iniday, April 21, 1026, COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by , " THE DAILY NEWB to SE KLEENEX Til Sanitary Until CiTjini Itemover. While ;i. mihw m .1 i: . i on II-! mm ii. i nines a uiiMiriit'iii a an (irilitisti's i. t'l, It tines wlml no oilier nicllitxl ever known has ever , hi' remove all dirt mill grouse, from the pure. In (v. Jin: '.ilc Hat handkerchief boxes ; coc RADOX (iriiiiilpn Knischeii's new Itutli Kail. Super-charge IV wider with oxygen, forming an artificial wafer li the irierlii- or world-finiion- mediral spa waters, i -.opt k . deodorise tin- -km. relieve- Hlo-iimnlisiu, ali: I--nilKigi'. (ion!, duns ami Sure or Trader Feel, i i ji.irkugt! 60c Ormes Limited The lteali Htorc Ird Avenue and Gth Street. 'rospective PiniK-er I J r i pr? Phones 82 and 200 Builders ! JMBER T int ri-. Ihti.i-n'iuii. Mnp..i.. Kir, Floor ing J '. Iln-ln ami IlevH Hiding. ldar and Fir i . I, tuber. Fir and OiIIoiiwimmJ Veneer. .Moulding. Sli g r Kolored Shingle-.. Lath, Oak. Hardwoods, Sa li mid Door, WimhI Pipe. LMENTS, Etc.- Porltatid fcinrnl. Iv t ne lament, As- b luieitl, Ilardwall IMirr. Il;.l. r of Paris, Phi cr Hoard. Lime, ilvdraled Lime, Fu erlav. IICKS, Etc.- Common Hriek. Fire Hrick, Pressed Hrick. g .i ir.d lire, linnet! Pipe. Hue Lining. ISCELLANEOUS NiK iliiildiiig Paper. Tar Paper, It Hsi-r t Hooting. Johns. .Manville AlK!ls MtMif-h i 'l ili. Atpliall Hoofing Papers, Sand and l' Li, V NANAIMO-WELLINOTON COAL T il Coal fur "n Kii'lcii Hange. ,BERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" is jviooers 1 JL Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Dd. Prince Rupert, B.C. .oggers! Loggers! We have t lit only complete -tork f Gilchrist Jacks nil parU h, North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, n'uvie Haw--, and general Camp F.qnipnienl. It will pay yon lo see us when onllilling. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue TONEWARE BEAN POTS TEA POTS BUTTER CROCKS hiiirwure leprcscnU the last word in sanitary containers. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. PAGE THRE1 Knights or Pythias Masquerade' M. I'. McCaffery returned on Local and Personal Uall, April 23, in JJoilon Hall. Ithc Prince Ocorgo lhi morning WMlUltuI It IJUQIIICAB LTIIf BUIiLII. I'lione 15. l'.n. Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. tf H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Sneddon's Taxi and .Messenger Service. Phone 131. tl 'Horn forget St. Oorgc's Day, l-riilay, in JJelropole. Hall. Hard ?Tiini'S Dance, parade "luri- tonight al 7.30 from corner of Third and Sixth. 450 tons Nanalmo Welllnaton Lump Coal Just arrived. Albert A McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 and 117. tf Aeeount up to April 10 totalling 117,331.01 and Including; a number or departmental payroll were pax-e.1 for payment at last night eouuell meeting, The fou.Nilati.iii of the power Iroiite at Sliawallanf Lake wilt bt repaired at an estimated co-t of i!0. it wa decided by the city council la.t niglit on recom iiiendation ..f the Hoard of Works. K. H. Shnnkley, formerly of Ibis rity and now, located in Vancouver, i a visitor. In the eily. He arrived on this iiioro- n' train from the Prfflce (ieorge district and I on UN his way south. The Canadian FiMi .1 Cold Slorage fljdi packer Chler Xibaniia isited at midnight lasl iiiahl for Ilie 0uen (Jljarlotle N-land on her fir I iHiying trip of the i'a"H lo the .Skfdegatn and Hippo I In ml trollincr areas. Plie vessel, wtrich will be away about ten days. I in command of ('.apt. Iter! Hanson. Henry Whitlakftr. provincial goeriiment architect, arrived in Hie city, on .this morning'. train i rom i'Nog lieorge ami win leaxe by' HmftdV sti-aiiiT for Stewart. Mr. Wjiittaker will re turn to the eift Fridav mom - InP UJitil MinU J: an llicrs at the end if rji wek. going sout'i fnmi here uext Tuesday. ' Mi lm.m. who sustained a i "OilsJUjtd, fracture of his right iea hen lie slipped and fell iiui) a -idewalk on l.olbiniere Street belw.'en S!entli ami Kighlh Avenues on .oMiilier 8. Jiad Jetter he fore Hie eily eouneil last nfjttl claiming fl.noo damages 'Ilie mailer was referred lo the finance committee for report. A recommendation from the Hoard of Works that a bylaw lm introduced providing for lb building of a six feet sidewalk on the north side f Sixlh Ave between Fulton and Taylor Streets was adopted py tjie rity council last night. A previous bylaw for a sidewalk on Ihe soUth side of the street will be can celled. It was retried to Ihe cily council last night oy t;ity Sollei lor K. F. Jones that suit wits threatened asainsl Dr. J. P. Colo meliial health officer, as a re suit of Ihe child of City Police Constable Alex Maedonald having been poisoned by nitric acid in the eily police station last year. Mr .tones suggested that the cily might relieve Dr. i.aile of res immobility alllmugh legally t was not liable and further point o.l out I lial the police commission was prepared to recommend Ihe payment of 300 damages. Th matter was referred to the fi-d nance committee for report. ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid Spring Sale, April Ct. Fair Hayseed Dance, Wednes day, April 21. Hidlev Home Hazaar Mny 0. II Use iiiMONDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 more timber in, ame time, with less labor than any other saw. tIMONOS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTKCAL VANCOUVm. T. JOHN. N ... TOK.5NTO 1 Father odfrey arrived fit h. city from Stewart on Hie Cardena yesterday afleriioon. ' A report from the Hoard of Works recommending the purchase of a'jiew pel of concaves for the city rock crusher was adopted by the council last night. A meeting will be held in the City Hall on Friday, April 30, at 8 p.m. lo .djsciiss Hie formation of an Intermediate Football lea-frue. All intereslrd requested to attend. .-,' V.. McDonald f Vancouver, C..N. 11. assistant baggage agent, is n visitor in the city on business. Ho arrived oil this morning's train and will proceed souih Fri day morning, Mr. and Mrs. Heginald L. Oal and child ifgmillicrs arrived rrnni Victoria von the Prinetj Heorge this morning and will proceed lo their, home in the in terior by this evening's train. T. Ii. Campbell, C.X.Il. engineer, w hose work, is esjiecially in conne;lbiii with the pre.serva-toon of loleni pole, is a vUilnr in the city, haTng arrivd from Winnipeg on this morning's (rajn. Thomas louden, C. (i. M. M. superintendent engineer and pen-eral superinlendent of (be Prince Hupert dry dock, arrived this morning on Ilie? Prince !eorgc from Vancouver on an inspection visit. Major M. Furbw of Vancouver chief game inspector for the province, arrived from the south on the Prince (Jtmrge iliis mom irig. He is on his way to the interior on a trip of. general in spec! ion. Mrs. Emily (leddes, charged in the city police Court with drunkenness, has been remanded for eight days and Is out on T.'O bail pending the recovery of. Cily Police Sergeant Hugh McClincby who arreled her on Monday morning. A. Haillie. falher id W. K. Itaillie, chief -rnSfneer - crT the sleamer Prince Httper! and nfl Douglas Haillie, engineer al the Hupert Marine Products plant arrived from Vancouver on Ihe Prince George this morning and will opend the .summer here. The Paeifie American Fisheries Co. cannery steamer Catherine D., Cap). Knight, southbourd from Western Alaska lo Hellinj: ham. railed in port from 0 lo 9 o'cloei. this morning on her way lo Porl Id ward cannery lo un load supplies for the cannery there. -A. it. Martin, general manager of the Pacific Mills, arrived al Ocean Falls from San Francisco on this trip of the Prince George ami will ret urn south wilh lli.j sleamer. He was accompanied lo the paper town by D. G. sten- strum. resident manager, and C l Darker, manager of 'the Van couver otrice. Cupl. P. S. Hoe of Siimmerland bead of Hie Summerlaml-Penlic Ion Ferry and Auto service, who will operate in conjunction wilh the Canadian -National Hallway on Oka'iagan Lake the laiv motor -jessel that is being built al Ihe local dry dobk, arrived in the i ily on the Prince Goorta this morning to inspect work on the vessel. Properly owners ' affected hv the eily council's plan: of grading Dnnsniuir St. belween Sixth and Seventh Avenue in-order to giva in eastern outlet lo Seventh venue West instead or having lo go through tln big. hill be. tween Dunsnuiir and Alcllrido Streets are unauimhuslv protest ing against the work being cur led out under Ihe local improve ment plan. Kxcessivo cost on single lots is claimed.' The Canadian (mverniiH'tit sleamer Givenchy, which hai been on a trip to the Queen Charlolle ' U'ands' with J. K. Miller aud,T; Mason, customs In-tipeclors; F M. Haines, iosl oN flee inspector, and J. P. Forde, district engineer for the federal j public works department, Is expected back here this eveninir. The party has been 'accompanied on the trip by J. II. Mef.eod, local customs collectors ft'1 . :$'. -. Mrs. J. A. Jacobs of the Indian Agent's office sailed' last night by I bo Cardena for Vancouver on a holiday trip ' . Harold McKweii, C.X.Il, division freight agent, returned .Ihjs morning on the Prince, Oeorg.i from a business trip lo Ocean Falls. ;-. Alex Saint, who lia beer. spending the past few months in Vancouver, returned lo Hm cily on ihe Prince Uconge Ibis morning -Pat K'eye.s, old linier of Stew art, who has been on a holiday trip souih, is a passenger aboard Ihe Priuctt O'eorgo today return lug north. X. L. I.ando, who has been visiting the .district on business for Ihe pastlweek or so, relumed lo Vancouver on Ibc Cardena last night, Mrs. (I. (i, Husbby, who has been visiting f Victoria for the past couple of weeks, returned lo the ily on Ihe Prince fieorgi Ibis morning. Major C. H. .North, superintendent or the H.C. Silver mine, i. a passenger aboard Ihe Princs fieorge today returning to Slew-art afler a trip to Vancouver. J. D. I.illlepage, manager of Ihe lliverside mine al Slew-art, is among the passengers hound north aboard the steamer Prince Ceorge which is in 'port today. Harry TmvnViid, superjnleiid- enl of the Hig Missouri mine, is a passenger alniard Ihe Prince (leorge todav relurnilig to Slew- nrt afler a business trip to Tacoma. Pascn?ers sailing last evening on Ihe Cardena for Vancouver included H. Frankrorlh, ). Zess, Mrs. Jaeol.s, X. I,. I.ando, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Austin, ami Mr and Mrs. W. H. HenderMin. C'.H. sleamer Prince" Gconge, Capl. Harry Xcddeu. arived from Ihe south al 11.15 Ibis morninsr and will sail at III o'clock tonight Tor Stewart and Anyox, illuming south from here at 9 o'ejoe!: Friday morning. An l-Iniergent Lkmmiiuicalioi id Tsimpcan Lodge, A.F. A A.M. will be held in the Masonic llaV on Thursday, April 2i, I9JC, al o clock t.m. for Ihe purpose i holding a funeral service for lal. Hro. John Thirkle tt Mimico Loilge. Toronto. All members and sojourning brethren request, ed lo attend.--!-'. II. Mortimer. Secretary. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE LAST NIGHT Oddfellows and Rebekahs Were Hosts at Enjoyable Affair In Boston Hall Last Night An enjoyable whist drive and dance was held last evening in the I Cos ton Hall by the Oddrel-lows and Itebekah Lodges. There were 21 tables or cards and the winners were: Ladies' first, Mrs. j. J. Smith on Cul with Mrs. li. Murray; ladies" second, Mrs. Andy McDonald; men's first, w. Itothwelt .Sr.; men's sec ond. II: M. Simpson. Afler cards refreshments were served and dancing followed, music l.emg played by Arthur's Orcheslra. A. It. Phillip was nister of ceremonies, George McAuley presided at Ihe door and . i . ... . . me committees in ciiaige in cluded Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. Hert Morgan. Mrs. Thomas Priest, Mrs. J. Mcintosh. Jack Mcintosh, M. Hale and George McAuley. BIRTH. A daughter was horn to Mi it . nun .mis ,i. .uaemiiian or .rran- dale on April 1 1 at Anyox TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MAID wauled for general house work. Phone ureon 700. 94 PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaid by SANTAL MIDY Bt aur. to oat tha Qanulna Look for th word "Kiovl LIFEBUOY as the "Ounce of Prevention 99 How true that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is Lifebuoy's mission to pmtnt infections of the skin. Every normal skin is a healthy. skin clear, firm, velvety to the touch and without blemish. The mild, creamy lather of Lifebuoy, the ultra-refined soap, goes down into the pores and antiseptically cleanses, purifies and beautifies. To use Lifebuoy as a habit is to have' a dear, fine skin, hence a normal, healthy skin. -: ' : So many have discovered by experience the great value of Lifebuoy as a protector against germ infection that Lifebuoy is the most widely used soap in the world. LIFEBU DY HEALTH 5 DAP Purifies and 9rotects The cleanly, health odour vanishes quickly the protection remains. Lb-572 Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SU Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE GEORQC anil PRINCE CHARLES Will Irare PRINCE RUPERT fur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate pulnli FRIDAYS and MONDAYS at 9.00 a.m. rut STEWART and ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, 10.00 p.m. S.8. PRINCE JOHN rurtlllhtly Mr VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al S p.m. fur PRINCE QEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG., all points Eastern Canada, lulled States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckal Otflea, S2S Third Ala Prlnca RuparL (CANADIAN Phono 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert For ttTCHilAN. WXANGEU. JUNUU, SUCWAT Marta 19. 29, AarO 9. 19. 30 Fat VANCOUVER, YICTOUA aaj SEATTLE Harcl 23. Aatil 2. U, 23 Si. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, East Bolla Balla, Ocoan Falla, Nanm, Alart ftai, Campbtll Rlr, and Vancoutar otary Saturday 11 a-m. f, Af tncy for all Stoamahlp Llnaa. Full Information from W. O. ORCHARD Oanaral Afont. Cornoe of 4th Slraat and 3rd Afanuo, Prlnca Rupart, ft.O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnn from Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanaon Bay. and Alort Bay, Tuoaday, S P.M. 'o. VANCOUVER, VIOTOPIA. Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay. Saturday. 10 A.M Foe ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlar Cannorloa, Thursday p.m. For PORT SIMPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. US tnd AtOMt'. J. Barnaloy, AonL Prinoa Ruport. B.O. IK .11. I 1