m?; daily KEwa . MniwUj. -Apr:: t t EVERYONE GOES, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus NOW - UttEtS OOH T'CVEK EPSOM R ACES EWJOXEO OOfClr- ME pJ&bURE. THE PRE TTVJlJZJ LIT iLCCiWu -oce-I'M qotM'TO AlVCb NC rDUG'J Q J CIVE TOO Aw NlCC rSEvy NICKU Oreat Metropolitan Is, to be Run bV WHAvT DO YOU ? - 1 Tomorrow: Some or the Favorites For Big Event i.o.mm'.n, April 19. Epsom Down 'tomorrow, will once again be tli.o centre of tlie Dritisti Uirf world, with the running of the spring handicaps, the. Ureal Met rnpoljlan Mnkea on April 20 ami '"' and Suburban on April 21. At the end of the month Hie first two claries of the Season at Inrf llcadmiarlers will com niaiii I ho stage, but hefom I lion many tlnrusands will enjoy tlio popular '.'double.' at Kysom. Enjries for the features of the Epsom Spring .Mooting are con siilored qnitp up to the. standard or three-quarters of a century. i or ineptly and Suburban, a mile and a quarter, some of the best of last season's classic canili- , dales, are. nominated, with top woiiffbt of 120 pounds allolted In II. II, Aga Kban's Zionist). Zionist, a highly bred horse, was second in the Lincolnshire Handicap last month and second in last year' Derby. His Majesty's Hiinnymede is not the leasj anion); the four-year-obis entered for the shorter handicap. Other entrants who figured in last season's cjasslc fields are Lord Derby's Conquistador, to carry 118, the Aga Khan's The Sirdar, 12 S, .Masked Marvel 128, St. Becan 110 and Warminster 113. Carries Top Weight In tli? Oreat Metropolitan, two and'a quarter miles. Cloud! bank, witi a. gbod record last Fioason, is to curry, lop weight, of l.'ll pounds, Confirmation, win-l ner of the Queen's Prize at Kemp-ton op Easter Monday, is allotted 118, and Rrisl, winner of the Oreat Metropolitan last year, 117. Labadens is allotted' 100 and Forseli 128. The (treat Metropolitan Stakes is of three sovereigns each, yilh 000 sovereigns addedf while, for tlm City and. Suburban, l.Ouu sovereigns are added to the swcepslakej&uor three sovereigns each. Victory of Outsider After the remarkable performances in the two great races ready run during the past few weeks turf followers are more uncertain than ever of their choices. The. Lincolnshire and Orand National, however, both were fine performances from the spectators' standpoint, even if the victory of Kiiiig of Clubs, a 100-lo-one shot, in thq. Lincoln upset calculations, of the betting element. This year's Orand National was one of the best of the? long series, though many were, disappointed when Old Tay Hridgo, gallant old steeplechaser, was beaten on the flat by Jack Horner, a 25-lo-ort'e outsider, John Anthony on Old, Tay Hridgo furnished the thousands of spec tators with the finest sample of cross-country ridirug since lie himself wont over the course in l!ll, but, as last year, after leading at the last jump, Old Tay linden was beaten bv a horse that finished faster on the flat. SPORT CHAT Prince Hupeit has no public gymnasium. Anyox has one. The Oranby News, published at the. smelter town, carried the foilowinig comment appreciative of, the institution in its last number: ''.More and more, as each win ter passes the, place filled by the gymnasium, in our community life attest. to the wisdom of those who were instrumental In having it. built. Owing to tlu many uses to which it is put, oie cannot help but wonder how the days and nights wore spent wiien worK ana sleep were over with, and that third, eight hours capie 'around and had to be "put in, somehow. There were pic lures, of covirse, several nights i week; an occasional dance, with a concerj, now and then, which undoubtedly gava satisfaction lo some. Others, -wlillo fortune sniiled; on them at least, would aljend, the, dujly " and nightly gatherings in . certain quarters where tho bulk of the pay. check was but ft transitory possession in, the bund of the many, liul even the majority of those ex cilement hunters and seekers alfer amusement In an effort to forget the job for a few hours would have welcomed other di versions and have been betler satisfied: while there were H' B' i ' ' lBH ' Bv ',T'- Fftnita ScKvtec, Inc. great many others to whom Iheso things did not appeal. 'With the building of the gym nasium, however, new interest were crealed.for some and lalenl one?, came to life again in others and. the more or less roigula: plaint of "nolhin' doin' in Anyox" oon became a memory. Ituihl- ing the gymnasium, even f noi as complete as everybody might wish, was a good move, as there were a big percentage of athloti-rally-inelined young fellows in the camp, more probably than in most places of a like nature and size; ami they were particularly inleresled in sports where youth ind speed would count for every- thintf. While any place could le used for physical jerks, there! is not much attraction for the young in this manner of exercis ing: it was floor snace they wall ted, the rush of the baskct- iall, the burst of speed, the clash of bodies, the chance to win in athletic competitions that sough' expression. , 'Youth must be served. "Dif ference of opinion makes horse racing," a saying of Mark Twain's, which is applicable to all competitive snorts as wellt I'he speelalfirs. have their fayor- tes and ttioy. follow the fortunes hj their. choice, expressing them- oips iiirougii' iiiw luiinoH 01 open lumgs and pay for the privilege and are pleased because i. Is so, espe'cialb those who back the winners. All of which is mighty good, for the participation in sport makes for clean living on the part of all engag ed. There cannot be too muc of it, winter or summer, although there is a considerable tendency among high' school girls and boys to neglect their studies for Various games, especially bas ketball. Over-indulgence in anything is a mistake; there should be reason in all things; but tli" body should como first after all: for what's the good of learning if it isn't fastened to a trunk capable of using it to the be' advantage?" DANCE AT TELKWA YERY SUCCESSFUL Citizens; Affair on Friday Night Proved Dnlque and Enjoy ; - able ' TELKWA, April 19. fireat credit is due lo Archie Maplelon ami lommy Miuili for Hie ey plendiil manner in which they iiamtieii 1110 ciuzens dance on rinay nigiu last, ijie creje paper decorations which no one can arrange just like Tommy and the gay Japanese lanterns gave the hall the proltiest ap pearance which even the most casual observer could not hell but notice. Croat care had been given to Hie selection of music Her Liver Was Bad And She Felt, Tired and Depressed Mrs..M.Biefert,Orouwerder, 8&nk writei : "I wai greatly dUturbed with psJni In my liver, kod felt tlrod d deprewed moat of the time. One day I read about Milburn's and the neit time I went to town I bought, fuur vialf of tttfis. I have used them regularly, and after two month' nie I feel like an entirely- different woman. t. Vow, I alwaya. recommend, them to ny of my friend 'who axe troubled ailwai."( There ' only on "Lax a Li ver Z'm", ana that' lhi one put up, for the put 82 year, by The T. Uulua and many obi, favorites found I their way on. In the long and well played prtipram of dances i Dill Cauhlwcir orchestra was at. its het, and the addition of a1 saxaphone played by Iter! Wilson of Smilbers was greatly appreciated. The best ojT', refreshments served about 1U10 were much enjoyed. V .. A la.rge crowd -tfirned out from Sniilhers as welj hs others from Hound Lake, WahVtl and Wood-more. When at .1 a.m. the orchestra played the lat waltz everyone went home with the idea fliat that danco was the best vol. TELKWA Miss Mary .MacKnLghl of Hound Lake was a weekend isilor in Telkwa. A number of their friends enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Joe llourgon on Wednesday lal when they entertained at rjdgcvv Prizes wore won' by Mvs. m. Owens and M, I . Merger. onsolations going to Mrs. (i immormeisler and W. W. Noon- an. Miss Hetty .Nock of the Telkwa Nursing Home is on a holiday, which will Ih spent at Vanqoucr. Jjlev. Mr. Oibson held service in Telkwau Suridayy.moniing and for the first time, in I he af ternoon he preached at the (Jirick school. The latter service tfas very encouraging to Mr. son and in future he will preach at oodmee Hound Lake aiid Ouick once, a month. j. couple of very welcome, lowers of rain liave arrived lejy; and as a resul the trees ire - comntg lulu leaf, qullo luickly. After spending many rnoqlhs with her brother and sister-in-law. Constable and Mr, j. Fair-bairn, Miss Jessie Fairbaini left Mi Sunday morning's train for '.dmonloru While driving in from near, the Monloti ranch on Thursday Inst P. Wheeler had an accident. I'lbe. car was overturned, and Mr Hwifl who was with hlrn.was very tpdlf bruised and shaken up. After spending several days in lown with the local, police. In rpector Acland rojnriied lo 'rincc; Iliipeyt .nit Supday s train. TERRACE NOTES7 Mr. and Mrs. W. Sims left on Saturday night oji. two weeks vacation trip in Vancouver, o- ing ny. way n iitjsrne. Mrs. Keih tf Vrin,, Huperl who has spent Uhe. Ial three woeks.as the guest of Mrs. W. II McDonald relumed home on Monday mprnjng, C. It. fSillierl left on Saturday night on a business trip to Pripce Oeorge". Mr. and Mrs. fleorge Dover enlerlainod at hridgo of Friday evening when three tables were ntayed. The nrize winners for the evening were Mrs. E. T. Ken ney and L. II. Kenney, the con solallon pri.e going to Mrs. La zelle. The hostess was assisted in serving refreshniehls by Mrs rjco. Little. The infant ilauKhler of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Head was baptized in Die Aiiigliran church after tbo Sunday School service, on Sunday Marv V. Smith. Onnlon Hall and Sophia McLaren werv lb successful conleslanls for the prizes olfered by the Native. Son Wanted ForlSale 2 For Rent NVANTKD. JVARTm BOARD AND ROOM. HOAltD, Hooms and Furnished Suites. Palmer House'. tf HOAHD Hotel. AND HOOM. Phone 198. Seal fiovn of penmanship in the writing test of the Canadian National Anthem grailejt 3 ami i. A similar competition will he carried on in the oilier grades in the nar " future. II. McDonahMaml 1iis son. who rorenlly arrived .frupi (ilifornia left on .Monday, morning for Prince Huiierl. - P. S. Honney,-district forester Prine Hupert, arrived in town, on. Saturday night. to take part in the "Siive the Forest Week" lecture, to be. held in .W,V. II9II loniglil, Olof llansoii, who arriv- from the interior 011 Monday morning will also bo. One of the peakers. (ieprge E. Keith has boon cou- finod to his bonui for the p.v, two weeks with pneumonia. 11. L. Miijlolt und,!,. O. LyceM. Vancouver- were business visltofK at Iho jAcek end. in .1, O. Peterson of Shapios wa town on Sunday. The warm showery and bright unshine. of the past few days ha.s worked, wonder wjlh, th Irees and. gass" and -all nature l aklng on si ory .iirjngJiliv an- penraneoj : 1 lir click- of thff Inwn imrai-r i:-airpaoy du-ing-'iiearu and onlhliMa'.ls'Are Vi'piiiih the appearance through the ground of. sweet peas, nasturtiums, Ac., several weeks in advance 0 other years, . .. V. W. Hudd of msiness visitor 1' real, was 1 lie week end. LOCAL LADIESMAVE REACHED .ST. PAUL Mrs. Loula Leroux Finds Mother so III That. Hospital Is Necessary Find Trip Word has been received in the city, thai Mrs. Simon A, Swan so 11 and Mrs. I,04ii Leroux, who left recently, for the East, have nr rjve.fl. safely In St. Paul, Minne sota,, after a long and tiresome journey. On arrival al St. Paul Mrs. I.eroux found her mother so ill that H was, necessary lo re move her lo hospilal. The wenlher at SI. Paul, Mrs Lerqux slates, is lovely and she anil Mrs. Pwansoti are fully en Joying Ibe sights by automobile Trips of interest worn lo Mlrine apolis, the Soldiers' Home nnd Ibe Ford nulnmnbile plant, Mrs. Swanson nrd Mrs. Leroux will he relurnliiV borne, shortly by way of WJnnlpeig nnd Vat con El C-i Hntmm rl ta-v4 High Low High Low If Ifith, Low FOR SALE Weslview, fouploU. 3.150.00. House' on Fifth Avenue, Sec-lion 7; two lots 1,800.00, We have" alo two of tin very bet residences inlbeclly for sale nl atlraetivp prices. .McCalTery & millions, Ltd., Insurance and Heal lis I ale. !FOH ,s.LE. Oak chiffonier. bevelled glass; kllehou tablrt, new; spring cot; oak dinliu exlnion Wble. agles spring. 2 oak IHirary table,. 2 trunk, several plclure frames al pw, ially low prices litis wee? Northern Exchange. 313 Smj-ond, Avenue, phone S3. FOR SAI,E. Homlngton porlahn typewriter, nearly new; solid oak -dining I aide anil chairs, and oilier household efforts. 710 Eighth Avenue Kal. Phone Itlack ilO. tf FOR sale, h.p. l-cyele ltS model N. A S. engine roin-plele; outfit praellenlly new. Snap for rah. Phone Red SI I evenlns. between 5 and fl. 00 FDR SALE. Five roomed hous. on two lots, furnished; all in garden and berry lutshes. II-7.10.00 on terms. Apply. T. M-Clymont. tf FOR SALP Prinre Rupert's Dost Itargaln three lots on Taylor Slrel, all for 37&.0l cash. Weslenhaver Itros. FOR SALE.- excellont Mine 712. -I taliy carriage in condition. Phone 1 TO RENT FOR RENT. Modern fh roomed house with bath. Second Ave., Westviow. Phone llhio nOI rtfler 5 p.m. or Thursday af- lernoon: DAK NEWS CLASSIFIED APS 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c" Probationer nurse FOIl sALK. Well buill honoe in for 1'orl Simpson Ho pilal.j Musi have two years High School exporienee. Apply to Jlev. fJeo. O. Hacker. 01 WANTED. Maid for general! housework. Apply Mrs. Tre-tn.-iyne, Hays' I thick. I'hono 3 1 1 . WANTED. Experienced matd: family of two. Mrs. D. Q. Palerson, Hank of Montreal, HOAJID. The Inlander. K.Ki Second Avenue. Phone 137. in i;VO rooms to rent in prjvate home, wnlerfrojit view, up-to dale furillMiirws. .i:if Fourth Avenue East. Phono ltlu r(lf 'OR RKNT, Three room col lage, partly, furnished. Din- I rig room table and chairs: for sale. I'houir Red 023. Ill FOR IIF.N'JV ' Plrtno,' player pianos, fdionosrnpli and sew machines. Walker's M u I Store.' FOR REN T. Modern four room. ed flnL- wilji; Monarch range, in Clapp lilock Weslenliaver Hro, T!w URNISHED llousekeepintr Rooms 10 rent 'ny llie day, week or month. Phone Red 007. tf FOR REN'IV-Furnished bouse keeping ' s u 1 1 e, Mussalleit 1. Aparlrnents, Phone 18. if FOR RENT. Four hot water healed. & Mallet. room suite. Apply Smlti MODERN FLAT for Ron).- Apply Max, He.ilbrnner. . if PRINCE-RUPERT TIDES Monday, Apr!) 19 0:02 a.m. 10.9 ft. 10:50 p.m. 15.0 " OjOl a.m. J1.7 " , , . 12:58 p.m,' 7.;t " Tuesday, April 20. i,. 7:21 a.m. HJ.h ft : 21:11 p.n 10.0 " I.IH a.m. 1 1.1 11:18 p.m. 7.7 " Wednesday, April 21 rat H;52 a.m. 15.8 f, 22:00 p.tu. m.7 3:03 a.m. . 1 5 ;2(J p.m. 7,6 .'.'Article. (Lost and round, &c AUTOMOBILES See the New Improved CHEVROLETS Touring, price F.O.H. Rupert Roadster, price, F.O.H Rupert Coupe, price F.O.H. perl Criaeh, price F.O.H. pert ... Sedan, price F.O.H. port - Prince IK7H.n0 Prince '. H7H.fl0 Princi Ru-.. Il.li0.fl0 Princo Rn-... 1, 1 32.00 Prtncn Ru- .... I.2S0.0C! Landau S.lan. prlee F.O. H.!"" FORD line wntl tl, i &..(1.t .. . lie IN PRICES ;oe recent lariff rodiif-iiutis. Watch this ad. for prices. S. E. PARKER LTO. 210 Second Ae. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call floorge. Paul r OtisP Six and Seven Pnssonger Sltide- bakers at your disposal any lime ROSS BROS, POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Ernpross Hotel. FURNITURE AND RANQES HANOF.S and Formluro at most reasonable prices. When yon require anv article for I lit home, just come in or phone. Ued furniture, bought outright or exchanged for new furniture,. A. MarKeuxie, Furniture. Phone "75. GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite Honson's Studio. HOOD MEALS. OOOI) CAKES Coffee or Tea Served. REAL HOME COOKED MEALS Mrs. linger. Proprietress. BOOKKEEPING. .t a. 1 en. noon 10 posi; gov ernment returns made; public 1 audits. Rales reasonable. .1. O. Williamson. Phone Mlacl; R!. tf PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. Back to the old stand. 31! Third Avenue. All Hie latest In SHEET MUSIC. Columbia Now Process RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. R0T,HWELL'3, TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furn(ture Moving Hnggago and Kinross Stcnd:l,illle's News Slnnd, Phone 2. ites. Phone Oreen 020, FURNITURE. New and Reconflhand Furnl-liire Store. Wo liny. Sell and Ex ehango New nnd Secondhand Hoods, GEO. PAPADOPULOS 839 Third Avtt phone, tit MAIL SCHEDULE OUTO0INQ Tor tse Mvotl), VYrtlur.J - rkw . le Vtncouitr Ua4) . . Vum.lt) (tt ulii Tufli WrtliMWrUy iuin frWM S4tnr.i mi irm O.H.h., AtMI t. 1 . Te AIU rm, lltam a unii; ...... Weliirnis . , . Te Anjei, Pert Si Pelnl. TtiriMy Te AImI relate AHil . IS, lo Te Qjs Ctierleite l,ita pbu rro s. n. iN-coaiia. --igU) 1'rinre Huiierl ..... l.27.00 Cnmmerelal Chassis, price F.O.H. rrem vtitrl- I'rince Rupert I7OH.O0, SuiKier I-IH Ion Chassis, price F.O.H. wh4.y Prince Rupert 80.00 Liul in ami get particulars ni tnr cr n. .pfii O.M.A.C. Easy Payment Plan. A. few bargains in Second Hand Cars. KAIEN OARAQE Dealers in all Jenoral Motor Product. Cadillac Mr-Lcitigb-I in, Oakland. Oldsmohllr. Pon-llac ami Chevroin. WRKCKINtl SF.RVIUF. DAY AND Nlt.HT in i. :i for REDUCTIONS IM A A fftH St i tin uca..tlu.t, . lA AMt. A -rivMewn 11 AMetbeo U Aie. II Alt. A nftrl SI. t A III' -JM . Ik A !( ' Ctrrte th Ate. A ' . th At. rtl' t Ami fAr ... rm. ati. wvt .. n.TJ1. tviurr O.T.I. StlllMI twi t. flMl l rollftfl St. ta si. , r A 4 e t in l "en, 1 Sam 11 u u l it rrm Ari, aii Arm, lut rrw Jm FrM4 rrem Aeief, Pen nrniyt 1.1 rtm Alatl Ptxl-. iil f. It. tl. fri qi Cherieut IU4 rHu- Afil I. It. . BOX COLltOTIOSI Onhtni a kUn Ar STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Fee Vaf IqrHbt Mri.i " . t'ewxer liMlrife Arm IS- M rritue. " Trlnren Mtt: Pririf. Iti I It frem Vceie mtf- . UnVru WeUtMMUy . I'liner u rn.ny - m. iu r Sliirly -. rrlarett Ri.v sitnrday . rtin.e M: 1 A(iril 1 . rrinr'M lb At-rii s i-t m.T.. n rr Pert Slmpeon n Httt nut- rrMy . cam tr m Pert Slmeee in, alter-' Sint - . 1 tun e fr Alule-. April l -tm. I'rln..-f tl' A (Mil le t. I'rinr..t A from Alo April U--M. Arll tl - fer SUwirt, Aeri t4 Alice Arev Siimtljr M. Crd"M ' VntrMU) en. rrinre 'U t SUnUy. . Prinie (Jul rrem Sleoart, Anii knt Alice Arm- MftfHUy prime Cherlf Tiifi44)f . :rc1in . rrt,t4 . i rlnre ntt tot Anyei . rn.Uy. . emit, " rrem Anyei Sinnly m ruU ' for Queen Oherlette lile April tr prtnre Jithn from Quefn. Qherlottt. niesde- Aprll it . .rlnP(r im " April PHnre j..lin ' oanccllation or, aiicnvt SOTICK IS llliiKAV ntVKJI 1 .l'ir i.trr ep. luime (, Ruant piurlrL It i d. n. ; a nennlr Vlnilr 4 m TIMBER SALE, X7549. I if It rl.n.."" .'"' f?p,.,'m..!L,"T.lie nf l.lrriv rr..n, .r..riv.0. ''i w. spnim o.mi m Hirer, i.r.."': I! IP-IP iim.,.'. n.J l' lien , :,,., ,,,,.,.?' rrm..v.i r,v Si,,?,:;: Oafilnrt' will hw allow 'I ' im, urnuM, Toronto, Ou, of Canada for the best exhibition ver. r UTIIlftP . ti 1...1 . . . . . rhir' niri 1 irirtfta a- ,Bia' I rripc Vii ujr 1, ii.e ' ',,u,"r,"