nar April 21. lOSrt. ide's ifts Phone 857 'i i 'nasnn il' I no easy ( appropriate gift II Hlf sIlM'k . 1 JCCaUC ic i in1 ame trace m e- II! Klf' 1 lli" t U ll. 'I'm' tnriorle wo buy from limp etalilUlie.l it n I : 11 mil lire proven lis lir lo iiihI iiuility. I it any wonder niir ' picase olio Bulger Lid. Jeweller RICE LIST Cleaning and Preaalng In' Suit cleaned anil fcrcsscd 2P0 iH S ; ITh fKlllgl'l Aflil tri'sci I -Ou iN On jm. cleaned anil ft I'm s. sp"nged tl In fi) 5Ho j iv out, cleaned ml i r from. . 2.0(1 ' i Ovrr ill, n poli3'i bxl ir l 11.00 Ladles' List s tint li color S2JH1 f5 M UvUt color 20 s - tark color fl.00 sif - hghl color 01.25 (i ) i lea led and ... ?t.75 rreed only t.oo falnl HI no rman Vacuum Preaeed It Oett M CLEANERS Phone Underwear 5 repe Kr in f a iisiurp Mill, m ii liee. ulrine and In eit design.. A el-j I iini'enaf for Pyjatna H i III ii 1 1 wenr. Yorv fi at pet yur - 35c EST of ENGLAND STORE Mrd Avenue Phone 763 r. E. S. Tait DENTIST lelgerson Block, Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. Office Iloitrn U to A. X-Ray Servloi Phone 688. tln Tuesday nnd Thursday Kvenlngs Saturdays 0 to 12 nocn MILK From Butkley Valley E8H MILK AND WHIP PING CREAM ;AVo specially recommend lir Table Crenm at IBo for fil f Pint. HI Cow Tested for T.B. alentia Dairy SIDEWALK ON SEVENTH AVENUEJS PROPOSED luoara oi worRs to ReDort nn Mow Far It Will go Designed to Protect School Children Primarily lo nerve a a proleo-lion for. (lit. Icarfic (,f (.n.., childivn, (he city council ii planning the building of a sidewalk on McllrMc Street from, si.i, to Seventh Avenue ami along Seventh Avmt( to II II V I 11141 Circle or liryoml. The lioaiil of work luivi ft f mn (commended lhal local improve- infill bylaw providing for I ho -wora tie inirnuure.i, ijcun ;,i lat nhi's council rnol im? lr-veloped a In whether the. side walk along Seenth Avenue should terminate at 'the circle or continue arouml to sixth Av Homo of the aldermen felt ti would nieel (lo requirement to have Ihe sidewalk built jut a far n lln rirrle. AM. poinli-il out dial in all prnhaliil- uy it would liwomt' npriary in tli near fuliire to rlof Ho ln'tli on lli. mirth i.lo of the iiTle an.) in that rai. all traffic woiitil he illveile.l to the dulll nl'. There wouM then h con-eiion ihero ami he felt lhal It nit til he ie In have the i.e-walk pul in there t, a lo pro-Ifil pciletrinn. Il n ileriitcil to refer Ihe iiiaHer li.u k In Ihe h.inril or urki fur furllicr report. PLEASING CONCERT AT ANGLICAN CHURCH - - mm Large Number Out to Enjoy Musloal Entertainment In Cathedral Hall There va a cry pleading1 ! .iiii i i i unrii infill in in,. I allie.lral Hull, liifi wa en-joyeil Ii) a larxe aiKliattec who wen- not hnrkwnnl in epreninK appreriaUoii. The ronwilee in eliaide clllile. of Mr. All-Irrw, Mr. Woollaml. Mi Ail-ani. V C Orchard ami Itev. Waller Mlon. Vocal olo were (hun hy Mr. S. It, Jolimlon, Mi.t Ail an'' K'v- A. VV. IL .)hley, ami roati r. lutke ef ApellcallMt fee Cirtltkete el linpreiemtnu Hahl" Mlaeftl Claim ileal Hi lb rnnre lurl Vlnln tin 1. 1. .f tht krrna liini. Vlr i.vil rar hral f ailuiukalutn like lewmi tmkW. n lulin. um Iwc .if hoMrfe t'tr Minor rriiriril. T kf. Motli'.C lbt I. n tialln. rr Uiwr irrliriral- Vi. I7C. Inirnrt at WW end 4 'il 1a Nn lh 1l hrrr.. li tpt'l) lb Mininr H-oinl'r fr e iminnir nt tor llw iiiiium 'if 'liiaiftJiif a t:pin ilrtnl of I . tb..!!- ruini Aud fnfib'r Uke rtutlre ibi aniiin. uniirr Matron J f ibr Hinrril ti, mnt be roninwrvtHl b-rtr the iMuinrr ( turn irtlflral of initr-oiil iil-d Ihit flrd dar of rebruarr. OS. 9Wi lilf, tiwrwr. 00VINNMINT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICC O' APPLICATION TOn BttH LICtNCI. .Tli r I IIFIIKHV HIVKX lliat i lb liih ill) r M ii thr uncWrlinrt In-Hiul' I" I'pl.i ! U" Uwr i.iMilrtM i..r.l r-ir l inrn In rt-rl of lh pii.iiiM.. 1'lnr par "I I'" builitint known a. iiii n Htilrl." 'iliiilr mi Vain Miroi, Ua.x-ii. H.i . and ii Ow UihI il- i iIh-iI a I "I . Illurk 14, M. 0aA. I'linif lliilirrt larnl llrllr0 lit.lrM-l, . i.. I1..H.U i iilimildl for III IHf im .1.-- . -. Ill,- .air of Ihi b llir ! r by Uw 'nt.i lilllr fr nni.imi'lln u IIm it- "'iOi:n l '! T.liy of rrlmr. Hnrl. ..r li rl iuli Cnlnnibia. I hi" lilll H-liinl. NOTIOt. II THE M VTTKII' nf an M'a", 'or Ihe ii f fTurWimiil Orliflraie l Tiiir fur irniHi i.t "n" or i.nt ttn ,;. Murk furl -U Ul. milMlilK)n ot tut 'i'.'n hiiturrnl and lonv n OlA). .'i...i..iiM lil.tri.l I lan tuiai. ..ti.rirturr irir nt I ho lo of. Ine troiliriraio r Tllle rmrerlnr Ibo aliove lanrl llln loril irmnn-ru 1.1 lur, , niv inRiilH to I'.iio. aflrr llu elrtllon nr mio nmnlh Ibo tlr-l piilillrMlon i..l r'nKl Ifia Im nt Till ippi""ni"i ". noroiii. I Uh Iivo land In Ihe name or Paul oiiefri'" Man. "'" .rn.i.. 'il Tlllf i ill-l "h 5,n of ,"'. IS IB, and l nmnliorod I lino I. Und llorflty offlro, Prinre nuperl. H.C fr.n M.r.n. ..... MArlr:nr, lleyUlrar uf Tlllo QOVtRNMCNT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Appll0ei f Lknee. iiiiihi. "oTict: I i uutniv . ihvf.n iii.,lAealiioil mat on me lit. kn,.n ai n.W.V.v Hotel, nnaie In me ti,wnHi.r i-ori ;-trnrZlh; inxia .iiwrlbr.l a mhiIIi liair nr ioi a 'ami tdorl Tit. IHMrlrl lot 7. Vueen arlolli irenrdin In r l Dl'lrlrt. demlld at Iho rellered mai P1" i rii' noluirv Office in the City of rliiee- nuwrt. B.r... nd nill"lere,l 1078. for me Mio of lrr by ihe rl or by the ...n liollle for e.MuniUi. on the p' Oa'leV'al Prince nup.-rt. B.C.. IhU Mh ,i-y r A,.r.i. m. rFKnrF MHllfnl. -PBOVINCIAL ILMTIONS ACT." rrlne " ilectoreU Olat-rles,. Mickentle Klecteral DHttrlct. MOTU'H l hereby riven lhal I . Jtiall. on the 1711 day r May. Ht. .the ll. iV of l oTIocli In Oh. toreiv-m al iVnrl Unpen, hold a the MiMie. Prince "mini o" ihe Court r nevf.lnn for the til r "e of revl.lna the llt of voter rnr 'ili I.I olertnril i l r rl. nun i..imu kind de ennlnlni an.V and. !"." the relenllon or any imiii on 1 or 'any .PPllcanl for Mn ;' live other purp"e h'llh "l lm' 1 r flncial I'leellon Art.' Dated l Prince IliiperL B.C., mi etn day ot April. nimN A, WATT. n..imrir nt Voter fir ,n Pr'nfe nupert and Mackenzie Electoral DUtrlct.. Jr ITS lime for a chance I iicard my frieml ay llie iilil fuhioniHl tni'llirul Will have to givo way. It' time for a chanpe In policing the city To refu-e. u sooil offer Would imlril bo a (illy It' liuie for a chance To av u ome cah Ami let Ihe AM methiHU (to .wholly to fmanh. II lime for a chance I Ihe popular cry 1'or a Iriplltfale force 01 Ihe people loo lliglll (ianlen of liilen but Ailaiu fell lwic Yet Marauurita, he for Ke. I MAI:!! rca.l the Ira'h.v American llleralurn liplayeil in tlii book ami nia lnre but I know it' lraliy ami imleenl and Jut. know by iulinct. II a way I have. A HliAl. gentleman i one who neer tell his troubles. IT'S cay en,puph (o gel spare part tut a 1'oni car lull if l'on mislreal your U"' slareJ pari ate unolirainable. JAKK wants lo know if men pick their wlw Yes, Jake, at anyrutc the pirl makes him think o, which is about Ihn .am Ibinu:, isn't Hi IT lake a clever person lo he cheerful umler ailycrse elreiin.. sluncc hut anyone can learn lo assume that bored expression in about n inlnule ami three WIIKN money talks It usitallj say "hush." rilAXfili will keep on goln? down Ihe riuancial hill until only a Mussolini will be able to hrlns her back. I KNOW a number of intensely inteiestiiiK lalkci's, and then in course there, are the oilier. who ii'isolulely refuse lo lell scandal slorri'.. IT I said there will be another food merger nt Ihe week rml. 'I'hey usually call il hash, I hunch omelime it ha Ihe more aris tocratic name of stew. IHUANO should sooa lie ready to write a book "Premiers Have Hecn." Advertise in the Dally News. I'eek Mcwaiii. The Womeii Auxiliary of Stewart Oncral Hopilal ha eleeleil officer for Ihe year a rollow: lrci.lejat, Mr. A. li. Yoiinjr; vicc-prehlcnt, Mrs. J. Hilloii Wil-on; liecrelary, Mr. i -i. liiiiwiuni. n'ui'unT. Mrs w. n. iiuii. . !' V Cliarle t;olillier?,"nutiile fore man at the I'lcinicr mine. Iia left, for I'orllaml, Oregon, on a h.ili.lay vUit alul, iliiriiiK hi ale enc. Iii tliillcn arc heiiw: taken over by J. W. Fayer. 3 Mr, (iillamler, who ha viilins her ilailshlr. Mi'. 1 llic prin? a tonus ;irM Invin at 1'ivinler ' for fancy llphlly lunu to lhoushl;monlh, ha reiurhe.1 lo of hat. Illume in New Weiminlcr. TIIK iliniciilly willt Senator llnrali ami Iii ilk loUy in Hm AUCE ARM been lil'll MHO" her Tln Marmot Metal l.M. VA .commence it ilewfiipmenl cam I L'iiilo. Stale I llicy fin. I it . paiun for thi enin aliout Mnyj lililciill lo oatcli. the lion tail . in ohlcr to ghe il a twist. A I JAM ami live fell in the fell i Another jMml-ipil hiali Brade vein of ore ha been nncovereti on Ihe Kspcraiua mine ami U ha. I ami shoulil be kept out. I balance lo I'acoma Mr. Martin lin arrived her-' from Stewart ami is pcmlhtK a vncalion a Ihe .'iiest of Mr.. !l 1". Kertrin. Charles'rd ha.sreturne.i o Alice Ann aftee. hivTng spein Uie.Avin(ir in lAtonxi .- t . i' lid HoHlcKiiilVrUecAlly ie- turned here from I'rince llupert, has opened up business, in the I'ldlseum building. Another vein of hiuli grade sil ver ore ha been encountered o Ihe Wolf mine. TERRACE NOTES lo ninl Mm H '1. llcinla tvlin Mr. and Mr. Hubert Christie and son .lohn arrived home on n'he Crosway.," Kitumkalum. now beln worked, ThirlecnL' W. Thompson anil Malt Allan! ton. of ore with hippci from; 1 arrived in town on Tuesday, from Ihe properly lal week", wiiiik t;o-ikaluni l.a'kn. . . l. i ... . ins io .mi.vox smi'iicr ami met l S. Iliinncv and Olof Hanson feft on Monday nijthl for interior points to. hold further iiicctiii-t jut behalf of the "Save the Forest Week" drive. I . Tl.. W.A. of Hie Anslican htmrc h will m on Thursday i'll.lhe.niome ir .Mrs. W. II. llur-nclt,.' ' ; MW'oo.lw'o'rtir of Vancouver wa a business visitor on Tuesday. ' The Ladie' (uild of Knox United Church will meet on Thursday at the liome of Mrs. Allen. BURNS LAKE .. I i A . i...... ......i n... ..i.iin- ,n.,n.s it Hie nrst .nay nay cricoiaiiuu inn'' ii im- tiiui' nii'iiiii." at. it I' ll I 1 Hulton, H.C, arrived back in!"' " . f....'........ .... in.,.i..v uivinlacv. here on May to. 1 lievv I- . ..K...IK.J. ...... .11.. - . ... , ,. , In.. ..I II... I.....W. ..r lc nn.l Mr Will 111' MIC ClOWIllOK III' .IIJIJ ' v- - - - ...-. ... . - II. I., frank. Oueon ami ceremonies. the, usual attendant Diiusla l.ay of llaelton, H. 'Monday atlur n Sihsense ofjlrict .minims engineer, who na about len week, during whlchlbeen inspectinsr pnipeflies in inis time Mrs. Christie' underwent a district, addressed a publb successful operation. ( at Iho'meeting in the Community Hall Ma.vo clinic. Rochester. Since re- on Saturday niuilit roverinp from her operation Mrs. Christie has been visiting .with friends on Ihn prairie. Mrs. Robert do Kerfjomeaux and baby, daushter left, on Wednesday morninff lo join her husband who is employed al th Premier mine. H. I,. Mcintosh Arrived on Monday night from Prince Rupert lo attend io.ardenlmfr operations at his summer home Seed producer of the Lake 'district received 2,300 which was distributed at a recent meeting or Ihe Lakes Distcict Seed Producers' Association in the Crnssy Plains school house. Alex Holmgren left the Hum Lake Hospital last week for the Tramiuille Sanitarium. S. Tretheway of Vancouver A-as a visitor in the district last ,i..'.-jjj-L: PAQ2 PIVH A Severe Illness Caused , Constipation Mr. Wm. Hill, Wtpflli., Ba.t, writMi-'Thren ycarf ago I had a vry tevrre IIIiiak, an. vfr nine I hfivu ul7trrHl with coimtipntlon. A few mouth t;u a frivud tulrUod fit tO Ul6 Milburn's w;h'mih:i which I diil, altlicitiKh not erpectlrf y reull, hut I mi pltaned to ay thnt niuce u'Iiik I hem I hare had ptrffet u of wy howrU without any trouMe or patn, and have never had hloedinc iil aince. Now, I nvr fail to rri-umnM-nd 'iAia Liver I'UU' to all my" i Put up only by The T. Mllbura Ce, Limited, Tercsto, Oat. John liaxie; pianu i.olo liy llev. A. W. It. Ahley, ami Mis .1. William; a ipiarletle by Mis Ail-vanl, Mr. II. :. I raer. Jnhh THE MAN IN THE MOON an ye: STEWART . K-LMHMLaHPS Cliarle Tucker, who waa for-merly conni-cleil with the Imlia'i police at llejla Coola, ha arriv- ei at Premier, " mmmmm Work I lo. -xlarl at onco on Hie conlriiclion of a loO-ion concentrator, power plant ami tramline at the Diinwell mine with the hope of having i lie new equipment in operation thin mihi-rner. The train formerly u.e ai ijie llocher il. Mliule min at llazclfon hai' lo on iiurcliae.I )iv the Dnnwell. I.loy.l C. While ..I San J'ranciciv who wa in rliariro of llio J'orllaiHl Canal mill here in the early ilay. will have clnirp.' of the iiitiillalinn work. ,, j i , Mr. .1. horni i in I'rinna nuport lo haw nn operalion pr-forioeil. Hen;ia. relurneil after a vili fo i'orll.nnl ami Astoria. . Mr. A. W. Il,-Ahley .,( far lly have left fnr-Ffakaloon where mi.-, ,, v laappurion; uaiice thoy. w wh riativc "f " Aimroy ,.v. Mr. Ahlcy U pen.linjr the , . ' .. an", week in I'rince ltiipe.1. , llihla WiNon Murray; violin no- j lo by V. Sm.lh: recilalioiH by! T. s.war, AitUpml)y ftf ,.. M lleryl l.ovii. y.r ilnet by SnHvf. , (:.inillla olMsU Mi A.l.a... ami John lavey; ,,,, (irfl(.orj, fl,,jmv,. p,,,,,.,,,. "X ". iiiri7 ,.i. fi-i i,..., ... .. ti'Mn, tii . . i:i.i'iii, A. It. AriiVlronK'; fecnml xiec-pri'siilenl. tleore Cameron; !tieauier. Iun(nii McLean: ec- Irelury, I.. M. flonlnn; chaplain,! Siilney l'raer; .rKeaul-at-arm, Siilney Wlckwlre: inile guard. Jame ('inner; oulside uanl, .l.i A Splendid Partnership mli REGARDLESS of race, creed or color, the Business of the Salvation Army is unlimited Free Service to every needy body and soul. It looks upon you, fellow citizen, as a working partner in this great enterprise of reclamation with your dollars or dimes if not with your service in the ranks. The gigantic and daily increasing proportions of the work in Western Canada bear heavily upon us solely for the lack of means to compass the great design our hearts are set upon. You have been most generous in the past, and with unabated confidence in your loyalty, we come to you again in our annual SELF DENIAL APPEAL our great,, concentrated financial effort for the twelve months. We do not presume we KNOW that you will treat our collectors with your unfailing courtesy when they call on you, and that God Himself will surely tell your heart what you can and ought to give. In this absolute confidence we leave the matter with you ."BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB rBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl t MMaMtjaaeMMMiHMHMiM "I see trouble" ays the fortune-teller, lookiug into the washluli. But 110-boiiy needs a fortune-teller In know that wash-liibs ami trouble go hand in hand. What you waul is a good for-linie-leller lo lell about our Thrif-T-ervice. 11 costs very litlle- per pound, but it sends off every wnshhib trouble thai ever existed. You'll find It a good luck .charm Hint works every week in Ihe year. Thrif-T-Service So a pound, 1c per piece Everything washed and flat work Ironed CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 week to inspect bis mining pro perties at Tchesinkut Lake. llobarl Parmlt, of Francois Lake, , who left here snmo time ago lo attend a family nunion a Peiiltelon, is nrtw residing In Prince llupert but will return lo tiiis district in a few months' Ome. James 'fiowun has left for Vancouver enroule lo the United Stales. PhiT MrOtligan of Bavoy was a visitor to Vancouver Ibis week lo attend the funeral of Ui brother, the lale Paddy Metletligan of F.mlako, who was killed in an accident near Squaniish. ALARMING. Kve--Mrs. He Trop has blue lijood ii, lte'r veins. Adam Has she taken, anything for it? TUGBOATS Day Phones , 423, 539,; Green 238, Black 73S. Night. Phones 687,. S39, Qreen 238, Black, 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Ulan. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxquislte Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Ce. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave.