PAGE SIX Corsettes m W I jam Special value. Jut arri.-rd. AH sites. $L25 H.S Wallace Co. Ld. Phone 3. Third Ave. and Fulton. Just Arrived A frri sliipmri ! of Rochons Gand IBS Assorted Chocolates, Boxes $1.00 to $4.00 Balk Cream, orange. Yan-ille. Leai. lirnwr ?-ow -batt Ivpi-TBaiEt, etc PT lb TSc KrataU- ia cream, per lb. SI .25 Karat AlaiMit.. f-r lb. $1.00 Roehna' Faaa-xs Almond Crtp. per lb $1.00 RupertPharmacy Irr . g Spe-- a. s Phooe S4. We deliver. New Arrivals 'V !a!-: rjode! ..f Ladies' Hats and Coats JUt ID. Spun Silk, per yard . . S1.2S Cotton Oepcs, a'2 e..lor. If 25c Mrs. wX Wikon Tbir.i Ax-n;je IM IUt - - 9?t9 PhT t.rrr; 389 Real Bargains o.Mfi'i..:. ,--:. -,He be! C0HBIK&TI0N SALES Ro. 1 I tin Vprao s. I lm IVarbeiv , 1 tin I'lwapvlr. ... 3 for S5c Ra. 2 -1 tin Ra-"4erTie, lia ilaernr. t tia Hua 3 for S5c No. 3 in LanUrrrie. t Ua Iw- Slonie pruae. t lis StraaberrW 3 for 95c lo. 41 lis Fruit Salad. I 'in iVarbrK 1 lin Pineapple. 3 for S1.15 Mossallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones IS and S4 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ULTRA X-RAYS I PROBABLYARE I FROM OUTSIDE Coincide with Formation of New Worlds and May be Evidence of Birth of Matter j Some inl-r-iit: experiment. j have recently two by a irrtHati profor, Ir. Kohlhot- ler with "Ulna X-Ray." Tars arr the mm a have Writ de-rribed by tb Aroer . aa Ihyir- it. Dr. Miliikan The ray are "harder," - - that i lo av of higher "frv-Huenry."" w, in other word. .: bortrr wave trus t Si - and there fore of rratf r j-Betraln-- Hmi-r than anv ray preaouly known. Tb-y were record td t lr. Miliikan' iulruiarat. la f't-l brKw Ibr urtn-f of Lake Muir. The ata-phrrr aboae Xh lake, whirh lie It. Sort M abo x'a-lwl, wa equivalent hi fc sorbin? power to i3 frrl alT, e that ibr ray rouid ; water, or !lw equivalent of si- '-.-( ( lead. The '"harb-i" ray rriii;ly kna r. - ( he "o-calb'! " .aiuma ray. i-H-ii an- pari i :lt- x-r !.'! ! Ux the jCost Price I Set Aside For One Week We arr ciramng up u a few iior. and !o ooe tbeni owicki) offer Ibe following exceptional value: 5 Jk California I'rune-, atediuin ue 55c 5 ib. Caiifarata TaMe Fus . . 55c 4 lb. Malua Het Pare Plaa I Jaaa 53; 2 tb. MeCanairk :?wrt Ti emits 55c 3 lm Uaftia s IfccM reb 55c 3 (in Malkn fw : nrt 55c 2 pks. Robin Hood Rib4 j 55c )7 bar Halaoirr Soap 55c ;2 !ia lVtenle Sproarb. 55e 3 Cims inapire fiateappb. fired 55c 2 lm Mallin's Itrl ttaeapptr. laned '.. 55c tin Hpiu Pork .V I'Maa .. 55c 7 pk. Jerty IVbr .. .. 55c 7 lm Kipveroi Herrin? 55e pkr. Oeaef Carraal . . 55c 11 Roll TutVI Papr 55c 2 (4rf Snnh-hl Soap 55c ireat l. Tudor, sr oar ott baft Tea. Ih 55c nlarie I'ur Honey. lb. tin 55c 2 bottle.. terlin riup ... 55c 2 ti Ltbby s Apara? Tip 55c Frrb Fruit and Grea Vegetable. firl qnality.- We Se-ll for Ie B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574. PRICE IIST Dry Cleaning and Pressing Mf:. s Suii. rleanrd and j. r.e, (H) Men Suit. poa;ed and prved 1.00 Men i'anU. cleaned aad prred I.0 Men" i'ant. ponged aad prrrd 5tc Men Overroat. eleanel and preed. fron. . Men" Overroal.. pooled and rtrrnl tl.00 Ladles' Ust Indies' Suit., dark color. ... 1 O0 1-adie Suil. H?hl r4ir 5 Idte' Skirt, dark color JM.00 I-aiie" SkiH, likht rotor; "... .. !.?5 Idie SkiH. pleated and rleanrd 1.75 Ladie' Skirl, pressed only I 00 l adi.' Skirt, pleated IjOO Hoffman Vacuum Pressed Is Bast DRY CLEANERS Phone 8 THE DAILY NEWS Thursday Mar . Bilious Headache . . ttV7b pains, tb aches, the THE tired feeiisgs, the depres- forts are the result of the acccnralatioa of potsocs in the body. Onh" the lhrer and kidners can purify the blood. Dr.Chase'sKidney-LiverPills $e. a box, a3 deafen, or Tfee Dr. A. W. Ckaje Melicsv C, Iitaited, Toreato waiei knmait abianre -ar a;r. anl rntair;i an elrclm-b -orbed beftMne tbey ran paaw-(rr w .-raiMtixr tbat it rouIi :bnMi7ti half an ajarb of lead, joera-urr to oie iiliKnln of a. Ori'tn of Ravs .'aiaperr. T1ii mlruweal V- Tbe -t'Ura X-Raj have e.bwa;tb hrfa i aKMit or- itiaeih Ibal of tar "Haataaa aad about oerla-ani .NMtlb !bat of ordmarj arj a;i be produced by ii-bl.'y r,?bi Uh.m mi-"awla. I like lr. lear iraafti far nrrpHar I ban lbor takins iarr ia aay katmn radaarlhv Kan-Tr. Tbwtr "frrattrary aould romrpoad wttk Ibe rrrsry f Ibr lurlrar raanpr KtoHrd ia the foraaataoa of eloaaa ol of bydrvKea aad it-. V "iaaple rapt'jrr of aa derma by a oitrr narbm-."" Ir. Villikaa Ibiok il poMb4r thai tbi paraaaarMKoi i prnag: ai erry-aerr ia parr, aad i lb. nrnbakb origin of tae ra. abara. arrordinp lo bi abrr- roear to rarth with eaaai n'enMl) tbrouboul tbc day aad Tbr eaytrr of lbrr ray altrarlrd many raeatil. --d lr. Miliikan ha not bre- done ia hi oarl after a iJa-on. Tbr fieraaan phM-it Ir. obiaorSer ba mm coaar lo roarlaaoa vrhaeh partly .rale r. Uiilikaa aad partiv uprrrdr I beta. Tbey have beet oanalalrd a an nay. I oaly a irnilrd aaaaaer of -iealirl.. aaa brr author ha jal breat re--matended for lh year Nobel Variable Intensity lar. KobIhor:-r beza- hi ob- rralio ?iTne fifleen rear is ia Ihv pnndoia of a balktoa orp thaa fie mile aboxe ea-!erl. Since lb.- ar be ba rrd by a different atHbod lit !iiruai'T)l i. a IbK-k-a!i--l -!r. roity j aaaaa m Bring us your foot troubles Do you suffer from crooked ovrrlappsng toes? These are warnings of worse foot trouble. Correct this condition with Dr. ScfaoITs Toe-Flex, one of the many j PlSchoIs j bch tare broust rdief to foot suffercra ia rrtry cocstry oa the cScfec Wc bare tboe rrnnkabSe abaacca btre at tie tore. If yon vxX nar cocjort briae joar foot trocbtea 13 sa. Don't risk tcnr pain sre ms aear Jabour Bros., Lti Fur Coats & Jacquettes Ao Kxqufeile Slock of Fur Tritntnicjia at low price. B. C. FUR Co. Neat G.W.V.A. Third Ave JJrv Joie IreUnd. Nobletoa. Oat. write "I u a rreat auJerer frc aevere beai-arbet asd bilieua ipeSa. I tried a cum-br of retaediea wita-oat obtalaisr aaj Keat cxtO I vat adrsed to use Or. Cbaje'a Kidaejlir-er FiDa. Tbee com-pietejy reSered rse, aad Bade ice feel like a eev reraoa. I aa wry tratef L V"cra tkey fall they must be arou5ed to action by Use u.e Pills. They are so direct in action on the liver, kidneys and bowels Ihit relief comes quickly asd serious ills are avoided. 2, Can da jiaaiwddrd in rle's of Alpii- j ? war re )S proterlni ! ra ray eaaitW :y tbr eri: rvwdia njr lime-! isboul aia- Miliikan. h i .ffoaiad that thr ntenity of I", i ir .V-Ray aot roattan bait arable. He observed Iba! tliry rracue-l their aaaxiitHHa intenay ia II.--awrnla?' aad etemnj;. bi. Ihr M01 and other part of Ibr beahjV abrre ouaac tarare Oharfte! aMaiimi rralh, aadV Ibe atimaauai inlra-tty wbra Ihr Milky Way attained tbr nadir. ladrrd. be aa artually able la fotlou the rt-ia of the Milkv Way t the aarati. at tar ray a rorded by hi etoetntaaetet. On Younger Stars Thrr mraiitaivnaraft. ( aa- inaMr driK-ary. sue yet anolber rhae lo Ibe aiyolery- Tbr "rilra X-Ray" rvubt only etaaaalr frwai radio-! nr ub- laajrr . of raonaou aNMMr etrbt, orti a Maay enM ia lat earth" iaterior. fruan wbrrr thru etaaaatiaa rmaaMd pearl rate In the rra-l. They aut alo ri. ia a htsbly rarifard cara form aa tar sanarr of lar rouazrr lar or na arbalae tbtr aaaltrri ba HOl )H had liaae lo -llie ifii acrt-rdaacr with the laa af ?ra- vitalatna. Thu liar rwnradrare of the ?ram-aar iatenity of the rays a oliertd by Dr. Kohl-orler aad tar ne of lbo part ;t of Ihr beaten ber yvua? p-lar aad arbular arr atot auatrroa would rrn lo be ei plained. It tberrrorr ,rr a prabablr thai Ibr "UTra X-Ray." are evi-.b-nre of Ihr birlh of ur world and it may be Ibal '.bey raaauale irn.m hisbly radioarlitr elrmen!-; jWiiirb arr eoiintr out of prior?-j iry mailer. Tl.r poibftily that i"'e orrar anen ai ekreiron 1 j'aplured by a nurleu aa in-j.liraled b lir. Miliikan. and 1 hi had ;le -ll-knwa jitemuia pb-i. i( Xern: lo d-jan-r Ibe bpathr iba tare fay. arr of Ihr birth ol aia 'fr !!.--' LIGHT SENTENCE FOR VERY BRUTAL ACTION Fdto on HuHel'B Sinne i d in ilaarj:aii. ; W'ale. (botisiti ... . . i 4-.- . I. .... otT-i.e-T ,J IVJT ataIUn's Best Pure Honey. tr.a. Iaaa?nlrate had rti!eaced . . . TZ: V"r Sir rzl u.; Urn jail for aaaaa?hter Ibrrr.; , . . v. . , - . . . .i biz ,w deaaaad aaat vi.i to iTar . . report ..f ibr laridrat i ira.,1 Inwt a . . Irurk dnaer , ktiorkrd , prralrsrr of araar. an. a J . . ' uirara ! irackiti .. . . . . about aad dre "mrr her pm. tjRade- body, aad Ubea prwrrrdr. oa hi aay. If Ihr idea of the rorre.poad-rat.i ibal o izsal aa ialaarr of a MiTamase of ju-lare de-enr putdirtljr hi Judnweat i oud. If he iEAa7vae thai pea-pie on Ibi kle of the vrale.' will regard il a a Bother rxaatfde if !be rvrnly af llratik hv he' 1. badly antakra. If aayVady eer deserved baaia? it reaa to be Ibat Jrucl-lrrrr. Il ai be ao rredit 16 ltritib ju lire if larre 1 is . Mnie pruredunr by abK-b a bazar court raa ria him lo Ibe sallow. 1 Scbffbe crtte Dry News j CATAPULT AIRPLANES FROM DECK OF SHIP 'Stride Made In Development of Dev'ce for Giving Craft Start In Flight WASHINGTON. Mar. ?S. Another !lrkb in leelopiMitt f catapult devicse lo IhmI na Mirrrafl direrlly Inlo Ibr an from Ibi b-i f fililtiv hi ua nuhH' Kerr rvrrmiy warn a ! three eaifl amphibian plan ua etNfiilty laMn'!hwl in lb- fail of a liff md. lUult al Ibe na farkiry here. Ibe ratapull iiMHiiitrd on a coal tiare iirn a-k lcml i!o Ibr HoltHMar rier for the trt and itb engine narins tlie (lane wei( .Ijitwn tbe ralatiil (rark ar.d leaed mix Ibe air iib harl!v a ii hefon it Mr- r-d upvtartl. The bark -f a tun :neb Malik wbn-h har- :d Ibe ar rruier ila way. t'umjij like u aitt(e to a im-w nier baiH-l triumph. The Her raapu)l lpr fni-! i:ot -ar if levrb-ruenl in ii.e I aiieil Si.(t-' army. Wlih-a of Sfca " i'lay do i prefer" aket ber fJanre. " 'A'-.iwi. 'lie Mn.' lear. he ri'i!iet .it. -'-.I l : i. MARCH CAME IN LIKE A LAMB Bjt Is going out like our WEEK-END SPECIALS With a Bang! Swift . Pre at mini ilaaa. a.aetiine stared, uparaal per B. 3c We Wl cat H day tharkaaa-a . Rawrfrt Jlaw-e. prr Ha. .. 55c Jrayerr :here. per Ib. ... . 45c Halk Ir.L per lb 1e LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Italy ten aawar day unlM rjaaler. rreh Sprmc Salaaon While, per Ih 124c Red. per Ib 30c Siifted Mark d. prr Mi. 20c Freh Halibut. per B. . . . . 20c Kippered Herri nc. per Ib... 15e I'maaa Uaddir. J.lh 45c Iry Sail t Ih. brark. ear a 2Sc 21c Sarkre SaJaann. V. per lia 35c Iry Shnaip. I . pr fia . 25c Saanarb laaa. arr tia . 17c lfo.ier. Fas'e brand. H . 25c !obter KjwJe hratid. , 45c mn Ail xm I RaaV fJaT MML W 1 V 1 r i i a. jt r FlAKtS WHCAT a uuirnvT roeo aiATT to ui 9 ., , ., ... . l Hran I U.e. peral. Iki 2Jc Horljrt' Vailed Milk. bpi:a! iae. praal 53.29 JadaBMMi'a Fluid IWf, htph'y r- eoiawwdrd by pbjnirtanj. o. bniib. eeaal soe Saktl Navel raapr. Haeaii- aaa ii. 3 daaea for . . . . 5c Florida lirapr FrwH. ? for . 35c Caliroraia ftrepr Fruit. raiht 10c! Cbmblnallon Canned Vegetables, 7 Una for $1.00 ! earb Tmalor '.'. P-a afd '-.?? . a-.J I f:- Raprl Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 Satisfied : Customers Suljnfif.1 1 ti.-tonirr are llir who k I ! nroiiry (lr turr is our wlu rr H.W. i-n f iiai lo anv in tiiidda lo 1 Ium-.- i,,,,n iarniriit slorr (or lllnii.t. Ilriware. i;ii., ,,, ,; Modern Optical Department llrir )ou haw lli eri of a ra li-.l ..; lia h.i.l oer ?T rxiHTn'inr. tliir m.n i iilninrr arr our Im! rrfrrruce. Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Optician WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT Harold Lloyd in "The Freshman" Tlit brightr! I vt inkle or lug tar. liar . ritiK-kliiig. aiahuig. U.hirip mkmg Ibr lield dioopi) that l.nug-. rverlhiiig that n ke. U.r . tufr. IniU ?.irr. Thrill and iv ..t 1, .b. rmiRied. jaiui I ami rammed aitd j. v ., ,4 u l rira! Inn. I'r llar4l. Hi nam- - l.arn in . 1 him the . olU-ire poal onlii he ..,-. I ir . . loft foolltaH BiaUh. Then he a. ., (.,.,. 1. , it.. were a nohlllf to Ihr B!r 1'eftt) i i. v.?,l'f (.. 11m- mapir avrl. hvr . ilernutvui, j- ter amrn inbi a irlttroMi mhic of youth ad n. oturdj ujrrn.e. Strt -aL Harold Lloyd, Jobyna Ralston, Brooks Bene; a James Anderson, Joe Harrington, Pat Harmon, Hate! Keener and other. The Pacemakers" Series No. 1 George O'Hara and Alberta Vaughn In "Welcome Granger." INTERNATIONAL NEWS 50c r4 25e 527-529 Third Avenge ONLY at 7 and 9 Is Near New Frocks New Suits to 4ieae. P.O. Boa 327 s Supplies THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF 8RITISH COLUMBIA TAXATION ACT March 31st IS THE FINAL DATE FOR MAKING RETURNS OF INCOME AND PERSONAL PROPERTY 1 1 -1 it. t . fn .. . r.(r'.! li ! fil'-l w.:h !! WITHOUT NOTICE OR DEMAND Form and lull i'itrm.ti'.i m.i Im adtainr'i Prvviii' ial r'- Mll.i-e. FAILURE TO FILE RETURNS INCURS PENALTIES Easter New Hats New Coats "DEMERS" Wc at.'u Phone 27. Fishermen FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GR0CERICS-Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SL