THE DAILY NEWS Wednedny0Vfrt PAGE SIX NOW YOU CAN BUY FOR THE o 3 PRICE OF Z PD & Co. Tooth Paste PD & Co. Vanishing Cream PD & Co. Shaving Cream PD & Co. Almond Cream PD & Co. Tar Shampoo Fur a limited tinio only wo wiil give you free any 0110 of the above items providing you purrliusc two of Ihem. Yon gel $1.50 value for $1.00. Don't miss this! Ropert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists We deliver. Phone 04 Crockery Specials Fancy Teapots. . 63c to $1.73 Cups and Saucers, gold rim, per doz $2.25 Cups and Saucers, fancy, per doz $2.75 Cruet Sets .... 83c to $1.23 Sandwich Sets, each . . $1.50 Bon-Bon Dishes 60c to $1.23 Lunch Kits, each .... $1.25 Thermos Bottles, each . . 93c Brass Smoker Set .... $4.75 Brass Jardinere $4.75 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Great Variety of dies Silk Stockings In all the latest colors "Demers" tye aim to please Phono 27. P.O. Box 327 If your head aches, or reading or work strains your eyes, or if you are the least bit doubtful about the efficiency of your eyes then consult us! Clashes are intended to make up for the deficiency in' your eyesight. Our large patronage shows lliat we know how to produce such glasses. Have your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland U KADI! ATE OPTOMETRIST 27 Yesrs Practice 311 Third Avrnur. Opp. U.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load . . . . ... .... .$6.60 Per half load 3.50 I'er sack .50 Firelighters, 58 for $1:00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night op Day WE BUY BOTTLES. SEWER SCHEME IS DELAYED CITY COI NCIL Di:C'llKS TO TAKK IT WITH RAILWAY COMPANY OUTLET AT HAYS COVE The sewer scheme proposed by the city engineer, which hai been laid Aver for a week, was again held over while the matter of an outlet at the mouth of Hays Creek near the Drydock Is taken up with the railway company. Alder man Perry urged that the scheme be adopted as the beginning of tle genera) sewer system for the city, but other aldermen wanted further information and more Idea of what the cost of the completed system would be. All the aldermen who took part In the discussion were anxious that the sewer work should proceed but wanted to go slowly In the matter of expenditures j until It was known Just where the city stood and what the entire cost was likely to be. The motion of Alderman Brown to postpone closed the debate. MEN'S SUITS TO BE SOLD QUICK I5RYANT (iKLKR OHlltlNCi I5f ML.VS M ITS AT il AKANTEEII REM CTIONS TO .MAKE ROOM lOlt LAROLR PI KCIIASLS Fashion Craft of Montreal, the fam ous manufacturers of men's suits, sent their representative to Prince Rupert toj show Bryant & Greer some new lines, j FRESH MEAT DEPT. Cambridge Sausage, lb 15c No. 1 Pot Roast Beef, 10c & 122ci Choice Roast of Pork, 23c & 30c Tro nilr Piii-o 1.L- C.i,..,.. 11. victo. IBASKETBALL Northern Electric i , . m .m The New Vacuum Tube The vacuum in DX-221 tubes is the most highly rarefied obtainable today. It is to this fact DX-221 tubes owe their long life and DX properties. Fit any standard 6 volt base. $2.75 . Vicar TalktnJ Machine Compel? These appealed to the owners of The , beferehnnd to be marked down lr.tcr. Clothes Shop for Men so much that I Eoth Fuahlsn Craft and Letohaian they could not resist buying heavily firms are known from coast to and one half of their order will be de-! aud this quick sale of Men s Suits U ' Utered within the next thirty days. t auaranteed reductions. For instance. To make room for the display of this ' the Fashion Craft labelled In the pocket order, ney have some 160 Men's Suits at. 129.50 are reduced to 119.45 acd to dispose of. quickly. These are all those at 434.50 are going at M3AS. Tr.e made by Fashion Craft and Lelsamau Irishman suits priced ordinarily at Fashion Craft have the regular selllni Jtrom Hi to 60 are all going at 134.43. price stitched at tin factory Inside the And Ulshman'a are recognized to be the pocket 61 every suit. By this means. fiuest and best ready ta wear suite the buyer is protected and can be sure ; made In Canada. There are also some that these suits were not bought sped- odd lines of Fashion Craft regularly ally for 8ale purposes, or marked up $25 which are going at 14.45. I ' 'ss1sssss9bSsHHH9b99s1Sbi Cash and Prices Carry UPSTAIRS STOKE Sixth Street The prices quoted below are strictly non-service. No phone orders nor C.O.D.'s. Granulated Sugar, 20 lb. . . $1. These reductions in prices should appeal to those who know either Fashion Craft or Irishman's goods. So It you ; want a bargain at Prince Rupert prices, come In and select your suit while the choice Is good. These suits go on sale .tomorrow mcrntng. Advt. WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AND VM- TAKE NOTICE that Department of Public Works of Canada, watte address Is Ottawa, win apply for a licence to 'take snd use 3.000 gallons per day of water out of unnamed stream, which flows eastwardly and drains into Dodge Cove on the east side of Dlgby Island. B.C. The water will be diverted from i the stream at a point about 100 feet west of the northwest corner of Lot 36, 17 ' subdivision of part of Lot 1993, Range 1 . ...... .. . . IV r. ...111 k. .4 -.... I n. 1U lb. sack B3c pose upon the land described ss Dod;e 5 lb. carton 4c "J Ttlifv.aov,V P!lt? on ine Nabob Tea, lb G9c i926. a copy cf this notice and an ap- Blue Itibbon Tea, lb 69c ttLWA,,J5! Malkin S Best Tea, lb C'Jc of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert: Coffee Malkin's Best or Nabob ! ISMLSSL 62c with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Shelled iieueu Walnuts brrtken npr Ih Pin'sment Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. vdinuis, uroKen, per 10. wlthln tnIrt aavs .fter the first d- 39c ! pearsnce of this notice in a local news-! pcrwr The date of the first Dubllca- 35c Ruperl Table Supply Co $5.00 a month (Only $60.00 a Year) Gives you immediate possession to either Lot 17, Block 32, Sec. 7 or Lot 23, Block 2, Sec. 8 or Lot 3, Block 32, Sec 8. You'll make no mistake in buying one of these lots,, as they are located on streets, surrounded by well-kept homes, that are occupied by the kind of people who make good neighbors. Buy now when prices are low and terms are easy, and before another year rolls around, you will be mighty happy over your investment. Take- my advice, put some of your surplus dollars in Prince Rupert now. Don't delay, this Is a real money-making opportunity, the kind that comes but once In a lifetime. Take advantage of it, G. C. Walker Cor. 2nd Ave. and ith St. tlon of this notice Is November U4. 1920. DEPARTMENT OP PUBUC WORKS. CANADA. Applicant. By J. P. Forde. District Engineer. A&ent. LEADERS FOR THIS WEEK ORDER EARLY , One Pound of .Malkin's Best Tea or Coffee must be included with each of the following specials for delivery: Tea .. 73c Coffee .. 70c 4 tins Malkin's best Tomatoes, 2's , 13c 4 tins Heinz Tomatoe Soup, small out tne tea or corree on a and carry basis. 13c 4 tins Heinz Pork and Beans, small 4.1c 1 Heinz Prepared Mustard and 1 Heinz Vinegar, pint, the 2 for 15c 2 Bottles Heinz Chili Sauce . . 65c 2 bottles Heinz Tomatoe Catsup 63c 2 bottles Heinz Sweet, Sour, Chou, or Rejish for . 4 vi . 7c 0 tins Heinz Cooked bpagheti, small s.Ji 'Ji'Si; . . ., . 75c C tins King Oacar.Sardines .. 75c 12 pkgs. Malkfn's Best Assorted Jelly IWdera 75c 1-1 lb. tin Pure Pum or Prune Jam : , . . . 15c V'e will deliver any of the above rfpeciaht if you jncluclq the tea or ilou can get these Hpecialslwith- ..4 'it.- I-- . . Irt x. cash Fresh Fruit and Vegetables every boat B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 571 LAM MUil (.1X111 (IAMLS WERE ITRNIMILII I'OR LAlUii: CROWO WHICH ATTEND- Ll AT E-MIIIIITION HALL 1 beating the Adanaca who farced them to a tie in a game last week. Adanaca Miss D. Ooe, Miss V. Smith. Miss W. Dyer. MUs M. Palmer. MUs A. Mlnrgohr. Miss C. Mitchell (1). MUs M. Lancaster. Total 1 Maple Leafs Miss M. Harvey (8). Miss M. Graham. Miss U Lowe (6). Miss C. Harvey (14), Mfts II. Grant. Miss H. Sim. MUs 1. Thompson. Total 30 ; Referee George Mitchell. 1 1 Jt'NIOR LKMll E The Junior League la looked upon now as a producer .fit dose games and , it lived up to its reputation last night when the TuxU Boys won their first ! SUrs 12-10. 8tsrs T. KeUey (6). E. Smith. W. Dsnald, A. Cross, D. Morrison, W. Murray (4). Total 10 Tuxis Boys B. Hunt (8). F. Har rison (3). W. Patmore. 1L Hell-bron- er. F. Cameron, M. Sakamoto (3), Total 12 Referee Oeorge Mitchell. I.E.WUE TAIH.E The league standings to date are as follows: enlir l-rjRiie W. D. Lv PH. Elks 4 0 0 8 Nstlce Sons .. 1 0 4 2 Terminals 2 0 3 4 Intermediate league Orotto 4 0 1 8 Terminals ..... 3 0 2 6 Luilln' IMgue Maple Leafs ..8 1 0 11 Adanaca ...... 0 1 A 1 Junior l.rugur Colts 8 0 0 10 Stars 1 0 3 2 TuxU Boys 1 0 3 3 grand Terminals win OYER GYROS IN LAST NIGHTS BILLIARDS Losing only one game out of the five, the Orand Terminals won last night's billiard fixture over the Gyros by an aggregate score of 913 to 801. High breaks of the evening were as follows' Charlie Balsgno, 47; Frank Zleman. 31; W. H. Long. 25. The gamea resulted as follows: Terminal (Ijrm P. ODonnell . 200 W. II. Long .. 106 C. Balagno ... 200 W. Nelson ... 170 F. Zleman ... 200 A. Maedonald 96 Dick Howe . . 200 Ben Self 100 11. Corbctt ... 113 F. Aldrldge .. 200 Total 012 Total 881 The league stsndlng to date is as follows: ' Uamcs. Total. Average Terminals ..... ' 8617 034 Gyros e ' 53J0 883 Moose 3 4427 883 Orotto $ 8178 893 St. Andrews ... 5' 4104 833 The sverages for the' players In the league to date are as follows: Games Ttl. Aver. K Zleman (Terminals) '. 6 1200 200 J, Hlllman (Moose) .... 8 1000 200 W. E. Wllllscroft 8t. A.) 3 400 200 O. Krauhe (Gyros) ..... 1 200 ?00 P. O Donnell (Terminals) 6 1167 19! Ben Self (Oyro 8 941 183 Frsnk Aldrldge (Oyro) . 6 1118 100 J. Andrews (Orotto) 6 1115 180 C Balagno (Terminals). 6 1112 18S Fred Pyle (St Andrews) 8 922 184 D. lli,wt , Terminal!,; ... 0 1050 181 Tossed for Hours Unable to Sleep Now enjoy rest and sleep thanks to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food About the surest Indication of A large crowd of fans which assembled ' exhausted nerves is sleeplessness. last night in the Exhibition Hall saw I " W have headaches ana four basketball game, that, for spirit and jZ2& aelon, left nothing to be desired, j gymptcm f, yjnc wake at night i "uuS uimgs crc lucuiicu u uo ruugu i unable to rest or sleep. I i . , . I I termedtate League, a good brand of basketball was played withal. In the Senior League, the Grand Ttr-Iminals emerged from cellar position by . defeating the Native Stws of Cauada 33 to 23. It was a closely contested match and, right to the end. It was a see-caw scare. At half time, the teams were tied 11 all. George Mitchell and Eddie Smith acted as referees and details of play were as follows: Native Sons V. Menalca (7 1. R. Bartlett. Brick Skinner (2). a. Shenton (4). J. Farquhar (2). V. Meagber (7). Total 2i Orand Terminals H. Gordon (7(. Ryall (G. K. Howard (13). J. Underwood. C. Thompson. Ueorge Hill. S. Ourvlch. Total 35 INTERMEDIATE LKAOI V. The Intermediate Ueague furnished another fairly close and very hot contest as a result of which the Orotto sustained Its first defeat of the season at the hands of the Orand Terminals by a score of 35 to 14. Orand Terminals-!. MeNulty (8), Y katsuyama (3). S. Ourvlch 7. R. Smith (3). S. Joy (4). Total 2$ Orotto D. Ourvlch 4. w. Wrath-all (61. V. Meagher 4(, J. Sim. D. Stalker. E. Bsyllss. Total j 14 Referees Oeorge Mitchell and Eddie Smith. Ullliy I.EAUl E The Ladles' League game was a spirited affair but. from the looks of a 30-1 score. It would seem that the Maple Leafs did not have a very hard time Mr. r Frpd i t, Uom. Dresden. r I Ont. writes: "I certainly fan sympathize, with anyone who suffers from nerve trouble. For many months I was afflicted wih nervousness, nd after coins: to bed 1 would tos about (or hours unable to sleep. f)r. Chase Nerve Food waa recommended to me, to I cave It a trial. I found It a splendid treatment as I can now enjoy n good night's rest. For the nerves, the lt paw-word I can give is 'Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.' " Dr. West (Orotto) 0 W. J. Nelson (Oyroi ... 6 J II amnion (drottj) . . 0 J May Mooe 5 S. D. Maedonald (St. A.) 5 It. Corbett (Terminals) . W. H. Long (Ojrro) O. Uaujh (Orotto) .... Don Brown (Moove) ... A. Maedonald (Gyro) .. J. Judge (Moooe) .... M. UseUehlan (St. A.) J. Brjjwn (Xlwse) .... O. Anderson I Orotto) . 8. Dartoa (St. Andrews) O. P. Tinker (Si. A.) .. Bert Morgan (St, A.). . A. Harvey (Gyros) 1075 179 , 1074 179 j IOCS 178 887 177' 1 878 178 1093 175 1031 171 j 1018 170 833 170 82J 184 818 184 803 181! 831 160; 897 150) 156 156 S83 146 433 141 131 131 Adrrtle In The Dally News NOTICE OF LAND ACT. INTENTION TO I.EAE LINt) APPLY TO In Ooaa River I .and Recording Dutrlct of Prince Rupert. DC. and aituate on an Island In Oona River approximately opposite Block One snd Two of Lot 3190. R. 3. Coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding small Utandi TAKE NOTICE Out John Bertmait. of ; Oona River. B.C . occupation fisherman. ; intends to spply for s less of the fol- Commencing at a post planted 300 feet forth of northwest comer post of lot 2109: thenre 1000 feet southeast, thence 200 feet westerly; thence 100 feet northwest: ihen e 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten acres, more or less. JOHN BEttOMAN, Applicant Dated October 30. 1926. MONTREAL 1 PRICES If you are a judge of value. and most people know a bargain when they see it -just read thlK ad. Men's Shirts, $1.75 up. And why cold days? Hats We have a great aortmcnt of Men's Hat from the famous Buckley Drouin Co., made in Canada, England, Paris and Vienna, in the latest models, priced from $3.75 up. This is just half the price you pay elsewhere. This Is one. outstanding specimen of cur Montreal prices. A large shipment has just come in of Biltmore These are priced not be warm We have from theso Men's Overcoats from $9.93 to $19.93 Actual values are from $25 to $15. This is the best value ever offered. See them and judge for yourself. PRESENTS FOR X.MAS Those intending sending Xmas ' Presents overseas should see our stock before buying. We have fi fine variety of gift articles at prices which will save you from 25 to !15 per cent. If you want to obtain first-class goods in Prince Ilupert at Montreal prices we deserve your sup- jport. And for you to get these prices all the time, we need your patronage. So, just as two and two make four, if you want Montreal prices, buy from us. Montreal Importers Third Avenue. J. II. Miller, Proprietor DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS! Are one of our leading lines. We buy.direft f rmn bre-..-in Europe for spot cash. This enables us to comi c , " , store In Canada. In fact few stores carry as Urge u . lings, brooches, pendants, etc., in the very latent u . white, green and yellow gold. I,ooe diamonds fr. r tiftcen hundred dollars. Our store ha won the r fidence and resjwet of the buying public from m,, t for fair dealing. VISIT OUH BASEMENT STOKE Max Heiibroner Diamond Specialist 527, 529 Thrd Atenue WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and TIIUILSDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. "Her Second Chance" Stirring drama and sweet romance in pirturesuu- ANNA l. MLSSON lll'NTI.EY (iOKDON CHAItl.ES Ml'KKAY and noted cast COMEDYI.UPINO I.ANB IN -MAID IN MOiUKiO. ASOI-S FILM FAIIl.ES AdmUnion 13c and 10c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8tnoked Oally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W- Prince Rupert, B.C. These Chilly Nights Itotiiiit l- heal 111 Hie house. We have jut rv Full slnineiil of Gurney Oxford Heaters For economy and effirieni y they ruiinol Call ami iiiMperL our lock. We iUkii earn a rump ' Condor Electric Lamps In all ilzes Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Mops and Polishes Dry Mops, chemically treated to collei t the du: k cleaning easier, and does not Injure the floor Com) 51 Inch handle, each SI, 75 ' EASY VACUUM EI.ECT1UC WASIIINC MACHINI Mall Order carefully filled. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Prince Ituperl, II.C. FOR THE COLD WEATHER WEAK IM-TEa DOUBLE FABRIC SILK HOSE In nil Fashionable Colors H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. ' f '..1 1 nil Phone 9. 3rd Avenue and