.i i n m m m m m m M'1t, iDltrd Suit. i n nwc in I JJUUI ( VO. CrMsVis REET1NG: CARDS ii i:iui'niii (ireeluig Cin'd .in- imw n i;-i.i. V w It -elerlioii uf :trtili' ' iinl- m a iiri'l ll'. p j)jr- thai Will eiirthli" nn li t'Xir- evi.-iU ur it gljililt-n (In Ih'.d-I- uf ymr friend to whom llie " Ttiey hi- prwl from .' to ?.oo ewh ami we re oniim-nd llidt niiik ywr rhuiep imw a a n .mi . utoriier. last ear, Mt making I heir elei -; it was loo late. BE WISE AND BUY EARLY Vt a . have Personal Creeling Cards ajid n book of e l- may if evmnned m liie -lore or we will, oil ' ni a book lor ou tu rxnnnin' the sample at Ormes Ltd. tk. nali stnro. The Pioneer Druailsts Phones 82 and 200 Steamship and Train Service trim ritiNCt nurmT tr vancouvir. victoria, iiattus. c 1 THURIOAT SUftDAT. It 00 a.m. AftvOX WIDHUDAT ,0g B-m- STIWAKTSATUROAV ,00 p.m. .. MINCE JOHN t VANCOUVER vis OAltCN CMARLOTTC ISLAND 'rtaitill, MIIINOfR TKSINS tSAVI fRINCI WVMUT dsll irrpl Sunday II vj i jo. fr rniNCi atomic, idmonton, winnimo. til emots r..iro Ant sll 0n Slssmshlp Lines. I'm :i,,i4nt MiiMikl liomi for Nor orders, l.urnu obeques. eU- 0 Thi Cltt Tkltl Oftlts, 82 TWK Alt, rrints mown, rntw . Consider The Squirrel while Hie choiee is good He lays n Ins wilder -uppliff I Uiere nil uluiiiiliiiK C. When winter nrrives, os it ' h i preparedne-s ae lnm a of worry ami ineon- : icnre. Mail seem to ho Ihe ino-t improvident crealure. So " or us never lliilik of Ihe wilder f'l supply t'' Hio ' '-'j ir r! is on u. yet we exjrf prompt deliveries with orrpared dry fuel. of eonl now wilhoul Incon-nig I i v io your winlerS lork yourself. We have a good slock of hard NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL I an deliver il lo you at anyhme t. suit yon. Phone o t w a 116 or 117. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ffHT-TI ii'.l'- ' ' ' JSS III mmm I 1 Bar XJLlx &.1 srsx "TXr A Kit TO. .SIGHT1 Best Procurable' Tlt ORiClNAL Pure Scotch Whisky "richest in finest HIGHLAND ... . l.t JJ.. L Kiwi UlM.Utllltl OMOIUIIM, ' A AW ndverlisemeul Is nol published 01 displayed Liquor Control Hoard or hy liovernmen of Urtlish Columhia. by llio yovember 1, 1926. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREJf J. Fred Ritchie waa passenger for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert last Local and Personal night. The New Quiet 12 Malcolm Dunn wa fined 125 In tbe cltr police court this morning for TAfTTNjnnrnxr Arthur Tail. Phone 678. t: drunkenness. Tw0 Yhmous Ni DC. UnderUltrri. Pbon 41. W. 8. Harris of Ilazelton sailed last ames i docs good work always because it is built to do night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver the less experienced finds Try FootbllU Store Coal. 113.00 rr so. Even operator good ton. No oot-PbUpott, Evltt tc Co.. on mining business. work easy, for the machine seems bound to turn mw. r.i first class typing, however operated. John W. Allen, superintendent engineer out Mr. W. R. McAfee of Oeorgetown. (or the fisheries department, And don't forget the "natural 'touch" which tailed tut night on tbe Prince Rupert returned to Vancouver on the Prince i. , makes its operation as easy, as simple, as natural for Vancouver. Rupert last night. as breathing or walking. To every typist we say Dert Morgan, manager of tbe Grotto John Drthtvn and eon returned - to "Try the touch." "The best ever," is the universal Clear Store, tailed latt night on the the city on the Cardena yesterday af verdict Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he ternoon alter a un, aay tnp to vaa will spend a couple of week on ccuver, and other points in the south. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY John M. Praser. father of H. C. Prater, Inspector of schools, returned to the city on Saturday after having spent five months visiting his former home In New Brunswick. Peter A. Meuse, well known local halibut fisherman, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver en route to Yarmouth. Nova Scotia, whtre he spend tbe winter. C. W. Tourtelotte. assistant to the Pactllc Coast manager of the CO-MAI., returned last night to Vancouver after having spent the most of the week In the city on official business. Mr. and Mrs. ,W. J. Crawford and Jack, Crawford were pswengert on tbe Cardena yesterday afternoon returning to Stewart after a trip to New Westminster where they sttended the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crawford. James Adams and Michel Bright, who went to Vancouver a delegates to tbe conference of Allied Indian Tribe uf British Columbia, were pastengrrs on tbe Cardena yesterday afternoon returning to the Naas RIter. Tbe third de-legate. A. W. Calder. has not yet Mr. and Mrs. Louis Behnsen were passenger cn tbe Cardena yesterday after noon returning to Stewart where tbey will make their noma after having i spent their honeymoon in the south. I The bride waa formerly Mis Edith Crawford and the wedding took placa recently in stewart. Mr. and Mr. Oeorge W. Morrow, formerly of this city and new residing in Vancourtr, reached here by Saturday afternoon's train from the East after taring paid their first visit In thirty year to their former home In Prince Edward bland. Tbey expect to returc to Vancouver this week. D. 8. Cameron, fisheries overseer for the central division, is here for a few dsys before proceeding to Vancouver on a holiday tnp. In about a month's time he and Mrs. Cameron and family. who are already In the south, will be returning to .Prince Rupedt to take up their residence for the winter. Next year'o BsjTtuth Festival will feature Tristan and Iwtde." alternating with "Parsifal" and the "Ring." The Festival will run from July 19 to August 20. TOO LATT TO CLASSIFY 12500 00 BIX ROOMED HOUSE FOR sale. Oootl location. 11,000 rash balance as rent at 5 per cent Snap for quick sale. Apply Box 835, Dally News office. 258 FURNITURE FOR 8ALE.-1349 Second Avenue Phone Blue 517 after e o'clock. WHITE WICKER BABY BUOOY FOR Sale. Phone Red 507. 253 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Presbyterian Lladlcs' Aid Bazaar. November 10. St. Peter, Scat Cove, 8ale of Wor November It. 23. Moose Bazaar November 18 and 17. Rupert Cast United Church Bazaar, November 18. Anglican Church bazaar, November Baptist Ladles' Aid Bazaar, 25. Lutheran Women' A!d Sale of Work. December I. United Church Bazaar. December 3. Established 1923 Special Denture Service We hate hrrn uniformly surcewfiil In Unit lire sertlce especially lit difficult rate. DENTIST 'Exchange Block Phone 109 Miss Dorothy Newsome, Miss Shirley Eager. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Flewln and 0. E. Brown were among Port Simpson people tailing last night on tbe Prince Rupert for Vancouver. The new wallet for' the boy's band have arrived and will be used for the first time at their concert In the Sal vation Army citadel tomorrow night. Tbey are of black leather with white strsp. Whist drive and dance will be held at the Armory on Wednesday. Novem' ber 3, at 8.30 pm. All members of the First North British Columbia Regi mrnt will please accept Ibis as an Invitation. 75c couple. 268 Will the five young men who stole the car from Fourth Avenue East last night and left It parked on Sixth I Avenue In a damaged condition please gtt In touch with Walter Longwlll at once and save further trouble, as they were recognized. Tbe fire department responded to four fire alarms during the month of ! October. One fire caused 1104 damage to tbe house of O. Pcw, Grshim Ave-. Section Two. tbere being Insurance . to cover. A wood shed on Eighth Avenue West to which fire caused 125 damage was not protested. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived at 430 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 tor tbe Naas River. Anyox. Alice Arm and Stewart. Among the vessel's passengers for northern point were: for Prince 'Rupert John Dybhavn and son. O. W. Chapman. P. Morrison. Miss Harpin and B. Hanson: for Stewart J. L. Mc-Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford. I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nehnsen, Jsck Crawford. D. W. McDonald. J. McOow&a iand M. R. Jamleson; for Anyox P. A. Down, H. Undgren and Mr. Adamson; i for Klneollth James Adams and M. i Bright. SCHEDULE FOR CRIBLEAGUE I OR I IKST II W.I" OF SEASON" tSSl EIl HV I Kl:ll E. WtH.MKl. SKCKETAKV Ftlowlng 1 the schedule for the first ha!f of the Prince Rupert Crtbbage i League as Issued by the secretary, Fred E. Wermlg: .NOVEMBER 1Orotto vs. St. Andrews. Canadian Legion vs. Cold Storage. Orange Lodge vs. Dry Dock. Son of Canada v. Prince Rupert Hotel. C.N. Operating vs. Moose. C.N. Mechanlca vs. Knights of Columbus. 8 Grotto vs. Sons of Canada. Canadian Legion vs. Knight of Columbus. . Orange Lodge-vs. C.N. Mechanic. Dry Dock v. Moose. CN. Operating vs. St. Andrew. Prince Rupert Hotel v. Cold Storage. 15 Grotto vs. Canadian Legion. Orange Lodge vs. Sons of Canada. Dry Dock vs. CN. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. CN. Mechanics. St. Andrews vs. Moose. Knights of Columbus vs. Cold Stor- . 8. 22 Canadian Legion vs. Orange Lodge. Sous of Canada vs. Dry Dock. Clf. Operating vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. CN, Mechanics vs. St. Andrews. Moot vs, Knights of Columbus. Cold Storage vs. Grotto. SCHEDULEFOR LADIES' WHIST The schedule for the Ladles' section of the Frsternal Whist League Is announced as follows: NOVEMBER 2 -1-j tlilsn Sitters v. Orange Ladles. Moose Ladles v. 8t. George's Ladles. 16 Orange Ladles v. St. Oeorge' Ladies Pythian Sisters v. Orange Ladles. 30-Pythian Sisters r. St, , Oeorgt's Idles. Mose Ladles v Orange Ladle. PRINCE RUPERT TIOES MON'il.W, NOVEMBER 1 High 11;1S am. 18.B ft. 33:33 p m, 18.0 14 Low 4:43 tin. 7.5 " 17:23 pm. 8.1 Tl'ESIl.VV NOVKMKK 3 High 11:43 Jn, l.7 ft, 33:59 pm. 18.8 " Low 5:28 am; 7.3 " , 17:59 p.m. a - R-50...S110 Associated with transmission of sound for over half a century. A ND a trademark which you have all seen on the Victrola. 1000 Eggs in Every Hen New sjktcra of Poultry Keeping Oct High-priced Winter Eggs Famous foultriman TELLS HOW "The great trouble with the poultry business has always been that the laying life of a hen wa too short," says Henry Trafford. International Poultry Expert and Breeder, for nearly eighteen year Editor of Poultry Success. The average pullet lays 150 eggss. If kept the second year, she may lay 100 more. Then she goes to market. Yet, It haa been scientifically established that every pullet Is born or hatched with over one thousand minute egg germs In her system and will lay them on a highly profitable basis over a period of four to alx years' time if given proper care. How to work to get 1.000 eggs from every hen; how to get pullets laying early; how to make the old hem lay like pullets; how to keep up heavy egg production all through cold winter mouths when eggs are highest: triple egg production; make slacker hena hustle; 5.00 profit from every hen In six winter months. These and many other money making poultry secrets are contained In Mr. Traf ford's "1,000 EGO HEN" system at poultry raising, one copy of which lll be sent absolutely tree to any reader of this paper who keeps alx hena or more. There Is big profit for the poultry keeper, who gets the eggs. Mr. Trafford tells how. If you keep chickens and want them to make money for you, cut out this ad and send It with your name and address to Henry Trafford, Suite 292A, Herald Bldg.. Blnghamton, N.Y.. and free copy of "THE 1.000 EGO HEN" will be sent by return mall. SM1THERS Mrs. J as. Owens of Evelyn accompanied by her chllcU-en left on Sunday morning for a visit with her mother at Ktlowna, B.C. , Wm. Boyle, for several year Govern mrnt Telegraph operator at Telkwa, has received word of a transfer to the Prince Rupert office and leaves soon to It is your assurance of the best that is obtainable in radio. The R-50 One-Dial-Five (Plus) is the very latest. The tone is perfect and the volume is ample. Possessing one Master Control, with two auxiliary dials for extreme, fine tuning, it fa a refinement of radio to meet the requirements of the present day. It is the most sensitive, selective, far reaching and distinct set of the five tube field ... and has a less "A" and "B" battery consumption than the average three tube set. New and exclusive radio frequency circuit . . . Walnut finish . . . Three Peanut Tubes and two DX-221 (New) es Victor Northern Electric IIcanaoianT PACinc VVtorT&JklngMacfcfeM Cmpafr Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wraurrll. Juneau and Skajway Nov. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Now 2, 19, Iec. 13. 27, Dec. 11. 37. 3. 17. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Ilutedale. Eat llella Bella. Ocean tails Namu. Alert Bay. Campbell Klver. and Vancouver every Saturday. 11 sun. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C ORCHARD. General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Sailings from Prince Rupert, l or VANCOUVER, VIClOKI.i, SHanson Hay and Alert Bay, etc, Tuesday, i p.m. lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alert Bay and Swanson Bay, etc, Saturday. 9 a.m. For PORT SIMPSON". ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART and Naas River Canneries. Sunday, 8 p.m. 123 2nd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Roasters for Thanksgiving Sheet Iron Pans, each 23c to 13c Enamel Covered Roasters, each $2.23 to $3.50 Aluminum Covered Roasters, each $2.00 to $3.50 Sheet Iron Covered Roasters, each $1.23 to $2.50 Mail Orders carefully filled, Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 233 Third Avenue. Phone 101 nter on his new duties. P. C. H. Ramsden and Sam Marsh )f Burns Lake were visitors In town m Tuesday. Considerable Alterations are belnj made to the Interior of the J. Mason Adams drug store, whereby the public pace will be nearly doubled, the Improvements also Include an elevated office. Contractor Downey Is In charge tf the work. Mary Raabe entertained a number of hr girl friends on Wednesday afternoon to a party In celebration of her twenfth birthday. Contests and game formed the amusements followed by dainty refreshments. The Omtneca Teachers' Institute are ta hold the third annual convention In Smlthers on Friday, November 5. These gatherings are now being looked forward to by the teachers of. the district and the papers read and general dls- cusslon on matters of Interest toi teachers In rural schools are greatly en- ' Joyed. Plans are being made for holding a big dance In the evening. Constable Ted Berger of the R.CM.P . who has been stationed at Telkwa for some time, Is exchanging places with , Constable Fenton of Prince Oeorge and 'left for the Interior city on Monday night. amK "na T uj wrv'APV Consignment : Sale Winter Coats All One Price $19.50 eg. value lo $39,50. Unsold g-uriiients must be returned early next week. A small deposit will secure you one of these wonderful bargains. H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton. GEORGE RORIE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 3X7 213 Second Avenue Wett, Prince Rupert