged Iho minds of iovernmeut and com mercial translators al a meeting of the, Technological Institute of Canada. They railed tij rind a suitable French eiuivalcnt. However, the unbuckled goloshes so distinctly a part of the flapper were Shown lo be already French in name. Other words discussed during tin meeting were: Cable company, examination in chief, one-inan-factory, surely company, moiety, ncsllng boK, bird Ionise, timber wolf, Kopher, patronage and. patronage system, ono-sided proposition, rating, valel service, insurance-adjuster, seconded, basic industries, alias, revolving and liltint chair? gore seizinur orficer, natural resource. LADIESMVIUSIC CLUB Program Yesterday, In Charge of Miss Jones, Was on Wagner's Opera Lohongrln The Ladies' Music Club met yolerduy afternoon al the home or Mrs. Hubert Ward, Atlin Au'mie, and the program, which was arranged by Miss Catherine Jones, consisted of, study of ? V MONUMENT TO EVE IS TO BE PERPETUATED Kill XTAI.N IXN, S.C... Mar. 25.' ltohert Otiillen. aulhor and paragraplier, wlio recently attracted considerable attention by ereetjng in the front lawn of his home a monument lo I've, I ho firl woman, has applied for a 10. nun fi'iiowirifiit life . itisur aiice policy lo lie used as a trust fund in perpetuating the movement. Under Hie terms of- Ihe application flowers would be placed regularly against tin monument, the lawn mowed, trees pruned and Ihe .small marble obeli-k given an annual bath with some rleanirig material. TRAVELLING SHOWS IN I BRITAIN PROFITABLE; LONDON. Maii ti A I the annual eonrerenee of I lie Showmen' Ouild reports were made which showed there is now 15,- 000,000 pounds invested in travelling shows throughout the Hrjtish Mes. The business used to enter a'-J inos! exclusively lo children, Iim! now il also has a large adult patronage. The trade of Ihe showman was never no OLD MR. CARTER HELPED BY SIMPLE MIXTURE "Alter taking Adlevika I le) belter than tor years. Al my age (Oil it is ideal so different from other niedicjiies." signed W. W. Carter. Adlcrikn is n simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.. which re-niines OAS in ten minutes and often brings surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that roll. Moated reeling. Hrings out old waste-matter you never thought was in your system. Excellent for chronic constipation. Ormes Limited, Druggists. r TIMBER SALE X 7425. SralrU Ti'iidor will ! rerrOed by Hie Miuisler 'of l.aiKlt at Virlurla mt later lliau niMHi nil II t M Ii day or April. Ivil'.. Tor llif urrli.iM of Un-nr .Jt!5. to rut s.ouu.uou reel uf sprucr ami lloiu-lurk on an arra aitJoUiiiiK S.T.I. tiDSII. Sail l.akr. Porrhw IMaml. Ilauice i. Cki-i tOsirirl. Two ii,. rais will In: allowed Tor re-luotal or IiiiiIht. ! Kurlher imrtleutara or Hie filler l'or-i piOer. Virion. li.C, or Itistrict rorfs-Irr. I'Hiw lnnwit. i t TIMBER SALE, X7S49. Sraled Teiiilrr will Itv rwelvm by the MinUIrr of laixW al Victoria nt Ulrr than noon on the : Vfiid day or April, lirno. Tor the iurrba!r ur Llr-ne ! lo rut MCi.uuu rwl of .spriMT, Ili'iiihHk, iiaxaio anu iur, mn an ini Miuatoti on I'arll Hlver. oriiwp Bay, Oardnrr Canal, lunrr 4, j:o-i nutrin. , Thn ffli )(m will b alluwrd for ninoval or ttinhrr. I'iii-iIht iiartlrulars ot Ihr chirr Kor-fier. Vli'iorla, in:., or lttrlri rorvster. I'riuce ltuprrt, B.C. Made in Canada Time SaversMoney Savers THINK how many advantages you enjoy when you buy Con-goleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs besides the great and important saving in money! No dusty sweeping or back-breaking beating; no fabric to collect dust and germs; no fear that tracked-in mud or spilled things will leave a stain on the easily-cleaned surface. Figure what each of these means in comfort and leisure, and for years to come the beautiful patterns will brighten up your home. Look for This Cold Seal When You Buy fcOLElM I V COLO SEAL GUAPANTTE (i UTTM ACTION cCAIANTttS i 0 YCUTt MOKTT IACX iuiiier i opera "Lohengrin." The -story or the opera was read I iy Miss Jones whin sang vocal solos from it. Mrs. I". P. Kenny also $rae plan selections from the opera. (Sngoleum j GOLD SEAL CONCOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL, QUEBEC Mrt-JIugs HAT DYES Glossy Black Dull Black Navy Blue Cadet Blue Liberty Blue Natural Straw Burnt Straw Brown 25c each Save money and renew your Hat with this Hye. Yellow Gray Sage Green Old Rose Cerise Lavender Violet Henna We have a roll Hue or EASTER NOVELTIES Eggs, Hoosters. Haldol. Fish, elf., from 5c up. Easter Postcards, 2 for 5c Ormes Limited The Hexall Slore 3rd Avenue and 6th StreeL Pioneer DruggHli Phones 82 and 200 Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE an) PRINCE CHARLES wilt leave- PRINCE RUPERT rr VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ami Inlt-rimillalc 1-miiIs FRIDAYS and MONDAYS at 9.00 a.m. I'ur STEWART ami ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAY8, 10.00 p.m. S.8. PRINCE JOHN rurtlil!lly tut VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ami SATURDAY at S Mu. Tor PRINCE OtOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all l!Hli Latcni Cati.nU, I'lillett Slate. , AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Offica, 528 Third At Prlnca RuparU CANADIAN! UACIFICJ Far ItTCfliUN. VUNCOL JUSUC, S1AUAT fi TaNCOI'YEK. Y1CT0UA ui SUHU . SS. mNCQS BUTtlCt Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert .Matta 19. 29. ApU 9. 19. 30 Harca O. ApJ 2.13.23 Far Butadala, Swanaon Bay, Eaat Balla Balla, Ocaan Falla, Naaiu, Alart Bay, Campball Rlr, ana Vanceutar avary Saturday 11 a-m. Atancy far all Slaamahlp Llnaa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Qanaral Aant. Carnar of 4th Clraal and 3rd Avanua, Prlnca Rupart, IX). UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailint from frmc Hupcrt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanien Bay.'and Alart Bay, Tuaaday, PJB. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alart Bay, and Iwanaoa Bay. Saturday. 10 A.M For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvar Cannarlaa, Thursday p.m. For PORT S.MPSON ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sunday, S p.m. 12 End I. Barpalay, A(mL Prlnoa Rupart. B.a TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSH BY j Man. Dir. Nig hi Phones 4M7 53t Gr. 238 Black 735