PAGE TWC Tit'fc UAlLY Kr'iVb Only Fresh Tea is Good Tea SALADA DAILY DJITiUH TEA ii T3 sells so rapidly it is always fresh. The Daily News IMUNGE RUPERT - HR1TISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per montb $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.(Hi To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.i(i Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Thursday, Feb. 25, 1920 Transmission Of Human Thought. Since the Jate Archbishop Du :'ernel experimented in Ihe tranniiMoii o( human though! and published his conclusion to the world, he has had a great manv followers in that line m experimentation. Others are taking credit to themselves for work which the Archbishop did and for which he will be known long after his work as a Christian clergyman has been forgotten. A story comes from Leningrad in Russia that Professor Valdimir Hehleirv ha ben studying these thought waves ami be believes them to be eleclro-niagnetic. lie says they artt thrown off by other animals as well as human. He thinks that his experiments Will lead to the automatic transmission of human thought to a distance. There is nothing new in this except the suggestion that the thought transmission is by means of electro-niagnelic waves. The Archbjshop somelimes spoke of "thought radio" in connection with ins work and he proved conclusively that messages could be carried long distances,' even as far as fmm Prinet, Rupert to Vancouver. The Russian -professor also suggests that the more accomplished a man is the better be troiisn(it.s 3iid the worse he re ceives. That seemfs contrary to the I)u Aernet experience for the Archbishop proved himself to be a, successful receiver as well as sender and no one wouldrsuggeilWhal was not an accomplished man. si Man Can -Receive, .;,, . Better Than.Woman; ,i. .x ' the Archbishop Dr. Ivan Chakhovsky suggests that a mail can receive messages belter than a woman. That may be because a imm can oxercie better control of his miiid than a woman. TJie sender has to ex.-lude every other thought but (Jiat of sending the mes sage, while (he receiver has (upkeep himself in a receptive altitude and also to exclude foreign 'thoughts. It is phiin to e from this that it is easier to send than lo receive. It i. eniei to concentrate on a positive idea than a negative. Should Carry On Work Done Here. , It seems a pity that the work commenced here by Archbishop Du Vernet cannot be carriedon and his name slill be connected with it. Unless some, action is taken wilh thai end in view (here is a possibility of hi fame being obscured b Ihose who come after mid by men who ilid nol'originale the idea Many before the Archbishop suggested that thought might IA transmitted and beieved that il was, bill the local man was tb-first (o prove that il could be done at will at any place and at any time by persons who were trained to transmit ami receive. Canadian Bonds Sold In States. Canadian government bonds must have been in great in New York yeslenlay ;fr orly million jlollars worth lo uc KiKco op aiiiMoi uircciiy iney.were ouereo. u speaK weii for Hie government of the country and for Jhe faith the Ameri cans have in; the stability of our .institutions.. National credit is" a great thing. Ve must be in a pdsiUonHo leyrrow if we expect lo carry on aim develop tlie country, vWith liinaiKan bond sell ing well, provincial bonds in demand am city bonds being lakeh readily, we seem lo be in an -enviable' position so far as credit is ronrerned. The next thirig frm.tiulixidual to 'do is. ty Keep ineir own tnuiviuua) credit good Good Health for AH the Family The newest idea in medicine' is to prevent serious disease by looking after the "minor ills." Since about ninety percent of serious diseases develop from constipation arid torpid action of the liver and kidneys Mrs. Mary Fourgere, Larry't River, N.S. writes: "I wag troubled with constipation for years." At last a friend suggested that I try Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I did so and must say that they have given me more relief than all the medicine I have taken during the lan ten years." the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to arouse the action of these organs is the most effective of preventives. . Backaches, headaches, indigestion, constipation, etc., soon disappear when this great regulating medicine is used. Dr. Chase'sKidne y-LiverPills 35c a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Canada. CHOPIN STUDY IDEAL PENDING ! BY MUSIC CLUB AT BURNS LAKE 'Pot of the Piano" Afternoon Galena Ore Prospect Near Lake Arranged Dy mrs. Praser ai : Tchlslnkut Improves as Home of Mrs. Bryant Tin' Ladies Music Club me I yesterday afternoon at I he home of .-Mrs. !eo. Hryanl. II? Fourth Avenue. WVst. the subject of ftudy being "Chopin, the J'oel of Iho Piaao." 'Hie arrangement of the program whs in charge of .Mrs. U. C. Praser., It was a fol lows: Piano solo "Sliento in I flat minor,'" -Miss M A. AVay. Heading "Life, and Works of Frederic Chopin," -Mr. A. T. Par kin. Piano -snlo-"Nocturne." Mrs. Hubert Ward. Vocal solo .'Two Corpses.' Jlrs. Donald Ross. Instrumental duet "Polon aise Milttaire," Mrs. It. P. Ponder and Mrs. Hubert Ward. Piano solo "Valse," Mr. F. P. Kenny. Vocal solo "The Maiden's Wih.'- Mrs. C. E. Cullen. Piano solo 'Polonaise." Mrs. David Wilton. AT VANCOUVER Seed of More Elevator Accom modation is Stressed by Swan VANCOUVER. Feb. 5. "Local orl charges compare favorably villi oilier competing imrts oi he const,' said Major Svvm, Chief engineer of the harbor board, "charge here being as against .tb in .Seattle and round in San F'rancisco." . The Major saM he favored a rratiual downward revision of Krt charges consistent with the crovvth of the port. In regard lo Jie set tins aside of waterfront ircas for future development lw said dial investors must not b 'barged too time I i for Hie land . imiiu storage faeillues. now land at beveen G.O 00,0,011 and 7v00(M'0 bushels and an increase lo I5.0UO.OOO or SO.HOd,- OOii husliels wouUI not be over iiuildln?, but this does not neces- 4arily neitl U b by I lie port aulliority, provided the private investor were fiwrw proer pro-lectioii. in conclusion Major ?wan deetaretl that the place fm sawmills was on the F'raer IHver HUd not on False creek or .be central liarbor. HEAVY FREIGHT AND PASSENGER OFFERINGS ON COAST STEAMSHIP An -boiir laic leaving on Monday niittii on account of heavy frcisht offering for the norlh and further lcdaycl al pceau Falls diseJiaising caroi which included parts for the i;ev paper machine that is beiiu; itislalled al the mill there, C..V.H. steamer Prince .Rupert. ,Capl. 'Harry 'Nedden, lid not arrive, from Hie south Jinlil '.'.S5: ye-(erday afternoon. The vese'I had a large passenper. Jil out nf VauiMMiver'lnelmlincr fifty people for Oroan Falls and 13 members of the crews of the steamers Prince (ieorge and Prince John Which are beinji prepared at Hie 'dry. dock here for service after their annual overhauls. The Hn-perl also had an exceptionally heavy freiaht cargo of 250 Inns for Prince Rupert. SEWING MEETING ATNURSES' HOME Ladles Gathered to Assist Lady Superintendent With Making of Articles For A sewing meeting, arranged by Mrs. Frank Iibb and Mrs. C. F. Kemp, was held in Ihe (Nurses' Home yesterday afternoon for the purpose of assisting Mis Jean Harrison, Il.N., lady superintendent, in the making of baby articles for tbc.nurscry. The .garments were parted and. bdrcg. lanen home by Hie ladies, will bo completed in a few days. Hefides Mrs. Dibb and Mr Kemp. Hie following ladie were present: Mrs. I). A. Candow, Mrs r: H Flkins. Mrs. W. D Cliriflison. Mrs S Hatcher. Mrs, Hen Self Mrs V I). Moxley. Mrs, v II Yickers, Mrs p. W Mor rlsey. Work, Proceds FIIAN:US L.vKtj, Felt. :. A deal is peiiliiiR Tor.. Hie Monn Mineral gtWtfp op a creek running iiikirt'liisinkut Lake between Uittii laVit'hd Francoi IHke. TJieore is silver-lwd of medium jirndc. II was discovered , four years ago by accident and! since I lien, development ha been iroeeedi; with a view to loca- tina: the iiiain fre ImmI.v. A small crew or si meim-enny tirovc into a vein which strengthen!" and widens as Hie work proceeds. The properly was examined In the fall by a mining engineer for a larjre American operator hut no iltal has yet been completed allhniksh il is expected lo be closed on tbe bais of a work-in); bond. While no eelarti!ar values have a yet been encountered, the ore beinir a primary galena of medium even grade, indications point to there be Ins n large bell!- in the district, the working of ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL I whmayleadtogre ve,np- THE MAN IN THE MOON ay: A .SICK ItusiuiMd i ti.ind. a ?hmI Iiii- A LITTLK love i not enough Ut get married on. A MAN who will not lie for a woman is only half a man. TIIF person wbu says he ha' been Ion busy lo vvrile is bardlv complimentary to In- friend. ilOl'KTSHIP is a lotfety. Young Hph ofteii draw riiaiiy blank Itefore they eeure a priite, anil even then the prue is of ((oublfut value. SOMK eople express1 Ihemsef vim In lanKuuge; otbers"in neck Ifeis ihiiI socks. IIKI.I'X ltowiand says there are the eooehs in the life f -a nun A red sled at len. a rel neeklie at twenty, a red-leade woman at ibirty, a red ear al forty, ami a rM necktie again al fifty. C!luoIM; a wife is semeihing like cHmiiir fiMnl. Frnif h pas try is pleasant once or twioubul as a regular iliel it is a failure. A MAN oiin m more! bfde his love iban can a gtn bble ber . aci'inalion mark in a one piece tialhnig suit. NONK are so blind as who are tired of looking. February 25, 1916. tliotj DAIlLIMi. I am growing old. Ami besides I have B cold. All my bones besrm lo aehe. What's (he best tliiijg loan lake ; i A MAN friend of .mine wants lo kiuiw how he i- know if be ts rejiiry in love. ant going lo tell him he is in bve jf.illl othei women look like eo mapy vviMiden obitrfs 'to liini. aiifliflllbeir sly glances never penetrate beyond his busily cyeorrvs. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert i ne I'acuie l- isiieriuan says thai halibut fishing lias become tbe second mosi imporlnnf industry on the Pacific'Coa!. Vancouver papers, speaking ol M. A. Mardonald's provincial election campaign in A'aneoiiver, stale: n.Mr. MacdonATd Jiroughl ti the hall with him a sturdy Northern, T. Diilferiu Patlullo, former mayor of Prince Hupert and the Liberal candidate for that district." ILIenl. l'.ol. .1. W. n'rden re lUrned to Hie city yesterday af ternoon from Prmce. Oeorge af ler inspecting the contingent of the 1 02nd. Hallalion there which is beiitig trained by Lieut. .1. Charles Halsey or this, city. II is expected that members of llui battalion Trimi lite north will be transferred U (mov in about Miree vvees imc Advcrlue in the Dally New3. .BY MOOSE LODGE' The Moose Lodxr ietl auotlK-r! very succi'ssiui vviiist drive iimI dance last evening in the Mclro- pde Hall. Priie winners vveiN": Indies' first, Mr. J. Hawthorne; kidies' eroml, Mrs. loin Hybhavn: ladies coiisidation. Mrs. .. John son; men's rirl, Percy Cameron .m rut with .Jack Morrisim; men', seeoittl. Jack .Morrison; men etoi-olalioH. Willie lioiwild. Tbe conimille in I'hanvc cou-iled of fiillis llnyer. II J. Haemi. Percy iVunenm. J. So.uar-huck. Sam Antmis, Mam Hau- deMsehlld. A. Olinesari:. I Me- Doimbl and Freil Scadden. Joe Slastfcinl was master of ervmoiiie. Mr. FjI. -1,'nger was in clKirpe of Hie serving nf refreshment ami miiic vva fur-lhel by Arthur's Orchestra. Oreer flo lioy Hut! So yon vii n I a Job. eh? Do ymi ever tell 'le Hoy No. but I'd be willing lo 'earn. 'I lUl'i1., Immi BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced .Minerals as follows: Placer finld, 77.3S5,M; Lode (b.i.t. si,8 173 100; Silver, .1KlS,.X2l.r70; Lead, ?70,&1N,578; Copper. IH7,1HU,378; ', . i 171 1117 ; Miscellaneous .Minerals, $l,i:l.3itl; Dial and Coke. 2tl0,8S0,(MH; Ib,,i,tlMg Stone. Hnrk, Cement, elc, t2,2a.i,SIA; making ils Mineral Produclion to the im oi .PJ2 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec 1924, $48,704,604 The .Mining Laws of this Province. are more liberal and the fees lower than thnSi- 0j any oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony In Ihe HrilUh Ktnpiru. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fee. Absolute Titles am obtained by developing sorb properties, the security of vvhn h M guaranteed by Crown Hraiits. Full information together with .Mining Heptirts ai'H .Maps, may be obtained grsli )y addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, Brllkh Columbia. N.H. Praclirally all Hrillsb (Vilumbia .Mineral Properlies upon which deri..( r work has been done are described in kimiic one nf Ihe Annual Iteporls of the , . of Mines. Those considering mining inveslnieiils should refer lo sitrh reimrts 1 ic arc available without eharge on applienlion lo the Department of Mine-. Vn t .1 , u Hepi-rls of Ihe (leological Kurvry oi" Canada. Pacific Itiiildmg, Vancouver, are r if, meudetl as valuable sources nf information. WATER NOTKZ. UIC AMD ST0RMI TAI.F. VlTIrr 1 1,. I tjut lB,-w. nr. ttr 1'isMlurl 4iipit). hiv aiMiv i . uiwf. l.aliirr 4 I, 1ntn nKir.. viimpr. .:. im iw. -. so Vtlrn, i.UfcuU. I .... mill tTlv rr i urrnrF m iatr an.i ttr rulilr irri lr mw-.(uI. iml l li 71 Ohmkiiii. ier Ifi-I r mtirr m! or Vln Hii i ln-li num. Mutihrrlji iixl drain im , 4el liilrf. iImmiI w half mllr rlrrl 1 Bi-ljr Bt). lh nutltr tlain Will' I Kiraim ai utr imiiii nt Am l.tkr r a I Hnl liln Uh iiH iHiiIri l il niiiliwil aflrr nurrr. arr tnnl liv aWl r llw n wrtolr In Im- in al J i.' iIkhiI ::. llMimaiMl im (n ami n wiiti Umu) about I.siin arr ol laml 111. I walrr IT! Iw illtrrlml fnrfu I In -Ir am U a lal alil IIm- loralxxi r Hk 44rair-ilalii. uanwlt lhi miilri uf iu lake, ami mil b u.l rr ! ami In lHlrial tirM- iihi ilw laml ili-rnlir4 UM IIJI, oiwmi cliarMiltr l.laiul- li. lift. Tlil ii im in r.-iMUKl mi llw ttili ilav of I'rbruan. ' V nf hl ImiIIo ami an aellralliHi HirMiam ilwrflo ami l Um- -Waler Art ll."' mill lw flint in Hi ntltrr i,t tl Valer liM-ih-f al erlnr- Ririri. H.c. riif dale r llw rir-l imhliralliiii i.r Oil-itullee la rlirnari- i. !. iis vxr.Ef Ks i.i!i urn mpnt'OTs COVICV1Y. AhpliraoL H V. Hraelir. Sai-nl WATER NOJICE. UIC AND tTOMAflC. TAkK om"F.l5al I'wallaco ritbrt.ti l IniOrit aildrrK a 9 Vaorixirrr i. Irak. ?ai. ilrauvilli Klrrri. Vaiiniuvpi . il l., will al fur a lirrttrp Im lake md use in iiilii'- fr-rl (irr v.iiiid and li UH-e t3u: arr.- nr atri cmi of ItiKrfi i.rrrk, also kimwn a Wallace I'rrrk. whirh l a Irlbular) of I In- skrfiia liopr. ami fln MutlirrMv ami drains linn Skmia hlirr aUmi ti.o lialn Mialh of tms miHIiwril rdfixr of tit. Haiiirr , Oiaul KtHrli I Till: STOIUCK i wis will Im- lralid II the Inl UW I n it larr, thrlr caiarlllr win uk a rpn-iiirfiy wi wrtn, whI met will IIinmI tlie irn r-ipfrloclY rnrn I. l-m-atrd: itnral UmIIH In let Mke al liad of Wallarr Crn-k. i:aparii, ixh.v arrv irri. m iimxi, arrra. 1. Irated: .Vainral OhiUi i I elm l.akf at hrad (if Wallarr crrrk. Caparliy, ji.o arrf feel. Will flmid. arm . Uirated: aiural Oiillrl In I'laruiifail l.akr- al ln-ad (if Wallarr i reek. Caparily. VtO.O arr feel. Will flmiil. 1 1, ni arrrn. I. Uirafnl: lcirl OntlM fur KinertMiev Lakv, it lirad nf Wallarr Cr-k i a parti), !. feel. Will IIimkI. J.7 rrw. S. Ixraleii: Xalnral onllel fur Artlfirlat i.aae. aimni u nine npotream frmg liioulli (if Wallare '.reek. i;aparll, ztn.'t mrtr ieei. iin iiruMi, arrea, f. l.ore,- s fiaina Hear head of Clll lim crerk ar Natural onllel t lake! i:aaell), IMo.o aere feel. Will IIikhI. I.fs arrea. Tli waler will be diverted from Ilie rtream al i ihiIiii iImhii fnmi.ii feel mirllieasl fnun Um lumlhweil rorner nf February 27, Last Day of our Big Sale WE HAVE DRESSES TO CLEAR AT COST Everything Elie at Bargain Prices. Phone 27. "DEMERS" We mm U, rc;t P.O. Boi 327. Loggers! Loggers! We have Ihe only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and iart in the North. We handle lagging t. Peavie, Saw-, and general Clinic F-ipupnieril. It will pav you to ee u- when .mif ,H,ug. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Steamship and Train Service t.t. PRINCE RUPCirr will eae PRINCE RUPERT fi-r VSHCOUVl. VICTORIA, ILATTLE ami inlrrnwdiale iH,ir.. rarti fRIOAV at t aju, I. PRINCE RUPERT fur ITEWART ami ANVOX, WEONCEOAT. 0 l.a. PRINCE iOMN forlnlihtly for VANCOUVER ll QUEEN CM10TT1 IILANOt. I PAIIEN0ER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERT WONDAT, WEONEI0AV and SATUROAY II I 111 lot PRINCE 0(001, EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, III .lnH MMern ' aiudl, I nilisl Slat AQENOT ALL OCEAN (TEAaJtHIP LINES. CJI Tklil Offka, BIS Thlrtf Art, Prlaca Rvptri. PhMt 10 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saninrs frtira Priara nuperi. r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Svaaaaa tar. 14 Alarl ftaf, Tua.a.r, e VANOOUVER. VICTORIA, Alaet an 4 Swanaea .r, Salareat. ISA f-ae ANV0X. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Cannarlaa, Thrtt m, Far PORT S,'PSON, ANT0X, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Svnlaf. S i.m. US n4 Iimvi. t. Baraalar, Aiant. Pnnaa Rmtri. SO. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building fieU door to Friwell lltllfher Hhop. acru front the Kmpress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor M o. Ilninre :.. Omi.i IHHrlit, and will ... .. lie used fur Power ami IndiiMrial I'ur ilmller 'Vi "' nf , H'rordei nr with I lie Cmne lHMe iiimii. Ilia luuil ,l---lluul .... u.h il il ll ire I. r.iiail IH.irlrl ami mum r. ....' I I alHire l.eae frunnnr llienmi and nniir hered In Ihn Land ieiarllnent a n f eiS In lie kmwn, nlieiienl lo aurvey ai I.M M.1S, lianae &, Oxi.t lilMrlrt. Tin: sTirivfiE i.irKsr. applied for u a In 959 acre feet thereof in anppleirienl anil Mtht In fake and ne Ml rulilr feet per eeenml im.ler Cnndlllonal l.lnne Mo 371 and II nilne feel er eerond unite r Ciindlllnnal l.lrense i. 37fS, ami a ' ii"'- ' re ieei inefeiii in atippteiiwnl Waler lllaina, I'aillainenl llnild III.. Vlrl..l. Mm J.i.i .. ' i.'... wiiniii inrrijr u.ji after I lie fr apiearaiice f,f una linlli'i in a li-;al tiew.rHiir. The dale er Hit firm PMl.heailnn (,f ihla miilce la Felwii ary Uiii, io(t, WALLACE flSIIF.IIIF.S IIMITEP. Applirant. . Br Annua MeMlmar, Arent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tlifr ullt Um . . Ihe HUM in lake and u.e Ihe . 1 i.t , . ' .." "' .."""Y"' nlieil r..e herein ft . V , 1 ll "riirrrjr at tlie, nirirr. if'ioW.. r- on .he rrnundiT'filrlr rLtSXR uT n; l ie im lat of lel.rnarjr. Ia. a ropy , .Monday, "bri ary nml al" 11.2 V" ,,,r".'" '"'""" "Oi.u ai 'rum Ih.i,.m nr Oil. Water Heporder at I'rinre Iliinerl, ll.C, 'Seventeenth day of ri.r.'i.; aii 'ioi 'bjcctluut to tlie application luiy bt riled men iv luuj ... ..V.1S(J.1 ai gy.14Al.L3, MILK From Bulklsy Vails rRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommc"'' our Table Cream at !5o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657