m I Guaranteed "J Selected for quality, blended for flavour, pasteurized for pur ity, wrapped for cleanliness, we put our name on it and assume a moral responsibility for every ounce of it that goes on your table. Always look for the Kraft label Free R-tip Boo!, Write Ki.ft MuLatra Chrrit Co. LlJ. McabcaL SUPREME COFFEE "The Coffee that has 'em all beat" JJ 4 . ' I tdf'.l" ! I " ,,..t jr' M . - i and .Tell you grocer "It must be "SUPREME" Ladies CALL n-ul m-ipr -I our imw !mes of Nursery Shoes for Children Very strong and endurable. ami rcanonably priced. Family Shoe Store Phone 357 There arc still Some Bargains Left m odd ntnl end, nil lt be cleared (nit at jrive-nway ' prices. ACME Importers Third Avenue j development llil dulrii'l Uv. .I Will lir Mirparcd iy J2(5. LDuriiw Use 1025 the following fourteen properties in Die dis trict Iilpp4.l nre: Premier, n,C. Silver, Indian, Silver Creni, JI.C. Hum. (Jutland Silver. Mar. Canlu. Ilivemidi', llomctakr, pnrlet Idaho, lb .V t,h flolflie, llayvios and Term In ne. Winter develop. tiMMil work I now brjina carried out on lln ffloriti, Porter Main-, Silverado, Ulacier Creek, Ituti- iwi'll, Albany, l.akeview, I., ami I... Kmpenir, Ore Mountain, Independence, Itivemide, Moiinlain View. Premier, It.C.. Silver, ,a-fionnl Silver, Hijr Mifmri, Silver Creni aixl I itl Im f i. Til annual elry meeting of si. Mark flfmrrli wan held re-eiilly, officer for ll2rt being Heeled a follow: wlur' warden, (i. C. Andrew; people' warden. II. (i, .Marvin; -ecrelHry-tr.a.iirer, l. ft. Jack; vestrymen. -.ipt. A. I. Swan, 1. Howler, II. .. lleniietl. II. I. Itochforl and John Scull. Ilavin receive. I w ord I hat hi fnther wa nerHfimly ill. Ilomei I irklln left la-1 vw-H fur Salem. Irejfoll. S. it. Lawrence ha purchaneii . list Mr. KHrlonei' of Sueic. i.Mulaihl. the iullieal earner of S -venili ami Oilumloa Strei-l n.i winch he will erect in the prtnr an office and residence limliliny. The conn) met ion of a new a uart at Slewurl will he reemi-H' uili'd In (In- li'.lerjl aiilhoritiCft v J I'. Forde. lil ru-i engineer ' lie pulilii- WMrim department, vvtiii ikiled here lal week. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" ii. iti. fiaim IIM lino imjt ni iintisry. mvi wnniW MrliflO innav J. woon KtliUrtnt. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. NOTICE. Apptlctl Oratlnf Pfmlt for Iht Ston of .Vn4lrallMii ft Tmll- In srti IKf iinV I la- itran nnn within mil rrirms itllrtri irf ttm I'milarr it Hnil-li ..liiimtli. nm l I nlml ltll llM I'H-Il n r.r-Mf l fori Orpftr, kliJ, i-lwrti. rnnr rittr"i. vineomer. m William Ukf. ! 1 ttrturr Vlarth 1IH. It Kimk firfiiu wnuii wbtrb to ulini4t ip liratnti iiM)r m tliliiiiel frwil III lu.irlrl lrfrf 11 iih lve mmwl i4ii-. tnmi llw M-rliHrttl of J1 1 1 11 mrn, p i . i. n. UiKi, ttrpuiy MtnMer r IjiuI tirimriliirfll 'if IjihM. VirlurM. B.C.. Jtnmrr till. ttj. LAND ACT Notlc r InttnUon to Apply to Lnait Ln4 In tho Onrrn Ctwrtnlte lOinds Mtlrlrl, lnut hreiintiii liltirlrt f Prlnr Riiporl. imt nliuil mi th FrtlKir f Yeun Pit. Vitl inlrl. TAkK OTICf: lhal riirrw II, nimpnn. r uxwii (KTiimilnn rmiMTV uiaiutrr. Intrndu 10 nrtly for a leai of ihe follow-Ins ilenrrllwl lnl: ruliimrnrins 11 P""i nnii n in' tilth wsur mark almiil tu rlulnn "l rrmn the tKirthMM rurmr or lot tS0: ih.n mirth in frl in Itiw walrr liurki Ihrni-e iH.rtburMm.v H'O ffft iikm ofi lc; ITwnr wrfl l i""i 1" nr imrui-wrt mmr uf E. II. ninipn- ippll'S-1 1' in I" Icsm"; lliemt- Mlhflrly fol-lowinr Ihr Mill witi-r mark In th Ix'lr.t nf nninnr?iiiint, and rontalnlns two irr. ' mow or ) runs-NC n sivirno?i LAND ACT, Nolle Of IntSntlon to Appir Appllranl. rer rrea. nam. naroi to Laa III the lne MuihtI Land nerordnis liistrlri am) iluate on an unnanird llrt in the Kaifrn nuraiir 10 iiihIiiii Bay l'arf near Diuulaa Inland. Hlue Print TAKE. M'TlCK that Oenrr Oonlon Buh bv of rrlnre lliiperi. B.C.. Mannfarliirfr iiilpiuK in apply rnr 1 le of ihe fol (ltfiriiM-i1 lamia: f-.miij-lirllir ! a IMt Pltliat On S parity nbiiHTlrd rerf uf Mrk radiallnr from aine In prafllrally a rtrrle, havlns a raitlin or aumi i.suo ir aim m lalnlnr fOO arre, rnmre or leva. oEonoK ooiino.N BUSttBYi Hew. lh IN PROBATE. In tha (uprama Court of Brlllah Columbia III ttie Mailer of ihe Administration Art: In the Mailer of the F.lte of Hannah . r .... .Jul Inlectale. TAKE MlTICK thai by order of III; hnniHir F. MrH, Yiinr. tl' ll ay of l.rieinlier. AH. !. I PIV:1,"' Vdiiilnli'traliir of Ihe ealale of I aniiab l","t lerriell. and ll Irth hln rlalinn asain.l Ihe Mid eaiale are hereby reotilred In fnrnlnli l,"'l,'r''l,"Hr', fir I. lo me on or l-rre he nth day .r February. A.P, !. and all . parties TERRACE NOTES Mr. ami Mr. Kdcnliaw of Maell, (J.C.L. who have be'n vf-ilm? with their daughter. Mm, Fred .Vih, of Terrace, returned on Monday nioi-ninir In Prince IIUpTl. Mr. and Mr, llatf. of Sfiiilhcr, wliii have njienl jevernl da liefe jM h ie( of Mf. and Mr-. .1. More Had retifrne.l Imme on Saturday ni?lil. Mr. and Mr. II. M. WiNon and family have relurned to Terrace from Harclion where they have heeji livinjf for Ihe ial four monlhx. Mr. W'iUon hao completed du work on 1 lie .Niirnen Home there which he had the. contract for IniildiiiK. Mr. (Hi ri-tic returned on Saturday night from I'ririee Itiipcrl where nhe went for medical ad-Vice. She expeff In leave fo-nixhl in company wllh her hro Iher for the prairie', where le ( iroinit in the hope of henefil. Iln hpr health. ,'J'hey will ho accompanied a far a luntnr H.C. hy Mr. r.hriUc and unit William, who expect in pcnd muii" lime at lhal place. III the ahenre nf l'reide J, Mur.' Halt. Mr. Ceore l.ill presided over the monlhly ineel-IfiK of the Pareiil-TeHcher Association held In lro?rei Hall Mi Thursday eveninsr. Aflero(Kl routine huine had heen carried n, an auction look place of Over one hundrcil people .al-tende (lie Memnrial Serivee held In O.W.V.A. Hall on Sunda? inomina in trilmle In the late Onnlahle J. P. F.SIeliaw. The (ilnwiust trilmle wn paid the i!eeeed hy holh npeaker. Iur- I112 the nervlce Oeorce F.. Keith anir 'T-'ace lo Face." Word had been received, from the noulL that inorninir that the remain would lie laid lo rel on Mou daV l. S. tliinny, dllrirl foreter, I a hulnen vinlinr in town ur- rivius nu Saturday nishl' train. Ansu llruce who ha been npendln? nnme lime clearit land on hi hnldingn in the Kallmt Valley left cm Monday morninK for Prince Hiip'ert. Mr. Woodward of the Hank .vl Mnnlnal. lefl nn Saluiday ulpli? on a nhort hiiliien.n trip in ol''Prne' ltiipert.V-4encviii'i here iliiriiiF hin ahence. Ianderhoof John II. McMillan wan elected preideni and David W. Iiouald. .ccrelary. al I lie annual nieelintf of the Xechakn Farmer' In- lilulc which wan lu'ld hern lat week. Iluy .h II n rt man ha been elected president of Ihe Mape Farmer' lnlilule and Wilfrid S. Oihh, neciclaiy trcaniuer. Mi .McNeill nf Prince llupert i viiliiiir here wilh Mr. and Mr. 5eorj.e Snell. The Women' Auxiliary ban elected officer a follow: pro vident, 'Mr. Piitnipttr; vlcc-pre nident. Mr. May; necrelary, Mr. line; execullvp, Mr. Arnilnlinw and Mi. (2. lltipfe. At the nnmiiil iiieelincr nf th.1 l.adie.n' Aid Society held here Ian! week, officer for Ihe year were elected an follows: pronldcnt, Mm. ll. II. Still I Is ; vice-pieldeut, Mm. James W. Campbell; necr Itiry Ircasurcr. Mrs. U. II. Man nelli executive, Mr. A. II, Laird and Mm. it. C. Al.ln.ll; yinilln; Indebted lo the eMale. Sre reunired cOIHHlilfCC. Mm. V. lion StOll ma roruinun. nhUN A WATT. . ... h Itriieiai jiniiimiKir!'", ITlnre llupert H.C. Datsd Us (lb day of Jsousrjr, kd. Ittt, Advertise la the Dally New. TflR DAILY NEWS ' DISTRICT NOTES AND NEWS ANYOX, STEWART. QUEEN CHARLOTIt ISLANDS & INTERIOR POINTS STEWART The year 1(125 wan Ihe n far an reirardn mininit ALICE ARM A development tunnel in bein driven on, (he Succe properly. 1 mile from town, which In owned hy J. A. McDeiinaid, W. A. Wllnon, J. A.. Wilon. t;. William and .lack O'llara. O.car Flint.. lef. Iat week for the otilh where lie will pein cveral inonlti on huine ji. conneclion wild Ihe Kilaull Hiver X hevcJopuienl tin. John Sialic, watchman of the holly Varden mine, who wan in town lal week, reported that there w:i only 2H inche of-uov al the mine. Afler npcndlnn the pant fevv month here vi'tlin wilts her ninier, Mr. !. V. Hriisfry, Mr. U M. Wilnon han relunied , her home in Victoria accompanied hy her two -tiillren. TELKWA The mild weal her necinn (j have been the caue of much ickne, and there i an epidemic of tad cold anions Ihe children. On Saturday lllshl Ihe orchen-Ira held Ihe firl of a neric of fortni'lilly dance. The crowd wa not larjjc, Jiut llin.e who wenl i-eporled a fine lime and miiic. Norman McMillan in buy numerous article donated hyjhaulinz lie for Mr. Simpson Ihe incniher toward Ihe piano fund. 'I"he nut of fourteen dollar wan realized a a re. nil. noticc or aeeucATioa roe attaiiiiciiitter or ine iieiickNti apu U"?.Cl iOildfellow Uhljje- paraded to the Mnut l iirKtBV uivr ihit on ii hall In a ioly. The nuj.ic wan VlKl lU) ut llrui Hrit IIn ulHl-T'lrunl, , . . .. ' . . hhmmJ i.. ni) i.. iiw i.kM- .iimi 1 lel hy the I1.W.1.A. orehetra ll;;U:rTrrr.,rs..n,r'"'I.oe,l of Mr. Alw.,l. I.. II. .wium-Mi iioiei. .itiui. i iiw mrHrr Kenney, and I J. Tumuli. II lira I r 1 iri Hhiw mt llfhih nir. riisu, , ..... r t-rtiMv Huiwri. ur iiw uwta ttrrnua I'ean Marh eonilucltl I lie .cr- lrp Ior ". a"l "ev. J. Map tl. l-rtw Heprrl l and K1lrlHin. iMMri.i. m Hi- it.io of Hnu.n iimi-.H, Vouiitt iioke fin behalf of the lit tlv Mn tMitii fnr eunMnnt.itcni n tb I.O.O.I' . and Itehekall Inde. A party nf ynunp people drove from Ti mot hy lllll to the Catl Wake'field ranch nn Saturday niglil. I lancing and pame. wer enjoyed until inidnighl wlien Mr Wakefield nerved lunch. There neein to be a decbieii limine in the weather, and al lium! h II in not rold U ronnideT-al.le auioiiiit of now han falter. diirfriK the pal few )tay. This hieann a lot in lhoe 111 the coal and tie hiiiuc.. lnMvlor Aclaird of the It. C. M. P. iiled Ihe local dominion H.i-c ihi- lil week. Ilev. (iihoti nf Suiithem held nerviee in H. Meplien l.lilircll. lelkwa, on Sunday. Al a meejiiia: of Ihe Citizen" Annociation held in the local Library on Thurday II wa de rided In hold a novelty dance nn February Ifi. 11. II. Phillip and A1. Maplctou were appointed to look after nrraimeinenl. A wedding nf inlere! In many felkwaile took place in Prince (Senrpe on December JO, whett Ml. Florence (Mac McLean be came Ihe bride of .lneph Le 1ll of .1. I.eltoi of St. Paul de MeUn, Alberta. ; Mr. ' I.e Itni hlvislil nchiv)! anl year al Itoiin.l fjie ahd ban many friend thr re. Prince Oerjie, Mrj. M.trltUU;M'r. and Mr, l.elttii are al p?ei eni living n( Diiner.' The male clement nf Ihe town i hiiy preparing a prfaxram for a ninoker In be held on Hum's Ulylil. On account of mild weather cniil hauling ha Mopped for (he lime beinsr. A concert in hilled In lakeplac ai Hound Lake on Friday, February 12. .ludjriiiR by report nf Relation of the Liver and Kidneys Such that each auffort when other dranfi Beth refu-laWd by Dr. Chase's Kidney LWtr Pills. an ine work to ao. Hence the befinntng of trouble it usually bill6usnet, indicestion and conatlpation and after m time the kidneys bet; in to be affected and there tome backache. Urinary derangements ahd kidney disease. . The remarkable Kieceja pf. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills la due to their unique, combined , action on the liver, kidneys and bow Sis. They tt ,t the etuM of trouble and rcmov It no matter how complicated it may be. Promptly and thoroufbly they rleanM the bowels or Ihtestinea, arouse the It yes action and tWreitnsrrwWkin.i An Infallible Guard according to Celtic mythology, was the HEIMDAL, perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acute that he could hear the wool growing on a sheep's back His eyesight was so keen he could see everything that happened even though it occured while he slept. Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for you. It guards you against fraud and inferiority. It protects you against making unwise and unsatisfactory purchases. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to protect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these names by selling any bat good goods of full measure and fair price. So, you can bank on this. Advertised goods must be as advertised. That is why it pays to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised products. Advertising is your guard the one held last year, thin dale in worth keep ins open. Thin enncert i beins given by the. Frunolhy Hill and Hound Lake bankelhall team. A dance will follow. The W.A. of SI. Stephens Church held it regular Ineeliiis: at the home nf Mr. W. It. tlould- w'ell on Tueday. BURNS LAKE .A new tiniolhy need cleaner bftntheen. .tuliilleij here by JJie ffreThtppafffffc'nl of afrri'ciil-I lire wilt he a .'real boon to the farmer nf the dilrict and already it in beinj lined by peo- iple from Wintaria, Uolsa Lake, (Sransy Plain, Danskin, F'rancoin Lake and other local point. F.. M. Ifcileon ha left for the Kanlcrn Stale where he will spend llie winter, ri'luniiiin here in the .-print'. F.nroule ennl he will vlnlt al Kalinpell, Molilalia, with bin iler, Mm. C. L. Km- 1110114 i i Mm. Frank 'Slcnrn.n, who ban been on the prairies for several ! month, returned to Iturns Laku lllil. week. A (lie niovlnfr picture here ha been conducted at Whet, the liver become. Juh , i lo' S. '!" M torpid in action, the kidney. TTavi i to i1" l"',,""1",,, " "lsl nwp qui witn tti oric m filtration. ! now ii lM ,m ?lls th nve week. will be jiiveii here Hun Jack So your falfier deimir red al first liecaun he didn't want to loe sou? Klliel Yes, tint I won his con-ent. I told hiin that he neeit m TIMBER SALE X7427 sealed Tender will l received by the MlnlMer of Lnd at Victoria int later than fx mi on the ?lb day of January, lt, for the pun-haw of Licence X74J7, to cut l.an.euO feel of Spruce, Hemlock; and Odar on l.nl 1310 Llna Ifland. Sklde , rate Inlet, oneen r.liarhiue Marnl IHMrlrt. Two U i years will be allowed for re i moral of timber. i Further particulars at Ihe Chler Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forener Prime llupert. B.C. . TIMBER SALE X 7370. Sealed Tenders will be received by lh Minister of Lands st virions not laler than noon on the Slat day of January, tv6, ror the purchase of Licence XIl'O, to rict cSH.eSV lineal reel of (Mar Poles snd rilinf on an area situated about three miles weM of Port Clements, Ors-haln Inland, Uueen Charlotte Itland DIs-Irlct. Three ii) years will be slkiwed for removal or Umber. Further particulars of the thief Forester. Virions, B.C., or District Forester. Prince Hnnerl. H c WATER NOTICE, Dlnaralon and Us. TAWF. MlTICK that Wallace Flherle LInilteil. wlH.se sddre is no Vannniver Him a. VaiH-uiivrr. H.i.. win appiv ror a, til-cure In take and ue Si ruble feet per remind or water out of unnsmeit creek. ali known a Slrslhnma creek.) which riows westerly and drams Intoi niver Inlet about son i-baln imrlh of llie siHilhwriit rorm-r or l.nl SS4. Tib water will be diverted rnmi the stream at a point about ii.au i-halim up stream rr.nn the natural millet ur -reek. and) will he ueil for Imlmlrlsl end domestic j pur! uimiIi the land denrrlbed Loll SI. lunre , Cit Dlnlrlrl. .Xole: lHiiellr ue 1 ono mllmi ler day. I This notice va pitted on the sn.iiml or the tl dav or December, lSi. A ei.py or Ihi notice and an applii-alloii punmanl therein ami to the -Waler Art" will be nieil In Ihe ofrtce id" Ihe Water Recorder at Vancouver, B.C. objections to th ai.Ollratk.li may be filed with the ilil Wa'er llecordcr or wllh the Comntrollcr Pf Water Hlartit. I'arliament Bulldinss. I Vlrlcrla. B.C. within thirty day arirr thei nrl appearance nf thl notice In a loral liwir. Tlie date or Ihe rirst publlra tlmi or UiK hnllce u JaniiSfy isth, ISfi. WALLA I'F nnilKHIKS LTD.. Applicant. By isine II. Lawm, Arent. I VmHsi.iver, B C. I UNO ACT. Notice of littantlon to Land Apply to Lsaas In the Prince Runerl land Recnrdtn PHtrlct and situate on Vhitenand Inland near limd:. lland. Blue Print R.M. II. TAKE ' NOTICE that ioeph Sllmton Boaei-A ..r Prince Umiert. R C. necrelarr. tiot lone tlie; wo would live with intends m apMy ror a ISase of tin fol- . . , . .... .llowinsr derrlhed lanHt i i i him. and no hd would not Otllyl conimemint at a iot on the shore on Imve nn. but n nnn-tn.lnw In ''. WhileSand Island! thenre . , ., . - 3,oou reel nortnweat; inenre S.flUO reel llOOt eaili Ihence S.oml feet noulhi tlience J. oo reel west to the or eonr ii. iii t i ut ii.. i point Jack- H ml I uiiil liko that niencemtlt, exniesslon "tn bnot" JOSF.I'll STIMSOM ROGERS. Shot Silk I Taffeta Soft pliable Swiss Silk.n, which will not cut. in beautiful shade uf Hhies, (ireens, H'oe, Peach, Illack. Navy, etc. Hepular $2.50. .peclal psr yard $1.85 The West of England Store Third Avenue Phone 7S3 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream al 15c for Hair Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 667 8! ;