PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Hers We IreJpl'TS 95c Sale You uol only save 0 per cent liul you also pel bargain prices for your dollar. 12 lb. (iranulult'tl Sugar .. 95c 8 tins Milk, any kind 95c L' 11). Fresh (iround CoKee . . 95c 2 lb. Hulk CDc Tea 95c 12 lit. Dry (irecn l'cas . 95c tins llciuz Pork and lleans 95c a Hollies Heinz Catsup, large 95c 2 Hollies llcinz Yineigar, ills. 95c 2 lb. Hulk Hulter 95c 2 dozen Local Kggs, Extras 95c 4 tins I.ibby's Asparagus 'l ips 95c ( lins Lombard Plums .. .. 95c 5 tins Dessert Jtartlclt I'ears 95c G lins Singapore Sliced Pineapple 95c 1 tin Kmpress Strawberry Jam 95c 3 tins White Cherries. 2's .. 95c 0 lins Corn or Tomatoes ... 95c 12 bars I'alm Olive Soap ... 95o 1 pkgs. Princess Flakes .... 95c 10 bars Whlfe Swan Soap .. 95c .')-:) 5c pkgs. lluliin Hood Oats 95c 7 lins Campbell's Tomato Soup ... .,. . 95c We are pulling on a big sale in Oranges, Lemons and Grapefruit, all sizes and prices. For Ibis week we have a special on small sizes. Oranges and Lemons, per dozen 25c or 1 dozen for 95c Fresh Whipping Cream Dally. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 We are Sole Agents for Rochons Chocolates $1.00 per lb. ROCHONS FAMOUS ALMOND CRISP $1.00 per lb. uOpertPbaiacu Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. GOSSARD Corsets Brassieres Corsettes oine in and let us fit you with one of these. ICxpert corseUcrc in H.S Wallace Cold. Fishermen's Benefit Small While Ik-ans. 17 lbs for $1.00 Ilrown Deans, 15 lbs. lor $1.00 Hice, iNol. Jaji, 11 lbs. for $1.00 agu, leg. i Tur ioc, It' for $1.00 Tapioea, teg. fur 25c, iii for $1.00 Dry (ircen lcas,,la Ihs. for $1.00 Pearl Darley, la lbs. for $1.00 tjpli.l l'eas. vcg. 2 for 5c. 12 for $1.00 Hwift's llacon, by side, per Hi. 45c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 SOUTHERN CITY Victoria Est'rnates Five Million Dollars Secured There Through Visitors VICTORIA, Feb. !. Jusl whal benefit tbe'lourisl business In imv iilv tw .lYliliitniiil in flu V IV . ..t. ....... M " annual report of the Victoria and Uland Publicity Kurcau present -ed at I he meeting of Ibe director here. The whole of Canada recognizes and bids for tourists' business, the report poinls out. and it is estimated that over $5,000,-000 was left in Victoria by tour ists last year. The report says Tourist development is now recognized as a very valuable one throughout Canada. -II is estim ated thai 355,000 people visited this rily during the year 11)25. If each oT these visitors averaged $15 expenditure in this eily n would mean dial over five and a quarter million dollars of outside! money was left here. One hotel in this city, which showed 50.000 registrations in 182 1, had 05.000 registralions last year. Ou' o! i the small restaurants in I his en during the ninety days period t last year .served 15.000 tubals.; most, or all, oT which were tu tourists. Notable Examples The lourist industry made Switzerland and Florida, and is largely responsible for California's growth. Largo Kaslcru Canadian organizations lepor UicJGMjurisI business lo be one n the rreat producers of wealth in Or lurid. The tourist exchanges his money for scenery, food heller, pleasure and amuse ment, and it has been staled that tiie principal benejicaries o' tourist traffic are the hotels ami restaurants, which is a great fallacy. The following table ol figures, supplied by three-score Woak Foot LAND ACT. Notlc of Inttntion to Land winsome Apply to Lmh In the Prinrt' IluKrl Land nerord ne tillrlit ami situate on an unnamed llrl in UK- Eislirrn entranrr tu nudum Bay l-saie near Uunrtas Uland. Blue Print II M 14. TAKE NOTICE thai Onrp- Cordon Buso-by t Prince Hupert, B.C., Manufacturer, Intend tu ippiy for a lease of the rot-loulii described lands. - i oninieni'lnr at a post situate nn I parllA siibiiierpi-d rrct of wk radlitlnir rruin same in prai'tli-ill.v a rirrle. harm? i ramus in ilhiiii i.suu reel ana con tuning ?00 teres, more or less. GEORGE GOniiOn BL'SHBY. nld nermnr 4th. I0IS f Don't Guess Know the true con dition of your feet. With Dr. Scholl's Pedo-gTaph we can instantly make.abso-lutelyfreeof charge, without rcmovinR your hose, a photo, graphic print that shows the exact con-dition of your foot. It la also a wonderful aid in fitting shoes so they will be absolutely conv Maid SILK STOGK NGS l'rhice Itupert ladies will welcome to their midst these lovely pure thread silk Hosiery, made for ival comfort aud wear. Shade include black, white, Pablo, madura, frost, lnege. buckskin, Airedale, bloom, etc. Price $1.50 and $2.00 per pair. WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Heehaw w r: Htm M Zam-Buk provides an eyer-rcady and reliable first-aid for injuries. It is also unequalled as a soothing:, speedy remedy for obstinate and deep-seated skin disease, poisoned wounds, ulcers, piles, etc Within every box of Zaxn-Buk are stored the mmt valuable healing, toothing: and antiseptic properties known to Science. Its unique herbal composition and its absolute freedom from animal fats and mineral druja mike Zam-Buk the safest and best dressing1 for skin troubles of all kinds. Cot a tOo boM of tkit I'toi ftrrli htaler from your druggtsl or dtmtor to-Aaj, or Ztm-Bui Co.. Toronto, to mail FHFK TRIAL X A UP I. F lioteitf if l amla i 'i lie I tilled Slate-. slh'Ws m'o what varieo l.laiM'.- ! lie hnti-l (inllar g'cs wliei: paid out by the managemetil : Per ecu! Meal dealer C.OU Oysters and rish -'.19 Kggs and poultry '.'.Wi Fresh fruit and vegetables :u0 Dairy jirnducts XIo Wholesale gnicers l.lin (leverages 5' Florist Decorating, repairing Fur niturc Insurance and Taxes Dry goods ami china Miscellaneous F.xp., pairs, etc WATER NOTICE. Diversion and Us lle- i FAMOUS DOGS GO TO QUEBEC Taken East In Special Car on Canadian National from The Pas WIN.XTPKii, Feb. l. Claimc i by Ihtiir drivers lo he I lie faslc: in the world, twenty-five northern Manitoba dogs occupied a special express ear on Cauadia1. National train number Two leaving here for Ihe east. .The ram ous dogs wit It their famuu drivers, Kmile SI. (ioddard. Shot ty ltussick and W. (iiayson o" The Pas wilt lake part in Ihe m teruatioual Derby to be rn i: i Quebec on February 18-10 amlj 20. St. tJoddard's dogs brou'j the world record in Ihe rei ei . , dog Derby at The Pa inakiir. i 26 miles in two hours and minutes as compared with H"' previous world record at ; .miles in Ihe same lime. The teams which rested al Hi- ! Canadian National Kxpres stab les over the 'week ei-d to break! 'iie journey from northern Muni-1 :olia o (Juebcc, were Ihe cenliv of much interest here. Crowd ' people visited Ihe stables yesterday Ui gel a glimi'M- of the world famous dogs. An invitation has been extended lo drivers to (rive an exhibition of '.in-. hI ToronloJ and also io take their icain i..,' Hie New Kiigland Derby in .Xew Hampshire, following the (Jueber races. Whelher iliey will d" thiol- not will be iii'i ijc'l mi Ihe result of the nex: Der.'.v. GRAIN ROLLING FROM EDMONTON Salaries 2r.0it Hflit "'Seventeen Million Bushels Ship Light, heal and waler 7.00 ped this Season from Alberta 'Muie ..()-'! Capital to Vancouver Advertising 1.01 y: KDMOXTOX. Feb. l. Over - l7.000.iMio btuheU of grain hv j.02 been sliippel from Kdmon!n to Vanisitived litis season, aceortliiig -1 lis official figures of inspection '.that have been issued from Ihe ' " 11 offlee of S. Thoiupon, doinmiuii inspector. Tikis con li lutes re-cord ami fully eslablishee thit point as one ' Ihe big grain gshippiug centres of Canada. Durintr January alone a total i,ir. nriii.r. iii4i (Motrin iiiie ainj r r . 41t ...... i lalr I.. VI. ilrnrrv. wIiojm- sdilrei I -".'" Tcrme. H i:.. Mill apply fur a lirrn-w fiir j.,.ir., l,,..-.. "Irlnr -Irraiii. niiriHKMn. mi ktlsuni- T""" -'. bushels were iu-Iiirllisive of ship- nlliim llivi-r (frni II iimutb to wiurrr. Iiieills from the dullllllltlll el4VH-sppniilinalPly It! mitt-', whlrh- flow ... . . , s-nitltrrly ami drain. Into skeetia Ither, 'or. the amount consigned to -itNiUl tn mln i-sl of I'rlnre llutwrt "m vhp mur 'tiooir liver Tlu- river tit itr usrd fur rafllnir. drurhir the was r otlirrwlM- t'fiiiveyiiif iiU-, iMlniar. iih, 5.0111.10(1 bllobels. tuir ami all forful prtMlurts.' anil lie ... . . . . , .. eino4rtt:tiMi if iMmiiiiiiir and lioljinir Dill,' II a the nasi few days the ihmiiuU at the iiwutli or Mill river aud ,.,...,..,, i...- "Jveint III IMS! slucKeiteu mma WHIIO- flwwhon-. Tl iKitue s icd on Ihc (rnmiul mi I In- f.lh and 7th days t vvlinl lull il i wvin-i-lml lit almw JtllinO. 16. A riiy iif IliU iHitli-r and , ..... ... , mi appllralloii pimiisiit tlH-rlx and Hi II ir a spurt shortly. Oil luesduy "Watrr Vrf will I fllrtl In the ufflre n r.n Ink.... ... ,. .if iih- wain iiM-..rd.-r si prinre iiiiirt. "ieie were tu ars laken in at B.(. Objerthnw to llw- spplirsllun Inav t,c iJoiilillioiftjelfVlitor While J7 Itn rilsl Mltls llaaa Mil 111 VI aim II mf.iiur itfl wiiii iii riiiiiptniik-r .if wsier it'aim. cars were loaded for Vancouver. rarWyi' TO r "rlSi .iU!e ri.e.-e is spacf there for l.loo.-lire Ik Krbruary ttii. mn , is in guud dhupe for a riili now r..iui.r. ij i i i.r. C. I. M. GHSOKY. ppllraiiU. Embargo was Lifted II ullv the C.X.ll. lifted Ihe land act ! embargo, on lough grain eon- Notle of InUntloiTto-AppI to Lsas Land nigiied to Ihe F.itiuiiiilnn elevator In Oueen .;narlott nisims Uml he- H.,.j 0 Ilay ,p ,i,imt.uB. rurdlnir nisitlrt of prinre liuiiert. snl As has been Ihe ease for sum" siiiiatr iwn ann one iimr nines west "i . ..... fortable. lfyouhaveanv I Uirord Bay. Shldesaie Inlet. .lime, Olliy lined grain or siratglll form of foot trouble- tiVWotB& v. K.'a.lts are l.eing moved to Ihe weak or broken down arches, flat foot, corns, callouses, bunions, painful heels, weak ankles, etc be sure and see our Foot Comfort Expert. He can show you why you suffer and how to get quick and lasting relief. Don't wait. Come in today and have your feet Pedo-ijraphed. This Service is absolutely free. .Jabour Bros., Ltd. 'HTiipatlun sslinon Cannrrs. intends to coast under apply fur a lease of Ihe following de-, LAND ACT. Notice of Inttntion to Apply, to Purchatai Land. ', of Captain Cove. Pill Island, Province of lirlllsh Columbia TAKE NOTICE that nil William Yviiiini.i Josepni'iii roinnieii'-ptfient. and rontalnlnr forty acres, more or less. WILLIAM JOSEIMI JEFFFflSOJI. Apill-snt. Per W. J. Thomas. Agent. Ttlm4 neemh 'h LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntion lo Apply For Lsas or uana. In tho Trlni-fl Itupert Land itecordlna lilstrlrt noil situate cm an unnamed 'Islet foriiiina one of the Nares Rroup of Islets In ll.iv f.nfiiiillfe flnm I he permit system. srrllied lands: ! Comnienrlnir at a post planted at the OTttrW laf fininrp An west end or Sinnll Bay one bmidred yards NMIIIY IN PK 1 1 HS 1 1 T Mi.t ..r fimnlh .r liniinnid ilreiln' tlienr " w SiS a IUUUU VI iwiuth five rhalns; tlienre east sliteen t'halns: tlienre north lo shore line: thenre , fnllonlnir shore to point of com menremeiii. and rnrilalnlnir seven and I three-qiiarter seres, more or leM. u.i;. nsn.Ti ti rAi.hi in i ". i.i ii. Appllrant. Per M. M. Enrlih. niterf n...rilwt. th 0. SHIPPING GRAIN FROM . PRAIRIE TO SEABOARD (r.ilmonlon ItiilleUti The first cargo of wheat lo clear thai port in a year b'fl lllallfax a few days ago. II cum in Land llerordlnr iMstrkt of Prinre' prised 2C0,0O bushels. fliinerl. and slluale on the south Shore, f wheal WHS grown in I h- 'Kdmoulou districl. il cosi I0.( , .... ,t...i . .. Jefrerp-nn or Prince Hiiiierl, B.C.. oreiipa-j 1"t iiiisii'JI io iuh: n io lion innery-man. Intends to aou'v for j.)J. William. ...... The . Wintci- ru e M'niilslin to puri'hase the followlnf de-1 -ertiied lands:- Ifroin thai oolrti lo Liverpool i Cuirimeiietnir at a h.s planiel on th . nth I'li'ire near Ihe heart of Captain JJ cents pecJHMIiel. i,i,i ti. 1 lie t,, 0! u I r.nve. Pill Island, liana 4. Coast Dlstrlrt, earfl ' J illg chiirues ",,rr from " Kllllioil i-hiiiuii ' (ii u, i i Provlnee of lirlllsh Coiumbls: thenee i south twenty chains; thence west twenty tu I.ivertiool would O'! iH.C ceil'- eliains; tnepee norm twenty chains, rnore ,.,, i ..i,,. i or less, to hlah wsler mark; thenre east- P'-t nusnei. erly slon luirh water mark to p.ilnt of Shinned westward, the rate Ic Vancouver woiild be 12.6 cent.g I ic I- bushel ntiil 22 cetilM tier' iiushel from Vitiiconver to Liverpool; a tolat'ilreiglitiuge of 31.0 cents ner bushel. The difference in-Having of l i) cents per busuei in favor of liio I'acifie roulo. Dn a cargo oil that- nize the 'growers in centra. Lanirinn I'olnt. Hlue Print It.M. 14. Alberla Would lose J If si t.'IC,4i)J TAKE NOTICE that Harris Kerr of Prince! . .. , , , , n ....... n n ....... u. ...... ....... ,4. . Ilfrilll. Ilin WIII'IIL VVfllll fnII in. mMirr nmuiri, - ' ......... .. . - - ... ' apply for a lease of the followlna a- scriiiea latins Oinimenclna at a nnst on the shore on the East side of the shove described Islet, thenre 3. Odd Teet northwest; thence 3.000 ! feet northeast; thence 3,000 feet southeast; thenre 3.00o feel southwest to the i point of romiiienceinent, contalnlnr too acres, more or less. iiAnms keiir, Dt his Atfent, Joseph s, Rorert. plted Oaceiaber ltd. Il. ' stead of wesL In a season 6f low prices, mar-keling via Ihe eastern roul would put the. Allmr'la . wheal grower on the road and his farm in Ihe hands of tho sheriff. In fact. government of Canada guarantees ussige mm 8 YEARS OLD S3 ""asas- Made in Canada 95 years I In- u'i " i uieii! is not published i s'ia.vetl by UlC t . i 1 1 1 ' i C'Miidi Ituurd or by the liuvei'iiimiil of Ilritish Columbia. a iarm- iiiimiM i of them in veal-gone bv. A eliauce to cut I 1 eeul- per huhel off Hie i'"l ! marketing In- grain in winter it -iilliethinp tin- Albei'la funnel ;i 1 1 i . . uri' wiUhiu: inviting liHlikriip'i'v . ALBERTA UNDER FIRE BY PAPER pArmne 'AHmlnlatrallnn Rniinrtltf' Scored on Charges of Condoning Offenses The Fiarmer liovcriimcut ol Albeila teem to be much like maii other itolitictsjn uoeonl-mg lo fi'itii-isui of ttioir HctlUlln made in u recent uu miser of lb Miiionton llullelin which nays: A jury, afler a air trial, ha-fouiid lliniorable lietirge P. -miMi uol avuiliy of the change of ol'-almg 5,H2 of Ibe pouple monm. .Mr. Htiiilh i how h free mail, wit built Ihi' sliglilftiU ntaiii on In- good name. liul what can he id uf Ihe ad mitt ft ration of joslioe in this priiv iiu-' when decent sitixenis i-etttl the eviileiire brought tiul ill ihi- trial The facts stliow that Premier llrownlee, as Atlorney (ieneint, w'as made fully awan-of a scattdaluuis atate of uffmr months ago. lie should have placed Ibis information iu Ihe hantls of his police offseerst, and pciiiptly arreslwl all purlieu known lo Ih iinplicaled in tho HlealiitK of public funds. Vliul ditl lie do? lie appointetl n 1 1 oval (Commission to Invosli-rrale? In investigate what? He alremlj hi pimsesttion nf farlsi which under any other At-orney (lencral would "have been promptly acted upon a Is bin worn duly. Tacts Suppressed The llnyal f UvmioMOiiuji was :ipioinlei in IimiIi into all lite deaHnnH carried on by the Klng' t'ritjter with the HAdafil Vton Md. What do we find? In the ease just eliMted il wa JjrfHighl out that infornloflon 1u bands of the which bowei nf (I-Mil.' 1i; the Attorney General beyond all shadow Hiefl- 1 nf public KrW mmmW i aaav asasar I Be Well And Happy and you tiata N.Ium's Pl fill. Nautra'a lh organs and ratines Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headaches. renewing that vigor and good ImI-ln. ma skmui. tn I..1.. H.u ..j '-PPT. a. ti.. j f. n C.I .2Bo. r.;a JO 'ornro box. Chips off t he Old Block N? JUNIORS -LlttloWs The him rfl ln ona-third doaaa tandr-eoatad. Forehlltfranand adults. aaa Sold Dy Your Druuiat M Tuesday Ttbrrr o Attention, Fishermen! Why Not Use the Best When It is the Cheapen? L. I. I.. .1 1..-- .I...L..I 'I' vil , li.oi-l Snnun-. tier ilnz ufl MIHIIIl . .. , ' - ....... . Stainless Fork-., pw tloz SaiuleM Kntw. gimi'unlet'd ipialily, per i llarotnelcrs, up friitn Marine (Masses, 20 l.ignos, Hit liigliesil gnuti , l,e(iuiire day and night glnsc .... Oilier frotn A MODERN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Thi deparlmenl alfot-d- a er -npi modern prn i . Free onsulLdion. MAX HEILBRONER 527-520 Third Avonue $4.75 58.00 525.00 570 WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight end Tomorrow Night, 7 and 8 p.m. CHARLIE . 'The Gol '" CHAPLIN Rush" A di'.iiiialii rninedv wrilleii mid din I.-.1 The one anil imiIv with the lug ln-. Uie lii. , rune, luiggv ltiiii-ei. ami fiiiiuy. sliuffliiig vv , luti-iNhip- of eve iv iluv life inlti liluiiuu- h i , on liitigliler. l iirier Ihe (mnpliit geniu m ... gold turns tit t ttnietlv. hnnllii ni Ihe m Iuiiiiv. hunger pang heroine the basj. Im liiveicknen rtMises liilnnly, Itlinanls to' . i, Ireeiing tuid briiig Hie warmth f lanphf. i hei-onie rili-tnkler, and mierie hrtug iih " Its sai 1st (iluirlie". itte-l ntiil Iiesl. T-n I' S Strong rni Charlie Chaplin, Georgia Hale, Mitl Swain, Tom Murray, Malcolm Walte, Henry Bergman, IIIJlllX lllll. I'-. INTERNATIONAL NEWS 50s and Ik Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Ti ml"! t ii in.' ii i. in . Sl.ip'.O'. I- ing. J ii ii I . Itu!n .toil IbvtM Milling i Jbi.ii LiiiiiImm, Fir mill Imhiiwimh1 i i ' Hluifgle., Kilor-i Shingle. L.Jti, '. Hsh ami hHrv, NVtmtl IMih. CEMENTS, Etc. I'orlUmi U-im ... Keem - le-lo Ometil. Kardw-Mll iMn-'rr. !(-. l'lnler Ittianl. Lime, llvdralert lnc ir BRICKS, Etc. (Hiiiimtni Mri. k, Kite Urn k I' Agrn-nltiiritl Tib-. Vitrified l'iM". Pine I. n a MISCELLANEOUS Nail.. lloiMitig I'..)- 1 lluhheroiil Hiiiifing, Johns, Manville - V tug. ilialt. Apliiilt Hoofing 'aM r- w liritvel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL T'v Kiir Nnl (vim I I'll vi. ni J.. h'lt It ' ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 117. fund had I'vii''il nx'i tt I." -iderable penoil wits ili'tilicriil. lv siippressnnl., All the facts in ioc ssmii of the Allorm-y lieu-oral weri' mil frankly and fttltv laid before the C.omiiiiiiiio , Mr. Julni- Withtli. Why? The only charge pieetiled WHS the one which iniulil be iud lo lend ilself to h political nilvantncc. I il possible that self -confessed rrimiimls were Kiven I heir free- klom In n nist uiiuhiihI manner In Ihe hope that politieat mud- luiuing eniibl be indulged In when tin- i..ii.i'iuniiy nroe at the apprnai'liiiiK general SASKATCHEWAN WILL SPEND MORE MONEY BUFFALO ELEVATOR HI-.'. IX A. Feb. U. The Hoard 1 do i"is of i tie Ha-hiiii'hcwai. l ieMih.i Ciiiiiiniiiy approved of lie iniililimg uf a !Mio,o(iii btiNhei I' .i'u-age atdilitiiin lo the Saskal-i'liewan (iti-oneralive Klevator .'inpiiny leiminal transfer elevator ut llulTalo, X.Y. The ad-jdition will give the company Jf.-(ion.(Mi(l nf slorage spare at fl' and a total storage eaiuieilj ai the head of the lakes and llutralo of 17.100.0(1(1 luisliels. Tlie Ainerieari registered bull nut si hooner Sunnier . Cnpl. Sor iiino, bus lyrived in port ; Seattle where he has spending Ihe wilder mid from been will , proceed al Ihe end of the week to the halibut lumUs Capt :Soruino s family, formerly resid- 'tig here, is now located in Seal i'le. For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The leiuliiiH oily, siltiJtlml i 10, Koek It lluildiHg i Ctt) i' Ill foot ceilu cony all an" ' newly plastered; maple (Ivor. I' and equipment capacity for I'iaiio and XX . tniy band orsr' ' : ! V00 pairs ni b ' bearing skate- T -equipped 'hi" , both dancing and slln With Ihealrn can he used hs Also for sab l. block ir.. sec i ! titles lo propci"1 8 ir 1 Tor further ' . apply lo L. J. Marrt-n, P.-I Box 146, Prlncs BP,rv l B.C. Dr. Alexander tttttttttmtmkmmmmmmm1ml Smith Block Phone 676 DENTIST