25 TAXI ancirj w Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8L MATT VIDECK, Prop. J.eI(,,,, VDI XVI NO. St. li.pping (luring llu pant two day lleuv wind U4,nin- ii driving mm .mm! fog have been delaying IhcJiucrs a -.ml Leviathan ami a a result the former will be Iw'o :'.c .. r. ,n lung Mirt Si? iru r Hn -idrnl lloosevell vi it (Irnwiifc) hi mi attempt lo rcM'iitf 22 men, llu crew j llr U-li icighter Anliuoe uf ICTORIA GETS j POOL BUSINESS1 I irrangement Made, it l Said to Handle Grain for Saikat-chewan i Co-op. Vli HUH . Jan. 20 It i" all- in rl lii'rr UiUl me ranama I'r. T (Tain I ernihiaN I.ll., I that lo rn-rl a -anr: !' Mi!ir al thin Mrt. ha ln:r '1i ii .i iUifM.ttl a Ullll Hie ffixiiUF' III Willi VUl I'tHH, lo Ii at iait f Hielr output. I a : f..i Hie ur -Hue I u re are e g i)ib'ltl ly I). I. Howe .V. ( it ot l'.rl AMtinr, and il if ed il will ! rnlHIileled in ,ie I.? hunillr tin- ero IMi :: r miiunin. Til'- ehMilor in lo e loenlel lie 0ili-n I'oiitt dork, ownrd tlir i anadinn Nalhiiiul Uail- " ay It" rat i Mini th' ie are no lrt a-r- lu'ri- iih'i'x Vielorta an . dva "nite oir Yanier. ami fa i Miai a hvve iiuiiiImt of si', li.miil fltit from I'utrel K il ... rt enll Ihere fe op-r imii v f.i make parrel Hiii;- WAS A WOMAN ALLTHE TIME Dr. Marflcld, 74 Years of Age, Practiced Medicine as Man 25 Years MIN A. Arkaimnn. Jan. 20. -On Mir iirmh lied has come the rfl-v 'a thai lr. K. M. Mnrfivbl. .-il i I, who practiced here for s i'iiin ii h n until, i a vynvati II pai-piitx live In Kngland, tln i a d They needed a on to pro 1 'i'' linr properly riwhti no I hey ilrri-sni'd ner as a boy and she : iied o net the part until he end. BOY WAS DROWNED ICE ON LAKE BROKE NEARGRAND FORKS Father of Lad Lost His Life In Same Water Two Years Ago I'lt.VNh FOIIKS. Jan. 20. When the Ice broke on which he wu ckiiting on Chrislina Lake near here In which hi fnjllinr )eishcd two yearn ago,, John Fkand. tliirleen yearn of nc, crashed (hrouch and wan drown-rfl A coinpuiiinn who wan with Ii ni tnudi his way to -bore. Havoc with Shipping; ATLANTIC STORMS PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper l'HINCK HUPKItt, Il.O., TUESDAY. JAM PLAY AURORA BOREALIS PLAYS HAVOC WITH TELEGRAPHS Fierce Storms on Atlantic Playing Two Leviathan will be two Big Freighters in Trouble days late in arriving at port; was held by heavy seas when steaming at full speed j KV VOJIK. Jhii. it. One of the w.oM slorni- experi- 1 lit- Atlantic rwl hi some hint' has been playing havoc! wirelessed fast ttieli I thai two .Sunday night. No Inrllirr tract'llbere will probably ! a dUrup- Hie iHg vessel, which diap- pea led in llu- fog Mini snow. 1 1 a jhi-fii found. ! will be sent lo Hip vessel for it Al on lime tin Leviathan ami 'would not be prarlieabl to iut iiiiiania under full Men in werejil n al (Juren Cburlolle Oily. unable In Make any progress I againM llo heavy can whietii ImiKpIimI lhm. The llrihoh freighler lwin.l(M railing ty wirele for Iwlp toil li.'i Miiiiin ha not been Iim'uI'mI o fur. - . in a NO OPPOSITION TO PREMIER KINQ BY CONSERVATIVES PltlNUi: Al.llF.llT. Jan. 2ti.- Il to officially an- jiouneed thai Ihr (ner- alij will not rouli'ol the ieal aainl Premier Mae- ketone Knu', tlu .MuriiiK hi rlerlion by arelama- 1 lion on nomination day, which i Monday net. MILDER THAN EVER IN YUKON JUST NOW Report Today Says Average Temperature In the Territory Is 26 Above Zero Thr weather m the Yukon is wanner than eveY today. II is eareely fretting. Ihe average temperature for the territory be ing 20 degrees above tero. Ihe roiiieM ihmiii in i ne inieiior i Sniilhem .with lemiierature of S2 altoxe. Following is Ihe report: Prince IUiert l'art cloudy. calm: tempcrulun', 15. IVrraee- Cloudy, calm; lein- lieralure, 31. A nyox- -Cloudy, ealui; temper ature, 30. Slewart -Cloudy, calm; 1cm- peralure, 25. llar.ellon1 . ealm, mild. Telegraph Creek Cloudy, ealm: temperature, 2ft, Smilhern- Foggy, oalnit tem-leralure..22. Hums hake Fuggy, calm; temperature, 27. Whilehooe Cloudy, calm; temperature. 25. Hawson Cloudy, calm; lem- pcralure. 2t. yanTouyerIxchange Hid. Asked. Wheat t .57 i C. 1'. it U7.nn I1.C. Silver I .r.8 1.05 Uunwcll I. II 1.15 (iliidsloue .32 .35 lliirellon . .01 i I., .t h. .ia,i .15 Premier 2.?" 2.25 Porter Idaho MM .11 Silverccesl .Ift'i H Surf Intel .09' Northern and Are PRINCE JOHN MAV CVT TOW 1MI bfcl 1UYY Nt Likely that Propeller Will be Sent to Crippled Vessel at Q.C. City A a result of I lit' mishap a; Out'it Charlotte City on Monday. morning when luc nteanit i Prine John lost her propeller,1 lion in the service lo Ihr Island. It i- not likely that a propeller The , jobj,t)uuld Imnlly be dona" without drydking. II i- prob- able, Uouever, that a lu? will be QUI lo Hie Prince John and tlu he will he brought lo dry diMk here. The I'riiiee lUtarlen. now tfoek hw. "ifiay lfj--enl Into ervlre l reliexe Ihe crippled vepl. No definile innlruclion to what i lo he dune have been i-ei-d in Hip rity. CORNER CLUB HEARS REV. L G. TURNER AT MEETING LAST NIGHT An uilcri'sl mg address wa given lul eeiMt; al the regular weekly iiieelur.' of the Corner Club in the parlors of the Hap- tint Church, I1. II. I.iiid-ay. president, in Ihe chair. The speaker wan Itev. I'.. U. Turner, paslor of Hie ohureh. who had for his subject "The IXimale and Aim of Lire." Mrs. Jarvi Mt-Leod sang and wn recalled hy an enthusiastic audience. Hefrehnienl were sered during (lie evening. Next week Itev. Hr. Cameron of the Pic-liylcrian CIiuitIi will be the speaker. NEW CZECH PARLIAMENT 12 WOMEN MEMBERS I'ltAHl'K. Jan. .- -Cueehosti) Mikla's new parlianirut has twelve wnnieii member eight iu the House of Uepulies, and four in the Senate out of a total ineinbership of loll in the (wo houses. The comparatively small pro portion of women was rather surprise In view of Ihe fact that well er hall (he ..iiilii.OOO voters are w omen, and I hal much encouraaenieul is given women lo participate in puldic affairs. The office or President of the llcpublie may even be held by a woman. MAGNET PICKS UP METAL ON HIGHWAY KFI.I.OU. Idalio. Jan. 20. A .10-lnch highway magnet sweeper picked, up 15(1 pounds of nail, and scrap Iron over five miles of road near here. Some of the ini'lnl was worn lo needle sharp nc.sn. t Another slretch of seven milen yielded 003 pounds, of tnelal. half-mile of eighteen fool pave men! aave fifteen pfnnd of nail and oilier mailer from Ihe gut tor. M I L liltlCKJ 'I Kits FOlt WKST INDIKS .imiv s -howo I lie lion. F. S. 1 1, Callhorpe r.iplain or ihe can. wall Cajn. NcJiolus ol I he "Inuitiia" a Hie i 1c d tour oi lie West Imtie am! Hriti-h ai ... The latter is IiohI-uig I he hal .iiilographed by uil Tel team- iiue ItniV. Aurora Borealis Interferes with Telegraphic Despatches Far South A heavy burealis lal night Hie iKJegmph win.- out of biiiue out Ihe eoiiliiicnt. Here I hey were when il was almost imNisible lo get Ihrough on some of. the wires up to leu o'clock. The effect on Ihe wires is very' curious. Smrlimes Ihe jaiwcr is increaed very greatly and then again all jMiwer eem lo go out of Ihe wire ,iinl the telegraphic acjoi i practirally shipped. Following is a despatch received lhi morning in regard lo Ihe cleclric ditoih;uices fa. ihe. nith: NI'AV YHHK, Jan. 20. Tele-,- graplur eumintintcalion is liailiy itisorganizel from New York San Francisco this morning lo heavy aurora borealis. which rarely occurs o far south. Canadian wires il is reported j neri'. are even more scnuosij interfered with. v SPANISH FLIERS ON THE SECOND LEO OF , ATLANTIC FLIGHT I. AS P.M. MAS. Jan. 20. - The Spanish fliers left here early this morning on the second leg oT their flight lo Ilueuos Aires. 4 They expect lo reach Cape de Yerde Islands Ibis evening. B.C. COAST TEAMS WIN HOCKEY GAMES PLAYEDLAST NIGHT Vancouver Beat Calgary and Vic toria Gained Victory Over Portland In League Series YANCOl " VF.lt. Jan. 20.--lu the Western Hockey League series last night two games were play ed on Hie coast and the IU tennis won in each ease. Van comer secured a decided victory over Calgary by a score of 5 to 1 on Ihe rink here, and Victoria heal Portland 3 goals to 2 at the Portland arena. FARMER SAILING G.O.M.M. freighter Canadian Farmer, which lias been in dry dock here for the past uionlh be-inisr converted from a coaT to an oil burner, will be taken on the pontoon today afler an over haul and will mi 1 1 late tonight or early tomorrow morning for Ocean Falls to resume her paper carrying service between thv noii and California, AHY 20. 1020. Ytrrb)'i cirmlatlon. Oil HAVOC WITH as San Francisco aitd this nn. uiiig uea 1 p . - t appartuilly almo-t tit ough al their worn I (his moniiug :,!NATIVE SONS' ROSTER GROWS Twenty-three New Members Ac cepted Last Night S. W. Taylor Is Elected Secretary Twenty-three new members were enrolled in the Prince, llu pert Assembly, Native Suns bf xunuda, at the uieetiivv last night which wus the first since the assembly was instituted about a mouth ago. There are many more applications iu and the accepted membership how -.lands at about .130. President M. M. Stephens presided at Ihe meeting. Stanley W. Ta.vlur was elected secretary of the assembly in place of It. K. Heusou vvhp hit resigned owine to pressure of business requirements. The assembly ha decided lo have second and fourth Mondays as regular meeting nights and the gatherings will take place in the MelroiKile Hall. Hues have been set at 5.00 per auitiiin in .-nkimrc or 91.50 ih-C iMTiktierJ Omimillfcs will be appointed later by (he. president and the executive and then future ac tivities of Hie assembly will be arranged for. FAMOUS BAND IS TO BROADCAST TOMORROW HERE LAST SUMMER Last year Sid Thomson helped entertain some of, the- visiting Shriners, among tluili being .1. ( lltckel of the famous baud which played on Third Axe. At thai time he promised to let Mr. Thompson know when Ihey were going to play iu Florida. Today the following wire was receivr from SI. Pclersberg. Florida: "Syrian Temple. Cincinnati Hand, broadcasts front Crosslcy W Lv Wednesday evening. iMrwt Safe noj EVERYWHERE TODAY Tariff Commission to Be Appointed Within Few Days Announced Hon. Charles Stewart does not favor duty on coal but will alleviate suffering in Cape Breton area OTTAWA, Jan. 2. the iiouiu will lie iiaiiuu witiini a tew (iaj, according ip 5iu un-.umm meiil in the iltue of Oiinmoiis by Hon. Cirarle. Stewarl, rnirtiter of Ihe interior, during a dtliale on the Gape Breton situation. The tarifl ioinnii.ion, added Mr. Stewart, will be hiiiged with Ihe duty of investigating Ihe condition in Canadian industry and of ndviing the guveriinient and parliament as lo what duties liould be imposed. The statement eariie aflir Mr. Stewart had .aid Ihe govern-1 meiil "does not propose to in crease duties on eoal at the, present time." The government stands prepared to co-operate with the government of Nova Scotia lo alleviate distress in the mining fields of Cape Hreluu. lf the people in distress are starving, the government stands ready, to avpJilwwul Uui asii" - which shouht ami must ws taken by the local government," announced .Mr. Slewart. The government, lie said, would assist iu bringing to consummation an order for 120.000 tons or eoal for Ihe Canadian National Hall ways. ACCEPT AWARD OF WAGES BOARD IN GREAT BRITAIN LONDON. Jan. 20. A general Hritish railway strike wa narrowly averted yesterday when a conference ki of Union leaders voted by a small majority not to call nut the men Friday hut to accent the award of the National Wages Hoard. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. DIUHY ISLAND. -Pari cloud? ealm: barometer. 30.12; temper a lure. 15: sea smooth. 1 It". At l THHK POIXT. Haro- meler, 2U.80; temperature, 3lJ. HI LL HAHHOll. -Clear, fresh southeast wind: barometer. 30.- 05: temperature. JO; lizhl swell p.m. spoke lug Cape Scott tow ing barge Drumroek abeam Xamu bound for Ocean Falls; 7 .30 a.iu poke steamer Cardena in Chat ham Sound southbound. Noon DKiltV ISLAND--Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.08: temperature, 15; sea smooth; 8:15 a.m. spoke steamer liritlco left Anyox at 7 a.m. bound for Stewart; 11:30 a.m. spoke tug Pacific Monarch In Olter Passage uorlliliouud. DFAD THKK POINT. Haro- meter. 20.80: temperature. U. HILL IIAIIHOIL Clear, fresh outheast wind barometer, 2'J. i: teniuerature. 17; moderata swell. Union steamer Chilkool, Gapt. C. H. Smith, arrived from the south at 1 o'clock thi morning ami after discharging a quantity of general freight at the (S.T.P. wharf, cleared at 10.30, for Surf Inlet where she will take on ore. from the Helmonl Mine. Subscribe to the Daily New?. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRIOR FIVE RENTS. SHIPS proposed national tariff advisory FIFTH AVENUE HOUSE ROBBED Thief Enters Residence of H. A. Breen and Takes Case Contacting Jewelry ' s- Some time between Friday night and last evening the residence pf II. A. Itreen, 025 Sixth Avenue East, was visited by a Ihief or thieves and a jewel cai conlaiuinc amort-' other things two ladies" rings, one a wedding ring, a cameo pendant and a sliek-piu was removed. Mr. and Mrs. Ilrecn have nol been slayin? it home since fast Wednesday ind the -robbery wtis discovered last night by Mr. Preen when visiting Ihe house. A dresser was ransacked and oilier I faces w ere found leading to tjie belief that money was t no object or the thief. Entry was madeth rough rear window of the house which was unlocked and large footprints' were disooverji'd. Neigh bors slated that Ihqy thought they heard somebody, in the house both on Saturday and Sunday night but. believing il was Mr. Hiven. they did not think any I line about it. Tne police were immediately notified and are investigating. MENNONITES BADLY TREATED Group of Forty Return From Mexico Where They Went to Get Away From. Canadian Laws WilNNIPFO. Jan. 20. With only condemnation for Hie treat ment received during the year spent in Mexico, a group of II Mennonites arrived in Winnipeg yesterday on their return trek to farms in Western Canada. Some of the members of the wroup lost a much a 5.000. Ihey said. The Meuuonite left Canada because they considered Ihey were oppressed by Ihe laws which compelled them to educate their children after the Canadian fashion. CLAM DIGGERS AT CORDOVA MISSING COHDOVA, Jan. 20 Miln for ten day and seen lust when Ihey left (he dam-dig ginar camp on Mummy LIaud near here on January 15. Joe Seymour and Andrew MorUnn. veteran eam digger, are believed to have bcn drowned!