r i PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS fiRAB Parcels 35c Guaranteed Values From 80c to $1,00 In Each Parcel for 35c On Hinplay in our Window. Our (i'Sc Sale wus Mich a suc cess thai wo mis coiillnuiiiK for another week, - adding a number additional exceptional values for 65c 3 Fitr llftrs. fresh stock . . C5c (ranulalt'd Stipar, H II). for.. C5e Large, Dry Prunes, California, 5 lbs C5c 13 rolls Toilet Paper 05c 5 tins Heinz Pork and Means 65c 10 In. Navy White Means 65c 7 lh. Dry Green Peas . . . . 2 dozen Fresh Pulletl Kpgs. H Hmswick Sardines . . . 1 traiipc Marmalade . 4 I hi "Jdnisiipore pineapple. 3-25L-' pkjj.s. Itolled Oats .. 2-1(1 comb Honey 2 hollies Heinz Catsup ... 05o 05c 05o 05c Ooc G5c 05c 05c 4 lit.-Tahle Figs or $1.00 worth for- ... ... C5c 3 lh. SxviftVor Hums' Lard 05c 1 dozen Jelly Powders, asst. 05c 5 tins Campbell's Tomaloc Soup 05c 4 larpe tins Tomatoes ..... C5o 8 hars Palmolive Soap .. .. G5e 3 tins Snap or Kleenup Soap C5s 13 liars While Swan Snap .. C5o 3 pkgs. Princess Flakes .... 05c 2 hars Klnndyke Soap . . . . 05c Our Phone 45 and our.deliver.v service are al your command: use them. Plenty of Freshi Whipping Cream now. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The leading hall of the city, situated on lots 'J and 10. .block 11), section 5. lluihling is 50 "feet hy 100; 10 foot ceiling; 7 fool balcony all around building: newly plastered; No. 1 maple floor. Dining room and equipment nml seating capacity for 100 ''persons. Piano and Wurlilzer military hand organ, style 125; 200 pairs lliehardson hall-hearing skates. Thoroughly equipped throughout for Imlli dancing and skating. With theatre equipment can he used as mirh. Alo for sale, lots 8 and 1). block 15. seetion C Clear titles to property. For further information, apply to L. J. Warren, P.O. Box 14G, Prince Rupert, B.C. WAMPOLH tasteless preparaUon of -EXTRACT f COD LIVER The seasonable loni" $1.00 per bottle Roperl Pharmacy Prescript ion Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Dr. Alexander 8mlth Block Phone 57E DENTIST BURNS NIGHT IS OBSERVED Supper and Dance Held by St. Andrew's Society Attendsd by Two Hundred People Some 200 persons participated in the supper and dance last night in eclebrution of the birthday of Hubert Hums, Scotland's national hard. The affair, which was under the auspices oT the St. Andrew's Society, was well arranged and successful and enjoyable jn ex cry respect. A departure was made this year i dispensing with the long banque; that has been the custom or the past. Instead there was the supper at which one address, was given and the Scottish dunce followed The change proved acceptable and popular. George Abbott, president of the St. Andrew's Society, as master of ceremonies for the eveniiiig, -occupied the chair and the customary Scottish blessing "Some Hae Meat" was pro nounced by Itev. Dr. Charles J. Cameron ere the assembly commenced to partake of the bounte ous repast that had been spread The Haggis was borne in by Neil Macdonald to the strains of music by Piper Alex. McDonald. Moth went in full Highland regalia. Honors to tlie Haggis, from ltohert Hum' poem, were recited by Alex. Gonnon. After full justice had been done to the. meat. Dr. Cameron was again called upon and delivered an eloquent address of "The Immortal Memory of Habbie Hums." In lint course of the supper, a telegram wishing good luck to the "lads and lasses" as-j semhled from Itev. Dr. H. It. (rani, who for so many years took part in local Hums' banquets, was read. Mrs. William Millar sang "Aflcni Waler," and was heartily encored, her accom panist being W. Vaughan Davie. Scottish airs were played on the piano duriner supper by Miss .lean Cnrrie After the supper, the lables were cleared away and the dance started. The first number wiih LAND ACT Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Let. Land In gueen t:tiarltie islami l.amt lle-nirdlnr Dlslrlrt of Prince IliilxTI. anl liuatr two and one lis If miles went of Alirnrrt Buy, Sklrtoirate Inlet TAKK NOTICE that ll.i:. rishlwr k far. In? Cuiiipatiy. l.lmllert. or Vaiirniiver, B.C., tiiTiipatlon snliuun Outliers, Intciifld i. apply rnr a lease or "tlie following de arrllied landi: r.iiriiliieiirtiia at a juist planted at the west end of Small Bay on" hundred yard-east of mouth of unnamed stream; tfienrf hiiuIIi live rhiilti; llieiire eal lileei; rhainv tlienrc Imrlh to Mmre Hue; tlienee fnlluwtiiir allure line to ihiIiii of rum 1 meiiernieiil, and rmuatnliiK seven ant three-quarter a'Te. mure or le. B.C. FISHING 4 PACKING CO. LTIl. Appllrant. fer M xi. Enallh. nle1 neml 0? Odd Suits 0 Suits at 5 Suits at TO CLEAR $11.45 $16.45 Values up to S35.00. ACME Importers Third Avenue Grocery j Specials 1 All our atock al reduced prices be tore stock taking, (iet your supplies for al b-asi a month. Milk, any brand, per ease $5.50 Flour, any brand, Ill's $2.75 Flour, any brand, PH's $5.35 Sugar. iHO's $7.00 Sugar. 50's S3.G0 lhtlter. fresh, U'h . . $G.25 Htilter. bulk, per lb. :i for $1.35 Swirts Preiniiiin llacon, sidt!. per lh 45o Order Early and Avoid the Rush Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 ,,.iiiiiiill!!llflHill!llllliiiii,h Has Won the approVaf of three generations Uladc in Canada 95 years This advcit.isrinent is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the (iovernment of British Columbia. nrcsidi'd at the dmir. mi the Grand Mai oil lot! by Mr. and Mi. George Abbott and then there was a Urrcussiaii Circle. The entire dance program was of Scottish character consisting of Mjuare and country dances, etc. Besides Piper McDonald, music NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tandara (or Prinla Rupart Wharf Racon-atruction SK.M.tl) TKMitMS endorsed "Tender for wrl or enure luiiwri Wliarf lieruu-Ktrurtlmi" will 1m- rei-eOed by tlie II .11- L n.l.iii.. nefiarliiietit of I'uhlte XXork. I'arlhnieni uulldinr. Vete n LAND ACT. Notlca of InUntlon to Apply to Laaa Land. In I'Hnce nnpert Mnd IterordiiiK p irh-t nf ertnee liuiiert, and elluate. al siiann'in Iny. Queen Charlotte lalandi. B.C. CITY MANAGER IS DISCUSSED Arguments For and Against System of Civic Government Set Forth by Newspaper In a recent number the Free Pres., diM-iieit editor ially the city manager plan of civie goeriimeil as follows: Increasing eul of city goxern menl and increasing pressure of taxation in recent years have hrouighl the city manager plan more into vogue. There are sixteen e-ilies in Canada that have ( adopted it, and I lie city of Ouo-bec may be added xery soon, for l lie businessmen recently met to was furnished by an orchestra! in civie affairs consisting of J. Mreiuner, James j filled by C. H. It. Fuller, city Wall and J. II. MacKay. violins: W. Vaughan Davies. piano; aud W. (i. Hamilton, drums. A fluttering of Highland costumes lout color In Hie scene ami a jolly affair finally broke up. Hen Dalgnriin was chairman of the committer in charge and his a-wislants were diaries Taylor. S. D. Macdonald, James Dick, Howard Sleen and Oeorpe,ca..p discuss lire municipal situation which had become unsatisfactory and they appointed a committee li study the eily uiauagur plan. Wesimount, a suburb of 'Montreal, is the largest Canadian city which has adopted it. 353 In U.S. In the Foiled Slates, there are i'o'i city manager, the largest city being Cleveland xvilh a population oT between Koo.ouo ami 000.000. while the latest city to appoint a city manager is Cin cinnati with something 400,000. In the latter cae the ehange eame as a result of a long iMM-iOd of scandal and corruption in eivir a trails. There is an iinVresximi in some quarters that the aiqxiiutiiig of a city manager means placing the eix-ic government largely ie his hands, relieving the oitiieus of resjionsitdHty for it and inclining (hem to lake lex ujU'te-i riiis .idea is re manager of Chatham. Ont., who a'ys: Secret of Success "The whole, secret of success of the management plan is thai feature of the program was the the people Uo nl Iom control iiancing of the tUgliland 1-ting oy oxer their oxvn business. The John Murray, accompanied by j manager i a hired employee ol Piper McDonald. it was Ihrrouhc council, mid all he does is I.; o'clock in the morning when iheiadminister the policies decided :..n.. e..f : .11.. i I upon by 'the council, these poli cies being administered xvilhoir inlerferenee by politicians and others. who-iiITecl the efficieney ;of the city government in many Scott. The ladies- comniillccJ ()nt. w tla, , f parlieularly in charge of the re-po(M, ,.xw.ltvc al.Mfly. xxho did fresbnienl end. eonsisled of Mrs.;,,,,, ret.Wliiui m o exerv j. AiRheennie, .virs. j. .Murray and Mrs. II. Dalgarno. J. A. Allan i year or Ixxo and xvh xxas freer on that account, inighi tncvease the efficiency aT lite depart meats aud also render good service as a co-ordinating aseiiry. liven if all the IiinoU or Die department are efficient and roiicieultoua there is need for co-ordination. Too Many Loose Ends It is the general belief (hat politic aduilutslraUoii is never ..ralile the MinHlcr or rubllr XXotfc up Mnl,iIM.i ,, lo luum i .11 MmiilJV the twelllv-firth (1,'""'MI ' the elose supervision r January, ivyc, for recontruciioii or ami control which ine "ri 01 rroTiiinai uoirra-1 weHiriy . , , metu XVIiarf al l-rltiee Ituiwrt. B.C. 'count for so much is known to in private ruu, perirtraMoii, mlliran ami lu.-hw... nuHines. ami nml Ih-il Dial II1..1-1. mere are ut-,. Inn lOO and armr, rortii or tender .nay i- wen ou Hie lath day or January, I vtfi, and further, niaily loo-e emU and eonscipiellt inriitiiiatliiti olilaltiKd friitii the li.parl 3 . iimiii nr fiibiir xv'ork, rarllament Build-1 lack oT eeoiiomy. It Is this bo-inai. Vuioria, II. C Um- General Toretnaii. ' : ., , 11,,.. "el untie ..,i, lli.il UlllUCIiPes xxiio ,arin.Ni ,,r i-iihio- v,,,k l imn 11.111.! vaniMiiver. -:.. ami Hie iiiatnct Knnn- favor Ihc eity manager plan. Dn ct-r, i.iiiirt lloiiMi. Prince lluiert, ll.C. I ... oipie or piaiM. nM'i:irirtii.n. etr.,(ie oilier hand, there are people an Is nlitaltM-rt from the lieiiartinenl 11 . ..ui, l.. ,l, 1,1 callous cities xxllO HO liol .avhint of a deMill of rive dollara hl li win be rerund-d on in return of H'rMvor it because they think that , iilan-. eie.. In irmid order. , I f:aili lender iniiat lie aecompiuiied by ill is not liecesitry. that the elVte 7i. V'SnLT S i.7-,7ulmliiisirulli, is fairly efficient! Ilonnralile the Mlnlater of I'uhllc Vork. j an. iiai 11.., appoiuviin muMiitiLliicnl 111 ui of fin il- kiiiii or elahl hundred dollara!"1"1 asiiiMin whiih atwii be. forfeited tfiiolher highly paid official and the partv leiiilermr derltne to enter Into, , ... , . ... , , ..mirait when allel ui.ii to do au. Thela slau wouldItpt be justified by I I'lieuui- nf tlie urreaTiil leiMlerer will be 1 ......ii ,. lIIP,ir.. I llril . retained ,l,e 'C"""- 'r. llorarc I.. Iiril-raiiiirui a- ae.nrlly for the due and iMtrronuaiK-e or tlie work tui'taiii, director of the Cili.ens' lle- MUlafaeiorx romplelhin of tlie rontracl. 1 . , .., , , , Tender- win nut I eonnidered miles search Institute, appears to favor luarti mil 1. 11 form uillrd. alatied wllhin 1 ll" ...Im.iinn UI,I1110" nI nf II" flio L, ltv l""'ir iii:iiim"i and the atiml mriMlure of Hie tenderer 1 einliiM-il m the eiivelmw furnished. The!., Inn in Tnrimln lull il n oroii- Illwet 'it- any tender not iiecearlly ac-,,. ' , , epieo. ably a mailer, for each idly to lienuly MinHler and i'uhllc Vork. , f"1 according to Hie cliaracler of adinuiisiraiion n has been having and the room for improvement thai is believed to he possible. Efficiency Required tine tiding is certain, thai xvilh lite millioiiH of dollars thai are spent annually bv every large i.in,iieK,t or" vinlouve" "i.c..u inUdi with the ra.iiifieat ions "an '-r"r U'" Ut Ul" fwllv'"r ,1'"cr11"'"' of civic business, the highest cf- i.ouuiieni'inr at a poai pianteu anoui 16 liciclicy in executive uiaiiageini'iii eltalna, leas, went from north-'. . . . I more or ... , ... , . eaat comer of tM 1S48 (T.I.. 5&P);,IV rrtJUllTll Ulld sllliulll lit! Ol'- thenee imrlh tit feet; thence "ih: i, u"lu" ,i "y i.v wiinleec U""VLI is is ni lieltevetl iii xt-ti o .5de weal flil feet, more or le;! ihenee outh 40 feet in the Mali water! be the bCnl IlieailS. mark. In a norlh-eaaterlv dlrertion Olldi I leei, nmre nr iewi, 10 me point or rom-t tiieneement, and contalnlnr all (8) acre", more or lean. OOSSE-JULLEIW, LIMITED, Appllrant Per XVm. 0. Mlt-hll. aaent rt ir"mt m LAND ACT. SUPPORT UNIVERSITY KINGDOM OF KOREA; TOKYO. .Ian. Despatches "m'uiy,: from Korea slalc a movemenl s&aillv,,,iiV.V,,,n iVtr'yuee'ircT.a'r'ri U Ul"1 b American iittte itiami missioiiarivs there for osuuiIImIi- TAKE Notice that t, llirry noblnon nnlvorsit at .,..,.,1 v I" liUIXllsiiy at Froal, uf MaMetl, H.C.' .M-ruimtlmi Flfl ,IM ' u w Jurer. intend to apply ffir a leaae of theSeoul. Ctllisitlerilble funds have rollowluir dem-rlbed laud: I, . , , ,, , , 1 Coninnnelnif at a pom allualed at lhe been raised ulld il Is hoped COII-oiuthweil eorner uf Lot 1618 (T.I..' K" l n,n llcl,"n iim ,.,, 1,,, lieirnii " this vear. 85&P..; Ihenie eatt II) ihaln! llienre. "J! l", , ,' iinrtii in rhaina. more or lea, to in aii The new university xvould bo water mark: thenre unuthweal li rhalna.l . , . . .. . , , education ., i,.i rr ror more or ie. Mhiwinir ih huh water, devoletl to higher mark In point of eouiuienrement. and . ,,,.. n.nlliiln ....... ....... ... ... 1 II. IL Frt09T. Miaaetl. B.C. Datad October II, ISxt. AUvcrMec ii .the Dally News, RESURRECTION OF CHRIST IN ALASKAN SETTING SKWAIID. Alaska, Jan. 211. J'ho resurrection of Christ receives an Alaskan selling in a painting by Jan Van F.mpcl, on the remlos of Saint Peter's Protestant FpNcopal Church here. The painting xvas done at the rc-querf. of Hishop Peler T. Howe of the Alaska piooese, xxho met Van Finjiel xxhen the latlcr xvas touring the north land in search ol inspiration. The upper port ion of the xvorK shoxxs the figure of the risen t'dirl-t surroundetl by iniuistur- ing angels. Viexxs of the mmin- laius and of the waters of Ilesur- n'elion Hay. on which Seward is situated, inrm ine norion. in the lower foregiiuim! on either side of the opened tomb are grouped represenlatixe eharac lers of Alaaka s population. "Alaska Is full of inaptralinn for the painter," declared Van Fmpcl. "The cotinlry la rough and harsh, tho characters rng- ed. It Is N'ature in a frowning mood." BUOY IS ADRIFT. Captain F. T. Saunders, ageir of marine, has lieen informed overtfhai Ihc KH lin, whistling limn maintained off Overfall Shoal Iloe Spit. (irahiiHi Island. Oueee Charbillen. has gone adrift. lie says it will be replaced as sunn as possible. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert 11. Connelly. llole-in-llie-Wnll : Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Tleid. Oewrire- town; S. NalliMiison. Moitlrea': O. Itiexeire Vancouver. Central Hugh lilair. eitv. Subserilie to llie Daily News TIMBER SALE X 7803. Sll"it Tender will t rrfli(l li tlx Irlrirt t'nrratrr not later tban n-n tie- f.tli dv ut tebrwanr. lffl. rr the imrrliaMi r Urwurr S7t. Maixle I bud sludraale Inlel. U eut l.i:." mm reel Itoarn ne.iire ur hiriit-e. llrnihtek and Otter SuhIuk. Ti if tear lll lie allotteil fut re luoval nr llllllMT lllflhei iMrllrnlnr uf On- i lin-f li.i eler. Vielorla llw ln-oi' I I up 'lei I'Mnre ltlin rl II I SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS VmnL unreaervKl. ury4 Crown tnnda mny 1 pr-mitd by llrltUli Butjevla over H yara of a, and by ullena on dacUrluc Intention to LecoiiMi Hrltlah atiujacla. conditional uton reaidance. occupation, jid Improvtinont for attrlcuttural urpoaea "ull Information concernln regu-at loin resurdlnK pra-emptlona la riven In Ilulletln No. 1. Land Karl, "tlow to lr-empt Ijind," copla of ihlch can ( obtained frea of chars y taddreiwlna th Dvpartmant of Lund. Victoria, B.C., or to any Oo-trnment ttnt v !lcorda will l arranted covering only land aulublo for agricultural purMMea. and wlilcb I not tlmbar-land. I.e.. carrylnit over 1.000 board feet per acre weat of the Coaat l(an and MOD feet per act eaat of that I lance Apptlcatlone for pre-emption ar to be addreaxed to th Land Com miaaloner of tli Land Itecordln Dl-vlaton. In which th land applied for I altuated. and are mart en printed form, cople of which can b ob talned from the Land Commlailoner. ITe-emptlona muat 1 occupied for five year and Improvemeiita mad to value of (10 per acre, Includlns clearlnc and cultivating at leaat five acre, before a Crown Grant can b received. For more detailed Information the Ilulletln "How to lre-empt Land." PURCHASE Appllratlona are received for pur chare of vacant and unrrvd Crown land, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purpose ; minimum price for flrt-claa (arable) land la ti per acre, and aecond-claaa (graa-Init) land 12.51) per acre. Further Information renurdlnif purchaaa or Uaae of Crown landa la given In Ilulletln No. 10, Land rlerlea, "rurchaa and Leone of Crown Land." Mill, factory, or lnduatrlal allea oa timber land, not eiceedlng 40 acr. may be ourchaaed or leased, th con dltlona Including payment of atumpage. HOMESITE LEA3E8 Unaurveyed areaa, not exraedlng 1 acres, may be leaed a homeslt, conditional upon a dwdllng being erected In the first year, tltl balng obtainable after realdrnc and lm-provement conditions are fulfilled and land ha been aurveyad, LEA8E8 For grazing and Industrial pur poa area not exceeding H9 aer may be leaied by on peraoa or a company. ORAZINQ m Under the Orating Act the Prov Ince la divided Into grazing district and th range admlnltrd under a Oraztng Commissioner. Annual grazing permit ar laauad baad on number ranged, priority being given to etabll(hed owner. Btock-ownsr may form aaaclatlon for rang management. Free, or partly tree, permit are available for ttler. oaufsrs and travUr. up u U Tuesday. January -r, pnest Belgian glassware In our Basement Store Waler Sels, li tumblers and pileher, plain ul'". from $2.00 Water Sets, iiuht CUltiiiK, from $2.50 Plain Stem (ioMeU, per doen $4.50 LiKht Cut (luhb'ls. mr doieu $5.50 I.ikIiI eul I tun bier, per doien $1.S0 Plain Tiimldttis. per tloien $1.60 Sherbet (ihloses, Iiuht eut. per (Ini-n $5.00 Khei'ht-l (ilu,, dozen :iarel Slem tloneii Cocktail (Hasif. I'OPl Wi" I dawn . . Slierjj' fttae 4 Wbi-kjr- (UasH, . .. Tlrese are on!, our large twnu' Mb leh xve I III;. ficiM llslginni MAX HEIL3RONER 527 Third Avenue- 320 $4.Bq S3.25 $.S0 $2.00 $2.00 91.50 WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 CONSTANCE TALMADGE In HER SISTER FROM PARIS" Our l.niiiiie a the u.ippy Ki' in h d.imi i m em all with txx mkliiip eve and tliflnof; toe m to vamp her oxvn husband mid (In n gale, ut !u iu louche, and all with that rrenelix iltnodi i ' xou. She went to l'ari to learn hoxv In do it -! ed. Ymi'll le tiie,,d vlif inte)i -f n ttuhx l" iiuike. Jn,l -i i' het il.i'i' itif.- .il Um lir ut ol it,' llerffere lmxv. Kortx pretty dam'l- help lier liili-t iiiiisiral runiedv rt'Hti'in atttl (lie in'tt' lit hi it ir in ,i ilii.il role. Some r.-i-l. Constance Talmadge, Ronald Colman, George K. An thur, Margaret Mann and many others. COMEDY AL ST. JOHN IN "NEVER AGAIN" INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35c and 10c JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE All Stamped Goods at 25', Discount Iiii'liidtng 1 1 1 1 is . in III nx m "i bile Ntphldre-M'. Thxxi I-. IMbxx Shi'-, .md n x.iti-iv ne(ul iirlnlev, CEDDING Comforters 1 tml, in Hoe, lireen m Tut'" Splendid ipiulitx I'oxere-. lrel rtiU'n tilling f ...u for . . . $3.75 Colored Bedspreads- I imnak finisV ..! . Mine or tiold. Ilegulur 4.7f. H..le prire $3.75 White Cotton Sheets K-l p. i ..,., ... $3.2. f -1 -ixe, per pair . . $3J5 Pilloxv Slips He polar K pair pr,. . M.r p., 60c Lace Curtains Verx Hue ipiual.x. Ilrinilar K -ale nl , Half Prict Tin xx'etvk teriliiiuiteo our Pre. Iiueiiturx S athanliiKe id lhee erne, fur Uu.ihtx Men h.nMl' All Winter Goods at Great Reductions H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9 3rd Avenue and Fulton Steamship and Train Service s.s. princc nuetnT wm iear prince nuetar r vncouv. VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Inleniieillate xlnu eacli PRIOAV at S jn, S.S. PRIKCE RuetRT fur STEWART ami AN VOX. WEDNESDAY,, 10 M S.S. PRINCE JOHN forilil(lill)t fur VANCOUVER VIA QUEEN CHARIOT!! ISLANDS. PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PniNCE RUPERT EVERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY UNI SATURDAY al S i m l..r PRINCE O.CR0L EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, all ('.! l ai-tem i.anarta, I iiili rt AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cll Tlckat Offic, BZS Third Ats, Print RupsrL Phoat ClearanceSal of e Woollen Goods We liuxe advertised recently- that we like lo oi e KootN when you need it niosl uutl md when vc wiiin f'1 rid of Iheiii. Now, we are having ,iltl miup. ttntl you niuv " your Woollen I'nderwear and Woollen llliuiketM. ' making remarkable reductions on ,t i,es H , w bo woiili while lo.tuke atlxiiiilnge of our offur FLANNELETTE BLANKETS In While mid Grey, in Pink or Hlue Murder. 10x1 Megular price $2.50. Hale $1.05 J Ix-i Itegiilar jtriie 2.So. Hulu ... ". .' . $2.25 2xH -Megular price $a.r0. Kale . . .. $2.95 25', Discount on all Woollen Mlnnkel in Grey and Wh JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phone C45. Corner 3rd and 7th