PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS -1 - The Sign of Competency TliUl certificate you see in the Optometrist's office is a sign of competency. The Province lias given II as evidence (hat the owner has pas-seiLia- riigid examin-alion, showing his ability In care for your ihosl precious possession eyesight . The owner of that certificate is known as a "registered Optometrist." Wo arc regilered Optometrists. John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers JUST ARRIVED! A new shipment of Polly Anna Fianne! DRESSES I-or children, si'' 8 lo Id: and for laln's. all -res. D.C.M. Embroidery Thread 4 for 25c Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Box Plume Oreen ..89 989 TWICE WEEKLY We ha' a:uvin FRESH KILLED BEEF, VEAL and PORK. We also carry a full line of Fresh, Smoked, and Sailed Fish. Sealy 5 Doodson The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce. Branch from Smilhers. Sixth Street. Phone 455. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load . , Hair Load . Large sack- $6.50 $3.50 . 50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone IS. C&rlage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Band and Gravel Wa Specltllz In Piano and Furniture Coving. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave. BRINGING UP FATHER tVc cot to cit io or THEtE CLOVEN W t'M OlNNr c,T ME DAUCHTG TO HEUP NE - HE'lO-- 00T for. her. cyv y i- Vancouver Province: W ill you permit me space In the columns of your paper to protest in the name of public decency, as well as on behalf nt our thousands of jrrowins boys and frirls, a?ain.t the undue puh- l it'll y (riven in the daily press of I his province lo 4he circumstan ces surrounrtiiiK tlie last mo ment of the two notorious crinl- inals who recently paid the jost penally of a foul critne flio murder of a father ami his swn. False Philosophy A false and inklius philo sophy of life rttjrardin? ric-til conduct, on the part of these who should know belter, ha fiaurTteiT lie'fore our astonished naze ttie las) message and ae tmiis of two cowardly and cold hiixided murderers, and I he youlJl of nur land read in the wordu "Slop on it, kid.' a spirit of'reek-less bravado and an indifference to death and its fmal consequences most pernicious in its learhinp on a world which i-losins its grin on things elernitl, Men whfl robbed, murdered aiir in Ibeir deliberately planned pro jeel showed no regard for properly, personal rights or even life itself, are presented le the gaze of the world for its admira lion, and, in the last message of jnrip or these murderers some i papers feiprn to see the solution jot our social evils. Seeking truth from such an evil source only shows bow far we liav- departed Ifrnfii sane anil righteous think nig. What is Ibis flaunting before tie . eye- of the public of tJ'C words andjast acts of Iwo no- itorious criminals, but leaefeluft jin a dramalic form flainhig aivl nTesjHinsihte youth loaf freewill 'rs a myth and responsibility for ; one's act a metaphysical impos- ; sibilily. I Teacn, Respect We jipend hiHHlreil of Ibou- i sands of dollars on the educa I lion of our youth each year; we employ thousands of teachers .woikitijg assiduously, day nflei day. in instil into Iho minds of the young respect for properly and the rights of individuals. We make laws for the supprensiot of crime and vice, and yet wn drag I he words and bravado of i Iwo deliberately evil men inti 'Iho limelight, for the youth of I our land lo pay reverence tri, and applaud the faked heroism and (wisdom of two men whose con-!'-epi of right and wrong was a crime even to entertain. The whole affair is a crying scandal and a deplorable in- cidenl. The crime of the liny who takes, without the owner's permission, another's bicycle from Hie basement of 1i In school, or Iho youth who steals an automobile for n Joyride. or Ihe young man who waylays a pedes. Irian on some unfreijuenlei street und snatches his purse, , itt but. a few removes from the man who nonchalantly takes a human life. Why Crime Flourishes And we ask why crime! ere. l l If r dL3 CRIME ETHICS J. C. Brady of Local High School Has Interesting Letter in PaDer SAYS FAKED HEROISM Principal Blames Journals for Publishing Last Words of Two Criminals The follow-in? letter hy J. C. Brady, principal of I ho Prince Rupert High School, dealing wild 1 lie Baker and Sowash hanging FOR ME flourishes! False sentimentality towards criminals of Iho Bakrr and Sowash typo, together will a sad departure from well-established ethical standards, play :i big pari in teaching our youth to have a disregard for I lit rights of others, which regard is Iho basis of all law and order. JAMES C. BRADY. Prince Rupert High School. CRIBBAGE LEAGUE fianios in the Prinze Ituporl .iikI 1h puhlirity piven it va-((-riMiupc Iapuo lal night imlilislied in a recent number of. suited as follows : night in SI. Andrew's rooms. re Cold Slote, 11; Moose, Ifl. Kiiialil- of Columbus vs. SI. Andrew's, postponed until to f X. Mechanic-it Department, 18; C. N. Operating Dept. y. Prince Rupert Holel 15; Dry Dock. 12. Sou of Canada, 1 1; Creal War Veterans, 13. Orange Lodge. 17: Elks. 10. The league standing to dale is as follows: Orange Ioilze , O. W. V. A. ... C N. Opersiling W. 11 9 9 J.lkS .. 9 V . Cold Storage .... 8 8 0 Dry .Dock 7 Moose 7 K. of C. , C 7 p. N". Mcelhanical . C H SL Antlrew's .... I 0 P. R. Hotel .... 4 10 of C 1 10 fiam'es scheduled for L. Pis. 3 fl r 9 I Monday will be played inlend on Tuesday. SPORT CHAT fi 4 1 I nexl As a result of the recent spe'n of frosi in the Lakes district... kating and hockey playing i tromg strong there. Ihe Burns Lake hockey team journeyed to rranrois Lake last week for :i return game which the latter team won by a score of t lo I. it being ibeir second victory over; Burns Lake, (ireal interest was! manifeslod in Ihe match and a large crowd -from all over I district was in attendance. The teams-were as follows: , . Burns Lake J. Mc-Kenna, W. R. Ashford, Dr. ,1. T. "Sleele. W. .McKenua, C. Partridge, R. Com mons, R. C. O'llnra and II. Don aldson. Francois Lake. Brj-njolfson, W. Jeffrey, .1, Mown 1 1, T. JefTrey. Ross, Peterson, Buster Peterson. Hiekey, f!ain and Prosser. Three jdlrliers, two of whom rose from- utility positions lo stardom in strong finishes by SI. Louis nd Boston under nros. -sur of emengeiicies last year,! have drawn important roles for Ihe National League pennant drive in I9S. Bob Smith of the Boston Braves, who failed at second base only to reach pitch ing heights lale in hc season, will eriler Hie rotiiirjft,' race as one of the most unusual finds of baseball. Bill Sherdel of the SI. Louis Cardinals is a veteran of twelve seasons. Last year hi pitched his vay"1o success on Ihe wings of a ''floater" which lie developed ill place of a fast hall which was nof 'to the liking" of his management The Philadel- phia National I cam will place much dependence- this year on young Wayland Dean who vvn purchased by lh Oinnls from began lo show much pitching promise and Ills marked variety of curves is considered lo hold great possibilities for Hie. Quit-- XC -1 WAHT fOU TO for me rooND tmfm IN ME POCKET -1 DOS' T KNOW WHERE. iOT Ert r h irrn j O 1926 by Intx Fkaturc Snvvice. fc CrMt BriUM Hf. wrwl M TIC -kr rassrisr MAKING CHANGE ENFORCEMENT OF GAME LAWS Warden to be Located Here Soon Under Reorganization Plan of Colonel McMu'.lin Owinp U the altsenco of a Moose, C. N. Mechanics, P. R. !., vvar,4. jn jhH district for Hotel, S. of C., and Orange- 1(, pas of ,U( -IMwW men Were Winners aiinilen lias l.efn paid lo xn Last "'ont (prolelion and tU mull ha- heon thai luintiii? UAs leo jro- ing on all the year round, and the sanctuaries, such as that on Kaien Island have not been re-terli. Now all that is to b- changed. Colonel MfMullin has undertaken the task of reorganizing tyi game department. 'I'll:-Cahie Board will have nothing In do with this but will tie simply an advisor)- body. The new gzaine department Mill be under lite head of Chief (Same Inspector Montague I erler. Ilie Province will le divided into dltiets of which Pnnn Rupert wrll ie one and thw will Is a game, warden appointed in Uiav liarge of the law enforce njment here. Hon,- Ai M. Manson has been Qiwiriig i the new schene in -jconjuwlion with Colonel McMul ; tin and Colonel Ferber and tie -I fare long this district may ex jwfl to see a chnnge in admin i-lration of the local game law. IJL is claimed by many that the game is vetting scarcer every year. Oeaee and ducks especial ly are being kitted off and fleet are being driven back into lb more inaexessHde districts. On Kaien Island, where deer should te latne and should come rHrtil down lo Ihe edsre of the InwnsiM secure from depredations of ai'V kind, illicit hutitnus d is claimed ha ben going on and has prac tically cleaned them up. The new game warden, when he comes il is suggested should make it his -tici-iil work i" make Kateti Island a 'ight reserve. BADMINTON IS PREMIER SPORT Number of Courts Here Doing Business and New Adherents to Game Almost Da!)ly Almost every day sees some new enthusiast taking up the spor1 of badminton. I here are now a number of courts iu tile city and plenty of opportunities for those ho wish to play. The first club esl;iilislfl;d iu I he city, the Prince Rupert Badminton Club, has two courts iu Ihe De Luxe Hall. The nexl iu order is thai of the First B.C. Regiment a single court. There are two good courts in the Elks Hall, one in the Cathedral Hall and one in Ihe I.O.I I.E. hall. Tlie iileji that bndminJotc i just a waiiie for girls is cxplod-eili The sperfalors who watched the lourninent in Hie Cathedral Hall Salurdty night and who saw Charlie Youngman and others' panting for1 wind in Ihe strenu ous games, began to realize what il meant. One man who played his first. game cm Ihe Elks courts willim Ihe week wart so stiff ne,xt morn ing he could scarcely walk. Dealers report a big run on badminton material and evcry- Louisville In 1923, Last year lie) thing poinlH lo a general in crease of Interest in what lia come to be the premier winter sport of Prince Rupert. Advertise In the Daily News. Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance?. No Advertitement taken for lets than 50c WAWTttB FOR SALE SNAP. For sale, wil Pool Room and bvilduta. mcludinv fouf pool tables, riuar stand, fixtures, four rnotim in rear besides a cabin. Apply to Mr. I'lMynkawa, owner, at premises. . 5 FOR SALE. One English double barrelled shotgun and one lto-4 rifle, sporting model .303, wi"' cleaning rods and shells. Cbeati for cash. Owner leaving the city. Phone 570 after i p.m. RIO BARGAIN. Three view lots. section five, on Taylor ."slree'. recently paved; average site 33 by ion. Kir! here ge 4U three lots for 9500.00 cash. Westenhaver Bros. If FUKMTl'RF. FOK SALE, sisling of pull-out bed, Wilton rug 12' by kwk chair, sewir; machine, set toilet ware, ate. Phone Blue . 120. tf FOR SALE. - - S:n-er patching machine and finishing stand, with one h.p. motor. For particulars and terms, .oi'ly Nor-thern Kxehanie. 26 FOR SALE. Forty horse posve- statienary steam engine, near I new. Apply P.O. Box 349, Prlnec Rupert. B.C. 24 TO RENT ROOM TO RF.NT. Steam heal ed, hoi and cold water. 82 Serond Avenue, half block be low Totem Pole. Phone 707 FOR RUNT. Modern four room ed flal with M on a rati range. Ctnpp Block. Voslenliaver Bros. tf FOR RENT. Planus, player pianos, phonographs and sew ing machines. - , Walkcr' Music Store. If FOR RKNT.Tallor-alian: tw business room lioMw, Iwj living rooms nhflve. Weslen- liaver Bros. t FOR RENT. -Two room furnish ed nirtinenU by Ihe day, we or month. Phone Red 007. tl FOR RENT, Modern house Fourth Avenue. 130.00. J. W McK'nley. HorSEKEEPKfO rooms for renl Furninhed. Phone 18. tf MODERN FLAT for Renl Apply Mux llejlhrorier. AUCTIONEER. PROMPT allonlioti in arranging auctions on commission basis or will buy outright for cash Just arrived, ISl.'f. pat terns of aU kJnils of Carpets. Ri)g-Cnld Sen! Congoleum, Domin ion linoleum, srpiares or by the yard. Orders taken for de ltvery from the wholesales lo Ihe consumer. Private sales dally. Ming 771 for informa linn. 0. F. Brine, Auctioneer. Phonograph records exchanged r v ttf fff PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4444 Wednesday. January 27 (High a.m. t;. ' I 1 '10 p.m. 20.? - j'w fi (0 a m. " I 19 21 p.m. 4.3 " DRY WOOD. Split to any length in blocks, per loud 5C.00. . SALT IIKRHINO. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove. Phone Black In I BOARD BOARD The Qnnr Avenue S FOUND By George McManu8 WH-i TMEE W MOT CRo L. WOW UTfri fiAOjt'.M I EVE.- WHPfte FQ JE" jBk , HA.ND Ml. v v WANTKI). One roliahle man iu every town, merchant preferred, to lake order for limit etistom-itmde clothes in Canada. Ilitrliest rutnniissfeMH. Jtix Tailoring Co., I.M, Toronto. 4 4' ! CARS FOR SALE. I 1923 Oldstiiobile I, S passenger touring $90A.Afl 1 1VZ0 Nash U passenger touring tftStl.OO 1 1921 Overland Sedan (700.00 I I VI 9 Reo seven panfttyiftr louring 170.00 I 1925 Ford Coupe, balloofulires car Ht nrw tMO.Oit 1 I92t Ford Tudor la, v 1 4 55 on 1 I vtt Ford Coup 1 tfllt Ford one ton truck, pane! bodr - M7S.00 Font light delivery nhaasK robaftt fiw.eo All ears guaranleed In gooi' IRK! chanical condition. Kas terms nan he arranatnl. KAIEN GARAGE Ford ansi Chevrolet Srvlee Sta tion. Agents tor MelthUn Oakland. Oldsinobile and Rlurv-rolet cars. Reo. (i.M.C. and Federal Tracks. WRECK INU SERVICE DAY AJiD MOHT. Inlander. Bin OSta T F(il'NI).- Pair men's brown lineo loves. Apply Daily News uf-fie. t FURNITURE AND RANGES FURNITURE and Range bongbt old and exchanged. New fur n i lute and ranges exehanaeil far your old ones. Bedroom, living room and dining room furniture always in stork. A1 ways watch my window It'. ehanited daily. A. Mackenzie FURNITURE. New a n d Second haml Furni ture Store. We Buy. Sell and Hit change New and Secondhand (Minds. GEO. PAPADOPULOS 83? Third Ave. h"ne fi' WESTHOLME ROOMS Second Avenue Fmler New Manairement. Sleam Healed. Hot and Cold water. Rooms from t3.)0 Weekly, up... TAXI Phone 07 Taxi (Call fieorge, Paul or Oust) Six- aihl seven-passenger Slndo-bakcrs at y-ur disposal any tim for 60c Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything lent for, or delivered, phone us. r uT soo PRINCE RUPERT MUSIO STORE. 303 Third Avenue olc ngerils for Columbia Records We repair Phonographs. Bicycles, Buggies Rariucla nnr Musical In-BlrumenU of all kinds. T Vtut' .H..'J I tl M Tiff 4l4 1 " ... ,!,- (.. I I I.I ' -Hi 'f - S'- . ll !r . r ii u. 1 1. T Sufoi. Al ktm. '- uttftai W rt!K--lJ!i Artitfc UKtir; routfi. L3 BOTH I WELL'S imZTA Cool - Vcci a ' Furniture tnr:g liafiriiffe Stand :l.lltle . v He. ! TRAPPERS II NEED ) pru w pi.i -e!l your f i -buy I bam. W. GOLDBLCCa. Sec- The Hon--' MAIL SCHELi OUT( nmtmx Wfiiv .i T !, eei tmpc3 .-; tal . et It AJa eMti tea il, t: T QM Ctfl!'. Id, i r Jan. . ft IN-CONINO, I1 run lh Cut frm Vtntosf thns Srtllff-.... TSvi rt . . Urn. . Trvm Axrti, Sllct Arm, Sl.c. rfom ni. rtwt ww rf -Saotrtteyi rrm ataola e)B Jan 14. tt f rm QufMi CHttrMla It Jn - to. BOX COU.CC? (if alum ln . li i t S fib r Ittlum -i i ,. A 1 1 1 M. 'tif(wf 1.1 . 11 r A ' mrirt i 'III K Illfa . "-Ii II ''fin in. . Kill t- iSaUm si I'll In' A MfHrliu i rrii Onvi rMt It-, n.n WlMT OTP. Wlwrf O.T.e. tlMl Af k fiiil -I iit Vf A Tull 34 Arr A r.lti l 3 r v STEAMSHIP MO vE .r r Vnciur TiwmIii iinhn Prill m. vii,: I Slntfi i main " rrliiri- Hf' 'li 14 , I rlli. , - Jill U A. I'llllii-from Vncur nmlin rurili ii.i MtlNlAJI I'lln ' Thnrdtr - -. i m iin sinriHi . I'M,,. Jn. II- as. I'm iii r. . iM... ... Utr Port Simpton und H i tliarAdAjr mini. i rrom Port Slmpaon snd H."3 Sniorclnjr -m. i:tiU for Alattta Jan .11 n, I'hii''- - Jan. . . 15 it- ii --from Altaka Jan. 14- m. 1'rttin - Jan. tv . ITIiir. -- ' For Stewart, Anjoi and All Snnrtaji - carili'iia VM,iHifm1nA- .'imi . rronx Slawart, Ano and A! Tueadty - a. Canli'iw Friday rrlni'c tin" for Anyoi Tluiradaya a. rii rrm Anjroi Saiurdnrs .n, rmi For Quatn Oharlotta talanda-Jan . rnnoa Ji Jn i'i'inri ji n From Quaan Charlotta talanda Jan. A prlnri! Julin Jo It. -a. Prlnr lohs .H