r. Alexander mlth look Phona 576 DENTIST LINDSAY'S arraffp and NmrariP " "- -3- itag, Warettoufint. OlmributltiK. Team or Molnr Service. Coil Rand and (travel Furniture Be?lna. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Ory Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce I'fr load $G.B0 ''fr half load 3.50 !i ...b RA Burn Wood and Keep Cooll mm m rri Hydelransier 139 Second Avenue Phone 680 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. TUGBOATS DV Phones 423, 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. NlQht. Phonei B87, . 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. OCO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. WONDERFUL LIFE OF POTATO BUGS IS TOLD IN BULLETIN Prices ,uig Themselves In Early In 'llir-if are the n.-w r.'-i Autumn and Remain Until duccd piter fur movement Next Spring ..i, .... m .... i.ii fin i (.'. ....... nil, im tii.r.i iiii any 0 ease desired. Aearly everyone who was born ' l'nmillnKil 'ft i n a. 1 rra ' ' . "ii prairie mey ( r 21 m C!i'i!iit. jewels.. $50.00 H ersule. 1U iewels $45.00 1' S JUiUelt, 17 jewels ii!o imp plentiful nml ure usually destroyed by sprinkling the lolalo loo wllii Pari Oreen ' - ' ..;.r- nil.) I fll F 1 I I l'ri , .. .. 5Z4.U0 'II,. . , .. 7 . - f n .i. i.n iiiM-ni hi airricuuure ........... J. nr,,,., O . i n i. Iiit ..ll.. I. ..!...!.. -J, lo jewels .. ii. $18.60 I jewl ... $11.50 This is the regular Hum's ...Mi- i.tk nruir F u iiiiiii'iif. niirini i'- habit from which II in uallt ered thai Ihe Colorado beetle, a il is properly known. is a most sue ir interested wo areil"r,"-nf insect. It starts to g ail to stuiwy u oUier sixes i"'l''"iaic in August, September anil grades. 9. oIn7PI I PD5 JL-Mitc st6rwith the clock sc rKKI IX IDk hese Six Ways a nuutii wash and Ka-Af to i-heek ?erri) rm ii, .rn iMIieitHi. aim V a ii. 1 ifrice, te bleach, w r aij beautify the A a birarti anil to clear ur n o. remove fiwkles. .1 . - ... . . As a . j.-h. In mike hair v ii,.- on We arms. ntt .'.'IT n.,.1 larva - y manirnHng. to pre-vp angnails, and to ;C A a pe-i.iratlon rteodo-U ran' rk'e fla k Co . Pernx- i i f bei snise II Veens ;tlrnit"h longest 4 or. 25 Cents upert Pharmacy Will o. Ws deliver. jor early October, and lurn nn reaoy mr business in Ihe spring. in Ottawa, as I old by Ihe Km loinolugipal branch in Bulletin 52 Of Ihe Oninlnlon DenHrlnien' of ABrlcullure on "The Colorado I'olafo Heelle in Canada." Hu have been made an it, lenslh nl life of the creature and tinder what rirruiiiKtancp il will telain vitality. j i In wirtleriiijr raire feel with lfet!e m Xew HrimwirL- aev. eral lol were forcfil inlo hiber nation at an early date lir crn- iinmir ih tn in ulrr-fae on the noil with only enousth food for "ie day. All had burrowed with- in three dayn after Ihe food had tone. From three lnla mil In Hie rape Auiiu.l nn and Seplein. her 5, 105 beetles out of C00 emerKMl the followim.' Mirihi. Oui f :'oo put j .-JeplemWr in : emerged' awl out of .1,320 pul in tin- eai:e on September 1.1 and iair only 3fi0 einerrfi In Hie KprniK. Tlii would eejii In In duate a Ihe bulleNn ajM, thai he .-lirHcr the ite liibemale in Ihe auluiiin the letter ihy tin ive. The li.vtlen eoniinniilv so Jntn Ihe noil immediately below Ibo plaee where they lal fed. In a damp, cold clay loam ther Imve' jjw'eii found willrin two inches of Ihe kiirfaee and none hi all be. Iiw it. inehe, wjillr In looe. eandy to only a few hundred feel away none were fnund a" ! than It fnclif and mne al t7 inehe. In a dene (travel loam oil only n vatiiial e.Me wa turned mil hen the ploujrJt who eultuitr 5 inrhe dfep. lul a Till m her rntibl be found by dsmiF 3 inche more in Mie : mo of he furrw OF PRISONERS Sir William Joynson-Hlcks Says Short Sentence I of No Value TELLS OF EFFORTS critith Attitude Toward Men OeUlned by State Has Changed of Late welcoming dclsate lo Ihe J'riMin Contrren here, fir William Jo.viion.irk, on behalf of the ilrlllh KOvernmcnt;jipoto ot.tjie new tnovetnenl thero.tn repard In Ihe Irealment of pri oner. The lime ha pad," .Sir jWilliam n.iid, "when an execu- iie government nnidcrei j had done il duly In ociey when it had arreted an offend er. In depriving1 a human being of hi liberty, an executive government lia undertaken a new renponihllil.v of Ihe very nravcf.1 kind, that of Ihe, treat ment and training of (he of fender during ii if incarceration. Applaue. i A man doe pot l(ii hi right a a human being because he haj broken ..the, law. A nian input, .no l come out of jirlon in, sucli "a cuililion of mini ahd body that he is no longer fil to take hl place. In Hociety. The State U free to (expcritnenl upon prisoner wllh mental, moral, and phyflcal forces with a view to their rcs-toralion to a lnfe of norma! cihxenlilp, ' Thin I the present object of every one of our prison administrator." Interesting Experiments "In Ihe last few year,"' ?ir William ronlinud, "Ihere Iia b.vn a flriklng diminution In the nuinber of pernon In prison, nolwillilnnding that Ihera has been an Increase of population In ( Ihe name period. Fifiy year ago Ihere were 20,000 people In local prinn; te-day there are only ,000. Fifly year Hgo there were 10,000 people in! penal enilude; today Ihere are J.tiOG. To tTiat must be added1 fl That Endures- H Mr M SIB O D U C T S iHE HE fruits fruits of of twentyone tventy-one ,t years of experience iix1 building motor cars are evident in the world wide public acceptance of Ford quality as an enduring character' istic. e Enduring quality has enabled the public to buy these products just as it buys other products of established reputation with the assurance .of receiving good value and lasting satisfaction. Only enduring quality could instill such confidence in the public mind. More than twelve million owners ' testify that this confidence is well founded. i. -ft1 ggMflflBBBsama ckRS - TRUCKS O F TRACTORS TRADITIONAL QUALITY 8 ,100 young persons in Ilorstal instilulion. There were 1(3 lo cal prisons; and 13 penal servi tude prisons in this country 50 years ago; loday there are 31 local:. peJsuns. anil, lour penal servitude ipslllutions." ipre lo bo found in beller education, In Improved sobriety, and improvement of the standard and condition nf living, and almi in die care liken -by judge nd inagisl rales to make the greatest possible use of the allernn-tlve lo detention. Two experi-menls were being conducted at present In itnl to prisons. One was that Wormwood Scrubs had been organized on I ho basis, of the Idea of a separate establishment for1' first Offenders. Separate Prisons ; The prison was set asdic en- l irely about two or three mouths ago for men committed from Ihe London area, wlio had never been in prison' lwfore," added the Home Secretary, '."with the object of training Idem In an environment free "Trotu. the prison atmosphere. Al WakefleUI (he prison has been' kept for those will) sentence lone enough lo enable them to Inko advantage of the opportunity of industrial training afforded. So one Is admitted to this prison wllh n sentence nf les Ihan six months; and an eleven-hour lav nine hours' work and two hour' education 1 mforee.l " Sir William said that separate confinement had bai almost enlirely abolished m our Kng lisli prisons. System of volun tary education in which a volun lary education as.3laut to Hit prison govcrjior gufded lhew;prt of Ji(h fellofpfisohis.ihid h'eet inaug'raftdierTh4olitefk: p(icere 'ninr heipresencjlil prison- officers and Ava'nlers, and it wa regarded a a point 'of honor among the prisoner to behave themselves and to do I heir utmost. At one prison a parly of public school teachers look a train Journey of 25 miles each way In order volunlarily lo give instruction, to Ihe prisoner in the evening. Prison Libraries Prison libraries had been lm proved out of all knowledge In the last 50 years. Cell windows were, now made lo open and irisoners were allowed to see visitors naturally, without bars. I'ho object was to promote self-respeel by avoiding unneeessary degradallon. Instead nf stern -eprejsiim, a new system of stwiuou training and education had been adopted. The Home Secretary declared that lie was convinced that the short sentence was absolutely useless. (Hear, bear.) A few weeks Imprisonment did not irivo the authorities a chance, and was not long enough to make people dread Ihe Idea of imprisonment. He hoped 'that the system nf probaliou and fitie would lie extended so that first olfenders should only be sentenced to "detention th very nerious cases and that when this was necessary the sentence should be long enough to give he prison authorities, an .opportunity of influencing llio.olfend-jr while In prison. V." 'TT -. i ' "It Is Stated that wn (mporl twenty million artificial teeth annually," says Punch, and comments! "It's horrible. Mo- think that the only things we can gnash at our American deht aro American teeth." 1aily Mall. Wife of Keen Anglert "So glad to make your acquaintance -but tny liusliand gav me the- lm-presion thiil you "were very tall Jonrs: "All but you must re-memoir, that .h"; once Jlshems out'of the river;"'