If not Displayed, Ash For it! FINAL MEETING I! SALADA TEA The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA II Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prinre Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLKN, Managing Etlilor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. T8 is finer tea and finer value. DAILY EDITION agjjfm Wednesday, Jan. 20. 1920. Making Bids For Progressive Support. Ihiii. Arthur Meiphen scores the Mackenzie King government for mnking it bid for Progressive support. Mere is whit I the Victoria Times lias to ,uy of Hon. Hugh Outline's hid Vur the same support: On Tuesday the Conservative parly in the House of Commons through the Hon. Hugh Outhrie, who declared he spoke ou the authority of Mr. Meighen. made Hie following hid for the support of the Progressive group: "Honorable members who form the Progressive group in the House will realize iheir position would be just as strong under a new administration as it is under the present one. They would occupy the same dominant position in the councils of this House which they do today. If a new government were formed and legislation satisfactory to them introduced and proceeded with, there is no reason why such a government should not continue until the end of the parliamentary, term. But we have the safety valve. Should legislation be introduced not acceptable to Ihein. then on account of the peculiar position they occupy they would have the remedy in their own hands." Thai was n pretty higfy bid, so high that it must have sent shivers down the backs of cerla'ijr interests which have been supporting t he Conservative, party and which are looking for payment in legislative favors. It must have been exquisitely irritating to the Tory newspaper which have been taunting the government with its dependence upon the Progressives us something humiliating ntui degrading. Why Should British : &' ' Government Aid Canada. Is it no! about time we gut away from the idea that the British government is Kkely l(( extend financial aid to building railways or otherwise developing Canada. Already the British government is paying practienlly the, .whole cost of protecting Canada with her navy, hhe bore the brunt of the war both financially and with her man power. A a result she is much more heavily taxed than is CaiiHda. For us to ask that she expend money here does not seem reasonable. Let us forget it. If there is any helping to be done, let us help them. They need it most. Today Canada ought to 'be strong enough financially to carry her own burden. If she requires money site can borrow it from those who have it to lend and can pay interest -on the debl giving good security. By doing it that way she is Independent. If rich people of Great Britain wish to sc'iid money here to look after our spiritual welfare, that is their business. If they like to invest money in this country on a business basis, we shall welcome it. What we object In is making proposals that Britain shall aid us to build railways in order to provide an nulle for her people. Ve should do that. We want thne people here and we ought lo be able lo putiiip the money to make it possible for them to come. How can we expect to be looked on a n nation if we still have lb go whining to our mother for aid to build our railways and to get Us (nil of a nasty financial mess which our foolishness has brought upon lis. Where is our dignity? Premier Oliver And General Orilurri Wrong.. - Our opinion is that both -Premier Oliver. and Ocneml Odium nre wrong in their altitude Imvnrd the Old 'Counlry. iV similar proposal was made recently thnl the Brihlf -government shoilld nid in the establishment of steel works in this province. We want the steel works nnd we want railways but we do mil want to ask Great Britain to put money into anything that we cannot guarantee as n straight business proposal. No one expects the proposed railway lo pay dividends oil the bonds Tor years, especially if il remains under government ownership. Money has been .fooled away ou the P.d.K. by the people of British Colombia and British Columbia Will have to stand the loss To try lo slough it off on lo aiivoue else would injure our standing nnd bring the country into discredit. ' IT the Imperial Oovrrnmeiit were in facl an imperial gov- -riiniCIl' ill Dim iimi ..m.i (hilt II.. ............ I ..r it i ' --i i! iimi mi- iKnti-i iiiiiciii in ijiinaiia a crteral govrumeiil. we might go lo them and ask for aid. What we nre asking i that the poor oppressed (ax payer of Britain tax himself yet more heavily in order to relieve n of the duty of paying our share of imperial commitments. You have to chew SHREDDED WHEAT That means sound, healthy teeth Report Adopted and Rough Draft of Estimates Prepared For Use of Incoming Board - ' At the final meeting "f die Prince Hupcrt Library Board held ltisl night in the Lihrary with H. F. Pulleu 'presiding. I lie report of the work of ihe past year was submitted ami ap proved, rough estimates fur Hie cumins year wwre prepared as a recommendation to the new hoard and library affairs generally were discussed. At the close Hie chairman thanked the .members for the manner in which fliey had attended tn their duties iind for the loyally they hail shown. The work of ttie library hint made good progress ami lie Imped (tie new members of the board wodbl carry on and make it a still prealer success than it was at present. The official report signed by the chairman nnd secretary follows: The Report This board lielit twelve regular meetings during the year, a record off Hie attendance nf (lie members is attached. The library was open 2!'U days and a 1.503 books were, THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: IT makes a person feci rather lonesome when he reads that everybody else in the country had a good year, oven the railways. TI1H truth will out . 1 had wondered why Central was sometimes a littlehv last year aid nowvl find she had over a hundred more phones tn watch than during 102 i. WHAT liappineKH can Central fdve Dy moving iirompl nnd quick Hut when she says "line's busy," f loaned, an increase of 2,t7rt! books over last year. . The dailyj average for the year was 111)., Ttie number of borrower on the active lis) at the end of the year, was 2.105. a gain fop the year of 3C.3. The number of books lias been increased by 471 but Ihe number of books donated tn the library lias (Implied tod It a against 251 the previous year. This means that more books will have lo be purchased. The library has been painted and varnished inside and the roof has been made watertight by a roatiu? of "I'rotex" roofing l lie estimates for llie year 1020 are attached for your ap proval, , a lunger amount will be required for rebinding this year! as there are between three and four hundred books requiring attention in this respect at onco, but we have cut down on repair and fuel to effect this. Important Factor That the library has become an important factor in the recreation and education of the people of this city is evident from Hie fjgurcs quoted above, and we earnestly unae the members of the finance committee of the city council for ll2G to pass our appropriation for books in full this year so that the library board can carry on more efficiently and supply the insistent demand that is being made on' them for more books. Miss V. .Mortimer resigned her position as librarian at the end of August and was succeeded by Miss A. 1). Uruikshauk. The retiring members of the board for IV'27 are II. F. Pulleu, O. fi. Hacker. iul .tamos Black1. Ai the close of the meeting the members were entertained for a short time by the chairman at his flat. A-.. with the City Council." If all IIiaIR readers were reimrleri thai'1 , lit'uilin would scare llieni, for jif there's anything in the worUij ja reporter deio.sls ,i& sitting u i Willi (lie ruy uouueir. IN Winnipeg, ..the city that i ciuitcstiiiif the vixU of Vnnetoi-vcr to call ilseif the third city, o sixty mile ,-ile blew last week. Ihe Hiinw wa Jieavy and wet and then to cup ihe climax the electric lights went out. We have had nil those thlmcs happen here hut never all at once. KINCi: they have thai mini mum wiibc hill passed, how about a bill to compel people 10 slaj in bed until, daylight. " i TIIH other day I was asked Very nearly malie me ftirk. wi,y I did ind jjay a few funny - ithiliirs nliniit the ediluriaU ill AHA, the day are ulready af-l'HM ureal and lilifidsoru( ffnillly tinp loiifter and pretty soon I journal. I he diffbililty Is that shall be able 1t IfiJjit.lB with iH0 - crJilnr readsViny stulT and my collar Milton by daylishl. sometimes lakes all the minuter out of it. Thai's the difficulty WHAT is worryintf a lot of.uf hniutr a c(ilhiiuiist. Hut it's people tlij winter Is whelheTdietler than lieinir an editor for I they will .have a chance to doff heir b.v.d.'A this year or tint. HlNCi: it costs two million dollars to fijfhi ho election. 1 sua-t?est that Hie cotiiilr y do wilhout the election and frtvc the two milium to me. A WIXMPKO newspaper bit a dcpartnicnt sailed "HiUIiik In Have only him to Jump on my neck, while he bus all the old cranks in lowii Chewlhtf pieces out of Ills anatomy. HOltX- Three sons and fiv' ihlUKhtets In Xebucinlnezcr. our tabby mi. thai we thought woiibln i ever have any kittens hecause lie waft n he. vt was told. I'oor old Xeb wont wronj' January 20, 1916. Charles iiustiifsiiii. :i.'i:i Ninth Avenue West, is in the hospital suffering; from injuries uflei IniviiiK shot himself in the loweij part of the body while huiiliiifr at Cloyah Hay yesterday. After having aufTercd sevendy from e.x-uosiire and intense pain fur some hours, he was finally brought to the oily by his companion. There will be a jrrand concert in the Presbyterian Hall tonight. Thomas CcClymoiit will net as chairman and, anions those contributing lo Ihe program will be .Miss Stephen, Miss .Margaret Mr-Coll. C. A. (I. Armstrong. ,A. Cbipperlon. Mrs. .larvis Mcl.end. Mrs. James Oarinichael, Mrs. (1. A. Hryant, Mr. iMtlfy, Mr. Kd-inunds, .Miss Harnsley, Miss 1,1). lian Kln, 'Miss I reeinatt, Mr, ntnl .Mrs. n. Patterson, Melh lhivles, U. I). Jones and v Vaiiighan Itavies. The Trades A Labor fioiinell has elec.led officers for (lie year us follows: I'reshlenl, S. ). Mae-ilonald; secretary, V. Thnmpson; vice-president, It. McLean; financial secretary, (leorge Hud-derham; treastii'er. .1. ,. Anderson. Advertise in the Dally New- Victor Northern Electric Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert innv- HEAVY DEMANDS ON LIBRARY IN MONTH REPORTED TO BOARD Librarian's Report Shows 3,303 Volumes Loaned In Decem ber of Which 800 Were Juvenile The regular monthly report of the librarian to the binary board submit led Inst night showed u lolal circulation for the month or IWetnher of a,.'l3 volumes which Tor the 25 days the institution wns open, was an nxerage of 1.12.1 a day. Of the total, fiction made up 2.lll volumes and Juvenile, HOtt. New borrowers registered numbered 1(1, of which juvenile numbered 17. Mlghleen card were cancelled, leaving n lolal borrower' cards mil as 2,1 0(1. or 73 books added lo Ihe shelves during the mouth, fit were 'obtained by purchase and 12 by gift. Fourteen were d.israrded leaving n total liulnber of vnhmtes til t.fiftl. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Oentral Hnh O'Donnell, Anyox; 1'red I'elcrsntt. New Hnxcllon; T. For- In. C.N.Il. Prince Rupert ft. A. Iturle, Vancouver; II. F Allen. Ilnna!!; W II. Manuel, I'rlnce George. resources I V -' ' Powerful Sets for Results ! 7 and 8 Tube Superheterodynes .When you have said "Victor Northern Electric", you have said all . that is best in the fields of music, radio building and cabinet making. Victor-Northern Electric 7 and 8 Tube Superheterodynes, the R-40 and R-41 sets, represent power dependability and quality in every last detail. The fine electrical work, from the making of the parts to the finished product, is all done by the experts of the Northern Electric Company, makers of practically all the telephone instruments in use in the country. The beautiful cabinet work, construction, design and finish, are Victor Standard, the best, as you know. :Sit back, turn the dials to the station you want, and enjoy yourself. Prices, including tubes. R-41 $260.00, R-40 $225.00. Other sets friwt $42 up. Victor Northern Electric Viclnr Talking MachSne Ounpanr nf Cnoniln, I.liolti il IUU1U IUW I UU kaKX 1 I z iidu u & y u yfu Tjim- IL70O0 IMip Antenna Sprcullv lot "! quality' t, tah thr i K-411 Ifcr -Mb ' fTnii" Anirnn BigValues Hiock r.Niw-tiij, pntf LADIES' HIQH GRADE SILK HOSE consisting ol Hie follow grades : Butterfly Ipswich High Orade Elasco High tirade Superior Oi My. Iletinlnr price- 1 On 1.75. Sale Prices 95c to $1.25. f'.nnte rarlv ntul avoid n rush Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prlnoe Rupert, B.O. Office Hotirfi 0 to fl. X-Ray Sarvlol Phon 888. Open Tuesday, Thurndft)' and Saturday Kvenlngs