5 cr parly. TAXI and?:... Ambulance Servlca Anywhere at Anytime. hand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8L WATT VIDECK, Prop. hi, XVI., .NO, 1 30. ' J'; lil has hCeil deeilU'il heller In f nile.-iiiir In ui-t-:niiri. n roeiui- lion and Unit bring Hie parly inlo, unity and avoid n possible on, ;ger killed !AR BUTEDALEt it of Julius OIn Brought m Morgan's Camp at Rivers Bight d warn airtu-k on Mm ) tlnr UniU l.f a fulllnw 1 J It Morgan logging irvL.mrr iiiuiii iirnr iniie- .., i ... . - . HffS Vtrday. The bod;. l.,...li In it... ...... I... .... morning and an iu-(opencd elliii at -.'.30 litis after lie fore nepoiy coroner J itnock Deceased wa a 'of Sweden and ai un- (IK).V June I. -Might Hon. Lloyd Oeorge, Pnrliamen- idhcral leader, whose differ- with Lord Oxford uitd A- IniVe shaken Ilio Liberal r in u Idler to Sir lloberl il'iiu . assistant Lioeral r makes public ilenial of a thai he sought to Join the lilcs. The former explained letter that the rumor to fed .Hint 'ho sought to join ?r parly were foolish. He the business of the Liberal pwas. lo remain Independent void even an alliance with FRANCE IS HAVING DELUGE OF RAIN SNOW SOME PLACES PAHIS. June 1. Mam i failing everywhere in Kranre except in places In Central Auvejgne wlirre il it siiuwing or hailing. . HEAVY RAINFALL IS RECORDED HERE IN PERIOD OF 36 HOURS One of the heaviest rainfull- for this lime of 1 lie year was rc con led at the Dominion meteor I. AHe, the umiiesl, in hdigieal slalion for the 30 hours 111 will take place here, the is beuiii in Uie hands of I nderiakei s. r jury at the inijuest con-; ;of Alex Mellae. l-ic A J Phill.pson, J. A.I ilrick, W Wralliall an I lllulpcr (YD GEORGE STANDING PAT tumor ho Sought to Join ar Party Without Foun dation In Faot SES BURN AT MONTREAL rator Yard Soene of Fire filch Destroys Animals l HI. Ah, June I. Seveuly Miorsos were liurned lo land eonsideriihlo dauiaji'J oio lo llio slaldes antl oul mn by a fire which mured veral hours last iduhl In I'ds of Hie Ineliieralhiu ile- Jul of the city. Kurt.v teseaped Injury, tho darii- liounlins lo 8S5.000. . up (o 5 o'clock (his inoruina during which period the precipita tion totalled I'.IO inches. From uclock Wednesday afternoon lu j o'clock Thursday iivorning (here was .:i(V inches; from 5 o'clock yesterday morning lo 5 o'clock jn the evening, I. SO inches, and from 5 o'clock last night lo 5 o'clock this morning. W inches. Karly yesterday morning, the heavy rain was ac companied by a rid-miln gale. GIVEN THREE MONTHS FOR STEALING VIOLIN D. Slmltuk of Amsbury Appeared Before Judge Young this Morning and Pleaded Guilty D. Suniluk, charged with Ihcfi of a violin at Amsbury and enm-milled for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate I'.. T. Kenney of Terrace, appeared before Judgo Voiii' this nioriiing and, dec!, iug for speedy (rial and pleadinir guilly. V'as sentenced lo Hirer monlhs' iinprisiVnineni. , Thf prisoner was brought in lo town on yesterday aflcfifuon's train by Sergeanl W.M. ervice ol Sinilbers who returned to Uu Interior Ibis morning. CORONATION CUP ! WON BY SOLARIO Kl'SO.M DOWNS, I'ng., June L 4lr J- L. Ilulherford'wolarlo wiiii Ihe f.oromillon t'aip with Aga Khan's i.eambro second and War Minister Hilrd. " BOMB EXPLODED AT DOOR OFIEGATION MON TKYIDKO, Uruguay. June I . A bomh was exploded al tho door -of the American legation here lodny but litj. casualties ro-sulied. ' SPEND $25,000 ISLAND ROAD Delegation Waited on Minister at Victoria Recently and As- ' sured Work to go on j COMPLETION NEXT YEAR Not Yet Decided In What Manner Work Will be Carried , Out But- Start Soon 4 I A delegation representing the I Prince Huperl Hoard of Trade ' ami consisting of Olof Hanson V. (. iMwsou, David 'lliomsou and M. p. Mcl'affery. inlervieweli Hon. T. D. I'allulh), member for' Prineu Huperl. on Ihe mailer of the mail from Ihe city limits Ui (lalloway ltapid and was In fonued thai si5.0(KI was now available for continuation of the work, reports Olof Hanson, pre nident of the board, w ho ru turned lo the cily yeslenlay aftciunou f(Howtn:'d')li'n-day business trlpi lo Vancouver. Victoria. Snokane and nulhers. i Mr. I'allullo tnl.l the ilelesalloni Ili.il plails lis lo the manner in Which, the work vvnuhHie carried out 'had not ycf beeii definitely srltleil noon bill thai iV wa ex pected to trl work shortly. Mr I'illiiHokfiirlber slal.il .thai il was intended to have the roal oiupleled in 1927 TWENTY STORES ernlie Their Businesses and Secure Economy TOIIONTO. June I. A merser of 20 department stores located in tis many cities and luwns in Ontario is announced today, the transaction -involving a lolal of O.oou.otio. The objects of the merger are lo effect economies in buyiiuf. lo furnish new capital to modernize (lie stores and to enforee modern advertising and merchandizing methods. UNITED STATES . WINS AT GOLF ST. ANIMtlttVS. Scotland. June I. The t'uiled States retained possession of (be Walker Cup after, two days 'pjay against lead- in; Hrilish nmaleur golfers. Hie final score beimg I'niled stales it. Hrltnin 5. SHORT STORY WINNER OF OAKS RACE TODAY Lord Astor's Horse Took Chlof Money: With Res-plendent Second calm; lump, 50; the JiPSOM. June I. -Lord Astor's horse "Short Slory" won the Oaks slake today, Itesplendent being second and (iayhird lliird. The We Is worth ?40.000. WEATHER REPORT Terrace: llain. 'eahi tempf 18 A liytis 1 i f aouiMicrt Mi UlA n' 5 1 Stewart: Driirzlin hin, Valm, temp, 17. Iliiicllon: Oloudy, calm,. temp,. (oc. Telegraph Creek: Cloudy, 'Sinihers: Chnnly, calm, lemn. 51; heavy wind all nlslil. .., Hurns Lake: Pari cloudy, calm, lejnn$M. . V " ' IRIT1SH COAL STRIKE ECONCILIATION , BETWEEN LLOYD GEORGE I berdl Reconciliation Suggested in England - v id George said to still retain confidence of party in House of Commons and can secure vote LONDON. June There is lulk nf a imssildp nllemol ;il moiling llic differences between Lord Ox font and Lloyd ICC urmllg IIUIH I IC recent general nkr mid I ip -irr.. Ifitre between Jjird Oxford and hit followers, in whirh ml (ieorffe wu nruclirullv read out nf Hit l.ilietid imrlv I The uf rhoit is made thai Lloyd Oeorgc could have a vole wiuueiicc irom me i.mcrui iNiriiamenlary group, orwhirh l chairman. Hi (he luiilroversv with the l.ilicrnl iliicf 1ml . ,r ... w nBlif BftHsftHIIIIIIIIIIIH 1 bbHHIIIk' hLbbbI bILbBbH BbBbBbBBEl- 'Bk'' BBBBPh 9Mnfsv SbbBBBBBBBBbI New Olympic Hope: Harold McWitliauis, track rhatupio' of l"niverily or D.C., who i PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMU.NCK HIJPcRTy U.(i Fill DAY. JL XK 5, 11)20. YeMerdri Circulation. Iltfr- AIDED BY Blrrft Silr J Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly; laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICK FIVR CKNT8. RUSSIA AND LORD OXFORD IS SOUGHT RUTH SCORED Amerkan Who Refused Evidence TWO HOMERS! Pittsburg Dlsloged Chicago from Second Place in National League Action sharply criticized as being forced levy on wages of poorly paid Russian workers . LONDON, June . Secrelary (iook of Ihe lninet's, federa tion is peeved IhaL the coal owners' association iased him tip when Ihey ked President Smith lu attend a conference. Dur ing a sneech lasl night Cook exclaimed ''Thank (lodj,fuc Russia," in aiiuouiieiiig Ihat Htissiaii labor unions sent nearly two million dollars lo aid life Hrilish miners. ... . ! The res here conlinues In shandy criticize UiestfrYonlri- bulious, saying that the Russian unions did not possess funds foi this purpose and thai Ihe money was really u prdpagundn sub'sidy of Ihe Soviel, iddaiued by a forced levy ou Ihe wages of Ihe poorly paid Russian workers. Enormous Quantities of Cotton Goods Smuggled into Quebec Shown in Evidence at Ottawa OTTAVA, June i. Kvidence regarding the workings of customs officials on Hie (Juebec-v ermont boundary was given at yesterday's sittings of the customs prTmc. Th.e Inference, fruni Ihe auditors re poi't-presented shows Ihat.efiOrmliifs fiiiaulilies tif collon goods, s-oine pmbably prison made, are pouring into Hie small towns on thh bonier, niitlilig their way iulu Canada without payment of duly. 'The- auditors found Ihat Ihe lolal of such goods recoiiled by freight and express companies in Ihe past three year was valued al $1,100,000. Allowing for goods reshipped in L'nitrd states points or cleared through Ihe Canadian customs, il was found Ihat a total 1niantily worlh not less- llian ifHOO.OOO could not be accounted for. PRICE OF MEAT. CIIIKAnO, June 1 The prio of wheal clised yeslenlay for July delivery 137 and for Sep-leinber '135i. . Subscribe to the Daly News. COMMISSION TO SIT ON PROPERTY ISSUES BETWEEN TWO CHURCHES MONTH KAL, June l.-r-A com-, mission consistinj,' of Air. Justice DutT of Hie suprcutq churl ot Canada, Dure Saunders, iK.G. or Toronto and Percy?'! (LiuH, K.C. of Toronto will adjudicati properly issues bctweeitMthe Prtsbyteriah ami 'Unlted'"iuivri. in Customs Probe Was Amsled Today for Being Party to Fraud OITAWA, June i. S. H. Telford of Rock Island, QncUce, who was threatened last niglil with incarceration in the lower 'of. the parliament buildings 'for refusing to accede lo the wishes Nl W Yd UK, Jum- , -4- HabcJof the federal ciisloms probe comniitlee. was arrested earlv this Hull. K-'ored his setertleenth andirhorniiig. igl.teenih homers ofr pilehei j The warrant charged that Telford did commit un indictable WiUsi) of Hoslon yesterday, offense in that he did knowingly conceal, purchase, and ell coi ig five runs. Itulh is now) good- unlawfully imported into-Canada, aid goods being duti five homers ahead of his 'J2l reconl. 1'iHshurx dislugeil (Ihicairj from s- coiiil place lu ihe Nation- al l.eag'ie yeslenlay and. i now ho' on l lie trail leading to tb. displacement of the Cincinnati Keils National League' '. . n ca' i 5, Hos!fin 12. i vasn 1, Pillsliur ;. Ni-vv York 10. lMiilailelp!na 5. American League ''lii'-ao St. Louis, rain. l"os"ti 5. New York 8. I''!"it .i, (.'.leveiaml 2. RESEARCH EXPEDITION INTO HUDSON BAY BY : SCIENTISTS OF STATESi0"" able ami whereon dime lawfully payable had nut been paid. Hall was refused. . Telford igave his address a- Derby Lane, Vermont.. He owns a warehouse just across Ihe border in lKrby La ijo and refused to ripen the warehouse for inspection to accountants representing the customs probe romi'iiltee On (lie ground of. the warehouse being on foreign territory', taking the stand on the advice of his attorney. i p. Mi-reer warned him that U he si ill deelih'ed to obey the order, rec'otiHuehdation would bo Lniade that he te commit ted to the tower during the pleasure of Parliament. Telford appeared in court this morning and was remanded fo .MtvNTIILAL. June LJnhTf' H GARDEN PARTY' AT regarded as a possible Cuia- Howlaml, William A. Ilockefeller rftVFRMIWFNT HflllQF diau eulry in the ll28 games, ami Hayinoii.1 Jt. Parker of New! UU?EInillIl. JllUpE He showed jrreal form in the York arrived here en route- toj 8H0 and mile .-veins in the ; make scicrrliif' research explor- Lleut.-Governor Bruce, and Miss neeiil Seal lie relav.s. ilion hi llitlsim Hay. IN BIG MERGERflHSSI-'fl H Contributed Ontario Retailers Join to Mod Two Million Dollars to British Miners' Strike Mackenzie Received Guests for First Time at Such Event YICTOIHA, June I. Hritisli Columbia (iovernmnt House presented an unusually attractive ami gay appearance yesler- lay aflernoon when Lieuleuaut liovernnr Rruce and his niece. Miss Mackenzie, held their first official garden parly, hundreds of guests being received by Hi Honor. ' FISHAJMVALS Halibut Goes at Fifteen Cents and Salmon at Thirteen on Exchange Today- i Two Ajiieueaii boals ami three Canadians sold (heir catches ou exchange today, prices being J 5 and 15.30 for American and H.- 10 to '11.80 for Canadian with right cents for American seconds and 8.50 and 0 cents Tor Canadian. Salmon fetched 13 cehls for nils and 3 for whites. Sales follow: American Tahoniu 10,000 to Hoolh Fish- eries. Wave 3.000 to Cold Storage. Canadian Oibson,' 7,000 to Allin Scrub 3.000 (o Hoyal Fish Co. Toodie 1,000 to Cold Sloraire. , Salmon Hippo 0,000 reds and 200 whiles to Atliu Fisheries. SHOOTING SEA LIONS NEAR RIVERS INLET YANCOlVF.lt, June 1.----Cann- diun Oovemnient steamer Given chy operated under the depart ment of fisheries. Is busy kilting sea Hons al the entrance to Hivers Inlet,, where these creatures prey on the salmon vvlich come there at this lime of year lo spawn. Throughout the season the lions Ho' in wall for the fish and liport llieinselve;"on the small exposed nicks, and here it J the steamer Is.pour-ing'shotnto .hetn .totiajv ' " VANCOUVER ISD. Outfit to go From Stewart When Season Over to Malahat DIs- ; trlct Near Vjctorla VICTOIUA, June t, When diamond drilling in the Stewart district slackens next autumn an outfit wilt be brought lu Vncou-vet; Island lo drive test holes in a "reputed marble bed discovered in (iie Malahat district north of here. D. A. (Jrogan, speaking on behalf -oWiicltemniihgseh Lodging PAVYUysiuyuftrty,, Uiej . deposit was foundsald lhe'suin Of M.000 would be spent in drilling tests, several holes bein sunk to a deplh of 100 feet each. NEW EFFORT END STRIKE Chairman of' Mining Association . Suggests Conference of v Small Committee LONDON, June t. With the approval of the gov eminent, , INaii Williams, chairman of the Minuitg Association, today sent a personal letter to Herbert Smith, vice-president or tho; Mine Workers' Federation, suggesting u roiifen-nee be held by a small committee representing; the two sides to diseiiss "totalis or ending Ihe strike. GRAIN STEAMER HITSICEBERG Arrives Safely at St. Jonhs New foundland After Having Injured Bows ST. JOHN'S. Newfoundland. June t. The Hritislt steamer Innerton arrived here safely after colliding with ah. jeeberg nlT Cape Race. The:' hovts of tho vessel were slightly stove in but o one. was .injured, The Innerton wan hound foe Hrilish ports with a. cargo of sraiu from Mohtreal. MODIFICATION U.S. DRY LAWS POSTPONED WASIHNCTON. Juno l. Indefinite postponement of all proposals for modification or the dry laws and a national prohibition , referendum' was recommended yeslerdaV, by. the Senate prohibition -committee. This' action is subject Japproval of thejudieiary cominlUep. which is expected to con'cu'$ijp ' '