Fears for success of Wilkins Expedition but I Illl' r thinks his own nfaht from Spitz- bergi FILMS STOLEN en will succeed wcot vf.h. ivii. 2:.. t M'iicn i- in. imigiii iim- ! north pole i surrounded l it million o,ii,ne mile of ' .ml eiioiinoii. i it- fields" nlaled lluoidd Amundsen, the I. plorcr. Mi Mil interview here. He aid lie regretted tliut W.lkui- expedition had decided In ne airplane and he '.. ir.ncd Inr Ihe salety Mtul iii-,e of I lie expedition on .dint, lie -mil he mi U tied Ihul airplane- were usc- polar work at Hint lime ol yvur. nvuid-eii extre-Hi-d confidence thai he would he aide to LAW CLERK IS ARRESTED FOR I '"r Vmirnuvi 1 ("i n miI i-kri hy Hi imployer iii'iii lauyer. ) earr a u wH ki "wn JieaMh' llie pckui.- oiiltiMl - eh with I .lilHt lieiniii 1 the relief of I he 1 nun who t utfrrinu "tlji lilllMff. Clark tlef)ixl off the vi a urre. cil luil lie li nied knowleile id lite I 4he piii kaw"'. WORTH MILLION r, Carried Away on Thousands of People Pass Ing at Time V I II t i.i.i 1 m !... niiiiv. reu. .--H,rshi M film, vnlimaled at Ihe ev-I ,.u,Hi ' !iih;oia nh of nl.ono.llOll wen-....... 1 The new leamtie will he in f'lMM-aiioi, ,1(,xi winiP ,iit no 1111- nin.'etnont lias been nunle n in '"' s"t"ing on of player. ' ihe to the Daily News fly i.xt Mm- mii- limn t-piUlher-! jren iicxi May. "or course I will make il." lie mill in answer In ai tieliou. Il- said he would 1 flyine in the polar rpsrton at a' line when Hlm-lirric coitdt-j lion would he iilcal He uu- ii"i p a nnviMf nnur1 o,,, 'dent or puiiiu LAKKliiNli UKUh iU b'" ,u Ut uu UIUlllIUIVJ WUUSllll()(lt!W) to Ptl Harrow in, - ! lo day Hie I frMil thence pro I I I 1 1-,. .: i.i-iiriie riM-rl ftp l( Nome. Frmti Mv ' 4ami. a iiiiik Vunriu-' MmdKmi ctv Im propon-, I., 'urn u liehl here in lelIonlli In Seattle lv -lemur' dollar Mil crmrjred; i-apiani aiiiiiimucii ih.iu.'-niUgllH? "I iuirrie.i eyleii ' of h ureal in incut hii iiiiioi -hi victim. I the polar rcjnon WESTMINSTER AFTER DOCKAGE FACILITIES Trylnp to Make Arrangements to Take Over Northern Pacific Waterfront Leases The oti-rfilil) luereaiiii vi'liuie Of -lill'I'i'it.' mi he Kranci Him rail. i"i liir'-r v itarf aecoiii Hiiil:ii . mi. 1 iIhti- m rvry pr-tiahll'lx tlial in ransetoelili 11110 he made iieiwei n .- VVmliiini- ler and (be Nurlliern I'urli. Uiiilwuv for l.ik us oer Hu - 11111 nw .1. . . . . . .. nter! rout leato'-. in order tli.ii ln prirty may le-eoine aail- ahli- for ihrppin! uroi.e.. -a Truck With' H''hor and Shipping lullieoi - oiiiary enurw 01 i'ihih iiii pi-perty would not Iteeome aailulile uuiil ,lt:i(i. hut il I- iuite likely thai ijii'-i'iii iii'M"Iii loin will 'h' 11 .vempijiay ainfruooii wj lie of no iii'hiimi WHire exeiiaiinf.:11)(. i i way ami trllh rjtwt. the i i currying tlie.ni away 011 "" k wiille JioiiiihU of po-tere iassllg. - 1 he pieluri'K were"' -1 Hie owner Hind, they ean-hnwn wit Imii! leniliKK r" 1I1 ' iium of the lhiee. NEW PRAIRIE HOCKEY BODY Ihe I purl. In 11 Mieeeifut eim-anil niueli ndditional made C.l'.ll. Wheal H.I'.. Silver CoiiMitiihilcd nmivver. fHi.one llmeHon ,l '"' ' er Idaho Silvcrcre"' Sni-t I' Hvuilahle which liniuhle alue I" proieel of tin I YARSCONAS CANNOT I VISIT THIS CITY In reply In an invitation sent 1 hem from thin eity. Wuller Name ha received a reply from the Varseonas, l-Uliuoiilon's crack ladies- team, staling Hint owing lo Ihe rail ihul I hey are playing in Va miim- Friduy and New N -est minster Sulunlay. they will . t,ni he aide t visit l'rince llu- Lea9ue Already Includes Four, perl. Important Cities and Will Probably Have Three More HK(d!A, l-'eh. 25. A new l"iinii. p-orensionul hockey l'iuiie roinpfising Winnipeg, Mini,,. jUW( jjf,,,,,!,,, MI Itegiuu W fortnn.l t.nin vnuli.e.liil- u-illl 1'ioipeel Hint Saskaloou, nluury and I'Mnwmlmi will also VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. 157.00 . 1.53 ' 1 .70 .210.00 2.17 .Ilfi'a .02 .10 '.MO II .ll,i .08 4 Asked. .on .3(1 .17 4 .'.50 .11 .13 .OH PREMIER OLIVER HAD NOT HEARD OF NEW MINISTER VICTOItlA. l et.. 26. ' The lirst I have heard of it. ' Maid Premier Oliver yentrtil.lv wlii'ii -Imvvn !Ue Vancouver rem it thai Ian Mackenzie wold l.e ee-vnld In I'ltimi' i rank. . mum flani ; VAXi:orT.ll, Feb. 1T1. - . ltu-, jioi-ii. ol 1 In' sale of Spiller's and tlir Alinrta (iium i.ourpauy'n .. I ..... ... liL.... 1 j ri-tiiiui 111 u iif iiin tiuu ilian -vinlirale i etirrenl hero lull lua dMtitt& i..t i il .1 1.I.. 11. wiiiijnai "ii Hiuuai'iL. Tin' ejrrufnluntV iint- miIi-dtiinie In Hie rtlHHir in I lie fact thai It. II. (tale, a iirimiiiieiil .Iain"i ('.ah in, well known Aliee IArtii piiieelur. after having ileiil u cniiiile itf iiv,i in the rily. 1j returiieil north mi tlie I'rinre 1 llupen lail nitJlit or" M TAXI and); mm Boston Grill Ambulance mm Service Large I pslair Dining1 Hall, Anywhere at Anytime. willi newly laid dancing Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. floor fur hire. and 6th St. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, WATT VIDECK, Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V il XVI NO. i7 t. PIUXCK IlL J'KHT. H.U.. Till IlKliAY. FKIUll AKY 25. 15)20. Yterijr' circulation, 150J Street SU-I. 4J PRICE FIVK OF.NT8. MOST Or WESTERN GRAIN GOES TO ORIENT AMUNDSEN THINKS THERE IS NO CONTINENT IN NORTH POLAR REGIONS Pole is Surrounded by Million Square Miles of Water and Ice Fields Declares Raould Amundsen REPORTEDSALE vM.JOrenf Takes Most of Grain nM, , r, . , MillHUAl lUItiUKMW One of Oldest Masons In British - Columbia reaches Ninetieth British and Canadian Syndicate Year Said to Have Taken Over i Vancouver Elevators Vli.lUltIA, leh. 25. William lii-i.di'iMiii, one of the olite1 .iiUNoim in Uie jiiovinc!, will ei'lehrale him uiiielieth birifiday ouhh iha. lie hax hi-en a inuniin or in yearn ami lia held the j:oil of (trulid mailer imv liotU-lied hy the attorney getMiriik I'nlil recently he wan actively envai'il in hii ii-nfiiiiiii tii li- hareholdHr iii Spinas ilanti niiiiion Kiiirtimeiil ar.'hltect and here in at preie in Loiidnn. 'ad of the puMir wnrki de- iiarlmeni of Mm- led rial povern-nieiit in 1 lit irn inrc. He is k'lown well throughout U.C. "'tuari lle'n.fiiui. the lawyer, who i- alio well known, i jLaLBLaLnHviLBSTaT lH.BaHSBaBBJHHHBBB3H aBlf' IB FIU:CJ l'tl Ii I- i L.Ol)0 M, l-urni i. n, pef nr he INih-. genamteruv det ver.og; In- . ire r tig ihe wreath an .he Cem naph Sir W jrvviH.nl, amitussiimer ul j.- f li w n hi the extreme left The Par sums were London for lie Athlelir meet RESIGNS FROM PUBLIC WORKS! P. W. Anderson, Road Foreman For Many Years, Will Reenter Contracting Business Here P. W. Anderson, who has been general road Hire nun for this district -with Ihe provincial department of publio-'vvorks for the past nine years, has resigned Ills 10 Hint) effective the end of thin moil Hi. The reason for Mr. Anderson' resignation wan that the reipiirements of the district were sued thai he wan unable to; ulve il the supervision Mf, Anderson iiilends to reorder Uie general cum! met ing busTiiest vvhioh he sueeess fully earrled on before entering Iho irovernmeut service since bin firl arrival in the city in i!nr. The government service loe In Mr. Anderson an official who has been popular and enrrgelio ilurltig his long lenure of ofrino iu! his. many friends will wish hint siicres nnw that he re-enuring business ror hlmelf. J. li. Milne, who vva formeiiy loenlod on the Queen C.liarlollo Ilaiuls, ha been iippninleil n. l!nnl dllrlrl enBlnr;,er willi lirwlqunrlrr In Prince nnpert niul will take over Mr. Ander-on'(i dulle. Subscribe lo (lie Daily New. United States Will Probe the Firing on Eastwood if Asked to do so by State Department Owner of Vessel Takes Patriotic Ground For Protest Against Treating Union Jack as Joke When at Mast Head W ASHINGTON. Feb. 25. If the Hrilisli embassy seeks in-forniation Ihroiigli (lie slate depuiitneul about the alleged buiu-tiardmiinl of Ihe Kaslwood. 21 miles off Long Maud. Ihe fuels will be probed, officials of Ihe treasury deKiiinieul iindur which Uie eoalgtiard opertiles, saiil yeslenlay afternoon. Ll.'XKNHL'JW!, Feb. 25. "1 will surely make a forniul re-iiu.'M to (lie goveriiinent at Ottawa." said H. H. Caiui, uwiier of Ihe Kaslwood. "I intend lo rigid this cae to Ihe verv la-l. not because or damage lo nry vesel or expense lo myself bill boenuse I am a t.aiuolian and will no stand idle and allow any count r-to treat the rnton Jack as a joki when il is hoisted 011 the mas of a Ilritish merchant ship." NO HALIBUT WAS OFFERED TODAY American Schooner Ivanhoe Ar rived Yesterday Afternoon and Sold for Seattle Delivery No halibut was offered al llir Fih Hxehange this morning. The only arrival slnre yesterday vva the American schooner Ivaulior which got in during Ihe after noon with IlS.OOn pounds ami, rn eeivlng uti altractive olTer from Seattle for delivery Iberc al SWASTIKA WRECKAGE FOUND BUT NO TRACE 1 ( I I OF BODIES OF4CREW VIliroitlA. Feb. 25. Wruek- ie of Ihe launch Svvasliku ha 'ieen found by scarjChnrs near Knlranre Island bul I burn is no iraee of Ihe bodies tif ihe Varley brother comprising -row. I tifavorablo weather eauseil abandonment " of search along the beaches. two Ihe ha the JUDGMENT RESERVED. OTTAWA, Feb. 25. - Af'er hearing the appeal of . Hellish Columbia, Alberla and Saskatchewan ior further reduction in irraiii rales. Ihe board nf) rnllwav specified dale, cleared hilcr li commissioners yesterday reserv-Ihe day Tor Iho south. ;ed jmigtuenl. Shipped from Vancouver This Season Says Report Just Issued Over Forty Million Bushels Sent Out by Western Route so Far This Year Against Sixteen Last Crop Wl.VMI'Kli. Feb. 2b. Or the 11)25 nop or western Canada that hud heeii moved to oi ean ports up to February It) prat'tii-aily Sii.onii.OOO liti.hdh went io Ihe port of Vum-onver, arrordiiig lo figure i-tied by Ihe Canadian National Hail ways here. Or I hi amount :!.". iii(i,()(ni bushels had been shipped ul thai date, 'ii jer' Tent to the Orient and 5ii per eent to Kurope via the i'anama Canal. These figures are interesting when compared willi (hose of Ihe previous season which at the same dale showed a tolal of Ili.lM.tiai) liuslieis eXKirleil, Tr" ' from Yancmier. The destination of this was, however, i(S ijer eent to the Orient and 8i per rent to Kurnpe. Hnokiis at Vancouver between February l'J and March Ul ainnunled to .'.t 12.000 lnivlicls Tor the Orient and 5,OV9.Miii l-usliels for Fiiropeaii ports, which will brin a total grain hiiped and hooked duriiur the .resent sqnson Up to Ihe end of March to I7.G'i8.G71 tmsliels for iMie Orient and 2i,22i.t2? husb-lelti for lurope. The same ilatc I "or the pn-vious season was 3,-! 013.137 asraitist t,207.7K5 'h-hels. showin; the tremendous FORTY MILE GALE BLEW DURING NIGHT 3 TO 8 O'CLOCK From three o'clock Hii iiiiMiiin on III ei''til there was a steady continuous aie hluwin. Ilm wind avcraigiVi; from 30 to iO miles an hour, areordie ! the liominion meteorological station a' l:hy Island. The wind kept up later but Willi less velocity, accompanied -hy ruin. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RECORDS ARE ASKED OF UNITED CONGREGATIONS YIi:Till. Feb. .'5 At a conference ul Vancouver Island Presbyterian churches yesterday it was learned that many church document, of historical value were taken over bv the United Church congregations. Delegate. decided lo send a formal reuuest for the return or records I'niled Church headquarters. BASEBALL STAR DIEDYESTERDAY O F.TTVS Ht' IMS. Va.. Feb. 23. I'.dilic Plank. 5t years or age. one oT the must mileil baseball star of hi day. died yesterday after noon a victim of paralyis. TO CHOOSE PREMIER. 11F.OINA. Feb. 25.-A id Liberals will to-night select a successor to Premier Dunning who has resisued lo en CI UJ ter Ihe federal cabinet. The names or Hon. 0. m. Hamilton, minister or agriculture and mun ieipal affairs, and Hon. J. 0. lianliner. tniulslcr of highway, immigration and labor, are pro-iiiinenllv mentioned. Advertise in Ihe Daily News. UP BY STORM Several Vessels Were Reported In Shelter at Bull Harbor this Morning The storm which raged here luring the .night beeins to have been general along the roast ami .his inornitt? wireless report in dicated that a number of vessels, particularly the finaller one. imejease ingraiB. SKHCM JtHm!& '-'M''USt " he western finailian port par-In-uiarly to Oriental countries. . Ttie ninveuient flirout'li the tpor ' Vancouver is practically af wheat. : ,1i the hi-'h 5ria "a7.d Wafflr?rri.Vv .storm is alo believed lo have been responsible for the fael that no halibut Vessels arrived with eaiches tlu morning. Wireless reported thi morning Ihe following: vessel in shel-er at Iiull Harlmr: Freighter Salvor: (.'.anadian .ihooner Nor- nen, Pauline J., and Maid of Hawaii: American schooners Ar cade, t-reinont. Wesifjoiii, .Mar iner. Kaiiila and Tlieltna No. 2 and four small Ci(nudiai) I rollers. MAYOR NEWTON NEW PRESIDENT 1 Succeeds John Dybhavn as Head ! of Pioneers' Association An executive meeting of the, Pnnee ltupert Pioneers' Asso ciutiou look place lasl night in the office of the bresident. John Dybhavn. The nieeliiu: was called for the purpose of accepting the resignation or the president who was compelled lo relinquish the office owing io stress, of business. Mayor Newton wai electee) to succeed Mr. Dybhavn, The matter of the aniial ban quel was dismissed and will be finally decided upon ul a meeting or the executive to he held two to i weeks' benre on Ihe return of j Mayor Nevvion from bis trip sou' b mi which he leaves HOW THIS CITY . GOT ITS NAME - 11 1'. 11 Interesting Item In "Twenty Years Ago" Column of Vancouver Province The folluvving item of local Interest appeared In the "Twenty Years Ago" column of the Vait-ro.uver .Province on February 22: "Prince ltupert will be the name of the city to be created at the Pacirie terminal of Ihe Orand Trunk Pacific Hallway. Mi Ii. Mar Donald of Winnipeg, a niece of'Sir Daniel McMillan, lieutenant governor o( Manitoba, suggested the litlc."