r PAGE FOUR QUEEN MARIE . AT WINNIPEG EXPRESSES THANKS FOR SERVICIlsj OX NATIONAL LINE AMI MON8 HOTEL Ki:CISTEK WINNIPEG. Nor. l.--Prerlbu xoi htt departure Srora the prairie capital Queen Marie, of Roumanla. sent a telegram to Sir Henry W. Thornton, chairman and President of the Canadian National Rail vara, la these terms: "For nearly five day we hare been travelling orer your wonderful railroad and I have been able to gain some knowledge of the extraordinary rail road system over which you preside, I wint you to believe me that I do not undervalue anything that haa been done for myself and my entourage." "I hare dealt sufficiently with railroads in, Roumanla to realize the trii-j nical difficulties and Inconvenience to your trainee ia running a special train. 1 realm that while we are sleeping and travelling In luxury, thousands of nietv i throughout your system hare been in every way guarding the track and: protecting our safety. Were It possible, I QIEUN M(iMl KUilIEK They are very proud today at the Fort Oarry.- Many ditUnguished guests hare rtsited the delightful hotel but yesterday, for the first time a relgn'.ng i queen graced It by her presence. When: Queen Marie, of Roumanla. entered the hotel she agreed that she must follow the proceedure of other, travellers, so she signed her name on ' the register and their royal highnesses i followed the example of their royal mother. the register sheet, tad. thai. Is by -Ueena" In hardly lesa. bold style, suggesting some of her mothers traits. ' while "Nicholas" suggests character ot" hia own. The register sheet was promptly with- drawnfrom service and hereafter suit-1 ably framed win form, one of the treasures of the Port Carry. SALE OF FURS nOMCR 11 K MEKCII V.VT MOVING TO HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Repert Mra. R II. GrU&n. Butedale: H. P. Senjamln. Toronto: It W Liberty, c. M. Donald. O. P. PUher and E. B. Mc Lean. Vancouver; L. W. Uargreares. Vic Mathleaon. manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce In Emo, Ontario, has been appointed manager of the branch here succeed! eg Oeorge Oeddte Lo has been trausferrel to. Penile ton. Advertise la the, Daily New It W I HI ' flNDITAMPALL S H I ? . J .DAC,ARU-lMfcO DAV6 AiO MY VIFTA 1 ' ' ' si i - .. THE MAN IN THE MOON says: would like to thank in person each and ! Hurrah I Let us go for a trip la 1 rft I .lilt rvwiLtasvELU r V '.TLT. c?T I FOUND ITlN MUR J Then to Mars- let us all , now repair, let us. take a trip up through the all: Let us see something new. Meet Oomeruru. Lire the life of a devil-may-care. of the Trades & Labor Council. Speak er of tha evening were J. Roberta. W. MRS. s WET- MORE'S LETTER IBS Yesterday Pacific Milk received Jefferson fc Docknil have sixty men structure will be SO by 40 feet with cement basement The contract price ia s.oso and the work la to be completed by the end of the year. Vr.nM- m . ...m V.. . ,, . m Wi.ii.1. f-klll In vh4J.fi i1ttra Af jfnlltt, I ... m. I nff itu ... ... n a. Mn,' mm k.. . ' . foll3-ed,- K1 - " - "iTE?rr TOR BALE. -NEW THIS TEAB cett in tne wtxios m summer. ' ortng mvestra ine main oauomg u'eaay graaes au tae way ta bum tats. ! a ad qm) oal one eek. Price 120. " 1.000 fee long and the entire town Is, . Patiea. Dairy News. 'J ' We do. not mind a person sometlmet . brilllintly illiimirairrt ith electricity. A new strike of htgh gt4 sOvei " harlne a eMn on tila shonlfiee eitrt he !or has bn mail an ta ' aiu-B CEWMJ JIAJNU BMW' should- carefully avoid- a bloea: head. Remorse Is caused by asses as at presets Doctor KBJumqulck says a good Irrer may hare a bad liter and neither cave anything to do with hyery. I always admire aa orator. lie a fur dealer, to moving from- his oktjsU-to aae People suSer without any stand in the Washington Block a few -recourve at Uw. doors east to TIT Second Avenue. To celebrate the .opening ot the new pre-, Winnipeg is asking that the wires be mssea which wfll take place tomarrow. ' P" nnderground. One thing we object j Tuesday, there wfil be a three day sale., htrr u underground wires. j when thirty per cent w21 be taken off ; the price of every article. And Gold-, R bloom carries a heavy stocky of fur . garmenta. This sale wUl enable goods to be cleared off In read Inn for the ' ' new fur season which wSI open next month. Ocidblocra Square-deal Osldbloom I Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert ard that a struck. XIVfcMBKK It I5I i Sucae eighty cttlsesa sat down In. tha central Hotel yesterday a the- lit; new ore ve4n ha been working on a road from Telkwa- to thejTIME. TAHLE IOR T1RT HlLr or Santa Maria mine over which it. is) 1C-T7 rlivi ,N- planned to take In a eompreaaor plant; N'OlNCEIl this a inter; PRINCE GEORGE The local branch of the Canadian Lrgton baa decided to protest to the! secretary of state at Ottawa at the. '.Days. A separate and distinct celebra- , Uca of the .armistice Is wanted, on f November 11. The tog scale for Prince Oeorge dto- OCTOBER U. Sg na. orders tor 15.000 minks this winter! A smoker waa held last night In the jjjj, fwt w and.the arrangemenU he has made with ;iuUwymeBa Haa under the uspkw 11JU1w ta use of this the manufacturers enable him to pay fifteen per cent more to the trappers than they can obtain aaywhere else. year, the prevtoua high record month. nompson. ueorge casey ana a. u. The fourth anniversarv of the open Morse. Among thaw contributing to'uig of Knox Church In this city wnu.be the musical program were Oeorge Wad- celebrated with a .turkey dinner on delL A. Clapperton. William Murray sn1 ' Sorvmber . Harry Harvey with W. Vaugban Dariesj aa puno accompanist Wallace N. Jaeek of the Longworth A wedding of such Interest waa so-tjMck lnd on from a five weeks' trio 7Z . . Xl T ITT j lemaleed oa Saturday evening wbenito Urge centres of Eastern Canada torla: Mrs. P. M. Caulfield. Los Angeles: . . . ; U1 0, ,K. .. . Mlsa Olea Pargane became the bride of i&nd iie Cnited States. Mr. and Mia. Arthur Robinson and son. Ocean Palls: A. Courts. Port SUnpeon: Hr. and Mra. Oeorge Marrow. Sourts. Prince Edward Island; Winiam Duprey. Ootaa Lake; Peter McCualg. Ontarto: 1. B. Smediey. InTer&ess; Mr. and Mrs. I- M. MUler. Miss 3. L. rrrrier. Marian Miller and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAfee. Oeorgetown Mills: A. D. BaUlle. dty-L. W. 8. Brown. Prince George: C. O. Wilson. Bmltbers; V. Dsvles. Terrace; Oeorge A. Benson. Hare! ton: D. B. Mar-klU. John Watklns and R R. Benisehke. Bt e art; A. P. Smith. Alice Arm. Saiey W. Roberts and K. Roberta. Butedale: O. 1L Tycho. Smlthera: Qharlea Lord. Por Simpson: IL McLeod. J. Oskey and John. Moore. CNJL: H. D. Starring. K. Berg and A. RolL city PTE. Uiyter. D, McLean and R. Re Id, Porcher Is land: W. Thomas and S. P. White. Vancouver: Murray Harris. Stewart, Central R. Roberta, Terrace: 3. D. Wells. Csk: W. Keern. Prince Rupert Cannery: P. A. Rice, Vancouver: George Brrlch. Anyoz. NEW II INK MAVVGtR PRINCE ODD ROE. Nov. 1. T. A Aid. John Dybhavn. The ceremony was' fLcmber Co, has returned with Mra performed in the Manse by Rev. Dr. R. RcceipU of this year's Prince Oeorge R. Orant The attendants were Mr. and , stampede ttU 1CC.73 below the rev Mra. Oiof Hanson, and. after the cere- true. many, there was a reception at the heme of Mr. and Mra. C O. R. Ander- The local branch ot the Canadian son. Mr. and Mrs. Dybhavn will take Legion is planning the construction of up residence at 319 Third Avenue. a IISjOOO building In which a Crttl liveliest spots on the coast Hundreds Contract has been Jet ta trtnnu it ot men are being employed on the Wilson for the erection, of a new bora j construction ot tne pu,p ana paper for the Prince Oeorge Citizen. The l Would You Like to Forever FREE from eSTHHAI Axtkma'Seka. a wonderful new mcdidne.. soften and aoothc the brachial pamget, rvatorM tar' Mivn nrxmal and QUICKLY and FOREVER barathea Aatbaaat Htv Freer and all bronchia troubles. FREE information amr aiarilytrar out this ajdvtroaqnmt and tend k sririi youz narac andafetit ta .Ua..kIJasKATUsM.Uel. t. j claim of R. M. Oerow at Deeaer Lake. rv Mrs. i Jamas r Brewer, veil kaawa rest) One is the fear of being caught and the luncheon which was. held to celebrate an,t -N'5- died last week at the uin wc cev u on&g caugak I National PUh Day O. W. Ktckerson "r- People used to ask. why a chicken awwu ... mwu aa.& a a a was In the chair, and there was an ad- jdress ' by T. H. Johnson, manager of the ; aa oss t si i a a assv waa vva I to show the cahrea. . j 1 ! Raleigh P. Trimble armed In the city provincial government Britain is sail to hive tottered from., taittior m ... one triumph to another. j, PorUand. Oregon. He reports that . iwork is going on. vrry satisfactorily on The country may go to the do ,t Trlk - "V Sv a w.a a- iL . ri rsruisES ix imc ki IK K. i a- - ALL ITRS CIT THIRTY PERCENT IN PRICE' TO- SAVE PACKIVC TO NEW - MOKE William OoMhVxira. the pioneer local V Scbelderup baa returned to hst SCHEDULE OF BASKETBALL The following schedule for the first half Of the basketball season baa been drawn up: NOVEMBER ' J Colts v Stars Maple Leal vs. Adanaea. Orotto vs. Tirminala. Tmninala vs. Native Baa. S Junior OirU. . Adanaea vs. Maple 'Lrafa Bankers vs. Orotto. Bka va Terminals. 9 Tux Is ts. Oofta. MapleLeafa va. Adanaea. Termlcals vs. Bankers. Native Sens vs. Elks, 12 Stars vs. Tux la. Junior ctrla. Grottp va. Termlsala. Terminals va Native Sons. 18 Colts vs. Stars. Adanaea va. Maple eLaXa, Bankers vs. Grotto. Elka vs. Terminals 1 Junior Girls. iUpit Leafs va Adanaea. Terminate t. Bankers. Native Sons vs. Elka. Z3 Tuxls T Oc4u Adanaea vs. Maple Leafs. , Orotto vs. Terminals. Terminals t. Native Sons. 36 Stars rs. Tuxla. Junior Orris. Bankers va. Grotto. Bka rs. Termlnala. class social club will be eaUbUahed. Ijo Calt . stars. u om. (Vean P!1 it emtnr rw of tv. . 1 Maple Leafs va. Adsnaca Terminals vs. Bankers. Native Sons va Elka DECEMBER 1 Junior OUta. Adsnaca v. Maple Leafa Oroua vs. Terminals Terminal vs. Native Sena 1 Tuxls vs. Col la. Mapl Deas va. Adanaea. Baakers vs. Grottd. Stks va Termlnala, 10 Stars vs. Tuxls. Junior Oirta. Termlaab) va. Bankers, Xatlre Sons. -vs. Elka 14 Cotu va Stars. Adanaea rs. Maple Leafa Orotto va Termlnala Terminals va. Native Bona H Tuxla ea CoiU. Maple Leafs va Adanaea Banker vs. Orotto. Elks va. Termlnala II Sun va. Tuxla Adanaea va Maple (Leafa Termlcals va Bankers. Native &cas va Bka ette, sewtog Red SIS. machtee. bed. Phonr 3M IX SALE. CHEAP HALT A TON OT 4d aewspapera. Apply Dally News. K TO RENT home here after baring spent the sum. j rOR RENT OR SALC-TlfS LATEST irr bh-ii4w survey ws w so. saproTed cohl operated rlectrie piaos For term, adtreaa Bectrie Ptaaw, eare Da8y News OSce. POR RENT. rURNlSHED APARTMENT . on Second Avenue: few rmna and bath. Water paid. Phone HI. . POR RENT. SIX ROOM MODEHN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave. East Apply Hyde Transfer. tf FOR ItENT MODERN CP-TO-DATS Hat: large airy rooms; fire place: close In. JUai Hettbroner. PVRN18HKD APARTMENTS POR RENT br day. week or month. Phone Rei 607. U MODERN HOUSE POR RENT roams and bath, Munro Bros. FIVE FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOM; SUIT two. (10 SUth Avenue West. li FOR RENT. NEW MODERN HOUSE ' 2J1 Fasirtb Avenue East tf BOARD AND ROOM. BOARD THE INLANDER, 839 Second Avenue. Phone LTT. S SPORT CHAT The program for the week of vamui Indoor sports will br aa follows: Monday i tonight Cribbsg League Orotto vs. St Andrew's: Canadian Lrgton va Cold Storage: Orange Lodge va Dry Dock: Sena of Can da va tJR. Hotel: CJf. Operators va Moope: CJf. Mechanka vs Knights of Goiumbua Tueaday Basketball opening Seme League Terminals vs. Native Sona Intermediate League Terminals v Oretto; ladle' League. Adanaea vs. Maple Leafa: Junior League Stars va Co!U. Ladles' Whist Pythian Sisters vs Orange Ladies: Moose Ladies va St George's Ladlea Billiards Oyros va Orotto. ThursdayMen's Whist: Native Sons vs. St. Oeorge: St Andrew's vs. Odd- feUowa: Knlghu of Pythtaa va Bks. Prldsy BOllards: St. Andrews va . Grand Termlnala, WHIST LEAGUE lMe Itelewled Elks ay t la 1 In fv, pened lane LaM Mtfcl The Moose defeated the Elks 6 to 1 in a postponed whist league game shlch waa played last night in the Elks' Home. This nukes the standing of teams as follows : IW. Moose Moose ; a o u ,nks i i Et Oeorgea 1 o K ap t 1 iOddfellowa I i Sons of Canada 0 j St. Andrew's 0 a PU a riiiKornuTKT iir. r. r. rvouoN rniuorRUTOR etl Third Atenae. Office eiHs . M tiouse calls 1300 lv appotntmeet Pboc Offlre Blue S) ResMeaee Black 2U KETilKlVT litHlll E.U Ctlt Mra Oagrr. Proprtetreae Third Avenue. Neat O. Ws V. A, (m4 ll-Me Cete4 Meals. Phone Black 700 Advertise In The Dally' News ANOTHER BIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES, 1-1 Ton t l.I.ly Ex- pr Cliasai t H25.00 S Ton Light IXiiverr r.haU 030.00 Touring an.l JlraJtrl 815.00 .prt IlttaiMer . .. $ 8HO.O0 Coaeb and Coup .... HoSflJjO Sdan 1 1135.00 LaftUati 0M 85.0(1 USED CARS ON HAND I Port! LUfht lerlivery. opn Itoily I Fort! Light Delivery. panrl body I Forti l uhl Dellverr, :s.o; 1 150.00 arlr equipment .... $150.00 I j ord Tudor Sedan. larur erjttiiimant 1300.00 I OitlsmobH &-pasafn Tourinir. I9U .... 1000.00 Ttrm ran arrannad on twUi niw am usej ;4ra to suit Lhf purrliaser. KAIEN QARAQE llalT in baaiiao, McLsuflhlln, Oakland, uiaimobiit, Pontlac and Chavrolat Cars Phona B2 SOW 1 THE TIME W buy that car you hare been conaldertng. wny walk during the unpleaaant winter weather? We have several new models on hand. prices are at a low level and easy MTma are available. irn car Two Port Self Smarter Light Deliveries guaranteed. One Port Truck Snap. One Chevrolet Light tDUvery-Oood wiuini oruer. Mska ua an offer. H. I- rtKKI K LTD. IORH DEALER TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Ofor.r. Paul or Oust) 1 Six and Sfivwti Passenger Slmte) 1 baltvrn at ynur ditpoAal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROO I Mtaaar Block. 0 I Acron from EmortM UoUl. October (a- 3 T seii (liuW'r. October t ac T Xmymx aad A?;:v Arst- WedraHidsys Ta aiewarl aa4 rved.t SaHtrdaya lrM I be ' , THE. DAILY NEWS , Mnd.-.. B BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMBp j - ; . 2 . I j-,MR.C9HB ifsj.a TTvemM' T j rniHI 11 I j NOW IS me CHANCE -TiS AH fK JKCS! T I I JUST C AU-UO TO I y HAVE OOD NLWS-j 'yT etery one and through you I hope my Mara, thanks may be given to those unseen friends who hate rendered me day ana I ow that they are communlcatln-night their annonymous servlcea" iwlth the mystery planet, some of the -I want particularly to commend the I local people wmnt to know if there aw dining car service for la your standard! any bootleggers there and If not why dining car I inrited my entourage and : cot. friends to' be my luncheon guests on ! 111 my birthday, and last but not least,!- It there aint any there bee I musts express my gratitude for the'k pioneer In that line if he can wonderful protection, accorded by the 8Vt acrosa railroad, notice. S&ned 'Marie' ,, r ii -p r-i- , twm J .trunk' ir flf 1 i ' a way up in aiars so in toia No bootleg liquor Is sold But they daily drink tea 'And they smoke T As B, And. at' flying they're terribly bold. The latest dance moremenu can be! -Mrte- 1WM1 rrtUf T person who in hold strer stroke, head. letter it.m Mrs Viable Wetmore. She i Rbbotjford, B.C. and NEW HAZELTON Mrs. Jack Robinson has returned - j after having spent several moath at I her old home near Calgary. Her health a j ta much Unproved. Island. j daughter, after having spent she sum -As nearly as I can recall we got later In Harelton. returned- tMs week our first tin of Pacific Milk about! to their home in Ottawa, four years ago. I thought then it I . ' ' was the. nest erspdrated milk I had The last hundred or a sack of or ever used. And while I hare since from the Silver cup were brought down tried others X hare always gone back, Uua week and shipped by freight, to It. Pacific MUk'bas a richness, Mrs. Oeorge a Wan of Sattthcn and Hirer that are different " rtsited Mrs. C H. Sawle here this wees. jSfce met her Utter. Mr. Palmer, on the p)JpJ(J IWIILlV trin 0BPaied him to Smttfears . wuciw urn m wycou wv wmv n l. , Factories: Ladner BURNS LAKE An orerland trail to the Decker Lake mints haa.- been biased by the, varteos claim owners; It takes advantage anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken (ot less than 50c WANTED. the right man. Apply the 3. 3. Wst- FOUND WAimU. A REAL LIVE MAX TO 1X3UND. HVK BASEBALL DATS, hscidie our producu In the city ol ; ply Daily ?ew omce Prince Rupert. Oood pportuntty for - MISCELLANE0U8 .TJTT' MAKK MONET AT HOME ME! AND To Vinresm. WANTED. OfRL FOR GENERAL awawwerk. Good home to rtflst party. Apply Boa 9)4 Daily Newt OSe WOMAN WANTED FOR KTTCMEN help. Apply Oood Eats Cafe. FOR SALE. FOR BALE. TO CLOSE OCT AN 14-tate. e are authorised to sell nereral lota, aocne oarners. harbor view. at4 ob sewer. Pnres lew and tenaa from flOX fiMieHhly. Enquire T MeOtysttmt. U spare Ume wnucg abowcarda. No Tuesdays cmntaaticg or aotletting. Wa Instruct Thundaya you and supply you with work. Saturdays Wrtte tod Tbe Menhennlt On. C PR. Oct u ArtvL I. . FoumII MAIL SCHEDUU I Ol T iOI0 lor the Eal Mobdays. Wetf Lrtr-j Clotes pauy Limited. CI Dnnuaton Building,' m it Toronto. sr I I K BVBaa)a Thursday rVltS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- ile lUk rWsl modaed. Raw skin taanM and dreased Mall order promptly attended ta Mr T. Tut. St Broadvay Eat. VsDcowvrr. U M sod vs. TAT eC r et L r tt at a trwm Sundays . Wadaeadaia i4 PrWsar CPJl. Ocsoter : 1 1 mm .(. tltre trva. Ht Prraairr Tusadsys rews Pt.MapMaa BaUtrdaya VfMs AUis IXnlo October U 1 l fWSS) t)Beea CliarWIt- Oclober 1 and . I Teas Aftiet aa4 .Hire im- Thorsdsrs 1 rrwnt Metiirt aa4 preatit- Aufutjvi I BO C OLLI CT10M Orshaia A attta A- 1st Ave. t lk St tta Ave Pali' u - Ilk I TbsKj ; tl a aarrbewtke a It Ave. a CMirsd Si Ulh Ave. A lUft ' i a tier (xv tft Ave. A r.ntl a Ilk Ave. Mfrr. T rra. Rt. Bfctn rra. Oevt. Wharf 0,T;P. Wharf O.T. SlstVia tad Ave. a end ' ard Are. a rvl " st trd Av a l ' I I. 't I t xi 1 ' J t : i CIS r I ' v ' it i t cTTiucuiD MnvnF UlWtiTUlUl liiwi- lee Vancnetrr Sunday as. IV.r.-e r 7 Tuesdty- -aa Car i ThuarUay as PT ;: Srj Saturday a Cata Saturday as. pns Oct IJ -aa Prl !-a U " Oct XJ. aa Pric rss L ' I Van Vamwaier Bor.dxr--as Cardesa Wedne!sy -aa Pr rriday aa Catala f Saturday aa. Pr B Saturday --ea PV October a-ea P - f ' October ia-ea Pr ' - a- 4i - aaaatl VaL " fTMiT-vM. UWA av ll.rin,. . a 0 Sunday a caroerj rri Meaar Anjet aa Tuesday- - Carde -l of MeH 8aturday-a Priaea r ITOM trasrl Bunds yaa Prinre R lot queen Charlotte Oct. -a Prince i "-a"1 Oct. aa Prince liew ijoeen Thsrloll'-' Oct 1 sa. Prince rI' Oct. 31-ea Prince Osn" l ee A a; at Wednesday- rrlr-e OeP I rom Anj Thursday as Prince 0aP for Mr art Saturday a. Prince iwpe" Irom Hteaari Sundsy-e. Prince Ruf" IVr'.tU.l.a Oct 8- -aa Princess Mr Oct l$r-oa. Princess Mary from Ala. ha . Oct 13 ea Princess M" Oct 33 -as. Priaeess Advertise in t DUT ft