PAfiE TWC; When nou drink BOVRIL uh.v rnmon drink BEEF The Daily News PRINCE llUPKKT - BIUTIS11 COLUMBIA Published 'Every Aflenlooir,, except Siifulay, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, 'I'hird Avenue. 11. F. PULLBN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by .mail or carrier, per month $1.00 .By-,mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.0(1 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . . . ? 1:40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page...; $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. . . T . 2."c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each inseriioii ...y ...... :, 15c per agate lino Contract Rates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - oi niuen. monev. ' 08 88 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit 'Bureau of Circulations. Tuesday, January 20, 1920. 'Ottawa Interest Will Be Retained. Interest in the proceedings of Parliament is likely to be maintained this year a a result or the elo-eness, nunieriffllly, of the two parlies mid the consequent dagger of the (lovernment at any time being defeated by a wavering Progressive majority. The situation will make the' opposition more active than umih) ami will tend to create a general alertness and attention to the duties of the hour that has not been seen for many a day. , In the reminiscences oflLord firey, that Rritish statesman tells of being under secrelary .of ,tae for foreign affairs and having to be in his cal all the time owing to the cloe attention to business of the'lrNh members, .At Rial thne they were kept on the pii vive although they had a majority of "something like rorty. With less than len nf K majority;, the present (invernment will have I o watch its siep'nllUietim'e. Contract Let For ' 7 " y ' Bioloalcal Station. ' The contract fori he bfoIogVal ''station has beeii let and tin new building will be coniniejicetl just a soon as the work on the substructure is completed. For the pas! year or more this building has been planned am! at one lime was ordered to be commenced but the plans were changed and now. afler .-.skinir for tenders, the contract is let and there can lie no more backing aowri. j ne station will become ail accomplished rai t and will attract to the city many sdenliss uf note and workers'in marine biology that will add n new-, injie Jo the life or Prince Rupert. Thus sit-p !' Ml we are;.:ciiHif4 -place in the miii. '- Immigration And This Province. ., . ', Immigration In Rritish Cotflmbia is rather a dirrerent thing to inwnigralio'n In the nrairies. II is .in t-k- n.9n., i. to the ju-airie and with a I earn .or horse or oxen turn over the ou iiim niK a crop or wheal, dhic man with four horses can c.s,i ciniivaie a .juarter seciion as.loiig as help is secured ror the liarve.l. Indeed one gOM skilled man can cultivate nearer ljaU a section than a quarter, if the conditions are right. Most ol the wheal land is pbiwedjlii.llic. autumn and is readv for the uu.l .I...... I!.. II.. S.l .. . ...i.i, ,r mv is oirjne groiind. Ifi Rritish Columbia thiigs;,are very different;'- llt-re mixed farming is the only .knul ii'ible. Dair-jing . Is jdbeVni.o.t profitable ocrujiation and Ihere is always pjeiily nr,diHnnnl. for niilk or milk ..r,.,!.!. .i .. . . i . n.- fcf -. - "if uowever, mat inVnlveymCMftflabor and .mean. is llie expenditure. iBig Move Toward Canada Is Indicated. There seems likely lo be a big movement toward Canada this enr. All indications .point that way. The Rritish (iovern-iin-iit is upw coining to a realization of the fact thai the Rrilish Hand aw nver-populafi-d and that' something has In be done lo solve the unemployment problcin. That, something they realize will have tn I If emiiri-.-il inn I'.ji.o.I.. ....... I t.t j ..... . - r. ....,,.,,, MMMiiiiu(ii una Rntaiu has a surplus. The situation should not be a dimcuH one to .relive. Traiisportalion rales have been lowered lo such an extent thai it is possible for almost anvone to gel Muds enough to migrate. Canada needs population. Thai is the only solution lo !he va.:anl lands problem and eventual!- aLo the railway problem. For the Winter days SHREDDED WHEAT with hot mUk-so satisiVing! LABOR LEADER TALKS ABOUT LOCARNO PACT J. Ramsay MacDonald Says Must Keep Spirit as Well .as Letter of Asreemcni NKW" YOllK, .lan. 2. Oren'. lli ilain liud no business mil tin lis signature in the Locarno (tact "unless we Intend to carry out (lie spirit we i-otnmunit-atcd In the icoil' wlio inil lalcil w ii I us," J. Ramsay MaeDonald, former prime minister anil foreig l minisler, says in a foreword to a book "Kroin Dawes lo I.orarno." written by t!corj:e (ilasKow. noted journalist. "We must remember Dial we led them to expect, not the way open In us. In aconUnce with the imperfect letter, to ret out of our responsibilities."' Mr. Mac-( Donald declares m the book, which Harper and ltrothcrs soon wtll tiublisli. "Our people have- umlertaken a tremendous res , ponsibillly. They have taker risks which are actually greater although they amiear less oi paper, I ban they were willing U take under the Protocol. We have handed over tin Rritish army and navy to otliej powers under Lotvirno, il we di i it under the ProUuol. T1e. Hhinetand must be subject to a new agreement. We must slrtt' lofmake the disarmament eon rervnee a success. War Not impossible .Mr. Mai'lHinald says that froi' one point of view Hie l.ocarnc treaties, by setllin? the llhint frontier, dealt with Mouthing "that never could become 8 prime cause of a Kurwpeaji war, and adds, "If anybody thinks tba. by gelling agreement on tlx Rhine frontier we bave niat' European war impossible, lie should think again." "I'lieie were three things about the l.ocanio pad, however, wbich gave Kurope new hope. Lnearliri oflers a iiiamf itiit ojiporlunity that will be fruitful for peace ift'ly insofar a 'bat 'ijipiirlunily is lak'-i.. HOSPITAL AUXIUARV FACING DISBANDMENT So Few Were In Attendance Yesterday Afternoon that Annual Meelng Had to be Postponed The annual meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Prince llupcrt (ieneral Hospital was to have been held yesterday after noon but there was such a small attendance that it was necessary to postpone such business as the ejection of ofHcers and receiving VANDERHOOF bell. K. A. Mllcliell. Dr. W. no Slone, II. C. Abbott and Mm. K. H. Smith were elected lo the. board of management. K. C. Mc- lieacby, who presided, paid tribute to Hev. H. T. Mcl-'arlane under whose ,palorale of the past few months Ihe church has made great progre. Mis J. M. Mellaril of Iln; loral uehool leaching la(T ha? again been laken seriously ill. Mrs. n. II. Moore enlertalned at bridge and whist Inst -Wednesday. The prize winners were Mr. Laird and Mm. Meorge Sleele. Oeorife Ogslon has been laken lo the hospital al Kdmnnton where he iinderwenf an operation early this week. K. A. Mitchell, who nreoiniianied hiiu to TJIB DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Jmi1ii.ii Tossed for Hours Unable to Sleep Now cn'oy rt nd.Up thiuiki to Dr. Ch' Nrv tFood A VII.I.A('K i u place where everybody koowx a tol more about overyltoily than everviunly knows about himself. was referrlinr"0 tfie bead of th members, he jrrplied in the nexa the for l hey 'w'ire all ton. 1 IT'S rumored that the bad 1 minton plays are ' pretty sore. Doubtless- ihoT-tousl have fallen and burl; their toes or somethint.'. TIIK bear jroes to sleep during llie winter and uils makiiip & noise, (lb to live in bear laud! IT S oh lo live in bear land Where bruin" isoe bu.jdeep- lie frently whiles away the lime 'Till flowers bejrin to jieep. There i no jaz. in bear land, .No rolliekiit parties there; Kor I hey (deep away the bn dark days. ' Xo morning after there. Then let me live in bear land And forpe! for a inonlh or tvve of annual reports. Matters of a1 The foolish wonU. Mini people routine nature were dealt with. Stating tliis morning: Mint another special meet in? would be say And the f. mlisli thiiiirs they d- enlled in the near future, Mr. pr itilM 1C ACCCDCIi iVank Dlbb, president of thel uKAilAIYl 1J UrrKtU .uxi!iary, said that if belter support for the Auxiliary U not farlhromln? there will be nolh-itlsr ele to do but disband. TJit- Aitxillar' ba a membef.shrt) of i aboul thirty but during Hie pafl year, conte half a dozen women ELEVEN SEATS FOR HOUSE OF COMMONS TOHO.Mii. Jan. i have not aceeitei the kind offer nf the hive been -carryhifr on the work. I ,lonfow- r",t( Ofi.eljanee for Such a stale or arfairs cannot r'" " in ri,l'".7 f Al,,a" lmka- tHi"1 nM H,,- (i',or"' continue declares Mm. Dibb. r. iirauam, niinisn-r of railways in the federal government, who Is in Toronto on 'perwonal business. ,fOn the other band," iuile. Al the first consrreiralional Mie minister. "I have not infused meelinir of the Vanderhnof Unit M "" 'o"y other iffer so ttener- ed Church last week A. It. I.alrd.jously made. I niu corKiderini H. II. Moore. W. .1. llimes. Kdwin C MKieachy, James W. Camp them, because I have nnl made up my mind what' course lo pursue. That is till I can ay al present." Mr. liraliani, il appears, ha the offer of no fewer than 11 seats from l.iherals who are will injj to resign in his favor. EXPERIMENTAL SALE Out of Town .Customer Buys Four Pairs Ladles' Shoes For Less Than Price of One The t'niveial TradinK Co. vill 'be hospital, is ejpeeied home In inir n new low prlre of 2.21 per a ua or o. pair for Wednesday shoppers ARE NOT OUT TO SKIN THE FARMERS ! ATTACKERS REPROVED I'llmnnton Journal ' The slroiur reproof which II. i W VVT.....I inliiit it i 1 .ii'iiil fit lliil About the turet indication of L .J- .A. coiivenlton of lluise dcle- piVismteil nerve in BleepIensDest, You may have headache and indigestion, You jnav he nrvoM P.d irmable. Hut the mot disXreaninj symptom is lying, awake at night unable to rest or sleep. Mr. Fred Hon, Dresden, Ont. writes: "I certainly can sympathiie, with anyone ho nuffers from nerve trouble. For many months I was afflicted with nervousness, and after going to bed I would toss about for hours unable to sleep. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food was recommended to me, so I gave It a trial. I found It a splendid treatment as I can now enjoy a good night rest. For the nerves, the best password 1 can give la "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.' " THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: I.OVK and upiial are uitern.i- lioiial. .Nature will tuixe bei way. IF January lasted all t year jmt think buw llirifty wer should bwoine. Kates who accused the elevator :-t::::p.inir.s uf dieinjr out b "kil I Ue farmer" should dl.scournjm other troin lnakintr ciich wholesale chariie. which be regarded as iiiile unfair. No pool in tin I world, be declared, hail ever bad i lieler treatment from llie eea- tors than had that in Alberta.) I want to lell you." be went on.; 'Hint there are Just as ooil men :n the .grain busines. as tln ii are in AUi 'aimers' iimxeiueii' . They are not on! lo skin you anv more than you an out in m ' I hem." Ids work having lir.mi:!. liiui',inlo very inlunale imn h wd.i those avainsl whom these rrnir isms were direeled. be is ,ii , position to know what be is iak K;iiiK aboul. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert January 26, 1826. .I. V. J'allerson. who was :- I.l'TS all lie farmers and bowhiionsible fur selliou two suli-inar- to llie (iovernmeiil for help, nrline to the Hriltsh Onuuhia pov- SahationUts nnd lake tip a col- (eminent, has hoo?hl tO.onu tons lection, or bariier and ni.ike atof steel Mhirli will be used '.n fortune, or boot leaser 1iu boot Uhipbuibllni at Seattle and db"r bad nines out of town. i points on the coast. Al the Hums .banquet of the St. Andrew'.s -Soolei) l.ul night. President S. M. Macdonald. oi- lliehalf of Hie society, presented ia fouiiliiio peri and safely r(or l.iri' S all go to Florida and in iln J. M. TImuhisoh as it reo;ui vest all our savings in loiyin' aitmn of his effieieni ervtrs as half interest in a town lot. SOMF.HODY on the lintel re-' tii'irLA.1 Hint fhi. iIimiiiVii. n.f n eerlain Ln named Uutrd hail some pretty i.'ool tindire. Asked if he seerelury. The Amertean halibut eehnoner l.ibt-ty, which arrived in port Ibis moraine with ." pounds of fish. pre.enleU a very wintry appearaiiee. So edd thA weather ttbe experienre I that H wa uece.sary lo keep I lucre w employed in i-ulliiijt awnv the iee in order thai she in i It Ih navigated. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICK OF APPLICATION FON .IIR LICCNCC. .ViTK.C IS IIKIII.HV UIVi: tbat n llie joa at J oi ituriurjr im-ii iim- miurr.iiinui iiiH-iid lo -ily t" I he I irjti. r oli K Hir(l tor a llrni-v In rerlwl In pre I mite Ijviuii i-ari ir lh liuiiiliiir kn-ii at' - wuiiM-rrltl IK-lrl. niiili- st Om -nriH-r) r Ion A mui- ikI Kirlith sim-l. ll i nt I'rliHe loi4-rt, un llw UikI ilrrrilml U.l 13 1U1 1 1, nbirk , fnion 1.; .Map . rrtiH-e HIM MikI ri trlUn OlMrlrl. in llie l'rullK- of linilli 'linn ! Ilia, fr Ihe ask- l lrr bv llv tiaa nrf. hj llie i.-n Uitlle (or -uuiiitiln -n th MTWI.M. f luie.1 lhl ririh ilar of January. Its IoAI K A1ti!O.W MrUOD i Hnnv i w"in mMfauU LAND ACT. Ntl f IflUftllcn U-Aslr U evftKua In IjiuI riM-nrdinf IHMHrl nf Trnr Jliirrl. and alluste on th mh Slier r CaiKalii ttnr, fin Itlani, I'mvlncf uT hrlllli OtlmnliU Ilun ljiinr linn. Inl'iMU l api.ljr fnr M-rnillnn In piirrha the foil-mini rt n-rilwil latwU: Cmiimenrlnr at s port planlnl n lh aouiti shore nar the hrad or Caiilaini i -ire. fill MlatMl. nante 4. Ciu-I fllrlf,: l-rirtlnre iif HrUlh Cnlmnlila; lhir ViMth iwrnly Mialnn; llfnrr mi twrniyi rhain: tlw-nre iu-rth twrntv riiaina. nvira or Ui liltli staler .nark: llH-nrt- t rrlv al-Kir lilrti alr mark ! pi'lol of roiiiiiM-iM-emrnl, and nmialnlns forty j l'rr. imu-e nr I wiujam joi:rn JErrrtifUi. , .Appliranf. ' 'LAND ACT, Notice f IntantUn U Apply For Laauf f Land. in llie frlnre Rtierl fjnil Flrrnrdlnr' Iilxrln and slniaie in so unnamed 10. ; fumiuir one if Ih Narea s-ninp nr llu In lludxrti Hay l'aare iinIi 0or Unsli-n fitlnt. Blue I'rlnl II. M. II. TAkl, IsOjK.F. Dial llarrl krrr of Prince) flupert. H.C.. Matter Marlnrr, Inlenda U appiy ur a ieae in me rouowins a---rrllied land: f:niiiienrnt at a pout nn the ibnrr 10 the f:al aide uf the -atinr itrrll.H lilei Ihrtire 3,0(10 frft IM.rlllrl; tlit-nre J.OOliI irri norinra'i; iwni-e j.ihiq lert amin. eat; lle-nce S.IHlii feet XHithweat In lie olnt of ronniiriwriiK-r.t, ronuliilnt iki arrea, more or !. II Mints KF.IiH. Ry bis Arrnl. Joaeph 3. Rorr I.MWhM I LAND ACT. ftotlco of Intantlon lo Apply to Laaaa Laid. In llie rrlnre Itiiprrt Land llrrordlnt filOrlel a rxl altuale n V.'hllcMiid pland near ounia niano. nine print H.M. II, TAKE .NOTICK that Joseph Sllliaim Hosera of prlnre Ituiierl. ll.Cw ferrrlary. Intend lo apply fur s Iraae of llie rob Inwlnr deai-rllsif latula:-. Coiune-nriiir al not on Uie shura cm llie l.a-t aide of Wlillenaiid Island i thenae S.O0II feet northwest; thrnr J.00O frn east; Ihenre 3.000 feet Minth; tbence J.oiiil feet west lo the ipolnt of cmn-llicncf Ilient. JOSKPII STI.HOM nOOEIIS. nl trtnl llh ,. LAND AOT. not reserve any of Die shoes of- Notlcs of Intention to Apply to Laaaa fered nl (his sale. fah lalks , ,, PrlI.Pe l,L'M!r, Iin(1 ,,,rorill))t and we play no favorites. One ,r,ri liut " unnamed iin . ' . , In llie LMlern inlrame to llndMin Ray out of town customer bought , l aae m ar nuoda island, nine prim four the eos oT n'TAkV: pairs yeslerdayn soTirB nut oeorire ordoii-B.i.h. all four pairs belnjr lens I ban the Zm L"Wr.V"m pi'iee of one pair originally lowlur dearrllied land WVeh Mie window. The price , Jn;; &iV"r.Zti drops 55e a pair '"nWil. inak-l talnlnr 100 seres, mors nr lesa. cnonoK ooium.i buriiby. MILLBANK 1 The SCEN RY IS BEAUTIFUL but can you see it? Like a fog thut obscures the laodsi-upe. !,. from your wnsh-lnb hides the beauty of life I pleasant liOors of leisure, the wash-tub lirmit- i and wearini's.. ril yon of Ihe e for liviiic It is mi eas U do away with nrh loilsonii as washing and ironing. Let us Uke tin-He ki-k-our home this week. Soft Finish Service will meet Imi'Ii your - your pocketliimk. Just phone u linlny and li ll call fur your liutHlle. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY (canadianT 'sauiHTX ' Standard t rumy nr over s 1 60 years j Phone 8 The Savage Washer and Dryer Al Ihe last Quebec Kxhihiljoti : ed t :-'ici-es. of the pri-vicm- e ogufi v inning the tio'd MrJ,.; w T ov-r ah otln-r tn.'k- ... iii! nid C.iii.i.Ii.iii jsher-- Caih Price $1850 in -iitd -in e,iy tci'-m Kaien Hardware Co. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert r.tncu;iAt. wuiuu, jiiuo, sucvat iwman n. Wi n. a Tf TANCOUVU. nnOUA aaa SUITU .tW.Ort II. Wj I, M. $j tmau MATita far BuUdala, Iwanaon Bar. Cal Btlla Ball. Otaan rail. Nm, Alart l. CampMII Nl, an Vantiar atary salwrsaf It an. AanEf for all Itsamahlp Lima. rll UtrmallM tram W. C. ONCHAND Oanaral t. Carna t 4th Atraat a r Aanva, Printa Nrrt, B O. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTU Sallinta frtrfii frtot kuvrt. or VANCOUwen. VICTORIA, SaiiM Bay, and Alan Bay, Taaaaay, r m. ttr VANnoUVIR, VICTORIA. Alarf Baa, a (ana ,Bt. BaUrSai, 10 ror htox. PORT SIMPSON and Rata Rliar Caniiatlaa, .TnnraSaf pJH. For PORT 'MRSON.ANYOX. ALICE ARM. ITrwiar a..... ... "! . Baralay, mI PMna Rasart. irrrr tGinyouvM ask tor again ' - TlwtT una 101VV?Z he b0nle This fiflverliscment is not published or displayed by H' Liquor Control Hoard or by the noveriiment of lirithli Columbia . i