L, paoi ro WKllStSOAY CiCTOBEHa l92l) WORLD SERIES BRINGING UP FATHER . By George McMaims LARGE TAKINGS I . , AH'. "j i S EE YOU AHG. READIMC S IIFlEVER.F-INlSH-THlt.OoOKT-O Pl.EA6EMAlK,l'M oNNKE JlCSM WHAT'S -TKl 1QOOK 1 4AVE to -roowl , A VAC-VriOisUI'LLNeEDlT. I'M J I I THE. "AH "I vil FEI'l TOLDHER fOU J wwfKomHtADlN-lTNQWl I -1 - T FOR? IFjVTi VJOUuu LIKE IT IH'ddlNS STATI-ll LAST NlflllT III: : y xri ' ... aw x "UI'mi EXPECTKIt YANKS TO COME tt'RASHI.Vd THUOl'flll TO to ' '8T.SLOUI8, Oct. 6. Receipt from thai three' World Series games amounted to $503302. or which the players get 287, C39. , The attendance lor the three games has been 163.968. Blame, for the defeat of the Yankee In the third game hung on an old, bid story, according to Manager HuggLnx and was the result of the Yanks not hitting, , He said after the game yesterday he believed the tide would turn and the .Yankees would come crashing through to even up the series. SCHEDULE OF FIRST HALF BILLIARD LEAGUE The following Is ths schedule for first half of the Billiard League season: OCTOIIEIt 8 Tigers vs, Lions. 12 Cougars vs. Beavers. "iS-Bearc&ts vs. Tigers. 19 Lions vs. Cougars. 22 Beavers -vs. Bearcats. 26 Tigers vs. Cougars. 29-Bearcats vs. Lions. NOVKMUKlt 2 Beavers vs. Tigers. 8 Cougars vs. Bearcats. 9 Lions vs. Beavers. 12 .Tigers vs. Bearcats. 16 Beavers vs. Cougars. 19 Lions vs. Tigers. -23 Bearcats vs. Beavers. 26 Cougars vs. Lions 29 Tigers vs. Beavers. IIECEMUEK 3 Lions vs. .Bearcats. 7 Cougars vs. Tigers. 10 Beavers vs. Lions. 14 Bearcats vs. Cougars. SPORT CHAT With renewed effort to have the gam: of basketball played In the city again Boxing now Is on bie eve ;of Its greatest progressive period. With man of. the type of dene Tunney at It head, the sport should, and undoubted; ly will, take strides forward which will The Norwegian Choir of this city got) away. to a good start last night when, It held its annual meeting and deckled to carry on again this year. J. Flness, who had charge aof the organization ; last year, reviewed the work done and the prospects for this year. ; Officers were then elected as follows: President J. Flness. Vlce-presldent-f-Mrs. John Murvold. Secretary H. Langholen. Treasurer J. Johansen. Executive Miss II. Pederserf .and D. Strand. Conductor John Davey. The first meeting will be held next week In the old Swedish Church when. It will be decided how often the practices will be held. G. F. JOHNSTON HERE WAY TO AUSTRALIA Many old friends are welcoming back for a short stay Oordon F. Johnston, former C-NIt, city passenger agent here and now general passenger agent, Australia. On his wsy back to Australia : after a combined business and holiday trip in Canada, Mr. Johnston arrived on this afternoon's train from Montreal and will proceed tomorrow night on the "Prince George to Vane ;uyer wlienc he .will sail on his return to Australia. UK 1H4 v w VHIM A WWI HH f ill r r 1 1 lilt ssssssssslsssissT HHHHlllllllHl t lUUusalkw .1 HHHl .LJJiII I 11 1 -a I I BHHHHlllllllllllllllllllllllHT J MS, m.. i.milllM i , I - 1 I I ' HK. 1 1 .!.u. 1 ftV-v . m 1 rr,i 1 1 i n-u-Bu- . . mp'-n-A-.rt milium. 1111 former . terrace florida tells horrors. LAllV XOW IN' I RECENT STORM ! (continued from page 1) looking house such as some drunken geni might have- built at Aladdin's behest. Buildings to the northeast and west of us in our subdivision where building resrictlons are quite strict, appeared as usual In the gray light of a late dawn but to the south where the buildings were frame and of all sizes and shapes, the houses all looked queer. They were twisted at all angles and some had disappeared. FIRST KEFl'dEES Shortly,, after Frank left, while I was trying to see more land marks In the Increasing light I saw a line of people coming toward the house. They would come a few steps and then one would stumble and the whole line would go down flat. It would rise again only to tepeat the performance. Still stupidly blind to the real horror of things, I wondered why anyone would be out on such a day. Then I , saw they were making toward our house. I saw then it was a man and woman, two children and a babe in arms. I went to the door on the porch which opened out to have it open for them. With feet well braced it seemed I couldnt hold it while the children got through and as I felt myself being forced back I had a moment this winter seemingly coming to a of sick horror that it was going to slam, successful conclusion and Increased Ion a child's head. The man getting a enthusiasm lr the organization of all I last spurt of strength from somewhere other lines of winter sport. Prince Bu- helped me and we got them aU In. pert bids fair during the coming sea- i Their house had collapsed at 4 o'clock son to excel anything of the past lrjjand they had been out, crouched In the general Interest for such sports. It Is palmettos for three hours before it was n healthy sijn that bodes well for the jight enough to find their way to any clean and healthy way In which not ! refUge. It had taken them over an only the youth of the but older city ,nour con,. - few hundred vsrds. It men and women alike will spend their spare Ume during the next six month.. was some time before they could even drink hot coffee and they wouldn't put on.- dry clothes, feeling sure our house would go and we would all have to go out. -XTOIIJI INCREASES The storm which had abated slightly make H ea mwnsuy ana iranx wno even more popular than it Is w" home n wltn erful stories of now. Tunney should make an Ideal ltne destruction In the business section heavyweight champion. He has a naw- less record: he. did his first flehtlne for! nd more closely populated part oT his eounlrv. then for himM-'f Of un. ! ton. had to brace the door with aU blemished character, representing high Ideals; In i manhood, an example for Uie younger generation, modest, retiring, unassuming, well read and educated-he combines every desirable At a meeting of the Junior football league In the City Hall last night with J. 8. Wilson presiding, dates were set his strength against the storm which had now shifted so It got the full force. It seemed dangerous to barricade It. As we saw other houses go down we knew there was the possibility we would have to get out quickly. Hours are really no measure of time. I never even noticed what the clock registered but after aes. It began to abate and finally the wind had practl- for the remaining. games of the season. cally died down and everyone relaxed On Saturday, October 9, Booth and 1 their tenseness'. But It wasn't long be-High School will play, on Tuesday. ' fore there were signs of danger from October 12, Borden and Booth, and on ' another source, though we didn't recog-Saturday, October 16, High and Borden. 'nlze it at first. One of the children With Borden Street and Booth School called: look at the river outside this still contending closely for the season's window." Another one .answered, "I honors and High School out of the run- '.have a lake outside mine.' nlng, the league standing to date is as! Sqon. river and lake Joined -and there follows: ' W. D. L. Pts. Borden. 4 0 2.8 Booth ......... 3 12 1 High 1 1 "i 4 3 NORWEGIAN CHOIR TO FUNCTION THIS YEAR OFFICERS ARE ELECTED There's a Treat for you and your children in the Peppernnt sugar jacket and another in die Pepper-mint-flavored gum inside. Utmost value in long l-a-sting delight. M HERE TO TELL YOU THEY'RE GOOD WRIGLEY'S aids digestion and makes the next cigar taste better. Try It. CG33 was water everywhere one looked .with a little ribbon of rood which followed a Jlght ridge showing above the water. Communication with our neighbors had been established and comfcrt came frcm an old sea captain who said It was almost high tide and when the Ude turned our land would drain. We watch-id the water still rise -trying to believe him and with at least some hope. The children were more thrilled than otherwise at having ocean waves right against our house. The captain was right as our minds had recognized and the water receded miraculously when the tide turned. All the" time we reluctantly watched the men depart when the waters first showed any signs of abating. We were still net sure It was really going. However, our heeding them was only a possibility. It was terribly sure they were needed In town which was on much lower land. ANOTHER KEJinEE When the refugee man returned from town he brought another man with the tale of a sick wife and baby with no place to rest. The rocf "and upper walls Cf the school where they had taken re fuge had fallen In. Water was more than a foot deep on the lower floors, nevertheless there were over a hundred who found that the safest place of refuge. Of course we offered to have them here as we had dry beds and blankets, even If they would have to be used In shifts. The problem was to get them here. However, a car was found in town which had sot been drowned" out and the party, with a casualjy added old lady arrived. The house in which my mother-in-law had been living-, though not completely wrecked, had lost most' of its roof and . m 4BS1BSSSSSSSSSH I . 8. 3. mi Summer White Things Each time white summer clothes are washed their pure whiteness must be restored. To accomplish this Is simple enough, however. Just colour the rinsing water with ever reliable Reckitts Bag Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes was blown off Its foundation, so she arrived about the same time. We were now sixteen In a house over which six of us bad sighed, "Such a perfect house If it were only a little larger." However next day when our communications were opened we felt as If our house had been almost empty. Houses no larger had sheltered forty or fUty people. I.NTEItr.STINfl SIOFMOIITS I have stuck to the mala theme but there are all kinds of interesting side lights. For Instance, when communication was possible we found our ntlfh- ibors next door had no usable matches and had nothing warm to eat or drink Once the night before. I had made the trip next door through water more than knee deep. My husband returned from 4k trip to a couple of apartment bouses I across from us with similar news and I later a man came from another house jwlth the same requestmatches. We had a whole package and were able to supply a doren families. ( ! Queer things happened all day till I j took everything for granted. Bo when i a man appeared at the back window when I was hunting more dry clothes, and thrust a box of groceries la I merely took it and opened the door for 'him. He came in and looked round ex-pectantly and asked "Where are my jpoopler" Not knowing nun or my guests or anyone's names, I assured him 1 1 didn't know IX any of these were his. 'When he gave his name some one was I able to tell him. He departed then of- feting to leave us anything we absolutely needed. Later on' another man appeared with 1 another box of things. Not to make the (same mistake twice I assured this man whom I recognized, that we had nose of his relatives here. He haughtily denied expecting It and said the groceries were sending out staple articles tc I everyone at a 'distance. Records were j kept and everyone who could was ex-ipected to pay, of course, but it was left entirely up to them and they were supplied Just the same. ! ' short or ritovmov The storm-coming Friday night found I everyone shorter than usual cf provisions. The stores here who have been ) struggling all spring and summer agalnat ; meet adverse business conditions deserve tremendous credit and gratitude. 'Tbey jbcre the brunt of things those first two lor three dsys, supplying everyone with 'food and making gallons of hot coffee I to the tired and rain soaked refugees it is understood that they will not be reimbursed for anything as it was not (done at the order of the Red Crocs. The doctor and druggist maintained a i free clinic at which injured and sick iwere treated free. ' Another striking incidental is In connection with cars. There Is scarcely a j top to be seen on a car. At first thero I was the skeleton tops to be seen every-! where. Now"they have been taken down j and open touring cars are the fashion. I Sedans lost their tops and look worse. Oarages were; In many cases worse than useless as they wrecked the cars as they fell. The night storm carried our Overland only a few yards .away but stripped its top. itie company's Ford runabout wbich jPTank lhad hoie..- stays where It waVas ltiVvhcels Acre cramped but It lost Us top too. In the second rpasm of the storm our car was carried right out Into the everglades and only 1U skeleton top showed above the water . Only a few cars were able to run the next day and all day long they towed other cars up and down till they also could run. We haven't had our overhauled yet so we don't know the ex tent of the damage. But ours doesn't look much worse than the new three thousand dollar car of our neighbor ; Saturday night the wind died down completely and though the sky was grey It didn't rain. Sunday was the first unrecognizable Sunday I have seen Everyone was out to make what repairs tbey could and ever since there has been a chorus of hammers perpetually in all directions. UKAI, KKTATE'AIIVANTAOK In Otrus there was no loss of life so in spite of our wrecked buildings we are as remote from the real tragedy of death as others and everyone Is so busy we hsve ncarcely reallwd It yet. The following wire was received from a real estate company In Tampa by .a woman who had recently made first payment on a lot there! Wire received Tampa storm damage connued to few torn awnings and dam age to few signs. At our properties no j damage whatever. Really It is a blenslng I in disgulw as It Is another verification I of our claim for location at Tampa and I la, nature's own stomp of approval upon location our properties. What could be more convincing that sooner or later the folks will take to the hills to the j profit of our clients. Certainly Tampa wui gtt major portion tourist business, V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for let than SOc WANTED. WANTED. ONE RELIABLE MAN IN every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for best customs-made clcthes In Canada. Highest commissions. Rex Tailoring Co. Ltd, Toronto n 3)' OFFICE FURNITURE WANTED. FOB- ward description and price to Ikrt 330 Dally News Office. 215 WANTED SECONDHAND SAFE CHEAP. P.O. Box 317. Prince Rupert. D C. tf FOR SALE. price rioht for quick sale quality Alaska sliver foxes. , limited number; blue foxes, three years tn pen: pen tamed marten; and !&o interior Alaska and Yukon Trmtory tine dark mink, all highest quality, pen raised for four years. All cr this foundation stock selected by on-? of Alaska's oldest fur buyers. For price and further information, enquire of Mrs. II. J. Bradbury, prince Rupert or Ooldtteln's Olacler Fu Farms. Juneau. Alaska. 331 FOR SALE TO CLOSE OUT. AN IS- tate. we are authorised to sell several lot, some corners, hsrbor view, and on sewer. Prices low and terms from 110.00 monthly Enquire T. McClymont. if TENT FOR SALE. NEW THIS YEAH ana used only one week. Price IJO. Ptfllen. Dally News. tf (OR SALE. CHEAP. HALF A TON OF old newspapers. Apply Dally hews, tt TO nfcNT "OH RENT. SMALL FURNISHED house. 1009 Eleventh Avenue, neat Cold Storage Phone Blue 334. 'OR RENT PIANOS. PLAYER-pianos, phonographs and sewing tru-chines. Walker's Music Store. rOR RENT. SLX ROOM MODERN Hat with bathroom, at '171 Third Avt. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. , tf FOR RENT. MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat: large airy rooms; fire place; close In. Max Hellbroner. XIII RENT. MODERN HOUSE; UN-Obstructed1 marine view. Apply 319 Fourth Avenue East. 'URNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day. week or month. Phone Re-1 607. tt MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. FIVE rooms and bath. Munro Bros. BOARD AND ROOM., HOARD. THE INLANDER, 830 beoona Avenue. Phone. 137, LOST. 103T. BUNCH OF. KEYS, NEAR COM-mercla: Hotel. Finder please return to 'Dally News Office. 33 LOST. BLACK CAT WITH BOBBED tall, phone Black 103. 23$ Sales yesterdsy large, showing reallza Hon our claim. Regards." HOm, AKKIVAI.N lrlnee Kuprrt WXalng. Victoria: K. J. Eklund, Maple Bay; F. O. La Orue. D, W. At kins, W. D. Bhakespeare. T. J. Stephen) and J. Clarke. Vancouver: E. C. Perry. Edmonton; 8. A. Downs, Dr. II. A. 81m. mons and Mrs. L. H. (Wenerstrom, Any-ox; R. R. Day and C. ft. Brcck. New York City. CENTRAL J. A. Allan, city. Constable J. M. Bella of the district stair of the provincial police returned this morning from Vancouver. ArEdHoldinSowS4. I V ast Eosu Cutting S SiMONDS QAWQ v Guaranteed bccai-c made fi from our own Utl -A SIMONOS CANADA SAW GO, LTD, MONTOIAL. VANCOUVSR, ST.JOHN.N.S.. TC0ON1O MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MONEY AT HOME. MEN AND women can earn II to 13 an hour in spare Ume writing showcarda. No canvassing or soliciting. We Instruct you and supply you with work. Write today The Menhennlt Company Limited. 61 Dominion Building, Toronto. FOUND FOUND. Ft VE BASEBALL DATS. Apply Daily News Office ANOTHER BIO REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. 1-1 W Ton I tillly lit- pre Clal' 82S.O0 H Ton l.ijtht I silvery CiiastU .. f caQjQO Touring and !ioat!ilr$ 816.00 iporl llaiWUr $ 880.00 Owen arfd Omip lot 0.00 Sedan 1 130.00 l-milau 4! 185.00 USED CARS ON HAND Fonl I.tsrlit Ilivry. opn brffclr t 75.01) Fortt I.lgfit Delivery. wnl body ........ fISO.OO Fonl Light Delivery, ; slarler etiipnnnl .... ItSO.OO Fonl Tudor Sol.iu, larlr equipment .... M00.P0 OIdninnil 5-pan-gr Touring, 1922 ... S6O0.IJ0 Term ran IM srMnirsil.an luili. ........ w" ("IHf ttow and 01 mm to sail t!ij purchaser. Sporl ItoaiMfr Touring (.oupc Tudor SeiJnn . Fordor Keil.m Light Delivery Truck Low High KAIEN OARAGE Dfalfrs in Cadllac, McLauahlln. Oakland. Oldimoblle, Pontlao and Chevrolet Cart Phone 62 NEW CAR PRICES IlutinlMiiit :iKI.00 TAXI o.so.oo (ios.no 751.00 7J0.00 s.'H.on 51)2.00 581.00 These prices Include freight, taxes, ten starter and balloon tlret. Rail or telephone for iIemonlrn- lion or driving lessons. 3. E. PARKER, LTD., Authorized Ford Sales and Service Cars FORD Trucks Tractors Phone 07 Taxi (Call OeorKe. Paul or (ltiti Six and Snven 1aenger Bludo hnkcr al your disposal any time. HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Arrnss frrn F:mnr Hole). High Low , High PRINCE RUPERT TIDES TlllllMiAV. OCTOIIKll T 1:01 a.m; lo.a ft 13:10 pin. 30.3 " 7:13 am. h& - 19:38 pin, fl.5 M I'ltlPAV. OCTODCK H J5 am. 30.1 ft, 13:43 p.m. SO JS " 7:43 a.m. 8.5 30;OB pm, 4.8 " HTriIIAV, OCTOIIEH 0 3:41 am. ao.l ft. 14:40 p m, 31.3 " 8:43 a.m, a .3 " 31:11 pin. 4.8 " TV Mm MAIL SCHEDULE 4l!T-4lOIN(l l or I he Mt I MftriflftW WkritUMf.M aru4 a . . I T smwmrf ' - - ai It. 3', st 1013 t Tueedsys 11 it ThuwJsTS lot tl Saturdays it CLPR . Srpt. 1) and Jl fl To Anjoi, A I Ire Arm, Meaart Mat r ovwuyi v jl To If. MntMen and im Kirn rniau-l Thursdays To AUkV Polnl September 17 and 37. To Nertli 4Jueen CharUII Monday To fcAMllh Ueea Charlotl September 9 and 1) Tp iiox m4 A Ik Ana Wedneaday To Mraatt and Prrmlrf I til S I' px Mtiuronrs 9 ,' ft f rom the Iji.C Mondsys. Wedneedsr and rtldait ft 330 11 I rout inrt ounaay tt Wednesdays 10 1! n Pridsys . . st Saturdsys In If si Of R . tveptembrr 17 and 37 (Trent ler lire jtim, PI f Bin . - tea i . . . ... . viwm ii. jskiimmmi ana .ui Mir rmm Saturday t from AUtka rwlnl September II slid 31 Iroru North irn Chsrlollr Wednesdays roin eulh tfrn rharlole September S and 13. f rom An)o and Allee Arm- Thursdays Mesti sn4 Ifemlrr 4 Sundays it IM1X 1 (LU.niO Snsr AM. r M Orthsm a nin Ave. t,0 i I' in Ae a lib si. . ,i i.tn n lib Ave k miiMi sl i i : I' lib Ate TlwmpAon lit l ) II a SlM-rbrook Atea. .t0 tl V II e a C4Kirid SL . I ll 14 I' tb Ave. I Itare t.19 I' lh t Hsy cove Circle 'I II : V lib Are Cotton SL .I0 II l lilt KtK k Mrfltide SI. S.ll rro ooti. aidt s,to ids i'r 4Vin. whtrf ... v. It m n.T.r. Whtrf ib.io U O.T.I Sitiion . .io 7.11 rn1 Kt k tnd St. .. io.is I I" I' Ird A a miinn t.. ie.lt at i: ird Ave lib Si, io.IO 1 1' STEAMSHIP 'MOVEMENTS I'or Vanrnntrr Surulsy as. Prince Rupert H ' Tueedsy -, Csrdena Ml Thursday Prince Charles 4 M Thursday a Prlnte Oeorr I M Saturday -4. Cataia I i' Srpt U -aa. Princess Charlotte Sept 31 as Princes Louise. I'rnni Vanroittrr -Sunday a. Csrdena M Mondsy-. Prince Chsrles 10.3! Wedneaday -as. Pr Ueore 10 30 Trldsy as. Catala 4 Bsturdayas. Pr Rupert . 10J0 Sept. 17 a. Prlnreaa Tmilae S Sept. 37 M. Prlnreaa Charlotte .' Ir Purl s.miMin and Naas Klirf- mday as. Catala I rom IVrt ,Slnpoii anil .Vast nt ' naiuraay n Catala I'or sirwarl, 'nyqt aixt Allre Arnt- Bunday- Cardrna IP' Irmii Mewart, .tniov and Allrf Arw- TUMidyaa. Cardrna lor flfHsrt Saturday.-. Prince Runert . 10 pl I'runt Klrwarl Sundayas. Prince S Pl I r North t)urrn rharlotlrs Monday aa. Prlnc Charles . 4 P'l I nun Notlli lluren rtmrlollrn Wednesday, -a. Prince Charles 8 l rr Hulh ourrii rtiarlolles WCdneiKlaV.U. trlnr tnkn OH rm fiontli .Queen Charlollrs Wednesday' ss. Prin rh.riM 8 sl I'or A ti) ok Wednesday as. Prince Oeorge 10 P'l I'ruui Anvnv Tliursdsy s. Prince Ueorge . 8 pl lor sirusrl HaturrUv b.i... n.. in n 1 a , , i.i J IVUUH V " " f irmn Mrwsrt 3unday-a. Prince Rupert . . 8 p l or AUika Brpt. 17s. PrlnrrM Iiiln . . 11 from Alatka Bent. 07 i Bept 31. Print LoulM ..