PAGE FOUR HAPPY CHRISTMASTIDE AT OONA RIYER BEING peeple ENJOYED BY EVERYONE OONA RIVER, Dec SI CtorUUnn festivities which, hare been In progress ever since Friday evening win conclude -with big dance at the schoolhoue to-nleht. It has been one of the finest Christina reasons ever spent here. At the school house there was a Christmas tree and every one had a fine time, particularly the children. There was good music by Sam Clausen Kels Und an' B. Enrot played the rlolln and Julius Haldand on the accordion with Miss Margaret Possum and Mrs. Emma Fovum accompanying on the piano. Dancing, singing and games were enjoyed and there was an abundance of goodies which were sent out by I Murray Fuller, the Prince Rupert grocer, and which were deeply appreciated by all. Since Christmas Day. there has been number of parties and happy gatherings tn various homes. TWO WEDDINGS IN MASSETT THIS WEEK MM Emily Mili'ir Become Bride f .Hired Swanon. and M1m Maria Ridley Married to Kenneth It-iles MASSETT. Dec. 31 Two weddings took place tn the Indian Tillage this week. On Monday. Alfred S anson n united tn marriage to Emily Stanley. After the. ceremony at the church, which was performed by the Rer. J. GUietL the party went to the town hall where a wedding dinner was served. After everyone had partaken heartily cf the splendid repaL speeches were made by Robert Ridley. Roger WlaL .Dawson. Henry Edenshaw. L. H. Ballt'e and others. Dancing followed until the wee sata hours. The second event was a celebratloo of the nuptUls between Kenneth Davis of itowkan. Alaska, and MarU Ridley of MsssetL Rer. J. OiKfit read the marriage semce at the church, followtng wrhic.ythe many guests sat down to a wen laden table tn the Town HaU. In-tepeted wtth a good deal of humor, the good wishes of the community were conTeyed to the bride and groan by Rer j 3. CSetL Robert Ridley. Matthev Teo- j mans. CapL Davsen. Hemy Edecshav 1 L. H. Balffie. Andrew Brown. Alfred' Adams and others. A pleasant evening of itsnftng was enjoyed by the young ' BIRTHDAY AND XMAS PARTIES WERE HELD BY PORT EDWARD LADY Mr. and Mrs. Prank Johnson gare a Christmas dinner tn tn Mmm . ? tti BRINGING UP FATHER Editor. Dally News. .Vl. V.OT OOH LSOTV(Fn AJOHl Nl "THE. STRSST CLEAMkjCJ DSPAHVMENT-I MQ3E HP MAK-tC i CANADIAN LEGION'S NEW YEAR. We were sitting dowc together, our hearts packed full of cheer. Xnjoyiss Merry Christmas, yet thinking of New Tear. Some friend of mine walked up to me and broadmlndedly expressed Their thanks to si our guardian all of whom had stood the test. They told of our chief magistrate who'd seen us aaf eiy policed. And praises gar to Santa CUu who our kiddles fully feasted. Of 3te Chief ofPollce. our Councillors, all wise men of this wesL God bless you all our fathers, ycu freely gare your best They poke of all our roses deax returned, from So Man's Land. Their motherly caresses, the cunning of their hand. . And their voices turned to melody when this they tried to teU: "Thank God far all our nurses, they're moulded Hearen from Hell." And then they sang another song to each and erery 'one. Of our doctors who this holiday we'd kept upon the run. They would nt go wtth us below, thetra was the upper deck. They staunchly stuck to duty and tared our hlp from wreck. Said a Scotchman sitting dose beside, apparently quit wHty: "We're Irish and English here and Scotchmen tn our etty. The Engrjn and the Irish played hell on Christmas Ere: Just wait UU New Year's Day comes round, we're something up our sleeve." S admitted that an stores tn taws their stocks we had depleted. ,111s ambtttoss at the renders we also had defeated. To church and chSd. to halt and blind, we also freely gare. Wharmore can any Scotchman do "then watched his face grow grate." Then potnttag to ten ruckles said. This is our big Jack pot. Tomorrow all the etty win help us spend the lot-" X failed to mention Taffy, but him I re not forgot. Xo better class Cansdlsn tn thla city hare we got. Belt just packed full of unshine. nenrr faHed me yeL In &:e of all our dry days brrc he's lway kept me weL SCHOOL CONCERT AT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ON SKTDEOATE. Dee. 31 A grand con- cert was green at trte Quern Charlotte public school on Christmas Ere. All were agreed that the event did credit to the young teacher. M. E. Newman. ' The mission boat Themas Cresbf home at Port Edwvd on Christmas ! th P tut . ..... - . i ad took everyone to Queen Charlotte and there was alo a Christmas tree. After dinner, there was ittru-tg Snaes. the happy affair not breaking up untfl 3 o'clock the next morning. Those present were John Lenta, Leo Lehto. Vienna Lehto. Henry Hansen. Jesse James. George Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Union. Elsie Larsen. Mrs. A. E. Nixon. On the next day Mrs. Johnson had her twentieth birthday, the occasion being celebrated with suitable festivities. There were many presents and dancing was in progress till am. MASSETT Captain Dawson of the Church Armj who has been holding services at the Church Army station In the Indian Tillage, waa a passenger on the Prince Charles to Prince Rupert. He Is en route i to .' Hazel ton. a new Bell organ costing In the neighborhood of 300 has been purchased for the church here. The t pro-riding of the necessary funds Is being oone entirely by the Indiana. L. H. Balllle of M&ssett has been ap pointed issuer of marriage licenses. me islands experienced a taste of winter last week. Commencing Friday a drop In temperature took place. The irost continued until Sunday nlghL The boys had a day of skating on Monday. Tuesday morning It was snowing heavily and by noon It had cnanged to rain. The past two day hare been bright and warm. SKIDECATF Ereryone on the Islands U delighted at Rer. James Gillett of Massett having Deen appointed Indian Agent. It b felt that he Is the right man In the right place for the position. t-apt. c. c. Wiggins of Tlell U down spending the Christmas and New Tea. season with friends tn Skldegate. H says he likes to be amoeg friends an1 bend his arra at least once year. MUt Dorothy Barge is up from Van tourer spending the Christmas and New fx esason rlsltlng with her parents at Queen Charlotte City and friends at Skldegate. J. Kltaon of Sandsplt, who was In town this week, reported great success with bis black fox farm there. He started with two pu and now has seven full grown foxes which he says cannot be beaten anywhere. A4rrtlM in The Dally Xtwh The Queen Charlotte Islanders wish viable lot and we hare had a harder ' row to hoe than usual thla year what with the t allure of the fishing and Use doCnx down of the mttt at Qaeea XMAS EVE WAS FINE 5. bin we are Canadians and are not the stat to quit essHy. We look fsrward tit the coming year for better times and. with the aid of your paper, we ire confident that wc wis soon see thtegs settled down to a steady basts j : ua the Queen Charlotte rt?. We hare Xfjt resources and the ell- City and back again, the result belif"teV21 " paper behind s- that there was not standing room tn tie ' way news. church when the concert opened. The program Included a cantata and there was also a Christmas tree. IHINA KlVhK There are thirty pupHs at the Queen Charlotte City achooL g In The Letter Box ME.tfiE I'ltOM ILMl to take this opportunity of wishing you j Kew Tw celebrations. ISLANDER. mini u me nuitau ui rnnce nuper: j a Happy and Prosperous New Tear. We IIOTr.l. tKUIVtl.x also wish to thank you particularlr. . JJeina absolutehi sura on the Subject Quality THE HIGH QUALITY OF Baker's BreaidFast Cocoa is Tqt an Accident It it tie rtsult c a jucWi. rJecfoa aaJ htenag cf coo Uus. of whxh tirrr t tnerr tiaa tin7 nJc; of oot crrfal roi-tB-irT fnxesscs (no cJ-nuaJt) wc rrrscrrc the dclicxus nttursl tircr J trona and tttnetire cclx of the tctss. WALTER BAKER 8C CO. limited 170 DORaiITOl.IASS. Csn-tun MU at Moo treat Booklet of Choice Rtdpci urn free TH D.uLT NEWS j WELL-OUCvqEll j j I JUST SAW THS. ! I with iVCClOEKTA ' jU'bT A 1 1 M r3M II I l j CIaD clad VOO CALLS) CALLED, furc ivrie.T'r. rvj? iiSW i r: iMtti rii i . i doj ttjVnmj - a i i " w- - w . i v t i 1 1 1 wt i i i r ill N 1 III IfUJ II I Villi I lit" rSIMf. IT IM vJ d-i TT Aiirv . .UKI aajcr I I I I Bl ' ' ' TU 7 MM J 11 STKttT CLEANER- ME COT THE FULL FORCE OP HtTMEr I V6VTHI5M " .flfcw JL J W "Ml ' 7' rWE 6TR6AM FROM TllliMOWin PHONE i MK-JlCC , il Mtna Br: Agss DuoaMoa. Port Eislngton; Mr. aad Mrs. R. M. Reid. Massett: Mrs. J. MeDaaald and Child. Buckley Bay: Mrs. A. Duval sad son. Qeeen Cbsjsotte; R. C Ooeavaae, Stewart, reatra Mr. Frettad. cttr. Mr. sbd Mrs. E. M. Harris. Los Aageiea: A. Cuk. Vwacov-vtr. H Roberta. Port CtemeBts. vy Joseph'Speere. Skeeea City: D. Chrkt-topber. Cedarrale. E. Lesite. VsBCOUrer. C Bllttn. Stewart SCHEDULE SECOND HALF OF BILLIARDS The fattowtnc schedule He the half of the BUUanl League huob ts released by the secretary. W H Long? JiMlKV i Moose vs. Orett . 7 Gyros rs. St. Andrews. II Grrtto w. Orajsd Twiwliaals 14 St. Andrews ev. Maaae. 18 Orsad TrrmlMls vs. Oyres. 2 St. Andrews vs. GrMtev 3SMose . Ocd TermfaH IB O ret to rs. Orrw. ItltKl KV 1 Orsad Trmtmts ws. St. Andrrss. Oyros rs. Moose. S draad Tersnemai ws. Oeotto 11 St. Aadrews rs. Oyrws. X Gratt rs. ubm. 18 Oyros m. Orsad TeraahaaJa. 33 Mtoewa. Si Andrrva. 3S Oyres rs. Oeotto. MtKm I Graad Trrmteafa . Mese. 4 Ototla wa. St. Awdriss. t Moose es. Gyres. 11 SL Andrew wa. Oraad TeetHnai SPORT CHAT I The defeat of the local Hh School I basketball team at An rex waa owute expected as the local team had soavtyj any practKe as a teaat. Sereral of! j the pUyers are members of other team :ta the city league and white they arc j : good Individual players yet team work ; Vlrs. Emma Possum lea during th counts. This ta not aald to ml&Hnlre wee and hurt her hack. The accident j the victories of Aayox. as K is freely was regrettea oy sil lor it nas prerented , Mrs. Possum from taking her usual a-t lire part In the Utter Christmas and f Jf ew Tear festivities. Ereryone waa glad here that the mosi of the trappers were able to get home from their lines for the Christmas and Mr. Editor, for the rerr klndlr Interest! rri ni-t you. with your valuable paper, have ; 8. J. Schofleld. O. BrlgUtnL S. Han- taken In our affairs. sen and W Pennev. Taneoure-: W 1 Ours, has not been an altogether en- ! Larkworthy. New Harelton; A. Sinclair, CrV. admitted that It hat aa exteitest teaaa. which eride&tly onty fosaad luetf ta 1U m gymaaahim. The soami howerrr far the whole series are deeadedty ka favor of Aayax and ta then a we aaVst hand the honor of betaf Utc sop rfctr teaii Local sport actlrHies wtB be qvlrt In the city untB aomet ne aftrr the New Tear when most at the social ac tivities of the hoBday season win be over. The aecond week ta January win see the resumption of the b-aketbaB fixtures and it Is then possible that something definite win be known as to the rxmiblBty of outatde teaart visiting here. Anyos win open its regular baethaQ schedule after tM New Tear and wftL It is reported, hare three Udl teams coispettng far bemors. Tat winners of the ladies series win then meet Use wtaeers of the ladles' league of Prtace Rupert in Aayttx. A general meeting of tbase latemted tn the AHee Arm ska Msg rlak was held recently and T. W. Piloomr tu elected president; Out Anderson. vtce-pres, deat. IL Fowler, sec -tress, aad AL FUconer and J. Stiwrnbeck wre atari td as an executive eommntee ta act ia conyunetJoB wtth the other e(eea. The price of seassa Octets was Ute I next business isougat up aad. after (considerable dlsctustaa. Ute I scale was set: single men. taxxk tried man and wife ISjDO: lady Itm; Tex Sici. aid baa Bnk ta the bearywttgBt be expects ta targe lata a ptaaaMp match. Through New T .t ujss -Jt wju. i so. a another whkh IS77 ehaa-his msteh- ma ker. Jess MtMaboa. the Madisoa Square Oarden promoter, atgaed Jan MUoaey. BMton contender, to a tfcree-flght contract slmllsr to aa sgreeraent ooaqot.'or at Harry wnw and Bastaa rival of Malooey. Maasaey. who aealed another rung of the cUatt ttoa ladder Wednesday night by defeating Harry Persson. has agreed to meet any opponent BJckard selects Iniliiding Bha-- W anted For Sale For Rent MrCtyomit. FOR SALE DeUwcry. lag - he three i tatee WHY jOT MATE MOMOV PIANOS and a-nnnaviifci tor rent WaJhtra Musie tare. if w ii rwt sale ixmo asm. OOUD wt tnt SAJJ-adaiae saofr wtth Beta sn no aad cod: ia'i far aaas. Paaae am. tt FOR SALE . PAIR OP Aapty O. H. Odd. FOR SALE. BUIE STAWflfl KOK RENT a. 2Mu FO.XB6 Apart- rose FOR BENT FtTE ROOM FLAT WITH toJtet bsth. paaae. paatrr fwraattied or avrfsBnatssed. Paoaa T74. dsftarse aly. u FOR RENT. TTOBTT ROOM EQUIP- ped hateL Oatag eaartm. WMt Box 313 Daly New OS c. U FOR RENT WARM HOOSE WTTH two bedrooms. Central Apery 31 Fourth AVtdue EaL j' FOR RENT. SIX ROOMIO HOUSE wHa Uta. Af9t Si rattan street pttaat Bek 470. im TOR RENT FURNISHED BUTTE Phone 18. MaasaBtin Orarery AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER BRINE MZTS THE PTJB-, Ue all the way. Are est afoposMaaat fatr I way See eaaa. teU aa aaaa. snssstoa. or gaaraatee aad vakaale be- fr sales. Tasj get rradta Tit. FURNITURE ANI RANGES Oaaatt aad Oaupe Laadau Fard body iri rUR ii v immi Bautaeta aad Cbat- "Z.L T:.. KH CM.riVtL tn the betwteat a the final told asedal Adreroe in the Duly Newt WeWTf. UM Dttery. paast Feed Ueai DeHrery. stsnrr Twdar Sda. starter I aawisayif Taai- TAXI By George McMan ItMuM laaiaw) txu a, vm i axuxi Teaaa m be am aged aa bath aw aad ued aan ta I'hone 67 Tail (Call George. Paul or Glial) Six and Seven PaaAenirer Stud. bakers at your disposal mny time. UVSS IIKOS. POOL R001 Meeker Mock. C A croat from Empress HeteT) TDIIIER SALE X8607 Sealed Traders wu? be reHred ay the District Pataster not later taaa aoua aa M ? Jaimary, IH7. tar the asrrrtea of Ur-tv- xm Barke Ctoaa-Bay. CA L M eat baa-l aaea-tr of Sprue. Cedar aad HrtrJork aawtoa. Two I3i yean ttl be allowed far re-atoral of timber Piirthsr paruruUrt of Ue Ot-rf Par-Mr VVctorts. or the DMrtct Poreater. Friaee Rupert. HC TIM HER SALE XM71 Tdrt wiH be rerelred by the tfc3lt day of December. 13. far Iht MireassM of Ueens XM71. Takaua lur SPECIAL CASH DfSCOfJKT FOR THIS T lB"t- QC.S to teat week aa aB Paraitare. Unote, ud 17" Wr Raas. osrptta. Bed sfwtaft ! e (1 year wtu be allowed far re- teetieU am A. MseX-arf. P-al- mi &nJrZJ aarer Phaae 77 jPrtaee Rupert. BC. RESTAURANTS oooti nut cttx Mrs. TJager. Praerletrr-i Thard Areatte. Neat a. W. V. (iwd lleoe Conked .Meals. Paaae Stack 700 kry. Paul Berleabsaft. Jut Detaney or Jack Drmptey ta the tattle to prove The iu -final which Is best fKted to lace Oeae Tun- tUrd haedtcap ney. aad H - on mms ang nrpo. Argenune heavy - j.nie, Ma.:;ttn weight denied reports -!"-ulfd ' tae TJaMed States ta seek a Tftatctrl TIMHER SALE XS79J. -Sealed Teaden wut K v.i4 w. tae Dtstnet Forester not Uter thaa noon S r,Lr 137. tar the rase of tJreace XS71. oartrmt two E7m.r' ,Urbor CR. t. ta out 13 feet hoard measare af SnnsM Heraloek. Cedar and Balaam tawlaaa. "" . will be aUonrd tar it-J MHAl ajf llaahat .rrtfcf rtJuUr ol tae Chief Por-&tt Forester. Taaaey. ehsaspioa of th-lun Ror-rt no . an m is tae, Araeattae keep h-a to busy that be haant "rrra tame ta Tatar af bat- PULP TIMHER SALE XRIIO. Sealed Teaden marked "W HAVE , j MAN UOCK. op mm vjo 6AV r ?v VOuK Brother v 'M'LAVV r i . v-v itt - iv i m ill tiHi tv it i --' ap " i . . f r rv - i r a i a a n t 'a-... -k Ml "F"- 2K "V, J T .: I trl J 1 Jj lw.W J 2 29 -j t 5 ' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo lets than 50c WANTED WA.HTED. TO HEAR PROM OWM3V-Pfena tor Sale Bute rub pnee. D. f Bus. MmaewiMtta. Mian. I ID VTANTSD FOR CARPSTTtSt WORK on asm roam dwatltac. R. C Hyde, j No. 7. Uaidroa td ! SITUATIONS WANTKI) WOMAN WANTS WORK BT THE HOUR e dy. dm ii. Dally m OOm. FOR SALE FOR SALE. TO CLOSE tU. w are aajthorssed Mawtbty. I C-UT AN ! to sell Mersal POOR OWM view, sad Ettiware U FOR BALE. THftSC ROOM HOUSE wtth am fertor rw. Boot tm. lSim6 e wrsaw. Hal . tap at taw prtee 1W CflMsM. Ltd U 'Oft iSDMOK aTAHOAJID CAB- sit Ptrroaarapa wtth Thrta snect aad M mafc All ta A raal barcaln. M. (tBetoagii- der. ClllltOI'KACTIC nit. r. r. in III I NOV uiiRorRtimiH Ol Third Airaae. OlTVee rtalU - 11 00 Hti eaAs 1100 For apfntntroesrt Ptaosie Offle Dike M Kealdeare UUtl XM IK)AI(I) BOARD. TUB INLANDCfL SMOttd Avenue. Phse lit dkh5iatoi.(k:v rntL iiiJ-.Mi-.iir.H ri.movm by the latest srtetiufte ntfcsi rt.MMr.srv m utTtt n. need tar dMigtsrMsg iteMUahea say Thmitf Ittsrfc (U ANOTHKK Itlft HKDUITION IN CHKVKOUrr COMMKKCIAI. ( Alt I'KICIS IIS TM Utility Esce S Ton UgM Dttteety w, Vftsmu on U..i. 1 MMvirejiii OfM. & ii I t9' 1 1mm kaH, Alfe Maj rviT aacaw " liaaaar ' rt-M pwm KAIEN OARACE Dualer tn Cadllae. MrUwiklla, tHkUad. PIUe IMJ.m-klte aad (Keirolet fwr. S3 Ar ath Are tb Are nia ttlU Are At Oaart- eta Are aar tf) ttopi O-r tb A e 4t CAUm th A-r A Maawv Ooe: Baao Oj Wkarf OTP Wharf .. O.T P. atttaa . Lad ad a-- Ata. M FwMoa 8 aaVtf AW- ate Ml aM aaasday eaDertjoi, : dap only , ., a. im r 17 .... It lf"e- 1ir- '-Ore t. Ma tMI.V Hdll' i's 1st 4t at ft Vmt taarewver Taeday--a Oardena rrtasy- s Pntvce h .. Satavdsy- as Ca n Bsturdsy -aa Pnn. e tr Dee It sa Pi UM - Mi " I'rM Vaae-aver uadWy a cardma Wedawaaap- a Ft B JYada -aa. CataU Saturday s Princess Br Dee. 13- -aa. Pnatass M-Dec 7- m Pnacras M. us Article, Lott and Found,&c MAIL SCHEDULE OlT-10INO IW the Caa aUVMAft. Vrftf'')"; Tr tanrMilrr . . Ttiestaaaw FflaBi ..... tUfdy . 0JJL Dsc. 17 iis t u Hi 1 St Tb .layst AlWe Arsa. ptmn u4K mkr BKHy WliOm liya . Ta tt. mmhi aad s a I is ' ! Akl. rVlal ft. M, a Tn Jer (!hMMI- De 4. M . . l-nvi ItM Ike ra Tw4afBV Twuraui at iftm Vawwr txa la a a- ' it if i ii ij " it a a m rn ri 'STEAMSHIP MOYEMEM IAP10 ACT Mill sf lotialt te Hf lM" la Ftta ia( ? Rareri Raperl tnet. tad Mtasie si ' 1 Charts!) Isaad TtlE rwryttr Uui "Trader aa'cssaaiai. ltd.. vsar.n'- xatto. win m wf.i h t iw t, i r-k k . - - able, the Minuter of Lands, at Victoria. I ta Mlaw- "i;- ea airlock noao on the, '.faaa-at si s r-t day ci January. X7. for the Dur- nHw n f.r Pulp Licence XWto. w it KLlW HL".. . Oraham Uld. .'.."'Tl Corbett will iiroMr r itmol .k- .,-.."w"5 ,w xow a.iee Brk is ' ah f-l ""t ' Uet ii rhsim e - i, ot tne -Forest Art " ' The highest or an- teisdtr t-t rest ... '"77 Parvalr8 may be had fran i the Chief roemr. y-tr, BC Otitd 04taUr lia. f ta il t .a v l or ret ltapMi aad Nas :'T Baaday aa CanSena l rM rvrt Mp- aad Nai Tuetday as. O deoa I nT MewarL .tajat aa4 AIM r , Saadar -aa. Cardena , Waaandiy Ptiix-e r rr-m Mewsrt. aad .tn- Tuesday sa Oardena pnaay- aa. Prtaee Rv..-i It ijseea t arietlr Ore. 13 Prince Chi rttat qee- nfWt pre 16 & Prtnre n t Dee 39 aa. Prince C?' tar AUka Dr. 13 aa. Pnneea U Dec. 2 aa Priore ' H l-r-m AUka Dra. 13 aa. Prrneess M If! Il t! it 4 I