LjDNlSDAT, OCTOBER 6. IMS. The hetlih odour vanillic quickly, the protection remains. lUomanlii JBeaidy from Childhood Care ' The clear, velvety-smooth, unblemished skin of womanhood is a tribute to mother's early care. Mother has kept the skin normal, the pores open and, breathing, the whole body, from head to toe, antiscpti-cally clean. For this purpose millions of mothers use Lifebuoy, the pure, ultra-refined, antiseptic skin purifier and protector. Lifebuoy's dean, healthful odour is your assurance of purity and protection. LIFEBUOY HEALTH 5DAP Turifles and Protects Lever IWivhrrj limited T'Kottto Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES ' - ; - The Candy of Excellence A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED A- .tied Clio. I II.. Imim-s $1-00 Aborted Clioroltile. 'I ll. bme $2.00 llr.nl Onlre Chinolalc. I lb. Ikjsc . $100 Hard Ik'iilrc Cliwololro. III. boxes '. S2.00 Aborted Nut Chwolalex. I lit. boxes $125 We ubu have (lANONUS. NKILSO.VS Hiid MOIH'S Chocolate in Imlk uiul in I lb. ami 2 lb. Iwses. Ormes Ltd. The tUOMXIl 1)111 (HilsTS Tb. HKXALt. 8T0HB PHONES 82 and 200 These Chilly Nights lU'ijiiao heat m ih ""' r- i,VP Jnl '-',-,'ved our Fall -!nimril of Gurney Oxford Heaters For ecoiiomv mul . iiM i- n. y ih.-y ..muol In- ox.i'llod. (.all anil innperl our l k AN 'ls ' ;uT " ' nplcte line of Condor Electric Lamps In all sizes Stork's Hardware Limited 223 Sixth 8treet 710 Second Avenue New Stock . ANGER, Cutter BLUE AND WHITE ENAMELWARE Made or exlrn lu'vy m..t--nul. At Popular l'rnc-. Thomoson Hardware Co., Ltd. P. Box 247 West - Residence, 244 Firth Avenuo ANGER, The Tailor Fine lniiurlcil Serge unci s,""l,, A 00 Tweed Sulla mude lo order in o r Bl shop In lrinco Hupert as low ustft Prince Rupert, B. C. THE DAILY WEW8 PAQ1 TRftEl Oyrp Hoedown, Auditorium, October Local and Personal 15, Theodore Leek u an arrival on 3 the Prince Oeorge today from Vancouver. Your Child 's Arthur' Tal. Phone 678. William Harrison, Liquor Board ofll- cer, was an arrival in the city irom BC. Undertaker. Phone 41. Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge today. Try Foothill Stove Coal, 113.00 per ton. Wooot Phllpott, Evltt & Co, OssoIlDe dropped two cent a gaUon today to 33 cent a'agalnt 34 cent yesterday '. Accounts up to October 1 totalling M364 ere paaaed for payment by the city council last night. Rtbekah whlat drive and dance. Boa ton UU, Wednesday, October 13, at 8.30. Arthur's orchestra. Ladle 50c Oentlemen 75. Everybody welcome. A report from the Board of Works recommending the purchase of a tire for the Day Elder truck at a cost of 180.00 was accepted by the city council last night Tom Olllesple. a resident of Anyor since 1913 and for the past four year proprietor of the Beach Cafe In tbi smelter town, has left for Vancouver where he Intends to locate In the future. Seven uniforms for members of the Fire Department at a cost of W0 per suit will be purchased from I. Anger It was decided by the city council last night on recommendation of the utlll ties committee. Beauty , Parlor. Marcelling, manlcur lng, eye-arcbtng, facials, ehampooln, an-1 scalp treatment Miss I. Smith. formerly with La Parlalenne. now la Stephens Block, 623 Third Ave. Prfonr Green 69, 33S A report from John Walker Ezley, city hall Janitor, showing that the heating system of the hall had con sumed 295 gallons of oil during the month of September at an average dally cost of 73c was received and filed at last night's councU meeting. Mr. Anna Ross was In communlca tton with the city councU lsst nlghl complaining that In the winter, water from Third Avenue drained Into the basement of the Empress Hotel maklne It necessary to wear gum boots to en ter the basement and sometimes put' Ung the furnace fire out Mrs Be, asked that the city do something to rectify the matter and her letter was referred to the Board of Works with poser to act - A letter from the Prince Rupert Board of Trade requesting the co-opera Jon' of the city In staging a celebra tlpn on the arrival of the first ship 'Wre (o load graIa'Vji!(fcelvet by th. councU uT nighP anaa motion by Aid. Jos. Oreer and Aid. Brown that commute from the council be ap pointed for the purpose waa carried. Mi for Newton appointed Aid. Casey. Aid. Stephens, Aid. Jos. Oreer and him- elf as the committee with power to act Staling tht a complaint had been made to htm that a street light had been moved from Seventh Avenue West jo Fultori Street for the benefit of Chlnsmen! Atd. Casey inquired at last night's council meeting as to the rea son for moving ssld light. J. J. Little, superintendent of utilities, stated that It had been moved to Illuminate a "dark hole" on Fultcn Street and no both sides of the street were lightened instesd of only one. lie stated, how ever, that It would not be very costly to tnstal another. The matter waa left for the attention of th utilities com mlttee. 33. ANNOUNCEMENTS. St. Andrew' Society Ladles Auxlllarv Bazaar. October 8. Roya! Purple Sale of plain and fancy sewing and home cooking, Oc tober 18. Hallowe'en Donee, auspices Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Friday. October 20 Hill 40 t.OD.E. Bazaar, October 30. Prrsbylerjau Lladles' Aid Bazaar, No vember 10. Moose Bazaar November 18 and 17. Anglican Church toaxnar, November Baptist Ladles' Aid Bazaar, Novem ber 33. United Church Bazaar. December 3 Established 1923 Special Denture Service II D Exchange Block We hare been uniformly Murefiil In Denture Nenli-e cwclnlly In dir. limit i'ne. i . v. R.r r ienny DENTIST Phone 109 Charles Docking, general manager of the Oranby Co, and Mrs. Bocklng will be passengers from Anyox to Vancou-ver on the Prince Oeorge tomorrow night. Regular monthly meeting of St. An drew's Society Is postponed on account of the Auxiliary bazaar and whlit drive, until Monday, October 11, at 8 pm. C. II. French, manager of the fur department of the Hudson Bay Co, was an arrival In the city from Vancou ver on the Prince Oeorge today on his way to the Interior. J. R. Turner, manager of the Dutble mine at Smlthers, returned on the Prince Oeorge today after having spent a month holidaying in SeatUe and pro ceeded to the interior by train. Hallowe'en Inner a III be held In the Catholic Sehool Hall on Thursday, October 7. Cards start at 8 p.m. Dancing at 9. Mrs. Ponder' orchestra. Refreshment. Pour street lights will be Installed on he road leading from Orabam Avenue to the elevator at a cost of 8434. A recommendation to this effect from the utilities committee )Ws accepted by the city council last night. A dance will be held at the Armory on Friday, October 8, at 9 pm. All members of the 1st North British Col umbia Regiment are asked to accept! this as an invitation to themselves anm I heir lady friends. Charge 75c per ouple. 235 Passengers sailing on the Cardene yesterday afternoon for the south Included Kenneth Ferguson for Victoria. a. Wlnklen R. Clark, C. H. Praser. E. A. Morgan. H. W. Schuler. B. How-land, A. Morn.. J. B. Iverson and Blair Fleming for Victoria; Mrs. C. A. Kirk-endall for SeatUe. Lome McCutcheon, CUR. foreign freight agent, arrived on the Prince Oeorge today to consult with local freight officials regarding grain ship stents to be made through this port lit. McCutcheon. who is accompanied by his mother, will return to Vancou ver tomorrow night On motion of Aid. Brown, seconded by Aid. Lanen, the council decided last night that In future returned soldiers will be given the preference In the sale sr renting of house built under the Soldiers' Housing Scheme Aid. Brown, who thought returned men should have such preference, brought the matter o the attention of the council. PUNCH WILL REFUSE ALL ADVERTISEMENTS FROM LIQUOR FIRMS (Edmonton Journal) When Its existing contracts expire, "Punch" will publish no more liquor advertisements. No reasons are given for the chauge of policy. It will have the effect of decreasing the number of readers in the United States, If we are to believe some recent reports from thsl country. According to these, many Americans, who used to find the London weekly dull, have taken pleasure out of reading these advertisements that they never derived from Us Jokes. value of navy seen protecting Interests (Edmonton Journsl) Britain has grown tired of waiting for an agreement with the other powers and has set out to protect Its own citizens In China. Among those rescued from the pirates by the gunboat that was dispatched the other day was a Canadian woman missionary who was seized by them. We are thus given another re minder of the protection afforded the people of this country In all parts of the world by the British navy, to the support of which they make no REPAIRS FINISHED COASTER WILL BE OFF DOCK TONIGHT C.a.MAI. freighter Canadian Coaster, which has been undergoing extensive repairs here follow lng her recent stranding in Queen Charlotte Sound, Chief Engineer Boomer and twenty members of the crew arrived this morning from Vancouver as did also Albert Farrow, steamboat Inspector, who will Inspect the vessel before she sails. KKlllT JIKN ItlXOVEKED ROCKWOOD, Oct 6. -It is believed that eight men will be recovered and twenty remain unaccounted for today following the explosion Monday lu the Roger coal mine. NOTII1NU 1.1 KK THAT Judge Then the two women had an epistolary dispute. WitnessNo pistols at all about It. salt. Dey Jes writ a lot q' mean things I to one anothah. Advertise In the Dally News The greatest heritage your child can have is a sound, well-nourished body and brain. His success at school and in after life depends largely on his development during the early growth years, from 2 to 0. During this period your child will double in weight, grow twelve inches in height, and his heart will increase in size four times. The most essential element for growth is protein. Every child must have an abundance cf this ti33uc-fonr.ing material. Quaker Oats and milk a cup of each will supply a fourth of the protein required daily by a growing child and supply, too, carbohydrates, minerals end vitamincs in balanced proportion. Quaier Oars and Quick Quaker thtf Oafs with the finer flske f:r j " quick cooking) come 1-1 acjd prckaes only. Cet wAr.'i j-oa prefer, but make ccrttin thit t-a packsS al:owa tha Qu l'.cr TJUro no other oati h&e the rtte Quaker favour. Quaker Oats you have alzi'ays knevm Quick Quaker HIKEIX! KEI'OKT cooks in 3 to 5 minutes 8 a.m. BULL HARBOR. Raining, strong ; southeast wind; barometer, 29.48; tern-iperature. 43: sea moderate: 6 pm. irnnk atMmer tjtklm Ketfhlk&n for Seattle. 240 miles from Seattle; 8 pm. spoke steamer Canadian Farmer, Ocean Falls for San Pedro, 39 miles from i Ocean Falls: 11 pm. spoke steamer Prince Oeorge abeam Sunny Island northbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 23f 94: temperature. 50. DIOBV ISLAND. Raining, southeast gale: barometer. 29.23; temperature, 54: M-a rough. xoov j BULL HARBOR. Overcast fresh S-E. wind; barometer, 29.46; temp. 43; tea rough; 9.15 ajn. spoke steamer Cardena lu i Mllbank Sound southbound; 8 am. spoke tug Pacific Monarch off Alert Bay bound for Ocean Falls; 930 am. spoil stesmer Oray in Fltzhugh Sound bound tor Rose Harbor: 9 20 am. spoke steamer Queenswood at 8 pm. 630 miles from Victoria bound for Osaka. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 20.-94; temperature. 52. DIOBV ISLAND. Cloudy, moderate southeast gale: barometer, 29.27; temperature. 52; sea rough; 12 noon u steamer Prince Oeorge northbound. WATER NOTICE. Dlvsrson snd Us TAkE NOTICE tint Soniervillc c innrry Cinisn.v. I. Id., whose tl.tir n Uore I Atenue Wharf. Vsnemiver. .:.. will i'ply for a llrenre lu lake anil Uif j llai ' per minute of wsler out (r small stream. t!.o kii'inn as Hotel stream, whlcli rw ' nurthestt ami drains into Jrd MarUr about 4(1 feet northwest of sotilheaM .. P T.. ... lt..lt- .1 . Ii.i Til.. .1 .Ik will lx diverted from the stream al point about sou fret nouttiwe! or nxttli i-a.M corner of Tom Mlniiur Chlui. six! wilt : lie uel for ItuliiMrUI purl"1' upon Itif land described as II. acres northeaM or Tori Mlninr Claim. Thl notice was nsled i:n th' rrotintl ui the Ith day or septrni- i her. tV. A eiitiy of this nollre and an i ::Hratlon pursuant thereto and lu llw "water Art win tie rueu in ine ouire or Oh- Water lleeortler al Prinre Unpen, i li. I , tUiJertloii to the appllrallon may lw I riled with the said Water Jlerorder nr. I wllh live r.miilniller or Water IUlit., I I'arliantent MuUtllnir. Vtrtorla, I ' . with , In Ititrly day arter the Hrsl atlearaure 1 or this nothe In a lm-l elt'i- The . date of the first publication r this no. J lire is uetouer s. tvn. I SI)NKltVll.l.r; CA..NKHY M., ITU., ! Apillcant. Br I'r'i1 lvHii.v Mathers, Ayent. LAND ACT Nolle of InUntlon te Apply to loss Land In Prince Rupert Land Rfrordlnn Dl-trlrt of llanie 4, Coat Land District, and sltnaie on rassate Island. TAKE NOTICE that J, B. Francis, or rnnnka, Alberts, orrupation Minister, . intends to apply tor a lease of Ibe followlnn described lands:-- Coinmenrinr l pyst planted at the North West end or P.are Island, near Coast Trlanrulatlon St. IK; thenre around the Island at hlsji water mark and conutnltir moo acres, more or less. JOSEl'll BMTLA.tD rHAMfJ. (use 14th. 1Rf. applicant. m PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eassd by SANTAL MIDY B aur te gt th Osnuln Look for th word "MIDY" Sold by U ilruuuu ilCANAOlAr VPACinci VIVWST SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct dervices for Family Work, vii: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. ' DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailino-s from Prince RuDert a To Rstchlkan, VVrangsll, Jumsu and Sksgwsv Sspt 6, 17, 2T Oct. S, 1S, 29. To Vsncour, Vietorls snd Sesttls Sspt 4, 11, 21; Oct 1, 12, 22. PRINCCSS BEATRICE Campbsll Rlisr. n Vneoytsr te 8aturu 11 -m. fee Butsdal, East Ball Balls. Otsan Falls, Nsmu, Alsrt Bay. aioy foe all Steamem Lin. l'r"itle W. 0. ORCHARD Osnsrsl fU Oernsr ef 4th Strt snd Srd Anu, Rrlne Rurt. B.a rr A Sir TO. SIGHT" GRANTS Best Procurable (TllE OR1C0NAL) Pure Scotch Whisky TlCHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Crasl S 9mi liniuj CUlUk 4 BtlmK-ClnliHl DwtJlOTM.. DWI- l Ulin. 9WUM. This .advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia.