PAGE TWC: . " The Daily News ipH!NUBhUPERT - BHITISIJ COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon; except Sunday, the Prince K;:pcrt Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month $1.00 fcy mail to all parts of (he British Empire and the United Slate, in advance, per year v , . , $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ... $1. 4U per inrh per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ...$2.80 per inch Local Header?, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion Ific per agate lim Contract Hates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - ii jiim .sinisiieu Wnn ine poncy or ihe parly. - 98 - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY JCDtTlOA Thursday. Feb. 18, 1926. Exploration Of Farthest North. Another flying expedition is lo go: to he farthest north tin year. Lieutenant Leigh Wade, uue of Ihe joiing flyers who spent a lew dajs hero when on, their way round the world, is to head the expedition and his assistant here will .".till he his assist am in Ihe tar north. e shall watch with interest this attempt lo explore ine polar regions. Exception is sometimes taken to the money and lives given in attempts lo explore Ihe polar regions. While we do not agree with governments undertaking such work, we see no reason why private individuals or associations should not spend their money that way if they. wish. JL will develop the art of flying, will develop the h;rrdihood of Ihe race and may result in some material Lenefit of which we are at present ignorant Electrical Phenomena May Be Explored. While we have no iden what Wade's idea is in exploring the north, il i o-ible thai some explorer in the near future may learn something about the aurora horealis and other electrical phenomena of the Arctic regions. They may alo learn to eouUol it, which i after all the chief reason for investigation. First we gel knowledge of how and why and then we learn lo coutrol or to utilize. Another Technical Jail Delivery. A who was found with opium' in his possession at Porl F.ssinglon has heen allowed lo go. free by Chief Justice Hunter. This is another technical case and is one of a long series that have caused much worry to the law officers of the crown. Mi other judge seems to find these appeal- legal and the criminal; class always try to gfct their cases before the chief justice, it is noticed During the war when Mr. Justice Martin iiisjste4 on lakinc aclftir which was not in the best iiitei c-ls(lf Ihe country. In" wan quickly relieved of his commission as judge of Ihe prize coon, inai was m war lime. ltveem a pity Dial ther is not some such peace lime power Ural would give-the Ottawa government power to act similarly. Gullible Public Easily Fooled. ' ' Yesterday a report of a case In England showed how gullible people are. It is easy to fool them. It is a simnle matter for a Ponzi or some other clever schemer lo lake awav their Few Reach Forty Sound and Well do not think of yourself YOU as being unfit and yet you may not be getting the most out of life on account of "minor ills," which if neglected develop .into serious disease. 1 Too little exercise, too much heavy eating ana soon there is torpid Jiver, cpnstipa-tion of the bowels and derangements of the kidneys. YOU may never have realized thii fart. But it is well known to th medical protein ion more especially to those who are asaoclated with life insurance examination. Later-developments are Bright's disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. The greatest preventive is Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. By correcting the minor tils they bead off serious trouble. As a regulator of the liver, kidneys and bowels this medicine, has an un- jjui tuieueu record. Dr.Chase'sKidney-LiverPills 35c a box, all dealera or The Dr. A. W. Chaae Medidc Co.. Limited Toronto, 2, Canada. ' OPTIMISTIC ADDRESS BY " Ian evtdnj It Hi he people- 111 ATTORNEY GENERAL WAS (the pMVyljjee were alive ami milk HEARD BY. LOCAL GYROS ing demands. ' ! Local Conditions (continued from jage one) ! ) iu vvi!!io:il condition , , . , , in Prime ftupertv Mr. Jlanson " re arming ami .lairyinB of lntral. , thai H.o fi'vx ... ...... ' . ' .hardy pioneers who lining on M",1,,'u '"'" J ,um ...., il.. t ,vn I n ...... . k forlunatrty Mil. lihrnwri l f.ili.oli.. ih fa..... .lia- ' "r 4IU "IlliVUHII nun niv on u . , J. a . the tine lipiirtmotit of Ajjricul were a great many more!-Mui,,n' , a,p 1 than in any or the agricultural! f"lV,,,c?1,l' 0V"r ' I llupwt ivi provinces provinces of of the (lie prairies. prairie., j f riiiee . . ?" , In nunititf. the slliwitinu ira similar. Though ItritUh Odunw jprospenly biu had originally attained its reputation as a miniqj? province Uirotiish the placers of the Cariboo, every mineral, hasn and precious, with the possible exception of diamonds.were wow mined in the province. Moreover, the mines' were located from one end of the province lo the olher and in all districts. Problems arising In connection with mineral development were transportation, smelters, trails, etc. After all. one of Ihe main problems of government was the development of such natural resources. in- iisuin?, mere was also a wide variance of activity includ ing the supervision of sport ing and commercial fisheries. I'here were also ihe prohlems in connection with game which was a source of rucreation lo Hie people, aji attraction for tourists and a foni'merrial pursuit in 'he fur trade. Last Timber Stand riien there was the tremen dous problem of Ihe timber tnaib-all the mow important fliroif-'h the fact that forest in other parts of America were now de- pieien or O"ario? VfetHetion and in Ilrilish Columbia there re-uiainiHl the last great stand l! limber on the continent. l'rngre of a country cam? pot by accideut but business co- operaiion and government assistance played a great part sai l Mr. Maiison. From the govern -nienf stamliMJiiit in Kritish Cd- Umbii it meant that the various department were injy six la every week and every hutir of ( day. Ihe faet that the great hulk Of the population of the pmyinve was roucentrate in Ihe three cities of Vancouver. Victoria aliil .New 'estmiiiter and that ls than one per cent of I lie area of Hie province was municipalized made the task' of the central government of Hritish Columbia much grealer than in Eastern hard-earned cash. II is being done in Prince Hupert ver- oflenfllJrwv'nces when a mueh rialr a is easy io earn niojiey and .not difficult to save, ml to invest wisely and well is the hardest thing in Ihe world. Ther are so many pitfalls mi every hand and so many clever rogue that the inexperienced and untrained investor has little chance of making goid. We have often Suggested that a person's banker is Ihe Lest j.dmcr in regard tn invesliug niftnev. At any rate he will be likely to keep hi client on the safe side." Liberal Turns To Conservatives. Sir Alfred Moud, for many years among the leaders of Liberalism, has changed his party and thrown in his lot with the Conservative, lje is uo in sympathy Willi the party which he has left, so will oppose Ihein. That was the honest thing for Sir Alfred to do. There are in the Liberal party here many who should be in Jhe Conservative ranks and there are a lot of people calling themselves Conservatives .who really belong on the Liberal side. A readjust-menf swuis necessary. The old lines of cleavage have changed and with ttiem should change the people who fo"rlv held to ihe pHheies which the parties represented. People often change Iheip minds, but thev hesilnle about c iai.gHig tbHir parties. yh jllis sj.oukl be is'nol al all plain. i. siioiiiu aie a simple tiling to mov from one side to the olher area was municipalized. Wher municipalities were established. I here were governments to re lieve the provincial government hut 111 other parts the pejili were demanding and deserving as mueh attention even mor. " M ...... man in me cuies. w itn more Ifian Vi) per ceni of the province giving no municipal assistance, there was indeed a tremendou- proniem wiiieh added greatly to li'' work of the croverriuienl. Progress of Decade Mr. Manson then proceeded ui review some or itie progress tfiat liad been made hy the pro-.viime flnring the past ten yearK. Tboucli Canada, of whirh Itritit Qp.luivbia was a part, had gone through the trying times of the rt-ar and hud been, during a'l thai period, a paying nation whereas United Slate had hen a receiving nation and had pilot Up a staggering national debt, although tliirty per cent more ii.p rplurned ty ltriUsh tk.lumbia from Ihe war than wenLJo II and in -pile of other great difrieul-! lies, there had been unmistakable signi" of progress. School popu-j lation had inrre.ise.l fir. nee cini !...:.. .1 t ... ..,m u,r jiasi ten years, agri-iown cultural iroduction had increased hy leap and hounds, shipping arid the grain movement had jumped, lumber production had increased i0 a stupendous level, the industrial payroll of the pro vince had risen from 78,7rin,oon in I1M7 to IG2,fiO in ll25, min eral production had increase,! mini to r..uOu,ooo in a single year from JU21 to lt25 and induolrial stocks had risen on the markets. These Ihings ought all lo bo mailers oi (encouragement for the nennle here. Mr. Manson referred briefly to the proress of evolution in tran importation methods, first ther had been the highways and then had come lb day of the railway. Now 1 he tendency was hark Ihe highways. The tarl Dial the province of Urilish Columbia, wiili a populanon of fioo.000 pen pie had an invesimeiii of riG 000.000 dollars m highways was Of Ihe Club m il midst " of .fThtv filial l iA 1 14 Pnivt -llld II , H .... AS I . . ...... I lk lure in Hnlili Columbia there,.. r "r i.Muuson, i 1 aiii,.jui iu a iifjii j was that i i.i til mIiTv province a share which it so far has not en joyed. We should be alhe ah Ihe lime to Ih4. possibitilicii ami iinhuoi willi optimism ami mi one should lake a greater interest in the development of tills place than you young men such as you member of the !yro Club. If the obi ios who Have gone through things m prince Itupert that it i perhaps just as well you have not gone throng1. can no longer show enthuiam, you should jump in and carry on You. I -ay, can force development in spite of difficulties that uiav iseeni lo he in your way. I Her stiuuhl be no limit to your confidence. CnniHiic ihe hinterlamj of Vancouver and your own hinterland, lying back ot this city ol Prince Hupert its wide valley and its wonderful possimlftieji fo; industrial development. Why you have right at your hack, doof a' the resources of an Empire. All that you iteol is inisinesK common sense ami nerg . (iovern-nients must giv'e ymi what you need if you force your demand based on business reitson. Take ivart I ay you young men in the public affairs of your city, join ibe I km i d of Trade, make yourselves fell in every way possihle and Ihe city of Prince Hupert will tie all the lieti. r for having such an oriianiiiii s Ihe iyrp HOSPITAL COMMITTEES FOR YEAR ARE NAMED C. H. E kins, J. H. Thompson and G. P. Tinker are Chairmen of Executive, House and Finance Respectively The following standing committee toj; the var l!Jii in con nection with Ihe local lmpital Iioard have heen iiiiixonted: liseeulive 1:. . Hlkins (chair- matt., J. II. rhomp.on uihI Aid. it. il. Steriliens. House J. II. I hompson 'ehalr- . the I.ailies Auxiliary r- pnenlative to the liard (ehiI yei named . Aid. W. M. Ilrown, ir. II. I!. Tremayne and "S. h Johnstone. J nwnw eommitlee a. 1. TIh- ker 'chairman . Aid. il. il StHpheifs, I.eo Waugli, C. II. Ill kins and Norman A. Wall. THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: III I'KIlT s; all right fitting it(ije lighf ; Kiion she will go Higher than a kite. rnilliiii (Jlaee that nHl worse. vv TIIKIUrs one tiling about liv ing her, there are. idiiiut ten THU height of audaeily is for a man who Imys a I'ord to join an autumoliile iih. HY Ihe by. it s a dull day. Let' join -niiielhitig. ah, let m onganJze. one of our and get elected president. --' STFt0!ItAI'Jli;il8 Jiaye plenty of lime lo powder tjielr noses lui' wlye who are dcdnfr. housework, or minding tin' ;baby, never bother abont sin-li trivialities. THII islitor say life W much I no easy Jusl now. .Nobody has complained of heing"ltiWcpYiried for at leant a week. - A MONO the people I should like to sc led to siiiiimary execu- Ibui is my cook, my housekeeper and the person whoilyyyyM puts my things .where I Cijn'l firijl them. 'V)JHTWUAY I rforafnt siune-thing. I forgot to resolve to gjve up someihing during f.eut. and now its too Uff. j feel real had about if Till: w D id waihng for the bunnee. Uui not in Prince Ilu- TjOufiarv rVinua.v tg Only Three More Days in the Big perl. It shines here day nighl Just about (he Maine. and I MAY not be punctual but 1 Can say this thai I never kept the rest of the hoarders wailing even five minute. I 10 NT mind a mule wagginv his ears, but when he backs up and hits me a dirty one north of my knee, I at onc set about itn big a few mule (ricks myself. l.fNO on lalk, Khorl on work; Conversation people I.Ike to shirk. A COimiCSfOMlKNT want b know, why boys leave home. I hould say II is for much die same reason thai all the other members of IJn- family leave home. T11K political pat-lie keep tin lo dale. ,fu! before an elect ion liry turn info petting parlies. Kifst Aimless Shopper In sec ond to Well, dear, ir you're not gnintr In buy anylhmg. we might just as well look at some, thing more expensive. Sale of Victor issssssssssssr: k llWklMila. Ml Isifa. 7, i fi ' 11 1 "T Three for One Dollar Records Double-sided lO-inch formerly 75 cents) This sale includes a large list of standard records, all bearing the Victor trademark. Many artists, many titles, all bargains! Select now and get the best ones! No more at the price -when they arc gone. J 2-inch size, doublc-sidcd Victor Records in this sale formerly $1.50 each arc now 79 cents, or 2 for $1.50, At all Authorized "His MasWs Voice" Dealers Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada .limited Last Two Weeks of our Bier Sale WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN DRESSES. Come and see our prices. We must have rporp fpr new toek EVERYTHING ON SALE We aim to jdeaie Phone 27. "DEMERS" PJO, Box 327 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to budding net door to IVurell Hulcber Shop, acro frnpi Ibe Kmpress IJole) We -carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES .,?0C,AL RO0M ,N CONNECTIOM J.m.. James Zarelll t ProprUW