25 TAXI Ambulance nnd Boston Grill Larsr Iipatair Dining; llal!, Service wlh newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime, floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. .,, NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. in PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for Hie MATT VIDECK, Prop. "in, -iht try least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper YOI, XVI NO, Hi PHINCE HI PEnT, H.C., WEDNESDAY. JA.NL'ARY Stt, n2(j. Yeltrda'f Circulation, 1198 Slrrrl al, 4V7 PRICE FIVE CENTS. ROBERT FORKE SPEAKS FOR PROGRESSIVES nam urge, tow raiwais cohpiy porfa irges as Solution Deadlock IDecares he got no hid port but group found itself in difficult position just now OTTAWA. Jan. 20. Kinphuli. alls and poi'icly Hubert II , kf Progressive leader, denied ji ri corned any bribe nr hid in t lie negotiations wliirh pre-i ! : I Mm- i tin ,ii Mill- in Ilif House uf Oimtlioil la.l week. f M I'orke, e.ikiiig in 1 lie In ' -pee. h Hum Hit- tlirune, said "I never got "" liiil; I never! c fii ii n bribe. H T i.it !i all interview H'l - - v gn up willi Premici r I0UNDARY IS VERY ANNOYING Businessmen Forced to Abandon R Trip to Dawson by Airplane, I Says' Story f V VM Ml I It. Jan. :o. A -Hal dil"K h l the I'riiuiire i)i'-.'hl,i) iay lieorc I Hack, . . .1... .... Til ' II1" ' ' " ' 1 Mi 11 lll'l"""' the ;ii,ui(iitlrit of Hie. reiri lini iwn lakaii lilne-iinMi w o i fin ii'ii iii aiMMoin an iiii-jil.ii" a' i Iii- I'anaillan bomiilar)' junl . .mi i mii- iln trip to llawKon v ihv 'I'-'l "Wing me .aiia- I .. i. ..I... I- l .. .. . I -I t.l .-.........l I.. Illlllu :l.r WU lUNYltilUN5 IN COUNTYCOURT TODAY man Remanded Until Wednesday of Noxt Week For Sentence In tin-4".iuniy tUtiiil tlii inorn- ii t tu fnre .hnlj:e Yomip. U II. lhnirne wa fnllll'l Knilly "f Mini money umler fnUe pre- IriiiT-. lie wa renianih'il nnlil t W eilni'Mlay when he will eiiine up fur hpnlenef. Another rae Irieil in Hie '(unity I'inirl Ihiii niomiin; wnc thai in whieli fiennjre Sarkman n riiiix irteil of haxiiiK in hN lir.-i'niiii mi offensive wenpeti. He nlno I rentniiilPil nnlil nexl Veilneilay fur ieiilenee. MYSTERIOUS DEATH VANCOUVER HOSPITAL Police Think It Was Poison But Doctors Unable to Diagnose Tho Case VANCtil T.ll, Jan. U'O. l.inesl . ItlaekiiHM'- win liikmi In Hie liOMptlnl late ysleiilny' where he died four hours later. The police are working on Hie theory Unit he man vn poioiiei. Iorlor. are unable lu iliaitnoe Ihe cause uf liin ilealh. EMBARGO PLACED ON WINNIPEG ELEVATORS INNII'lUi. Jan. 20. An nil lmrao linn been plnccil upon grain coniiiitt to Winnipeg ami SI. Iliiiilfare eli'valnrs anil mill Ingr conipanieji. ANu there arc renlrirrhuH on uratn woiiiK to Hie lake head. Coalition to Present in Commons from Liberals for sup lul inglil (hut Hie Progees.ive debate on Uie address in replvl by some oilier members of Hie Markenxic King anil willi llon.t Arthur Meiglicn. Mr. Forkc ald;a"u""1' ''inner meeting U which he had rather doubled the wl-jw""l " "U merchant o' .lulu rtf tbr illusion u a iiece of l,e cil' aIK' all fishermen id the political lactic, hul he was I"""1, irrespective of whether lioiuiil to .h he taw nothing di- "' Hiy belons t eithei As- honorable in it. ellucr lu Premier ocialion. lirorge lliyanl. ne.-Kii-i nr in Mr. Mew: hen ur to the r Helnil M. n liai.! A- l'nwreiie. INerytliim; wai open ami abate board. Hie lruKrix Mr. Furke a iryniK po.uion. ine power whirh had be-n put ml" their Muni wa none of Ibeir eekir. Hut the wen- ImiieMtly ettteMvir Inu In ne that power for the Uimh nf I he rimiilrv. lie llioiixllt that if a few really .'nihle I'aih-eraliw mill l.iberaU jtul to-jteilier willi Hie I'marexlve. miie -c.IiiIhiii m'iKliI le found for the preeii illffieilll ie. In reply In a iiiii'tinn. Mr. Fork e ail: "I wonhl favor any roalilion to ge ii out of our I rouble." APPEAL DISMISSED rRINLh utUKllh lAbt'r atehins Hie fish and sccu.t J. C. Pldgeon Who Was Fined $100 and Costs for Conducting Gaming House Must Pay VIOTUIUA, Jan. i The eourl of, appeal iinaiMiiiiilKlv ilif iiii.iil Ihe appeal in Ilex v.. I'iiUeou. The appeal wa Inketi by J. I.. l'iil-eoii of Prinre ileorin from a convielion by Slipemliaiy Mas-Ifilrate (iwirpe .Mllbitrn of that cily. I'iiliietiu, who was eoiivieteil ni coiiiliiflnn: a aniiiis lioue mi der the name of lite I'rinee lienrne tllub, win fined I Oil w ith 1 .75 eo'tx or in ilefaull fourteen day. MANY HOMESTEADS" TAKENMNG YEAR WINMI'l.ii. Jan. .. More than .UiVi linine-iiailf were taken up in Western liauada dur- aeeorUin to figure! oli- Inined here. Tliin is a slipht in crease oer It' -'I. inning flic !ame perijid, IKii Mildlcr grants were applied for bi-iiiiriiiff the lolal nercauo of new lands settled to tsriH.ahO. The number of liomrslcads and soldier grants taken up dttrirt,' the year in each province , in shown as follows: Manitoba. 53; Saskatchewan, S, (; Alberta, 1.(15: Itijlish Columbia, I5H From April I. to November .10, 1025. a lolal of 1. 1 Ml liiiine.iteail ami soldier pranln were taken up in the I'rinee Albert division, re. present iiiR 1 7 . 5 r. 0 acres. Moose Jaw mid Kdmiinlnti district uliowed substantial increases ,er I 'it p:'v i""- V'ar. FISH MARKET Scheme Outlined Last Evening to Retail Merchants' Association by Representatives of Boat Owners For t lie purpose of obtaining (lie ami-dance of business into -est in the rily in connection willi plan- thai are under war fur I lie co-operative uiacrluig r lialiliiit ui tlii port, a deli -gat ion from I lie Canadian llaliln.l lln-i' Owner' Association me! and ;) irt-t.l t lie detail Menliaii! Association U it, dinner meei -Injr in the St. Itrjfis CaTc las nil: III. 'Mir speakers on licli.i.l, uf the IioiiI owners were Capt. Da! l.aiscn. CajiJ. J. Chris' i.ti sen and (i. W. Nice rsori. 'I ll Ie,",!,, it was made tu i-Hi ueiallon, iHTDpici) niair ir taut iili.-hl meeting. Marketing Scheme iiiv of liie pla. oulline.l at I lie n lust hml In do with Ihe mellnni of marke? ina. The vosel landing fish at au port would ri'i'ort n eal. , i the aaint provided by Hie as siTialion and thin aenl would arrange for the ale of the fi.i ngn-emeiil would friso Hie assooinlioii. throu's'h its a?en'. autliority to delei uiiuc how Hie fish fthould be sold and the ijii.inlily wlihdr yliould be sold Then in tin: nul that the fresh fjsb market was not able to lake the whole ealeh at prices which would enable Hie ship owner and Mm f iliiai-tiieii li realize liie en!1! a fair return Uicreror. Hie association would see Ihe umnuiii nf frusli fish which Ihe market would take at reasonable and fatt prices and would arrange fur Hit frceiiiig Of Ihe balance of the. fidi until siieh a lime as there was a market for the same. "I'll i function of Hie association would be one of Ihe most important fum lioiis thai it could lie possibly e.eiei!e since the surplus fish on the market are a I way used to control Hie price of the entire eulcli. It would be ab- olulely neies.ary Ihal the as sociation control Die disposition of Hie surplus in order that a fair price for the normal demand le nsMtred. Pooling In order (hat all luemlii'rs of Hie nxMtcintion iuilil participate eipially In its nilviiulajtes, Hie inarkcliit contract would prob ably provide for a pool uf the fish sold at any port, which pool in :.' lit be a daily pool or a weekly pool us nienihiTs of the association dec'liied best suited to the interest of the industry. Thi pool would enable all ship owners and fishermen lo receive Ihe' ame price for Ihe same grail) ami . quality of fish. II would permit a disposition of the surplus as 'outlined inasmuch as il would provide for Ihe distribu tion of all Hie proceeds of fish sold fresh and of any money realf.cil on Ihe financing uf fUli I lial was frozen equally 11111011? all the fish owners and fisher men bused 011 the proportion uf Hie quantity and grades, of fish eauulit by Ihe respective ships, Judge F. Mcll. Youiik will leave on loniwhl's steamer for Any x ami Stewart nl which poinU lie w !! Iiultl na'ut ali.,at:'"n iou"t . Li iKi an r - VHHB7 'HBBB HHtfl BBMBBaBPBHBa ' hSK( SpBBbBBBB KaBHE 1 Hk VLHEfBffOEBSBs JH BS VBBHHHHHBa'iHHI I'I.ans Ai.nrtlH m;i:nin l ieu!. Jli:i Maui 1 adv. avoeil( for Ins flili' a' Melamk 1 iehl .. in wliieh he hopes to risi-eiaht" miles, to break Ibe aliunde ni-ord of :tl,5H0 feet. ejldished by Hie Frenchman. Calliro. Hi electrically heal fit suit is I noil with silk and feathers. IS AGAINST EXPORT DUTY President of United Farmers Urges to Fight Infernal Thing to Death CALGARY, Jan. 20. H. W. Wood was unanimously reelected president of the United Farmers of Alberta this morning for the tenth term. Declaring It was possible that the Imposition of an export duty on wheat would become an Issue, Mr. Wood appealed to the delegates to "fight this Infernal thing to the death. If we can't fight It In any other way Let's appeal to Intending Immigrants of every foreign country: "For God's sake, don't come here." John W. Allen, marine en trincer for the Dominion Fisher ies. arrived in Hie city on the I'rinee Unpen today from Van couver, lie i here on denar! eidat duties. Oliver Wants Railways to Obey Order of Board Completely and Impatient v IliTOIllA, Jan. 20.- Hritisli Columbia's rigid for low er wesl 1 mi ml gram rales did not Premier Oliver, nitninenling on fiuy wth mams omb LOG OUTPUT FOR SEASON ToUl For This District Was 135,. 27,343 Board Feet besides ;Po!es, Mies and Ties NEARLY 2,0:0,000 POLES Largs Cut During Year But Not Record Owing to Closing of Several Mills The total tux output for the year in lliis district as repre-i se t cd ly Hie official scale of Hie ir-iry depa.-lmeni, was ,15,- it.tii boanl feet iti addition lo eve at million feet tifdes. ami tie.. While this was u a re year, fining lo the -si. v uf some of Hie' mills, it W". a taer m' and represents a aze aiiiiuiii of money. Mnme of the lo'-s were en to the paper malts to be ground into pulp and Hul remainder were cut Into umner The details of the Vear 11 111 board feet follows: Douiitas Fir I,l3,0nj II U --dar t$W?a3.lJ3 nasi Spruce fiu,;7i!;tia lemiok 3o,yio,yr5 p.i'sam . , MC I'uie 'lypr'ss II I;f :ior Soiuce .. .. l,U5.0?3 Aide 1 ,1tff5 YMotiwooi 7?3,3t2 Tlal 135.3S;I3 Poles an- all measured by lineal feet and piles t the same. Itailway lies .ire coupled individually and fence poss, pulpwood ami cordwood is all measured by Ihe cord. The output of these, for Hie jear follows: Fides .. ,3l.m tspruce I'ites 3,872 Hemlock I'iles .. .. l3(t,i7U Cedar I'iles ClO.OiO i'ordwood 2,717 Shingle Molls 317 Fir Ties .. ....... U),WJ Suruee Ties . S uftl . - - - - - - - -, - - Hemlock Ties Fi,lti I'ine l ie.. 7 1 tOOO Fence l'ot .132 December Scallngs . The scale for the month Of December was ..mall for logs but nearly four hundred thousand lineal feet of poles were meas ured and u quantity of cedar piles. The month's figures fyl low : Hed Cedar I,'.'(it),ural Coast Spruce ... i.Oa'J.yjo 'lemlock l,,.t5C,l33 Italsam Jack I'iue 1,0.1 1 Interior Spruce . . 187,013 Coltonwood . 12,223 Total .. . 8.253,8 i 1 1'oles 3U3,llo Cedar I'iles k V0.785 Cordwoml ... ' 2ii0 ShiniHc Dolls 120 Fir Ties . . . 2i5 Spruce Ties 71 Hemlock rr.r. I'ine Ties . . 111,831'. Pulpwood . . . 1 to at Delay of Ruling end willi today's decision, said Ihe failure of Ihe anneal of Hie Montreal Hoard or Trade against Hie recent railway commission's older, upholding u Crow's Nest schedule rr Hie west. Mr. Oliver b.l Hie railways litul mil yet Hilly obeved the oiilcr equalizing Hie weslboiind rales willi Hie easHioiiml. 'So far as I can sec. there is no reason why Ihe hoard could nut rentier 1111 early decision on that point, us our application lias le?oti before it (n long time," he conrludcd. English Women Spend Hundred Million Dollars a Year Mre for Hairdressing than formerly LONDON. Jan. 20. Allliuiigh England' uneniploved number well over Hie nullum mark, no barber, or coiffeurs are included among lhoe drawing a government dole. Slatistic show that women are spending approximately $1011,000,000 a year more with hairdressers than they did before bobbing and shingling became fashionable. . ". It is estimated thai seven million women and girls oer sixteen cars oi age or more Ihaii half the rctnale population of Engiaud and Wale-, ace wearing short hair. Hairdressers are rushed, necessitating Hie importation of -'artist," rn)n) abroad. COOLER WEATHER AT S1EWART AND ANYOX Two Inches of Snow Fell During the Night at Smlthers With Cooler Condi'Jons The wealhT report today indicates I hat collier weather iv prevailing at .-tewart and Anyox where for some lime there has been rain and wet snow. Therw was two inches of snow at withers jlurin? the nisdit and Ihe thermometer i down lo tP there. The report follows: Terrace Cloudy, calm: te- Any.-i:iear. ta aim: tempera ture I'll Stewar: Clear, calm; temier-ature. 17. Ilazelton- -Cloudy, calm. Sinilhers Cloudy, calm: leni-p-eature. 19: two inehea of .snow-fell during the nishl. Hums Lake Cloudy, calm: temperature. 21. Prince Ituperl Cloudy, calm: 'temperature. 31: slight frost during melit. , mm mm CANADIANS MISS OPPORTUNITIES AMERICANS TAKE -.Vancouver Star. Canftua has greut uppurluni- tios for young men. If, how ever, a young niau would sooner go oer to Hie United Stales and take a job clerku in some big city than remain here ud es tablish a fortune, wrestling with Hie problems which confront the pioneer and builder, why should he not lie allowed lo go? While your 'fitly thousand' were tieailing over liie uoruer seeking easier jobs, -.cores of trained and experienced yuun; Americans were coming lo Can- nla to take executive positions in mills, mines and hydro-elcclric positions in mills, mines and hydro-elect rie operations at sal aries running from 95.000 to $15.nno and more a year. "We can only buibl up Canada by heing mure loyal to our own people ami our own institutions. ' VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked. Wheal 1.03 H C. P. It 118.00 H.C. Silver.,..-....., l.fiO 1.72 jUlailstono .33 .30 HazelUm . ,01 .02 I- A 1.. a i . .15 Premier 2.1 1 2.25 Porter Idaho .00 .l Silver Cre.t ; ,A$, Sui r Inlet 08 la .10 Terminus .10 It. W. Cameron, who gave up jewelry business in (he city sonir months ago. refin-ned from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert In day and may decide to resuin'.' resolenre here Mr Cumerpn and family are at p:'ocni ui Van c ouver. PRESBYTERIANS HOLD MEETING Three Added to Board of Man agers and Mc.lae Becomes Congregational Secretary The annual ' congregational meeting of Hit- First Presbyterian Churca was held last night, Itev. Dr. Charles J. Cameron presiding. About fifty .persons attended and them was a lengthy disjissioa,oa.Ihi: qurUuu.of ex? lending a call to fill the vacancy-in the pastorate. No definite de cision, however, was reached. three new members F. (1. Dawson. Hubert Cameron, and It. F. McNaughton were elected to Ihe board of managers which already consistH of AM. Jpe. Hreer, Eddit inilli. (Seorge IlOrie, John Currie, Jarvis Mcl.eod, and Sam Mas..ey. D. C. Mellac was ejected con gregational secretary,, lo succeed J. h. Christie, resigned. Iteports from the board of managers. Ladies' Aid and Sunday School were received and various votes of thanks were passed. ALASKA PACKERS LOST MONEY LAST SE4S0N CANNERY OPERATIONS Paid Dividend of $2 a Share. According to Report Just' Issued SAX FHANCISCO, Jan. 20. The annual report of tho Alaskt Parkers Association .shows a loss tin cannery operations in Hie Associations" fifteen plants for the year IU25. totalling 8175,020. Miscellaneous earnings including insurance fund amounted t 5'.i8,l 18. The asociulion announced that 1 tl ivi.lt ml cf 2 a share 011 stock ias been paid during 1023. WALL COLLAPSED AND BURIED A GARAGE IN WHICH WERE 30 CARS TOJiONTO. Jan. 20. - Several were injured although none seriously when a portion or a brick wall or Hie Toronto Feather it Down Company's, plant collapsed resterday; endangering (lie lixes it hundreds. Tons of debris destroyed an adjacent garage, nuryiug ttiiriy or more c,ars. The Jainage. it is estimated, will Hinounl to 100.000. OTTAWA FIRE CAUSED LOSS ABOUT $100,000 m'VWA. Jan. .'0 Fire tins morning caused loss amounHiig to l00.000 nf JhA Maytio Davis Lumber Company's jacds.