VI,. XO. 71 TAXI Boston Grill J Ambulance Service where at Anytime. Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. TT VIDECK, Prop. OF HOMICIDE M it iiiengo 111..., . v.. ... I II -,-TPPI 7 " I "I ,..- ruinu v' i'' 'in- iitrrnoon . tpy ..,( in i lenliinial l;, .,.111 Willi Hie l - i iVlllg t I'lTlllilT )ll' lMll tu " and detilltcil i ;tr- vl " monlli y il.iv - iinif i.'diwnl. t ile . i IdllH ' acre in' i oiiv . irjl wrre simI Mir rosin tif Hit' liry receive the l!Mf II yi'in'H ummly pro- I ly Mim King a well n- ail.v spent in jail, they e n J ii tin I ER RIGHTS tbcrAMPCiicn 111 . I .Mill .1 ,1 .1 ,1 .if nvona wiimna 10 um- Ite It (nil Mai .li Hun. I. Inil luiiu'l' i of laml, an- ill l,aillilMli nivnr on iau- Kiiu il wmiiIi! In; avuilulih' ill' M .,..,, 1, 111 Ml i: .iikiiii.ij H'l.t..-l - s 'III III MP oeeuri' I'lnnn iIimMkIoii iinviiiK I"'1'" li put unlet' ii ri'Nfrti' iiimpii U'l' llfliT A 1 1 1-1 1 I . I'itllnllo eiluliH'il (hat tlie i allow waler rlirlil rnn-h.v a local MiHllroite ulnco In !. linlil hv ime eolicerit . - . : .. 1 1 I. ..ti I ll'll II lllll.' Illllll MIIIIIIIII UK It . PHINF CUM tit nnonrnnr AIT Had Ammunition Destined or snipmoni 10 vnina NCOl VHII. Mar. "5.- 'I hlfe lllln irluiw untl ii in mini II Intl. ...II.. I....I ..... I r .i.i. ...... ! lilim wci'i ellnialeil In liuvc oil' III Vl.lillll IIHMIIK neeii III III lilu ill if I ,! ii I'll MMII 'li'il KiHlly In Ihe, iKillce court i'1'iliiy Ui a elnifKO of lmvlnit KKli'il trooil In hi dosai'kmIiiii wan ni'iili'iioeil lo a yearn I'toniULMit al Geneva. ,-.. ". 4'- CANADIAN FISH IS FINEST ON CONTINENT Difficulty la With Cooka Who do Not Know How to Prepare It HAMILTON. Manh 2t. The llnniilloii SMelalo- jay.i cililnri-ally: Mii. Le!ene SjpencLT ile-laren i.Hiia.liiin lo be "llin rlnet mi i!n. Mnliiiinl," ainl kIh t an i'terf anil tiuiW!. She aNn iinl Dial etireil Nova Srnlia fih m-ie Aireniely Miular in Hie i;nUeil ilale. by riaon of Ihe fuel Ihal no oilier laco rouhJ ilo 'lie rnrlntr n well n Unit pro-inw. Vel "inia.llan.- lor the iiiikI nil. niwlerl lhi ioum of lieallhflll fltoil. in miIIp nf Hie I'm I Mori r;h" eaniialan ami nther jroveninu'iil efforls. Why in il Mr. Spcn'er plven xnine n'aipini. ami incy hit nioi m-toresling. One U Ihal the average llanailiaii lunevlfe li. ! know how tn rook fUh properly. II 1 an art Ihal ha been inas-lereil by Ihiroiwan ami Aialie. ami that i why fih I io nmeh nntie pojtiihir with llHwe people. Ami men alwiiy inil on Hie proper '"lool for enokillB'' Mr. rf.iiei r remark nmnifteanlly. DISASTROUS FIRE IN SIGNAL HILL OILFIELD Quartor of Million Dollars Damage Done In Blaze Near Longbeach Thla Morning LONlinLACll. Cal.. Miirrli 25 1'ire in Hie Sijinal Hill 'il HrliU till nioiiiliiK rniieil ilaniapo of 8250.0110 ile.HlriiylUK several ilnr-rick ami four oil latik. Al llio Ilnlniy lunrlioon a lelo-urani wn reml from Iho I're!- , lo n I of Hit' Vielorla rlub lelllnu of ome of t In allracllun al Ihe .luii-lei emifiMTiire In bo heht Ihere next ninnlli. Waller l'lh ee will reniesenl llio Inral or- ttJinUittlon there. Al Hie lloliiry lunrhemi Ifilay Inn HekeU for Ihe boy baml eoneeil on April l1 were ilUIri- Imleil In rncli member of Ibe club for lb"' '' which Ibey mi! reponlble Wheal Cousoliiliiled PunvveU llnzellnn, r.. & i ... .Mnniiol'. Premier Porter Idaho SiIv m- .el Did. l.tKU . ."I U . .15 .07 .. 2.20 .tlO'K. I'J's NOMINATIONS 3. D. Johnston Re-elected Secretary by Acclamation This Afternoon .Nomination were mailt today it tin regular lunrlieoti of ran- Jitlalni lor office in (ho local i oliry (lnli ami S. It. Jolui-ton. hn l a I irpinl ecrelary, wa (-ieeleil by anrlaiiinlioii. The lerlinn will lake plac' one nunth from toilay. Noininatlon wri: For I'rwuiilMil (lyril (trine, 1 'til. Jark Nirhnll. Waller Vniiec. Treapnirer (ieurjre Itorlf ami A'nller Ftlier. Kswullve -Thi tlefealepl ran-liilate for pni.iMit 'ami f'-o. MrMin-ilie. (piirse Wotxllaiid ami V'aHaee'Oicliartl. TRAIN OF FORD CARS" ARRIVES VANCOUVER Mates Journey Across Continent by O.N.R. In Five and Hair Days YANlIOl Vi:n, March lo Fully half a mile in length, a special .aiiadlan Naliotiul train of til nr. carrying the laiKet hip-.noni of imitur ear eer borne liy one .train through ('anaila, re-ecnlly nrriveil here from Fon. Onlarjo, after making Hie jour-ley in five ilay. 10 hour ami 15 minute actual running time. ('In rontlluleil a ivconl run, Hie proviou reeoni liaviim been nnile i a imilar lint oiiiewliat inaller I rain whieli. two year itigo. inmle Hie journey in a little overeen iluys. PORT ARTHUR WINATHOCKEY Mi t.N Till I 25 I'orl Arthur lb r. ai tl Toronto I niver- ..ity one goal to iiolhing in Hie ;ii!i game of the Allan Cup lioi'key rtnal CANNED SALMON IN STATES WAS LESS LAST YEAR THAN FOR 1924 - WASIHN((T(IN. March i'5 lo- melie proilnelion of rauneil al mou in UTi i plareu by Ihe comnii'ii'e department al 2H8,- HHti.OOO po'uml rnnipnreil with 300,17 l.tlUCi poiiml for (be pre. viou year. 1.111 year n pack nf. jie.en li'il nearly three fourth of Hie wnrhr.s prnilurlinu with Alas kan nlinoii rniniriiiig 71 per Cent of Hip Intnl. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Asked 2.:t5 .01 . 1 o . .mi Of .10 '4 15 AaaBaBaaaBaBjataaH 1 1 i d'HOMO'l'lTi. l'nn.M' lieorge. ag"l ?3. Their Majestie' youngel imnj who lia jut lieeii raiei in rank from ,iib-lieutenant lo lieutenant alxiaril the i-rtiier llawkiu. CORNERSTONE OF CATHEDRAL Victoria Anallcana Planning to Havo It Laid by Bishop of London VlirnUUA. Mar- 25.- Sepleinber V i. Hh dale pro- iiHiiiUy ei for Qui luyinii" of !bo eorwrlnne tf Hie new 'hril (thnreh Culloilral. cenl-ing to an annoiineemenl ni.nb bv be Hihop of (4luuibia. On Hint lay Hie Lonl llibop nf Lomlon, the lligbt Itev. A. V: Wiunington- tugram,, expe.! to be in Victoria ami will a.isl in the oruerloue ceremoiiie. Tlie lliliop of (Uilumbia ha nvilel the l'rimate of the Angli an (.btireJi in Camilla, the .Most Hov. S. 1 Mathe-'on, Arehbihop if ltupertilaml, In be pre.enl on Hie oecalon. Invilntioii have ;il.o been sent to variou lli- iop in Canada ami Hie I'nitet) Stale. II i planned to hold Ihe Provincial Synod either in Victoria or Vnneouvrr nl Hie xame time, lo enable clergy ami prominent laymen from all ove be Province In attend ' Ihe cor nerstone laying ceremonies. The membership of Hie I'roviiieiai Synod include. the Ai'hbihop of New Yetinln.lrr, the Hihopi' of Kooleuay, Hrilih (Udninlna. ind Cariboo. In addition, four lergyuieu ami four lay dele gate. are appointed from Hit lloeese of 'Jtrtlih Columbia, New Westminster, Caledonia oolenay and Cariboo. Tliere i every likelihood there fore, of a large attendance of imminent person. from points 11 tile I'l'uvini'e ami beyond. HAUL OF NARCOTICS FROM BIG STEAMER Customs Officers Seized $10,000 Worth on Empress of Asia Last Night VAXCOt VF.ll, March 25. Ten llHiusnml dollars vvortb of nar colic were seized lale Wedues day night by custom officers ftearchinur Hie liner Kmpretts of Asia, in from Ibe Orient. COUNCIL OF WOMEN MEETSJN VANCOUVER OTl'AWA, March 25. - The tliiily-llilid iitiuunl mcellng of the Canadian National Council of Women wllUic held in Vancouve commencing June u, the national execullve deciiled. r.haile A. Pyne nf Vrlnco OeorgC will sail on the Prinr iteorge Jnniorrnw morning for Ocean Fulls. PRINCE RUPERT , Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper v I'iUNCi-: mjpKirr., tmi hsday. m ahgij as, i20. BOAT LOST ON Yetritair Circulation, liS7 AMAZON RIVER Steamer Destroyed and Many People Lost Their Lives IHO JANF.IIIO. March 25. Latest details state that the loss of life us a result nf the steamer Paes de Carvanso being destroyed t. 2IMI miles up Hie Amazon Hivcr n tropical and crocodile infest ed waters is from 38 to 83 per son, -mostly passengers. MENTION IS MADE RUPERT'S COMPANY This City Divides With Vancou ver Company of Royal Naval Volunteers A Vancouver newspaper Mon lay tliseusjnu Hie lloyal Cnmi dian Naval Volunteer lteserve, speaks of Hie fact that Prince Itupeit was given Ibe privilege of luitiiilaiuinig it depot after. Vic loria bad failed to recruit it ipiota. It ts pointed out that there Is 11 full company in Witt nipeg ami a few oilier clue on the prairie him hulf coinpnnle ONE HALIBUT BOAT. There being no train oul to day, only one small Canadian flhing bnn,t sold her catch jo day at the Kxchange. This vva Hie All! Willi 0,000 pounds of halibut that sold at 15c and 10c to the AHin Fisheries. Spvrt Sales (0) i...-. ....i...i..i.ii...i .imalgamation of the big ,Mr," -""" ee i.l'am-hip line under lh! control of Ihe Nippon Yuen K'ailin, vvbivh i now in proee met will be eonipleled in a few month, bring up again the tig. geslion thai Ihe big Japanee linr W'Mibl, with a little goxern-tie'iit a; d railway eneourageuient, put on some of their fast liner 'u "perale a service between Yo-vOiaiua anil New York via Prince (pert and Hie. Canadian Na-'inntil Hallway. II i pointed out here that by liat route at least a day could be gained in Hie delivery of silk al 'he eastern market and ioslbly a day ami a half if the railway Mne out of Prince lluiicrt werr put in good shape. ItijjuJtgootl. ptitiM b senf fTrroiigli frOni' the lat inn) this muubj help provide ivliirn freight: on tho frain rain that will be shipping hroiigh 'Ibc northern port soon. I'he Tenyo Mtiru i tip first hip transferred to the big com pany under the new arrangement ind each hip a it arrive in Yokohama if transferred to the new management. I'he Iliel i now considering ranting a subsidy to the big ompany. which will include Hie niildintg of four big molorhlp of 17.000 ton each making a peed of ill knnl. These ship peraling Ibroiisli Prince Itnperl otild beat anything put on by any other eompauy by any oilier route t Large Upstitfr Dining Hall, with newly' laid dancing floor for bire, NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRIOR FIVK CENTS. EAT EUROPEAN POWERS REMAIN UNITE outh American banana reel but Unity Maintained Says Canadian representative lauds Austen Chamber- ROTARY CLUB I I I PRINCE RUPERT Soviet Government Doubles " IS MENTIONED 0alPal of Vodka bal s"'" Question of Oriental Shipments Through This Port is Again Discussed MATTER OF SPEED . Encouragement Needed to Make Success of Enterprise It is SUted VN'COl.'VFIl. Man;li 25.-3lie! y KSTY RUSSIANS ARE HELPING TO BALANCE BOLSHEVIK BUDGET NOW r n7i pi i ue ur nations ouppea on fi unu siivs mi in niiini wus i in i iii by assembly at Geneva llON Mm h '.'.". "(iouig In Oeneva with our hand iUkiw been worse llnui ticles. Thai was deiuoiislral- ilt (lie case of llrazil. We slipped mi the Soulli Amcri- i no el liu I itnilv of Hit' great Kunipcnii power wn 1 (Hid that win (lie inot iniNir(iiiit and indeed u vital cdaml Senator Itnotil liaudiiriiud of Montreal, former of 'lie League of Nations assembly and Canadian dclc-lin 'f-MilK' Hi'' recent session at a dinner given in li i I I ikIi' by Hit' Canadian Club here. Senalor Itaiiiluniitd cprcsed p If Iff TIT whole-hcnrlcd admiration for i H 111 III I Y ' Aultn Chamberlain, who headed Ll UUlLll 1 llie delegation lo the l-cague nunibly. Mussolini's Hand MO JANFIIIO. March trSThe - . .urt'iftii office denied Hit usser-of Mussolini's Arch I ion made in (he ltriih lloust Given Jail Terms But ipf ('.oihiiumi on Tuesday Ilia! Will Soon be Free Premier Muuliiii was bctiiut: Hrnil's nHtun at the rcci-til -eiulilv of I lie l.'-iiAiue of Nulling Is Unable to meet Demand .MOSCOW, March 'Jo. Ituriiig the pal six rnoutli,. 'the govtl iimeiil lias doubleu the outpill of vodka but is uiUlilt to iiiccl the ilemaiid. For the coming year rvH,00(,t)(io ipiails will be produced yielding enough money to make iip.onc-teiith of the nation's entire budget requirements. The vodka now manufactured has a strength of 10 per? cent alcohol mid sell al !M)e per quarj. 'l .Many distilleries whiih were dest'roed during the war muu otherwise put out of business when the ban was placed on vodka UlSlERS TO VISIT THE MINING DISIRICTS Jloan anJ Sutherland to Investigate Unemployment at Coal Mines View to Mitigation VICTOHIA. March 25. Hon. lions at Hie Jnines where 100 men .ate ont-of 'einiiloyiiientSi .Zt'i 'Ibe nut' uiploymeii! condition oblains al all Hie mines on Vun-couvrr Island, the demand for roal having dropped off of lale o such an tlcnl that production ha been materially decreased. rite ministers will consider whether tlie provincial government might take any steps to nitigate the situation. PRINCESS ROYAL IS COMING THIS WEEK Jteamer is Relieving the Princess Beatrice on C.P.R. Coast Service VICTOHIA. March 25. After being laid up all winter al the '.vans Coleman it Kvans docks in Hie Inner Harbor Hie C.P.Il steamship Princess lloyal clear- d Tuesday for Vancouver lo relieve Hie Prince Heatriee on he northern trip while the lat er gels her overhaul. The Heatriee will be buuled hut .mil pfttnled and her engines veihauled before she goes on he run to Prince Ilupert and vny ports. WEATHER REPORT Government Telegraph 8 a.m. Prinre lluoeit; pari eloud aim, temperature U8. llaellou: Clear, calm, loinp. S2. relegraph Creek: cloudy, calm, ' etnp. 30. ' Smilher.: clear, calm .temp. 10. Hums Lake: part cloudy calm, temp. .in. :i8. Terrace: clear, calm, temp. ,15 Anyox: clear, calm, temp :t5. Stewart: cloudy, calm, temp 31. Whilehorse: clear, calm, temp. 1 , . ....... 1 ii;ioii ; cieur. eaun. temp. Average . temp. 15 above for Yukon. Inaugurating the spring two boat a week service of the Cam diou National (atasl Steamship- the steamer Prince Charles, CapL Neil McLean, will arrive from the soulli at 3 o'clock Saturday af-(ernoon. The vessel will pro reed thai evening for Stewart and Anyox and will sail from here for tlie smith at U o'clock Monthly morning. POWELL RIVER OF VANCOUVER ISLAhD; IS FINANCING Issues and Sells Four Million Dollars Serial Gold Bonds In ' Minneapolis VANCOL VKH. March 23. The William Sloan, minister of Mi 11 said today- in its new. c,tl-mines, and lion. W. II. Suther- 11 11 tit Sale bj; the t'owcll, lUver Utml, minister of public works. Pulp & Paper Company,, Ltd.- to will go lo Naitainio Ibis week to Minneapolis Imaiicial Ilrms of investigate eniployinenl cundi-Us.0O0.0uii In.five per cent serial liold notes i rt?Mirlnlt in local fluuUfiatcitTte. JbepijrHosP- of the issue I to prov ide Hie. money with which lo make additions to Hie present plant and ' finance Hie acquisition of addi-.ional property.'" MILLION DOLLAR PLANT SINGED Olympic Refinery Had Close Call When Adjoining Warehouse Destroyed SI1ATLK. Marcli 25. Fire de stroyed the big abandoned warp-house last night and threatened the million dollar plant Of Hie. Olympic Itefiniiwg - Company where more- than 2511,01)0 barrels of crude Oil and .gasoline is stored. lite entire fire brigade bought the flatne to prevent, them reaching the plant. IS ARRESTED AT VANCOUVER Man Wanted for Real Estate Frauds In Nebraska Picked, up on Street " VANCi l VKH, March 25..- Wuiiled for embezzlement of $35,000 on real estate! deals at Tlrokeu How, Nebraska, Nathaniel Hotise, 21 years of age; wits ar rested on lite street here today by Vancouver detectives hud held for the Nebraska police. TEN HELD UP ONTARIO HOUSE Kept Them Sitting all Night Over. Liquor Sale an nil-night -e..loti lliqj'lruckilii I'tucmljiicnt to the budget s(teech fuvnriihg the sale of liipior in Ontario under a Bovernuietit conlrot ysteni ivas defented this morning in tho Oninrln Legislature by a Mite of HI to 10. ,.v i Subicribc to the Dull; News,