PAOE TWO" Unvarying Quality licit in Mil to SALADA' r- rni:-E;cTiON TEA That is why people insist on SaJada. The Daily News PRINCE RUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, tho Prince & Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. 7 . H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by piail or carrier, per month , ,r, fl.OO By mail to all parts or the British Empire and tho United States, in advance, per year fQ.OO To all other countries, in advance, per .year 87.50 Transient Display Advertising. ... ?. 46 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion .,2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. 1,5c per agate line Contract Rates nn Application. - Advertising and Circulation Telephone Ed Iter and Reporters Teleohone ... 93 88 . All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. - DAILY EDITION 2C WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER C. 1926. CONTRACTS WHONfi. When the Governor refused to grant a dissolution to W. L. Mackenzie King but direi-tjy afterwards granted It to Arthur Melgtien, many rople wondrr-ed what difference It tould make which went to the ruuntrjr. They did not understand Home modern political development. No sooner was .Mr. Meighen In the saddle and the election campaign well under way than he let a contract tor n huge hotel to he built at Vuncouter for the railway company. At the time of letting the contract he had no mandate frBm the people and did not represent a majority of the members of the House of .Commons. Other contracts were Jet and agreement entered Into with powerful Interests and there was plenty of money for the campaign. It was undoubtedly donated by someone who stood to make something out of the fSovernment. , 'cw Mackenzie King says In effect that the contracts were never sane-tloned by representatives of the people, so he cancels them. . It Is Impossible ;to sue ajcoverument without Its own consent, Mr. King U In a safe position but the pnphrwJio hM the' contracts and w"ho presumably made handsome donations ' " ' ' ;tothe anipalsn""funds, are'ratiter out)f luk. T . SYSTEM WKO.M1. NOT ONLV'thE PAIITY. ' The system of letting contracts Just be fore an election with the lda of bribing the electors H a wrong one, It lias nothing to recommend It evrept that it Is sometimes effective. Conservative are not the only sinners In this regard, but there have been other glaring occasions, one or which, was stopped by a gov emor who understood constitutional Issues. That time the Governor refused to accept' advice to make appointments until the election was ove- and the paople had spoken. I nhapplly It is necessary to have money In order to conduct an election. No election can well be won without It. There are a lot of legitimate expenses that are Incurred. The money Is supposed to be subscribed by those who have the good of the country at heart but usually it Is subscribed by men with l.lg Interests, for a specific purpose, either to secure some financial advantage or to gain a political favor or to purchase Immunity. In any case the whole system Is subversive of the best form of democratic government, ELECTIONS AHE VERY COSTLY. Election are very rostly. Not only ore they costly to the randldate who Is running but also to the party managers and to the country. An election In Canada costs the country over a million dollar directly. Indirectly the cost Is caslly'twlce tliut amount, probably a great deal more, That Is one reason 'why election should not be held often. It Is to be hoed, for that reason alone, that there will b'f.nii further political disturbance for several years to come. Election make for Instability, for national uneasiness, and for stagnation of business. . . . . DIITICCLTJTO I'LAV' ! r. . . , , . v , . . . ,ji .; j . ALTERNATIVE SCHEME. It Is difficult to plan a scheme for holding election which would pro-Tide against the abuse of political power by big concerns. Money must be provided and if the state provides It. the opportunities for unequal distribution would be'tery great. Take Prince Rupert as an example, It Is a huge constituency ' and the cost of getting around I so great that a large sum of money must necessarily be available for the use of the candidate or his committee. This Is particularly true when the candidate has no 'money of his own to spend. The money must I.e secured and eventually It conies out of the pockets of the people. That Is usually the reason for contributing It, so that It may return, many fold. It Is 11 question of casting your wealth upon the political waters. After many day. It will, ret urii to you fourfold. for iou PUTS BEEF INTO YOU time to develop Its own power project It was unlikely he felt that any powei concern would come Into the cut unless It had the privilege of distributing power In the city and. on the other hand, It wa unlikely the citizens would approve of such a project. Therefore, he thought that the city should take over the dry dock plant, change It from coal to oil burning, and then It 'would be possible for the city to supply such industries as the Cold Storage with power. City Engineer McLean, who was also present at the meeting, was called upon for hi advice but stated that, as he bad not gone Into the proposition ! thoroughly, he wa not prepared to give his opinion at this time. ONLY hOLl'TION Aid. L&rsen felt that the city would sooner or later have to face the problem for further power development In the meantime, the only solution hi could see wa to utilize the dry dock plant. He would not be in favor of taking over the dry dock, however, unless the revenue received would pay for It operation. Aid. Jo. Preer believed the wholt, crux of the matter lay In what kind of an agreement the city wa going to make with the dry dock. There would have to be further information anc advice before any definite answer could be given the Cold Storage. Aid, Brown pointed out that If there wis delay the city might lose the Cold Storage.' He was' In favor of taking over the dry dock plant even If It go' the one cent rate. It might be pos sible, however, to do better than that. City Solicitor Jones was of the opin ion that the city could get a better rate from the dry dock by dealing per-(finally with Mr, Keeley, Aid. Brown then asked how long thj Cold Storage could wait for the city's decision. Mr. Johnson, In reply, said that, If it were Imperative, the cold storage could wait two or three day. . He explained that the cause for haste wa because, if the plant could get the city power, it was the Intention to Install during the close season new machinery to the value of 70,000 or (80,000. It woula take perhaps thirteen weeks to have the machinery delivered here and further time to lnstal It. It could be readily teen that no time was to be lost If the work were to be complete by February 15,- when the halibut season would be open again. The company could not have' its plant tied up after that date, at to Jtbe :rf, Mr,, Johnson said the company would be satisfied with the same rate that was given the elevator though he pointed out that competitors In the south were getting a better rate. As for the problem before the council, Mr. Johnson saw the taking over of the dry dock plant as the only solution since it would be necessary to have is any way to supply the elevator wltii power, INCREASE CAPACITY Mr, Nlcholls stated that one of the main reasons lor the Cold Storage converting to electric machinery was that the capacity 'of the plant would be In creased. The fish business was growing and, if the new machinery were not Installed, the company might not even be able to take care of all next year's demands. Aid. Casey believed that If the city, took on such contracts as the Cola Storage It would be necessary to have some kind of an auxiliary plant so thai continuous service could be guaranteed even In case of breakdown. In his opinion, the whole thing meant furthet power development. j Aid. L&rsen felt that such a contract as that with the Cold Storage would help the. city to finance another powoi' unit of its own. Aid. Brown declared that the revenue from the cold storage aud the elevate would cover the fixed charge on another power Unit. The discussion ended with the carry, lng of a resolution, moved by Aid. Jos. Greer and seconded by Aid. Brown, that Mr. Little and Mr, McLean go into the whole proposition again and report at s special meeting of the council Friday night when a final decision will bo made with respect to the application Hk DAILY' NtfW9 WSDiTKSOAY, ocrourK fi Cold Storage Company Makes Application to City for Power and Council Discusses Matter Being confronted ;wtth the question of supplying the Canadian Kith A: Cold Btorage Co. with powder at a ac rate which would bring tn a revenue of about 18.000 annually and an Immediate tnswer being desired by the storage company a to whether or' not It can be supplied, the city council lost night engaged lu another lengthy discussion of the power situation with particular reference to the matter of having such power furnished frcm the dry dock plant T. II. Johnson, Cold Storge manager, aud J. WV Nlcholls, comptroller;, were present at the meeting for the purpose of explaining their needs to the aldermen. Summarizing what had taken plate to date In connection with the matter, Mayor Newton stated that the Cold Storage had made an application j 3, Uu. Canndlan j, Cold 6tor for power and wanted quick action. , Word had been received from the dry! " dock management that. In return for . 3 the city taking over the dry dock plant. the dock would expect a lc rate for power. Hit Worship pointed out tha without the dry dock plant, the city would be unable to deal with the Cold Storage application. sit I'ERINIENDENT'S ADVICE J. J. Little, superintendent of. utilities, who was present at the meeting, was called upon for his advice. His recommendation waa to the effect thai the city pay the operating cost of the dry dock plant and give the dry dock a cne-cent rate for power, this to be a temporary measure pending the city's power supply being taken over by an outside concern or the further development of Wood worth Lake being decided upon. Aid. Brown felt that. If the city took over the dry dock plant, years. It would give the THE MAN IN THE MOON uys: Apparently Vancouver got It In th Jtck for voting wrong. Young - mother are beginning to wonder it it la worth while teaching baby to walk since they have a car. We have had a "protect the forest' week, a "cleanup and paint up week" and a "Mother wetk." Now there l said to be an "anti-Jazz week" ' There Is a scarcity of game birds this year and It 1 raid the Dominion Oov- say for five ' ernment Is to blame but whether tho city further 1 trouble happened during the Melghen or the King administration Is not very sure. Perhaps the new member for the district would look into " the matter and try to place the blame where it belong. In the spring's young man' fancy Lightly turn to thought of Nancy But In winter time tit clear HI fancy turns to thought of beer. It's all right to be tidy, but the lady who, hanged henelf In the clothe rloset was carrying tidiness rather to extremes. Last week Edmonton people were almost all out after the -chickens, t didn't think Edmonton was that kind of a city. Twinkle, twUnkle little star I can tee you from' afar. Winking with your bright dear eye-. Wicked little rtar, oh flet No unusual soreness Is left s result of the. recent election. Of course there Is the. usual crop of chronic sort heads but .nobody takes any notice cf them. It. was only a year or so ago when nurses were not allowed to have their hair bobbed. I suppose there will fr the same fust If 'they with to weal long' hair a'zaln The experts said Dempsey would win and a few clays ago they were spying New1 "York would win. Prior to that they said Melghen would wia Who are you going to believe anyway1 Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert :.-n OCTOUEK 6. ll The Morning Journal declares that Prince Rupert must have a part In the handling of Canada's immense grain production :t the trade with foreign countries is to be retained. There Is I shortage of fish the continent with the result that halibut price in Frlnce Rupert are much higher .than a jear .ago. Mas of the Prince, j'Rupert ,ctcj Is . being shipped' '.tasy to the United Ststes as rrab fUh'and. there Is little being left here for freezing. Rev. Vt. 'K. J R. -.brant ;Offlclated at Wot! Let a Cold StarL ' Vapfcrs Check a Cold Overnight There are 'many way to treat a cold but only one DIRECT way .with vapors that can be Inhaled. Vapors penetrate Immediately Into every corner of the air passages and lungs, soothing and healing with every breath. ' Vlcks I to remarkably (uccetsful in treating cold troubles because it acta 'like a "vapor lamp in salve form," When rubbed over throat and chest the body heat releases vapors of Menthol, Camphor, Eucalyptus, Thyme and Turpentine. At the same time Vlckt It absorbed through and stimulates the skin like a poultice or plaster. This double, direct action often checks the worst cold overnight, VICKS VAFORUi uvea 21 Million Jars Used Yearly SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfSBBBS tBBfcBw'-.'7 X wt BsBssssssssssssssVe u " d atBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsH AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Among the books recently added to he Prince Rupert Public Library arc he following: "Courage" by Barrle. "8ea Life in Nelson's Time1 .Jascfleld. - "Science Remaking the World' Caldwell. 'The Moose Dock" by Merrill. "The Fern lover't Companion' b by by Tllton. "Our Prehistoric Ancestors" by Vul-llamy. "Conquest of Dlnesse" by 'Masters. "Motor Boats and Boat Motors' by Page. "Electrical Engineering Practice" by Meares. ' WATCH NOTIOE. DIrion and Ui TAkE .NOTICE Hist Somervllle Cstmery c.cuiipsiir. Ltd.. wliue sildress l i)irv .n-iiiie Wturr, Vimiitner, u.i. will ipply fur t licence tn lake Slid line Ail (tlbiiK er minute of wslrr nut of rmsll stream, alio known t Mill, wlilrh rliw ii'irinisi simi iirsins miu Jeiv llmlHir ibnut 3IH) ytrils luirihwenl (if oullicl mriier nf Torn Mliilnf Culm. The water Will be (liverteii rrni tlie tr-sui at a pi.lnt about r,un feet from lt iiyiiitti .ii t southwesterly dlrnrlkm, iul will lit for liiitiintilal nirHiM-s iiHn lie 'nntl ilesri'llied as t.i si-res nnrlhrsM nf i'lini Mlnlnir Claim. 1hl nMice wss r"leil ii the around 141 the mil (jy uf !c.tmi Ut. 186. A copy nf this notice and lit application tiiriiaiil thereto ami tn I he "Water Arf' will lie filed In the iirrire nf IIm- Water llmirrti-r at I'rlnc riunrrl, ll.c. oliei-loiis to the application may Im' hlnl wllh the aahl Water lierurtlpr ur with the .Comptroller or Water llltlits, rtlllamrnt UuililliiK. Yictotli. li.C. with in thirty days after the firt siipraraiice of this notice In s local newspaper. The dale of Hie flmt public I Ion or this no tice Is llltoler 5, Hid. (OMKHVII.I.K CVN.NKrtY CO,. I.TII.. .tppllrant, Hy rreil DctllrUay Mailwr) Asent, WATER NOTICE Diversion and Us TAKK Ni'Uf.i; mat II, i. Kyle, whose tililreaa It Wrantcll, Alaska, and Teleitrsph creek, II, (.., will apply for llccmin m like and UMi J, nix) miner's Inches flow or water oul of Murks Cmlch, which flows eaMerly tnlo Hea creek. Tim water will ne niveniii rroin the itirani at a puinl about two miles up the stream rrinii Its mouth into Heme creek ami will be uscil for hydraulic iniulnir purposes upon lieuiii placer claims known ami deurllicd ss hanei .Nn. 10 tml ill. This notice wai rmsieii on the rnmnd mi the tard day of Jul li4. A ropy or Hut notice ami an application puriMiani thereto and in the "Water Act, I0H." will Im filed In the office nf ibe Water rternrder st Telrrraph Creek, otijerlliina to the application may lie riled with the MM Water lleroruvt or wild the Comptroller nf Water Itrthta, Parliament Hullduitt, Victoria, H C, wl linn thirty djys trier Ihe first sppesraiire of this notice- In Ihe local newspaper. The ilste of ihe flnt nuhllrailiin uf thla notice Is septimlier tiiti, teie, II. D, KYLE, pplictnt. EXERCISES FOR UUSV MEN THIS li one of a lerltt of eight Penmans Underwear exercise advertise, menu. Clip out each one It ippcari and you will have a complete set. Do the excr cltei every morning wlvou will aoon note an improve-meat In health and vigor, EXERCISE . NO. 4 For Strengthening Abdominal Muscle LYING down, handf f at sides. Raise left Jtnee up toward chest, grasp knee with both hands and pull down hard. Try to touch chest with knee. Then straighten leg and drop arms to sides. First left knee, the'n right knee and finally both knees. the quality underwear THOUSANDS of men, women and children have found in Penmans 95 a permanent solution to their underwear problems. This famous garment is light in weight and fine of textureyet it gives the solid comfort and warmth yon would expect to find only in underwear of much heavier weight. Penmans 95 is the finest, most serviceable product of Canada's foremost underwear manufacturers. For years it has led the way giving longer, better wear and satisfaction than any other underwear made. Your dealer will gladly show you 95. Made In two-piece and union suits for men, women and children. Look for No. 95 on the label. Paris A kf'iu j) SH gssfek tmsarassr aaV' sH SBBssr ssV SW ft wedding of Miss Un Peterson ro roissd LUidAeih which took place lai ight In the Windsor Howl The brio a been oq the hotel staff and the rcom 1 a e known local fisherman AMONG NEW BOOKS HEALTH UNDERWEAR., Consider The Squirrel lie lay. 111 Ihh wtiiltT iiiiitt' while lhr li"' p nml there in on iilmiitlaiire. Wlmi winter nrnvr doe, hi iri,inrniif sjive iutii a lot or worry nnl veiiieiife. Alrm m'ciii to he the 11101 improvident i-ri' ii n-t' s many of 11 iii'vrr think of thp winter' fuel niitv u cold fll U on ti. yet we expert prompt leivet i well prepared dry fuel. Lay in your winter' Mock of coal now wit lion I m veiiieiiring ourHf. We ac it good toi k or hut NANAIMO-WELLINQTON COAL nml ran deliver it to yon ut ntiylimr to nit voti. I'd ii now at 116 or 117. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Steamship and Train Service Stlllutt fMin MINCE RUPERT rr VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, tEATTtE, each THURSDAY tn- IUNOAV, 11.00 p.m. rr ANY0X WIONEtOAY 1000 ." Kor STEWART IATUROAV 10 00 p.m S.S. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER tit QUEEN CHARLOTTE ULAN0I fortnightly. PAIIENOER TRAIN! LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT .lillv u..,ia al 11.30 t to. for PRINCE OEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ. til IhjIui tttUtn Ctntrtt. United Slttet. Agtacy ll Octtn (ttamthlp Lints. Use Csnadltn National Eipreit lor Notiey Orders, roreitn Chenuet en tlo for your nei ihipment City TleMt Office, 6Ji Thlrt A.t, Prints Phont 0. UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Stlllntt troiu Priure Rusun r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, t,, in- r, JuJ4t. , ,. mn nivsr cannsritt, Thurtdty p.m ... V "'rv' siBts, ITBWART, Suneat. I 123 2nd A.snus. R. sa. sWITH, Agent Prlntt a.m. Rupsrt, P.M A si B. 0. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD! Ml Km' iiifimiiiititiii leailing o tho wlierenl.tiuU nf LAYTON v, el? loo' , a 'lu,,,,n" rr,M" hls mm Vlclnrin, H.f, April, lt2.). Lnylon Is is yenps or ng nml m fair hair !h,.?TiWU "", is 1,l,,,,lt fV "I'"' ii i;V ' ' n 0 w!w Ml '! IT in Ihu Pri.K'o H...ert ilislrict. (4yiiiiiiiinicnlo w i Theo. Miles, 3425 Cook 8lreet, Victoria, B.O.