PAGE FOUR A Hard Candy Recipe SB l 1 jvputAff, Take :? cups susar and a littlo more limn 1 cup of while corn syrup be sure it is while syrup aiul 1 cup wafer. Cook slirrinpr constantly, until it strings a little (from Hie spoon; then add 1 cup "Pacific' "UK ana a little later I cup raw peanuts. Continue boiling until it gets brittle in water. Remove from stove, stir in vanilla anil teaspoon baking soda work quickly pour out on large srreased pan to coo. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and 1 Abbotsford, B.C. 1 A few SILK Sweaters at remarkably cheap prices :for a few days only. Mrs. W. I. Wilson Thin) Avenue P.O. Box - - 98J Plume drecu :;89 TWICE WEEKLY We have arriving FRESH KILLED REEF. VEAL and PUUK. We also carry a full line of Fresh, Smoked, and Palled Fish. Seafy 8 Doodson The Home of Bulklcy Valley Produce, lirnnnh from Smithcrs. Sixth Street. Phone 455. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load ... t, . j. . $G.50 Half Load $3.50 Large sacks . 50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Ct. Cartage, WarehousliiK, nd Distributing. Team or Motor Service, -oal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano end Furniture Kovlnn.' Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave. THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan v-rXM'T RE.ME.MoER WHAT i " new 7. f-i-'i.A - r COMN , n An I will be enmpletnl by tomorrow afternoon. ALBERNI SHIPPED ALMOST 40,000,000 FEET OF LUMBER 1925 ALDKHM. Feb. 0 Nearly I2(t,o(i0 tons of shipping was handled at Port Alberni during 1925, according to statistics, is sued yesterday. A total or thirty-seven ships uf 119,050 -registered tons docked there during the year to load 39.238.ft7u feel of lumber. In addition, 1.1 IS,(iriii feel of shingles and 1,3(55 cedar poles were exported. This ex eeeds l previous records es tablished by the Vancouver Is laud West coast port. The bulk of the lumber ship ped during the last year was con signed to New York. "Nineteen vessels loaded al Port Albejni for the big metropolis. Japan was the next best market, nine vessels loading for that country. Six ships took lumber to California, two ships to Florida nnd one to Montreal. Of the 39.2nR.870 feet of lumber exported from Port Alberni during 1925. 27.-120,330 feet were consigned to j New Y'ork. CHAPLIN'S "GOLD RUSH" DIFFERENT IN STYLE Standing Room Only In West- no. me Theatre When Picture Is Shown for First Time There was standing room onlv in Hie Weslliolme Theatre his' night when Charlie Chaplin', latest comedy "The Cold Hush.' was shown for Ihe first lime. The picture proved most enler-Inininv and is novel m that there is n element of .drama lo hi. with the comedy. Differing from the slyle of Chaplin s past pictures, there is a I heme in the (play recording how Chaplin as a jpuor hut exceedingly funny pros-ipeelor goes irflo Alaska and makes a fortune. The scenery to a large extent i. unite realistic 'although the nature of the pic- fl I IF t3He EVERi HE- " I I ( MACie -W1LJ-. I A SOR-e ' J I 1 I I AHf OUEY, r-Nj.K APiOlir Mil V!M V IKI". trvtcs I ' nl IT. 1 QQT kmow VHAT MME? f ' tSK? - T ' ii . w iiv - - ill ! -"-ar II I I 1 II 1 I KPFP HER rvONU III l , w I I Captains. ipler Stewart, .la. Ward and .losoph Hanson. ! LiculnnRbtx. Henry Smart, Jonah Husnell. Jacob Stewart. lien Trimhlc. Sergeant -Major. Sam Alexander. VISIT SAN FRANCISCO CAUSE OF EDUCATION VICTOHIA. Feb. -8. J. Wil lis,, tfiiperinlendcii! of education; President Klinck of the I nivnr- sity of Dritish Columbia, and Harry Cliarlesworlli. secretary of the ll.C. Teachers' Federation, have: ileft fnr 'San HrapolseoJ where they have been invfled to attend the regional conference (a adult education called by the arnejne Corporation. FASCISM IN ITALY IS NOT ATTRACTIVE 'London Times) People who try to persuad? themselves that Fnscism or any her form of organized tyrnnm eould never yet a bold on tin .rood nense of any Knglisli-Hpefik ing counlry should note this Item from Ilntne: . fJirlii who aspire to become ti ofHaUon nrmy nijftup.t of the rank nf major or lower, must be provided with dowries lo in sure their future husband against poverty, ir an nimiy officer of these ranks marries a ifirl willmul a dowry be will he dismissed from the army under an order issued by Premier Mus solini in Ins rnpanly as Mintstc "f V;:r. The amounts vary ac njsn to rank. Treat Colds Externally .For sore throat, bronchitis or deep chest colds, rub Vicks VapoKub briskly over throat and chest and cover with warm flannel. Vicks i acts in two ways both direct; aBtorbid like a L'Jment and iLaUd z a vapor. A quick relief for the cold troubles of all the family. Cvs 21 MiuionJars Used Ye ably KINCOUTH BAND MADE VISIT TO ANTOX AND CONCERT THAT TOWN Basketball Team Defeats Anyox by Means of Superior Toam Work KIXCOLITH. t el.. SI. The Kin eolith eoiieert iuind ti-Hclhsl to A H ox and gave a uood ontertain- uient in tho Community Hall. The Musket hall team also went along and defeated (hp Uome lea in after nlMirp game, the superior uas- uig M-nd learn mi of the visiloiv was remarked upon by those' present. The Junior basketball team is playing a grame ;ik;hiii the vUit-inw team from I'm'i Siiipson, who received a warm well ..ioe ami are bt iitg eiilni'tMineil i i ht' v illage. NRIVER- A wood oilttinii bee was held! al the HobiMilliouse at Aiyansh a week ago fur the purpose of pro-! voting fuel for the winter. Most of the people were present with axes and saws. J. Winterinule drew in logs with his team while Mrs! J. PluHios and Mrs. spencer served dinner al noon. The first church cervices for white settlers Were held in the sclioolhouse 'unilay, llev. Oliver Thome offieiating. lb ere has tieen no winter weather here ic sak or so far. In many places the ground is bare and many are busy clearing Janri. Mr. Webber has been burning brush during the lait' month. P. linen has cleared a garden 4ii readiness for sowins anil planting in the spring. ilr. and Mrs. F. Hoefl are ex pected to return here in the spring. , J: Phillip Imi clearetl an norc of land in readiness for seeding to" hay. S. (iordon is visiting his mother in Vancouver. J. Nelson had lb eniisfortune to lose one of his mules tipped off i eliiyer) wJieiiiPnek ag out to .Ureter place. II. A. PpHneo had been firjlsh mg his ivoikse Mil feeaax1! Lftftey .1. Wynes is iilnnnng to start Hitluiiiu on his place in the Senax any tins spring. Owing to the mild weather lock has heen running nut most f the winter so far. CRIBBAGE LEAGUE .rinbaxe League results Inst ! Igll' Were ;,S lOIIOVVS: Moose. 15; tflj, IB. j Hi. Andrew's' TS; Gold Hiornge, I t C. N. Mechanl.nnl 10; Dry Dock. P.H. Hotel, iff); Orange Lodge, C.N. tlpeiafjnp, li; O.W.V.A, Sons of QaOgda II ; Knighls of i.oiummis, ii League slahillng'. W. L, Pis Oran.'e Lodge 12 4 13 c w. v. a in r, io C.N. Operating...: ' Iff 0 10 Colli Hlorage 10 0 10 Elks . 0 7 1) K. of C u ' 7 o fry Dock 8 8k M'iose 8 H K fl.N. .Meehanienl.. 7 9 7 Rt. Andrews T, 1 1 fi ph. Hotel r ii r Sous of lanaja 4 42 1 i Wanted For Sale For Rent FOHD Truck for Dyer's Uarajte. THia OUT 1 KtcvW 1 Y PRESBYTERY MEETING OPENS HERE TOMORROW Financial Matters and Season's Activities Will be Dealt With at Uplted Church A meeting; of the presbytery of Prince Hupert of the toiled Church of Canada will open in the First United Ghurch here tomorrow morning. will ! laifrely in regard to financial affairs hi connection with the yearn program uf work. The session will open with u devotional period at l o'clock led by HsiiiRton ; llev. Autliur Darner lUie vear- and Itev. Wiilliam Allen 1ip arrived on the power boat Toplow this afternoon from Port Sijnp-soi; llev. A. M. Pound of llazol-Un. Dev. Victor Sanum of Ki- piox, and Dev. J. II. Young of Terrace, who will arrive from the interior on tomorrow's train. ami llev. Ir. Oliver Darwin, su perintendent of mission, ,wln will arrive from Vancouver on I lie Prince Hupert tomorrow morning. It is expected thai the business lure makes mimic ridiculousness ulonjj ibis line neeosary. The f "lay abounds with laugh ihoiiph it alto 1ih its senlinientally loiieliinp moments. The "iiol! Hush" will be filmed auiiin lo-n mil I and tomorrow ni-lit a I lb" West holme. CHURCH ARMY OF NAAS ELECTS ITS OFFICERS Greenvll e Branch Visited - at Klncollth and Revival Ser- vices were Held KINGOLITH, Feb. 9. iHirinK the last Ion days the Church tlev. Arthur llarnor of Toronto, 'Army of the Lower Xaus has been superintendent of Indian Mis-Jvery active. The llramch from sums ror Canada. 1 lien there flreovlle travelled tlown the will bo lectures on relipious edu-jriver in force Jo join Kincollh. eationand evanftelixm by Uev.tThey were welcomed hy Hev. A. A. M. Pound of Haiellon andjj. Wright, the officer 'ami peo-Hev. Kvan Hakw of Prince llu-ile of the villaae perl respectively. These will be open to the public. Delegate who will attend the They have held revival misnion cervices daily, which fTave heel-well attended and much benefit piesnyutry include ilev. li. (i. resulting from them. Hacker ami Itev. Evan llaker of Tie anuiwil meet in was held Prince llupert; llev. W. 11. Pierce un Tuesdav. Febnian i, and tb - who is already here from Port foUowina officers ..iii.o.i.UhI fo- III ' I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word injadvoncc NoJAdvc rtiement taken for lest than 50c VWANTXB WANTED. One reliable man in every town, merchants preferred, to take ornVra lor best eiistotn-made clot hew :ti Canada. Highest eominJxsiou-i Hex Tailoring Co.. Ltd., Toronto. WANTED. Plain iiresamaking and sewing: remodelling, repairing, knitting, etc. Phone Green 704. FOR SALE DEBT HAHOALV-Three lots on Taylor Street. ,. cash for all. Close in. about five or six blocks from Post office, ft nnd view. Paved Ktreet. Each lot 25 x 100 x 41. WestenhncrWon. tK5.UO per month (covering FOH SALE. lias launch "Nancy" whiehp(m I principal, interest and taxe buys modern bouse, 7 rooms and bath, on Graham Avenue. Walker's Music Store. If FOIl SALF.. New and used machinery, boats and engines' pistoa rings and propellers Northern Kxchanvc. j I : Second Avenue. Phone 23. if In first class condition; size 28 foot by 8. iiray engine 10-12. U. Rone. Phone :i87. KDISOX PhoiM'graoh for sale cheap. I7) records with cabinet, phone lllack :i:t;i. 35 TO RENT Apply 35 HOOMS TO RENT. 4leum lieal- d. hot and cold water. 225 eeond Avenue, naif block b-low Totem Pole. Phone 7tt7. Foil iiRNT. Modern four room ed flat with Monarch (ange, Glapp Dloflk. Westenhaver Dfoa tf FDH HENT. Pianoa, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's Music Slore. - RHNrTailo'-hop: biltnesis ruurna belovv;. tw ' living rooms above. Westenw haver Dro. . u POIl KENT. nntim with oriWlMi out board; near elevator. Phone lied 157. If FOR HENT. Furnished house, newly decorated, j, Mnlny. tf FOH HENT. Furnished suite Mussallem Apartments. PIiimh IK. tr MODEHN FLAT for Rent. Apply Max llellhronor. iy BOAflD AND ROOM. ROOM and Hoard. KtO.OO weekly.' F.very home comfort. Apply Dox 291 Daily News Office. HOARD The Inlander. 3n Qooond Avrnie Oi,nnl LOST LOST. Scotch terrier nnd wire ' haired terrier. Kinder pleas ' phone Red 348. tf FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furniture Slore. We Duy, Rell and Ex chnqge New and Secondhand Ooods. . QEO. PAPADOPULOS 83? Third Ave iO,one ftr II. L. Landre has rnsigned secertary of tin' Oreat War Vol-! erans Associat mn . Hle. vvill be InI.ei, at an earl,, d;,l. I,, apnonil! a sucecssor. I DRY WOOD. Split to any length In blocks, per load $6.00. . SAI.I Ilt.llltlNfi. ' - - A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove. Phone Itlimk 401 CARS FOR SALE. ft I 1022 Oldsmobile 4. ( passenger touriug UOO (M I 1920 Nash 5 passenger touring 18511.00 I 1021 Overjand Sedan . 7( I I VIP lleo seven passenawr louring flOQ.'H) i I0S5 Ford Coupe, balloon 1 1 res car Ilka new ,... IOaQ.iu I 1022 Ford Tudor sedan, liW.on I 1022 Ford Coupe lOftf. I IDSI Ford one Ion truck, pane' body tl76.0n I Ford light delivery eliassis. rebuilt 1176.00 All ears guaranteed in good iiiechnnieal eondiRon. lias terms can be arranged. KA1EN QARAQE Ford and Chevrolet Service Station. Agents for MeLanghlin Oakland. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet cars. lleo. U.M.C. and Federal Trueks. W'llECKINCi SKRVICK DAY AND NlflHT. AUCTIONEER. I.ADIrJS' arul (! Tb seeret of my success has lnn promptness, efficiency, fairness and good judgment. I arrange auctions or buy oulrigl:; for cash ar sell on commission anything of value. Private sales daily. Will sell or ai-ehange any kiwi of phonograph records on hamt. Phont t74. fi. F. Urine, Aitfltioneer. FURNITURE AND RANQE8 KURNnVRF. and Ranges bought, old nnd exchaiiKed. New furniture and ranges exchanged for your old ones. DedrtMiui. Hving room and dining room furniture always in stock. A! ways watoh my window. Il'a changed daily. A. Mnakangfe F'l-n'Mir- TAXI Phone G7 Taxi (Call flcorge. Paul or (lust) Kis- and cvfu-paengr Btniln-bakers at yur disposal any llm-' Utr- tot COc Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOIW Meeker Dlock Across from Empress Hotel ' CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything enl fur. or delivered, phone us. P n lint soq PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. 303 Third Avenue Sole agents for Columbia Record Wo repair Phonographs, Dicycles, Dtigglos, Racquets and Musical In- clromnnls of P kind PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ? 444 s44 Tuesday. February 8 "'Kb 10:28 a.m." 20.1 fl. 23:40 p.m. 17.8 " Low I :t I a. in. n a I7!99 n in I I ii W Wednesday, Fobruary 10 "' 1 1 :2fi a.m. 21 .r, ft. ' w 5:10 aju. 8.4 " 18:14 p.m. 2.7 " TRAPPERS Arbeit! Lc; and ronrl,fcf i Coal - Wood (rut j Furniture Mo- -j uaggaite .i Htand:Lltile - Sr., 3ft2. lies I'l, I NEED to.onn M. prices paid s. . sell your tin -buy them. W. OOLOBLOOM. Kec.e.,i Tlie llioo'. i MAIL SCHEDULE ouT-ooma. tor IS CmI Muwlsjim, VmHiii. "lUMS f VIKUr im imis Tmmsmts WnOil i i fndtr Mrjrt . smsksii u ii . r..r.u.. rsti if To A(i, AU Arm, I !.( A hri eyiu 'HMinyttirt . . T sua eiu IN, f. 11 T gMS ChrMl liUnS n r I. t , l-CCISO. Prm is bil lllSsr. W'rtn. .u.. i ... essstty I SO. . ft. Frsm A)ot, All Arm, Sit TMSMSNW . . rKr .. .. tram Aaji, Hert 'wp Rlitf eolnu smrsiri . . Trtm AUtl rlnl It. M frsm Quits CSrltl lilt : T r s. i?. BOX COLLCCTIO lsln a sum Ai-tst A A SIS St 41k Axr A I uUi st M hrr Th.Hii.- i If A Slirtirimkr Axil A' t l .,srt Si Sill Sr A Illy f.ittr llll A llw iMtf i If I. Sth Ar A CotliSl si lh A WrHriilr si I'm. 0.11 KM, fn. Ofll WhMf T iv wmrlf .. o.T.r. sua.! . . . tml rr. A Sufi si Int Av t full. .ii it Srtl Av. A sth i STEAMSHIP JVlOVEViENTS For Vineogtir TuvmUj .. ('im...ii Kriilny . I'nni- ti1 (UlMnUy m. mu " . rrliwi" Ileum Vrt. l I'rin.- Ili. Ii s. I'm v From Vincemtr siimliy- , lm.-iin WnliMMsUr- - 1'rne. i TlmrwUjr -m. ciln HAlunlii Criiir- ' Kt W I'rlllr.-- M. Vi-h. it erill. i - For fori Slmpion tnd Mm S i' ThuruMy - M 14UI.1 From Port Slmpion and Nut R '' 8luriU4n. UUU For Alaiki Krb. . I"rliirr l l i'li. it- m. I'riii.' - " From Aliik I'rh. tl -jw. Irni. m Fell Vfi k. I'riii. ps vi 1 For SUwtrt, Anyoa and AH1 1'' SiiimI.iv i:tii..-M.' Weilnnliij.-nss. Priori' 1 ' From SUwtrt, Ano mi Alio Tiie.iv m I'nni.Kiiii Frlrlnyn- ., prlnrfl Iluiw'i For Anoi Tlnir(i.iy-- r, cttjU From Anyei AtiiriUv ss Cst.lln For Quttn Chirlotlo liltsdt- Krti. . Prlnrr i:iw'' Fed to prim. 'Iw From Quttn Chtrlottt liltndt- F.'h r, w. r.-mrn Feb, t7- 41, Prtnc ii II