PA OK TWC Purily II SA t; Above All PcicKeci under spotless conditions.. The Daily News FHHnCB mjPKHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. 11. F. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Deliver)', by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the Britt.'h Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ........... j. IS.Ou To alj other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . 40 per- inch per insertion Transient .Advertising on Front Page. ..rt . . .$2.8P per inch Local Headers, per insertion. .. ; . . . . v.1, . . . .,.25e per line Classified 'Advertising,' per insertion. 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. .vlDc fer agate lint' Contract Rates on Application. ,,.. All advertising should be in. The Daily News Office before on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION' ZDSZtD.KY. SEPT. 13. 1928. Clorous Victory For. Liberalism. It w;is a glorious victory for liberalism. Right Hun. V. L. Mackenzie King will be premier again directly. Hon. Arthur Meigheu is down and nut. Liberalism is triumphant almost everywhere exeejtin Hritish Columbia, the province which benefited niU'l fruni the atlminislraliou uf the Liberal (Tnveninieiit. (Jnlario, the. old -.Ironplw)!! of Cousenalim is seeing the lighll anu turning once more to the Lilcrals fop help. It is a jzlorious vj'elory fur it means ihe carrying out of Liberal poljciea'sucli as a democratic countrj" URe this needs. Congratulations to' " Conservative Member. - The Couscn-ati'vet me m) jermf -Inel pohsrvalive parly in Prince Ilupert are to be congratulated oh their sticce.s. II i. somewbifl of an empty honor .with the return of Mhf Liberals to" iower, but it is a polilft-al success nj"way aiid1s largely the; result of good orgHiiiation, hard. work and the plentiful use of money. We believe that Mr. ltrady will do hi? duty as he sees it at Oltawa ;iud will d7i Jii bet In sene Ihe constituency welL He ha irromjsedia degreeiif. iulepei,dence- in Parliament arid we hope ho wijl xerde that and-Mjit be 'iljiveii by the tmrty lash to oppo-e measures 'which ace for the country'? good. "He has always spoken against blind adherence to party. Now we hope for an object lesfoii on how n member can shSw his independence at Oltawa. Soverign People Gave Decision. Yesterday Ihe sovereign people gave their decision who was to represent Ihem in Parliament. during the coming term. From Every shrd is baked crisp and flavory- Allloewhcaiinadistibleform CROW CAMPAIGN IS BEING CRITICIZED BY VICTORIA PAPER , .Victoria GoIonUt houhl be -the case. 1 He nunuier, . k .' - a- t I., ' or crow thai iave unm m Mnls were slaut'litereil. Headers Uler of Lonsfcllow will find, in his Dirils of Killinsrwnrth," the re sult of'ihi cahal?W The des absence of three months In the field. van nsiiX- Ntrwa - ;.r -I.,.- I ' J. w I )1 THE MAN IN THE MOON j Ayti -x g Now the election U ovt. lt ti about the wrathrr. I The cauiuasnr for the omie- Jrt, 1Mt vlw. u . .,oV 0t trail- tion of crow tn Hrlti;di.iluiibU ing m betur ttoAe todsy I thought t has ' proved largely an abortive (m tooe last wtM- one, u.nI it Js an ecediuly suo-l , A 'JT OBr ,h.t ui thin? for the province mat iim on Uck tick. - t . nn I Oonl teehDV the tlerator U to utfdjlt "e the ethr oa the iifSniuiil- huitt.'T.i is ne- - pi-owe SLldc. 4aVrWVare with us prw dt - nprov.. iif-anitA n'finvernmenl "ukase, T Hrtn, tun- htaJt rv. ml mill) ' V, ' t . - . I w w r - i Dial they rdinuld lie,eXlrm.i,aled. lost money on th elections are go II i tr dispensation win-re mm- .v.i..i. .. with the newajapw iubt. tn. month, deuce has taken issue ilceree of man. It is recalled in gubJe go,,, u on, btTt th connection with the recurring nui are in the stalls. period of Invective,-against crows . that earrY In the last century, the The ay to get Into agreement wiui ' banker It to refuse to borrow any , , v. ,.-1.i.,,14 your several New , farmers or 'mQn , v, States had a law passed placing a bounty on the fiead of crows.' Business la pretty much what yoj l that time thousamls of Uie make H. RusU a bit boya and you'l tlw. AUo It U wise to advr VANDERHOOF truction of crows caused such a plhrrte'f.rMnseel2 Unit Ihe farm- A on test Wednesday at Stuart Lake. Ttt ii e i - of saved the necessity ers were ltll4nt d.ughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Ale, hartesting their crops. The errrw fcUdfr KjnocB' was bapttied wvnnitwi law was hastily repealed. May. In nnfnrin. ami ti.irtieularlv in mih.,i r.,!v n,.m;...l nf are.eighty.four pupUs enroU- acres or turniis anil iane, eic. turx of mbub cnsi-u 0t WUUam are being tleMroytM by Insects, l. rtir Mi Kathleen Morrow aod Experts -of the sovprnnient have mim uary'Meuish. been experimenting in the use of ' . .... , ... V. Schjelderup. Burns take aurreyor. enormous quaiuuirs .. u tMULta ,iUrteT vott on the in the effort to WW the pests ami indim reserre In the MacLeod and sate the crops, but the results, rwt orahame country. He u achate been largely nupatory. It companfed by Peter Butherlaad. I . .,-...1.-1.1 tlkM aAmnal(Tn , inHiamr ... r .,.. , MwI tarTOl .wthw to pretallln against crows is the cause of the the (armm of the district are nest, for it has been carried on busy tamering bumper eropa. Th intensively in Ontario. The farm- fourth annual Vanderhool Fair on ei s or Wellington Rnunly are be- '83IBt 31- of "hlblu- 11 AMtetWtm tftjf IK Mat Sinning to realize this, and there , 1 ' i a reaction acaln'it the propa- , Alfred reriand. after fourteen year' eatula of' etbw killing. Crows, aenrlce with the Yukon Telegraphs In nn.itmibi. eat crain and other n dUtrlct most of them spent t Tne naiihbiw i k r ri-i.i H,"t-e Nechako sutlon. has lett lor niv "ul" ,ul ,nm vm. in PnrtUnd OreeonJ oiner nanu iney are poieni asrenis mtfre lt u his intention to uke up in the destruction of insert pesls. his future reaMence In fart, iiwist naluralisls who have : "iL clii.liaH ll. Ai.hii he m-n lliat nvnrj diuwi iriru-jf.-vm " ' , . . Kenry Erlckson of the BeareTdam dis cro are a nectary lacior m trlft dled lMt wk . mult rt Nature's dispensation, and it is haVre teen kicked on the head by interestinjr to not that Nature basla horse, cninpil (lie iiiinpr linnil in Ilritish ' ik.i .. mi O R riupatrkk. who has been do- Irw caovpaign ha had such in- fleld for ,ne united cuureh.! finiteimal results as to be almost has left 'or his home in New Brutu- nealiible. .wick. David TnrrotU brought Into town oil Wednesday the first load of alfalfa hay grown In this district for sate. . the .returns now in it seems as if they have chosen J. tl Rradv. 1 !e?islalure. it was nade known, the season last week and to eele To thai decision all must bow. We have just what we ask for. by Highway Engineer It. J. Som- bmte the occasion a dance was rrea btork. is probably defeated, lie has worked failhfullyinier w.m returned home after an 'held on Friday rtvntmr. for the contitiieiicy and got nitrre.ftir it, according to ils size. than any jnember got for his cimtitueney in Ihe whole Dominion and he got the usual reward for his work. He was turned down' in the hour of triumph just when the city was awaiting the arrival of the first, train loud or wheat for' the elevator which be secured "C- ..However, in politics, lhere is no sikli thing as gratitude. VKucoutVjr secured large nppropriatinnsHfroni the Ooveninieiit, .ipproprtatjons which helped lo make it the' p'rosperotis cit it is today, yet it low voted 'down, the J.iberal .tjandiilotev . People du not renson. They vole aecjirdiugitothft ,pfe?t'1 the fad of. the hour. , ' . . , What of Governor Who Turned Down King? What of the tiovernor (ioperal wh refused lo take the advice r ihe people's representative and called on Hon. Arthur Meighen to form a government?- ills nctTtlif has been repudiated by the people who rule. If he has any sei'i.e. of delicacy he will resign at once. He took the power into his own hands'tempor-arily and if' hits been wrested from him by the vot of Ihe sovereign people. Whal action will he lake? There is but one decent thing to do and that is to vncnte at once. As long as he acted constitutionally h could do no wronjf, for the ministers look Ihe blume. The mumciit he acted 011. his own iniiialive, he became an active pnrticiiuilor in the political life of the country and should abide by Ihe result. The perfect whole wheat food SHREDDED WHEAT AIRPLANE LANDING FIELDS N ALASKA Twenty-Five Already .Constructed In Territory From Funds Pro-' vtded By Legislature. j JUNE.U". Sept. 1 1. Ily the end j ot the"fireent season 25 airplane landinir fields will have been con-; E. Bmedlej has receUed a threshing machine and haa started operation on the farm of Isaac Jonea. Mrs. O. W. Oeernsert of rrtneej Oeorge Is rtsltlrg here with Ur. aivli Mrs. Frank Bowman. SMITHERS si rucled, mainly from Territorial . Mrs. K. Uirnle's summer funds made available by the 1925 ramp at Lake Lakelse c!oed fur Orrbeslra of rwenty-tJiree of the fields are (lalsrary pul on anolber dam completed and are In service, Mr.;'" tin Town Hall on Friday Sommern said. Two others will venlnr bul it was not palron-be finishel before work is suit- ld by, a very large crowd, nialn-pended for the winter. The first dtl;'o oHieq all Mictions on fields, were built last year -wheni'"' '""f- ? I five were nut into commtsnbin.T 1 '' ; ( Tl,ese were located at Lake Min-I ., np.'' "o"" elii.mina. Talninn . vtnl ii.rt,r 1 i dNtieiier of Ji.uld refresb- vensood. WUman nn.l K.irt'V.,.r'nl al e Hulkley lintel for Inn. nil ir. Mm Pnnrlh Hi.l.lnn I '"p P'Vt eVert Woillh, left for MaidMone, Mask.. ipriFaliirday VIaIjI aV Hm rrt nin b I miaI Art 1 1 I a A "'mmi oar 1 iriMtiutif 111 19 J 11 1 rJi'i't . U ii.,.. ri.4t-.. n t- in 11. a "Will where he will reside for "iin.nt.ii til t i n, in inn si . . a it ,,P few! sertkm, Circle Hot Sprinps.i BMt. fw f.hejia Hot Springs. IlamparlJ Jiandelar. Manley Hot Sprintr. American Creek, below tbe Hot Mot Springs. N'ulalo, KnntUhna, MrOntUi, Ophid. In the Four Hi Division; in the Second Division field Were built at (iolovln. Mo- ,.rii ..... r, ... TERRACE Mrs. S. F. Mills bfl on lo spend a abort holiday .11 Prinre Hupert. 1 , V " ,".r? mn' V?il:' Mw. A. Y. Wilson returned to r...uK, anu u.e neiu ai ,er home in llemo 0.1 Fridav nf. Notiie cotirp eted. Fields are sllll'icr bavins epent the past week lot be completed at Circle and at! in Telkwa fi 11 J. ' l 1 miua. Airplane Comes to Stay The provision of landing facilities af so many points has placed virtually every section of Ilia In-letior and far north in easy reach of Fairbanks and the Alaska nail-road. Mr. Sotnmem said. Planes !are operating out of Fairbanks .ryniljirly. carrylmr pasxentrcr. mall and trcichU. Their trips are such common occurrences that no more mention is made of thorn. I'vcryone has accepted the airplane as an everyday faclr In transportation h the interior and it Is there In stay, he said. It ban brought remote sellleinenls inlo touch with Ihe larger town and Is flaying a bte part In reviving the Interior mining Industry, ho added, Mrs. j. Mcliren and daugii-ler Soidiia. relumed borne on Saturday from Winnipeg and Kdmontnn, where they have spent SAWS DECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 more timber in aame time, with less labor than any other saw. SIMOHOS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. VANcowvui. st. jam, I Tonowra Subscribe to Ihe Dally News. ' Advertise In the Dally Newi. SHIPMENTS OF GOLD I F-(h af lbM barrtls cwitalns In goM. - WrUhin lb iU ill tuts, dard mnturtiaqukkft melhad ol ch tlnt'lhja tMUillat. )-feral mllllo U U Watlag Ihe BjbIl far drcmlt la ttta Oalrsl CoU Ibi. of the gold coming Into Canada MOST at the present time Is dqwsited by tbe banks with the Government as a guarantee for their note circulation, The Gortnmcnt boll the gold in what is' known a the Central Cold RtMTVr. Under tbe Hank Act each chartered lank is allowed to Issue it own iKitrs In denominations of $S, $10. $20, $50 and $190, up to the aiuotirrt u its Paid-Up Capital A restricted extra issue U allowed during the crop moving prriod. which rtenw (mm Setitenit't ti Ihe summer friends. vaeatkm wbli' Ja. left -on Hatunlay for I'rtnce Hupert wMb Uie l.e- ver-Hokler exhibit for Mi' rin Ituiwrl Fair. Mr. Uobler iml !oa Hilly wen) hra an tin-lay. ' " s l'lw directors of the Terrae-imi nixtrlel Fall Fair .Worm Urn iutt on Friday ' etcniii? m be Fair huitdiu? and made r-ranffenients f ul eon nor t ton wit. Ur fafr In 1hc hehl Ttnrdir. 'eijdenitier srK "nsblerable wik ia been don on the lot own- nI by the iKialunv anl sihml-d nest lo the ball park. Ntvev ary aeMmiieKlalbii la tteing r .atwel in mid In for oel,. poultry. 1c wblfeli 'will be ex-'libiled ami judae.1 on tli an-irtallnRV-'trAfl pfoperty. Other iiHdl oS ve?-lable, frtllta, do- 'leafir "Inr, flower, elr., wi"; le bo.I in tb tAV.V.A. llai: Vritf may be rlitaliied n' ibe Terra Hardware or wfll ! uaild upon reijuesl ny J. ) Agar, ecretar-. Mr. and Alr. W. H. Allison ttnl datiirliter Joyec of Prince Hupert spent tbe week end In iwn. Mr. tkrillson l Indian went foi the dislrict. T. B., CainpbcJl. pf Kilwnns.i vns in 'town' hT Ihe Weck end. Trioi. II. 'lB4Jor,; leller of U,.- focal ttank. Is a! present on tohilays anil his place in the hank i beiag taken by A. Wal- era prMJhiiiiwach. Hi Iloe, and J. It, Harnui.) 9f Vanootnrr. lnsi)iclors for tl-.' Itnhk of Montreal, nntd an ntti elal' visit 'to the focal lifanch lb' 'asl week end. W Unit I'ltmtafen- n iinlnlSvrt rt f flirt ftm'if rep nnil llflllllift liihl' ii flnA . bfblt or farm prnduce to th rrinre noerv mir. Tl. nnttllxm- flpi.ilxl.if. nt f.l ary pave annllier ilance nere on Friday mailt which was well attended and Ihnrmiffhlv nlnvn by all present. flood headway Is beinar rondo on Uie Terrace-Usk portion of Ihe provincial highway front this end, where H. I.. Frank has a taruo gillie of men at Work. Soma heavy ro.-k work has been en- ounlered near the brldae but the worst of It Is. now over and he work will go along more ipiickly. Misa Opal Cassells had tin misfortune lo be rather badly bitten on ' Hie Ick on Thursday eteninit by a dog owned by fmllli. The do was Irnme. lialely shot. Miss Wbrnry, of Chllllwack, vho U In charge of Ihe Copper "Ily School, spent Ihe week enl n lown ns Ihe iruesl of tbe Misses Maloll and Kalhono at the heme of .Mrs, Tims, llrooks, FeUiury. P tin Uiu ttesire tit issue notes above tbe amount uf thcif l'aiM Catat. the riUlv4tent In 50M may Ue drfwaitnl in Ihe t 'erind l't Kcsrtvts as a gnarantcc uf ieii(iiinii. Prior to tlx war surb s! ipntrtit were frrrurnl, but during tbe war and for m mc t ime M trrworib . ten tlx- t'ia4un tt4Ur was at a disroufll. all thipmeota of gold were .-w.iel. Uercotty wkjas. inenta of p! :i . e tesuBsH betseati the ImiiUs in New ick anl those in CatvtiU. t - .' - ll-.tHI shipment T tr- .: td tbe burn Xl if Koal Itank f shtprml in stur t. ktv ais casWut t,'0A0 tMwle m racb. lite k thM the anglt they Wth Ifn " PW skbawiji, . mium N i ; " slamUi.l m. .. Ike Unci It . .'131 Everything for the Bu'ltbr LUMBER- V have Uie most cumplele diiiieiisinii!!. hiplap, fir finiidi. fl" veneer, etc.. in Northern B.C. We can supply everything In a building from Onts-datlon to the lait piece of finish. Before buying msperl yur stork. II ' 1 pnrcs are right Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone lie and 117 Steamship and Train Service i . rniNCC nufUiT rr vscouii. victosia. lumt WtOHHOar, 4.C0 pjn., ami TMURSOV aiwt SUH0T tlOJf v- -ssii'.'i - 1 Hint 1 turl Srl. 5lh f . t aurOK wiomsdat . . iroe f. t STSWArtT (ATUROAV ,; ..i ataSSCTT IHLIT MONDAV r..r SII0COATI INLCT Ik4 SOOTH QUttN CMtOTTI lsU roftalfhtlf. & " Assiiaci trsins icavi emici mupcnt II. to am. fr princc oioRoc. coMOPrron, wiMiirco, Caasila, I'nitml Slate Aatf st 0(sa SUsmials lists. l 4nsttsn Kitiunsl Kiprr fne ' 'rrtr. r also for v ur a-tl shipmral Clt Tksst Ottlts, SiS TMee Ais.. relets SUM WPACinci VWSAILBiTi Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Const Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ta tslchlkss, Wrsassll, Junssw e ksast Sspt. "r ' To Vsncssttr, Vlttorla si4 Sisllis api. PMINCItS BCATRtCC Campbsl. niTse. rS. "ffyM-t "".'S" V.AUrt M fr lUlfQIIfi fJlia mwrni ' ' A(nr fee sil llasmsMa Llass. r. . larraslla tre- Osrnse st ata vw SUsst sS r Atsaus. frlss '. ,Cl UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings trom rriac Hwasfl ( . w VANOOUVtK. VICTORIA. wssssM ?. saS Alsrt ' ' tl r VANOOUVIR. VIOTORIA. Alsrt S, Swssssa , Por PORT SIMPSON snd Mss Rltsr Osnnsrlss, 'ss " for PORT 8ISJPS0N. ANTOX, AlICI ARSI. STIWART. -"'. 123 2nd Annus. R. M. SMITH, A"t Void! Like it! The enn is clean and conveni cut to Iiandlc. Being liquid, the polihh jjcta into every corner, and it uuickly pves a brilliant, dcase black polish. ZEBO LIQUID STOVE POLISH If you prefer paste, uvj Zebra. MADE BY THE MAKERS OP TtECKITTS BLUE. M frlnts RP" p. ML