25 VOL XVI . NO. 33 IIIRYSYSTRM TAXI and. Boston Grill Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime, Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. CRITICIZED i ' ii ol Hut oiKani.utiun of the A- ii laled HoiiriU of Trade. In '"liorl on tin? Ial convention -nurd Hint out of about forty iniii'-di arrillali'd only ieen were ('ieenlei nl the convention 11 1 doubl wax ijxire!it'd at Iho 'nn hi o whether Ihe. or-'n.alion should he..cnullnueil. in nililudr was Hint one inoro " ' venlioti would lie called and ' " wii mil. belter allended it w Hid be Ihf laM. Iinperi.il Oil Co.'- Unkcr Iin- l,0".T. Card.. Kortlo. arrived In 2 O'clock this liiotnlntf "hi loco mid i dlfChargiiiK: to 'UipanV- 1,.,-al lank" Negotiations Held up Pending Colonel' DecUlon Regarding E. D. & JlriiinUtUl-i' B. C. Railway UllAND PltAIHIK. Feb. tl A'. i.iniKrn- t"ul.l lie on-dtn tail jMroltitk' of llti- UraiVic i' il Yanr-niver al all'rairie Hoard of Truth. Ihe !-i.K'. , 4Hi uie " n"iY-,M,nintfiy" ' il lli ill eecured "II fa Willi lll 0t WHS dilMMI! al il"rljf ami mm order it length. The iiielmii h ino-itlttg iiu-i-.in'lnn,-.lHrii held in abeyance -nlinu .-I'll. ItllC llT-llli in lfI HI'il III ill ,-lit I- will In- operated of Iiu' Fdmonloit. ImiurMii vs -ti-iii Mlii-ri'liy vi-l H.C. Hallway wliicli.ii .ttiil per- : hi: i '..il direct limn a I'd by Hu'lM'.ll. although - Ho- - i lUrl iir llourd It'!- ha- expired. .1 IMHIIII'I'II fi.r was the feeling nf I lie lioar.l .that Ilif people of Hie uorl'i . miuilrv are entitled In know a. I hi1 furlllCOIIIIUli M'-slOU f III'' who i In imii or 'umimI tin' north railway", and Ml i IhhmhI dial wlnrln'fr rail wny iipruiT the 11., ! ami U.C iwill I"' riillii'd In ;me one lie. jhniii' axiiraiiee riartlin? Hn General Mjnson Com- iriiinni In j.rmi.li- an ullef weft-mnts on Paucity of Conlo- iwnnl. tlona Following Deaths j ViOlVIJl. lU. v. .SIixhik -m .f tin- jury yilein i with the aertin Hint .rney fjtMirral Ite va eon- ilir lime had iMine for a "ii of llui lrni, fen turn I ii li "-h of lion. A. M. l In' annual dinner f llic ' " t Auto idnh lu ll1 lal iMii'liolon of W lint lie 'i i In' iiii.illinK number "f anil. uecideni ami Hie in. i . uiinnllinu imncily in uolirr oT ciumrlioiiK - i lie aecidcnlo. led in ;! mi tin jury system ASSOCIATED BOARDS TRADE NOT SUCCESS Will Closo up If Conventions Not Better Attended Says Prince George Former Mayor j'UiM.i: (icoiuir., rob. o Kx- 1 r Alward doe not lliink RECEPTION PLANNED Ofeneral lo timke the I nn-mUei MR. AND MRS. POOLEY ON ARRIVAL HOME KSOUMA1.T, lb. t. Ar- rauwtnenl (or a irrrpliou and nreci'iilnl inn In II. II. I'ooloj, M.I'. I'., and hi bride lmrlly after I heir return frmn I he Kat nre liriim made hy C..ini'ralive and friend of KmiiiiiiuII of f. Ineli ditriel Mr. Ptailey i- a Uicinalixe Min. (H'in(! the xillin;. i the local lloiiM' ol I'ailiainenl. and fho iMiH.j'sor ol a ho-d ofTrieiulx, many of whom have nlreHdy expresHeil a desire In nrive U(i' liaiipy rouple ti IteHily weli'onie on their arrival, ihi'ie will doubUofit be a great ijalheriiiK to greet Nrom. I nion rn ighler Ciiilkool, Capl, .1. Yilliaui.. after having dis. eliarged coal ul the H. l'.l'. wharf and luinlier al the Albert &. Mr.- llnlWry dnek, alled early this inurniiig f"i' the 'Nans Itlver. The veel will be bark here on Wed nesday .xoulliiiound. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked Wheal l,',,,,'t C. I', it 157.00 i.r.. Silver I.5 1.70 lllinwell I.f.' l-H (iadtone 3" '3K U I. 'i Marmot . r' '07 I'ren.ier 2-2" 2.25 Porter Idaho OOVfc .12 silM..vr.-i .lov, .i:i l eaving SeaIHe al 1.20 o'clock with 100 pounds, or ten haa of xpeelnl mall he arrived here at 1.55 o'clock, c.onipleliim Ihe trip of eighty miles in lliirly-five uiiouiex, wnicn is eigui minutes beler llian Jtis previous record of forty three minules .xcl two year -ago. The plane averaped ISO. miles an hour, (ravelling willi lJ!0 wind. llillilmrd flew at a height ol 3,300 feel. Suliscrihe to the Daily News. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIIINCB HI I'KltT. ,(L, TfKHHAY. FKHHl AKY 0. 1020. V . jti.'i-djj - Circulation, 1 175 aaaeaSaKv VBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaffBaaaBaaaaaBaaR. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HWKIIISII S1M.KUSTKH 1MM)M TllIMIi -. hove are sh ivvn Uiax Th ioherg. Sweden, vorld . . hainpnui outdoor kaler. Lhirlie fionnao. Canadian . tiampion. and Joe Mom.', int' i ii.n.on.i! indoor lUieholder. af .he Marl ot their rei-eul hree-tniic rare in New York, wii Iin Moore. Willi tin- Swedi-li sdnr a poor Ihird. Thooberg. win. now in Hi. JVhri. N.H.. no the intcrualioiial meet, . luims he wax haudirapped by the lurt liiftis. DOUBLE SERVICE Two Murderers Pay Penalty OPENS IN MARCH - for 'Crimes; Express Sorrow , Prince George and Prince Charles Will Maintain Schedule Till Summer Time Table Starts in June Kfferliw M.irrh .'I', I In douhle wrekl.v "i-rviec of i Hiiadmii N-lional Ia-hI Sli-ain-'hii'- will In' resumed by Ihe l'anii'i Pruie-e, (ieurye Mini Priori' liarli--. The PHnrr (irnrji'' will - mi I i ii u- (he present nrlo-dule nrriMii here on Nliielay moroiiip. aooia llirwtsh lo Anyox and Slenarl . iftfl atllOK from her- for ' Ifie, MHlLa (M) l'rWay ioortniix. prbioe (jbarieK will run on the tattawing xchedule: IiadlYaneouver 8 p.m. lliurs- ilay. Arrive Prince. I(uiert 3 pjn. Salunlay. l.enw I'riner JIuihtI lo pan. Saliuilav oalljiM al Auox nml Stewart. Arflve Prince Ituoerl c a.m. Jlowtiy. Iieave Prince llufe'-t 9 a.m, Momlay. Arrive Vancouver 7 a.m. Wed- noday. The xiinimer xervice. itimilar to ll vear. friviioT three boatx a week belween Vancouver and PrineVlluitert. two lielwecn Vaii rouver, Mewarl ami Anyox. ami one week lo Alaska, will be in- aHKiljlnH'il on June 11 from Yaneoiiver. NEW SPEED RECORD7 SEATTLE TO VICTORIA v in i urn . l eii. '.i. A new xpeed record for Hie trip from Sealtlo In Victoria wax cxlab- lixhexl hy Kdilie llohliard. air mail carrier,, on hi irin lo llns city with uhiII from I hi' Sound city for Ihe Prevalent .letVerxon. be fore she-sailed for Hie Orient ana Both A&k Forgiveness WINMI'Kti. Feb. ! John II. Slanioo. iS ve.ir of age, con victed of murdering John I'eimv and Sieve Naznr, I lie nineteen ir ld farm worker who murdered Louis lnulv. a Utxirab driver, wen' hanged this morning at dav break. Willi a firm slop bolli mounted Hie scaffold coiifoxxi(. fnilli in (IihI ami expieiug -orrow and asking lorgivem s-. hlauloi) nisiMeil he had no actual hand in (he killing1 of Peuii) lul admitted being in Ihe house when Ihe crime wus com milled. X 4 4 QUADRA CASE IS CLOSED BY COURTS APPEAL REFUSED san ihNi:isi:ii. rep. 0. The l ulled Stales circuit emu or appeal tmlay denied a re-hearing of (lie case of Ihe llrilish Columbia steamship Quadra, five of Hie officers and ascnlx of w hich were convicted and sentenced for liquor smuaiiling. House Likely to Adjourn About Middle of Next Week: Motion Yet Due OTTAWA, Feb. 9. The House of Commons Is not likely to adjourn until the middle of next week when a recess w bs taken until March 15. The Sutherland amendment In regard to butter Importations will probably reach a vote Thursday and It Is considered certain a further amendment calling for a straight vote of non-confidence In the government will be moved, the debate on which will occupy several days. VICTORIA HOCKEY' VANCOPVKIl. Feb, -Victoria professional hockey team carried off Hie tumors al the game hero last night beating the locals by a "core ot t to 0. ; HEAVY RAINS IN INTERIOR Milder Weather in Yukon With Some New Snow: Mild Weather Everywhere j ! Ihe daily report of the Do- ; ' minion lioverninent A WEEK YET OTTAWA TALK Telegraphs at eight o'clock this morning show s much wanner w eal her In the Yukon with some new snow. It is lhavviu;i al almost all interior points and Hums lake re-rtorl.x flioms of rain at llehn I lake amf Iskool while Shesley reporls twelve hour, of hard rain tiiere since yesterday morning. Main and wind is also unreported at SmkMicrs. The report says: Terrace Cloudy. ealmtfMein-peralure. 37. Anyox Cloudy, calm te.mper-alure. ' ' 3'J. ,. I la el to ti Pa rt cloudy.- ;oal rn ; temperature. 3'.. Telegraph Creek -rOluuily, calm: temperature, 30. v SMUilhers- Part cloudy, calm: temperature, 1 1. ' Hums Uike Cloudy, calm; leniperaluie. 10. Wliitehorse - Cloudy, calm; temperature, 35. Dawson Clear, south wind; temperature. 17. Averase Tor Yukon , Cloudy, calm: temperature, 18: some, new xnovv. Union steamer Cainosunsouth-hnund from Stewart and Anyox team victorious:'" 'rr;;,' risi o'clock Oils eveninp. The vessel will then sail for Vaneouve'r hav in anion? her passengers Hip lollowing: F. J. llartnexs. W. (I Mi.'.-U.-H. ,1. II. Iloberlson, Wil liam Mel'ln'i'.soii and .1. Muir. SlrrH Slc. A39 miimdcd nr ruAirrcc 1 Large Upstair Dining Halt, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone .457. PRICK FIVK CENTS. NAVY FORHDIA LATEST IMPERIAL SCHEME COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO ALLEGED CUSTOMS IRREGULARITIES BEGINS Indian Navy to Have Native Officers; Plan Announced by Viceroy DKLIII. Feb. !t. -Creation of a Itojal Indian Navy a a com ; and rfcuiiMriirl of Hit Iniliun mercantile marine,1 mourned today by lml Heading, tin- retiring i.'im. . I i r I lie new plan ludkiiiM will lr gmii i-unnmioo- in' which will begin on a small si ale an. I gr.idiuiiv de ! Tim1 lira jImiih' ix .mother step hi Ui- nation. di-i imivc-: M' li tin- been going nil in Iniliu- ol recent ..,. uu,ivr . :li i - ire lrinK In secure IUAL DUimLKd FOR VANCOUVER Harbor Commission will Erect Plant and Handle Coal on Commission for Producers III VI It. Feb. V h ivpa trick, chairman ol V ' ux i- li.n i..m Hoard iHpi'iui" luijjJT a a greater greater h.u h.ir m lie um- lernniciii nf the muniM a, ,.i mm 'cntinfry oi'vk lo liiii.t,,,. ifr-, pendent mi Ureal llMl.llli. ron- .mi t-ji 1 1 . industrially ami PEACE RIVER PEOPLE SEEK COAST OUTLET Wants lo Know Why Vancouver Omitted from Stevens Charges and Suggests Inquiry That City OTTAWA. Fell. ii. Paul .Merrier. Liberal member for l.l - i i.r. w.i.- iiiiuiiiiiti:i elerled ehuirmaii of Ihe pei-uil com-j iinliee U iiivt-tigate irregularilie.x in Ihe riilom ilepartnient. j H. Donaghy of .Nm lb Vaiirouver suggeded that proviMon , lie ni.i-ie for Ihe rommittee to sit in different parU of Ihe coim-, tr. attioiig the plai ej" mentioned being Huntington, H.tl Mi. Ilonagliy aiil lie wondered why Mr. Steven-; made nil f mention that there might be irregularities in Yain onver in the , eoiiiiio 1 of liquor exports, lie thought the rommittee wo;tld not i have rmiiplpifil its duties until in ------ - i had iiuivsl iaied lliix. Perbain t til.' ''nuniilfi' in Ii I K to Yan- CO'lVe" ren,.!. wltiln Mir lloiixe wax in ANOTHER SHOT AT LIBERALS tlUlllDLI Ur LIIrlKULO j C.N.R. HOTEL MGRS.ICcnserl'al,e Opposition at Ot Chateau Laurier to be In Charge of Van Wyck cf Royal Alexandra, Edmonton MONTHKAL. Feb. y. Angus (iordou, manager ot Hie Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, and one of the bsl known hotel men in Canada, as been granted leave of ab-seneelrdm his iluties. accord in,: to an announcement made today by Walter I'ratt, taiutral inan; Mr. lionlon (he manaemeiit of! tlie Chateau Laurier will be undertaken iiy Joseph Van Wck .vho for a iiurnlier of years has been manager of the Maedouald dotel in lidmoiiton. Mr. Van .yck has peen at-lacheil t0 the hotel department r the Canadian National S'ailvvay or Ihe pas ei;:ht ytsirs and he is one of the most popular hotel managers west of lhe( (treat Lakes W .S. Deller. who for the past six ears has been the man- axer of the Mauoir IticJielier and 1'adousae Hotels of the Canada Steamship Company will relievo Mr. Van Wyek as managar of the Macdonald. Mr. Detlier is expected to assume his new duties, iboul February 12. ONTARIO GOLD RUSH EQUAL TO KLONDIKE IIAII.I.YHl HY. Out.. Feb. . Proxpciors ret urnini.' from lied Lake (.'old area say the rush there may attain proportions ureater than that to the Yukon in J8. Some sold seekers Iravel- lina al night peat their compel i- lors MANSON'S VISIT IS NOT CONNECTED LIQUOR TRIAL VICTORIA. 1-eli !. Attornc. (ner.al Mans. m. who is leavmv for Prince lluper: next Frulaj. denied yesterday that his visit Micro was connected with the Consolidale.1 Kxporler.x" Corpora tion triiil. Fdiar Pliiqney. charged vvilii wounding fit vMbert Sandstrom hi a recent frupax at lekeport. ap-pivired before Stipendiary Magistrate II. F. Mc I. cod yexicrdny afternoon for preliminary .trial and was remainlejl for clghl days. The wounded man is still in the hospital. Milton (ionxalex is ile.- rendiiiB Phinney. II. S. Wallace, who hat been in t lie city on husinexs for Hie pas! week, will rrUim to Van couver on the Prince flvipet; I'rJ. I.v Ul I'll UiV . tawa Is Pestering Government with Amendments to Address O'lTAW A. Feii. y. Conservatives in the House of Commons yesterday moved another amendment (o the address which, while not' specifically metiouiitg Ihe trade treaty with Australia, obviously had the treat? chiefly in miail. riie a ueid m flfe pjrexei l.p- ..r ll... a ii. . ;Ta7W u '"f "i ""jzifl thai resullliig from "recent Canadian Aalioual .Mr. Itailvvay. ,ra,t n UUtle ,,v ,he lionlon lia, l.e. in dl heallh for Lr4,,en, ciovernmenf Canadian ome weeks and has been order- dajrj. j,ro,Jui.M ww ,,eing su,, l a change of climate by I" jpe,i , 1W, unair aild linwaP. physician. During the absence of . (M.. :,:,. ,, .,r presscil rcrei (hat Hie speech from Hie Ihrone gave no indica- lion of remedial legislation. The debate is proceeding. NARROW ESCAPE ; WITH GAS BOAT Drove it on the Rocks and then' '-Leaving Salvaged the Eng'ne Before for Powell River , VANCOL VKH, sl'cb. V. -Driven" on the rocks with a pas boat while Niunil froiiiC;uneli Harbor for Vancouver, William cott amJL FraiiK Speer narrowly eseapcti death last Friday off Francois Point, it was learned liere. Hauling with Ihe .waves Uie men succeedeit in placing Hie engine high on the rocks in the hope or salva-jinc ii later. Then they made their way ashoro and went to Powell IUvpt. SEPARATED TWELVE i YEARS THEN UNITED YlilTOiyA. Feb. 0. After twelve years' separation during which l'eler Colotnly, a Holla Coo la logger, served overseas with a Victoria battalion wliil his wife witnessed the IUissian revoliilion. Hie couple wore hapj pily reunited lierp Saturday. CRUSHED TO DEATH . BENEATH A TRACTOR DAWSON, Feti. . William Collar!. 15 years (ff-uk'tt an eni ployee of the TreudweJI Yukon Campaiiv al their Mayo camp wax cruxhed lo dealh ipuler the Coiniiany's big Iraclor dle ae.ci-denlally fell beneath ft when it was in motion. BRIDGEMAN DIES flKVFLSroKi:. Feb. 0 Oscar Larson, well known C. P. n. bridgeman. is dead as a result of a fall.