inesday, June 10, 1920. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE ciist-ii EM fAi PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE DEMAND "Rupert Brand" p- Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by tnadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, D.C. OFT FINISH p All flal pieces washed.- ironed and neatly folded. I'- Wearing apparel prHclicnlly-ready lo wear, only re hire a IiIUm retouching with hand iron. Try This Service llnlmum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per piece. Your liunillc returned withm llirec days. 'IONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phcne 118 loggers! Loggers! , Wq have the only complete- slock of Gilchrist Jacks purls in (lie Nurlli. We handle hogging Gable, Ax', Savs, anil general Cuiiii Fipitpmeut. It will pay, you lo see us when outfitting., Sjes, fork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenuo Local and Personal Yelerans' l'icnic June 20. I'hdne 15. Pill. Coal Co. If Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. Jl.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 MACHINE KNIVES! If You will be welcome at thf Veterans' Picnic on Sunday. Crystal Firelighters, 48 for $1.00. Hyde .Transfer. Phono 580. . ., tf Tlnlraiiurirdui . tlitbt-Jt wili arrive, on time, this afternooi. at jJ.3u o clock. The grcalest sporting event of Hip season t lie Hyro-llotary ball same, Thursday at 3 o'clock. Lutheran Ladies' Aid Tea ard Hake Sale, Juno 17, at Mrs.' T. I). Ilinde's, UO Sixth :yAvenu" West. k """" ' V II. It. Itochcster sailed on the Cardeua .yesterday afternoon on a holiday trip to-Vancouver' and outhern cities. Piano recital by "pupils' of Charles P. Balagno at Catholic School, Fifth Avenue and Fulton street, Friday, at 4.30 p.m. prompt. . 141 j Mr. A. J. Mathcsou and family arrived in Hie city yesterday from Port Kdward. Mrs. Mathe- on in in the eily for medical treat me nl. All Native Sons and oilier inlerested' In. the Dominion Day Celebration are requested to meet in It. B. Kenan's Studio tonight at 8 o'clock. Wesl holme tonight and, lo morrow between shows at 8:15 p.m. Hie "Joy Maid" in snappy new program. Special feature, I lie International Charleston. 'riiiirjjiv iiinpn its r onlv Prints, ISc yard. White cotton 15c yard. trined Flnitne4ctt I5e vard. Curtain good t."r yard. Wallare Anniversary Sale. A court of reviion on muni- cinal local improvement bylaw will be held on July g1. At las; night's council meeting Mayor Newton apiKHtited Aid. Perry, Aid. I.nrsen. AM W. J. Oreer and Aid. Jos. itver lo serve or I he court S well as himself. Tin hiiMiie will be merely of a formal nalum. II ' was decided by the city council last illicit to purcha.' two new himl wheels for one of !he city's b'ig rock trucks at a cost of iS 1 8. Aid. Stephen ugjjesled the expenditure might lie avoided by hiring trucks lo do I lie necessary work this season bin tins idea was not approved of by Aid. Perry, chairman of the Hoard of Works. The building at Hie corner of lrner Street and Fiflli Sired which houses 4 he city's street roller nnd which was described as an obstruction In a recent police court action against the city will be removed further down Fraser Slrecl and placed on city property it was decided by Hie council last night on motion of Aid. Perry and Aid. W I. Hreer. II was pointed out thai little if any expense would be Involved in moving Hie structure SUMMER SCHEDULE BY C.N. COAST STEAMSHIPS See display ad. in this paper for summer schedule now effective. Nolo that rearrangement necessary on account oft Inauguration of Alaska, service, the firt sailing southbound will be Saturday. June 10. at 0 p.m. For full particulars of arrivals, etc., phone -On. jj0 Her Liver Was Bad And She Felt, Tired and Depressed Mm. M. BittcrtiGroMwerdM, 8a writei : "I wu greatly dUtnrbed with pains in my liver, and felt tired and depressed most of the time. One day I read about Milburn's and the next time I went to town I bought four vials of them. I have used them regularly, and after two months' use I feel like aa entirely different woman. f 1 Now, I always recommend them to any of ray friends who are troubled as I was." f There's only one "Liii-Lirir Ml", and that's the one put up, for the past 32 years, bf The T. Uilburm Co, imit. Toronto. Oat. He sure rid bring the kiddir lo the Veterans' Picnic. Slove length wood 13.50 per oad delivered. Phone N'. Gur- vich. Cirecn 518. lot Archdeacon jllx, returned to the city from Ocean Falls on the Prince (ieorgc tin morning. Accounts up to Jum- 10, total ling 1 3,170 were passed for payment by the city council last night. i Mrs. H. H. Skinner, who ha been on a trip south for the past few weeks, returned tit the city on the Prince !fprge today. Hose Tea In Hie Haptist Church Parlors on Thursday from 3 lo 6. Sale of Home Cook in ir. Candi and Ice Cream. 140 Tony Korean was fined 30u in the city notice. ... court this morning by Magistrate McCly mom on a coarse oi keeping liquor for sale at Hie Klondyk Hooms, Fulton Street. Annual recital by piano pupil? of Charles P. Balagno at Catholic School, Fulton Street and Fifth Avenuo West on Friday afternoon at 4.30 prompt. All friends will be welcome, 141 k 2,-: ";. Miss Ltjona i J'ajey.j arrived from tSiHinimfftT AKrW&P.l'-New Westnfinsler, 0H.'Ihert prinw 'iewrgc this niorniifc lo spend the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker, Seventh Avenue liasl. The Canadian jisli & Cold Storage Co.'s fish "packer Chief Zihaa, Capt, Ifert Hanson, ar-ne1 from tji.c Queji Charlotte Islands yesterday morning having developed trouble In thc bearings of the engine. Tli-' boat is undergoing repairs at the Kfy Dock. a A petition from residents of Horden apif Taylor .streets alio Summit Avenue and Fifth Ave. West asking that the preseni stairway connecting Fraser and Horden Street be replaced with a cinder path was presented lo tli-j cily .council last nfcdit and re ferred to the Hoard of Works for report. The city council last niglil passed an account of $70 iy favor of Mrs. (J. M. Iivls covering Hie keep of an indigent child which Hie city is endeavoring to have placed In I he home for neglected children. The child is that or Mrs. Maynnnl who was recently sent lo prison for abus ing it. The i-ily solicitor ex pressed the opinion tin! Hie chances of paving Hie child ad milted to the home for negleck-t! children were nol good. INDIAN, CHARGED WITH MUR DER OF TEACHER, IS SENT UP BY MAGISTRATE. (Continued from Page :ne). shoes and other personal -belong ings. When escorting, the .pri soner back to the celts tin the Court Houso, after an interview between Inspector 'Sptller and Sankey, the latter had said ho had never been in n fight and never fought with anybody. Tle constable had pnl. replied to the remark of accused and" nothing more was said. ' Dr. West Testifies Mr. J. A. Wesl was ihe next witness. Jlo staled bo hail been enigaged in he study of -pathol ogy on and off for years mostly! m London, fcjigland, and later in; Prince Rupert. .lie had , hen! called in by the Provincial polled I authorities in tills ea$Y'tajcarryl out certain analysis of stains on clolliirug. On May 31 he had been banded several articles by the police and again on June 2. Since then he had been examin ing the stains. lhe pair or shoes belonging to prisoner had been examined by him but the blood stains were negligible. The stains on the cotton button band of the. woollen shirt bad -been examined and were found to be blood from which only crystals were obtained, further experiment being necessary. Several ileces of cloth containing stains had been taken from the coal by Dr. Wcsl and the coat produced in court was ideutifeid. In reply to crown prosecutor the doctor said he had found a number of dilfuscd stains running Into cacb other. The slain under the lapel of the coat was tested and gavo re-action as human blood. From another portion of the coal no re-action for blood bad been ob tained. On examining the right sleeve of the coat in the lining a dark red brown mark was dis covered and from visual obser vance only it looked like blood but this had nut been tested. The doctor came to Ihe conclusion that the stain had come liirourn the fabric. The slain outside on the cloth which showed on the lining looked like an old blood stain. A pair of (rousers belonging lo accused had also beer examined by lr. Wesl who ban cut out certain portions from them for the purpose of analy sis. There were a number ol stains which appeared lo be mixed up with mud or dust which adhered to the cloth, lie could not discern which had been there first Hie brown stain or the mud. This section had been analysed and it gave a re-action for human blood. Inside tne right hand pocket there was a distinct reddish brown stain. Illood crystals were obtained from Ihe stain but the remainder of the lest had not yet been completed. Two specimens of stains had been, cul from the cotton shirt and a faint positive re-action for human blood bud been obtained. Identified Wooden Post Inspector Spilier was agais called .to the witness box lo identify a piece ut I i I wood found near the scene ot the tragedy. This piece of wood had been found at a point whicJi showed signs of a struggle unn considerable blood. The jagged end or the l by 4 was under neath some fern and wiiat ap pea red to be blood had seeped through the fern on to the wood The ground where the piece ot wood was found was muskeg It was a fair deduction that lh blood had dripped through tin ferns and moss on to the pus'. Doctor West was then called and stated he had made an examination of the stains on the Jagged end and had come to tin conclusion they were human blood stains. L. W. Palmore, defence conn sel, questioned l)r. West on the question of the blood stains in the clothing and asked ir he had been able to give" a definite opinion as to which class of blood I hey belonged to. Doctor Wesl said he' had noi leen able in his Investigations to distinguish to which class tho blood stains belonged. Mr. Pat mure. "Here In Hritish Columbia, what are Hie main blood group ings two or four?' Dr. West. "We have such a mixed popu lation I do not know whether I hey have been tabulated."' (jues- tionedis to the, stains rouhll 0"n nccused's trousers". Dr. West'sabH that two patches examined had gien a definite re-action; for human blood. Asked if heJid found any human blood slams on the shirt, Dr. Wesl staled there had been a faint re-actiori for human blood. These pat ches had been examined tvir and gave a re-action bolh limes This concluded the evidence tor the preliminary trial and Sankey was formally committed bv the magistrate. City of Prince Rupert. GARBAQE NOTICE All citizens are reouesled to froide receptacles for garbage in accordance with Hylaw No. 58i. These cans may be obtained from the city at cost price. I 0 City Kncineee. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Esstd by SANTAL MIDY B sure to t th Osnulne Look for the word "MIDY" aula by U drujfim 4 A. Summer Vacation ' -JS" With a thrill at Lveryuiance Low Excursion Fares Eastern Canada, United States Edmonton Calgary 1 ! Jasper '5; ' . XUioIcc! 'of Houtes Stopovers Inquire 'any C.N.It. Agent P-'xPiKhht St, . ') v " "" j A id srm ki 41 rl BATHING : CAPS A large assortment of New Styles in both Plain and Fancy, 25c to $2.00 SHARI The Newest Creation ami Idlest Sensation iii Toilet Articles Face Powder ". ..... $2.50 Talcum ... ... .'.. ... $1.00' Heauly Cream , ... $1.50 Cleansing Cream $1.00 Compacts $1.50 and $2.50 Houge $1.00 Lip' Slick $1.00 Old Style PEPPERMINT PATTIES Fresh Shipment. Special Price, per lb. . . 40c Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggists. The Hexalt Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL Phone 34 J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. P.O. Box 198 Simmon's Steel Beds, Springs, and Ostermoor;MaU tresses in every room. 52 Hooms, Hot and Cold Water, Haths and Showers. Steam Healed, FJectric Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth SU PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SU Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complete stock of limbers, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. We can supply everything in a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspeqt our stock. It will. pay you. Our prices are right. Albert & McGaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 canadwnT PACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kstchlkin, Wrangtll, Junatu, and Skagwty . , -!" U. IS, ' 28, 28 J July ...,. i, S, t, ia To Vancouxr, Victoria, and SaUI Juno 4, 12, IS. 23, S0f July 4, 7, 11, 14,. Jt, 21 PRINCtSS BEATRICtv . . ' Oampboll Rlr, and Vancouver or Saturotv 11 a.m. For slutMalo. ronton St,, East Bella Bslla, Oeoan Folio, Noma. lri ,. Money tor all Sloamohlo Lines. Full Informs! Ion from W. O. ORCHARD Oonerel AenU Oerner of 4th Street and Srd Avenue, Prlnoe Ruyort, B.C. . , m s,,a