PAGE FOUR WHY GO WATCHLESS? In fTicao days of exactitude it is just nhout impossible -for a man to go without a watch. Watches nro so easily bought nowadays that no onn need-be without pne. ', ' For. $15.00 wo sell ': guaranteed watch, 15 jewel led in a gold filled case. Cheaper ones for those who want them and of course, many that cost more. Clad In show you John Bulger The Jeweller JUST ARRIVED! A new shipment of Polly Anna Flannel DRESSES For children, sizes 8 to 10; and for ladies, all sizes. D.C.M. Embroidery Thread 4 for 25c Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Hox - - 989 Phone (ireen 389 TWICE WEEKLY Wc have arriving FRESH KILLKl) IIKi;i , VKAI. and POIIK. We also carry a full line of Fresh, Smoked, and Salted Fish. Sen Doodson The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce. Ilranch from Smithers. Sixth Street. Phone 455. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load $6.59 Half Load $3.50 Large sacks . . , 50c HydeTransler 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone IS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or . Motor Service. Coal Rand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano end Furniture Hovlnpj. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Mxipilsilc Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. BRINGING UP FATHER I'LL POT THEle. CLOVER IM TH"b CUb OVE.RCOA.T TH,T tj VICTIM' ME DMJQtATER - MUST OT R.1D Or THEtE COUNSEL ANXIOUS TO PROCEED WITH LIQUOR ACT CASE It was agreed hy counsel in the city police court this morning In proceed wilh the rase of the Consolidated F.xporlers Corpora- lion Ltd., charged with ninn in fractions of the C.overiiment Liipior Act, not later than Feb wary 1. In the meanlime. the case i again adjourned until January tU). L. W. l'alinore. counsel for the prosecution, slated thai ho had received information "llial the government woiihl he ready to proceed with the case by Febru ary i. Milton Gonzales. defence counsel, made it clear that ho did not intend to consent to any further adjournments after Feb- I'tiary 1. lhe defence was very inxious In proceed without fur ther delay. Mr. Patmnre agreed that if was desirable lhe case should be dis posed of and staled bis Intention to take the matter up wilh the tltorney general direct to prevent any further delay. TERRACE NOTES Mr. and Mrs. J. Morse Hall en- ferlained nl five tables of 'bridge on Tuesday night in honor nl Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hall of Smithers. who have been vlsilnr.-" in town for several days. The ladies prizes went lo Mrs. J. K. Frost and Miss Ivy Kerr, while ficorge Little and W.-Hurnett carried olT lhe gentlemen's prizes. Reverend Arthur Harner, of Toronlo. superintendent of In. dian Missions, paid Terrace an official visit this week anil was ague. at lhe home -of Rev. arid Mr- J. II. Young. During hi slay, he and Mr. Young made a visit o the Van Arsdol Mission over which Mr. noting has charge. Mr. Harner left for lhe! coast on Wednesday morning' train. Mrs. (). T. Sundal was hostess al a bridge luncheon and afternoon lea al her home here on Thursday afernoon. Coveri were laid for twelve and a very dainty luncheon was served, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. Aldcuis. ,Un the bridge which folV lowed, Mrs. K. T. Kenney wns prize winner. Afternoon lea wi, servtHl al the finish of the eauifr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haven o' Lakelsp Hatchery were visitor in town during the week. Mrs. Ablous was a bridge hostess on Monday evening In compliment lo Mrs. Floyd Halt of Smithers. Jack Spitzl, well known old-Miner around Terrace, arrived from Carnal) v on I'H.lav mnnid ' ...... .. f nip and is taking a position at. millwright and filer al Litllo's mill. The W.A. will meet nl the home of Mrs. (1 It. (lllherl on Thursday of next week, when Mrs. . Hoss Thompson will be hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones intend holding an auction sale or household goods in the near future and are leaving In make their home in Vancouver. Hobby llenwoodj who Iiiir been spending a holiday wilh his mot her Mrs. Arthur Carr. return eI to Anyox on Friday morning. -Mrs. Christie and her brother Mr. Hussell, left on Wednesday night for the prairies, Mrs. F. Halt was guest o honor at a luncheon parly at the home of Mrs. leo. U. Keilh on Saturday. SMITHERS A. Ilrooksbank of Prince Hu-pert is spending a few days In town, auditing the books of the Hanson Tic and Timber Co. Hd. Hyde, Indian Agent at Hazellon was a business visitor in town on Thursday. I). F. Jlatl. local hardware 1 Its 'IVa - - -f i - 'IM t VI rare, Thursday innrnlng wlion lift U"n& nftillnr litkC KirlltA Ul- ..... O "IMV I MIR I... In? sloek at their store in that 1 1 1 1 1 , Harry L. . Hoblnsnn who lias been employed al the HulliieJ Ml , . -1 ""I" ior scwrai mounts, reium- ed to (own on iliursday and will resume his law praellrc at his office here. T. J. ShVady of Maker. Ore broiler of 'Hie late Patrick Sheady, a former well known resident of this district, spent a couple' of days in town this weeV on 4i'ness in connection with lis brothers estate. Jackie, the eldest son of Mr and Mrs. J; lletherinpton. invited a number of his chums lo hi. home on Thursday afternoon (o lielp him celebrate his sevenlh hlrthday. The Intys had a pren; lime al pames ami other entertainment, after which all sat down to Iho birthday sooner and enjoyed themselves wilh ular small hoys' appetile. HAZELTON 3,WJ. I.arkworlhy is,e?)ecled tmne about February T. aHer & Isll in Slralfonl, Onl. wilh bis Mother. ncv. O. II. Turpin of Smilber- will conduct tomorrow evening's service in the Union Church at Hazellnn Rev. A. C Pound h-.t. been laid up recently wilh , ipniuuNl ankl The church to morrow will celebrate its fourMi inniversary. The first snow of the season arrived in this district early tin IIAaI' 1, 1. . -i uiiu, result, tiierc is inai aciivuy in making prepara-Mnns for nob- 'and lie liaulins which has already suffered evcrely through lack of wlnlet ondilions. S. II. Senki.irl is shinnina through lhe Hanson Timber : Lumber Co. several carloads of specially selected cedar nole which will be used In the erec- lion,of a new lodge at Jasper. The Felix Itrldge Cluli met al the home of Mrs. Walton Sliarpe on Wednesday evening. Prize winners were Mrs. S. J'. Winshv and Mrs. A. I',. Falconer. Mrs. fleorge Itenson lias re- turne.1 o Hazellon after spend ing several weeks on the prairies. Arthur llankin has returned lo Hazellon a'lcr spending sev- THE DAILY .'F.V3 U . - . , : , . " Tfn pt eral weeks at the Hello Isle Hot Springs The erection of the new nurses' home at the llaxellon llnspita! has been completed and interim lecorating is niv bt-ing finished. In about I lin e weeks' time, the iniildinp will lie ready for ofl- upancy. iilFLE SCORES AT MINIATURE RANGE The following scores were made last niglil at the miniature rifle range: It. Davidson t)5 M. X. Lamb 91 It. Wilson i0 fi, H. Wilkinson 88 C. T. McKeown 87 W. Havis 87 A. Squire 85 H. 11. Kaslman 83 .Ft Hussell 82 A. llunler 80 BILLIARD AVERAGES Individual Averages lo dale l i the billiard league are as follows: First DUUIon Oanifut Til. Aver Sgl. Jehson f.... I IOOO 25fl J. Ilfllman (HP)....- 1 250 ?r,n M. Andrew (III'), i 250 250 It. Howe .. ... 2 102 2P5 W. Stiekne- (IIP) 2 ixfi 211 F. Xieman till').:.. 2 179 210 W. Mitchell (HP) 2 178 230 fJ. Wallah (HP) ... 4 1)52 5?H W. J.Xelson (V).. 2 170 2.1H F. Pyle (V) 5 I 101 MX I. Andrew's (V).... 033 533j I1. McMonlie (Vj I 925 231 lr. Wesl (V) I 231 231 I). Ilrown (HP),... 2 159 230 fi. P. linker (V).. 5 li71 21-C. Halagno (IIP).. 5 1002 211 O. McIImoyle (HP) 3 C3I 210 V. Aldridpo (HP).. I 209 20V Second Division W. Long (OS) 5 760 150 I. Judge (V) 2 300 150 A. McDonald (OS) 5 718 119 F. Zieman (IIP) .... 5 737 117 fi. Howe (fi) 5 729 Mr. ft. Howe (IIP) t 571 l3 J. Andrews (V).... 2 280 M'l W. J. Xelson (V) . J 500 I M. Andrew,. (IIP)., fi 817 lit Dr. Wesl V) 5 700 Ml W. Mitchell (IIP) fi 8(0 1 10 W. Sliekney (IIP). 5 702 , 1 10 J. Ilillman .(fi) 5 fiVT,. 1 39 I. Mcl.eap iffi);.. S 277' 138 I. Hhwe f. ....!.... ' 5 rt83 137 J. Allen KVf..r, A I35 MI35 H. Morffnlmy.A.. V rtf.O I32 II. Parr fCS) 5 050 130 F. AblrbWo (IIP)..' I 821 130 J. llond (fi. 2 200 130 J. Heesley ().r.... 5 010 128 I. May (OKI, 8 031 127 W. Ilailey (Hi 5 f.Ofi 121 II. Cnrbetl (F) 8 fid I 121 A. Harvey (OSi. .. 8 898 119 . S. Hales (F).... 2 220 113 J. Krause (F) 8 5C.0 112 0. L. Youngman(V) 3 323 108 S. Darton (F) 8 820 A. Carlson !').... 2 210 JOS S. Suga ((;) ! Hi Hi fi. Xewell (FL I 38 5R fi. Fleming (V) .... 2 70 35 Mrs. '.. Hourget sailed I hi iiiornins on the Princess Meal rice lo snend a Iinlblay visiting in Victoria. Seaille and Yakima. SAFE SPEEDYDAIM RELIEF fromVIKXVi In 80c And 11.00 Bos SIJ an J rteom NEURALGIA HEADACHE RHEUMATISM t Xcurilis Lumbago Sciatica SttcM I Bmd Be for lltiutTtl bnokht nl cfmiM tUI Mmpl to Tcmplttau, 1 1 2 Kloi WTorooto 2. Wanted For Sale For Rent By George McManuj wm. OQO WE HAD A iMF.k.r HE Ot'a IXJi RACT THPb lfc J Tjg ' C"' "'- HMl v J i ' ' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. , 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c VVMTEB WANTKD. One reliable man in every town, merchants preferred, to laVe orders for . best custom-made clothes in Can ada. Ilijrhest ooiuiniitiiions. Hex Tailoring (.u., Lid Toronto. WAXTKI). To buy secondhand phonograph, any malkC. far each. Apply lox 288, Daily Xews office. FOR SALE ! ' - I l-.M I Flllt SAI.F..--OIU. Fnglish double barrelled sbolyun and one Ho,, rifle, (.porting model ,3ff3. wi'h cleaning rods and shells. Cht-ap for cash. Owner leaving th city. Phone 5 a ft er & p.m. FUHXITIHK FOH SALl con sisting of pull-out bed, Wilton rug 12' by 9', deck ehair, swinp machint. set toilet ware, ete. Phone I Hue 120. If FOIt S.M.R. Forty horse power stationary atoam engine, nearh new. Apply P.O. Hox 319. Prince Itupart, H.C. 28 FUH.MTFHK of five rooms for sale. Apply Wealholme Itooms TO RENT FOH JJF.XT. MfMlrn four rwiin- Hi flat with Monarch range. Clapp Hlock. estcnliaver Ilros. If FOH ItKXT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing n.u:hines. Walker's .Music Store. tf FOH II KM'. Tailor-shop; Iwu business rNnns below, Iw living rooms above. Wenlen-linvcr Hros. l KOH HKXT.- Two rtofii furnish. ed apartment by the day, ween or month. Phnne Ited 1107. II ion HKXT. Modern house, ' Fourth Avenue. 3fl.OO. J. V. .MeKintey. It HOnSP.KKF.PINO morns for rent Furnished. Phone 18. If FOH n HNT. Furnished aulti. Anplv PnlmT lloue. MODKHX FLAT for HenL v,pply Max Iteilhroner. LOST LOST. On Tuesday evening. lady's gold wrist watch. Finde: please return to Daily Xew- oftico. CARS FOR SALE. t 1922 Oldsmnhilc 4. 8 passenger louring t' 1 1920 Xash 5 passenger louring 1850.00 1 1921 Overland Sedan.. $700.00 I 1919 Heo seven passenger louring .r.. 700.00 I 1925 Ford Coupe, balloon llres car like new IG50.00 1 1922 Ford Tudor sedan, 1125.00 I 1922 Ford Coupe, $350.00 I 1921 Ford one Ion truck, panel body ..:.. $375.00 J Ford light delivery chassis. rebuilt $175.00 All- cars guaranteed in good mechanical condition i... lernis can be arranged. KAIEN GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service Station. Agents for McLaughlin Oakland, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet cars, Heo. O..M.0. anil Federal Trucks. WHKCKIXfi SnilVJCK DAY AND Ntnirr. BOARD HOAIll) Tin. Inlander, 830 Second Avenue Phone 137. FURNITURE. Xew and Secondhand Furniture Store. We Huy. Sell and Fx hange New and Secondhand Moods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS Third Ave in. (If WESTHOLME ROOMS Second Avenue Under New MariaT"mnl. Steam Healed, llol and Cold water. Itooms from .'l.00 Weekly, TAXI Phon B7 Taxi (Call fieorgo, Paul or OmlV Six- and seven-passeirger SluJe bakers at yur disposal nuy Hum for 50c Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block . Across 4rom Fmpress Hotel CAMERON TRANSFER PhQne 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving, If you want anything ent for. or delivered, phone us. P.O Mux soo PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, 303 Third Avenue s"oln agents for Columbia Ilecords Wc repair Phonographs. Ilicycles. Iluggies. Itacquefs and Musical Instrument nf iP k'nd PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday. Januarw 51 "Igh 9:27 a.m. 19.1 f. 22.38 n.m. r. i 'nv 3:01 a.m. n.s 10-22 C.5 " Sundav. Jnnoaiu 9a High ff:20 n.m. 19.1 ft. 23:31 it. in. io.h " l''w I -nfi a.m." lo n " 17:20 p.m. 8.8 " Monday. J.immpu 9K "irrh :07 a.m. 10 7 !.' i'w 5:03 a m. 1 0.0 18;07 run. 5.2 Art-w bilu ' DflTUI.'ri I I ..... DRY WOOD. ! Coal " We:j t rurn" Furniture Split lo any length in ) blocks, per load $6.00. ( . . ?nL" . SALT IIKltltlXll. A. ISAACSON, Seal Coe. Phone 1 11 nek 101 FOUND FOt'ND. Pair men's brown lineo (.'loves. Apply Daily Newn office. If AUCTIONEER I AM often asked what do I handle? I dandle everything from a needle In an anchor i heavy on (be needl; light or anchor. I arrange auctiur sales on-eommiion basis; o.-I suiaranlee before sale or I buy oulrigttl for rash. Hn-quirie unllcited. Pbonoaraph reeimlii exchanged. U. F. Itrine, Auctioneer. tn Second street. Phone 771 P.O. llox U9. FURNITURE AND RANQES FL'Il.MTUni-: and Hanged bought, sold and rxelmngeil. New furniture and range exchanged for your old one. Iiedroom, living room and dining room furniture always in stock. Always watch my window. It's changed daily. A. Markentte FutUir KlaiHl:I.ill!e - n .162. It.-. ! TRAPPZf3 I NLKD lo. .i..i, priren -sell your : : buy I hem. W. GOLDDL001 The Hon. i MAIL SCHEDU OUT-0IPH. Mi;. Vi,i. .i. IrVtar tunt) iU lr. ' r K.. in i . to T Slk Arm. Sl. t T . e timptit t i tut ii. r. lm S. f la-cotua. rrm u ci M .. . frm Vtu Wniar rimrwtay . tn . it trim (, all(a arm, tit-p TumM rrMty i rrm Srt, rcrl si ir pi " ai?f rtmt Mtsmstrs . rrm AUik roiMt tin ii. rs Trim Qhmii ChirUlt liU I t Ja. s. Ml, BOX COtttCT o'l Arsiwm k Allm ii.. ii . k aia n. i . t rati i ih A. a Thanp n II k SI rWU0 rr II mr4 t '.U 4 tjm r.vr 'la una .:. i ofi. si a MtM si 'III Mratirtr S r" U.MI. Mmr. . . vr. n..i. wiMit . OT.r. Mnrr T.r. . . twl k tn1 si Srtl n. ft cih oihAMMiiP mum V. . iAtftt. Vrtmy Urn- 1 SiiMratjr M ril . . I'rtnri-M niui" itn. M - . rnnr,-.. m . Jan. J CriiH-ex v From Vtntoutr siimlai CtnHi Wls)nMljr.- ITIIM-r II Thunultr- M. Will Salunltjr -. ITIur- I Jn. II . I'rlnw ln. ft m. PHura M.i' rvr rvr CimpiOII and NtM B" Ihiirulny . JIII rrom ror limpton 0 SluriliyM. r.ui . for Altikt Jn .11 m. Prtnceo M v iin. t- ii. tf k ' from AUik Jan. II- . rrtm-.' Mn" in. ,ts - l'rhi-p Me . vr vivwari, Anyoi anc Aura Sumtiy-.. carilrna Hi1npd,y. .f rrliHi' ii i i " frtm Stawirt, noi and " Miranny carton frliUyi i. Prlnrp nnpr" far Snoi Thiiriljri, ramU . . . Tram Anyoi Sitnntay m. ctst . fr Quam Charlotte UlanSi-ln S i rrlnt-e Jnlin n. prini-e From Qunri Charlotta Ulandi-'n. e ii. rrlnre John Jin. i, prior ions