FREE Whophonic Victor Concert Ur.nifM'il froin IVbniury uml rei eiil releases of His l; icr voice records. Wednesday Evening from 8 to 9.30 (he hrsl lime in your lire vuu will liour one in-men! flint will plny all olhcr ijislninidJiU nm) give -olotely perfect reproduction. pniilil progiums supplied. Wlicllier you now own p inoohoue or nol. come in, inuke yourself ul home, uml ii. eMfiaeMvs.Jjd FISHERMEN Check up your First Aid Kit before leaving. ' r ( I ilteuliioi lo llif -niiill i iil ami c mil hr rna - i week or Iwo of -irkiie. S, . it urn h ive llii- follow i gnoiN in juur kit, if not, " 'tore ami get supplied. Iodine Lysol Germicidal Soap Bandages Adhesive Plaster Cotton Wocl Lint Vaseline Epsom Salts Castor Oil Liniment Tweezers Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. a Tides ami (iindr for urn il yni r- i re it, Ormes Limited The HcauII Slore Pioneer llinggit 3rd Avenue and Bin street. ' Phones 82 and 200 - , ti 8 am lo 9 p.m. Sundays and IIm1i,:,, -. in !. and 7 lo 9 n m. No Pay Day T ior-- ! Iiant. oiMdi" ut Wink - - hot every gel- In pay. V donipr work ihal's jol hanl and nnple.iMiul do Ihi' wnh". Hot ul the viul ol a week of w ho piv von ? ' ! Imrgaio mi vvh) iihI mII lor nor Thril -T-Ser-i -'rolling will Ik1 carefully washed, Ihorunglily ' "I lha flat work neatly ironed ami folded. Anil i working fur Mr. WmsMuIi one fmpluj'er who j-- Inn help. THRIF-T-SERVICE 5c Per Pound and lo Per Plcco Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 Canadian Pacific Railway CANADIANI o n n c..:. Sailings from Prince Rupert F WCOUTU, VIOORIA 4 SUTTU ft-burr 8.1, 22,1, Mutk fHk ftWurr Uik. 26lk, nk lZlk . si. rtiicia umn ul.dl, ltnton Bay. Ct StH BIU. Ocn rail, Ntmu, Altrt B, CtmpbOi Rlitr, and Vancouitr mri Saturtfai 11 a m. ! for all SUamthlp Llnaa. Full Informatlaii from W, O. ORCHARD Oanaral anl. Carnaf al 4th ttraal and 'i Aoanua, Prlnca Rurarl, S.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. , Stllmv from rnnrr Ituperi. f VkncouvCR. VICTORIA, Swanaan ty. and Alarl Bif, TuaaOai, S P.m. VANCOUVCR, VICTORIA, Alar Bai and Swaraen Ba, Salurdar, 10 " NYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rltar Cannarlaa, Thundaf p.m. lit J.0."! PSON. ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, 8unda. S " " 4. Barnalar, Aanv PHnea p.i .m. R S.O Plllgg The Savage Washer and Dryer lWm At Hie Inst O'H'hoc Kxlidiilion repeal ed its success of I he previous car. liy tigiiiti winning the (iold Medal wilh ilis iHU'tliui over air oilier makers of Amen fail nml Canadian Washers. Cash Price $185.00 AImi siil cm cosy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and ;Person fjMi l'lionc 15. JUL Coal Co. Arthur' Taxi, Phono 078, l).C. Undertakers. Phone Cameron's ' Phono 177. morning. Dance Cait. Lioim'I 11. Lindsay, examiner nf musters and inut''-. arrived from Vancouver on Hip Print-as Mary yenlerday. He i liolilin examination for local candidal i- and will remain here oii il l'nday morninp. I'nder a new schedule issued by the i; it ion Steamship Co., llir Calala. rothinv tiortli, calls at Delia Coola afid Ocean Falls ami i- due hero 1 riday afternoon. The Cainosuu line Surf' In lei coining north and arrive Sunday night. This Miirnaaf al Xarvick, Nor way, on May 10, IWH3, was dissolved by Mr. Justice Morrisim on the petition of tin1 wife. ttaral: Jacotiaen. Iti'upondent was Alfred Jmohscq, a lisiiertiiaii. J. A (! r wn c(uirtel for the ueli- tioner and 3f,. Itussell for th-hu sound. JiMltc Young's roo-t was en- li.N.R. steamer Peinee Charles, i apt. Neil. .McLean, pulled out n ;i o'clock yeterday afternoon for Stephens lulamt vvhert' il was intended to load two boilers for Hi- Ituckley mill al Port Clements mi lo the log carrying halite Urumrock. The weather) wa so rough, however, that d was impossible to carry out thl plan and the vessel relumed t.. poi t al D o'clock last night. Thir iiioroniu al 1 : i 3 . the Princ Charles pi;lled out again to makt another altempt !o gel alongside Hie Urumrock after which the vq-scl was to havo proceeileo on lo' run lo Vancouver via the fjiieen C'.liarlotle Islands. ANNOUNCEMENTS mum CATARRH BLADDER Stfc. Samuftl Psirh aTanaiil tiinCt Uaranamc IffVy iworiirroiil;frii Orchestra, tf Two cars aj, your service Hhcddon Taxi. Phone 134. If Col. S. P. McMordie will return fruiii Vancouver on the Pnni:e llupcrt tomorrow morning. t . 1 1 West holme tonihl ami Wen" ncsduy, Charlie Chaplin in In latent super-comedy "The Twenty nine new iiiimiiIh were added to tin rosier of Prince Ituperl Assembly, .Native Sons of Cuiiiula, at the regular meeting last night. wsuued all day yesterday and again In toilsy iraio in the trial of William j W'halen Pulp tt Paper Co. and H!o m.-rnh m Swanson Bay. It t iYitele.l Hi.. ea Im 1 1 ii jjjjj Mniiroy rapliiiig c ii'-uUrs, etc. Miss Johimtone. IMimiii- :i87. If Hadio headset u- being installed in compartment observation cars of C.N.Jl. trains running; between Winnipeg and Toronto and Montreal and Vancouver This will Krmlt of paftiensero ociMipring compartni''iii in llu'' a it. Iirai-iiutf tbfs jrixiaiu from tin- air a- they mline iii their berth. Mifs niiill McCaol. II. N.. former lady superintendent of the Prince Itnpert iiieral Hospital, has given up the position in New-York wli ieh she lefi here sum months ago to lake umI has now joined the staff of the Iowa Slah by "Men's Ilampiei. I nited Church, X"" wanf West holme Theal re, and .'i, Prince Rupert amTlkaBSaJhU swwm asked Hie civic finance committee. ii I lie minion of Mayor Blatcii-ford. . dJ. . A . I 1 .. II. ,i.s,.e. tion of the ITrst North I.C.USS,''arf f' ' of before ll.'imnr MA ThUlay night.C ''I'l-a.d (.,,erJ!llhss. win. will be aeco,n-l f. 7""'- ' P"""' . 'hs "H'd ',r !pHn.eU Major Kdwards. pav-h,,, ,MJh ?My I -h.o in hot inin lumiiaii ...--l..,ll - i. I- tl.ln w ..... . ....... keen sent . The old holy l Niinsi ,Clu0 presents a new joyous tromedy ' W 'tldiiiB Hells." "1 don't , "Hut to eoiincil amt referred to the coiomillee. I. as) year, so i! wan claimed, some 15.000 Uuir.-is had be'n uaken ll'iough to I isoer by the CN.ll. a u roliaiilj no mlre than ,2jii had slojipeti off al F.d-moufim. II ' in unoerslooil that the railway plans on .taking i'5.-000 toiirisl!i there this season so it was felt Dial something should he done to vet tlie-e loiirisls to make stopovers al Tdmonton. If suitable pamphlet- l"si-riliing the city's attraction.- could be printed, these could be wHleiy dlstri-hutid in Canada and Hie United Stales al no ioi to the city. A Philadelphia man called up a bird -store the other day an I said: "Seiid me 3,0.000 cockroaches nl once." What in liea'-ns name do with ;m,oori eook- Thursday. February II. .roaches? j "Well," replied the hoiisehold- C.N.R. I'.mployes second anhuali,'r '- moving loday and my hall in Auditorium l'riday, l-'eo-i lease says I musl leave the pre ruary 12. jmises here in J ' rondilion in High School Daucc, Clks" Homejtlinm." I February 20. j , j exactly winch came March s, half-dose ni 10 IraiiV m..... ed a sl.-itinn oul something- just now : "No, (Irauduia: In his head ihside Hie sjieened," the same I fifundi Where are wi, Hohhy?" she just door "llohliy!" s Ii exclaimed, "Huiokl- lie'p tin Willi tlioso things! This is Oshkoshl" ha sluck and BRIDGE AND WHIST BYR0YAL PURPLE First or Series Held at Elks' Homo Last Evening Proved Success The first of a serins of bridge and whist tournaments given in Hie inks' Home last evening was wcl! attended' and much enjoyed. The winners of the prizes were us follows: Bridg Ladies .1, Miss, llilchey; i, Mrs. Akerherg. Men 1, Thor Johnson; Joe Jack. Whist Ladies 1, .Mrs. Oavvlhome; '2, Mrs. Ioiig. Meiir-1, C. lliggerlr 11. llal- iT"W. l ollowiiiif the sanies was a musical program in which those taking; pari were Mrs. Kenny. Mrs. Tupper, Mrs. .Muldoon ami Miss (ilherine Jones, all of whom sang well. The committee in charge were Mrs. IIpii Self, Mrs. Murray Ful ler and Mrs. Arthur Itailey. llosnilal in Iowa tJil y. She was jdelci ruination recently visiting with ner motlur! planned lines. .n Vancouver. Norrls Pringle and U mother. Mr. T. K. Pringle. will ail oi the Priueesn Mary on Friday for the soulh enroule Ka-t. The former will spend a mon:h holiday- Montreal tod , w York and oilier eastern points whi!! win. is charged with the ft Mr- "'""fl- -1'"'"' severa" i.f l.ttfumi nrtnit.rioiil frutii I Iim 1 IOOII umn 1 1 1. 1. - !-i'nig iwr-o;!! n.iine ar Snpiiauiplou near I'.ollingwood, lJutario. r ion..,. ,.. af.eW,B; r EDMONTON APPROVES mox iN ven lie Saturday night iWIII Maka EfTcrt to oet JasDp .VI icinii, vv . nisseil uilll IIOUI- in ie Hni sppeai't'd jti city po'iee i'oih-i 'Jus morning on charges ul 'whl ni u ywb'eh were adjourned null! I'ruluy. MiUon 4iura!c lieneral J. M. Hos. officer eomuiandiiiK the Military DistrM No. bf&AMlI arrive from Yielorial on the'fliure Rupert lii.iiorrnw t mornine lo eond-icl the animal! im Tourists to Stop off In that City j FliMoNTON. Feb. 1. Approvai l..r II... ....... I ir ... .1... I -.1 and WV M. Fulton appea.e.1 as, , "'" , ' . ' ' '", " " ,h" ' y!y !"ak:- co,,.el for defendant. ,a (.rant lo meet the col ol prnri- lourisl pampliiel. in 8le , Jpuhlieiiy lo KdiiiiHitun was given INSPIRING ADDRESS BY REV. E. G. TURNER CORNER CLUB MEETING I he regular meeting of t Corner Ciub was lieiil in I lie lei lure room of Hie Itaplxi Church la.t evening. The sneaker of the evening being Rev. Ii. J Turner who took as Ins uhjet 'The Ureal Adventure, l.jfe was an adventure said the speaker of tremendous imoorl ami should he directed intelligently and with social. altm carefully lief urged his hearer to avoid the common er ror or going through life without a plan, aimlessly and carelessly Xhe address was inspinnc throughout and al the conclusion I he president p. 1J. l.inzey ex orc.ed (he thanks of the Club U the spesker. Mrs. J. P. Me.MilluH was tin Miloisl of the evening, Mrs. It Walker accompanying her on tli piano, llefreshmeuts vCere rt ed al the close by the committer in charge. Next weeks meeting will lake the form of a valentine V.V.i3& 4 VB TOURIST PAMPHLETS! tUVlw" nn i DR. AND MRS. LARGE RETURNED TO HAZELTON Ii and Mr-. J.aige of llazel-tou returned home last evening alter spending several days in the city Hie guests of Dr. ami Mrs. VO T. Kergin. While in the eily Dr. Large checked over the eurio which had been shippeil to the local museum from Toronto by his mother, Mrs. Large, formerly of on Simpson. He also paid a professional visit to Terrace on his way here. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert J. W. McDonald. Seattle; L. II. I.iinlsny. Vancouver: Rev. William Allan. Port Simpson. Central A. Dewar. G.X.R.: Daniel Crup-ley, Seattle; J. Hodgson, schooner Sumner; J. J. Sinclair, Vancouver. Teams in the first division billiard tournament tonight between the Prince Rupert Milliard Par, lor and the (treat War Veteran will line up as follows: (ieorge Waugh . (Milliard Parlor vs. Sengeant Jel-on (Wa-Veierans , ieorge Mcllmoyle vs. Fred Pyle. H. Jelieh vs. W. Long. C. Ilalagno vs. J. Andrews. I' 'email vs. S. p. Tinker. Headaches and Biliousness Are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Tien you feel irriuble, cranky and downhearted, you can easily blame the liver, for there is no orcan In the human body which so quickly throw s the system out of sorts as a torpid, sluepsh liver. iou ao not need to be m the blues . lone, if you know about Dr. Chase's VUnMr.l I,.. Till- V... .1 j: i 11 f rVtrii,V,,l' is)BiM'J action on the liver they relieve promptly , Midnu'Mhi -CModlieniFTinli and prove lastingly beneficial. Once the liver ts ncht the bowels function regularly and the w hole diees- j tivn RViitpm rMiimM it. wrrr V,, ?u1 I fine and take a delight in telling others of the merits of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. This is why this favorite prescription of Dr. Chase is so popular and Is found In every store, where ipe4icinej are told. ksVffiSP "Mr a Hir to.highv GRANT'S TTfc A TTh 11 I (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT ttMfmJ l t."..l4 k WMH.m Cil U t-mn Lnnltd Clralck ..J Iwm4 UifM. Sdl.j. A This advertibemcnt is not published or displayed by the Limm" Control Hoard or by the Government of H"ilih Colombia DEMAND "Rupert Brand" If 9 ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship and Train ' Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Will leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE and uileriw iliate points each FRIDAY at 9 ajn. t i. PRINCE RUPERT r.T STEWART and ANVOX. WEDNESOAr, 10 pjn S.S. PRINCE .'OHN rurtnlsblly fur VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPER1 EVERT MONDAY WEDNESDAY ami SATURDAY al S pill 0r PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, ill piiinia tasitro anaU, I ill ltd dlalr. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllf Ttckat Otflca, S2S Third Ana, Prlnca RuparL Phona 26C Reduction SALE 50' DISCOUNT on all 'Winter Hals, and Suits. 33 and 1-3 DISCOUNT on Coals, Silk Dresses, large sizes, Blouses and Woollen Hosiery 25-, DISCOUNT on Underwear, Knitted Suits. Sweaters, filovcs, Woollen Dresses, Skirls, Haiin oals, Slickers, Corsels, Drassieics 20V; DISCOUNT on Silk. Dresses. Silk Scarves. Silk Tics "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Loggers! Loggers! We have the only complete slock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in Ihe North. We handle Logging Cubic, Axes, Peavics, Saws, mul general Camp Kquipinciit. 11 will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door lo t'rtzzell llutcher Mliup, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line, of ' CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll ' Proprietor tit .T I t: H riT -ii t i s