Ijii .Tan n y 105(1, THR DAILY NRWS PAGE FiVE IPREME COFFEE ie Coffee that has 'em all beat." uu ij.jiii 11111111)11 1 I'liiimmniiili Isv SUPREME gl OF KB LWJCE RUPERT. If, in nor good tni June ! I ti i), in pic ion ii. tl an'eed Mai. i! t r- ami En ';:: it r doiee II you grocer "It mutt be "SUPREME" Ladies CALL III FpC; .) In w lines of Nursery Shoes for Children Iry cjnR aril endurable. In I rea ably priced. Lily Sine Store Phone 357 Ihot Silk ! larreta ?S it! at le Silk. tii it i- i , in nnaii. ill 'i i i- Ol nine, t it tt . 1 It . i Mi. Special nr n $1.85 IIF i c V J e iresi 01 nngiana Store Ird Awniie Phonn 7K3 ud.snns Bav lankets ibi i to rm ikii huyucia Boots ood Rubbers tanflAlH'a I nHnnuMH car tin Binninii I n ion Mado . Vl all dirmiiipsun r. E. S. Tait DENTIST miBerson hiock, prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to fl. X.Ray Ssrvlos Phone 6S6. 'i i ucsiiai, iiiuiBunj and Sulurday KveniiiKS WATERFRONT WHIFFS H I expected thai the 11120 v : 1 f i it summer ne'ivilic. New boats are being built urnl others are being til in shape to participate in tho industry wliirli give promiM of heiug oli active mid profitable. Word has been received fihmg Ihe waterfront that Hie cannery micro! already have Ihcir plans in ,,,w for ,.ljvily if plant rebuilding and ronovntiug that nlwnv preface' the opening of Ihe season. Lumber,""" . dealer report cnuiric forllhev do mil The Wallace Fiherie have purchased the Mill Hay cannery of (he Northern It.C. FisUeriw. The ame company ha coiii-pletcd a deal for the SomervUle cannery which I ownetl by Kvan. Otleman t Hvan of Vancouver and which ha leen ope"-atetl rerenlly hy Ihe Millerd Plans New Cannery W. J. Jefferon, who wa nf the MilleHl Co.' Moatitlir near Captain Uiv. Mr. Jeffer-onimg eaon. inn ulin i cttiMstitl here from Vancouver any lime now, hat recently being doing the neo-" ary bval advertilng in connection with Ihe leaMng of land I J be ued in connection with the plant that he eotileinplale make way for Ihe new awtnill that i In be built hy. 0. !. lllel. A number of people, who havo I been holding nominal leae (there, will thb be dipoeed. The sympathy of hi mary ... . ..i . . . . ii.. ... . i r...ii . . . 1 irif'nil iliniltf mi' " in-intnii nun In ended lo Capt. Claude Kelhcnm f Ihe Wigwam, whoe father, Charle Ketchutn, died recenllyi Bel eels on their niaiertal that will he needed and hook or -pear or net. Tin indication are that in omlreaon i thai ihcy end litem to rase there will he extensive the I'nitcd .-Males nnd sell Ihem work done. i for ahoul thirteen eenl a nouiuL plant I said lo be on the lapiUen and other part of Ihe shore before operation Mart. report similar calrhe. the huines ha possibilities II i not likely thai there will right herr in Prince Itiipert if be a single Idle cannery in IM- the eel are plentiful enniiL'h. trie I J"o 2 Ihi year. Hecent important ileal cannerie in (hi itriel confidence on the part of iii'ercxl that bine opraled here,plaei lice day boix enough lo know. Those Mad Tourists The government wharf, the map nf Ihe city with the ath lo a popular More on Fraer SI reel nttrked in ml. One tndulr' continue to ftourfh nn the government wharf namely flounder fhhlg. Fred Illtindon nf the halibut itehmmer in many irtemt along toe I exjieeted, will bring back with The nroffre of In.hiMrv liaaHn 'ue "low 'lown on tin lar- lo have (I righLof-wav and Ihalll'ablcl Florida iHM.m and hi i why I'ercv Tinker, on hcha'f ,r "inoking friend each anti-of the n.T.I'. Iievelopmenl (Jo,-ell!" Havana right Ltd.. had Ihe unpleaanl duty io, -Iraighl from Ihe land when of giving Charlie I expecl.M perrorm on Thursday -toY reM- l' February I., from notice lo eernl peron deot al Seal t.ve thai they woiibillr which, a far 4 covering have to move immediately i ground goe. Ihrealen to rival the celebrated jaunt of " Jimmie . - . i .... inn i jiiniininn niiii inivinir inn came, having been called sotilli Tlye Triton, which measure nliout three week ago. He returned lo Ihe city on Thursday. A few year ago nolliimg aggravated a Nova Scotia fisherman so much as lo get an eel on his hook. Times have changed, however, and those same fishermen now gel nwfully peeved if LAND ACT. Wotlce of limnllon to Applj to Purcho Land. , tn ljn.1 Hmh)Miii tiUlrlrl nf m rrlnce tliiiwrl. sin! slUllle n" Uie. !'.""'. sn,,r i.r V.iliin Oiivr, rill lUnl, frovlnce of HHU'h r .lomtilii . . TIK MiTICK that William Jorrh i.,,..... ..r I'rlnr. liunrrt. IU' nmil' linn Caiinery iiian. Iniemt In spPly Here is the Proof That Dr. Chase's Ointment does positively relieve the most severe cases of piles. While Dr. Chsse's Ointment Is recognized everywhere as the stsndird treatment for piles you my be inter-rted in this letter which describes one particular rase. There srs thousands of similar cases. Mrs. Wm. Hughes, Appin. Ont. writes: "Dr. Chase's Ointment cannot be equalled. 1 used it forprotruding piles nf I ho irnnt Ulnrt Vhon Vi Vthrtnr -rmllnii t.i iipchr llie fnll..liif rtn-. M pfwnition was the only hope, 'rrtm?inMirinir it a im rUnie.l on ihe I begsn to prepare for one, when I mutii uliure nnr llie h-l cipiainl remeinliered reading about Dr. Chase s c.i.re. nil iiimi. li'ne . r,iVJ N.V'lTi:! Ointment. I nohTd to try It, and after flmllKl lhll lorln iwrniV niuis( nnr! pun iv ih urn iTivrai imn a mj I... t. i.iit uaiitf) mark thtnrr Mt : ntf nnrl l nntv hnnA nt W aiinmrt tthn rri.v em " ,iin fnplv: aa inn letter win uu nu iiinn 111 and rnntiinin rony rdiiiiiiencriiiciii. per W. I. Tlmmas Afnl. Dltod Dsctiubir 1 Mb, tlltl. purchaiinr a box, and tee for themselves the miracles it works. It will be the best investment they evsr put their Bioasy lata." ' by 8 and l( propelled by a 20 horse power HnlTalo medium duly engine, s'hnufd he well nulled for llii work. Bumper salmon season expected important) na 'I-nvp. J.l. I. . . . w ,fini1" ,,",,, tannery aeais m aisinctJetterson planning to buildSeal Cove people ejected I lie electrical wizard. on flii ri h infr anil Uu outlook for IJie season sol bright Ihal lie i now making an addition Iq hi nerve centre on the Cow Day road. In order toi extend hi workshop facilities' and carry more slock, Hay. ii ca.vm will lie one tif U"1,,1,'f M as-12 x l annex. The III' tiiul productive if not the grealv! rot record, linniierv in- i helng done icre! nud the fishermen alike nre preparing itlrendv for Ihc. ,,f,H Douglas. I'aul Armour,; skipper ,of the I'arhena, is busy al the Prince Ituperl lioal Hon)1 these days giving Ihe general once-over lo the SO horse power Frisro-rlamlard engine frrn Ihe Canadian FUh A Cold ?lorage Co. ! lender !rier Slarrell which tin 11 ! which in boiler than the mnt nf .iindcrgoin by lreer. I lie Prince lluperl cannery, high cla fish bring. A groupi'l'lic .10 h.p. fnion engine now in winch wa idle Ias year, will of eijrht fishermen at Liverpool, it he l.eila It. will he put lo other pr.ihahlj" operate: again in IU20..VS.. recently took twelve Ion of Considerable renovation of lhiiH from the river above Mil. hem purchased hy the Swanon niiercsis to he placed in Inn l-eila It. which Is slill al dry dock extensive alteration. use and the Orler Slarrcll will eel a 15 h.p. Canadian Fairhank emi-deic motor. Work on the I'crhap l.eila It. al the dock will be fin- ihed next week and, the tSial mil then he brouphl back lo the ho.-n houe lo have Ihe cliirine Ibirinir Ihe ,pal week IIh centre of Ihe halibut unloading I'achena made a I rip lo Claxlon nnl parkins: indixlry. i a quiei cannery lo bring a Jap woman to ! that, llarr-.llie local hospital, Ihe ve.el Davsretl ami lc fJapperion. the alo made a trlp.jo Kilkalla with ! official cutiMli8n. eem able lo I Archdeacon Mix anil Indian Ae;en! I he Canadian rUhinsr Cm., Ltd. find i-ome work lo do. In their Collion. wtiieli I alliel with the Xew,pare moment they have lime toi I'.nvlun.l KUh (., ha purchased the KuiiHim cannery in the ,aa Hiver dilrici from Ihe receivers of Ihe defunct Northern It.C. I ilierte Oi. and ali I lint company cannery at Mella Goola. reflect nn huMer lime tit rnmn when CP. It. boat. will tic up daily willi their load of tnuriM Tender are bcins called by the provincial department of public work for Hie reconlruc- from far off clime. Moth areitlon of 120 feet of the wet end faking a peeial course tin win-of the government wharf. lile ter on "Hw to Anwer FooHh.wilI be renewed and general re- Que.iont" and H i said that pair will be made in preparation they are lo nk the government for the building of the biological fftr an appropriation to .cover Ma I inn and a new fih handling Ihe eot of printing ten tlioiinn.: botie which llial pari of tin lock will carry. Oapl. Harry Orinilon and Chief Kngineer Tom Morriou hud lo hriiig (heir lighlhoue lender Newinglnn into port on Vslneday lo have repair. made former owner! following the. cracKlny of Ihe J"1? main Mearn pipe. With the work Haler. which i now the properly finished and Tom in good liumori of Ihe Campbell Ilrnlher. i al (again, the Newinglnn pulled out canllen Laurel Whalen lal e-ll''",n Vnnnun'er nperviMngal night for the Queen Char on and who ha lnce eerel ' eonlnielon nf a new coin jlotle Iland. The Newiojrlon In conneclton with thai con- hlnatioft, einer, packer and hall- resumed aclivilie on Mondav ern. i planning Ihe building of I0"1 which it i hi inlenlion following a fortnight' lay up al ' in n aiM n la wm i inii niiriiiir i i . .t a new aimon cainiery ai ari" i'mj -mo.i Now Ihe Newinglon' little iter. Ilirnic. i lied un for i waterfront aw? impatiently nwail- forlnjjf1 wIln iPr ,n(,4(pr. r.apl. Iwg Ihe relnrn of C.harlie Slarr,(j,l(t peteron, I making llie chip popular manager of the l'aciflcf,v ,, , pain ,,riM,, Ooi.lte Fiherle. who when lnl heard I,,,, ,drnnrn ,na, al r.ow llav. from had pae.l through Florida Jw u MtA lo h. ,h(. h,lsi(.st man and landed in Cuba. Charlie. Hi.,. ........ 1PB j.v, n aoen't gel enough of the ea at work o he ha In have thi pleaure boat mi he won't be compelled lo May al home over the week-end. on machine shop this week having an H h.p. Vivian engine in- -""""Ulnlln.l I.ee tn Auld Scotia. . There willr douhtlf be ome jjrent yarn puu when IIiom two jjetjiuok bj (he walerfront. Triton Is Sold ld. M. M. Stephen ha sold i.. .rM..eriiv win Un ex-1 hi iMiwcr boat Triton, winner of the 19? I. Yacht Club handicap plale, to Harry Perry and Holier! MacKay. The craft will :,i i.i home in ltellingham. Th-U-e eoniderably remodelled am'. tale Mr. Kelrhum wa In hUlwill he put lo work a a fih len-eventy-flflh year and had beeiiider during- Ihe coming eaon. in railing neaini ior ome uin-.!"' " i-, Caul. Keli'hum wa at hi' the husines of ellin snpplie lien Severon had hi new troller, receplly completed at Cow Hay. al the Akrrhcrg-Thom- Cow Bay Again : ' Tlie cily father will favor llie waterfront with another visit? tomorrow afternoon. The oh jeel of some of them seem lo be to M'ltlc once and for all that much involved rt,uetlon of Cowj Hay about which they have peddled so much "bull" during recent year while others apparently want to keep Ihe matter open $o thai they will not run out of something during the 'next decade, on which to expend Ihcir oratorical talents. The city falher le.ii.ie wnen ine rim '.. . ; father will be welcomed cnesls ;ioi .. .. . . . .. jamoivg Ihe walerfront fralritit even if Ihcy do take themselves nnxious to serve. An Infallible Guard according to Celtic mythology, was the HEIMDAL, perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acute that he could hear the wool growing on a sheep's back His eyesight was so keen he could see everything that happened even though it occured while he slept. Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for you. It guards you against fraud and inferiority. It protects you against making unwise and unsatisfactory purchases. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to protect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these names by selling any but good goods of full measure and fair price. So, you can bank on this. Advertised goods must be as advertised. That is why it pays to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised products. Advertising is your guard dock while, the power biats Ilon- illa, Heron, Cloyah, Itividis, Hawk bind l.inneli have been tied up M Itigby Island. The Itomlla wilt be put1n shape immediately It. tart herring patrol duties about the end of (lie moniti or a soon a Uu' fih appear and the fishermen start lo catch Ihem. In Good Company Capt. ticorgc Newconibe was oul.nl .the end of lasl week with hi IMxie Ilupert in B."d company. He was taking School Inspector Fraer to Oona River. teiaiU'UW Simpson. Annninm xvWIhe school m peclor and Caji. says he will be fully educated. .1. Field's salmon packer Moresby was noticed in difficul ties in the harbor on Thursday. Having broken Ihe eccentric strap while oft the Cold Storage, the vesel was lowed down by the Sea Maid to the Imperial Machine Works where repairs wers made. Katlbut Boats Preparing Machine slions nlong llie water- more seriously than do he mosllfrnnl report increased activjtv of the people whom they seem so'during the past week, work being Capt. Teddy the Hear had Fred Dawson's hnlihul schooner Im-pericilse al the Akerberg-Thom-son machine shop thfs week having engine overhaul done, preparatory lo stepping on the, tail of Hie wily halibut on February 15 or as soon thereafter ds possible. J. Vv Allen of Victoria, marine engineer for the Fisheries Department, hit been a visitor in Ihe cily lliis week inspecting the departmental patrol boats Hint have been lied up during Ihe winter and for Ihe overhaul of vilch tender will' ""siiortly M called. The MarfKff lias been principally on halibut boats gel ting ready for the season's ucliv llie. A mad rush for servico I expected between now and February 15. Jack Preseoll has his power boat Kayex, formerly of the fisheries pallid service, on the McLean ways Tor inspection. It is understood lhaP""the Kayex i about to be sold to logging interests. I'rince Rupert's firsl shipment of Welsh coal was unloaded during the week from llie freighter Sahor at Ihe O.T.I. wliarf. In spile of all the talk ahoul it-people who have, inspected the, pile say it looks very much like spending the winter al tin dry any other coal but Charlie Evitl I 1 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, 'Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38, The Savage Washer and Dryer At the last Quebec F.xhihilioii repented ils success of Ihe previous year, by again winning Ihe Gold .Medal with distinction over all other ninkers of American and Canadian Washers. ' Cash Price $18500 Also sold on easy ierms. Kaien Hardware Co. who Is an expert and ought know and who. nf course, doe: not want In steal any body's coai customers, say thai coal burns so long that, like the-old suit you can't wear out. you jret sick and tired of looking al it. So, il your favoritn diversion at home is packing coal for thn kitchen range, don't buy any of tha' inonolonous Welsh coal. Subscribe to the Daily News. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wa specially recommend our Table; Cream al 15o for Hair Pint, Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 087 2