Wednesday, January rt, 102C. SUPREME COFFEE "The Coffee that has 'em all beat." Tali; ..II- K...M t,.-l, J(1n,. I I'-''1 i'ui -! .,n nut i H ,tii '''-'I. n (irnl ..Mil i'iiri'. Tell you grocer "It must be "SUPREME" Our Temptation SALE is still on ACME Importers Third Avenue Big Bargains ALL QOODS AT SALE PRICES During this month The West of England Store Third Avenuo Phone 753 Ladi les CALL niul hii''-i our new line of Nursery Shoes for Children Very strong nml eniluniWc and reasonably priced. Family Shoe Store Phone 3S7 Dr. Alexander 8mlth Block Phone 875 DENTIST KILLING OF Gladys Gate and Ruby Dolan Are Women Involved In Stewart Shooting Case ' Islip immediately sent Mr for Dr. William. While he wrttt with Mr lllhinii lla rmiml I hi. his head. Hnlli Oladv Onle and flnhy folan wire presenl. and he asked them how it had hap- perii'd. Iliey both iflied Hint tlo-y liad nnlhinir In say. Seei'iu mo pun he nkrd for It bnl re ccivinI no information. Dr. Williams then arrhH, nnd, while he was examining the IWly, UkNO ACT. Nvilct f InUnOtii U Applf U laaa La4. la rniwe Rupert Laiid Rewdlnf i.r iMiwi nunfvi. and iisiti. asi ik.iOi lrr of shamMsi Hay. Uwrn i iri..n.- num.!. hi. . fKVV. AOTtCt: that Jamea rteMIn Slran and Hbrl i: !. of Vaniver. II :.. 'MvaealliMi rinnertnirn. tnlenda lo aifl) f"r a leae f Ow r'.lilif rlld rorrtbor at hhannoa Bay, yuern turlotie HUndi: - CiifiiiiMSK'tnr at a P"M planted no lh 4ttr ..r ilMnn Hay anl too feel In xiuinwrsierljr dim-liMi front sanlh- et iiirner nf Lot lata, UM IMMI belnt iKfitiiaot nmier r an appllraimn to fur-rluM- liy Jaa. FleMinr Slrant; I he ore . iniiaoolerU fullinr b4'H water mark of siuumm Ray auat Too feel to a poat tr.9 feel uiulh and 17 fret We of Imith. et rirter nf I ."I ISIS: thenoe eii: t( i feet ti Ihe nun water niara or an staler mark "f akt lUnd to a pmm re aiiulli and 1UJ feel el or nwiin-west romer ! thrnre we ISO feel; Oienee intrltl ii feet, more or let; thrnre ia-i 6is feet, mom rr leaa, lu tn p4ot r niiiinM-nretnent, and runlalnlni t arres. more or lea. aoBT. c. not: ami is. nrt.PiMj stiu,o( Paled per Wm. 0. yioeniter IQIh. Aiirlteant. Vllrnell. A rem. IStV LAND ACT. Wot let of Intantlas to Apply to Purchaa Lac. LAND ACT. Notice of IsUsllon to Apply to Laaea Land. In Prlnre fuipert Mnd leeornin PI Irirt of Trlnre tltiierl, and situate at Shannon Hay, Queen -oiariotie iiann, "'TAkr NOTICE that nome-MMIerd, l imited, or Vaneimver. II C. Intends In for ( lease nf Ihe tollowlntt deaerltieil appjy 'nni!innienrln at a poat 'planted aliout i rhalna. more or lean, went rrom north-eat mrner of Ul 15t tT.t.. HISJI'I: ihenre hnrth tfi feeli thenre anuth .i.. xmt onn feet, more or le Ihenre south 400 feel to the III Hi waler mark. Ill a nnrili-eaneny mrerunn w feet, more Or le. In Ihe plnl of com-menrement. and ronialnlntt alt ) acres, mw or ""nossE-Mii-i-Enn. limited. Applicant Per Wm. 0, Nllchell. Stent Nvm !.- .S Natlca of LA NO ACT. Intention to Apply of Land. Her Liver Was Bad JAS. DONALD Tlred Depressed lira. M. Kiefert. Orosswerder.fliiak writea!--"I wail greatly diaturbed with p&ina hi my liver, and felt tired and depressed moat of the time. One day I read about i f . .. wBaivfa 'I'Ih- finilhw nf Jury is hat Jame N. 'Donald came lo In death by a gunshot' wound, " fdenlly inflirtcil hy a ,32-roll-bre automatic pistol n the hand of one or the two worupii present in 'he kitchen of tin- house in 'lues? inn, nml known at. Cindy ali- nml Ituby Dolan." Such wax the finding nf the I'oi'iiirr 'a Jury called fop the purpose of- inveMigalliTS the 'ilraih of "Jimmy" Donald, one of i he district's oldllme and best ' known miner, who wit found ihol ami killeil at about I o' clock on the morning or January I. Coroner II. A. William presided nt Hie iniuel with ,1 jury composed of V, S. Orr, foreman; C. (.. Andrew, S. ft. I.nwrenee,! Xhl Frner, Frank Howler and W. II. Watson. Dr. 'arson of Premier who had made the post inorlem examination.' testified thai death had been nliiiii't Instantaneous as the result of a gunshot wound tm the 1 1 Khl ne of the abdomen. Officer Finds Body dinstnlde Islip xlnlvd that shortly after returning home from I In' Xew Year' He dance i:iinrii, Itilteau arrived with word thai u man hail tieen shot in a timie on 2nd sln-el. ConstnWIe and tha next time I went to town I bought four viali of them. I lave used them regularly, tod after two months' use I feel like an cotirelr difTcront woman. Now, I always recommend them to any of my friend who are troubled i I wax." There's only one "LaitLirer Till", and that the one put up, for tta pott 32 years, by The T, MUbtun Co.. Lbnitod, Toronto, Ont. )ut away ammi? a pile of folded clothe in a cupboard. He alo made a complete search ouUide. in Ihe frehly fallen now, but eciired no evidence. Pistol in Her Hand Charlie Hi beau paxe evidence to (he effect :hal lie lived near lyintr on his hack on the . J la .-1 i ii. t.i.r I. , i i : Ihe district, i 1 1 i.i of a lawyer: she adm'lllfHl, liow-ever, Iteintt in Ihe house at the time. Was Scotchman Deceases! wns about 13 year of age and -wn born in Forfar- hire, Scotland. He came In this i.taud tini an r'l,r,''J0,1''J': district in 1910, and was em- lititM-rl flnate; tlienre norllierly, et i . n- and K.uinrieri) roiiovont in mm pioyeii u a miner ui iin1 I'uri- land (aiial 'mine, where he was injured in jiii aecideul that caused the death of two oilier men. He' left here about 1918, returning In 1980. He has relatives living In i-New Wsiminsler and Tacoma. also al Knhwshcad. Scotland, llnving done considerable pnwpeelinfr in litis district he al one lime was inler- esled in Ihe Joker properly in In Land lleeordma PMrlrt r rrtff . . o.m,m iinn nn. i,n, other Bllil linn ounr '"e :-aiinon pnsin, Iiiihti. ami alluale on Ihe Swilh JHre r i.apiain i ovet I'l.liinilila rill IMand. rntvlnee of Tki: OTirE thai William Joseph Jefrerson of I'rinre Itupert. ll.C. yirmpa-tlun tannery -man. Uuenda lo apply for pt mnl'Si i pnrrhae I lie fnllowlnif de- rflied lands: - ..mnieneinr l Ptl planted en Hie iinh mn war ' the hed of Captain i ,,v. fill lland, nana I, rsikt putrlft, I'mvinee of BrllOtl CnliimliU; theneel .i.iith (wi'Mv rtialna; Ihenee west twenty 1ialii; thenVe norih Iwenlv rhalna. root ,,i lr.. to hlrll aler mark: Ihenre eat-erlv aWitir hirh water mark to point of ...inniini-enirni. and ri.ntalnlnr forty ai-rrs. Iiwire IIP le. WII.IJAM joskpii irnEtisox. Appllrint. Per W. J. TlKimas. Areni. r,w fiwwntj' utti at properly from lime to time in t-ji ' r WATER NOTICE.' Dlteralon and Uaa, TAKE NotlCE that Ooe-MHIerd. Limited, whose address la Si Howe Street, Vanimiver. II. '.. will apply Tor a tin lire In take and u lOO.OoO tallont day of water nut of Unknown, alo 1er iMiwn at ruknown. whlrh flows nortlierly and drams into shannon nay, U. B.CW ahoul l rlialna, mure or les. wealerly fnsn ni.rtheal corner I- I a 4 (T.L.I atlSPi. The water will lie diverted from the atreaiii at a lnt about elyht ehalm south from "hantton aav and tfi rhaln wruterly from tiorttioa.t I. ltd, and will Im ned Tor rannery pnrponea uion the land dearrllied an I. 419 tx'inr part of L. tsu (T. I.. aysklM. Thla notice was po"ed on the rmutid on Ihe tuili dav of Mnvemker, ti. A ropv of 1his notice and an appllcatli Ji pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will he filed In the nrflre or th Water; Hei-order at Prlnre ltiiierl. n.C. Ohjee-I tlotia In Die separation may In filed with the said Waler Iteronter ot with the comptroller of Water lllfhls, Parliament liiiililiiM. Ylrtorla. li .. wllhln thirty days after the rirat apparanre T thl notice in a local neu -iist. TIm dale of Ihe ri-st publication of thla notice H .Novemher 30, 191. OOSSK Mll.l i nn LIMIT! D, Applicant. Wm. 0. Wltehell. A Item rae LaaiaJ eal shore or tiarnard Cove, I'rlnrett rvi -."" ,i.,. 11. -.I 0.- r.i,v r.ia.l lll.lFlt in Ihe Prince Itnperl land nrrorfllin ptrlit and minate on an unnamed Iflet roriiilnir one nf the .Naren rop of llel in lludon nay Paaati opposite flore l.anilon Point. Utile Print ILM. 14. TAKE NOTICE that Harris kerr or Prince nniM.ei. H.C.. Mauler Mariner, Intend to ni.iv Tor a lease of the. followlnir Je arrllied land: r.ommenrlnn at a pol on Ihe ahnre. on Ihe East side of the nlmve. slerlln'il l'ei. thence S.OOO feet tnlrthweSli thi'iice J.onn unMhMil! Ihenre 9.000 feet aoitth- ent. Thence s.oon rret mmuiwn m me point of rniiimenci'ineiit, conlalnlnr 100 acrea. mora or leja. iiiioi.i i.r.iiiii ny his Arrnt, Joseph 3. rtoitra LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Purchaia Land In Prlnre, llunert Land ftcrordlnf pl. trlrl of Prlnre ltupert and altuate on Hie TAkK AOTICK that Smnerviiia Cannery Company Limited or Vancouver, h.C, oc-rtipalioii packers, InleuiM to apply for Hrinll"ii in pnrrhae Ihe followlnt de. arrihi'd lands: rmiunenrlns at a t planted on the liotihi'it shore sf Barnard cms. Prlnceja Itoval Inland, nature 4. Coast plstrlit. I thenco ealerly twenty rhalna; thence Miiithcrly amy vnalnai ihenre westerly rorti 'rnains. inenco nnrtnerty rive mains, mure or 'less. l hlah water mark: thence follow in lit arli water mark In an eaatrrly a i ui nnrtneriy directum to point or mm mrncrmrnt, and 'iilulalulut one liundra acrea, more or less. SUMKIIVILLK CANNERY CO, LTD Applicant. Per W, J, Thoinai. Att'til tin nAtttriii s.rm'rrv ALICE AM Up to Ihe present lime, 'IhU ha been the warmest winlee lever known here. Utile now b-'on Ihe hills around Anyox anil iMiee Arm, ami practically 'none nit tide w-aler level. ' On flhrlsf- ma Day II Man raining high np on flu' hills and the New Year was ushered in with a iirliiare if rain. The ore Shipment nf '10 tons made ri few -weeks ago 'hy J. Fiva and aocl;iteH frVn the 'NVolf property, hnn given jrrallfylni; ri'snlts. The ore was Mhinped to j Trail Mineller and eompoed four ton of hltrh rade and fwelv" IntiN of xecond rade rire. 1t-HiriM of vlilue have hcen refeiv-ed nml ntv. a follow: liljrb ?rade. 3nfozH. nilwr and j.r0 Kol per ton. 'Second jrrade, 71 in, silver and C.OO jold per Ion. The Je4d value of Ihe hip t'.IUltflilltllF Mtl (it',. 1,1 .... 1tli UK'Ilt W;iH Sit. I'll4f' 'A'fllllAA DM ... .. 1v Ul ly.UIIIIII- 7" ....... 7. (. ' atiun of the room, finding a 'dryweipld. vThe whole shipmeni .J 2 -call lire aoloinatic iartri(lge.!avemi.e(i ii(iii per ton. Theme lie then look charge of Ihe wo-j value are very encouraging es. iiR-ii and removed them (0 tho .l?killy when it is ta"ken Inlo jail. Iteluriiing lo the house lie conlderafon that Hie ore was made a complete search, findiiijlaken from the surface and was a .az-ciuiiiiu automatic pixfoi nauiy oxiiiizeu. To a lot of people the recent ruins are valuele but the jOninlry Co. looks al it front nilif- ferent angle, A nice honesl-to. (jfioilnivnt downpour relieves the innnasreiucnl1 of eousidcrHhl worry. II alo enriches the com the reideiH'e of (ilady fiale, and pnny exeheauer for a lonp a that aboul i o'cliM-k on the morn-j waler r available in Ihe li dam ink' mentioiKHl he called hinijfnr hydro-elect rie power. it from her porch. C-oinji over he nienti a avinjr of 1. 00ft pei ;ntirfil I lii linii nml fiilliiuetl ,lv tttr lli .i n-V,-i 11 ...ui tn ' ........ w.- ...I ,,(, lr. vriia. II 1.1,1 ill ' "Pi f,p .'nun Hie (mil IllUfinl llie!r.i...nln Mm almiin nl.t.1 " - - ...... . - J.. . . . . .It' 1 1 1 1 I f I II 1 1 1 . kilelien. On the way she ald lo; i . i i. I I "'m ,,,a' "mi in ? '-(, " KHsault . uuo Hiver mvir Minlnir .Mining A i ereaed tvltia on his bark on ...i n .. t.n , nor . f ... klichen. ilea.l ! " V""""" ' " " "'V "' Develnpmenl Co., ai it annual " T",K mcetln last Week, eledl'd 01 lal... hi Hi. nrm. arms -,.,el.n,l' stretched n .w ...... - - - iimir mtiiMJ an uia h ;i w n iiici ii firers u fAlln- tpn&iilnl liuui, v viinlll,. viep.f.r.i.ronl 1 H iiii in hit naiiu ifwriiioioiK. j piinl f,!),! as near as he Mm Id say, Ihe owi ..,.. t IIH1IIU 111 lH" IHHI'I? HJ lAIOSIilUlt Islip. Cladys (tale was then call hut would say nolhliiK erep on the advies nf n lawver .oilier than that slie liad not shot James Donald, thfoish she wn in Ihe riNrni al Hie lime. She ad milled that there were three people in Ihe kitchen, herself. Ituby Dolan and James Donald, Unity Dolan took mueh the same sland n reirarils sayine nnlh In? except -on the advice) Fiva ; mm outiy i Njian in me rtoini wiiu rt i--iiir T W Vti.A,.r ftaM, Jolin Stromheck; Ser- D. Yorke. The year's proaram of the company eludes plans for continued . ..I.. ..... .... i .. 1 1. . c?:i.... ii'lurni 'i iiir uier claim. TERRACE NOTES In de- Til,: .Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Woodward ami child of I'nnce lieorge ar rived in town on Monday morn- iiir. Mr. WVmlward i lo brr Ml.filtfr .lkUi,tt.rt.,H .r ll.u iL.tilr .Monlreul during Ihe absence nf Ihe local manager, A. 11. Ilarker, Kvlto is going to holiday in Honn-j lulu. Mr. ami Mrs. Woodward will occupy the apartments of. Mr. and Mr. Darker above l!ie hank building. ... . .I Owing lo Uie serious illness of Onnstnlde J. P. Kcgleshaw, Dr. LaTge of llazelton, made hi weekly visil to Terrace on Mon day of this week, instead of on Wednesday, as usoal. P. Xolzel, high school leacher. and Hie Misses Andrew and Maloti of Ihe public scnool "nfT relumed on Monday night after having spent their Christmas vacation in Ihe soul horn pari of the province. (I. Dimock of. (ho public work Ideparlment, iinUlierswa a rrr-. r-rr- I Wil 'i U orli e re . on?M ond ay. less Miss Mayme Dobh relumed on Monday night from Prince Hn perl where she penl Ihe boll lay al her home. llnwnrd Wilson son of Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Wilson who art at present living in Hazellnii, where Mr. Wilson ha Ihe con trarl for the building of Ihe nurses home. In cpnncclion with Ihe Hazellon liospital relumed lo Terrace at Ihe Week end and will continue his school slmlies here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ex peel lo return lo their home here shortly. (). P. lirown, mining man, made a Irip to Hie Heche d Untile mine near Skecna Cross ing recently and bought a quantity of mining equipment for us V 1 jjl'aXCnj mm iMOND SAWS Machine Km vesS k They atay sharp lonfi ' siwonoa eNoa atw to.'iim ? ' ,I0I""" V M The Man Who Talked at Random E sat in 'the window-corner of the Pullman's smok ing xmpartment, and breathed fatly and uttered large opinions in a siiety voice. It grew late, "as so often it 'does; and he put the quietus on a discussion with the ponderous statement: "I don't read advertisements. They have no effect on me at all. I'd never miss them if they stopped print-mg em. Then he glanced at his advertised watch and sought his lower birth. In the morning the ad-skeptic contorted himself out of his advertised pyjamas into his advertised underwear, drew on his advertised socks, adjusted them with his advertised garters, got into his advertised clothes, laced his advertised shoes and adisJ hi.xijelf to the congestion in the wash-room. There he shaved with an advertised razor, using advertised shaving cream; brushed his teeth with an advertised toothbrush and advertised dental cream, washed with advertised soap, and brushed his hair with an advertised brush. Buttoning his advertised collar on an advertised button, he neatly knotted his advertised tie,gave his advertised suspsndirs a tug or two, and finished dressing. Let us leave him there, this man who advertisements! ? never reads :-if-T Everything worth uiinj is aJ72rtis2 J. Everything that isn't, rarely is. Read the advertisements for value's sake at Ills mining claims on hill mountain. Thorn D. Taper of Pacific, Tehinieil lo Terrace on Monday lo continue his higli school studies after having spent Ihe holiday al the home of liis parenls. Joe Spifyl returned on Monday after having spent the week em! at the home of hi brother Jack nt Carnaby. . Mr. J- K Frost entertained the H.D. liridffe Club on Tuesday evening.- After having been closed down for a short lime pending instruction from Hie president and managing director, S. P. Fiti-gerald, who in Ihe south, Ihe Independence mine is again under operation and il is hoped there will he no further interruptions in a development policy that lias been carried on for sevoral year. When operations were suspended the main drift, which is in more than 000 feet, had penetrated a largo body of fine ore which will lie further Frederick Henson, a well known Indian resident of I hi district .who hn trapped around Miuiadin Lake for many winter, thl week iiroughl in Ihe tail of a cockeye .salmon to which wn a! (ached ah aluminum tag lnliel-el "2710 HAV He caught the, fish in N'ovemlier at the Meziadin river fish ladder. On Monday last John Stewart rocrlved a wire advising him of tin' death nf his brother Andrew at the family residence in Victoria. The late Mr. Stewart was the eldest of the family which gave, lo Ihls town its n.ime. For monv vflnna a wna m f inritieinltv TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 23S Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. interested in Ihe developmeais o this district. fieorge F. MacdnnnM sailr-il last night on the f.aruVna for, Vancouver. TIMBER SALE X 7370. Sealed Tenders will be n-celved by "the; Minuter uf Lands al Victoria not later than noun on the flat day or January. I. for the purchase or Licence X7S70; to rut aao.nou lineal feci of Oedar I'olca and Pillni- on an area situated about three miles west of port Clements, Ora-liain Wand, (jucen Charlotte Wand Ji5-iriet. Three (S) years will be allowed for rwnoval or Umber. Eurther particulars of Ihe Chief For-! ester. Mctoria, h.i or Oistritl roreater. TIMBER SALE X7427 Sealed Tenders will be received by Thai Minister ot Land at Viriorta not laterl than noon on the isih day or January. I9i, Tor Hie purchae of Licence 747,l to ml I.SIt.oort Tee! nf Spruce, Hemlock and idar un Uit uiu Uu bland. Sklde ale Inlet, Queen 'Charlotte Island District, Two nil years will be allow .-ii lor removal of timber. I'urther particulars of the i:htef Kores- ter. Miioria, n t:., lHnci Ullnerl. II C Plsirlct Forester, j LAND AUT. Form 'of Notlca. Panne S, Coast Land nislrlrt. District of Prince Hiipert. TAkt NutIi;L that Wallace Flsherie Ltd. Of Vanciiiiver. It.!'., iici'upatlon ran-tierymen. Intend to apply for a lease of Ihe follow tnir desrrlbeit lands: Cnmmrnnni- at a pint planted about IS rhnliM southerly from the northwe enrner of Lot to, llimre s. Coast fils-Irlcl. Ihenre west rluilns, thence smith o rliams- them e 'east s chains, more o- less, to hlah water mark or Skeen.t Itlveri1 Ihenc rnllnwinr the hl(rh water mark id Skeena Hlver lo pnini of '(.iiiincn'i mt nt WALLACE FISHKHIKS I.TIL. Applicant. rer nnj i..norieu sem Night 'Phones 687 539 Gr; 238 Black 735 P AN A m A N ni in 11 nil STE4M LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal'. Service, Phone' rlo. 8. ' Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at aiy lime to rcceivo your phone call. to take your instructions, lot take personal charge off your Laundry Cleaning'. MILK arid Dry From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM AVe specially recOmmendj our Table Oream at 15o for Half Pint. Quality ami Service Valentin Dairy rnone mi