In ohn Bulger Ltd ANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS r! Laundry of lorsonal Service. Phone No. 8. finished Laundry, I wt Wash, Thrlft-T-Sovlce, Bo't Finish, ftnd Dry Cleaning. ' "inly nt any time p vo'nr phnnn call, mil inslrurUotiH, lo 'nnftl nliarjce of I itiinilry anil Dry fcj E, S. Tait DENTIST Block, Prlnca !lgrson Rupert, B.C. Wfice HoursQ lo fl. x-nay Ssrvlos Phone Ban ln Tuesilay nml Thursilay i "'VtMiInRs i!!'",luy U lo 12 noon .1 llllMr. JiM'h .1NIWI'. TV H'tlil flf tn,.,lfl remark us-'"'. explaining -In- flunlh liml llHMI'H anil tlicJ .iino in nml told wll wit pleased, picnseu, not ? it (ho i- ami I rink lliC r- (i- mi optician v o ttv.'n TH3 DAILY NEWS PAGE FIV2 JACK MINER IS MANY APPEALS I . ' II lost go to AFTER THE CROW BEFORE COURT ! iicouveri 11)0 HUM) ll'll." made I hi Declare Nat Only Destroys Grain But Carries Disease In Eastern Province doe not like I lie i-mw. ami because ho hut boon, destroy inn Mii-in Iir 1 in t boon ilrawiiiK on -.inn inn expect iii,iui)ii'ir healed crillelsm. lie tie. hi s.-i vtoo in those howls himself ,i an inli'rxifw given tit the Tnrunlo (ilobe, which in pari follow: Jack Minor Imlay onrrif rMioil another i-iiln gyu his long crime vii- heot against Hut orovv. Tlial wily bird, on trial before tin' omirl of public opinion or 'tularin, now faces an oven more' serious ohnrgc llian any prefer-' coil against him heretofore. Hi j in a charge which may (ironipl j nit iianciinurni champions lo; slop, look anil Union" liefm-i-' .inim omssintr if llmv Jewellers I iim inn-La nf npuiiinmii i..,i t.u' I In- famous Ivingilc bird mi lliorlty in lii campaign In h-iIni-'-Mio "flying rain," if mil to u I". mi ol extermination, to it stale, nl lotut, n( U5 pr cent d-ploiton. . i ENGLISH II Dispensers of Hoo Cholera ibardine aincoats pedal Rsduccd Price $19i0 LCME Importers Third Avenue mlv.inor kNYX E7 Shoes makos. I'nt'os rijjltt. tnily Shoe Store ne 357, Third Avenue. 'ling eholeniT Yw. I'll citing'-I In' now wlllt spreading thai!' said .lack .Minor lo Tin- lilolio today, nfler careful pornsnl ami lon.Mlrralioii of the mass of! new-paper comment on the orow-orn-borer controversy which' nail iiioiih loll tii ilnriiiK bio ah-j senee on a two weeks' lecture 'in in I In' Middle Hale. "VIi, I ll -IMlll'T hit I- mC ( i cool . A A . . a a 1 latim nr iHiiriTiim mnm rnmiiiTl psr to Lsats In the Prtnee llmx-rl tjuwl neon1ins . rn.irlrt and situaie "it VhllfMml HUnd , nar liiimla IiikI. DIiio Trim II. M. 14. i TAki: MITir.l, Ihal Jueh Stlnwn I Moier of I'riner rwtwrl. B.C., Seerelary, ! inlerul in apply for a Iras nf IIm fol- ImWIiis ilaacribrii Unit: ijimieiirlns at a umI on Hut fhors on IIm- Ki snlo of Whllaii(l lOinil; thrnr 1.IHI0 lrl n.irllivl, Ihenr 1,000 frl ,'-al. Ilwnr l.oiiit trl xiulh: thrnre l ima til wmi .to tne point of ruin- JOSM'tf DTISSOJt ItOUEKS. 1 , nmH rwti tm oi N 0 T I 0 C. T.WK MTtrr thsl srisr piihlKallon of ihla ulr fr fmir ik e shsll apply ! the liralitrsr t Joint loek Com-pirrtiw. Virliirla. ft.C, l ehsiis th name ,.r tin- i.iKiinoy in Hut nf "John lunger l.llllllrft" . . lutMl at rrlnm Rnpert, II. C, this tint Hat f lebruary. AH. 111. ni'iQKH a r.MrHox mmiikd. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREiaV'cOURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. HON'T leave it to a friend to remind o j ol that bad cold I Don't to about spreading Infection among your bualneis friends and maybe in your own lamlly circle. To baofth colds and chiils In the direct and most effective way. you mutt take PEPS. As they dissolve in the mouth Peps Cive off powerful healing and germU cidal fumes. These you hrtmlht into Instant direct contact with the innermost recesies of the chest and lunga. Peps sooths, strengthen and Invigorate the entire breathing systin. They clear the throat andalrpasages of mischievous germs, remos soreness and inflammation, and end the danger to chest and lungs, Make no mistake I You must have Peps, the breathable medicine in tablet form, Peps ? . tf mil drmttitl' " ' in S. Sow, ruliuiai JI nlrtr-iatkHtJ bllrti.aMrMilMMniil'Uil In- in i in- ii.-l.i ho u while, ami when ho gin--, hury it he discover liml I In- flocks of crown, mutiny everywhere al this time nl I ln ru i. hui all lull 0.11011 ii till. I rum DIM' fll'lll til aiiiiflior fn.m I ho iptarmilim' pens lo mil; from no .iiins-l to aitolli.-r. uml with my iiorkot, thHit I., allow j froII) ,,,. ,.o,inlry lo aUier, """ " nnrioif in i no sainf ,(.,, Uix mm. Anrt . nnt, "in w nii mom. v.. l -aid HtsKi ihina wo larn Ik thai a nnnil .-holi-ra! 1 Inrly-fivo y-m- ao. hrvuk l vUm i rsfportotl rri.v. oisjli-ili-l Olll o(hll( II,,,, IhiiticmtlU ,if porker oi-ai.jM.armK -arty mjarr Ih ihk . r-malotl ,,r (t,ri'.l fiofolNT. ami mil l.'ii, l.oanl ofIWo , Inrwo evnlrv jrroal mim- attain until I ohrtiary or Maroh of hi' followmjj yonr ovoryimijy hail Ihik. hut wry HI I If hoe i holoni Ami if you look bark mor -flu- lnii.ry of tlto la 15 Imth of ttplo lino up hofnro noup kilchi'iiH sot iniMlliiii(r lo rat. in llioro any man wo itiam as ssi ooHimiiiei my rharsj Ihal llss orow Is a rlmloru or ynir.. inrn Ml mw titan- j spn. ftw,r yotl JtnUe. -.1 m um mo ywir mmu, oi pWM, wtes, mm iMnnw of will fin.l liml ohnlora nntaki lrm-iJrtiHii ncrilinst his- jrootl in -mithwlr.m Dnlarlo havo j ,h. eTtm bl ,lainf, in Ulft (toon rommon lo llio full oaon aa of llio sntn.lmwr nml toll of tho yoar. Why Think The Way of the Vulture "Somo farmer, onoonaoiotisly oaoo. nllnwi a ilottri Imtr lo' QOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. mo how I ho wajtl roml." Don't Overlook the Leghorn inai uv ir?r piii or crow mark In a font fiolcl lodtl lit oars of porn, wax tho roittentinn iussMl by Sir. Minor, who, whHo to TRANtriR os ana uctMCt j admitting thai tho hinl will eat M'TliT IS II K HUH DIVFX Ibst. Wt thr i. Ill U nt lbnisr m-il. tttr under-"swml mi'wl'. in apti ! Ih.- I iqnne Con-nut rmivm i. imtarrr of bi Uiwir Nuiiiijri isu. awl iiid In iC" l ml ml Imii( url of a ballet us kiniwn Tbr luijtl llulvl. miussr SI I In- rtimrr nf Sth "Irwl awl Jrd Amo-, mi Ika i lly ir orinrr lM(Miet. H.C Uxmi IIh lauil oM-ribd liil e4ii (III wt tlw its.. Bli Kit nam two (lli. Mao tunr hHHdrrd awl immtv lhn ftfS). t'rinrr limvei Liml Heat.trslluti notrtPt. In IV OmtlntY .it lifiinti oilatnlta. from Hour rufiotu. in I'rinri niiirt. traiicrr. tuiil al fHnro Hunori. nr. IM SSlh ila.i of Jiuuary. is. ilMVTi: ZAIIKI.I.I. Pfilwml ift trantfere. hstlcs sf Intuition to Land tho Imror. nml anylhinc olf thrsniKli whinh Up can pot his lull, statf oniphatroally hitt fail-tit-o In n' in Iho where a row has ilnno any more good thiin an onlirmry Iphorn oliick-rn liiiiioil looo In tlio samn fiohl would !iav nroonipliilinl. "I havo tracks! .Mr. Crow cry firXSrliJ&l"- , r.fiilly n tho la two yrar." LAND ACT. Kani Mr. .Mior ami mim ovl-lonco of hl notivitio I have drawn llio cfinnliMinrv Ihal ,he U of no jifnoral help In tho corn crop. Inil that rnthor ho com-bino his fnree wlllt the borer in iloHlroyinjr mir prnin." IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREStE COURT COLUMBIA. In the Matter nf the OF BRITISH Adinlnittrslliin Art; ana In the Matter of Ihe Hlale nt HaikMr. Dt-iraMHl. Inlrute. H'rtiorl TAKK .0Tli:i-: llMl tiy onler of Jits. ItOMuur r. Mi-It. mmsiail Uie.'ls-1ay r January . A H tsi. t t atlilniol Ailnilntratiir nf llir emale or llrrlrl ImSnrs, ilertutwil. ami all par lien hay ins rlalm arainn Ih sain estate are iM-reby mtulmj to rurtitult aanir, pmMrly virlflpil In iim- mi nr tiriin tin. ll day nt lhnur. A h lfA, ami all psnlrs lixklilml In tli- iilatr are irqulreil to pay On aiiHHini i if tlielr Iin1'lnlne lo tin rurlliwlt. MIIIMAX A. WATT, lirrirlal AiliDlnlilRilnr, frlnre Unpen. B.C. Unlet! tie ri1 nay nl January, lto. IN IN PROBATE. THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA. OF BRITISH n ttw Miller nf Ids Administration Act i In the Matter of tits Administration Act u.a In II Hn tT ssisssri f . lh KtUte of Tom (VBrlco,1 In IN; Miller of tiw of Murdm-h MiMttStiinery llMtlt,niSrS. ltsatMaat IntAalslaS Intestate. tSaJaidaMt I Ik I eSL I 1 1 TAkE AUTIU: Uial by order - of Ills II. muni r. Mell. Yinin. made the tl ilay ur January, A.l. Ii. I wss siipninted Ailntlniairslur or ll' "tale of Tom ii'lirlen. dei-ranil, and all parlies Iws-Inr rlslinx aKliiml lbs Mlit enlale ars liereliy requliHt In furnish aame, pmperly yerlfied to tne on nr Imrore !o 9KI day or February. A.H !'. and all partly rttuVhleil to the rtate arn reipilred to pay the amount of tlielr Indebtedness 10 we f"r,hnM"- NOnvn A. WATT, nfriclsl AdinliiKtrator. frlnee Unpen, n.f . Piled Ihe Syed dv nf Jsnmrv, IStS. IN PROBATE. In ths Suprsms Court sf British Columbls In the MilliT of llio Artmlnlitrsllnn Art: In llio Miller of Ihe Kliie of Andrew S ...a ll.aatMBlaUtal I ll If I A 1 1. 1IIHrr Will, n y Ilia TAkK MITirK thai I'V. l'r;'Tr,i,,ir . -. I made the flid ll.siutir r. Mell. V.itinr, tlav f IVIiruary. : putmed Aitniailstralor ir H; sislo nr Andrew H"T,l .', pnrtle. haylntr flJUif slalnst the said tale are Jierrliv reuiilred to ruinisn verified ' "p -an.. pn-perly llio 1,l .lav of Mari'lt lM. and all nartlea ImleliliMl tu the iltilml In pav the sniminl nf Ihrtr Indent eilw'n In mi; rnrihwlih. tifrhlal A.lintiilstralur prlin-e IH'ITt. Ii r Dtted tbi ind diy of February, lv3. . TAKF. MlTtCK that by order of Ills IMi.Hir r. Met). Vmiiu, nisile ihe 1st day of January, A.I'. 10 A. I was apiHilnlnl Administrator of IIm- eslai of MtirdiK-li Moitlsiunery, dereaxed, and all isrlles liav ins nanus araiust ttxi said sutale are wreiiy ii-quireil to tiii-nlli same, pnitierly verified In me nn or before ths list dav or Fehrtiary, !. and all parties Hull hli-d In the estate are rer'ilrl In pay tlie amount nf tlielr Indebtedness lo ine tor in wiin. MnnMJt A. WATT. Official Adinliilslralnr. I'rlnre tltipert, II. C, liaieo ine earn nav nr Jsnnaev. mvft IN PROBATE. In ths Suprsms Court of British Columbls tn IIm Matter nf the Administration Art: and In the Matter nf the Estate or Maiiru llrlinn, liei-oased. Iiileslals. TAkK MIITII.K by order or Ills llnnoiii- -. Melt. Joints, made the 3rd dav or February, A.t. !, I was appninlet) AdiiilillStl-atur nl tin- r.Mnte or Nauru HniiKi. din-eased, and all tutrllM tiavitiK i'ihiiiis asainsi tne suun eiuiB are iiereby i-euuli-i'd In furnish name. nriiM'elv veri fied to me on or Itefni-e the 3rd day nr sian-ii. a. ii, tutn. sua sit parties nujebted to the i-sUils are reuiili-vd tn pay the smniini ur their liiOebtedliess to me luriiiwiin. M0nMA?( A. WATT, lirfirlal Admlnlsiratnr, I'rlnre IIiiimtI. B.C. Dated the jrd day of February, m, Silting Again This Afternoon to Oomplete Work Left Over From Yesterday sThe eonrf of revininn nn llio ldi'fi eily iiMMiMfinieiit rnll yoMtor-ilay iifloinoon oomplolt-il all the liuxiriooM hoforl if with tlio ox-ci'ption of onojtppoal whioh was tiolil ovor tinlil Him uftoi'iionn at llio t-oitiPMt of coiirioi'l. 'J'lin ooili-t wan not roipiiroi lo to al dolail inlo tho iiVI'.p. Iiovolop-nioni lU).' iiMiioAftmoiiU as I ho appotl plaeoil by that oompany nn all iln holiliiiRis wna momly of n formal nature lo permit of any (if it h li'ini'lliiMorx applying for rovixion. Tin'" only appeal thms onleroil was dial of llio Sonior-villo Cannery tin. on nn assessment of 8.10 per front fool on .'Oi.t.l foot of Waicrrrum lllock "1" on wliinh IIm cannon hIhiiiIh. I'M i valuation was atlowcil lo oiaiul aflor it was jmiLii I l out thai il was fully eipjilaliio with ol Iter assoHeiitents in tin- vicinity. The only appeal nol ilisposoil ol yesterday was that .of M. W. Mi-I.oo.l on lots It and In, hlo-k 'J'J. seel ion i, the double corner at l-'iflh Street nn dSeeond Ave. Iiniii which -tho rock was re. mwd by Hie oily last year. An exf-essao valuation is claimed al l.,(i(Hi for tho corner and .Villon (louzaloK is appftfirtuc for the appelant. Court conveind aKain ai S.3ii this afternoon in deal with I hi appeal. The following: appeals were disposed of by the court yester day afternoon: Dr. A. A. Melatyro, lols 5 and it, liliM-k 3?, swlion I dots on wbieb the I'nlon Sienmship Co. and I'rinee Unpen fnsnnince Asieneie offices are local oil . reduced from 84.100 each In 81,100 nob, the same as Ins! year. Ariuand lie lloruis. lot 15, block 10, section 1 northeast oorner of Seventh Street and Second Avenue , reduced from en.itnti lo 85,oo. Vivian Keunotly. lot 4(i, block S7. seclinn 5 ' junelion of Knlioii, .Ninth ami Cnmox , reilucoil from ?:oo to otioo. llopinn Finkelsiein. lot 7 and K. bloek iti, section 0. stainl at MSl each. Mr. lora Stephens and J. II'. Kelly, lot 11, block 10. section 5. Iitnil nl "'.ion. WrtliHin Wilby. lot ?l. block 4. eclin 5 Aanew I'lace . stand ill 87r(. Mr. Susan I'rincle. subdivi-srim of lots S3 and 2t. block 0. section &. stands at 8065. M. M. SlephoBs.-lnls ?0, bloek 7, seclinn i. stand at 8100. M. M. Slophon. lolx 27 and 2K, bloek 10, section 2 stand nl $50 and 805. .Mrs. Horn Stephens, lot IK. block Hi, section S, stand al 880. lU'Sinu Fjnki'Isloin, lols 50 lo 51. blook 18. section 2. stand al I20. 81 in, 8100, 8snn und 8210. G. W. McArlhur lots 1 unit 2. block .1, section 0. reduced, from 81,0110 and 50 to h'JOii nml 8H00. .M. M. Slovens, lot 8. Mock 10. section 7. ulnml al 8170. Ariitnitil Do Itornis, lols ,11 lo 4.1,vtlock lit, section slnnd at 8li each. ' Wllliniu Wllbvi 101.24. -Idock M'ciiidv , Hlnnd tni lliooi; MaCiMla O. Dunns, lots M nnd 12. block 20, necl ion 0. sliind at 8550 and 8700. J. A. Lindsay, lot 22. block 23. flection 1 'on which tenement just west nf F.mpros Hotel stands . slnnds nl $1,800. II. M. (ireene. lot 1 4. block 9. section 5. slnnds nt 8550. Somerville farmery Co.. 201.1.1 in Walerfronl IHoek "I" slnnil? Still Enjoying Life at 84 Thanks To That Wonderful Remedy Mrs. F. II. Miller, 1813 Ufh Ave. East, Vancouver, U.C., writes! "Five years ago my husband suffered terribly with severs attacks of palpitation of the heart and smothering spalls, and two doctors stated that hs could not possibly live six months. A friend recommended MUburn's it and X. Pills, with the result thst my husband is still enjoying life at ths age of 84 years lis hna Improved so wonderfully that ha can now ellmb tha atalrs without having thoso awful pains la his heart." f Put up only by Tha T. Mllbttra Co., UaiUd, Toronto, Oat. An Infallible Guard HEIMDAL, according to Celtic mythology, was the perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acute that he could hear the wool growing on a sheep's back His eyesight was so keen he could see everything that happened even though it occured while he slept. Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible' sentinel for you. It guards you against fraud and inferiority. It protects you against making unwise and unsatisfactory purchases. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to protect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these names by sailing any but good goods of full measure and fair price. So, you can bank on this. Advertised goods must be as advertised. That is why it pays to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised products. at 830 per front fool. Advertising is your guard l'heo. Collart appeared before llio court pmlerilitiK ul a raise in; assessment this year from 8250' lo 8150 uh lots 33 to tt in block' soot ion 2. These lols lie onj tiralinni Avenue adjacent lo the elevator sile which structure Mm Collarl maintained was a hamli-cap rallter than an improvement ' lo their value. The rourt was of; Hie opinion, however, that a new road leading past them had enhanced llioir value and allowed the valuations to .stand. Lot 20. block 22. section 5, recently bought from the city for Waxes by A. (IiUfsar7. wn 'r3liic.ea.nahe,tU20vrollbv-- Ihe court. Assessor McLennan reported to the court thai 20.0 acres of land in walerfronl block "K" with 1500 fronlapo on which the elevator stands had been "transferred by the railway company lo the Dominion government on January 20. This moans Hint this laud will in futttro he tax-free. MUST COMPETE IN BUTTER MARKET IS MINISTER'S OPINION Vlf TOUi.V, Feb. 9. Canada cannot nermnnenlly prevent competition by Australian dairymen tn butler by tariff protection, lion. K. D. Harrow, minis-ler nf agriculture, staled, when discussing the recent importation nT hulter from Australia. "F.ven if we shut out Australian luilter from here wllh a high tariff Australia could slill com-pole with us." Mr. Harrow af firmed. "The facts of Ihe butter situation are somewhat iwculiar and promthly nol widely understood. Af present Canada is producing In turn rputntitie. of bailor which il cannot use. A Mg surplus is being exported from the prairies lo Oreal Hritnln by way of Vancouver and the Pan- -. 'J t tey t; Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK and; SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AMD ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle alt kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38 TUGBOATS Day Phonos 423 639 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. amn Canal. Competition In Britain "It is difficult to see how Australia can find a permanent butter market hero under these conditions. Af the same time, if we kept nut Australian butter, we would feel JU competition just Hie same in Ihe lirilish mor-ket. Both Canada and Australia depend lo n ureal exlent upon the lirilish market and fhotr products ttal orally come inlo competition there." Night Phones 687 530 Gr. 238 Black 735 MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP. PINO CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15e for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 667