v January 23, 1926, Canadian! iMuwavi t m When Pay Day Comes A "THE "THE first first claim claim you you should should meet meet I 1 1 On on naY pay daV day is IS VOUr your cavinrrc savings. In Tr. time Of MelcnPM Or tmm1...n... ' UAAVAillwjrillillf your money is your best friend if you have saved it. There conies a time for all of us when ability to earn must cease. Your accumu- luun mm mc me place oi your present earning power. Ai toro coPr of our booklet. "Thi hhatur, of Your incpnw." Veu ivtll fiml u unuL The Royal Bank of Canada Frince Rupert Branch F. E. Robertson, Manager The New Quiet 12 REMINGTON docs pood work alu-ays because it is built to do so. Even the less experienced operator finds good work easy, for the machine seems bound to turn out first class typing, however operated. And don't forget the "natural touch" which makes its operation as easy, as simple, as natural as breathing or walking. To every typist we say 'Try the touch." "The best ever," is the universal verdict. TYPEWRITER COMPANY 4HP fflcuMvs.Jjd The Original SATURDAY CAN DY i: it I 1 1 1 .i ( i !) ol iruil, crrum and rhevvey flllr. - fun nljlc ntvcml. 1 III. boxe 55c )WARD PENS rrgnliir a.ro mid $1,541. On mle yd. wt k ..i $2.25 and $2.75 Ormes Limited The lU'Xuil Since I't.nnrr I rn k k ' - Ird Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 ll C .ijii i 8 a n In V p mi. Sim.i.iv- nil Il(ilnl;i I.' lo -'. and 7 lo 9 ii.ii). Steamship and Train Service S.S. fRINCt RUMRT will t.. PRINCC RUPCRT t..r VANCOUVER, 1CT0RIA, IIATTLC ami mlcriiMiliaU into r.i' ii r RIO AY at 9 a.m. II. PRINCC RUPCRT fur STEWART ami ANYOX, WtONISDAV, 10 p.n. LS. PRINCE JOHN tiirliilllll t..r VAKCOUVtR M QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT VERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY mill SATURDAY al I mi lor PRINCE QEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, til "Hl.ll KuMi-rn i miwta. I Wli'il Mi lei. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Mt Tlcaal Offlca, S2I Third Aia, Prlnca Ruparl. Ption 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. G. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert KETCHIKAN. WRANCEU, JUNEAU. SKACWAY DecwUer 28. bamrj II, 25 VANCOUVEK, VICTORIA aaa iUmi J,m,rf u 29 Si. PRINCESS BEATRICE r Butadala, kwanaon Bay, Caat Ball! Balla, Ocaan Falla, Namu, Atari Ba, L Campball RHar, ont Vanoouaar atary Saturday II am. for all aiaamahlp Llnaa. rul) Information from w. o. DnCHann otntrai nimi, Corn ar of 4th atraat and 3rd Aanua, Prlnca Bupart, B.C. Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Large .ifcfe for sale, Max llcifDroher. , cheap tr Gurries axi and Wijoocnger Phone 5(iO niglil or day. If Two cars at your service j Sneddon Taxi. Phone 13. tf Special Jiic l u ii' mini.' acrvirc u Hie tailed Cliuii li on Funda veiling al 7.30. ! I.u.li.i;. Uiildren'ft Jtall on J day, January 2M. al 7 o'clock I.O.li.K. Hall. 50i-. Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary annual iiiceliiiK in Council Chamber, Cily lja( on Monday at : o'clock. Harry JiaKjtHI, Jr. was admitted to Hie I'rinre llupert icneral lloapital yesterday for another oticrution. R. V.. MiMirt. iuatia?ttr Of P. Ilurn Co. I. Id.. HHilml Ibumorn-iiiK on the OalalM for Vaneouvtr on a week" liUHinei trip. V. K. W'alkt'x. manatfer of the Arrandale ratipcry, arrived al th' N'aaN liner thin wek from Vancouver. He will n'tuni couth next week. L. W. Paimorp rcturfii4 lo Ih; eily yesterday after an aheenee of ofM-ral eki. altendinp tB Apul C.ourt in Vicio.-ia and th"' .Supreme tkiurt avKize at I'rincr (Seonfte. C.P.K. liainer Prinreux :apl. T. Cliffi'. arrived fr;m I In- enulb at i o'clock and ail'i Hi Uer return lo Vanrnuver and ,i)n.t! al II o''ii),-k lb : in. .ruing. Th i iaur l're n Sixth Slreel hiiowii a Uie (ient'ral Xew. wliicli liu lieen rntiiliirUHl for -cvrral -.n ty II. Oap.tick. ha bwn taki'n owr hy B. Arthur, t. . who will take ueiioii ttexl wrek. Aatne on of Uwiaua ann iln( wi-ii.tiy lyf-jiirwwyil a mine a: ,cu;oiyuv uxi., oi ' WKiday, January t, al p. in HmrHirtMrl Mjln'A. M. M. Slejlien. .roi.lcnt H. E. ftennon. T,lar". SO A working brt is lieiny bHd : In rteriMHB unilr A. J. Squire In build a itewalk lo the n-w 1 1 1 1 1 "t Last arymuas.uru whirli lia Ik!! eracted by Hie t.'iiiivl Chuirh. The rlly lieini; unahl- to furm-li I be matciial. the lu:n her t'(jnnTJ wk 1h iirlit and the Kitlfwalk i keiiu: built by volnn- ai-y cu"orl. The ln)i of tin- Junior 'J'ra;. Haiicr of the l ulled (Jiiirrn had their monthly siipner in the rliuirh ball la ninl. there he him about ttf pr--eiil. flev. Ar llmr llaiuer of Toronto it I'-.' .Iildie. on the Kubjerl "Hahh i .iiiiiihiiiiiii- atnl Meadiin:." Play iik iinii'i. anil gyinnaKium work followed with Provinii:!1 I 'in.lahle Sniitil, K. (i Ihn'kei ami Hf . Kan Baker ac-llnn! I'ie liny. INFORMATION WANTED. iianet I'.. I. inn wait"d. Any- i k'uivMiW! I lie wiieveaiuoutH of liareely I'.. Linn, who wat in Iti-lt lll Ctiiutilbia when lal heard of, i ui'ijeiitlj rexjue-led to pom-niiiiiH-ale at onee with C I. inn. Khilini. Out., in order that an e;ale limy lie wetlli'd. ttf ANNOUNCEMwNTS I.N'.ll. l''.niiloye second annual bull in Audiloriuiii l-'riday. IVii. iiarv 'i if V eslliolnit 'Theatre, t'ebrua1. 10 and 17. Prince llunerl Players swell. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE A Pimply Face Is Unsightly llini C. C. M. Smart. South Hattl ttj ford, BaOk., write: "A while ago I waa trouble! witn racial blemiahra, cupecially pimples, anil waa rrallj akhamod to go ont witj uch a bad looking face. T triwd 2 or 3 different raw-die, but they didn't help me an, no one da a friend, who had tarn troubled ihb same as 1 wua, adriscd me to uss After 1 bad taken two tiottlei there Hadn't a pimple of anr :..od left oa my face, and I now h:ive a clear, smooth and vclTety complexion. ' ' Put up only b Thi 1. Alilbura Co, Limited, Toronto, Out. (Jlii'i- Ht'Miier ha !( iii-ned froi'i a huines trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Scandinavian dance tonight In Kletrcpole Hall. Llndseth's or chestra. Valhalla Whiftl i ri d n 1 Dauep. Melrwpole Wall, l'euru-ary 5 ai 8.30. ;entl.Mirn 75e. Ladies "ir. HefririiiiiMit. CirottlarN, nollee-, balance sheet, lintM, ate. miiin'ORTapliod. Prompt service. Call Mias John- alone, 2iV Seoond Avenue Weal. Phone 387. tf T. . Allen of vietoria, aTle--pendniK a couple of ilayx in the cif y on lui-inexn for the Pari fir Halvajre t',n., relumed "oulh on the Calala Ihirt uionnna. Mitt V. Kdenshavv and Mw C. Kilenhaw. who have been in I he city receiving dental treatment, will return lo their borne in Man- e!l on the Pnne,JliJtbn .bdflibl. Wi-t. M I. (ke. tattcher at lb. Kiliinaat Indian .Mlxkion. after having pMil the paf week jailing in the rity. mHIsA tin mom- ins by the Calala fsi'hrr return to Kilimaal. -a. H. T. Ward, jHrenment feje. craiib agin! at Hor;! CienoMiln, will irlnrii to the liueen CUar- Ji'ile lolamN in tle Prinre John jihiijmu urier liavnst cpenl a couple of day in the Hy on bUMHf'. Pasefij!ria booked to sail for the On.. en Qiarlolle Islands on the Prince John lonijrht include (J. W. iNiwIiiu for Massetl; Miss T. Brown and 'Mi-s Ida Martin for Sk illegal e; A. MrCullougii for yueen Charlotte City; Hev. Arthur Banter for Vancouver. A large standard Mice" electre tgn. such an js used iu all 1ari. cities, has arrived al I in- Cana- lian Natiouat Railways releprap.i and ticket offior'oii Third Ave nue and will shortly te e reel en. Il will add a pleasing illuuiiuai-ing effeet lo the thorouifare. J. W. Allen, marine enKineer for the I dominion TiskerieD, re turned to Vancouver op the Calala this morning after having smrnt the itiiat few in th cily on departmental duties. Hi expect to return to 1'riwce Hn-pert in alxuil a niouUi's or six weeks' time. Ir. and Mrs. William Saga and fatuity of Port Sunpoon were vassengers aboard the uleatnei batata Ibis rf mitif'rqr Vaticou ver on a leif day lilidav trip, :. being lr. Sager's firsl visit oulh in sevMfl years. Thvy wei-. accompanied by Miss New some oT the Porl Simpson Hospital statT and an Indian woman who is to be admitted to a menial hospital WIRELESS REPORT. Saturday, 8 a.m. HKIBY. Cloudy. iigiU S.H. wind; bar. 30.12: lemp. ti:liglil Club present a new joyors m u .UB(JH.- Cloudy; llighl r.inieiiv vvfunuttf Jieus. av ...;, . i,..,. -mil. m ITr ipfcKnivesjl i heavy swell; 1 .34 a.m. I'rinrv Hu--pert off Fop Hocks oUthlouiid. i DKAH TUKE. Bar. Su.j;; I temp. 10. ! Noon j DKIHYBain; ligrhl S.1-L wltul; letup. 30.10; tenip. JK; sea smooth; l'riuce.s lb strict) out it 1 t.;io. BL'J.I. IIAHBOH. - Overcast: ; light isK. wind; bar. ;i0.f; letup. 47; al 8 a.m. Skookui'n leaving jllhimli'ti llai'hor southbound j BF.AI) TIU:L. Bur. i'y.'J2; leusp. 4U. Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning xervire at II o'clock. Subject: "When my children wera about me." Sunday school and Bible ela at 12.ai. Kvenin Ht'iviee at 7.30. Subject: "J'lic Mintaki'M of Mosen."' Preacher: jiiev. in. i.. j. tainrron. ! Baptt Church M inim service at II o'clock. Subjeri The HecOp'ion of I be ' Itei'uncil i a i ioii." Sunday school lit) I -'10. Kvenine: worrtbip al 7. .Mi. Sul.ject: "Who dbi il" An an -wee to Ibe ii,'tion. Ser vices thai interest and help. All cordially invited. Christian Scientist Society Service every Sunday inoininv at it o'clock al 2i5 Second Ave nue. Subject on Sunday, "Truth." Weeknif-'lil ifieetinp on Wednes day al H (Mil. Testimony. United Church The Ohureh or Service. Itev. O. (. Hacker, pastor. Miss Isabel Haddock, deaeoness. Morn-injr servk'e al II o'clock. Topic "I-'aith removes mounlaius. Inii Hoje removes the world." Preacher, Itev. Hvan Baker. Sunday School at 2.30. Kveniny service at 7.30. Illustrated sonu service, short address by Hev. 11. (i. HaPker Music of the ileUr'. Owinft to Sixth Avenue sidewalk hern? closed. pleae come lo Hie Cat hoi ie Church corner and u-liasejnenl entrance. Salvation Army I.aslnl? joy, lasting life s found in the old lime iospel. Be sure to bear Col. St-o. Pliilliis on Sunday at tl a.m. and 7.30 p.m. A mesftage that will help and inspire. Saturday ai" 7.30. Praise , Public meetings on Monday am! Thursday. Bibb class on Wednesday at H p.m. Sunday School al 2.34). Newcomers wanted. A hearty weleome is extended to all. Lutheran Church St. Paul s Knplish Lutheran t&ajreh. Mrlropole Hall, Third venue. Itev. P. E. Baisler. B.i. pastor. .Morning service at 1 1 o clock. Sermon tonic: "Christ. the fountain of living waters." Installation of deacons. Sunday :?euooi al bvetung ser vice at 7.30. Sermon topic: "Tbe Life of Christ." Illustrated with .some richty picture-. Von are .'Ordiailv mvili'il In luing your friends. EXPEMEOTAL SALE Shoe Prices Drop 25c a Pair Dally; Best Selection For Early Buyers; Sale Starts Saturday A hundred pairs of Ladies' Slwes to clear al prives unheard of values up lo li.OO per pair -will be priced al 2.l3 per pair lo start and the price will decline 25c a pair al closing time each evening. This is a real sale lo make room for new goods arriving. UMVKIISAL TlLVDINli :. 19 Advertise in I he Haily News. Near Let a Cold Gd a Slartl Vapors Check a Cold Overnight There are many ways to treat a cold hut ouly one 1U1UICT way with ajors tliut can be inlialrsl. Vaors penetrate immediately into every corner of the air passages ami lungs, soothing and healing with every breath. Vieks is so remarkably successful in treating cold troubles because it acts like a "vapor lamp iu salve form." When rubbed over throat and chest the body beat releases vapors of Menthol. Camphor, Kualyptus. Thyme and Turpentine, At the same time Vieks i absorbed through ami stimulates the skin like a poultice or plaster. This double, direct action often checks the worst cold overnight. VJSKjS Oyer 2MuuonxIan Used Yearly pizjallvzi-tihe son-they both Ok. it 14 r- v(v W -1 x 'rr-7 . . . -fit s .ai imm -Ov mr x BAKER'S Caracas Sveet QiocoMe is delicious and nutritious E. Fexr. Dircctcr of the Univcrsitv and ChiU dren's Clinic, Zurich, in his "Text Book on Pediat rics says: A iavcnte food of high carbohydrate (25 content and always in favor with children, WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited UTAELOHED 1780 DORQIESTni. MASS. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free Congoleum Specials REMEMBER Each Conguleimi Bug sold IV us carrier Uie "liold Seal" guarantee satisfaction or your money back. tx(i $ 7.90 '.IxIh'O $13.75 lx7'0 9.70 lxl2 15.75 xl 11.70 Oxia il 17.55 0 x!3 $19.60 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings tne door ca.-t of Ilaily .News Olfiee 3rd Avenue Phone 123 The SCENERY IS BEAUTIFUL --but can you see it? Like a fog thai ob-cures the landscape. Uie sleani from your wash-tub liiiics the beauty of life. Instead of pleasant hours of leisure, Ihe wash-tub brings backaches uutl weariness robs you of the zest for living. It is so easy to do away wilh such toilsome drudgery as washing and ironing. Let us take these tasks away front f your home this week. Soft Finish Service will nieel both your needs and your porkethook. Jiisl phone us loday and tell us wlien to call for your bundle. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone S WE SELL ONLY ONE COAL The Best! NANAIMO-WELLIIMGTON (Deep Seam) ha nui.lo good wherever used. Our double to-reciied coal ensures lieut and is most ei'oiioiiii al. Our Nuuaimo-Wellington Nut Uoai is the best Kitchen Range fuel obtainable. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to FrizzeU Butcher tthup, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor