PAQS FODi; TH2 DAILY KEW3 Kt i,J., TIRED PRINCE BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManUs , ! , , i ri r i v . i il 'i r it OON-T ARCje-CT out IS REBELLIOUS I'M SOW I EtAT FORt- Q THK THC H'' UTTUC CfiU SHE 9 ( n ou frightemco THE OOCTQBi THE Jgi TOO LU W6HT- THC CHIUO- rnsK Refuses to Carry Out Dut's and Escapes from Palace Only to Become President Contrary lo Ihe gcWral belief, a son of royalty i not n gentle man of leisure, a social butter- fly, a suit model for say and glittering uniform.. Actually he is a young man leading a mighty heclic life, whose working dar entail 'a much physical labor a thai of the man ' 'd urging ditches? .' ' -v" As proof of tin's, the opening seen'es of "A Regular Fellow, show this young European princa arriving at a reviewing stand; peopled with officials of high rank, and local executives. J'n anxiety of the group, watches in hand, Is allayed when he arrives in a cloud of dust, mounts the .stand, hurries through the. cere mony tind is whisked away by an attache and his", staff to a1 shipyard where- he js to clirislei, a ship. - ' Toe Strenuous ' Xp sooner dos lhe botfbj crash against., the Jow , of the ship than he ii off ro'-anplher section of llm -city o. -dedicate something or other. And so il goes. A half a dozen other ceremonies hi lhe..$ame day and- Ihfc Prince rebels; He. derides his job is loo strenuous ami goes back to the palace and demand a vacation pf his father. 'Hiking a laughs at the idea, telling him his date book is filled for a month and he must keep every appointment made for him. The Prince decides to play hookey anrr gets ont f the palace just in time to meet a grouo of tourist from America. He is not recognized and the guide informs him that his walking slick will not In permTffed in the palace. This gfves him ar idea and he follows it through. The result is- that he and tin whole party are thrown out ol the palace. Loveliest Girl In the throng the. Prince sees fie loveliest girt he has ever laio eyes on. When he- atteinDlstfo talk lo her she uphraidsjbiih, for preventing mem from seeing the Prince. . Later he is in 5ii roadster and sees the, girl pas uig in a taxi. . He makes a -flying leap- from hi car ami meet her. Each time he is near enough to talk So her he finds himself surrounded by hundreds whj have recognized him' Then comes a day when he meels hep and she start to run away from him. He finds himself pursued by the Prime Min-, isler, who is- 'trying lo force a UMwiou'Hf .oo him, F.venlualU he catches up and (In Princ.' learns that his father has died. Rather than be king, the Prince arranges with a Kolshevist to overthrow him and then rushos to tell'the girl. Just as be is ahoul lo put his arms arounl the gfrl, ' fourteen disappearing coast defence guns appear over the rampart above them and fire the presidential salute. "What's this all about?': ihe Prince ask lhe Prime Minister He is 'informed that he has been elected president of the new He public wlifch lias sprung up. "And,, your Kxeelltncy," added Ihe leader of the rebels as he hands Hay a paper which falls open like a time table, "here Is" the- list of corner stones you are lo lay, public buildings that you must dedicate, parades to be re viewed and babies that must be kissed beginning at six-thirty tomorrow morning. Hay turns lo the girl with rueiui neansiiake: I might as well have kept on being king. he observes, " except for this " . And he. puis bis arms around the girl and kisses her as the picture closes. OBSTRUCTION CHARGE AGAINST CITY HEARD Case' Against Corporation Ad Journed for Eight Days so that Board of Works May be Interviewed The charge brought against the corporation of the city of Prince! tlupert by A". J. Prud-hornme of obstructing a thoroughfare, at tfi'e corner- of liflli and Fraser Streets was further, remanded for eight day In Ihe cily police court tit if morning, .Mr. Prudiiomme sta'.. Ing that he was prepared to drop the charge if Ihe cHy would tin-jity lerlae to clean the location unlrh group. Hie will he very much or make a reasonable jelrort lojmisjeii, noiii iy "ie as a keep it half way decent." Cily whole", and by lhe. girls fndividu-Soliritor K. 1. Jones, appearii'a;.0"? for the cilv. staled be would! lake the matter up with Hie Hoant of Works. Mr. I'rudhomme . romplained. imong other things of Hip obi building that houses , the , steam roller -TJiis building, he alleges was actually on thtV street. I was n strictly speaking an olt Irucjion lo traffic' hut it did he said, constitute, a nuisance Magistrate Mctllymonl felt that an order for the. removal of ths building might have a far reaching effect. Oarages on various streets were tacitly permitted as convenience to owners of car. S. . Taylor; who appeared on behalf of.Mr. Prudhomme, expressed the view thai cleaning up measures could hardly be effected if the eily itself violate its own laws. PRESENTATION MADE MISS DORIS CAPOW Sliver Circle Canadian Girls In Training Entertain Departing President A very enjoyable party was held on Wednesday evening at Inr compliment to -.Miss v noris Cw, who isleavlll4!fo5 Vani- couver shortly. Ihe hostesses were (he members of the Silver Circle; C.O.I.T. group, and Mrs. Ilic. assisted by Mrs. Wilson- Murray, was the convener. The quests included the Misses Julia Wallers, Dorothy Pal-more, Virginia Ilfel, Julia Ihomas, Xellie Wilson, Margaret Watson, Anita Lipsett, May Xess, Ciirlfe" Vance, Klizalieth fc- I.eo.1, May, Clark, Violet Whitlow, Alice Spencer, Winnie Hill and Helly Arney. Many enjoyable games were played and ponlesls held, Ihe prize winners beinc the Misses Olive Cordon, ftary W'iillpps.'land Alice Spencer, amt Julia Walters.! Uiler, refreshments were served. The C.C.I.T. presented Miss' i.andow wun an umbrella as a loken of their affection and es- leem, and as thanks for all Jhe nrk she had done in her capac- coRmrs SPECIAL SELECTED Very Old Very Smooth E of president of Ihe Silver Mr- "For She's a Jolly Oood Fel- Iowfwas sun? with great fervor, and the girls one ami all wished their erstwhilP president! thf best of luck in her new home.' ' sj n i--1 SPORT CHAT The Uyro Club and Xativt Sons of Canada will have thei" second meeting of the season ini the Senior Haseball League to-nigh!. These two aggregations, h, their first game on Victoria Hay staged a hang-up exhibition f baseball to a 5-J score and a repetition . of that encounter i promised fans tonight. The (Syros arc confident that they will he, able to account for tin Sons jn a manner similar t t Iheir first game. On the other hand, the Sons are sure this will hot happen rfnd that defeat will be turned into, victory for then on Ijlns occasion. They need this game lo give them their fim credit on,, the right side of tbf-standing sheet. As a 'culmination of a move started some tjme ago in favo of. Sunday soccer, John Kaston " ' " ,5 ban Association, resigned fol (ItiNvliigt?1 playing of. a frame in Montreal last Sunday under the auspices "of the H.F.A. For Name reasoti, Tom Mitchell oi' Winnipeg, vice-president of tlx Association, also resigned, lint officials th real eneil to resign ii the game between the llrodklyr Wanderers and Carslell of Mom-real was playel on Sunday and on Ihe game being actually played, Ihey formally effeete1 tlmir threats, Piayers for ihe Junior. league football iouiall game game tomorrow tomorrow after after- noon between the High Schooi Itorden Street Sellout wilt be selected from amon the fol- 'lowing: High School (Jeorge McLean. Joe coii, uoroon veireck -rap- lain , Allan Cross, Willie Colli son. James Hi-vanl. Itohbie Ir vine. Murray, J Comndin:. n la it. . tvlimi Very Flavorful Very Popular (ITAItllHtD '': NADIAN RYE WHISKY rins advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia V anted For Sale For Rent IS? I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c PATENT ATTORNEYS FKTItEItSTONII t (ill A CO., the obi established firm. Patents ami trade ma i k in all countries. Fre booklet. Vancouver of fire intH Hotter Huibl-iag. -jl'hone Seymour 3796. Manager. Kmet K, Carvei. registered nit"iiiey. Oilier of fire, Ottawa. Washington nr.d nrmclnal l ines INFORMATION WANTED. McLAlVtHLAN. William and Afexander. Hilly last heard o. al Mirror. Alberta in 101.1, Sandy at Wmnia in 1917 Theia, father pasned awai at Cutarm. OeralU. Sask. (I they will communicate wil!i their brejii.T James Mcl.augh-ktn, flerahl, Sak., will beat nometafns i their ailvantagi. COARD AND ROOM. (lAHI). The Inlander. 8.13 Second Avnnue. Phone 137. HOARD, rtooms and Furnished Suites, palmer House. II MISCELLANEOUS SL'MMKIl limp at Uke Kalhly i opens Jur.i' 20. Fur particulars apply Mrs. K. J'.. Itirnie, Smilhcrs. Ii.C. V. Hill, V. Murrison, S. Murray nd II. Stalker. Horden Street T. Watte, K Miwa. A. Hiyi, A. Mchonald, .'. Itogers. V. Waite," J. Ie, K Smith leaiilam), Hoy k'ks, F. Milleni, V. Fisher. O. Minns, F. Kane, K. Il'-yiioldi and II. Allar . SKED BAR INDIANS FROM POOL ROOMS BY PROVINCIAL STATUTE Oamo Has Bad Effect on Them According to Department Reports to Government WtVIOMA. June -Kelly pool, he ureal indoor Americnn sport, - pioMiw Ion much for Hrilisli ' lilumliiii ' Indinos. They have i e . ml rii in Hie game lo such i '!-i!t that the Federal le- .iiiuifni .,f Indian Affairs K .-kiiw the Ilrilish (Vtlumiila i. -Mimen lo Hen, llyfnr iit of "! in.. ii m altogether. To do an iiiiieiidmenl lo the pre hi law atoverning pool rooms aiiii'iI 'ii- nci-essary, and jnny be !:a"ed al the next session Of lhe r.i'i!ai6re. If Indians are lo be kept out of all pool rooms, however, the ciuoperation of nm- .ijia.1 i-d incU will bo neces ary -uUo. a the provincial regu lalion affect only poof rooms in iinoraanicil districts. Pool auiiarently exercises fatal c4i Hi-iii for the native mind, ii is stHi'il. Indian-pnfer it lo heir iiMial ociiiaiqns of flslw 111' .111.1 I i...i.rifW n.l II t....l I n " I'l'in llii ifc iciiii i.i tMulcnte l(bU of Idleness in them, ii is AM. Instead of killing fui-bmrlng animals, the native huiitsmen'in some place frequently $peid their thne shooting iioul, So . serious has I ho riui iiiallon oj the game he-tome, hub-ed, ,lhal Federal off; Pi'Tb thl!f)vmciai01ov!i mimeut t.,r-tyjrislderallon. n.iviog tnade her calls In the Skei -on lliver, Union steamer CataJa, Cnn, n, Johnnlone, ar-riveii in nort from ihe south c.f ?:'I0 hi- qflernoon enroule lo nie aas ltfyer. Tlie vessel saIN from her- itn her return lo Vancouver and wayporl at JO o'clock totngvy morning. IhMML O I9W rr Iwtl Fatu" VtKTRB WAXTHH. - Cily alrman for Prince llupert -lady or trentle-nian for electric washing machine. (iooil remuneration for steady worker. See Mr. I toon al Varkin A Ward'. YOUXO Man wants work, ,anyt kind; 33c an hour. Phoiti lllack 2G9. . II ;W.XTKI). Young girl for light housework. Apply Mrs. A. W. Phone Itlue 21'rt. U FOR SALE FOIl Ilent. Tmiris. Hotel at Terrace, ll.C IVelve rMm furnished, furnace heat, electric liht, eleelrie pump bath, restaurant, kitchen, bur-room, three riMvn furtiUhel cottage, two lot. Ilent $73.00 per month or will sell on reasonable terms. Apply Mrs. J A. MeOougall, TourUt Hotel. Terrace, H.C FOIl SAI.K. Fumed oak buffe;. floor lamp, lounge, table, carpet sweeper. Phone Hlaek 112. H3H Second Avenue. FOR KAI.R. Pvt roomed mod ern bungalow and two lot.;; eloe in. CimI.oo on term. Apply T. MeClymont. U Ftn SAI.K. ChiMV trieyeli. Puone Itlue 5H.V ' 13 TO RENT KOIl IIF.XI-. Ireen luiildltig al 171 Third Avenue Fjint; U rooni nifhlern flat with halh-room and workshop prrmise on ulreet Ifoor. Apply .Hyde Transfer, 139 Second Avenue. FOIl HBXT. Xew seven nxime.) modern house at 130 Fiflu Aenue West. Heady July 1. For particulars, phone lied 720. FOIl HKXT. Modern Ihreeroont furnished guile; reliable parly; July and August; uppiMitt P.O. Phone lied 78. I3J v . FOIl MIKNTV-Furn shed tsotlhicd at Lake Kalhlyti. -Applr A" llaymond, Ihu 133, Smilhers, H& 131 FOIl W-wVIV Modern (our room ed flat, with Monarch range,, irt Clapp block. Wcslenhaver llro. FOR IlKXT. Two moiferii houses, one furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue F.asl. If TJRXISliia) Housekeeping Rooms 10 rem ny me day, week or month. Phone iled 607. If rOR JIK.NT--Furnished house keeping suite, Mussallem Apnrlmenls. Phone 18. ;f FOR itP.NIV-Four room Htiile hot water healed. Apply Rmlti A Mallet. m ior itent ni ifn.iiii per nionin and up. alker s. Musi. Store. MODKRN FLAT for Rent.Apply Mrx lleilhroner. if LOST. ,f)ST.S(i.rl turning to Daily, XrwsiiflTce . I . , . . . in- irn-piioinng tireen. 023, LOST. Hrownie camera between .Mine stand ilnd Post Office. Finder please phone nine .t;i;. jj; FOUND FOUXI). Thre keys on ring Apply Dally News offlfce. StevKi Articles Lost and Found, &c AUTOMOBILES Now, "You Can Buy a CHEVROLET at a Lower Price than ever before. Almost simultaneoiio with the ntmonnt ement y Chevrolet Molori Cunpany tf CaHala l.imilnl of-T rn au Improved Chevrolet ever before we are able lo an-; jm, : i, 'Hounee - Tllr: LOWKST PIIICI'-S ) CMritm ,ni Hm. in Chevrolet hUlory. TJiefie new prices, eomblned with the many ntnv lmprove-1 tneni. establish more ftfmlj than ever before CliMrrntrL learrhri in vat among bw- Vl.,."""' jtrif ni rare. The Improved CMvmhl offers' everything you eouM dewira,' mart apuerance. rorofor,,, ;M ttm smoothness. pwT and the ill-i TmmU mol dependability. The present trm r pric-ts and low tim paymenLri briny one of the Chevrolet models within eaty. reaeii of your poekrlhook. KAIEN OARAQE Piniiii- :,. Wreekina 8"n Iav .md Xiaht Prices iif li.ilb Ni-w and iuar- nnteeti I .rd FoRIi t:MS are now at a new low lev!. The .National Time payment 1 Plan enables anyone with a.1' ' ' reasonable income lo afford ,,,, 4 M, , Ihe comfort Altai convenience a sin te oar afford. Ak S. E. PARKER, LTD. Denier 210 Second Avenue. TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call (ieorgc. Paul or (lust) Six and Seven Paenger Sludo bakers al your lii'"'il any lime ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Aernsn from Kmpres Hotel. . FURNITURE, Xew a n d Hei-omlltaiid Furni ture Store. We Huy, Sell and '. change New and Secondhand Oood. GEO. PAPADOPULOS H.IP Third Ave I'Uon 4'- COOP EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite Henson's Studio. COOI) MJULS. 0000 CAKF.8 Coffee or Tea Served. ' RKAL 1IOMR COOKI'I) MCAI.S. Mrs. Unger, Prnprielress. Phonn CS.1. WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood Ifl.OO a loml. Dry. Fir Wood . rt.r0 n load. Cut to any length. Klndllnn, 7.00 n 'load. Fir Furnace Wood 7.00 t load. A. ISAACSON Phone lllack 401 Seal Cove. PRINCE Riiprn-r nnn Friday, June 4 "'h 8:1 a a.m. iO.O ft. 21:01 p.m. I.8 I'Ow 2;nc a.m. R.I " ' Ii:5l p.m. 0.0 " . Saturday, June 5 ,n 9:27 n.m. 17.1 ,fL 21 :r.R p.m. Jl:?l n.m. . Ifi:2 ii.m. Sunday, June 6 High ...... inr.1.T a.m. 22:10 p.m. ' :2i a.m. 10:27 p.m. 10.0 7.1 " o.a. " 17.0 ft 20.0 " n.o " rt a M I MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-SOIM. ft th lt, Mcll4. IV (km I VMr. ft SllitiU i . W W V S fia ,,4 rim. Tlwrulti Hum it 11-CCIllt tl . rtM tlrfs ,1 i 3 TarUi fr tUmtH- frm ecrt fpt- mt W k e4u-(rtti Tttm Altiti rll. ii n rrM Q CM'li'.H WIN. OI COUtCtM ii - it w it- Milt JIT l . i It I" .li K.l frr, '.tl I" Ml r-- ami W- ere HIMT 3rd I I CVCAMCUID MflVFui UILinillUlllt mw f UMWIIf- Tltrub -Ttiurxla StlunU) M. I-I.U-- fto if - ilMMI IB ' " .tmw r rn vntiiif' s,umu rn.Hi -. Mtwii? Si,nll inn T " Jtiiie It intK i JiUk- r. Juih- i rrwijr rrm rert Slmpse lllur1i ' From lk Jhw s June I Jmtr i - Jiim I -Jmm 1" for IC! ' " ' JMI U JoAc IS June for Slfwirt, 0i ' ' ' " . SiinitT " ,,w rrm Sltwtrt. "! ' " Tn-d " for surt sliinli- - rrom Sti'l 1 siimhv for bi ,) ' - p -WistmMtav ' from si Ttinril 1 rof 0u" Ch.rl.lU li". i '' June U - I'1"",tf From 0u..n Ch.rlH Jone 1 C.N.R. TRAIfJS tor rtt oi From Hit ... ., , . i. ii" Advertlia in t l