Do You Lite Lemonade? "Ltmide" l powdered fresh mule from fresh lrmoni in the tame way it KLIM. Ilron-taint, w artificial rolf-, flavwr or addrfd acid. rnri just dis. soirc, in wairr iml tou hay mlj rrfreshinf lamoivue. arnu uiriior iiu 1 1 n. If mmi An. it lak J- .V "Can Ct ' II wH M PU)aHi 'mJ M It r. As jood as taking a cow alonrf 955e neW KJ iNIn unrn nKnnt millr of omn nf . V V VWM WWIII VP cottage if you provide a supply of the new Klim. For the new Klim is fresh whole milk in powder form cream and all but pasteurized and thus made doubly safe. Has the fine fresh flavor of pure milk economical in use and compact in bulk, the new Klim is the ideal milk for summer family use. Try it, you will use no other milk. NEW KLIM WATER - WHOLE MILK - mm, M LIM Canadian Milk Products Limited 347 Ad.tald Sl, Watt, TORONTO ZSW r.- bui ana Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. OYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. UIID M aT-.U,. UIIX lull Hilton SttWMtHls, ?3(WWifel.AiiKr QcriUiDter Mat- Tt'J ltim. Ilril mul I'j.l.l VV'nf,.,. Itsll,.. ( CIhiuiih ileam Healed, Klerlric Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth SL PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. a 1 - 9 n ? ichormon o imniiac aTl l fltlVlfSIl irl ISM LINES. HOOKS. HUf'ta, IWIIVtS, FISH. NETTING AND TROLLINQ GEAR, OIL AND RUDBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices nsfttt. Lunnintmam & Lo. Ltd. i j Second Avenue and McBrlde SL Steamship and Train Service I 8.8. PRINCE 0C0R0E ami PRINCE RUPERT leave PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami inn nniillal kIII. THURB- ami UnDAy a II 11 p.m. .1m .. rmnwe. wiwni.s.e, vtuiii,uni, S It 4 p.m. I ir IHIUH-WIDKIIDAK, ID p.m. I' ir ITrWMT UTUDDllf. 1n B.m. 8.8. PRINCE CHARLES fortulMI fi VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHAR. TI ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT niwry except oamuay ai 0 am Cor PRINCE OIOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, III poiUU LilleM '.unril 'Slime, Aatney ll Ocean Steamship Line. ' i e caiiauiau national I.iun for MoIM-j "ider. tumm i.ireipies, rn ., fur ynir lie n sliiiunerit City Tlckat Oftlc. 828 Third A.t Prlnc Rupert. prion Zbu. hlfA KtiQinal Infanfc Rnf 1Q iiiiij iiiiiiiiii.i iiniiiriti jLijts.Macj Plain iiiul lleroraletl, from $2.25 to $6.00 sviismiii is rm ww r mm a & am. 255 3rd Avenue. Local and Personal Phone 15, PJt. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf H.a Undertakers. Pbone 4t. KaVeYall loniglit. Sons of 'Can ada vs.' (Jryos. al 0.15 prompt. Crystal Firelighters, 8 to. 11.00. Hyde Transfer. Pbonp 580. tf fliove lenglli wood S3.50 nor load delivered. I'hon X. Gurr lrt-en 5t8. IP?, t St. Andrew's Society Ladic Auxillarygale of Home Cojokin,-and afternoon tea July 3. Catliulic Women's Leagup Social, Catholic Hall, Monday. lime H, at 8.30 p.m. Admission 50c. 131 M. Macloil, who arrived in llr- fily lal n itrtit fruinAnyox, lefi mi litis morning's train for Palriok Murphy, rliarged Hip oily polico rtiurl this morn iitg willi Vagranry. was remand ed for eight days. . PapeapL "Wliorr West Meet-? Kat." Soeial and rpfreihmeti(s. Mulrnpole Hall, Friday evening at 8' if.m. -auspires Luther Ia- (rue. Admission 35c. 130 v I. O. K. SkrulihvnPit of Anyox Ipfl oo lhi mrirniiiL'N train frr Xpw York where hn will einhars on June It aboard the Ateamc Slavanxerfjord for Aalevund Norway. . 1 I ant moving In new locatiot. iext Sl. Ilegi. and Omtnodo'v iafe ami am .-cltluc? every ?slioe mil rtihlfr at or le!. Come nd fee the price. Geo. Hill in ?wl1an. 131 JoepM Howe of Howe & Me Null iaileil mi the I'rimv ieotvc lat nlplit for Vancouver where he will pnd several vekt Itefore pnweeilln? 'on onti-niplated trijt lo 41ie OIt ilouiitry. - -. I A charge ngainsl llitlwrl Mao- Kity of drivinK an aul.umtliilf wiiliiMtt muffler was with drawn in the cily Mllee rouK 'lii im riling. Mr. MaeKay stat ed thai Ihe nailer contpl.'jfhed. o nail neen rcettned. Mrs. It. M. Tupper. who siiilfd for I he houIIi on the PHnc,' Heurge lal nhflit, !; poIiik 'lirouvh lo lier former home m OeorKelown, Prince FMwanl 1?- land. She will lie nwny from the city until about tho middle of August. p P.ivid Thompson, It.Sc," grad uate of the University of Hritigii oituuliia. arrived In the rity Him week from Vancouver and i. "pending a few day. a Ihcgttexl f hi llor, Mr. J. IS. McKay. 53 Sixth Avenue Kal, I.eroiM1 procreding fo Sinlllier in whici lislriet he will peiiil (lie (muiis eason a an inspector for lh department of Agriculture. Sei'Keanl . H. Kailey, late of the eily policy force, sailed on Ihe Prince George lasi night for Victoria where he will lake no new duties with the provincial police. Sergeant and Mrs. Ha liny entertained a number of friends t dinner in the evening nnd, l here was a crowd at the wharf o see he popular officer olT and vv.sli him Godspeed. BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, lias been taken ovor from George Kerr by .I. Preece fcile wilh Sealy and Doodsbn Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly' from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 I THE DAILY NEWS lM SUCCES5 IS YOURS "when you use VtAGC BAKING POWDER Highest Quality, j4pdera(e Price. MADE IN CANADA NO ALUM C.W.GILLETT CO, LTD. TORONTO, CAN. HaM-tiull lonigtit, S ms of Can ada vs. liryo. at f.4' prompt. The train from' the Fast, due uere at litis aiiernoun, n reported on time. ( . PHirce Itupei t ' Tennis Club Tournament postioiiud indefin itely twins to . unfavorable weather comlitfons. 130 V.. Hoiisseau, mauaaer of Ikiwi Inlet eaiiuer', and his daughter .1 : .. ... r. . .miss nousc'iu, arrived in Hie cily On the Catala this af ternoon. Miss Nad a Jonnstone, after having spent several weeks boll daying in Vancouver, returned to the eily on the Catala this tflernoon. Mrs. 11. i. Heckwtlli sails to morrow morning uy I tie i'rinre Mary for Victoria where sbe wit! visit with her con -in-law an"i daughter, Hon. and Mrs. A. M Manfon. M.I W I llr....n .ri i....- ai... ... .... UIII.I llfl.- ing spnil a ctiuple bT weeks do-in;, plumbing work in the can nery at Lowe Inlet, 'relumed to Ihe eily by gaboat Wednesday evening. Aid. W. J. Greer. Archie Heat- He, James Hick ainl' Clarence Find Jay returned on the Catala this flflernnOit from Lowe Inf-t where I hey have .been "engaged for the past several weets ir. cannery construction, wyrk. Aid. - and .Mr William Hrown will leave a week from next Sun- lay for Victoria where Aid. Hrown will attend Ihe Masonk Grand Lodge convention. They will be away about two weeks and wilt also visit Vancouver. II. C. Class of .the Canadiar National llaiiway freight office, Cleveland, Ohio," and Mrs. Clas. in the ciiuise of a holidaV trip !n the Pacific Coast, arrived' In Ihe l ily on yesterday , afternoon's train and proceeded to Vancouver on the steamer Prince George. VALUABLE FURS ARE SHIPPED FROM ALASKA JUNEAU, June 4. -r- Kxclusivj of fur seal, furs shipped from Alaska in 105 were Valued at ures 11 5,0;' 1 ii according to ante fig .compiled v i byjllu'l Alaska Commission tiid made public. Shipments of fur seal, ; numbering 19,080 pells, werJ I valued at $101,707, making the I grand total of 55.311 skins val ued at ei,907.3-'8.t)t; White fox, exclusive of Ihoso shippetf by the govcrnhienl from Pribilof Inlands, wfra, valued al ieties ofifti?; KxclusiviT .bC seat- skins, mink were the' next 'most vuluuble, 59.501 skltis. shipped briiDging $il0,58. 'Muskrals were tliird in value ami largest in nuanlily. The lotnl muskrat shlunenls numhercd 395,142 skins .valued at 335.870,70. Subscribe lo the Dally JOHN FLEWIN HERE ' TODAY WITH BRIDE Pioneer Port Simpson Citizen Married Last Week to Mrn. Emily Walker r John FIcwin, pioneer resident of Port Simpson, Is in town . (hi afternoon aboard the steamer Catala jlxpjnd liqftie with hi' bride, formerly Mrs. . Kmily Walker of Victoria,. They wer.; married on Thursday evTnin lat in St. Savior' Church, Vic toria West, Jiy itev'. Fred Sleph en?on, formerly of Port Simp son. It is interesting to mole lhtl Mr. and Mrs FIcwin, were both born in Victoria and play ed together as children. Their parents came out to Viclorii from FnIand on the same shjp well over half a century ago. Many local friends will join in extending their best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Flewin. MUST PURCHASE BEER DIRECT FROM STORE WIXNiPFG. June i. The Manitoiia Liquor t'ommission lias ;sued an order announcing tiiat heheafter beer must be pur? chased from the trovenrnienl store instead of direct from the, breweries FERNIE MINERS SEND GREAT BRITAIN CASHI FEItMF. June i. -As a resull of a decision of a mass mcetinsr here today the sum of 8oo was cabled by Ihe local coal miners' association for relief work among striking Hrilisli miners HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert. It. (i. Johnston, Inverness; V. S. Moore, Terrace; S. Walker, Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. W. I., George, Kdinonlon;r I. C. Hani) wciL i. v. liavplson, W. Jnes, c. J. Keller and C. O Erurn, Vancouver; W. J. Service ?mithcrs. Central J. Kjurpe and P. llaugeui Norway; Mr. and Mrs. Albert YAessell. Prince George; H Walkland.;- I). MacLeod, Anyox. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT n.s.c. cnipur 115. The BriXih iVluml.n fi'lilin 4 IJulliiaiir Limitnl. Iit-rrbv mr mi. lire Uut II hat uuilrr rrrllun ' of the nld .' tiriiusili-u wuti tin- Minnlrr ut Cublli Wufki. II ottiwa. ! lu ttw nffirr ir! .m I'lMmi ni-in.irii i.r llie lidi H'rl-Irv Oiirlrl of I'rinr ItniH-rl al rnur i.iiiti. o.i... ursi-ripiiun i.r lira Kile aim i pjiii. nf a wiarr ur lr mil bulla-lr I1m rim iimiir-nl tn b built ui tint itUID Dirtloll f tallil (.ltllal alMuil tin and iDv liair mill- ri of Allirunl Bay, . n.r,,ir ioiiiiiiiic uil IJIll If., yiiwi Uurkittr ru-irui, and 'known a. M'l 119. And lake iwiOrt? Ihat aflrr lh itinlri. tKn of iHK- month from I In- datr ,.f lh. rlll liiiblliaUoli nf this imllrv iho liriilsli (Mutiit'la Hhm I'aikliiK' Usiijiaiir UlIlltMl Will LIHlrr ITtlull ? of thf Mill rt. any I" It Minii-trr of lublir ai nn niiiif in tiM riiv ir u. lava. rr arval r the mlil'iilte ami pliii. and for Ira.r In i-'ii'lrurt the aalil wnarr rr pirr aim uulldiinr llx-nniu luliit at l'nnrr liti-rrt. B.C.. this 3lsi Jaj uf Mav. tvti. lllllllSII I'll.lMSIV MSIIIMi h.mum; i;ii. LTU. By lt Sulintora: W'OllaliK. Manoiti . r.nimli-n. WATER NOTICE. DUaralon and Uat. TAKK MITlr.K that Itobrrt ttmrn i,hii!tuii. be aOirri u Imvnirw lAniiwry. will apply rnr a lirt-iire lo take ifcl ur a orum nf alcr uut ur crn-k went it uliarf at China Hal. uanw un .liyn. wblrli rin Miutlu-a! and drain tutu TrtHit Bay abuul Iva fi-et mulh ahmr t!i" Uraili from Ihe xiithral ronifh Lot -A," kltaoii I.IL Tlwfuatrr will be UU ivriiii limn iik airraiu ai a (miiui bimhii M'i rrt-t fruni Hi imiulli, iihI will be lined 'Cor iloiiiriiir ur ni"ni Ihe tan-iry i1rrrlurd a l.i.t "A," klUvm LH. Tlili imiIIit war nled on the Rround isi .lu- lllli day r May. Iwi6. A rupy uf inu tiMtiii- ami an applli'atlon iuruanl Ihirrtii and m the "Wali-r Art" mil tu rned In tlio ufrii-e of the Water Herorder j I I'ruii'e lliieit. nbJerlliMn to Uie ap 'iii-aiirn may riled with Ihe said Water Ifiiinler m with the Oisnptndler of Water HUM-. Parliament Building, Vic- iiirla. Hi,, wmun thirty daya after Ihe riri apiearanie nf "tin notiee In al Inral . Hiier. Tile date of I lie flrM pnbll- ttluli ur (III leitlee I June t. IIUHKIIT IlKOHOK JOO.NSTON. ' I'l'llf ant. Nolle of LAND ACT. Intantlon to Apply Foraahor Ai seres, tiiort- or le. to Laaao lu Oueen charlotte lland IjiiiiI lie- rnrdinv litrli t . uf .-iprlnrr. lluirt, and llualed iiiilen' we"'Ar Alllford Bay, skideirale Inlet, and' frnlitUit- on Lot 111. V'teen Churl"! le IHntrlrt. iAkr. .Aiuu.h mat inc h i., mninr I'aeklnr i.iiinpaiiy, I. Id., of Yanroiiver, H.C.. iH'eutmttim Satuiim cannen, Intendt to apply fur a lean uf Ihe follow lnir de- rillied I'nreslitire:- t'.iiiniiieiirlnir at I l't planted at the Kinithweil roiiwr of l.nt III: llienie northerly anil easterly fulluwlnit the line of titrn wairr mark, si rnains more or lera, lo I lie' nurlliwr-H rorner of Lot Ills theni-H wel i fhmni; Iheni-e tMililherly and westerly, fnllowltit a line parallel tu Ihe line of lilarti water mark. 31 rhalru, nmre r le: thenee et S ihalni In point of riiniiienreiiK'iit. and emitalnlni niurisn ciii.imiiiv umiio A .Mi f.VXklMl COMPANY LTU. Per II. Sherwood, Arent. ruled :inih kjirtl. t?. APPLICATION FOR BEER PARLOR LICENSE Thirty day from dale hereof- we In tend makiiiir aHillratlnii to the frovlncla Government for the Inalallatlon anj uper-allnn of I Beer Parlor to be Im-ated In the ocean (alii Hotel, at Oceau latla, B.C. FACIHG . MILLS, LIMITED, Dated May II, m, Ji .. he'lp yourself to h e A PAGE THRE1 1 1 .aiw v 1: a j&mj . tV v-jgr 1 at VkT I AtC JL I . R i -Kellogg's! 7 I COMPARE IveilOgg wlUI I ' any-other corn flakes, ror I I crispness! For flavor! For I I I V I delidou$ne! I I I You'll see whv thev are I 1. A I at ti -i r.. ;.t I U UIC IIMIUUIU IBTUIIIEI aa I. I Since the day W. K. I ' I Kellogg, of Battle Creek, I llCAJWDWNj wcinc I first originated corn (lakes I xr li i i r I tveiiogg s nave rar outsold all others. Kellogg's are corn i flakes as they ought to be. i " Genuine corn flakes! V Never tough-thick. Never leathery. V - 'Always crunchy-crisp. I With a -wondrous flavor I Sold by all grocers. I b.i . ' 1 c i -a, .11 i i. i ikiicu m aui uuicu nua Im I restaurants. I I a. I i . . i far W Omrtik alimii Um M JCfIr-' Ptm4 I StStnikl wripmtr. I FT .A If PS Jr "k I trfL m I - 3- m tit'-' ' lanttatiawa tanaet Vrb( rv tuck wMSer-fUvar II 1JFC I 'PM aoch crisp, crwickr II aai. I flakta. 'Th ta-auiaacora II -y I .iOi I ( tk awubutsr ea lk I aaMaiBaaiaKiiiaaiiavaaiiaiaaiaaaaaaaiiiHHaaaaaiiia Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Katchlkan, Wrangall, Junaau, and Skagway Jun 7, 14, 18, 2S, 28; July 2, 5, 9. 12 To Vancoufar, Victoria, and SaatUe Juno 4, 12, 19, 23, 30; July 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21 PRINCESS BEATRICE. Campball Rltar, and Vancouiae atary Saturday It a.m. Per auiMala, oanaon Bay, Eaat Balla 8alla, Ocean Pal la, Ntmg, AUrt ay, SflMoy toe all ttMinatilp Line. Full laformalkMi front W. C. ORCHARD Sanaral AtU Corajoe of 4th Straat and 3rd Aianua, Prlnc Ruatrt, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED sailmira from Prince Rupert. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swansea Bay, and AUM Bay, Tueay, PJR. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, AUrt Bay, an Swanaon Bay, Saturday,, 10 A.SL For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr Cannarl, Thursday p.m. For PORT 8,'HPSON, AN VOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. Sunday p.m. ttS 2nd anai'S, i. Barnalay. Afam. Print Ruawrt. B.O "TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE B0TTLID t 6URANTetOBY Mi , I u -jr jr- v . it lis MOBUCt or ,K0TIO . 0iuitss aataMa tao M.vtat-lllivtt (v"wm ic'.. Th Original Label look for it at tK Vendor' and inalat oa polWTic unrei' nsumMPM This advertisement is not published or displayed by the . ' Liquor Control Board or by the Governmeot of "'r Brilinh Columbia:, . - f v.