25 I.V01., XVI,, NO, 107 7 MIL I.. , , A-U..I. ' Han.;..'"!' nuiuuidute II ""$, Service Anywhere at Anvtlma. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ava. and 6th 8L MATT VIOECK, Prop. flh Pole lo Point Harrow. IRE POLICE" LONDONCITY iber Raised from 30.000 10,000 by Adding Special Constables to )M0,, May 7. -The Oov- fueiil ha decided In Inei-ense i-'police force from ao.Oflo to P"ii men at once. The rolling of 00,000 special , con- pies wm proceed, ns-.qulcklf po: . iuie Tin government claim- thai jllii' worker an liVkllug back Ui I wink or making overture for protection If they should return 'ami volunteer for the necessary jnerviee are increasing. London underground railways ire ulready posting sign: "No Help Wauled." and transportation no a uencrnt rule haw lin- liroved considerably, one railroad liainsr run alio train ete rduy. t.oiiitiileralite confusion i de- eloping in eliieular traffic in I.omloii and motor lui,o ap- peanil yelerdny with barbed wire enlauKleiiieulM on Hie hood In aniwer lo hoollpana who havu been floi'l'iiiK bilbos uueiveriii; Hid eiiKinei and iiiiasliiiw them Willi hII'iIki' liamiuer mid .xloin-s. Tin' Oeneral OinnibiM Com pany reported eifMily velucle-i operatliur yeslenlay, 17 of which were iJamairiil in sheet ili"lmJi-miei. . Heavy police protection N nfroiiled today. .Meantime buiiieH Is altnot it I a stand-Hill and it is claimed by the chamber of commerce thai (lie strike is i'aii-lnir a loss of iii()0 u mlnule to Hie country'. trade. , Arrests at Glasgow (ilfcSli()V. May 7 -The eat side of the city in the vicinity of the Irani slnlion was the scene of disorder last niiHit, a number of persons being injured iiihJ 07 arresls made when 'I he rioters iltcmpled to eject volunteer tram workers who were houeil in the ilcpot. Amid showers of stones, bottles and other mis sili-s, the police chart-cu, usin batons with effect. Storos Looted Looting of stores is reported during Hie disorders at Kdin burgh where the disturbance were renewed. Hie mob slonlntf Hie buses. The police charged, making several arresls. Similar disorders broke out nl MlddlesborouKh, Kuglatul, when altempls were made lo slop pas eiiKer train., the station master and i.oliee sergeant being badly Injured ROYAL HOTEL COMPANY IS INCORPORATED WITH A CAPITAL OF $10,000 YICTOItIA, May 7. The lluyal Ilolel Company Limited at Prince i ,...i 'na ii run I fil nrivaln ii:- 1 ... .1. II...... corporation tin ween on uu- up Mi.... 1 1 .r li 'nr.. III. the cam ili,nni'ii ! talixullon being IO,000. Convicted or Murder of Nurse Nellson Over Year Ago and Must Pay Penalty NOT IN GOOD HEALTH Had Nothing to Say and Seemed to be Prepared for Verdict and Sentence MXSON. May 7. Placed on (rial for (he third time on a charge of murdering Mildred Nellson, a nurse in Hie Trail llyspitul on February C, IU25. Put Jlunlcy. n Trail ilisorani i- man, wa foI gifijiy by a jury tale yesterday afternoon and -ii- tetieeil by Mr. JiHtttv U. A. Mc- iWrtabttp'bp' iratrgHi oa .0gijsi 2 tirxL ; llunley i-t-ri-ivi'd the venliol calmly- nod when aske.l if he had anylliftttf lo say, replied "Nolli-iiWf. My Lonl." Two previous trials resulted in disagrwiiienl of the jury in esirh asc. ilonvleleil of munler and iid- mi Moil by all alienists to be now in perfect mental liealth, Hauley seeinwl prepared for Hie enilet ami gave uol a quiver or any hint of collapse such a that which featured former trials. After Hie death sentence had been pronounced, he Irolleil down the; Jillle stairway lo the floor leIow lo be taken to the provincial Jail. BUDGET CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE tITTAWA. May 7. Hon. .1. A. Ilolili, minister of finance, in answer to a iiieslion informed Hon. Arthur Mcljfhen in the Hoti?c of Commons yesterday ariernoon that no substantial changes would Im made in Hie buliel from the form m which it was first brought down. t 4 ' VIOLENCE OF PRINCE HfPKIlT; B.C., Kill DAY. MAY 7, 11K20. .). 4 NO SUBSTANTIAL UNEMPLOYED Marched Into Harbor Graco on Island of Newfoundland and Wrecked Offices ST JOHN'S, flil.. Mnv 7 One hundred uiieiiinloveil men inarch ed into Harbor Urace from Island Cove Thursday ami wrecked the offices of town .officials afler demanding relief. Alex. Squire. relief MiperiiUoiule.nl. was , su- vercly injured. Police have mono from here lo arrest I he ringleader. Capl. and Mrs. II. Churchill timl raniily will sail for Son I Ho on hoard Hi I'r'lhce fSeonge" this afternoon. Owing to HI health, Cant. Churchill was recently compelled lo relinquish his posl linn us local inanager for Lip- sell-Cuunlngliam Co. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Yejterdayi ClrcuUtlon, HJj' MI'S.SOLIM, ns he appeared wiHi AniiimLeii, ramous e-pJorer, and Hllswoilh, he lutler. partner m Hie intrepid dash lo Hie polt-. on then departure noni Home. When a deputy asked I he dirtalor way he look. su li mi interest in the explorers, the dure is said lo have replied: "I love Hie lirave." Stewart Mine Subject of Litigation in Which Large Sum is Claimed W. W, Rush and others issue writ against ten defendants including Attorney General Manson and Tacoma Smelter VANCOFVBH. May 7. Claiming $00(1,000 "actual unit puuilive damage." in respect of the CNpoitatiou of Hie Hush Columbia silver-lead mine in t lie Stewart district, YV. W. Hush of Slewarl and Arthur L. Hagg. a fruil grower of Oliver, have issued n writ out of Hie Supreme Court against ten defendant including Altorucy-Cenernl .MauMui and the American Smelting Hefiniiig Company of Tacouia. Willi I he writ was filed a long slalcmeut of claim, alleg ing that plaintiffs "had been victims of conspiracy which pre vented Colonel A. L. Jacobs, aj - retired army officer; Arthur lii-jtoria; Colonel 11. I. Davies, a wai-d llaynes, Coiliuianiler Il.ll.' former member of tin Soldier' slingsby, a relirrd naval officer;jSeltlrmint Hoard of Vancouver lock Itrnwn Shaw, a Hominion j and V:o Heuhart, mining pro- Cnvcrnmeut civil engineer: Fred motor of Seattle from securing C. KllioM ,a iuvvi-r, ail of Vic-; possession of the properly. CALLING OUT SECOND LINE Another Million Workers May be Asked to Support. Fellows In Big Struggle LONDON, May 7. Another two million workers known as Trades Union Congress second line or defensa will be called on strike In support or the pro-tent strikers unless there Is an Indication soon or a speedy settlement, according to E. L. Poultpn, spokesman tor the Congress. Subscribe l the Daily New. PREMIER-INDIAN DEAL ONLY WAITS FINAL APPROVAL Aeeonliing to an uiinouhce-nienl ni:ole in Vancouver by I). I.. Pitt, manager of Hie Premier mine, the deal for the Premier Co. to acquire Ho Indian mine awaits only' the final endorsation of the New York directorate bcTore being closed. Mr. Pill, who is gone Kast to meet Hie directors or the Premier Co., slated lhat the Prince Hope p-I directorate of Hie Indian mine had come lo terms for (Tie disposal ol the properly to the Premier. Proposal to Use Turkeys as a Means of Preventing the Spread of Grasshoppers Interior B.C. VICTORIA. May ".-Thousands r turkeys will be used lo cut Hie grasshoppers which threaleo serious damage lo the crops in the interior or Hrilish Columbia, ir plans suggested to tVun ro approved, , r 1 " 1 1 " rtSxIiriill lllll lirikfkiitiw ifml llm fTfiY-iirn mtwi I wlniiilit idn . . , , ... ... .... .... . , , , j -1 v. - i in i vi inn v ill rii" i m 'H chase flocks of turkeys in Alberla, which wil be Hiosed tiider supervision on the gauges" of ihe interior where the insects arc now breeding. The 'birds would be sold lo farmers in llie iu- icsieu uistncis. ' ... Slrrfl Site, ISO Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and beat for the least. Phone 467. PRICK FIVK CENTS. OTH SIDES BENDING EFFORTS IN STRIKE IIUTARY BEING CALLED OUT TO PROTECT DOCKS: MILLION MORE STRIKERS abor is Predicting That Strike Will be Settled Early Next Week; Hoodlums Smashing Bus Engines ansportation improved in London and under ground railway needs no help; holing of stores at Glasgow RBED WIRE ENTANGLEMENTS ON BUSES ternmenl claims men are trickling back to work and others asking guarcntees of police protection LOMlON. May 7. Hriluiu went into the fourth dav of (lie rru olrtkc Willi ImiIIi sides standing pal but guarded predir- vvcrc niuuc in labor qiiartfr-t l Hal die crisis uiiglil be passed icxi wee, mi iiiuiruiioiis arc given n in wiiui this move : Iml it in luHuciiri'd probably liy Hie fuel that Premier mill J II I homa, .Labor lender, have been in confer- n lie meantime Hie general unhlic lire taking Hie situation nd liutimr nlllioiigli some uiMTt'lieiioiuti i fill Hint the - j beer supply may full. MS UNITE THEIR FORCES Organization Join Under Name of Federal Pilots or b.c. STOMA, May 7. The pilol-; war which hut laSlcil for car's i-anie lo mi end yes- wan 'iii auuoiincemehi or !y neorporaiion of Ihe Federal is oi ii.i . n new organiia- piiiliriitMiu practically nil ffllol operating n British Imnia waters In new organual i i at llgamallnn of the Pilotage kc aMoii. Hie pioncr m.nI and (wo rival service of - stahltshuicut, Hie Ynii- kiT pool Limited iimi i Hi kpciidii' Pilots Ltd. Sonn Ihmt or JIu1 latter havi ye' ttguify Mil" 1 1' intention to join 'IIUTKlT lllll II I IllMM'll liv inganiers that they will lih' iiiMt one ami in akc in- jii complete IRIGIBLEIS AT KING'S BAY roe Reaches Spllxbergen Base toady for Voyage of Dis covery In Far North fl W YOHK, May 7. dvlee loilay repoi-toil the arrival lllii' dirigible N'orge at King's base, Spitsbergen, whenro It start during Iho summer in inUempt 1 1 fly across, tlio PAT HANLEY IS ! TO BE HANGED Japanese Immigration and the Method of Dealing with Oriental Problem as it Affects Canadians Address by Paul H. Clyde Formerly of Victoria, B.C., and Now Instructor in European History, Before the Ohio State University The question of Japanese immigration so far ft Hie Pacific oast ol the United Slates is concerned, wa settled by Hie pus-sage of the ail-called Kxcltisiun Law. The general question of iiilcroatioiial relation raised by that controversy has .by no means been settled, even granting that immigration is a domestic mailer to be settled by each country according to its own desire. The point of interest fn this problem has simply been shifted aud now rests on the northern Pacific coast in the province of British Columbia. I lie attUude of the people of -' Itri.isn s oiumliia in regard to all rt?Tri?rka YliBriiTnr. in Lrieulal immigration has been IJ 1 U T K P IVl lHl) 1 i slated by resolution of the lejiis- VV T JjlllllflJLll 1 I J lalure more than once, the last lime beiiyj on le.eiiibcr 17, lt-l.' when it was the unanimous opiu-l ion. or the House lhat the pro-j vince is utterly oppose i to fur- Hier influx of Orientals into Hrilish Columbia; that the field, of industrial and commercial ac- House of Commons Refuses to or all Orientals m Cm- tiyit.es Xako Acton l0 Unseal ada, and particularly in Hruisli Peace Wver,Mernber Columbia, should b iRsiricM: by legislation; and thal'Hie. gov-! .,W ,- m - . ijmwcut of- the .lHiinrniou. of.., V lTTrfV Tanada be asked'lo reruse ad- "? "'r " 'l i.em.eux. nerence on Hie part or Canada to "ie ,oui' ;.r Common yesler- anv tii-alie i.r ii.lproalinnat i.l.-,,,J-' ""eu io recene a peii on ligation bavin? the . effect of limiting the power of Hie provinces lo regulate social and in dustrial activities within their boundaries, and that Ihe nonun ion government be also request ed lo take steps to denounce all treaties so far as they have the effect of depriving the Dominion of the power of regulating, Con- trollimg or prohibiting Asiatic immigration . Successful Efforts Chinese entering Canada were for long subjected to a" head tax starting at fSO, and eventually raised to 500 iiefore Hie Chinese Immigration Act ol .11123 was passed, excluding Chinese immi gration altogether, excepting the common exemption classes. The case ol Kast Indian Immigration is effectually checked by a regulation which requires an immigrant lo travel by direct route from the country of his origin. As there is no passenger service direct between India and Canada it is impossible Tor subjects or Britain's Indian F.mpire to com ply with the act. Japanese im migration is regulated under a Oenllenien's Agreement similar to that which existed between the governments at Washington and Tokio and it is in connection w4lh Ihe alleged Ineffectual op eration of this agreement that Hie problem as viewed by British Columbia has arisen. Traditional Policy The Canadian policy on the subject ol immigration may be best understood if considered in fetation to the national problems or the Dominion which are not capable of easy solution. Canada is still in her national infamy and has yet (o acquire the back ground and traditions which e tablish national types. The briefness of her history, the fact (conlinued on page two) VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat i C. p,-n :. 1. iiSi. .. ,i .Oliver . L, t; . J. ....... . i.,. ' Silvercrest .......... . Surf vlnlet ..... Dunvvell .... .'.' I ml .. S1 li... ItUk A3 .lllll ........ B.C.IC.P. A (... Bid. .5?H .151.00 l.Mc 0'12 .10 Vi ..i.8t'- (resurv Tirni jJWlSfo o;; .101.50 Asked 1,00 SUSTAINED ON APPEAL VOTE of .1. A. Collins.1 asking for' the uiisealiiv: of D. M. Kennedy, Progressive -member tor. Peace Biveiv by a vote ol 115 to 107 the vote rollowing strict jiarly lines. Conservatives voted toe receiving the pclilion and all other. against it. , The sjn-aker! based,-his decis- ion on the ground- that Parliament, under 4he ' .Controverted. Elections Act, delegated its powers to Ihe courts. Hon. It. B. Behnclt, Conser- valive nieinber Tor Calgary, who presented the petition, immediately appealed, again-it the ruling or the speaker in order that "tuture generations may rualizo the value or the petition," The House then divided with the re- ult shown. SHUFER MINE B.C. Silver to Start Work on Hudson Bay Mountain With Douglas Ray In Charge Douglas Bay, who has been assistant to C. B. North, superintendent at the B.C. Silver Mine, will arrive in the .city (roni Slewarl on Monday next en route, to Smilhers where he will iake charge of development work on Ihe Shufer rgroup of claims on Hudson Bay Mountain which was bonded last fall by the .'owners of the- IM', Silver. Examinations will be made of , the interior properly with a view to carrying out diamond drilling operation this season. AIR rfflS FISHERIES TO BECONTl NUED OTTAWA, May 7. A a result prslrong protests; thou British, Columbia il is now understood that the (lovernnient is arranging (o coiilinue lbe;seapjarie patrol of northern, wiitulisl It is sail that the noyernment) will mak t provisions for Hie work In (h supplementary estimate's.