I rtdlJr February 25, 1920 THREE FLOWERS Preparations For Erqulsfte Care of thhe Skin 'IV lllllldci'. lluihler. Ullll TV -iu' -lie uihI Vuii Clean-ing Crc.iin. Skill .llll-lllllir r.cemii Krir. a.U O - WW VP V 1 1 For the Face -Face Powder in while, mdmal and brunette 75c and $1.00 H K1 " medium. uihI lighl -hudc- 50c I i .K ;iul Kyclnow Pencil-, ouch ... 35c Hi ' ; . t ' 1 1 1 1 1 1" . Tall inn Powder, Sh.iji ami Perfume. With each $1.00 box of Three Flowers Face Powder ' piMkK ml. lining ix Iriul i.tt Three Flowers Preparations Free. - booklet mi lre-ing Table Arl- vnu may ll-ive lor (lie a-king. Ormes Limited Tin- Hexall Hlore 3rd Avenue and 0th Street. Pioneer )roggi-l- Phones 82 and 200 Specials! Specials! Bedroom Furniture , Ii'it .iii-I HcuHi, It m k 'iihv inirrnr and uiag niii'iMi " $43.20 Dn --iug Table, Iheee tirvcf'ed mirror- and lt ncrti $20.90 Di--iitg Tabit . -..41 am no (mxV'i. mid bench . $24.40 Jt- -iug ( Table, three bevelled mirror- and bench $18.75 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings On- 'I.iim I'.i-I ii New . 1 1 ! I 1 1 1 1 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 No Pay Day! '("nvr dtH bard, uiipieu-au! work - bnl every ' K'-l Uu pay. i finiiK work Hull - jn-t a b ird mid unpleasant Hi- wu-li." Ibil at I br cud ol u week of wIhi wi yuuf , v I li.irttaiii v h ii- ! rail fur our Tbrif-T-Ser- I filing I" irelilllv Wa-llfd. Ihoroilgtll) 'l I Ih Ilal-work neatly ironed and folded. And v -irking fr Sir. Wa-Mnh one employer who In- help. THRIF-T-SERVICE Gc Per Pound and 1c Per Pioco Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Fisherm Phone 8 ens Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, flOPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prlcos Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St. IcanadianJ mrzi Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coa3t Services t! Sailings from Prince Rupert ' U,K M mCMUM. UlAKCUt, JUNEAU. SUUAT f VANCOUVER, VICTORIA ui SEAITU f"" ,2,h' 26lk KmV 1Z,k IX MlJtOSS BtATKICK lnlMili. Ci t.ll. B.H., Ot..n r.ll., "". Al.rl B.,. C"0lll Rl,tr, and Vtncouttr .trj Slur 11 m t.f .11 ii..m,hp Lin... .'' ln"'mllon 'ron W. O. ORCHARD O.n.r.l Aj.nl-Crn.r of 4th SIMtl and Sri A.nu. rrint. Ruprl. The Savage Washer and Dryer Al Hie lal Uiicher IMnbilion repeated ,1s -rrc- r previous year, by ol Aim ri-win lil.- hon over nil oil.-.- in.-iker- und Canadian Wa-hrrs. 5185.00 Cash Price - Also sold on easy ( term. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal I'lioiie ID. I'.ll. Coal Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS l ciiruary 20. ALE ee STOUT tourmalin ftnlnUiHri: M Vliwi (f.TOJt knil k.lUmt.W.s MW tr Arthur's Taxi. I'hone 078, tf H.(I. Undertakers. Phone 41. Cameron's -Dance' Orchestra IMiunc 177. tfj Two cars at your service Sheddon Taxi. Phone 131. tf Mimeographing circulars, ci; Mi JohiiDlone. l'iione 387. tti Did you like "J a tic"? If m. Idon'l riiii 'rWitdilitig UelU bclli-r and brighler. Seats al Ormi'ii'. Father M. Cliarlie, (J.M.I., af- !er Iih iiur fpenl a low day in I In- Hi), returned to Terra ee (n bir-l nighl's train. Mr. and Mr. W. L. .Newell f Sli-warl were paieiigei' k- iiiik imrth on tin- Prinee Hupert li'i-njay afternouu from Van-'oiner. ' Halfdi liarrop, who lta been on a brief holiday trip to Vaneou--r and ViHoin. returned to the jnty an tin Prince RuHrt yester day afternoon. Kverett l.i-i-k nail on the Prinee Huper: tomorrow morn- iiik ror'Viekoria to take a courxe of I raining in the Itojral Uauadia: Xaxal Volunteer Henene. '..(. M.M. freighter Canadian Hner, Caul. J. J. Flood, nailed !ai ins hi at feven oeloek for ih'Vuu Kalit afler liavin; i-oalcd al tin' li.T.P. wharf. A. M. Davie of the local for- -1 1 y office relumed on the I'niiee Hupert yeolerday after iiii-ii following a brief iii u V.im-iiiver, Victoria antl Sanai- nin. Tb." fire department wa ealled at K lo t his morning to the real-derec of D. Mfl.NJ. 7.':' Thoiup- k-.ii Slrci-:, on aerount of a einnipey fire. .o dantaae mm itiej C A. Hank, manafn-r of the JH.C. (ilvrr miiM at fcUwarl. awul .Vlrx.imnan were panwenerf .i;-mrd the Priiu-e Kutierl yi tef 1jv aflrrit""!! from Vaneouvrr lo sb'warl. P S. Hnniiov, di-irici forcler. K'tumeW on the Pri'ie Hupert vc-icrtlay aflerniMin from Vie- tiiria, whri'i' he ha Ih-ii alteml-inv rnfereiiee of dislriet for-i'ier. from various part- of Un provtnee. Aliiert Farrow, -deamboal in--l-ci tor, arrived on the Prince Hupert yesterday aflenuKn frwnr. V.iiuouv-'r. He 1 UtTV on official diitieA in connection with teaiiKi-s iimlerKoinK a'inual i vi'i iiaiil at the dry doek. II. Knov. .i-tanl HUx'rinlnd- en: engineer ror ine i.uuautan Miovcrnment Merchant Marine. itl liiiMtl on the I'rince Iluert vc-li-rday afternoun from Vati-cniixer aeeompanied tiy Mrs. Kuo who will return here until Friday niornniK- Itoualax Lay. re Wen I mlninu cnain"-r for norlheastern district, who ha been in Vieloria on del art mental duties, returned f i mil tin- Mouth on the Prinee It u pert yeslci'iUy afternoon and proceeded by the evening train lo in- headquarter in llaiell m. In rli;u-KC of Mr. and Mr. Jus. II. Mitchell, Hie Anyo I Mull Scimiil atri' and Imys' basketball loam- will arrive in llo- city aliourd the Prince Hupert tomorrow mnrniiiK. They, will play i seric- of (janie.s with local team mi l-fblay and Saturday evenings niul will re I urn north on the Catmhii Sunday nialit. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Was Nearly Crazy From Headaches M'im K. firill, 579 Redwood At?., WinniiK-K, Man, writm; "1 u troubled with (inch icrrre hradikfn tint tome times I wu nearl tttzj with them. One &ty a friend tolj me about, and adrited mt to use to I tried it, and it ha done me a world of good. I just took two and a half bottle, and I htren't bad a headache for a long time, now," Put up only by Tie T. Uilbnxa Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. The annual general meelinp of Hi Canadian Club will be held in the Court Ibjuw; on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. M ti. A. Woodland, b"al manager or the Imperial Oil Co., returned on the I'rince Hupert yesterday afternoon front a business trip on Ocean Falls. C.i.S. Malaspina. Capl. Caird, afler bavins spent a day in port cleared for the outtide lbi morninv. The verl in al pre- ent enya;.'ed to patrol of the halibut fiMierMMi. Archdeacon l. A. Mix, who lias been visiting Ocean Falls on parochial limine., returned on the Prince Hupert yesterday af ternoon and espeels to leave for KaHern Canada at Hip end of the week. ... X. Younu. seeond officer of th freuhlr Canadian Hover, relumed n the Prinee Hupert yet- leitiay afternoun from Vancou ver wiiere he was vitdlin? while the vessel wa- nnilcroin- an nual overhaul here. Major (ieorxe milli. terrihriai auditor of the Salvation Artny, i expected to arrive front ALtska tomorrow. He i retunvitv? from making his annual instweliori and will remain here until the bcjriniiini: of the week. .1. I.. Taylor, au-litor for I lie firm f lieorge A Twuehe A Co, which has cuartrc of the Immis of the local dry tb-ek, is in Ihe city on litis mess iuivhiK armed from Vancouver on the I'rince Hupert yesterday afteruoou. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Youn and -hild, pioneer residents of Stow-1 are. after bavin? made Wieir first trip outside in fourteen years, Mer passengers aboanl the Prinee Hupert yesterday nfler- noon returning ' their home in In. Nnrlh. In the course ofj their trip, they were as far Ivist m Michigan. Capl. K. Mabbs. skner of the - tenner I'rince John, arrived on Ihe Prince lluperl yesterday af ternoon from Vancouver ami will spend Ihe week here bi enmnee-tjon with work on his ship which is now being prepared for re-sumption of service a tier bnviiig umleriroue annual overhaul al the dry doek. The fisheries palrol steamer MarfDh, Canadian I'Jsh A Cold Slorape Co.' trawler J. C. Fos ter ami Up C.N.H. liner I'rinoe (ieorye will Im' taken on the pon toons at the dry dook Ihi- after noon or lomorrow morning for inspection by Allien Farrow, steamboat inspector. ' ThoPHuro John was inspected yesterday afternoon, Ihe County Court ease of I'rter Cxi vs. l'elef liro.al wa disposed of yesterday afternoon when the gasboal for which plainlllT claimed payment of ?l 17.50 was relurned -In him by the defendant whoso; claim was that il was nut orth llio money. W. F.. Fisher had the case for the plainlilT while Milton CoiualtM HiKh School Dance, Klks" Home, appeared for Ihe defendant. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. MaeKenxie. Westholmr Theatre, March 2, who" have been visiting in Ihe and ;t, I'rince Rupert Playerajeily for Ihe na-t week, will sail l.lnl. ii resents n new joyous! tomorrow morning on the Prince c .nii'dy "Wedding Hells." Hupert for Vancouver enroule te 1? Builds uiuius Up up Your ; I their home in W innipeg. Me MacKeiuie is C.N. II. travelling ear inspector ujnl lias been here on business in lhal conueclion. iDurinig I heir slay in the cily, Mr. and Mrs. MacKeiuie Jiave been I (the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. S.j Dunbar, -VI tin Avenue, WVst iev.' RUPERT PEOPLE RETURN HOME C. H. Orme, James L. Lee and Morte Craig all Back from Vacation I'rin.e Hupcrl residenln re turned lo Urn city on the 1'rinc.s Huper yesterday afternoun from hOi idi trios to various pari of lie world. Morn II. Craig got hick from a two ni uitliH' trip lo the United Slate lb- visited his former homo al St. Joseph, Mu. and alw) various cities in the West and Middln W est. He had a very en joyable trio but is glad to be home. James L.'l.ce. loon I manager of lliii Allin Fisheries, returned from MPi-iiiJing the winter visiting his native heath in Scotland. lie crossed from Liverpool vt .New York on Ihe Cunarder Cai mania while the storms were raging in the Atlantic. Mrs. Jec who made the trip wilh him, in spending a short lime visiting with her relative in New West minster. C. II. Orme and Mrs. Orme and family returned afler a trip down the Pacific Coast through Californi a as far south us San Die?o. During their visit, the California weather did not live Up to its reputation, there haviiu been some severe storms vvhie? did considerable property damage ial certain points. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. DHSHY ISliAND. Haininst. oulhcM-l ale; barometer, 20.80; temperature, 17; sea iousIi: 1.05 a.m. steamer I'rince Hupert out northbound. DCAD THKK 'POINT.- Hare meter. 30.00: tewprralure. .'! IlLIJ. IIAItltOH. Haining, slrou; southeast wind; lian-iiii'- ter, 30.21: temperature, il; sea moderate: 8 p.m. tu lirne in Mtlllmnk Sound southbound : x n.ai. steamer Salvor stormhound al Hull Harbor: 8 a.m. Canadian schooners Nortien. Pauline J., Queen of Hawaii and American schooner- Araade, Fremont. Wesl fjord, Mariner. Katala. Thelma No. and four small Canadian t rollers all slormbouuJ at Dull Harbor. Noon DUiDY ISLAND. - Haining. strong southeast wind: banwnetci S'J.o: temperature. 18: sea rough. DKAD THHH.I'OI.Vr.- Itarome-ler, 311.00; lempemlure, l.'. IILT.I. IIAHIIOH. - Overcast, slit'ns southeast wind: barome ter, JHU'J; leiiiperature, 15; sua roujrh : V. 15 a.m. spoke steamer Caiiietia in Hivers Inlet WEATHER REPORT. ((in eminent Tclcpraphs 8 a.m. I'rince Hupert. Haining. southeast sale: temperature, 17 Terrace: rain, calm; temp. 35 ' Anyox: heavy snow, calm; lentil. 3'J. Ihuellou: wet snow, calm; temperature 32. Telegraph Creek: snowing calm; temp. SO. Sniilbers: rain, calm: (cmp- 38 Hum Lake: cloudy, calm; temperature 38. Snowing hard all "ints north Whilehorse: snowing, north wind: 2 below. Lower Lebarge: snowing: temp S below. Ilig Salmon: snowing; temp. 3 below. Carmacks: snowing; temp. 12 below. Selkirk: cloudy; 20 below. Slewart lilver: cloudy, north wind: letup. 58 below. Ogihie; clear, calm; temp. 23 below. Dawson: clear, calm; temp. 22 below. linlifuslcin was found dying on the pavement with his skull crushed and Ins throat cut by a passer-by a few moments after tin- accidenl. Washinglon Star ...... .. , l J VMS. J o if- viV 7 l ir ai. and Sturdy .Jm hMoh:-: MMSm?: . EBgafB6E I J. it L. UX'KIE r A- A 1 1. tU CO.. MMI LIMITED, I UJ, mn ' VAVCnuVER, B. C DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish !& Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timber.-. Dimension. Shipl ip. Fir Finish, Flooring. V Joint. Hti-tn and Bevel Siding, Cedar and Fir Hual Lumber. Fir and Cotlonvvood Veneer, Mouldings, Shingle-. K-ilored Shingles, Lath, Oak. Hardwoods, Sah and Doors, Wood I'ipC. CEMENTS, Etc. Portlaml Cement. Keene's Cement, As be-to- Cement, Ilardvvall l'lasler, Piaster of Paris, Pla-ier Hoard, Lime, llytlrated Lime, Fireclay. BfllCKS, Etc. Uonimon Hrirk, Fire Hrick, Prest-ed Hrick. Agricultural Tile, Vilrified Pipe, Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails. Itiiibliiig Paper, Tar Paper, lUibheroid Hoofings, Johns, Manville's Asbeslos Hoof-ings, A-phall, Asphalt Hoofing Papers, Sand anil. (J ravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal lor vonr Kitchen Hango. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 11C and 117. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD . Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Mechiniits, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al. kind ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S T U G B 0,A T S Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man.-Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 m ,fefH . T if ! I