I: 4 Wednesday, January 6, ,92 'aob an res oaili flxwB LLA'J.t-l Buy Now! PRICES REDUCED On all Groceries and Provisions Pineapple 2Va's, sliced, rcg. 50c, now 40c 2't, sliced, rcg. iOc, now 3 for Wo Save You Money Gordons Grocery Seventh Avenue Phone 447 East $1.00 2's, crushed, rep. 30c, now 4 for .. $1.00 Special lins, 2's, sliced, rep. 25c, now 0 Tor .. $1.00 Peaches 2W's, sliced, rcg. 45c, now 2 for 75c 2's, sliced, reg. 40c, now 4 for $1.00 lulls, sliced, rep. 25c, now 5 for $1.00 Apricots 2's, rep. 45c, now 2 for 75o 2's, rep. 40c, now 4 for $1.00 ; tails, nip. 25c, now 5 for $1.00 Tomatoes JUalkin's llest or any oilier brand 2Vj's, C tins for 85c 2's, 6 lins for 75c Corn C lins for 85c All Jame are reduced, some kinds as low as 65c for a 4 lb. tin. Conic in and look over our slock. We can fill your order complete and puaranlee satis-: faction. j Cook Hook Free with Illucj nihhon Hakinp Powder. i 10 eerts off each lin of Mal-Jiin's Host Halving Powder. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 STOP That Cough Take a bottle of EDINBURGH HOSPITAL Cough Syrup 60c Rupapt Pharmacu Third Avenue and Fifth St. Prescriptions our specialty. Phone 94 We deliver Don't Buy Your Crockery and China Ware Until you have compared our prices HERE! HERE! rlart Hie New Year with a New Method of saving money. Why not start now and do like many others are doing. Huy for Cash and gel your 5 per cent discount.. We deliver lo any part of I be City, Delivery Schedule: VWst J.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. East jn.30 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Round Trips 11.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Saturday 7.30 and 9.30. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 CANADIAN BIRTH RATE IS FALLING Decline Since 1921 Noted In English Speaking Provinces Cities Show Decrease OTTAWA, Jan. C In the last four years the birth rale in Can-adl (no! including Quebec; has dropped from :!6. 5 per thousand of population o 22.1 per thousand. return lo the Hureau of tlatis- lics. to which vital slatislics for Quebec Province were not avail able, shows that the decline in the natural increase of popula tion has been steady since 1121, 1 if fipures for the month of .June, I I '.125, can be taken as an indica tion. June last is the most recent month for which figures arc available. Statistics by districts arc available for only cities of 30.- 000 or over. Of thirteen cities thus tabulated, only two bad an increase in births in June last as compared with June,- 11)21. These lu-n uitprt !l .Tnlin V II Windsor, Out., which had each a 'before sliplil increase. Toronto had a decrease of 200 births in the four-year span; Winnipeg a de crease of 103; Hejrina was forty-one less. Of the thirteen cities mentioned, Victoria, H.C, had the lowest number of births in June ID21. HIGHWAY MAN WAS PROTECTED FROM MOB .Montreal, Jan. c tic being arrested on a charge of holding up and robbing a North Knd shoe dealer of ?t2 in cash! and two pairs of shoes, a mail: who gave his name as Pan) Nolle of LAND ACT. Inttntlon to Land Apply to LM In I he Prince Rupert land necordlnr I liletrlrl and situate on 7hlteand Wand ! near Imnd.u IMand. tilue ITInt It.M. K. ! TAKE NOTICE that Joseph Sllnni I Purer of Prince Rupert, B.C., Secretary. NOTICE IS HF.IIKBV GIVE.X that Council Nn. Sit, aiipmved un the ISth day of September, long, be cancelled. HATED tills XVUi day or Octolier. 1955 T. D. PATTULLO, Mln' of l.mu LAND ACT Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Strvlos Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday hvenings The Slight Cold "'; . Of To-day May Be Serious To-morrow On the first appoaranr of a rotign or cold, do not neglect it, but ret rid of it at once before it hu a chance to grow worse and become nettled on the lung?, for once it doe become deep-eated you are going to have a lot of trouble in getting rid of it. Our advico to you is that on the first sign of at cough or cold you should procure a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup as by its timely uae you my st yourself many years of suffering from some serious bronchial or lung troubles. J "Dr. Wood's" has been nn the market for the past 37 years; so you are not experimenting with some neir and untried remedy; pat up only by The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out I'aron, 18, of no address, had lo be protected from an infuriated and .mob by two constables, but not ho had been well man- handled. ' The hold-up occurred in the Simkover's boot shop, St. Lawrence Ikmlevard. llefore leavins one of the gunmen fired two shots Into the ceiling. The shot were heard by several citizens who were passing the store al with fifty-seven. This is six- the lime, and when Miukotei teen births less than in June, 'rushed out shouting for aid 1021. Toronto was the highest ' some fifly citizens gave chae witli inio. Xone of the pities of lo Hie two bandits. Caron was Quebec 1'rovinre are included in caught, ami when the constable the tabulation. (started to take him to the Ma- i lion the mob slarted to beat the prisoner with their fists and .-licks. With the aid of another eon-table and a taxi driver, the officer finally got his prisoner In t lie station. EXTRACTION PLANT" XKW NVKSTMIXSTKIt, Jan. 6. - The l)omiuion (iovernmei! seed extraction plant has closed llowlnir described lands down, unlll IICXl fall. ()erallons Couuiienrini at a pot n the Mi:ire mi 1 vp.if ll-ii lieen rest rirleil "us oar ,,pt" "SinritU the Katt side ut Whlteaand Ulind: thence 3,oo reet northwest; thenre s.ooo reet owing to the scarcity of cones east; thenre 3.000 feet south; thence , , , .... " . j.ooo reet -west to the point cf com-. of Douglas fir. Mtka spruce and mencement. gTnS(X 0CEns j red' cedar. The plant ha ex-r.i rwMT.t-- h j traded 1200 sacks of spruce WATER ACT. cnes sent from uie uucen unar-lotle Islands and 150 sacks ofj LAND ACT Notlca of Inttntlon to Apply to Laata Land In the Queen Charlotte Island Motrin, Land hecordlnr Olttrlrt nf Prince IlntierL Notlca of Intftlon to Apply to Laata Land' and altuate on the foreshore of YeHallnn in prince Kunert Und necurninr mnirvi nav. vaett iniei or iiait nanae 5. ana situate on South Rarhael Island. TAKE MOTICE that AKred Swanson. of f Prince Hunerl. nrriinatlnn Manner.. In point of commencement and eonlalnliiir Je; thence wet 1ii0 feel to tlie north so acrea. more or le. ALFPED 3WANSOX. Appllrant A. E. Wrlabt, Aaeflt. Ptted October Ith. 1l JANUARY CLEARANCE Ladies' and Children's Coats and Dresses GREATLY REDUCED See our Window H.S Wallace Co. Ltd Phone 9 3rd & Fulton went corner or E. II. Simpson' ancllra Per Fred. Nasn, MtlMl VT!! ih BV Applicant. ArenL LAND ACT Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In OLD STEAMER SKEENA IS UNDER OPTION Chapman Motor Co. May Purchase Vessel Which Formerly Piled Here j An option to purchase the steamboat kecna, formerly of l'rince Itupcrt and now plying on the Fraser Hixer, iiis been taken liy the uiapmau .Motor Utrlugi Company Ltd., Vancouver, from Capt. C. K. Spencer and W. II. Nesbilt, her owners. It is slal'd the company has taken the option for 30 days to expire January 31 and. if negotiations are then xalisfaclorily concluded, will purchase the vessel lo be used in transporting passengers and freight between New Westminster ami Chilliwack. Although Ihc "Skeena" is to be alued al l5.ouu. no figures involved in the deal hae been given. She is said to be in good condition. 'FRISCO TO HAVE NEWSKYSCRAPER Thirty Storey Building Is to Erected on Montgomery Street SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 0. In! 1818 Adolpb tluslae Iluss was 20 years old and poor. Like all the others here then he was de- irons of making a fortune so be wrote Hie' Spanish government asking a land prant. In this casual way he came into possession of much of the land on which San Francisco's financial district later K'rew. Lots that belonged to him on Montgomery Street bate been leased from the family years by a corporation as the base for an office building withl ini'Mil nnrt ,,r iliur dti?in IS CLOSED DOWN!01"'"' ' a garage on tl.e'mcz- , zaninc floor for the tenant. It Twelve Hundred Sacks of Sitka! ftl J ao !iU,r( ,,,ssl'- ,u'' i- . o i building in California and Hip u,i largest on tbp I'arifu- cial WOMEN CEASE TO SEW AT HOME Is Noticing, Effect LO.I)ON. Tug, Jan. 0 'Canadian 1'res's Despatch Women are forsakiiijg the practice of sewing al home, according lo Mr HuiKiur. the Ueutenaiit iveiw of nnt- .0)ge l'ole pine cones from thi w 11 totals bead f Hip famous . . . " - ,,,is "' 01 nit laioous lh I'.oliimhla. bv and with Ihe advice or , , , .... , ., hi." Eiecutive council, has been pieed hamloops district. 1 tie bulk of potion firm who procetlwl to that tiursiiant tn the provinuns cf seen will lie sent lo Hie ltrit-l explain that the company's jniwer eiiim zan. oemr jipiw zji i ,sU rnrfstry Commission, l.on-llevlfed Stalulcs of l4. the reserve of , unrecorded water of ll .nna Hlvrr. Oraliaiu ilon, f ' hilward W allllsley, Lrown Inland, In the Prince Unpen Water IHs- , irlrl. etalilllied furniant to order-In-. Minner acent. i, TAKE NOTICE that Euaeiw II. SlinpiMin. i iv iniimeil tariff !or Maett. MTiipallon cannery manarer.l "ninij iinposio a a tariii oi oi on Intend to apply for a lean or the follow-, sewing collon. which cause causes -. Ina- decrlbed lands: I . .. cm the Loals serious concern. Ihe re tend to annlv for a le.ae of the follow -1 I Ownmenrlnr Cornmenclnr at at a a rot pt planted planted irtR deorrllicd lanns: man water inara auoui rnains wen .lori Commenrlnir al a poft planted on the from the northeat corner of Lot lSi:; ' ' uMitti point of Soutn Ittrhael la'and; thence north soo reel m tow water mam; !hcn around h ah water mark to tl tnence norinweneny too reel more or lo earn more money was affected by circumstances outside their control. Nevertheless the firm made oer four million profit last year, and has declared a dividend of 15 per cent , witli 2V4 per cent bonus. The Australian government that Hie Hussian market had been rp-opennl to Ihe firm wan incorrect. lion to lease; thenre aoutheasterly fol-1 hiwlnir the hlrh water mark to the ptl' CCPDlTrV CIIDDftllMTiC of commencement, and rontalnlnr lo,OLLlLtiI uUlIUUillU acres, more or ic. EUOEXE II. SIMP90X. FILMING OF MYSTERY PLAY AT HOLLYWOOD! HOLLYWOOD. Cal., .Ian fi. - Oueen Charlotte Inland Ijnd lie- f,,,. 11,,, rir.l i,.. in II... rordlnr tiietrlct of Prince Huperl. and ". Kitiiatr twn and ne-iiair nil ic went of or moving iiu i iirt'; a feature M"'xkk lVmf:rthVB.cn rUna i rack- rilui ii beina made here without :,',."?n-Y- .'-,",tt ',,ro.v'r!. Q-'i-.tannotincing Hie name of any or I fi;riiiaiiun samioii .annerp. iniriina iu. appiy mr a ieae oi tne oiiowma; ne- -tiio lanas: i;miiiih-i ina at a iMt planted at the : i'l fnd of Small Bay tine hundred yard eait of mouth of unnamed alream; thence Minlh rive chalnn; thenre eat altleen I hain: thence north Pi fhore line: thence ahore line tn point or mm-inenrement, and rontalnlnr aeren and Irollowlna: three-quarter aiTea. more or lew. B.C. FISHING k PAf klNO CO. LTD. . Applicant. I Per M. M. English. I OaleH ner.rnh' th. &. I LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Aopl to Laaaa Lan In Prince Itupcrt l-and Itecnrdlna; lilitrlrt i.i uttn nan re a, ana anuaie nn North rtarhael Island. TAkE KOTICE that Alfred 8wanaon, of Prince Rtipfrt, oceupatlnn Mariner,, In tend to apply fur a leae or the follow Inir decrild land: Commencina: at a pout planted nn the foiilh point or orih Barhael Inland; then around hlrh water mark to the iKilnt of coiumencement, and cuntalnltir 10 arrcn. more or Ira. AI.FHED SWANSOM. Appllrant. A. E. Wrlrht. Arcnt. Oaied finutfr th ot tlie player appearing In it or any of the production delailx. The feature i a mylery play, and il.H future .ucceA on t!ii screen, producer tielievi', demand alcolule M-crri-y a to il making. Itigid rule wero i ucd barring visitor., includiny thue of oilier fludios, from the ct. and reipiiring that all actor and ,ielri'e refrain from reealing I heir character. Only the producer and dirw-to'r know the identity of the cal or where the sequences are being filmed. PIGEON OPERATED ON laland tu point or commencement, Wit 111 It rontalnlnr 1V4 acre, more or lea, ln-murlil nonriiT r r.naic muu"lu IN TORONTO HOSPITAL land act. lOHO.MO, Jan. 0. burgeon Notlca of intantlon to Anni. t. L.... L. l Mirliacl lloipila) received .nV'rr WPrnr Arir1 ind1 Um n l';" broUbt -LZmW .ir:1 ?...f Toutiil in a lane worn. I under lowlnr" dcVV-d land. ICt"" tf r'"l ,Im' U' Tl"' ,,"c,!rw ''' il ul' r.ommencinr at a pr'iat planted on an a"d today (lie bird i rapidly ap- nnnained Inland Iylt.r8.o0 der. W. (14 nroacllilisr Ktalu lif "iniriiiiilev" I" waniinK a a bihib OI norniaity chain, more or lei from aouthweat ror- ner of Uit lilt. Q.C.I, Hanrn ; thence In i t h new home. The ...M'lm.iM iiiriiiuri iiik 1,1 ruorn line oi Baid an an ' .... PPqint' , would have died hnd il icened piofenbional trealineul. Scientific Optometry Scientific Optometry lm taken the place of the old way or Titling glasses. a consequence, our examination of your eyes (ells oxm-lly the lensin needed to gie on perfect vision. , Our experience will suggest the best sll. Skilled Optician Skilled workmen grind nnr lenses. The glnst are designed along the lale-i lines, soJhe utmost good will lie derived from wearing lliem. Your every eyrglu--waul is given expert nUcnliuii here by nu optician who lias had .mer 27 yvut' ev perieme. We hnvo till the latest appliance- for testing. A visit to our! new oph room will convince you. , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 527 Max Heilbroner WINNIPEG COMES INTO POSSESSION OF RARE SPECIMENS OF CHINA WINNIPl'.li. Man., Jan. 0. -(Ily Canadian Piv . Itaic, specimens of old china, worth, ilj Is said, ihoii-ati.l of dollars, ha- been given lo the city on con- dilinii that it. will be properly i housed. The donor is Frankj 1 J'-v '''" f London. Fnglitnd. a for 99 former rpson-in m mot -. inn, Hip ntuspum i built Hi" mller- j lion will repose in the '.ariiPgw Library- FORCED BOY TO DRINK WINE AT CHRISTENING; WIXIiSOIl. Jan 0. Two men are mules Hires! Ii-re today ms' I ,'linrtrnii fhf fikPfllll? illl r-1 1 tl 1 - iyfstr-oii ioy lo orntk win" ai n rliVi-lenlni, The I An- party. my. Famous BrIUsh Cotton Concern lotiio waniiiiK. son 01 .nr. ami Mrs. T. Itanztuk. Wind'r. was reKrlpl lof tn1oxicHld to be brfiusht lo court today. Tin- men held are Vito :aain. 3 yeai old. and l.tiarle Itorn. 35. I fnvasin and itorri were ar-raigiiPit and rematileit one w-ek "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICthCC. FOR BCCR MiTP F is llt nuiv UlVr.X that on Itie tttd l of Irbruar) netl liar uudroitT l mirttd tu apply P the LKut,r iiatrul tmard for a ncrno- in repe i to per ftat-e. bemi part or Ibr btjtidlna; known a-"i:oiMierrMil Hotel. ' Huaie al Ihe corn i f tirsl Avrau.- and Llahtti sirreL il of Prince Rape I, uii the land. derrlled a Lt II and II. Hlork . -tiii I. .Map . Prince Itupa-rl land hitralHMi Irtwrtrl. in Ihe Prirtiwe ftf Hrlll.h (Mnin b4a. for Ihe aaar of tierr b) llw (la or Ut the onrti buttle fur IMnMiiiiptMiU ua I lie premtara. Ialnd tW llflb day of January. IB(S. IMiNAIIl s Mi IIKW Mel. Kill JIAItHY J. WOOD 4pptM-aH. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Notlca to Contractor a. Blolnatral Hulkllnr. Prime Iiupert SMI ll TKMJl.HH, enduraed -Tender for ln.itcal Hulklmr. Prince llnpcri. will be received by Ihc Honourable I In t MliiKter of Public WiMkn up Ui fJ o'clock immhi of Tueda tlie nrtli da oi Jaiiuar). I, tt Urn ewllim of a lil(...flral UlalNHi al Prince luifcil lu IB, Prince huiert KlecUiral liMmt. Plain), iertriraluu. ijiitrarl, ainl trin or TetMler ma) be eeen on and after lie 1 5 III day "f lierendier. !. and rurtliei liirortnali'Hi obtained al Die lirparinirnt ot public Works. I'arltaiueiil nmldinr. an-i al the fiillf wlur Iflce or Uie iiTtniM iit Arent al Vaneuuver and Prince Hupert. Cxile or plana. ai iricailon. etc . can l tditalned fnu the iH'parlnieiit uii pa) nienl of a dcpoeU or lew (I'll la which will be rerutMled n return ut tlie plan, etc.. In rood rmxtitluii. Tlie loweal or any lender tot nece- aarlly arccpleii. P. PIIIIJP. !eHily M miller and Putillr Worka J.nrlncer Departinent of Public Wulka, parliament Bnlldltira. Victoria, li.ti. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Appj to Laaaa Land In tlie Land fleeurdinr DIMNrt nf I'rltice Huperl. and altnate nn the tniittt ahore (if Shannon Bay, Mataetl Inlet, Queen Charlotte Inland. TAkt mitii.f. that i, ntrry nooinaon; Front, or Manell, K.C., occupation FImi Currr, Intend to apply for a leaae of Ihci followlnr dewrllied land) I Coiiiinencinr at I port allualed at thd MiMthweat n.im-r ot IM IU (T.l.. till'.); thenre cam lo tham; thence norm iu coain, inort, or icr( iu mail water mark; thenre aouthucM It dial na. more or leaa, roiiowinr I lie man water mark to point or rominencement, and cunialtium acrea. more or ea. II. R. FROST. Miaaett. B.C. iln lilatrl LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Land Apply to Laaaa the Prince Hubert land nenirdilia irlrt and altuate on an unnamed Idel In Ihe Kaatern entrance In nudum Bay paanapc near Imuda laland. plus Print II. M. T, TAkE MITICE thai Oeiirre Oordott lluah-by of prince Iiupert, B.C., Manufarlurer, Intend tn apply for a leata of the fol. iiiHi "it luwuia iirjiriuca lana bd con.liMt.il when p,rirmm,efreV a iit ulliiaie on a eef of riH'ka radlatlnr to the hONpllnl and "" .practiraii a circle, iiannr Si rutllllal III BMMIIII 1 nil il runi aalii rl .rt . not re- talnlur too acrea more or lea ur:onae ooiiixjn BUSIIBY bated beceiuUer 41U, 1, Third Avenue 529 WESTHOLMJE THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 0 p.m. CORINNE GRIFFITH ' "Classified" A bob). ling c tin - I n ill. hum nl V ,v Y' i k life li!'-with geniiiin' humor aiol ui"wuff ilr.iimttn jM-(Mle. lale ot Ihe criieiiK iit-. The -lor I a wurhuig girl wti spent all Iter mom on i lnthe. .mil lilnlled her va ini m-ipiainlaiiri"liip with wealth) men almiil luwn and wli.t came of it. See how tli reiMMiri-efiil girt rrnl exln raled her 'lf fi -tn a i miiih omu-hik -ilniilin when brr e-rort's cur "lrke dowii." The iuul iiilereling rjiarai ler iznlion Ikirinne (iriffttli ha- ever dune for the serren Mrtiiy si-ene- of big cit life Strung nl. Corlnne Griffith, Jack Mulhall, Vtfard Crone, Carroll Nye, Charles Murray, Edythe Chapman and others. COMEDY "LARRY SEMON IN "BEARS ANO BAD MEN." AESOP'S FILM FABLE PATHE REVIEW 3 Go. and 10c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCfC AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Found, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO. Our plant is efjuipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional machines for tlie inaiiiifni lure of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in .stock. Save bundling charges by buying thrcot from Uie source or supply. January Clearance Sale Commences Wednesday, January 6 Our lMfTRc-.l Mirnrn c during the Junuarv Clearance Sale i our tif fer of 250 ji.iir of MEN'S "LIBERTY" SHOES Kvery pair lo be Mild at $5.95 irre.crlive of rul. We .nteud to clear t,e Liberty Shoe miring Hit' Jiinuniy Kale In inuke riitnn for our now line, namely ihe Tool-llile." Ve are ,tlti giving 15'; on all Ladles' Shoos 10v on all Children's Shoos Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phono 645. Corner 3rd and 7th