PAGE SIX T AUDITORIUM Dance Tonight And Every Evening This Week, beginning at 0 p.m. Mrs. Ponder'e Orchestra and Miss Currle's Orchestra will furnish the music tor the week. Ounce Wlirre You Like Itut This Is the lfc-t IMarc HDItS. Z5c . ..CiENTLKMEX, 50c The Hall is now equipped to take care of Dances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feet, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title to properly. IT'S FOR SALE Phono Black 449 L. J. (WARREN, Proprietor. SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT OF Needle Point COATS THIS WEEK ONLY "Doners" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 OUR ANNUAL Price Reductions during Fair Week are now effective and our slock consists of a full line of Groceries, Meats and Provisions and Dry-goods. The highest quality al the most reasonable price will assure you that our prices meet your need .4. , Come and look around. We will he glad to show you. A discount of 3 per cent will he allowed on all cash purchases. Mussallem Grocery 417 Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 423 5th Avenue East George Rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c Phone 387 'New Address; 243 Second Avenue West prtlNCE RUPERT Consult us about Your Eyes Make use of our guarau-jeed Optical Service, 27 years experience testing eyes and filling glasses. 17 years constant practice in Toronto, A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist for 27 Years 313 3rd Ave. Phone Red 442 2& CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NoTICK IS HEIlEnY OIVEIX Hut the ro serve etuiinir ucr Lot 4607, Cssnlsr On irlcl. la cancelled. Deputy Minister of I-inds. u. it. nuit.,i, Ltnils Deinrirot'tit, - V'irluris, . C, tilth Juue, iS0. Tfou do not know how delicious an omelette can be until ijou add some BOVRIL Recipes To each two eggs, add a tea-spoonful of BorriL Mix aad cook la the ataal waj. The flaror Is delicious. LllltKAL tiOVEKNMENT KETIKNEO TO AO.UX AUMIMSTIR AITAIKS Ol' DOMINION I'.Y OOI MAJOU-ITV. (continued from page 1) Colchetcr--G. T. McNutt, Conscrvt- tlye. CumberUnd R. K. Smith. Conzerva- tlve. Digby Annapolis H. B. Ehort, Con servative, Halifax Hon. W. A. Black and F. P. Qulnn, Conservatives. Hants-Kings J. L. Ilsley. Liberal. . Inverness I. D., Conser vative. rictou, Thomas Cantley, Conservative. Queens Lunenburg W. Q. Ernst, Con- scrvatlve. Richmond -West Cape Breton Dr. J. A. Macdonald. Conservative. Shelbourne-Yarmouth Paul Hatfield, Ubcrsl. One Conservative gain. NEW ISIUAMVICK Charlotte It. V. Grimmer.. Conserva- tlve. Gloucester Hon. P. J. Venolt, Ubtra'.. Kent Alfred Bourgeois, Ubcrsl. Northumberland C. J. Morrissey, Restlgouche-Madawazta P. BlancharJ Ubersl, Royal Hon. George B. Jones. Conser vative. St. John Albert Col. M J McLaren and The mas Bell. Conservatives. Victoria Carteton J. Kk Fleming, Con servative Westmoreland H. R. Emmerson. Lib eral. York-Suntury R. B. Hansen, Conse?- atlve. ... Five Literal gains. IUUTIMI COI.l.MltlA Cariboo J. A. Fraser. Conservative. Comcx Albeml A. W. NelU. Indepen dent. .. ! WEEK-END SPECIALS Golden Bantam Corn on Cob 100 dozen. Special, while they last, per dozen 25c Terrace Potatoes , 10 IN, for 253 Half Hack $1.10 Per sack 51.93 ltrinivi( k Sardines, i for 25c Broken Macaroni Pure Plum Jam. a lb 33c i lb. pail 43c PICKLING SUPPLIES fireen Tomatoes 11 lb. . . 25c Quantity lots, per lb. . . . 3'aC (ireen Peppers, ii lb-. . . . 25c Quantity lots, per lb 11c Pickling Spice, per lb 40c Large Cucumbers, per doz. 75c Choice 11.(1 Celery, dozen $1.25 Pickling Onion-. lbs. fur 25c Pickling Cukos, per lb. ... 15c Cooking Onions' '!' lbs. $1.00 Concord firapes basket . . 00c l ancy Hipo Tumatoes, firm "lock, r. !b. basket 35c Spanish Mild Onions, It lbs. 25c No. 1 Mcintosh Red Apples Pec box . . : . . i. $2.40 !3 lbs.' for I . 25c Cokklng Apples, all Varieties Wealthy, (Iravensiein, dr... Special, 5 lbs for . . 25c Per box $1.45 Crab Apples H lbs Tor $1.00 Tokuy (Snipes. II lb. ba-kei 50c Italian Primt's, crale 85o ' t f Ljweat,department - , Hnlkley Valley Ik-eTiihil' 'hunt, Loin or Leg Lamb, per lb. 43c Shoulder Lamb, as cut, lb. 33c Hcef Pot Hoast, lb. 8c, 10c, 15c Ileef Oven Hoast, lb. 15c & 18c Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 Fraser yajley H. J. Barber, Conservative. Kootenay East Hon. Dr. J. H. King, 1 Liberal. Kootenay West W. K, Esllng. Corner- vatlve. Nsnslrao C. 11. Dickie, Conservative. New Westminster W. O. McQuarrte. Conservative. Skeena Jamea C. Brady. Conservative. Burrard Brig. Ota. J. A. Clark, Con servative. Vancouver Centre Hon. H, H. Stevena. Conservative. Vancouver North MaJ. Oen. A. D. Mc-Bae. Conservative. Vancouver South Leon J. Ladner, Conservative. Victoria Hon. Dr. S. P. Tolmle. Conservative. Ya'.e Orote Stirling. Conservative. One Conservative gain, , V I K OX Yukon Capt. George Blaik. Conser vative. ONT.XKIO Algoma East Beniah Bowman, Lib eral. Algoma West T. E. Simpson. Conservative. Brant Franklin Smoke. ConservaUtr. BranUord R. E. Rj'erson, Bruce North James Malcolm, Liberal Bruce South Dr. W. A. HaU. Ub-eral. Carleton W. F. Garland, Duiierln-Slmcoe W. - E. Howe, Con servative. Durham P. W. Bowen. Conservative. Elgin West Hugh C. UcKUlop. Con servative. Essex East E. O. Odette. liberal. Liberal. Essex South Fcclea J. Oott, Conser vative. Essex West Col. S. C. Robinson, Col- servatlve. Fcrt William Hon. Dr. R. J. Manlon, ConservaUve. Frontecac-Addlngton Dr. J. W. Edwards. Conservative. Glengarry A. J. Macdonald. LlberaL Grenvtlle Duadaa A. C. Caasclman. Conservative. Orey North M. R. Duncan, Conservative. Grey Southeast Miss Agnes McPbaU, Progressive. Haldlmad Mark C. Senn, Conservative. Halton Dr. R. K. Anderson, Hamilton East Col. O. S. Bennle, Conservative." Hamilton West C. W. Bell, Conservative. Hastings Peterboro Dr. A. T. Embury. Conservative. Hastings South W. E. Tummon. Conservative. .Huron North John W. King. Liberal Progressive. Kenora Rainy River Peter Heenan, Liberal. Kingston City Brlg.-Oen. Dr. A. E. Rosa, Consenratlte. Lambton East B. W. Fanscher. Pro gressive. Leeds H. A. Plewart. Conservative. Lincoln Hon. J. P. CLaplln, Cou- ervatlve. London J. P. White." Conservative. Middlesex East A. K. Hodgkla, Con servatlve. Middlesex West Hon. 3. C Elliott. UberaL M us kota -Ontario Dr. Peter McOlb-cn, Conrervstlri. Nlpisslcg E. A. Laplefre. Uberal. Northumberland M. E. Majrbee, Conservative. Ottawa C. O. C. Edwarda atvt E. R E. Chevrler. Ubcrala. Oxrord South T. M. Cayiey. Uberst Oxford North -Hugh Allen, Uberal Progrescive. Parry Bound Ueut.-Col James Arthurs. Conservatlven. Perth North F. W. Hay. Uberal. Perth South Major P. O. Sanderson. Uberal. "Peterboro West E. A. Peck. Conser- Prtscott- Prdr. " U, Auger, Independent literal. ' ' 'JW Prince Edward Lennox John Hubba. Conservative. f r r Renfrew North- '.Dr. I, D. Cotnam, conservative. . , Renfrew South Dr. M. J, Maloney, Conservative. ' ' , Russell Alfred .Ooulet, UberaL' Slmcoe North--W. A. Boys, Conservative. f ,. . Ternlskanunx North J. A. Bradette LTteral. Toronto East Hon. E. B. Ryckfean. fonseryatlve? 5 , - ft Toronto East Centre n. C. MiUhowi, Conservative. Toronto High Park A. J. Anderson, Conservative. Toronto Northeast Ueut.-Col. N. M. Younc Conservative. Toronto .4orthwest T. L. Church. Conseatlve. ! Totonto Scarbcro . Joseph Harris, Conservative. ; Toronto Bouth Ueut.-Col. O. R. , Geary. Conservative, i Toronto West Centre H. O. Hocken, Conservative. Victoria 8. H. BUnsoti, .Conservative, IHB DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY HAZELTON MAN DIED QUESNEL JOHNNY MclNNKS WAS IOUMKKLV HULL KNOU.N IN THIS IHSTKICT AH MIMNU MAN QUESNEL. Sept 13. "Johnny" Mc Innea, who was bom In IBM near Bar, kervllle, one of the best known resi dent cf Cariboo, died In the hospital j here following a long Illness. Hi became famous along the Skeena val ley as an amateur entertainer when be made Hazeilon the headquarters of his mining ventures in Cassiar and the Bablne country, VICTORIAN TAKES OVER LOS ANGELES ILLUSTRATED PAPER VICTORIA, Sept 13 - -A former Vic toria resident U now In control of the Loa Angeles News, one of the three illustrated daUles until recently owned by the late Cornelius Vanderbllt. Jr who failed to make them pay. William OUphant has now had charge for three month and Is rapidly putting the publication on It feet and It Is expected will make it a paying venture. ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE PRINCE Kt'rtKT. It C. okiikk ton m:pii:muek. 1K6 DRILLS Mondsvs. 1 to I pin., gen eral Instruction; Thursday. B to 8 pin. miniature range. PROMOTIONS McAuley. J. T- Stoker II No. 13017. advanced to Stoker 1st class having passed examination whilst serving on II MB. Curlew. ANNUAL TRAININO All ratings who have not yet completed training for 1918 must attend period No 8. November 1st to ISth. Inclusive . at R. C. N. Barracks. Esquimau. Names should be handed Into C. P. O. Inst Dawes not later than October 14. It U expected that the draft will leavt these headquarter October 28. 1020. DANCE It Is proposed to hold the first annual dance of this unit on Thurs day. October 21- Trafalgar Day. A gen eral meeting of the unit will be held at Headquarter on Thursday. September 30 to discuss arrangements. All ratings are requested to attend. W HUME. 1st Ueut UNABLE TO HARNESS HORSE IN ONTARIO TORONTO, Sept 13. The Globe. In an editorial on, the passing of the horse from the highways to the back conces sions tells of to city youths summering In Mukoli who atked plaintively If anyone could tames a bene for them. Young inen in the party admitted Ignorance of the art. Then two ladles past middle age came forward and volunteered the benefit of their almost forgotten knowledge. They har nessed the horse and their thoueht went back to the dy of their father' stable, to the more leisurely time of buggies and victorias. They wtre Victorian themselves, bus they still had something the world needed at long Interval. , YllKm.MH KiroitT l a.m. Dlgby Island-Part cloudy, calm: bar-ometer. 2830: temperature. 82: sen smooth; 8 pm. spoke steamer Anyox towing barge Orlffnlt. Anyox for Vancouver. 332 mile from Vancouver. Noon Dlgby Islsnd Clear, light southeast wind; barometer. 29.82: temperature. 82; sea smooth: steamer Prince George due 2.13 pm. I'. i. IlllVMIN IIKCUKi: I'HOI'I.K Mtf MISTAKE IN OTIb(I At TIIEV Kill AT lOLI Yi:K7HtlAV (continued 'from page one ently prefer to see u remain a fish ing village. "Furthermore It I demonstrated to my entire satisfaction that the more a person dors for his community, the less he Is appreciated. Let me asy that and as perbsps one of the oldest resi dent, that so far, a I amconcerneJ (and I am among the largest Individual taxpayer of Prince Rupert and should be as competent a anyone here to express the opinion) the people of Prince Rupert have done probably worse for Prince Rupert than they dll In 1913 when tr.ey voted down the hy- uicy set u back 'at least 20 years. "Canada a a nation demonstrated by the ballot that the country Is in favor of a Liberal policy, the policy that win make Canada, but apparently Prince Rupert 1 again out ct step. "It seems uniquely queer that such an apparently enlightened citizenship as we have in Prince Rupert should have so many, apparently unintelligent people," Waterloo' North-IW. "D. Euler, Uberat Waterloo South Hon. Hugh Conservative. Wentworth a. C. Wilson, Conservative. North York . H. Lennox, Conserva-tlve. 1 South York R. If, McGregor. Conservative. York WeBtv-Slr Htnry Drayton, .Other OnUrto scat were still la doubt late last night but the Uberalsi had already made 12 gain In that' province. ' I W. O. McMorrls, msnager of tin Kltsault-Eagle Silver Mine Ltd.. returned to Vancouver last week after having made an esamlnatlon of tr.e company" properties In the district, j Charlie Hutchinson of the govern-' ment liquor store has gone to Van-nn a holldav trln and .O. .J Hutching of Anyox is relieving 'net during nis aosencx. j Earl DrOruchy of Vancouver has ar-rirMi in Vancouver and I In chart of the Alice Arm public school. II Ml '.I-!' Mrs. Mary Oisham of Prince Rupert Is Visiting here wun J. a. Anaersun. and family. C. H. Allger arrived, last week, from Scattle,and will sprnd a month her developing and prospecting the United Metals property In the llllance River! valley. a c. it. Oerhardl of the Torio mine ha returned to Vancouver alter paying1 visit of inspection to the property up their residence In Anyox tor a time. R D. Ensromhe of the Totlc mine left lsst week for Vencouver and may visit England before hi return. MARKET REPORTS Butter HrtMikfielii, Shamrock and Woodland. H lbs H5c H. C. IK. S lb 85c Capital, grid prade, lb 0 Fraser Valley, lb t5c Lard Pure S8c Compound 25c Chest Ontario solid . ..; JO.: Stilton, lb 35c Kraft 15c NorwjriaiJ Goat C5c Vnpoleon Llmbergrr 10c lloquefort 75c Swift' IloMcrcup, lb. .. . 15c (orRoniola, lb '. . . 75c McLaren' Cream, jar- (Se A 85r (Iruyrre 50c Ootuen Loaf, lb It. C. trib, pullet 50r It. O. freh, nnl- 55c II. C. freih, extra- 60e Ix-al lahl 08c and Uc AMwrla frc-h. -veoiid tor VegeUbUt New beets, bunch Sc llcl. 0 Ni- He tflO lb IS.75 New carrote, bunch 5c II. C. ijirrolf. lb.' 3r toil lb- I25 Hul-bapjs 6 lb. 25r 100 lb 12.75 lladNhe. bunch Sc Ne' polaloos. III lbs 23p Potatoes 100 lb IJ.II0 Fancy II. C. tomatoes per lb. tor Toni.ilo-, iK?r bnkei 40c Mint, bunch . . 5c Leek, 2 bunches 1 5c Cauliflower. It. &, head. . 25c-35o i:rn on the ob, docn .... Kir Crren onion, dozen 2.5c Ternice Mbbas"', lb 0c It. C head lettuce lOo Oarlic, imporlMl, per lb. . . lOo It. (',. c(Ktkii onion. 0 lb. . ,25r Uliuoarii, ouuioor, 9 li. . . . 25c Wax and (ireen Heati. 3 lb. 25 Vegetable Ma now, lb; . . . tlery. Ininche , Hubbard Spin-di, lb , f.itron, lb. , Pumpkin, lb Sweet Potato. 2 lb. . . , HftX Want, 2 ,)b plckllujr Ctieirrnbft-F, lb. . . Pickling OulonO lb Oriintse, Valencia, tluzeii . 6c 25c . 7c , 7c . 7 c 25c 3br 15c 25r ' ... ..... ... 2Co'to 75c Lemon. Sunkit. doz. 25c and 15c California urapn fruit . 2 for 25c Itanium. 2 lb, for 35c CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET FAIR WEEK WILL BE BUSY WITH US You Will Save a Lot of Money by Getting Your Groceries Here. FRUITS Freh Prune, jer box 95o Preeivinjr Peache $1.40 Harllell pear, 3 doz. for $1.00 (lonil Cookluir Apple, per lb. So Tokay Crape. 0 tl. for . . $1.00 GROCERIES Hulk Tea, bcl (iinlily, lb. ., 68o Freh (Iroutul (liffee, per lb. 48o Heady Cut Macaroni, lb,..25o rieoh Vuv; 3 doz. for . . $1.00 Creamery Huller, per lb. , . 40o 1 1 lb. box. per lb 57- l-air HallooitH foe t tit kid, ea. So Fresh Milk and Whipping Cream Dried Fruits Hate, bulk, 3 lbs. .. Dale-, Dromedary ... Ilai-ln. bulk. lb. .... haUIn, package, lb. ... WE ARE OFFERING I LI. J. III! "- ' , Mill AKW mil i Mill in A MODEL MODERN A GRADUATE EXPERIUm OPTICAL PARLOR REGISTERED OjWj TO SERVE YOUR EYE NECESSITIES It i llio greut tlilft'ience in (he r, ., , correct int'tlituN of examination fr .i. i, alleiiliini to filliiiK Hit prescripliuu and h, sary in etirrect fraiuu filling that ran.. . lihtruniiiutf in favor of glasse filled in ,, ' We ne modern methods. We try to vice. That's why you will feel o tim. y mi are lending on a friiiuu lluit wii; .A particular liking. REMEMBER -No cate pretenls perplexiUei to ono qualified In the Science of Refraction, (jonult our ()ptoiiietrit u ou would ... .; vice will be just a reliable. Max Heilbroner 627-520 Third Avenue Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTINQ AND TROLLINQ GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCCniEl Compare Our Pricei Lipsett, Cunningham & Colli Second Avenue and McOrlc'e 8L WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 8 p.m. "The Sporting Lover" A drainu of the tirral W'.ir adiiplrd (n stuge urce "HimkJ Lin k," a prMlin . Theatre. Hal off to the kuiR ot ginni oniona men. who nm ride like Hie !. v aJttvil and love ? ir. One kne go! a that make life worth while tnk i all will cheer when he iuiiic llfriMigti Win-war threaten to hake the exnirage of tit fighl hi way to Ime. Trninidu r.. . Life mid luxe Uked oil a gleamiug I ti greatet liel ever oU-ed. You'vr never I - win (hat mi will tin tune. View. ( K their inajelte, the Kuik and ynreo v frun the ro d box. irunjj rL Conway Tearle, Barbara Bedford, Ward Cran, Arthur Rankin, George Ovey, Charlei E. McHugh and other Mack 8ennett Comedy HARRY LANQDON In "THE SEA SQUAWK" AESOP'S FILM FABLES 35c V.i 1 Shooters' Supplies Gun Lubricants. Axes and Hunting Knives. Camp Cooking Stoves and Utensils. Ammunition In All Gauges and Calibres. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd . ... 1 . ' aril Phone 101 jlandieil honey 25c YbIIuvy, i- 1 Lxtracied Honey, lb, 23c. 35c - Flour Apple, MrlutoJ : Apple.-, Wealthier iJlr fled'' A s ttJzt I rtuir lour. lo'. Vf. N I Arplc. (iravcn-li-liii. .. Conking Applet j r.aiileloupe-, each I Pcat'he, tiiise i Italian Prune, orate . ciusicr Haisih. lb. .. Lemon and Orango Pcol ... Citron Peel Illaek Cookiutr Plus 30e and While Fiji, IB. Table Tin, lb. .A . J.OO pa.ry rioui. 1" paatrv flour, i" , . 15c j Fish I15 ! llalll.til, lb. . P&e riflhiiiiii. ri'd i:oi oaiiuu .each .... SOo and 25c Salnnm. wlni -i lloncy mw Melon, each ... 3c Srimked Klppd r .. .. 1. It. Irt.'x, ...a li.i i.,ii"i .liriuilP, ill. ........ ivv hlppjrcil -"ii"11 I'enix, Harllell. nao .1.1'5 Hnnkeil' Ilia. l 1 'A f! 3S0 25c 200 25o 306( 50c 250 15c S5o Currants .. 22 J4o Prune- lfjo-25o Apples .. ., 25c Peaches, peeled . . , , .... 35c prlcot-, lb, .v . 0c Nuts Almond-, -helled Valencia 75oJ llra.M and filberts 3So Walnuls, broken shelled ..."50c Wnlmils. ohcllcd halves .... 050 Almond- .. .. I Peanuts j MauRhui-iiiu ' Wful nu I -1 California Walnuts . No. I MUo.1 Nuls .. 35o 20o; 25c 35c Sugar While, per 100 $7.10 l-lnnan IIhiI.i -&alt Mackerel, in lluslcni talt : SaltCoJfl-h I' 1 1 1 ' llinptni Salt l" lvl. No, ItOusliiiK " In'1" ' II nm. slioed. ii-' Ham, wiiole. " llnni, pli'tu"'. "' fjrjllllire Itoll. I llacoii. back. li' Ifaeon, side Port, dfy AyrShlro bacn M "eal, shoulder .. Vcalr loin Veal, Jog PorJii sliuuld'1'' Pork, loin Pork, leg HeeT, pot. roa-i "llpef, boiling Hcer, slnk llccf, roast v,mr Loihb. chops Lamb, sbotilil''' I tin MvtU II. rib I-' :.- I i i 4 i! 31 Il' :i5