High breaks in the- afternoon wee Ifi'.l. 8ft and f.8 for" Hoys and 132, i5 ami 77 for mom) lan. In the evenirur the breaks were 03 and 58 for Hoys and 1)1 anil 79 focMoMillan. The" tournament will be : Con tinued this afternoon ami even ing toward the objective of 5,000 SPORT CHAT There is a' new rival for Habo ltuth's hojue "run thrown In, Iho ranks of his own team, Iho New York Yankees. Tony Lazerri, the new .Yankee shortstop, juL makes his appearance this sea sou from the Salt l.ako club of tlie I'apifio Coast leajjuo whero Ittst year, he broke llulh's world's record for home rttns by hitting his sixtieth just as the sann closed. He ;i!so batted ..'155 and led the league in drh iiiK in 'xuns.'liut it mysl be re memlwrc'l Utat be, hnJ Hie ad vanlac of playing in 197 panics of hittlnrr in the rarified utmos phere and in tho bandbox ball park at"Sall Lake a good part of: tlie time and, what is more jmporiitni, in liicinj mnuir if;i gnc .fltchih. Vhen the Yankee bought Toiiy l.azerri, it seemei In some like "bringing coals ! Newcastle,' as in Hale Huth, Hob Mousel'- arid Lou (iehfig, they already bad borne talent in abundance. Hut Manager Hug- Bins did not have a good short fall Lake Italian is reported o be. Anyway, ho is 'supposed to bavo cost the Yankees $50,000 r nioro in hard cash, and that sounds like a real ball player even in these days. Tho growing popularity A meti's sports among modern womeg and particularly colleue girls was frowned upon by .Miss V.. M Carlwrighl or Mefilll Uui-versily laddressing an Kduca-lional. Conference in Montreal recently. 'Tlie maternal funelimn wiis seriously interfered wit'i wIipii ffirls took part in Mich strenuous sports as basketball played under men's rules, she paid. - "Haskellmll under men's rules j should ' not bo attempted by vvonicn lt snid. "It is a slrenuoiisr..amc Jov men. Oirls will folloW'bHndly in tho steps of their brothers unless they are wisely-, guided. Wbcn they nre. made ' to realize they canno. escel in- sporls InvdvinR Juinp-ing and leaping lii y won't attempt them," sbe -aid, Women I - jv.i i mm v- , asa , w, "'i i tw i m- wi i i i should nflver po into field coni-petilions and sports in which they became exhausted. While the female of the sni''s dm recoer from exhaustion mor--rapidly than the male, it sa: undesirable for her peneru health for her to ever reach ft tale of jiuysical exhaustion. CROOK MELODRAMA IS UNHOLY THREE WESTH3LME TONIGHT Lon Chaney is the Sympathetic Heavy and Mae Busch has ' the Leading Femenlne Role : v- ' "lrni HfownioK' "The .Unholy Three," a Melro-Tioldwyn-Mayer ik'ture in to be seen at the West -ionic tonight" and tomorrow. This picture is saicl to be some tliinft entirely new in Hi "y of rook melodramas. It concerns the adventures of trio of crooks who leave a lime mtUM-uin end durinx theit riminal operations five rise t romance that lends a, area! juantity of color to the plot. II is a film adaptation of : A. Hobblns' story anil has a liecuHar tvlsl that has never ITmm. seiW, in any other play of tin type. Tad Hrowninjr, who enjoys the reputation of beinnf the mi successful underworld film di rector in the- business was res ponsible for the direction of lb Dietare. Hrownirijr lias been lirectinp crook films for. mam years, one or his outstanding production of that kind beinu Outside the Law." Leading Parts Mae Husch, who has don such excellent .work -in picturo during the last, few years not ably "Hread" and "The Ohris! ian" and who is. now a Metro- (Soldwyn-Mayer fcaturad playct portrays the loading feininitle- rylo an IrisliTAmerican ;' Rirl who is in leane witii the under world Tiand. Lon Chaney, the screen greatest make-up artist and character man, is the leader o" ihe crook Jrin and appears i'i th role or a oyroiiainwie heavy IJeoate Straits Towing Co. 1 1 brv Inpnn -na in lirlVl I tt fc, ......... t.,r , njgrnlhP for oil and provisions ami left fni' Oaolain s Cov wKero" n' will .'pick " ufi" a cmiptf of Itavts rafts5 of logs she few cently brnusht from Loan In let and lake them on to Powell River The company's other to;.-Cape rolt Is at present ensapei! in towinsr logs between Lpptati Inlet and Vancouver. Tim Lome before arriving here today, had stop, and that is joist what thejbeen held up four or five days nt Logan Injet on account of rough weather. She Was Troubled With Chronic Constipation One your bowel become eonstl' rated you are in for a lot of troubla, M constipation it one of the moat prolific soorcea of disease that the human raee is addicted to, therefore a free motion of the bow(el every day should be the aim of everyone who aspires to perfect healih. lira. 0. VTM Lawrence, Cloverdale East, N.B., writes! "I tm troubleil with chronic constipation, and became ao bad I tras almost afraid to eat anything. One day I saw your advertisement of Mi lb urn's to I got three Tials, and after taking them I have never been troubled since with constipation." Tut bo only by The T. Milium RIDLEY BAZAAR Sum of $626.75 Realized From Annual Event in Favor of Home The Itidtey Home bazaar yeslcr-lay atlernoott proved i" be a yreat uccejk- iie the attendanci vas ncd' a larjre last year wing to sieir.ess." l!mse wh.i were present were huyers and he handsome sum of W20.7 was realized. The excellent playing of rtie iThestra under Mrs. llryan: R idded' much to I lie pleasure of the afternoon. The proceeds of the varion tails were as follows: Children" clotltiiu t 10.20; fancywork. t 00.50; home cook off $778; mis ellnn.-ous 60J5. iiudy 95-4.05 ; plain sewing 147.- 3o; tea riMini 12 0ff; plains 140.(5; second-hami 30.05: fih md .li.o, vAltnistry I7.40. In addition to those friend- already mentioned, Ihe following ladies also assisted: Meiwlamc- Collart, M. Heilbroner, II Ward, n. M. Winslow, A. MackM , . M. Hunt, C. J. Norrinjrton, l Hanson, A. T .Squires, u. Kd- vards, I. McMordie, A. I Parkin. W. C. Orchard. O. A Woodland, 4'. Aiidmv, I). Thorn on, II. Snlf, I. O. MeLeod. t McLean, R. Iaey. S. Kvan- D. it. Eolith. J. Manson. J. A Tenjf and Onrrall. Minse H. jlcDonald, Italuy, Oonaldson. Mitchell, Riveti, Camron, Hiibli ly, Satrar and Rinl:e. GYRO PLAYGROUND TO 0?F TOMORROW After Two Postponements Weather Conditions Seem Promising for Ceremony Tomorrow Afternoon ee eream. RESENTATION MADE V tnteJ For bale For Kent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. ,2c per orci injadvance. No AdvertUement taken for Iei than 50c TO DIAMOND DRILL MINE NEAR ANYOX Boyle Bros, have Contract for Explorlna Bonanza Property Two Miles Down Intet from Smelter , Town . 'Pie (Iranby Con-Mdidated M inner. Smelt in c A Power Go. h" wanletl a eontract lo 3loyle iros. for 4lu .-arrviiis out pi iiOM feet of diuiiioiid tlrilliuM n Ihe Hooanm properly, lvv diile- down (Htservalory Inle! .'rom Anyot. ;'he work Is lieint 4one lo aicertoin the extent of ; KMly of oipr ore that i knowi Lo exist there., Jloyle Hros. wii. farl the dritlins Villi in a shor lime. WIRELESS REPORT. 8. a.m. IHOHY ISLAM Clear, calm: barometer, SHi.fi i: temperature 48; sea smooth; 8 p.m, spoVe f jr' Lome aheiam Petrel Chnnnel 'it'iind for yinlain's Cove: i. io. siioke inotorship Norco. Seattle Tor Ketchikan, 479 mile from Seattle. , HULL IIAHHOR. Clotf.1T strong son then si wind; buro nic er, -."J.IH; teoiperalure, 48; ea fouh; 8 xijjt spoke., steamer Queen, 248 miles from IUjM'H Inlet, northbound, 9 p.m. spoke steamer Urn-en, ttH miles from iJidden Inlet. Jiorlbboiind: 9 p.m. spoke sttKipier Wallemal i !efl Ocean Falls bound foi t nion Hay; 8 nm. spole steamer "'iracao, Kelcliikan for eattleO- 475 miles from S'eaille; 9 p.m poke steamer Princess Heal- ice abeam Pint Island north- IkriMitil After two nolnoriement.l Noon Weather condition seem pro- IHOin ILAM. Part cloudy, mislng for thn formal opening o'J'alm; Imrnmelej-, J9.04; lem'r Ihe Oyro Club's p!ayrounil Xn itnre, 50: .-a smooth. 2, in Westview toiimrrow after- HI LL HARBOR. Overoasl, noon at 3 o'clock.' tnn Taylor, outheai ale; barometer, 29.- president of (he tiyro Club, will P.'; ea nmlit le in chanre and shakers will In Prdice 'Majfitrate MeClymont a Hind Mayor wton. in noyrih T' r k and will also be ft nltundanc! 1 CI J 1 Cdrb MRU The Cyro playaround oOniiuU-'lll in Prince Kuport ee consisiinff of Lev W'auHn.in' chairinan. W. ,11. Toboy. T. A (arlow and MHmn Ominales arr Ai I. ill.. ml MiifTiinnlincr cm TireparniK ui enienain a vthlion ti-l m Aliyox this week number of vo.i.w.mrs nml mere caiui.Lit .. of F. II. Mobley Little Aileen P.tUnoro sustnin- ed what miulil ensilv huve been WANTKIL - Purnished apart ment or houekeepiu moms ror married couple. Apply Hox 304. Haily News Office. URL WAXTKH for genera! housework. Apply H.C. Fur Co. 107 FOR SALE OR SALF.. 3H Toot cabin cruiser, 15 h.p, heavy oil engine. Price l,00.00. 22 foot runabout, K'' enine Price I550.0O TO RENT TWO room to rent in private home, waterfront view, up-to-date furnishing. 330 Fourth Avenuo !al. Phone IlliieftOfi FOn RHNT. Modern four noni eil flaL with Monarch ran$,'. Ii Clapfi block. Weslenhaver Hroi KJILMSIIF.I) llotisekeeplnir Room-to rent by the day, week o month. Phone Red 607. 12 h.p. raimanss enKine, : rnn RENT. Four cylinder, t , eyeie, rrtce i,0t water healeL ment. - . . i fin.. . -i ik t i - .... ' Leavlni Next Week "" in-asurer r,. i. .loiinsou leaves today tor Innlpeg and hiy eveninsi the teachers andlwith Mayor McCalTery lo com- pupils gathered to make a pre-lplele iirrangenients for Ihe is "cululion to Rev. Waller Allcil. sue of city serial bonds. wiio lias been nmkinft frerpisnt vinils to the school since lliel HOTEL ARRIVALS, me be has beep hTe and has Prlnco Rupert yiven some verjv ncipiui ani .miss iinn t uner, .miss jiar- Iressfis to the nhildren. Acting garet Taylor and R. Oibson, on their behalf, Ihe s.iipernletr-jl'orl F.ssington; Mr. and Mrs. T. dent, . Hkiitner,. handed Mr.lliall, t-arnaby; Fred Henson Mien a pair of native silver 'cult .New ork i'.ityj J. V. Ingram, links as a mark of their appreii-lWinnipeg; C. .1. Quantlc, tj, .1. iatmn of his nervlcen. JRowbolbam and Jl Fredericksoii, Mr. Allen snilably replied andlvatteouvor; Irtspcclor and Ml ifiive a very Instructive adilresijA. K. Aclnnd anil family, cilyj to the voun? folks nresenl. Mr. and Mrs. William K. 3 Mr, Allen wlio Is leaving ,Viexiludoward, Port Simpson; WIN ueek, is to be the guest of honor at a farewell gathering in the Cathedral Hall .Monday evening. Advertise In the Daily News. liam Hurst, Nelson. Central S. W. (lonld, C K. Oow, and T Forlin, C.X.R.; D. K. Macllnrdv, Edmonton; W. Hutchison, Anyox. ?075.00 & MalleL 12 ti.p. Fairbanks enplne Prico rt-h.n. Kallenberir encine. At- Max Heilbroner. ...... v . .water Kent Ignition. .Price $200.00 5 h.p. Hurfato. Price J500.no GUARANTEED USED S h.p. Frlsbee. Price .... 1213.00 BARGAIN PRICES If FOR nKNTrnbe,! houce. kecplnjr suite, MuMallem Apartments. Phone 18. tf room nulle. Apply Smltl 40 h.p. StUilebaker Anto. Prin ID'.tObNm d.ii.- T.oinini IT50.00 plastered; good location. $55i McCalTery & flibhonK. LtiL FOR SALK.- First class gnldn, oak dining suile. Phone lllaci 403. 1 00 1 BOARD AND ROOM. iniAiio, The Inlander, 83(1 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD, Ilooms and Furnished 00.0O t02SOId.moi.ile ..uriir 050.0 I Ponl enalne- .. 125.001 192 4 Ford Tudor Keilaii 1150 00 SI i n evllnder tienvv ol'll0.1 Knr,l Tiulnr Slan tli5.Will Friday. f , PAGE FOUr. 7112, DAILY K2W3 YOUNG MEN'S BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus CLUB FORMED i r tut II' I: ww.twuate iwu i mU ! Non-Sectarian Athletic Body, WuV Headquarters at" V , United Church, Is 1 Organized r A notiiJarlan S'oung Men Athletic, fliiib," wild headquarters at Hit! United Church, wasor-ganized Ibis week. AIiinif will be placed on Uifr-Oijymber Qf members adjfttQiy 4ml, otherwise the club vrfll be open to all young men sixteen years or over. Tuxis Boy ami Trail Rangers tade , permtlUML lo join as assocfaTc mombeYs. Tim officers elected are a" follow.: - l'rciKJiiit-Clirr. Cameron! Vice-President j Yoshi Kalu-yama. fecrelary Eddie Smith. Trea8urerCccil Hacker. The club's "firs! venture will be to enter a Irani in t Intermediate Football League no'v being formed. Tlio team wi'l be known as Hip "Y.Mae's" ami have cherry and grey as their colors. Any youns men desir ou of joining inre invited ! get in touch with one of the above officers. boSIluard lead increases Ccmpctltlon Now Stands-1877 to 1474 Against Jack McMillan As a rcsultVr the sessions-yesterday afternoon ami evening Sid Hoys gradually increased fti lead over Jack McMillan in the, llritisli Columbia Billiard championship tournament being played at the Orand Terminal Hilli-ard OIuli and is now leading by 187 to 147 4. In the. afternoon srifcion, Hoys made 021 to Mc-Mnian'! 529 points and, in the evening, C27wil) an .trafinlsh-edibrealc of.J5) io , 108. & . .jiy- . ,. .-."'1 " I "- "tit&J PIS ' Vv: tit-, . ' L. '.''tii'-. ...ifcifltkl' I & Bnua ku mnW ""v II W II 5 f I, 1 Articles Loit and I ound,&c :, -ii '' r m; f i t- . M " T" "T- ' MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-O0IMA. T Vcmf . Mtir Txll)t ..... rnUjrt Stlruy CI'JU '. T Af ei, Alki Arm, ltmw A tt ! eini - - - - -- - i , i, rnglne, guaranteed rnmli 11923 r'on Tudor HHan 400.ftii Hon. 400 r.p.m. welplit fi.-IFonl I.IbIiI Hellvcry . . ?00 on 7 5 .Oil 2 O-h.p. Fairbanks inifte cyltn KAIEN GARAGE. der 2 cycle without enuip-1 healer In Clievrole anil Ail Price 135.00 each room . furnthei FOR SAL.K. 29 foot troller, Jot ninssls Sillies. Palmer House. t r I PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, May 7 ",B" "147 a.m. 18.0 fl, 22:31 p.m. 19.4 'ow 3:42 a.m. 7,8 16:05 p.m. 5.3 General Motors Products Losainz lool. cables, propel- WrrekinK Service hay and Xlsli. Iers, lubrfealors, etc., at lowest price. Apply Northern I' toll antic, 2I3 Second Avenue. Phone 23. FOR SAI.K or Rent.. Touril lintel at Terrace. H.C Twehr roons-furrtlIied. furtVar heal, electric light, eleelrle ptlmn. bath, restaurant, kitchen, bar room, ' three Phone 52. rilF. FORI! MOTOR COMPANY rotlape. two lots. Rent H75.00 Runabout per month or will sell on rea- Touting sonable terms. Apply Mrs. J. Loupe OF CAN AHA, upon publication of the tariff chanties, immediately iMicd the follovvtim NEW PRICES A. McDouBall. Tourist Hotel, Tudor Setlan Terraco. H.C. Fonlor Slan Light Hellvcry completed, nil gear; available Tfuck chassis .on IwoJots, furnlslieil: all In I HaHRE". -D' iiarifijnSind berry bushes. 1- 750.00 on lerms. Apply T. Me Clymont. tf .i. .. I'On SALK. Oerhnrd lletntimnn - m nulls hoi i i-i in iiirion uiinii aiikii - - --------- - - - ----- REV. WALTER ALLEN was knocked down today by rir. Vinno- pa,' monlhly pay- aittomobib' near the Horden St ... . 1 1 , i . t Pair of Gold Cuff Links Given pciiooi. - F0 SALK. 21 font ideasure to Clergyman Who is f. . boat, engine nracllcallv new tll2iP 431.00 t7HH.OH IHI5M 879.00 219 Second Avenue. TAXI 191.00 aiiout .vion.iay. run panicu- A lricj lncUdo self-stnrl lars, a.iuress nox joj. nauy r. Bi.veriinieiU mre. mi l News Office. i2 frclgbl. Nalionnl Kay Pay meal if on sf.ii'lnie rrtAmeii tiniise ''Inn available. itv .. ............ , H.u....r nf ,,,..,, , wa jv,.n ..on SA, Kpppon.ii.an,! flirni nelud.n the free disponsmfl c. (arlv 0, rrtaliolt, llre am, r(,nnranl Uxlurf 0I7.P0 Phone 07 Taxi (Call Ocorge, pnul or flush Sir. nntt Srvrn Pnaannirer Slilitn from Royal Hotel. Apply 1 1 t.akers al vonr disnnsnl nnv lime. Third Avenue. Snap. Phone 208 or 583. At. SI. Peter's Church WO'Ines- will make a Irit) la'.Vew York 1 FOR SALK Three roomed hou ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from F.mpres llnlel. GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenuo Onnnalln Itniimin'a Slli.ll 11 if noon MKALs. noon cakks Coffee or Ten Served. RF.AL II0.MH C00KKD MBA!. Mrs. Unger, Prnprlelrnss. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Fttrnl lure Blore. We liny. Sell and Kx change erv and Secondhand Hoods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS 3P Third Ave Hion ie WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood (1.00 u' load. Dry Fp Wood f0.r0 n load. Cuf lo nny lenglh. Klndllna, $7.00 n loud. Fie Furnace Wood 7.00 n load. A. ISAACSON Phona Ulack 461. Seal Coye. Orthim A ktl'. OX COLIICTWM Ilk, Ate. A TtffMt 000 lbs. Price U2.000.00 Ford Light Oelver. I Its .00 n Ae twni 2 h.p. HvlnnMe Inboard 55.0o Wc jrKe Ihirly da free serv ice nf ' " k i.N,i i i,...iim ... i... i " m ii. jf. iiiiiinrir tiHuntHiii v w.., -i Mfn mnii i - mi,, ,,iimi 3M h.p. Rvinrude oul board. I vice on new cars lib tie. A CMion lk . k Mifrt-V si tr ftlU IVtrs rm AMI. wharf a.T.r. rf O.T.r. HffcB tr1 A ti4 t M A. A rn "I Jr4 s. A lh tt la .ll 0. "ul VHnejNlm . " pll l. Ii. 'i M f QM4 CKukUl HIm4 rim. Mty IK It i rm ih f mi llMHtoi. Wnltl.tl i tKi I ttm Vmiik- HlMUy . . . rvtiu .. Ul U 1 ul cf.n.. tit i I iwi... I 1550.00 MODERN FLAT for Renl.-Apply ir; t mf J I; mutt riat I ninhiit ul AUTOMOBILES Ifrti aimU rini- I ' " tr I. II. f I CARS AT, frm gtm ckUii iimi e. I 4 STEAMSHIP MOYEM re vt4te M' lkU) i . r. iHnuUjr , 'jr i I'rwU) . i"' .n. aslnnttr 'sun " fl. rrtnrrM Ursf! Hi) 4 Cui' Ml) li ' ii - r .i ttm Vi giovtsr . i:r U ivrwir- -. mw rndar aisU iiuniiy- rn" e lr.ur-- frir Mir ! .Hl fl Cm i NlV 11 erlhf- f ert tlmp Hiss rrkUvw- 41 Ctllll rtm Pert aimPi s " , slwriUr . AfSU It AUss Mir it . ' t Ml) II-.. PnllT C rrem Ali For Issl 0N.ll TRAINS luily wcrpl Siimliy t frem Isil Pally ecrpl TueM ' KOTICI TO Ihr Msltor .if I hi IS'..: si ill ill :.Ji! Viy i . trlni' , Msjr II ertnr. , Vs ti Crini Ff Itiwsrt, As l '" iiiHiiy -. nrtlcpi .1wxlr eri; 'e Mlnrilir- rrlnr H frem Itioart, Antes s ,k, Momliy - ss. piin;'' Turvliy. 1 irli ' ' rn-tira P"" for Qn Cksrletl lils Ni II ss, rnr I' 3 Viv 10 . Pnnre 1 rem Qun CMfMU k .Viy in . pnn lir t1. P I" 1 1 I jlrMWMt, I I Vnlli l it hrri'liv ti .'.. ,. 1 ...... h.vn.- rimiiu. SSIilS'' "r '"1 I'timil. Willi illlll ! '"' liniwrt, in Ihe niHiviis . ii.o.ia m nui iih ilar '"' . ami in Ihiih ml snii I' i , i ,1 loiters erohsio were iJ I" . l .......- ... null .ii II, !, I'I J'lllll Hvt p'rJ. 11.1:., arc renin1 'ten teilil ihiI miI prenali nrensht. nixlrralnicil imfil full full n parli. J' ",. y . their rUlin ami '""ILw. i-i cdiiils itiiiiiit. ami I ti Ihe limn until ' r. Jr K,i .r'I rriiriiim in iit in - .ii vcrifie.1 hy stiiMliiry ii" , Allll lse liniirr in , 1 r of Jnn.. ItfA, Ihe ee ih . lo ilMrlbnle Ihe l: "ftrrrn ' atimni Hi ierin enillle'i iy tf mini unit? in 1 In' r lline " eiemior shall then V1 J?i T',i tUleil till I si ily wy nVlUjJ) e.f I'rinew nitr-fri. n.c -J'Xdv Eiuu of John .oiunda 0ti"w