Announces 'I Alarm Clocks you can buy an Ingcrsoll Alarm NOW C lock with all that the name means in dependability and value. From Ingcrsoll Watches you know what Inpcrsoll quality is. The tame quality is built into Ingcrsoll Alarm Clock which arc the result of Ingcrsoll methods applied in the clock field. Any Ingcrsoll dealer will show you these clocks. Their graceful beauty will be apparent at a glance; the test of their reliability comes with their service. INGERSOLL WATCH CO., Inc. 149 St. Catherine Street East, Montreal 5 TYPET $2-00 TYPEll Jr. UAWOl.tTB ii..,mV $6.00 TvrrS $3.00 NfiFTlSDTT VVATPHRS $700 to $1 150 V V mm w - T t TV T V"1 "VC T . L J U J A m. M rs m te The Sanitary .liold Cicm He mover. White as miovv ' - ir .i down. -7 tim- a absorbent us an ordinary I . i doe whul no other method over Known tins ever . . .. . r .- II... ........ . I., .iv 1 c 'if riiiimin. nil iiiri mill urtae mini uie "ii". .-.- u Hal handkerchief lu x 50c RADOX Ivni.rliin, new U H ll Silll-. Suuei -.'harKcs I ; iter Willi ovviren. lorinuig an arlifieinl minend water v 1 l he properties or world-uni""- medienl spa waters. -epiii . deodorises the 'km. relieve- IthoiiiiiuliMii. S .,-ii. I.niiil.i.if,. (iiinl. Corn- an. I Nm-c ' tenner reel. I'er package Ormes Limited The Ncxnll Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. i:- -aw- goo Pioneer DrngRisls Phones 82 and 200 Steamship and Train Service . . - ... . ru.Dici mil Inn PRINCE RUPERT f..r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, in.l nil. n." .Hl' hII FRIDAYS n.l MONDAVI al 9.00 .m. Yw STEWART ll.l ANVOX, WCDNISDAYS, SATURDAYS, 1000 p.m. .8. PRINOC JOHN f..rlMlllll fr VANCOUVER l QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ............. itiur niNCC RUPERT U H V HIINn.T WinMIIDIT Bllil IUNUNI . 1 0 .... ...... ..... BDlivrr ACOROE. " .il:i. I nl It'll Stair. A0ENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Phont 260 Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. tf U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. ShcdilonVTail and Messenger Service Plionei34. , If Mr. Wesley Ccorsc. returned In Seattle on the. Calala Saturday afternoon. I- II. Million, noil of Mr. nnd Mr-. J. A. Minion, i-ehiriinl from Hie south on the Cardena last eveninif. 450 tons Nanalmn Uatllnntnn Lump Coal Just arrivrt aihnrt & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 11S .. J w nu ii, I loe SfiXCIIlilll nt llio Iriniifl- Mid.1 xtalT arrival hii ili nllv hi niornioK from Stewart fnr denial trenlim-nl Mr. and Mm. Harry and family oail.J on I Ik. lrfnc :iiarlpA lhi moriiitiK for Van- ouver where it i- likely they will leriilc o lorate. (Hoiarii, jttMhhy return!, on 'lie i:ardena night from lrief bumiiies!) trip to Victoria and YiMiMivfr. Mri.. I!u-hhy It reiHiitnins for a while In the -outli. . C Mackay, di-Iriel einrfnvpr for i lie provineiHl dpHrtnient ol public work-, relumed on the Prinee Clmrlf. thi innniiliv from Stewart whre he made c vi-i( on oftu'ial dulie. Heiuiy Jarknon. ninnaper foi HovIp Itruo. lh well known lianioud ilrilliner cone, arrived in the rily on loe Prince Qliarlc IIh- morning from Stewart ami will proceed lo Smithers on thi- eening train. Segt. T. Van Dyke, prnvineinl nolire, who is to make his head- iluarLern in this rily nnd will he in ehaine of OatfW Ael admini (ration in Northern and Central llriliih Gotumnia. arrived on tlii morning train from l'rinei Ueorge. Ueor?f Edgar, for erera! .war (Joveriiineiil Telegraph mefengeilHr.. ha- relinquiued illy duti'aii.l I- Mieeceded i Jaek llifdneh. tieorve went on He C'lKin isitui.ln afternoon to Klemtu Where he will vt-i! while hefore lakiifv up employ ment on a golHrfi in rimneetioii ..villi the salmon fisheries. Walter McRaye who will lec ture In the United Church on Monday evening, April 19, has a message of Inspiration and op tlmlsm for all Canadians. His slogan Is not Canada for Cana dlans but "Canadians for Can ada." An evening listening to Mr. McRaye will be well and profitably spent. Admission 50c. 91 ANNOUNCEMENTS . Angliran Concert. Cathedra! Hall. April :'0. . Presbylerian Church Ladies' Aid Spring Sale, April 21. Fair Mayneed Dance, Wednesday. April 21. Hullcy Homo Hataar May C. Complaint and Apology tVAWHTtJ. Some two weeks ago we had a compUiiil -a young cook said Panfir Milk would not nmko tcuod caken, in fact the cake would not even hold together. We wrote explaining -that nhe. must allow for the extra rich-niUa of Pacific by cutliiig down on tdiorteniiug. Yesterday morning a very happy apology came alonrt and stiO fnys she never even hoped to get a cake like .-he lias baked in the "new" way. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. Don't forget (he Anglican Con-? Local and Persona! ccrl tomorrow nfehl. lletail Merchant's St. Ileal Care, Tuesday, I'lione 15. I'.fl. Coal Co. If at U0 i.m. luncheon in April 20 Di Morlo H. Grafg returned by the Prince (Iharles Saturday afternoon .following ,a. brief busi-iieV trip VcMfla- -0.12. HayfievM.I). of JHIa Coola has fiefn appointed stipendiary ' magistrate for (ho county of Prince Iluperl. 'l'lierc was another Rood crow J nl the dance given in (lie Mel-ropole II,aH' on Saturday night bv Mi Jean Cume'a orchpstra. V. S. Aclsroyd, formerly of thin city, wan a pax-enger aboard the Prineo' Charlej" Saturday afternoon going lirougrIi to J. A. Hall, Myder banker, vva a passenger on board the I'rinc? Charles Saturday afternoon returning' north after a brief lri. to Seattle. Jtdin ConwayJ formerly of Prince Hupert "and later of Anyox and now of CutidHMland, Van-"ouvei ltdand, lias'lieen appoint-4 coroner. 8. Spier," airplane xpruce in-"peelor, nrrived frm Vancouver on Hie Prince Charli' Saturday nflernrtfln and proceeded to Port Clement on the Prince John. II. II. Hoeheslcr "ailed lal night on Hie Cardena to make the round trip 10 Anyox. Aliei Arm anl ilcwarJ. Me will rcluri to the city tomorrow morning. II. Hinkley, United Stnle im migration officer t llyder, ar rived in the oily from the nor! I on the Prturo.CharJe thin morn ing and will proceed aboard (Ik Prince!'! Iloyal this afternoon to Ketchikan. Jock Campbell, ft ho ha been recently al Anyox, P.. Mcliougall and Have Jaek rafted llii iiMirn- ing on the Prltw' Charley fo. Ocean Fall- where they have ac cepted position- vilfi the Pacific Mills and will iplav football thi- cea-on. All three are well know? local ioceril Jiaving played with the Callie!i amrntlier team- A. H. Ving vvliojin in charge of the work near Skeena Crossing of di-mautling IbV llocher He Jlonle mine. relurnet to the city on Mdn mornlii5?'.v tniln. from Stewart and will proceed to Hie interior tonight. The llocher de Motile tramline and. other machinery I hen' ha- beet! .-old by Hie II. C. F.iiuipment Co. to Stewari tntere-l and it will be taker, (here to be used in 'milling development work. The Montreal Herald terms Walter McRaye the "apostle of Canadlan'pm," and one of the foremost Interpreters of Cana dian poetry, especially the habl tant patola of Quebec, which he made popular In England and In the United Slates, working In conjunction with the late Canadian poetess, Pauline Johnson. Mr. McRaye will lecture on "Can-adlantslng Canada" In the United Church, Monday, April 19, at 8 p.m. Tickets 50c. Ill t'nioti steamer Cardena, Capt. A. i;. Dickson, arrived at CIS Inst uighl from Vancouver and way ports and sailed nt ,6 for Anyox, Alice Arm and Stewart. The Vessel'.- passenger list for the north included (icor;p Ilu-bby, and I.. M llliilon for Prince 'Hupert; Mr. Hamilluih Mrs. P. Louden ami children and Mis. Dwyer and child fur Anyox, J. S. McDonald and Mr.' Stevens for Alice Arm; T. Wilson, Mrs. Soberialski and child , and Mrs. drey for Slevvurl; '..Mrs.-Jensen foT Wales Island and Ed. Drown, round trip. J " - . J. Field Strang, manager of Sunnyside Cannery, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Charles Saturday afternoon and proceeded (lint evening by the Priiiro' John to Port Clement where Hoi (losse-Millenj Co. id building a now aiilmnn oiiniinrv Mr. StrnnJ was accompanied by W. K. Dra-! ney, who will be manager of Iho' new cannery, anil Dtincnn Ken nedy, contractor in charge, of Iho const ruction work. , 'fhere was nlso u party of about; a doien men who will ho engaged in Iho ivvovk. Mrs. Strang nlso arrived I from Vancouv er and proceeded to Jier home at Suiiiiyfcid?',;r t , I I II a i i .1 ' lr.l 1 1 rWfti 1 No Corner Club meeting t.i nigld in Daptist Church. Knights of Pythias Matuerad:: Hall, April -'3, in ltoston Hall t'i; Tniilghll .Dig concert and shower for Hidley Home at Salvation Army tonight at 8 p.m. C. P. II. steamer Princess lloyal, Capt. l Clitfe, northbound from Vancouver to Alaska ports, was- here from 1 1 :3(T lo I o'clock today.. Donl mis- this and regre! H! Oddfellows and Jtebekahs whi-t drive and .danep On Tuesday, April JO, at 8.30 p.m. sharp in D.'Ston Hall. Arthur's Orchestra. Ladies 50c. tienllemeul 75c. Hi-Mrs. Isaac Lear, D-'o Dor.len Street, ha- as her guest her niolliei. Mrs. W. J. Sherk. for-nirrly of this city hut now residing in llailett, Saskatchewan. Mrs. Lear and family, in abou'. a fortnight's time, will proceed Willi Mrs. Sherk (o Saskatchewan where I bey will spend some time visiting. Anmnsr Hie passengers froing north (i the steamer Princess lloyal today was Dev. II. K. Cribb from Vancouver who will take chart: of the United Church at Dawsnu succeeding Itev. Ueorge II. Fimllay who, afler having spent five years in Iho north, will id u ni south lo take up work I here. Mr. Cribb was accompanied by his Wife ami two children. Waller MellajT, well known lecturer ami traveler and president of the Canadian Publicity Co., arrived in the city on this morning's train after visits to Terrace, Prince (irorgo, Smith ers and llazclton. Mr. Mcllaye. who Is often refcised to as "The Apostle of Canadianism" and whs has spoken before audiences in nil the important cities of Can ada, will deliver an address here tonight In the Untied Church under the auspices of the Native Sons of Canada on "Canadians -ing Canada." He vvill proceed on Wednesday night to Stewart where he Ls billed lo speak on Thursday jifgliL From Stewart he will return south to,. Vancoii- THREATENS OUR NATIONAL; 4 t9 m HERITfAGE !! b MKVlvJ tv M Wv.JI.1 vrw ); yhnn aha A Ylk. 1 r iwuu,uuu rv-i torn u iuuiiv timher hv fire continues to be anpalline. On the average over 3,500 million board fect are destroyed annually. The forests of Canada are being depicted at a rate they cannot possibly withstand: more than half of this depletion is due to fire, insects and decay. The future of the forest industry is just as dependent on the seedling trees and young growth as the pulp and paper and lumber mills, and industry generally, are dependent on mature timber both must be saved from the ravages of fire. Canada has the finest inland fishing in the world, but these splendid food and game sh require clean, cold water in the streams to ensure prolific reproduction. Forest fires are inimical to fish life. Game animals attract foreign tourists and induce Canadians to seek pleasure, health and adventure in the great outdoors. These animals are distinctly a forest resource utterly dependent on it for protection and food. Forest fires arc most destructive of such wild life. Ninety per cent ot the forest fires are caused by carelessness. Are you doing your part to prevent this wanton waste and destruction? , , , CHARLES STEWART, Miniitcr of the Interior MotcrsteJoim'sUMjAers ..nT 6 cartful of the flowing mafcA, - x rr cZ?S G,?A?r DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern . makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P Trout Fishing Time Has Arrived WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISHING TACKLE. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. it -i