HI 5 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. ..mi. Exchange Building. BJATT VIDECK, Prop. j, ,V1 no. landings at this port during ': of October Just closed to- " I 000 pound which is an in- '.n October IP2S tout which 139.000 pound but a alight de-' om the 3.200,000 pounds of previous this year. Ol ths American boats landed ocr pounds and Canadian. 803,000 ii lose season on halibut tlah :r.a on November IS. the pre-r. nr.h will see the last halibut of r landed at all port of the Caaat R A KIWI A MUCH LOST HIS LIFE V 1VAH Kt:lllll nv IIIIKillT T It H WHICH PVhM.II oi;it IT M:it i.vni UTTON, Nov l.-On hi first ofltcul 'V at a brakeman alnce he recently V3 the company, William Hayes, feare of age. of Kamloops, was killed Mil here when he felt beneath the of a Canadian National Freight 'sjf.i whose severed body was found 'o crew of the next train to paa f" the line, wa formerly employed S Similar i,,,.Mi. ... r " Ul, tile bBII.UI,,,. " 'If 51 EGGS IN YEAR" LAID BY HEN NO. 6 A0A88IZ. Nov. 1 -Lavlne an eaa a since Wednesday when she had "niy broken the worjd's record tor fly production, Hen Number 8 of the or h.o, pen which was en in the contest here, yesterday cs it, Ih1 Tlilt Morning Brought before Stipendiary Magis trate. II. r. Mcteod on a charge ot killing deer without a license. Pttc Brocat was found guilty In the provin cial police court tbl morning and wu fined J3 with the optlou of thirty day' imprisonment. Brocat was arrested jteterday afternoon at Cow Bay y Constable Ksybcne VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked Wheat 6Va B.C. Btlver t7d Dunll - 118 Olacler ... -08 Independence -07K .08ii tndlan -M -3 L t. . -07 -W Premier 201 Porter Idaho 0B?s Bilver Crest 08 Surf Inlet -03ts Mi Richmond -08 09 'OONE, November 1. An eighteen-year-old youth, who Montreal, not. i. Up in far-off attempted to shoot Benito Mussolini, was himself stabbed Alaska, where tutu reiche lane.y in-.c'i to death by an infuriated mob. Mussolini escaped in- habitant only once a month, it u 7 assassin's bullet missed its mark, passing the preraier'a netim difficult to keep track of a fraction of an inch. It actually ripped one side of the nd new t!a - now beln 1 1 'ii i a ni i ti i. i ' IB IS BIB III I I I IJ UBall IU II III' "W PERITONITlSi I'lM Illl. VtOHI.I) I.DIIM i. . ,M ..... ..,'.' til. ft,,' r 3 ; MORTAL roil, T Nov 1 Harry UwdttT -mini magician, died yes-nottJ escape artist, what - c freeing himself Irora ei. chains and rU mys-icet tn aU pons of the -Sled o9 this mortal coil after surgical attempt had been sate his lift from the effect ; ' .a ws born in 1811 In Wu-IU was the son of Be M, 8 SH .ANn NGS a a w sw srwk rn. ww w w w ar i w UK IVIIINIH Hldrl r,i. or iniMh oi im - IHir LANDI.II III.KI. It KIM. MIT TllllilY IMVH the alUek. Uie body of the youthful assailant was being dragged along, s crumpled Inert mats by strong armed 'At Utc puLoc sutlon fourteen knlft avonds were Xouad and marks ot tfaitglatg on the throaL Is. sbuul:ta'tittek-lnrtlrt' evening wheo Mew people suaemblei!' la the stdium stood behind lines of carbineers as Mussolini passed. The Premier car entered the main thoroughfare when the shot rantr out above the roar of the cheering masses. There was dead silence for a moment and Mussolini, unhurt, remained calm Then the great crowd closed like the )swa of a gigantic animal upon his assailant and savage hands reached for him and he was pounded, beaten and tubbed untU life was extinct fined For killing deer minus license rvle llrual .mx-viI J0 In IToUnclsl llillre Duort by MsgMrale Mc rued on radio, according to a letter . lw . ... , , ..... ... . , , . received by A. K. McEwan. director of sunn prvx'vu lurwaru i ;iuoiini, seated in an auiomo- rid, .. ., cs. leaving me stadium where he attended the congress ror lhelr ttdt0 ,UUoa ,t Vancouver. The ad r. cment of science and was ready to fire a second shot letter came to Vancouver from a watch- ewhen carbineer and Paacteu threw, man at a fishing plant at Red Bluff themselves upon him as he was in th i&ay. Alaska, and his plaint Is one from i act of (coding a second bullet at the i Premier. Within a minute or two of a lonely group of people who deilre to know during a bro-deast. not only the time and place but also the day of the week. "There are three of us here oa a lonely fishing plant." the letter rctu through a screaming and mill- j tve. "my wife, myself, and one other it m d humanity to his death ; rt "su oiuy ow w-iw and c day Is so much lixe another that It U very difficult to keep track of days and dates. W1U you therefore, during your winter programs, which we tWPf9r anSeWee "the dsff-thi week and the date, so that we can keep informed of the time." Needless to say. the request Is being compiled with. LOTS OF RAIN AND SUNSHINE mitt IlKPOKT Ol' IIOMIMON .ML. TMMOUMIItT TOR MONTH Of OCTOltl.K Though the rainfall for the month of October was excessively ' high at 12.88 Inches, there was also the aatlafactory amount of 103 9 hours ot sunshine dur ing the month. The report for the month Issued thi morning by H. D. Tee. Digby Island, Dominion meteorologist. Is as follows: Sunshine 103.8 hours. Highest barometer reading 30.238 on October 38. lowest barometer reading 30.060 on October 8. li'uhest barometer reading at aea level30 50 on. October 23. Lowest barometer reading at sea level 29.10 on October 14. MsUmum temperature 2 on Oc tober 9. Minimum temperature 31 on Octo ber 12. Mean temperature 48. Average humidity 89. Total rainfall 13.88 Incite. Qreatest daily rainfall .87 Inch on October 4. Maximum wind veloc!ty-r4J on Oc tober 4 from southeast. Prevailing wind direction for Total wind velocity 7323. of which 8.750 waa from southeast. Advertise In The Dally News Ragging Follows Brief Speech of Prince at Opening Canadian to ch ... Dormitory, University of Paris rAtn Nnvpmber 1. A one sentence speech In French by the Prince of Wales assisted President DoumerKUO in the inauguration 11. n u. n students' home at the University of Paris Saturday. "Mr President, I have great pleasure in declaring the Canadian House open," said the heir to the British throne. French students wn usnri,B)iuiii w.....w.. heer the Prince lustily and simultaneously to josh the Republi-atatrsmcn i r. i Win of their own country. The climax of the "ragging" wai reached when Minister of War Painleve lost his way and en . .1,1-. rtormitory. The ensu-lMng." Ifrea inr b-- u.,,. -i-k. r.n.if.h .lr,rmltnrv. the ctft Of oustr PrrK.nI that the visit to other kiitMlnes of the "Cite Universitatre and the ceremonies c os- b'"d short a new t was cut or "uoa o.v. rendition f, ih. . ed wit), the .... rw. Senator Wilson Of Montreal, is the first erected on the foreign section of the university, lust outside the gstes of r.rls. PROVINCE VICTOR ELIZABETH ALEXANDER MARY, four-months'-old baby of the Duke and Duchess of York, who was recently baptized. This is the first photograph taken since. Under certain circumstances she might become Queen of England. . i K I I'll K.ST OMAN' VET TO IMC WAS CANADIAN WIDOW LONDON, Nov. I. According to the 8unday Ejtpress it is belle ed Baroness Strathcona left between five and six million pounds but the estate is not as yet Valued for probate. It is believed to be the largest estate ever left by a woman. BUILDING PERMITS DURING OCTOBER TO Building permits for the month of October totalled S32.840 In value am were as follows: Oreat War Veterans' Association, re pairs to exterior walls. Third Avenue, 900. ! ! iM. Oonxales. alterations to residence on Fifth Avenue East. 800. Oiler Besner, removing and repairing garsge on Fourth Avenue Esst, 1200. J. Llndseth. two residences on Etghth Avenue West, each 12.500. total 15.000, Quong Bun Chong. repairs to root ou Third Avenue West. 200, Miss J. O. Scott, repairs to founda tion ot building on Second Avenue. 140. 8. Bloom, residence on ' Fifth Avenue East. S3 .000. F. J. Fuller, repairing building on Eighth Street. S200. Llptett-Cunnlugham Co.. Ltd.. whart and warehouse, east ot Cow Bay. 20.- 000. William McRae. shoe shop on Eighth Avenue West. $250. EARTHQUAKE SHOCK IS RECORDED AT VICTORIA VICTORIA. Nov. l An earthquake shock was registered at Oonaalea HU1 observatory Sunday evening which lasted three hours. The centre of disturbance Is estimated to be at. a distance Oregon In the same tremor Saturday. Vicinity as the ACCIDENTS IN EAST OTTAWA, Nov. 1. Ten persons lost their lives, fifteen seriously Injured tn automobile and other accidents In Esstern Csuada over the week end. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1926. VICTORIA- Circulation 1843 tElection Throughout Sales 923 States Tomorrow Will End Fierce Campaign WASHINGTON, November 1. The answer to all the efforts of ttnlillrsl lparlra snrl rnnrtiH.to. (tnt-intr thn u.l-va Intanalva ., m- ' . .w .Un - ........V ; paigning will be furnished tomorrow by the electors who will ren-i tier final judgment in the election of 3G senators in 33 states, the j entire House of Representatives of 435 members and will answer i referendums on various questions dealing with the liquor laws and enforcement. Governors and state tickets will be elected in VALUE OF $32 840 ' Sweeping claims of victory come from the rival camps today, - tf Republicans and Democrats, wets and FORMER RESIDENT OF PRINCE RUPERT MARRIED SATURDAY W.-H. Walton, formerly et Prince Rupert and now holding a responsible position at one of the mUls between Prince George and McBrtde. was mar-' rter Saturday morning to Miss E. Jen-ion of Prince Oeorge. Ill KNED TO HEATH DAYTON. Ohio.. Nov. 1. A mother and six babies were burned to death when a truck collided with an inter-urban car and another truck thi morning. Six others were Injured, three possibly fatally. drys. In the state campaigns the issues are so badly mixed that national party managers do not undertake to make any general predictions. In Alaska a determined effort Is being made to oust Representative Dan Sutherland, but the Indians and fishermen are supporting htm In large measure although most ot the newspaper are against him. IIAUIU'T .K RIVALS Only two Canadian boats said at the Fish Exchange this morning. They were the Mayflower which dis posed of 8,000 pounds to the Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co. and the Nuba for whose 3.000 pounds catch the AUlu Fisheries pair 18.6c and 10c. Advertise In The Dally News Bandits Quarrelled Over the Division of Loot and as Result When two officers responded to a call and sought admission to the apartment, a man named Olsen opened fire, killing one of the officers, but later was killed by the second officer. In the apartment two bodies were found, one woman and an other man. Scattered over the floor was ten thousand dollars in ' 1 -- currency. It 1 believed that the bandlta quar ' which It U believed was the loot of a lelled over the division ot the money 'recent bank robbery hare Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and bent for the least. Phone 487. Price Five Cents TTEMPT MADE TO SHOOT MUSSOLINI AT) OF FinUTFFN M1WFT) AIM AND SlTARRFf) 7Y) I)FATH eeuuug irouu at DOiogne Stabs to Death a Youth Who Attempted , to Shoot Mussolini i" I7.. L. 11 i.i M app ii i Tn irv nn guards prevent second shot while nearby crowds settle with assailant DAYS AND DATES; i It ItlriiU nn t'ar-uff AUn lllilngj Unt Want Help lom Hadlu ' NO INCREASE RA1LWAYMEN M.WOlilTY RtPOKT KCCOMMEMiS NO j CHAMIE BUT MIXOKITV HtG-j UESTS SIX PEK CENT IX- J CKHtSE OTTAWA, Nov. 1. Recommending ' that there be no Increase of wages to 13.000 conductors, trainmen and yardmen of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National. Railways, the board of conciliation which investigated the wage dispute between the employees and the companies filed a majority report with the minister of labor signed by Mr. Justice Kelly of Toronto, chairman of the board, and Uaa: Pltblads, repre.entatlve ot the rsUwsy. A Quaortt; report bearing- the" signature of David Campbell of Wmntpeg, representing the employees, recommended among, other things that the Increase of six per cent awarded by the United States lab:r board to conductors, trainmen and yardmsu two years go be adopted tn Canada. 4 TOFUKUMARU REACHES PORT JAP4NEME OKI IN BOAT HAD ROIOII 22-HAY PASSAGE, 1KOM MI1KI TO THIS POKf The KT tde 'freighter; Tofuku;Maru. third vessel to load grain here, arrived In port at 0.30 last night after a very stormy twenty-two, day passage from MUkl. Japan. Anchored tn the stream overnight, the vessel underwent quarantine and customs examination and moved up this mcrnlng to the dry . dock to be lined. She will go down to thr elevator wharf about Thursday and at the first ot next week wUl sail for the United Kingdom or continent via the Panama .Canal. The Tofuku Maru, whose master U Capt. Tf. Inquye. is similar to previous vessels of the "K" line which have been here this fall to load grain. She Is of 4259 net tonnage and wm built In 1919 at Kobe, Japan. UNIVERSITY WINS GAME HEAT VICTORIA AT CANADIAN Kit; BY ON SATIKDAV AMI WILL PLAY ALBERTA VANCOUVER, Nov. I. Victoria's Can- adlah Rugby team, which waa organized only this year, was on Saturday defeated by the University ot British Columbia thirteen point to six. the university team thus winning the provincial championship and the right to meet the Alberta title-holders tn the national playoff here November 13, AIMEE McPHERSoT DOCUMENTS BURNED WENT I P IX .SMOKE '"AT PHOTO. tlRU'lllC ROOM OF LOS ANOLES TIMES LOS ANOELE3, Nov. 1 The sixth batch of documents connected with the Almee Mcpherson criminal conspiracy case disappeared yesterday. The collection ot exhibits of negative films of papers, which figured In the preliminary hearing ot the evangelist went up In smoke when a tire of unknown origin Invaded the photographic room of the Los Angeles Times. Four Were Killed in Apartmenrl?" DETROIT, November 1. Four persons were killed, including a policeman, as a result of what the police believe wns a quarrel between members of a robber gang in a fashionable apartment house of 4oo miles, probably on the, coast of here yesterday. An unindentlf led woman is among the dead. NEW TELEPHONE i4 A new Telephone Direc-1 tory is about to be Issued. Application for moves, changes or new listings for this .issue must be made In wilting to Telephone De- partment, City Hall, not la-t ter than November 10. 236 DIRECTORY j :4