... r member 24. 192G peep a bottle of E am mt hi the house Iin it is so useful when 1 1 4V" a . fir W- btttOAd E Fine Perfumes and ToiTet Luxuries Icv ( ream, lblh Sail. Hath Salt Tablet, lace Powder. ( ompJcx I on Soap. Macki vor WANT NifChf Cream. Hath Costal. Itath Sn. Savinx Sap. IVrfnme. The Dubarry Manicure Outfit and the Dtibarry n ' make a delightful jtift. Comlii nations of Bath Salts afi; Itath Salt. Bath Soaj and Talcum Powder; . Soap. Perfume and Face Powder, in artistic cas. S'MLTIII(; DIITEHKNT Shaving Soap in an aMort-Ih rated China and Wood Bl will make a strong he men. Onlies Ltd. The Pioneer Druce!!. rd A c and Gth Street The Retail Store. Phone 82 and 200. Boys! This Snappy Weather ALL WOOL SWEATERS "; naw Third cnue. Co ts, Suits, Caps Steve King Phone Green S5 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operatlnc G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating !)r' Dock Engineers. Machinists, lloilcrmakers IHackroiths, Pattern-ranker. Founder Woodworkers. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. ur plant is equipped to hhudle i ll kirdft of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and SS5 PAcinci Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services XS Sailings from Prince Rupert nviunn mill iM-nuir- 'miHiHJ Itltrr. ami Vmiromn eer MitiinU), It iii. rft '"l.n from fr Meamahlp Line. 1 tnriier uf 4th Mrret ami Srrt Atenue. Piinee "I- Reild once, 244 Fifth Avenue West P, O. Box 247 ANGER, Th Tailor "' Imported Serge and ,,,,,,,h (fCA 00 Tweed Huiis tiuulo to order in ""r ft pBS VU shop in princo Rupert as low as tptf V iflilxth Street I. ANGER, Cutter Prince Rupert, B. C. IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE ON CANADIAN PRAIRIES WINNIPEG, Not. 24. A party of 03 Immigrant, passengers from the 83. I Regit which docked at Quebec Novem-bcr 21 arrived In Winnipeg over th Canadian National line. There were representatives from fourteen d liferent uat.ona on board with the largest iToup being British with a total of 40. The party conslitedTof ibelollowlng: Austrian 1 BrtUsh 40? Czecho-Slo-.ik 3, Finn fl, rrencb 1. Germans 7. Hehrewi 1 Norwegians 3. Poles 10, Bus-si. 8, Swede 2, Syrian 1. Ukranlau Ten of the party are destined lor Manitoba, twenty four for Saskatche wan twenty sevenor Albertand for jntish Columbia. 82 of which 23 'are for Vancouver jfRTW ALICE ARM Mrs Etta TJie fact that this dental officii ' is run . on, a strictly cash basis enables us to charge Uniformly moderate fees for all classes ofj dental service. Dentistry on credit! means higher fees. At the same time we make no charge for DENTIST j Exchange Block. Phone 10'J Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. B.C. Undertakers. Plume 41. Coal -the bet." Phone IS. P.R. ' CoaL - 293 ljuhk Mile of ISO Mrn's Suit, at llrjant firrer. Capt. Alfred Svanson sailed last night on the Cardena for Vancouver on a btulnen trip. II. Ilalllwell of Terrace U visiting In the city for a few days In connection with oClclal work. Men's Suit by" Ihkn Craft and LeMiman's at rral rrdoctluii at Itrjant X Grrrr's ale. Wm Mrllu Va rinend Ell rwm. 1c - Twenty-five men are . being employed .nd ,hoo 230 E1-hth at P L. Housler's loeelmr cam a on the;. ..... ... ""mi v ana. since operation commenced In the spring, three million feel of logs have been taken oS. Log. t'Uig up to the present time has been carried on on the north end of the 278 William Campbell who was before the police court this morning charged with intoxication was ordered to leave town. nsi nut a 100 loot bridge 1 being Lot. Marten neekDlece. between buUt across the northeast fork of the j sixth Street, and Oapp Block. Finder Kitsault River to give aeeess to thcpieae return to Dally News office. Re-other side of the stream which will now ward. 276 be logged. The logs will be delivered to the Powell River paper mill. O. A. McMillan, superintendent of the -- dry dock, sailed last evening on the The Succcm property, which lies about ! Oardena for Vancouver accompanied by two miles from Alice Arm on the west, jiu brother, who had been visiting here is bring developed by the owners. W. A. Wilson. J. Pesoock. J. A. Wilson and I Baptist Ladies' Aid Bazaar In the J. A. UeOermald. A tunnel haa been ' Church Parlors. Thursday. November driven Into a four foot vein of good ..25 from 3 to 8. Fancy work, plain sew-looking solver ere which has been tog and sandtub; afternoon tea, borne traced for 500 feet. It Is the intention cooking and candy, of the owners to ooottsue work throughout the winter. I Remaining members of tbe petit Jury i (other than those engaged in the San- Ous Stfombeck has left for Vanoeu- key murder trial were excuwd from ver here he will speed the winter further duty at the Supreme Court As-oao&Uts. returning to Alice Arm In the sixes this morning. spring. John TbOBiaa. who waa injured some 1 Ue ago' In tbe Hausley logging camp. ; has resumed to town from Anyex Has-; plUJ but It will be some time before, be will be able to return to work. WOMAN IS CHARGED SHOOTING HUSBAND EDMONTON. Nov 24. The bet ready to wear men's Mi!t made In Canada oil kale at ' liryaiit & (ireer. IUhnun't and la-hlon Qrart. Only IV) to m-11 at tale price. ! Today tbe Universal Trading Company ' Is clearing Men'a Flannelette Pyjamai for 12.75; English Broadcloth Pyjamas' for 13.95; flannelette nlghtshlrta lor tl35: all wool dressing gowns for 12.- Miller 41. wife of Ernest Miller, a far-, Passengers sailing lor Vancouver on! awr. living five miles east of Newbrook the CaVdena Ust evening included G. A ! on the A. and G.W. Railway, faces the McMillan. Capt. Alfred 8wanson. E. ' eb-arge of murdering her husband by turner. Mr. Dlngwell. R. W. McLeod. J 1 akoaMog hbn through the head as be t uekwood, A. Marshland A. Nicker-j tsf aateest. .sen. TKAI'PEK LOSES LIFE ; Ex Governor D. W. Davis of Iowa. ' 'who la Interested In mining In the Klt- CORDOVA. Nov 24 Jamej Smttfc. a wum Lake area, arrived la Uw trafpee. who lived near Ospner Rivw. aiJ Irom TtrrKT on iatt nlghta train dted to a fire wbttfa destroyed yesteeday M H . gueU &t u,,. prince Rupert; am nmn. AdTertlM la The Dally News TIMiiEit SALE X4302 Sealed Tenders wtU be received by tbe 'Minuter of Lands at Victoria. B.C. not later than noon on the 23rd day of December. 1924, for the purchase of Ll-cence X4302. to rat 6.841.503 FJJ-M. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area altuatcd on Maude Island adjoining Lots 430 and 461. Skldegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. Two (2i years will be allowed for re-; moral of timber. j Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C.. or District Fores-ter. Prince Rupert, B.C. PULP TIMBER SALE X8I10. Sealed Tenders marked. "Tender on XB440." will be received by tbe Honourable, the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. DC. tip to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day of January. 1827. for the pur-, cnase or ruip ucence abvsu, to cui ; timber situated on Oraham Island, ; Queen Charlotte Island District. 'Thirty years will be allowed for the removal of the timber. All tenders must comply with Sec-lion 19 of the "Forest Aet." I The highest or any tender not neces-IssrUy accepted. I Further particulars may be had from i the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C. LAND ACT. iiotlts of Intsnllon to Apply to ttsi Land In I'rlnre lltixrt land lierorditiir Hit tflrl, sihI sliuate (t Jcdwsy Harbor, (ueen Ctrtrhill- 1111(14. TAKE INOTICE thai Smnervill Cinner. ftintpsn, Ltd.. Vsumuver. D.C., ortupatlon Flh r-irkcrK, Inlend to siM'lr fir a losv uf the rnlliiwlng descrllied Unds: Commenemir si t pot itanted si tlw smilhesM nirtier of the Tro Mineral claim, rolluwliir the esftrrly boundary lu t iDU'Uierly dliTrilon 18 rhaln; lli.nie iiiriieslcrly II rhln io birli waie-mark; ttvnre iulhea.lerly alona (tie iiiirti wsier nurk l rlislns; tln-ni-e nulhaet-i-rly chains, more or leu. In Hie lilnl r rinnwntrment. and nmittnlng II seres, mnre or le. SOMEItVILLE CANMCIlY COMI'AXY. LTD.. tppllisni. I'er F. P. .Msthers. naifl st'PtniiiiHr 8th, ml ft. Established 1923. OUK FEES AUG MODERATE Hotel. - Joseph Wells, road foreman at Alice Arm and one of the principals In the La Rose mine, arrived In the city from the north on the steamer Cardena yesterday afternoon and is registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. John Haldane, an Indian, who was1 charged in the police court thU morn- j Ing with. Intoxication was allowed to i go with a 'warning. William Row. another Indian, waa fined ten dollars or seven dsys and 13.50 cosU. Ilryant & (ireer lute 1M Men's !ult to dl-He ( ulck, made by l'a-hlon Craft and LrMiman. ialilnn Craft ?!O0 Milt for (19.43; Mi-Mi suits for St Mi Lpllinun'a Sli to ftto suit for S3I.43. (Jet yours now. At the meeting of the city council last night It was left for Acting Mayor Casey and the city solicitor to prepare a resolution to forward to Ottawa In regard to the work on tbe Cow Bay floats which waa "he Id up owing to the change of Government. The matter will be before the council at 1U next meeting. CN R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt D. Donald, having been delayed through unloading heavy freights at wsy ports, arrived at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver. The "vessel will sail at 10 tonight for Stewart and Auyox and. returning here at o'clock Friday morn-lug will sail at 9 o'clock that morning on her return south. THE WEATHER . (Government Telegraphs, ajn.) Harlton-7Clear. calm. temp. 7. Telegraph Creek Clear calm. temp. 4. 8mlther-Cloudy, calm.' "iemp. 20. Burns Lake Clear. ralm,atemp. 10. Whltehorse Cloudy, north wind, temp. 3 below. Dawson Clear, calm, temp, , 22 below. Fort Selkirk Temp. 30 below. FIRE AT CORDOVA CORDOVA. Nov. 24 Far the third time in eleven months fire .yesterday, visited the store of Dlmon Ntcoloft here. The damage la slight. TIIOSK WAtis , "Well, how did you enjoy your "Kcamlrlc all tha time." , "Sort of an Inside outing, eh" Vancouver Province. Advertise Is the Dally Newt . mln 1 THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO SHIP'S SIDE The Canadian National Railways bare made arrangements to operate tourlv and standard sleeping cars through from the Pacific Coast to the ship'. I vide at Montreal and Halifax in cou-' nectlon with Old Country sailings during November and December. I For full Information regarding rate ' rrrrvatlona, passports, etc., call t City Ticket OOce. Canadian National Railways. 528 Third Avenue. Phone 250 . I 1 t . - . .-..(.. I will V. In all Turkish High and Normal schools , I for boys. Attendance at summer train- j lng ramps will be obligatory. ; ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptist Ladles' ber 25. Aid Baxaar. Noveni- Lutberau Women's Aid Sals of Work December 1. United Church Bazaar. December 2. Adair Carss I.OD.E. Bridge, Dec. 3. , ' Native Sons of Canada first Annual! In.it tinnu Hull. December 10. ' TV ui PAGE THREE Kitchen Maic uttH " 7he Mighty Atom Soups, Savouries, Vegetable CHILDREN'S PUZZLE The children will love the " OXO " Picture Puzzle 72 pieces 2 puzzles in one. Sent postpaid for 30 "Oxo" Cube wrappers. Dishes, Sandwiches are just a few of the many wonderful things you can make newly appetizing and delicious, by using the little wonder-cubes of "OXO." "OXO" Cubes bring to every dish in which they are used, the rich lively flavour, and the vital nourishing principles of the finest beef. They are a joy to the palate, and a genuine economy. Every pantry should have a tin always on hand. Send for the "OXO" Cook-book, and learn scores of enticing recipes for every occasion. OXO LIMITED, 356 St. Antoine Street, Montreal The Great Beef Economy Tin of 4 cubes, 15c. tin of 10, 30c. N.B. To ensure quick dissolvine, always slice the cube into hot water. TEN LOST LIYES AT ! McGILLIYRAY CREEK COLEMAN. Atta. Nov. 24. Ten me:. i lost their lives In the explosion at Mc- joilllvray Creek mine Tuesday. This i morning only one body had been re- covered and it waa decided to flood the i SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct services for Family Work, viz.: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and ve will do the rest. Ranadian National Qie Large fl Railway Syflem in America Steamship and Train Service .. I'KINCE Ul l'KKT Kill leave I'ltlNCE lUTEHT for VANCOUVER. VIC. TOItl.V, r-KATTI.K, and Intermediate points eucli FRIDAY at a.m. I'HINCE III' PERT for XTIWAKT and ANYOtf, WEDNESDAY, IU p.m. sjt. rillNCE CIIAItl.ES for VANCDl'VEU tla (Jl'EEX CIIAIll.OTTE 1- l.M)S, fortnlghtl). I'ASSENIIEK TRAINS LEAVE I'ltlNCE Itl'I'EKT Each SlONDW. WEDNESDAV and SATlltDAY at I1J a.m. for I'KINCE (iEdltCE, EDMONTON, H lNNIl'Ed, all lolnt Eastern Canada, InlleU Male. AdENCY ALL OCEAN' STEAMSHIP LINES. I'm Cuiiadlun Nutloiul Epre for .Money Orders, lorelgn Cheiues. elr aNo fur your next shipment. CITY TICKET OE1TCE, 318 THIRD AVE.. I'KINCE HI PERT. I'hulie tm HF1 1