BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManut - . r r -.-- m irr I CA.NT FIND OCCAM "NCE HE WELL, "We eC.HCra Af-HEWtDEAUCR l WAHT j eAOKe oct or jml- MNCCtE ALU THE PAPER'S TO ALU T VC PER ON THNKa THAT HE i i "- i a ii it :i outi. vrrvtso fin ir m fb THE REAL HocAH't eCAPc am Aftt crUws The. hooe ot i win- COOm- OE !- ii . ii CHANCE- HOPE tHE r KUM.a w a i i i i - WEEKLY . uvuw; t- inu3 VS-TT THAT I L-"tEO PROTECTION- ,11 Fl. !! jr O HER ABOUT 1 ', I ' ii i. ,. . .-v We liavo arriving FRF.SH KILLF.I) 1IHKK, VEAL and PORK. V also carry a full line of Fresh, Smoked, and Sail id Fish. Sealy a Doodson The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce, llranch from Smithers. Sixth Street. Phone 455. NOTICE We have just boon appointed selling agents for L aco HOUSEHOLD LACQUEROID' Kasy to apply, , Watch It Dry Dries ready for uso In half an hour. The new Lacquer finish for Floors. Furniture, and Woodwork. Kaien Hardware Co. 608 Third Ave. GENTLEMEN! Will you accept a Suit Length Free and make us work for you? If you brought the elofh lo me to make up, it would cost you $35.00. Now here's an ofTer if you want a good suit cheap I I will give a suit length free to Hie first five customers ordering and charge only Ihc cost or making up, which is 335.00. Do you want to ho one of Hi- five? Here's your chance! Ling, the Tailor 821 Second Avenue. Phone 649 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load S6.00 Half load .. $3.00 Large sacks BOo DRY BIRCH Per load . . , SG.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Goats & Jacquettes An requisite Stock or Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C.HJR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage ' Finns (I. ''.Mtage, Warehouslni?, and Oislrlbuting. Team or M6tor Rerviee. Hoal, Hand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Kovlnn. CELEBRATION AT KITIVANGA I, Hi Five Hundred Natives Gather There For Impressive Opening of New Church Hall Al least five hundred natives from all surrounding villages jalhered at the native village -of Kilwanpra on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday of lliis week for the occasion of the opening of the new Church'of Fngland hall ac cording to Archdeacon O. A. Rix who himself returned from (here on this morniiiff's train. 'io meetliiKS were held and I lie 1 proceedings were enlivened by the presence of native bands and 'lie really remarkable sinking of the choirs from the various villages Feasts were provided daily at the head chiefs house. as manv as lfio L-nesU xi'liinc down at times. The whole vfllage vvas decorate! with arches unon which wer scriptural texts and (lass were to be seen every where. The new hall itself was finely decorated with evergreens ('lowers and flags. The proceedings , were under the supervision of Rev. T. II Proctor of Ilazelton who is doinjr exceptionally good work amoiig ; the natives of his district as well as among the white people. The dedication of Ihc hall ' -was carried out along" the most dramatic lines, Archdeacon Mix performing this ceremony and afterwards giving the dedicatory address. The natives of Kitwanga and Mr. Proctor. Archdeacon Rix de clares, are to be congratulated on having completed and practically paid for the fine hall which would cost, if contracted for, al least .3,00n. H is a commodious building and well built, capable of st'ating about five hun dred people. NEW OFFICERS OF BAPTIST LADIES' AIDJNSTALLED Pleasing Feature of Weetlng'Yes-..terday Afternoon was Presentation to Mrs. Frank Morris Al a meeting of Ihe Maptist; Church Ladi-s' Aid hefd yefcter-i day afternoon .th home of Mrs. O. llibbard, 121 Second Avenue, officers for 1120 as follows duly look over the affairs of the Aid: President, Mrs. C. K. l.arkin. Vice-president, Mrs. Sid Ilam-blin. Secretary, Mrs. J. Thurber. Treasurer, Mrs. p. II. Linzey. Press correspondence, Mrs. (J. W. Johnstone. j The report of Ihe Ireasurerfoi' Ihe year 1925 showed a good cash balance on hnd. I A pleasing feature of the af- llernoon's proceedings was Ihe presentation by Ihe new presi-'dent, Mrs. C. K. l.arkin, lo the jreiii-ing president, Mrs. Frank Morris, of a beautiful cut glass 'lion bun dish. FUNERAL TODAY Remains of Late Teddy Richards Interred In Falrvlew , Cemetery A funeral service over Ihc re mains of the late Stewart Robeil Richards, four yejir old son ol Mrs. Richards, 513 Sixlh Aenn Fast, who died on Sunday a'ler iiiooti. was held at 2 o'clock !hi afternoon in Ilayner Mros. chapel Rev V.. a. Turner, pastor of the Maplist Church officiating. The inlcrmcnl was made in Falrvlew cemetery. Floral tribute were sent by Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. Cur-rle. Mother, Mrs. Marlon, Mrs. M. tirlevo Husy llee Mission, Hand of thel ltail isl Church, Mrs. I. caper ami Mrs. Casey. C. 1C. Vtreberc. Mrs. .Meeker. Miss I law-son and Mrs. Dawson. ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING TERRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH TKHHAOK Jan. C. At tin annual vestry meeting held on Monday evening in the Anglican (jfiurch. A. P.. Fowler and iltishop were re-elected as war liol'dens Idens for for Hie the cumin? roniincr vi;ir vivir .1 V F'rtl was appointed' secretary- treasurer. The financial report for the year just ended showe.1 considerable improvement over former years. The al tendance n services has also increased, the average for the year lieing forly- three. ays and means of in creasing the accommodation was discussed. HALIBUT FISHERY FACES EXTINCTION So Says Investlpator Who Car rled Out Research Work ti "-Hre During Past ' Season ' Kxperfs in Ihe halibut fishery. so Important a maritime industry lo Mrilish Columliia,,were assured hy fir. W. F. Thomosnn head -of the International Fisher ies Commission at a meeting of the Pacific -Fisheries Society in Seattle recently, thai the halibut' was threatened with extinction. Dr. I hompson. who is nresi dent or the body, told the ilele-Asi;-w!ipJ,KieVn.dcil";'l')r. C. Mc- i.ean i-raser, or t lie University of M.ii., ami nr. v. A. Clemens, of Ihe Departure May Station, that an alarming decrease would-be shown when the investigation into the fishery hanks oil this coat and Alaska had been completed. The effect of I his decrease was to compel the fishery concerns In move westward and northward from Hie original tianks, he declared. Dr. Thompson worked nut of I'rince Itupert on halibut ri- search during Ihe past season. NEW OFFICERS OF - PRESBYTERIAN AID Mrs. James Simpson Succeeds "Mrs. Joe Greer as President The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid was hebl in the Church Hall yesterday afternoon when, the follow ing officers were elected for Ihe ensuing1 year: President Mrs. James Simp son. 1st Vfcoi-president Mrs. II. O. Slewarl. 2nd, Vice-president Mrs. R. F. MoXaughton. Secretary Mrs. V. Anderson. Treasurer Mrs. J. O. Sleen. KxeculUe Mrs. William Millar, Mrs. II. Mcll. lliinler, Mrs. Joe (Ireer, Mrs. David Thomson, and Mrs. S. K. Campbell. The retiring president Is Mrs. Joe flrecr. - . Thos I.owden, superintendent engineer for Ihe C..M;M. at Vancouver, who has been In the city in connection with dry dock matters, relumed south on the Cardena yesterday afternoon. Douglas Rae. engineer with Ihe M.C. Silver Corporation at their properly on Snlmnn River, Is here today on Jiis way back after spending the holiday Willi rela tive at North Vancouver I : SECOND HALF OFBILLIARDS Schedule of Fixtures Is 'An nounced by Association In First and Second Divisions The schedule of fixtures for the second half of the season of the Prince Rupert Milliard Asr social ion has been set as follows: ' First Division January I ".it. iiittianl Parlors vs. 2C fl.W.V.A. vs. P.R. Milliard 'Parlors. February .) I'.l . Milliard Parlors vsj O.W.V.A. 2.3 O.W.V.A. vs. P.ll. Iiniiard Parlors. -Second Division January 11 firotto . P.R. Milliard Parlors. 11) Canadian Fish A Cold Stor- ' age vs. O.W.V.A. 21 P.R. Milliard Parlors vs. Rupert Fisli Co. 28 fi.W.V.A. vs. Crotlii. February 2 Rupert Fish Co. vs. Canadian Fish I'Iil Slonico. ' T-CjTrfifma'ffF1sh Si fVild Slor- Jifqw vs., P.R. Milliard Par-loW. 1 1- -O.WIV.A. vs. Ruperl Fish Co. In rirotto vs. Canadian Fish A Cold Storage. 18 P.R. Milliard Parlors vs. n.W.V.A. 25 Rupert Fih Co. vs. flrotlo. SPORT CHAT h , a Maltling Siki, the Senegalese boxer, one time holder of lh world's light heavyweight title. left, an estate of less than '00 it was found in Xew York last week when his widow asked for letters of administration following Ihe boxer's recent murder. Harvey llolllday. young Canai dian flyweight, has been offered n bout wilh Clever Senrio, Ihe Filipino sensation, who is lo meet Fide) I. a Marha in n world's championship bout in the near future. The malcii will be of six rounds. Jack Allen of Vancouver Is Holiday's lilanapeir.: , goir cti.-impton, lias left San Francisco for a playing lour in F.urnpe. While in France, Miss Wills hopes lo meel Suzanne l.eiiglen. the Kuropean champion Miss Wills has been ilolntr t good deal of drawing lately and a nrtmber of periodicals havo ac cepted her work. She says, however, thai she has no intention of giving up tennis for art". WOMEN'S AUXILIARY TO G:WiVi. AT TERRACE ELECTS OFFICERS TFRRACM, Jan. C. -The nn nual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to Hie O.W.V.A. and Ihe election of officers for the yfar 1020, look place on Tues. lay. The following ire Ihe tiewof. ficers for Ihe year. President, 'Mr. J. K. Frosty Vice-President, Mrs. p. M. Moncklnn. Secretary, Mrs. W. W. Chapman. Treasurer, Mrs. X. Sherwood. Convener refreshment cnmmil-lee, Mrs. J. M. Agar. Convener membership commit-lte. Mis, S, Kircaldy. Convener sick visilimr com mittee. Mrs, Attwood. O 1926 by Int-l FiatuShvici. Im. IKtiT NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. infadvnnce. No Advertisement taken for Ies than 50c For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word IVANTKB M K.N WANTKll lo learn Auto tractor, Mallery Ignition, Oxy- acelylene welding anl vulcani Jng. We also leaoh bricklay ing, plastering and tllc-selMng Write or call, llemphill Auto Knglneering Sehnol, 10 Hastings Street Kant, Vancouver M.C. if F.ADIFS WANTF.D lo learn Meauly Culture. Wrlle or ea:i for free catalogue. Moler Meanly Shop, 10 Hastings St Kasl, Vancouver, M.C. tf WAXTFII. Woman wants work by the hour. Phone Mine SIN'. WA.VI'KD. Typewriter to rent by the month. Phone 582. 0 WAXTHIl. Woman for holel work, apply Central Hotel. 5 WAXTF.D.--Plain sewing. Phone 580. if FOR SALE FOR S.M.K. Mrunswick phono graph, upright style, In fmnl oak, almost new. eot t85. Price 1100. Pollen, "(Tally Xfws Office. tj FOR SAI.F.. 1023 Chevrolet Sedan in splendid condition; guaranteed running order. 050.00 terms. Phone Ure-n 513. It FOR SAf.F.. Forty horse imwer stationary slenm engine, nenrl new. Apply P.O.- M 3t9. Prince Rupert, M.C. . ?.1 FOIl SAI.K OR HKNT. Xechako Hotel, VanderhiMif, M.C. Apply J. W. II. Day. proprietor. TO RENT FOR HF.XT. Modern four room ed flat with Monarch range, Clapp Mlock. Weslenhaver Mros. tf FOR RKXT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sew- Ing machines. Walker's Music Store. II FOUR Room Suite for Rent. Hot water heal. Apply Smith ,v Malleti, Md. If MODF.RN FLAT for llent.-Apply Max llellhrnner. if BOARD I HOARD A ROOM in romforlabli home. Apply Mot 2H7 Ilallv Xews office. 30 1 HOARD The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. FURNITURE AND RANGES FURXITLRi: and Ranges bought, sold and exchanged. New furniture and ranges exchanged for your old ones. Medroom. living room and dining room furniture always in stock. A! ways watch my window. It's changed daily. A. Mackenzie Fu mil ure. TAXI Phono G7 Taxi (Call Ocorgc, Paul or Oust) Six- and seven-passenger Sludrf bakers al yur disposal any tim-' for 60c Sorvlce ROSS flROS. POOL ROOM 'Meeker 'Block Across from F.mpress Hole! FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-lure Slore. We Muy. Sell and F.x change New and Secnn,iiinn,i Ooods. GEO. PAPADOPUln 830 Third Ave. Phone Ait. DRY WOOD. Split to anv length In hlorks, per load $6.00. . SALT HKHRIXO. 4 A. ISAACSON, 4 Senl Cuvp lOim.n lllnKb Irtl A AUCTION SALE AX Al'CridX Sale will be ueld at 725 Fraser 81 reel on I'ltursday. January 7, at .'..'ill p.m. run-sisiing of nak diiiintr table. chairs, erpftH. heater. Morel chair, mahogany W hatnot. Met: organ and kIimiI, lml, sprmn-nnd mattresses, bureaux, chiffonier. heiMlng, kilelien lah'i Russtun fur robe, pirlup's, etc. Philpoll, Kvltl .V tJo., Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE XBXT AUCTION SAI.fl will lake place on January It. Itemltel list later. Mefuie selling fur "hTrfir7 fnercharidlsi.'or article of value, gel my atSlcn' ami valimlion. Counitel free. I sell on cominisioii nr buy out. riglil for cttijli. HaU.lacti.m guaranteed. Settleineiu m- mlilHy after pe. (irtNttttJ phone records exchanged. l,Vl Mrine. Auetinneer. PIhmic 77 1. P.O. Mox 1 10. CARS FOn SALE. I 1022 OldMitoblle S, 6 fatten- ger louring........... !)oo.n I 1020 Xash 5 nannenjuar tour Ing Mnao.on I 101 Overland Setlan.. 700.00 I 1010 Reo seven nassenaer touring I 195 Fonl Coupe, bnllown tires enr like new SA50.00 I 1082 Fonl To.Kir mnI4ii. 1115.00 I 1022 Ford Coupe . 1950.00 I 1021 Ford one Ion truck, panel l'dy t37&.00 I Ford light delivery oliassls. rebuilt $75.00 All cars guaranteed In good loeehanicnl condition. Va lerms can he arranged. KAIEN GARAOE Ford and Chevrolet Service Station. Agenls for MeLioghlln Oakland. Oldsmobllc and Chevrolet cars. Reo. O.M.C. nnd Federal Trucks. I WRFCKIXII SI'.RVICH DAY AXI), xinirr. I CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baogaoe, Furniture Movlna. If you want anylhlng ienl for. or delivered, phone ua. n o iT soq PRINCE RUPERT MUSI0 STORE. 303 Third Avenue ole agenls for Columbia Records We rcnatr Phonographs. Hlcyeles, Mugglea, iiacqucts and Musical ln- romenta nf ill kind PRINCE RllPrn-r Tinrt Wednesday. J.i "'kI' 0:25 Ifl.n ft 18:32 p.m. Ifl',5 " Low 12:32 .p.m. 0.7 Thursday, January 7 High 7:18 a.m. itU ft. 10:15 1 1 i '"W 0:37 ii.ui. 7.0 High l.nv 3:12 p.m. 0.2 " Friday, January 8 H : I ? a. m. IH.7 f. 20:50 p.m. f).2 " 1:33 a.m. H.J J:5l p.m. n,3 " ALL. NTs,, FOG . 'Ard Lot! ROTHWELL'S TRftNsrr Ooal - Wood and Furniture MoVng Mag k .ure m,: Stand:!. ill!.- V 152. Me. Pi. TRAPPER3 ;i NF.FD in ii. .,i mim prices ;, sclli your f i i . i buy litem. W. G0LDBLOOM, STOIIl . The Hour-.! f MAIL SCHEDULE ouT-aoiNO, for lh C Muoday. T Vtr MCMMlSf 'l In-), T urxU) ... r4lw-waiy ( r, Milan . . luntava . . iiir.u) i tu m i . .!... iin ii. f- To ?, Alic Arm, ltri A prJ WayMa . . ' T A rot, er tUnmn M4 hut eiu Tbtmrfait T AUtta ealnta Jin ll. f. Ta Qn CMrlaili Um Pt ln . tt. IH-COBISQ, Cram la tol MMtftr. Wthroa aivl I M franl Vantaatar auMaya WisMmalair Jan . rrem An',ei, AHa Arm, flawart A M ittMrtay IXiUn rram A,i, earl Slmaaan n4 aahitttat rram ! ealnta - ' JH I A. It. rram Qtn Charlalta Ultra' eala'J Jan. '. " BOX COLIICTIONI IV I- ii Ar a ih si u i.-. h Ave a ruli'iti si -j m i Am. a Tlt.ou.vo v is 1 1 A Slirttirnnlip m ) II Avr. A rmrail si t 1 f.lh Ar A Hav r..r a in Alb A Milt CoVf i itrlr a Si l Avr a r.,lt.i Hi a in lh a MrHrlib S. t 1 3 rm. o..i. eMa. . a r. I'm. flnvt. Whrf a -i OTe. Wharf . in. in O.T.I. Sllllrn flMl Arr. a frwl S l in Irrt Am. a riili-. i l i -in Irit Am A r,ih i in STEAMSHIP MOVEMENif Far Vtncauttr TmMHjr-ui. lnlnit rMar aa. frlnm llnprrt saliintay aa, i titij " . PriixTM naairirc Jan. It - . 'rln'i-i Mtr Jan. it IViiiit.-. Mrv rram Vtncauttr SliMiy . ... :rrti, . . VvXlfteMUjr- , Pruirr rtii r' Thurnla.v a. . . Satnnlty . ivnm-ta n." Jin. 1 1 - a. I'rlnrrM Mr Jn. It .ri,,,. Val for Port, llmpten and Nttt Hlar ThnrMtav i juia . rram Port Ilmpton and Nttt nltr-j Miiirnajr , aa. ;tl far AlttU . Jn ll u. frlnmat Mr Jn. ft - at. I'rlti. Mn' v From Alttla Jan. II- aa. 'rMicr Mtrv Jjn. as I'rlnr,-. MnM Far 8tttrl, Anyai and Allca Ars -Rumtay aa. Cardrna ' v(iiw.iitj a. rrmrf nnr' ' ' Frem Url, Anyaa and Alice Arm- Tlirrty Canli'liA Friday pfn.-.. mirl ' Far Anyoi ThiiMdayt . ciiiU Fram Anyai RAliirduva fauh For Qutan Charlolta Ultndi Jin I'rlnrn Julin Jn. f rrlnrn Jnlm From Qutm Oharlotta ItUnda- Jan. r. prin.p Jnlin Jia. t . rrlnc John