PAGE SIX FOR SPORT WEAR Heavy Silk Broadcloth Colored border on while ground, 51 inches wide. One and Ihrec quarter yard dress length for $7.95 WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Donegal Phone 763 FOR THAT SLEEPY SPRING FEELING Take a bottle iof Edinburgh Hospital Sarsaparilia Compound Ullriches and vitalises the blood $1.00 a Bottle Rupert Pharmacu Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Wash Day Specials 95c Specials 3 liars Castile Soap .. 95c 12 bai P.O. Soap .... 95c 10 hars Sunlight Soap 95c 12 bars White Wonder Soap ... .. ... 95c i pkgs. ll.U. Washing Powder ... 95c 8 pHgs. Laundry Starch 95c I pkgs. Princess Soap Flakes 95c 1 pkgs. Thrift Soap . . 85c 7 tins Oem Lye ... ... 95c fi tins Oilh'lfs Lye .... 95c 8 tins Solvent. l"s . . . . 95c 12 bars Wool Soap ... 95c All oilier Soaps and Washing Powders at reduced prices. Musallem Grocery Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 575 Spun Silk Per Yard $1.25 Cotton Crepes Per Yard 25c Mrs. W.T Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Ilox - - D89 Phone Green.' 38J :T weed Coats $20.00 "Demers" Wo aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 RUTH COLLIDED AND RETIRED Dazzle Vance Batted Out of Iho Box In First Inning Against St. Louis CINCINNATI ROMPS AROUND XKW YOItK. May 7 Hatting three Philadelphia pitchers for eighteen iiits, Cincinnati defeated Philadelphia 1 i to 1 yesterday. St. Louis batted Dazzie Vance, the llrooklyu ace, out of the box in the first inning, scoring three runs, which was enough to win. Kelly's homer in the fourth enabled New York to defeat Chicago. The New York Yankees lost the fifth straight game to Washington and Itabe Itutti was forced to retire when he collided with a leant mate in the third inning. National League Philadelphia i. Cincinnati 14 llrooklyn I, St. Louis 3. New York 2, Chicago I. Hoston 3, Pittsburg. American League Washington 5, New Yorji 3. St. Louis I, Philadelphia 5. Cleveland 0, Hoston 1. TROOPS SENT DOCK ZONE Rough Element There Too Un ruly for Unarmed Pol Lee to Handle LONDON. May 7. Troop- wearing sleel helniel and carry ing a full field equipment wei " enl this afternoon into th" lock districts, when the rouge element is hemming too .unrul for unarmed police. FOUR HALIBUT BOATS IN PORT TODAY WITH 54,200 POUNDS FISH Only four halibut boats sold their catches here today. They brought 51,200 pounds of fish which sold at from 1 i cents to 15.10 cents and 7 to 9 cents for second grade. Arrivals were: Alaska. 3(1.000, to Cold Storage. Sherman, 15,000, to IJooth sheries. Carolen, 7.000, to Cold Stor age. Mab. 2.200, to Uoyal Fish Co WEATHER REPORT Terrace, clear, calm, temp. 48. nyox, clear, cairn, temp. 51. Stewart, clear, calm, temp. 47. llazcllnn. clear, ealm, temp, i t 50. Sniilliers. ralm, temp. 52 Ilurns Lake, elear, calm, temp Telegraph Creek, clear, caltr.. temp. i8. Whitehnise, clear, calm, letup Summer Excursions EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES Tickets on sale Dally from May 22nd also to . JASPER-EDMONTON-CALGARY Same route both directions or one way via Vancouver. Tickets on sale May 15th. Return limit October 31, 192G v Full Information- -City Ticket Office, Prince Rupert. Phone 280. t MILK PRICE Reduced Commencing jV.ay 1 CASH PRICES ' 7 Quail Tickets .... $1.00 12 Pint Tickets .... $1.00 Table Cream, Yj pint .. 15o Whipping Cream, 'A pint ... 25c Daily Train Service commences May 1. Phone your order to 657. Valentin Dairy iG. ICE GOES OUT OF I I .5wi,tt!iiW NOME, May 7. lee in the Hering Sea disappeared . from . iew Thursday. A similar condition pre ailed at Wuinwright, DO miles south of Point HarnUv. The departure of Ihe ice is unusually early this year. Subscribe to the Daily News. DollarWeek 2 35e-Corn on Cob and 2 Zoc P.N. Hulter $1.00 e 1 1 i . a m at.. ...... 1 1 1 .... 3 large tins Sliced Peaches $1.00 3 combs Pure Honey 1 . .. $1.C0 4 cartons Sunlight Soap .. $1.00 20 ndls Toilet Paper .... $1.00 20 bars White Swan Soap. . $1.00 13 liars Palmolive Soap .. $1.00 1 Hroom and 2 cartons Sunlight Soap v, . .fi..'i $1.00 7 lb. Seedless ItaistiK .... $1.00 7 lb. Seeded or Puffed Raisins $1.00 -mi'1 pp elite. mold developed. V When you see an elderly man eating his dinner with the relish and enjoyment of a school boy, watch him help himself to Mustard. If it is not on the table, he will very quickly ask for it. Those who acquire the habit of eating Mustard of keeping their digestion keen and their appetite young show a decided preference for freshly mixed Mustard. Selkirk, clear, calm, temp- DasOuii, clear, calm, temp. 12. Average for Yukon, 13. Coin --Keen (Canada) Limited 1000 Amhrrrt Street MONTREAL (olmarfsMustard aids X JL digestion. KISSING IS TABOO ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY Mlcrotes Qlven off by Both Boys and Girls Deveiop Into BERING SEA EARLY I BaclorVutoS,,ce or 1.AYKTTKVILLK. Ark., May 7. Kises, powder pulfs and the tips hJ lend pencils are I-Ihmi with students of botany at lite I uiver-it of Arkansas. - Two slices of an ordinary Inl. (vulato and a dish of gelatin arc resjKjnsible. As a laboratory experiment one of the students- a boy was asked to ki a slice vl i potato. this potato was then interned under an airtight glas diMi. Several -f -da) later lb.-students examined it. I our dif ferent kind utf moWls wer- 5 lb. Sugar and 1 lb. Tudor Tea j found. They were described as . S1.00 ti,r kintl of mojd found on jel 3 doz. Fresh Pullel l.ggs .. $1.00. . aU( , 9boes, and there 2 lb. best Hulk liulter S1.00 jw,,r,. everal colonies of red, el- 1 5c bottle Arggood Sweet Pick- OVk- and tiuride bacteria. les, and 1 15c bottle 1,01)0 -riie itislruc'or explained tha Island Dressing $100 the "t.eneillium" st6rc in lb- 3 lb. MeCormlck's i?weel Hisetill itUs had nlav.-il -havoc with the . . . a t mm m MAI 3 bottles lleinz Catsup ... $1.00 6 tins Peas, Corn or Tomato $1.03 . . 13 lb. Cranulaleii Su?ar . . $1.00 10 lb. Jap Itice, best .... $1.00 10 lb. D.O. Peas and 5 lb. Heans .. $1.00 notalo. 3 tins Schillings Making Pow-I Tlien ri luiuiter was bur- tier $1.00 (.w,..i fr,,m .. Ilf .j.,. (....u. l i. to. i resii uroumi oneo (ium,i .motiier slire iif (Ask for Sample) nntato. Sir kltuts t.t mold a 6 lb. Cal. Tabic Fife's .... $1.00 ...,, .',. (.aeleritt an- peared on the potato u few day 4 later. A pencil point wa touched a piece of gelatin, two kinds I The student remarked at tin? fl ill-:, I ti lifiici i-:i nii. if III., t-i,illlla large tins's Spinach $1,001. . ..,., K llirougli a inii-i-oseope. . iii. ugar aim i mi pui jiiri! umncT nnrpprrv jam ..$1.00 men nuiui unnonu ' m'ILU"'.";-".''. ... IZ ANIMALS ON EARTH! t, A. 0. 5 lb. Suigar and 1 tin -Marmalade $1.00 German Professor Advocated Loss Clothing and Necks Bare Like Women's EXTREME HEAT WINNIPEG ALONQ WITH DUST STORMS WINNIPEG, May 7. A high record for tins linto of year was recorded last night when the thermometer touched VI. llie'h winds with dust accompanying the heal added t to the discomPjrt or poses thai men wear light tropi cal suits, short trousers or knickerbockers, if possible bare .. . ....I ..a..... .n.l .1.. ..-illmllt n leciS .1IIU 411111, aim M M.'i.w... - collar and tie, which are, in m opinion, anti(iuulel ami un-heallhful. Such clothing should I... mini in nil tint the colli! weather. It would Seem mat mr Professor has been influenced in bis choice by the coslumo of the Itaxarian ami Tyrolese moont-a hirers or Hie youthful Wander-vtwel who. itarbrd approximately as he describes, wander in large number through Germany and certain!) pn-ent all the appearances of mbut health. NOT MAKING TIME The fiz wh lliiek and Ihe siort-ishlel man nmld Hot re a yard ahead when lie. left the' office. Hut he knew every inch r Hie way to the tram, terminus or thought he dfch Ah! at last.! He i la inhered aboard (Uld look ? 's plan- in the far corner. Time paved, but the Irani showed no sign of moving. More time passci. The man grew impatient, and at last ro-c and ad-dr,ci a misty figure: "What me do you think this tram will "tart?" he demanded. "Trum!" came the answer. "This ain't a train. You're in a cabman's heller!' TIMBER SALE X 7948. waiMl Trtxler. ll br n-rrltnl b Oir ii..rte tumim-. wa utrt Hmu auu mi th,- li? rt) nl Junr. . rir U Ir i Im- ul t.u-furf XltIS MW hra uf : sinilli luirl. It . t" rut . Iil txMifl mrurr. r Ur, sprttfr. IMnlurk . mini ItanaM mi... , Twu it' rr will aHuwad Tut re : ll irf INntwr. I lurtkrr MrlinrtV. l ikr i lurf I'ur MlM I.IUM, nr IKh I II . I rkr I Iih.JM ' TIMBER SALE X S034. MW tMnJrt. will I m pun! 1) tfar tMnirtri orrU r im.i l.irr (la a mi ii Ihr fl d4) nt H, .. f.K ilK bar tear iK t.utmr 4 Urr W.IUre laM, l'U0)M4l IJUIMM-I. ' .H. J. Ma rul litH. Irrl IxmrO itwur l Mu.r. ixlr. Hnnktrk ami luh-tiu Mhir. I Tu i i Mill In aUuWMl lur r . UMi4l of Halter. I lurlhrr iriM-uWn r ilv- turf u-r, Virlnri. r um bt.lri t turrt i nwt Hnyrri, ii.i. LASD ACT, Kolka f lnUnt!n to Apply la L ls4 la I'llnrr lluiirrt l ml Iter nUar f trtrl uf UnmI Hasvr i, and altuale ufi MXLtl IUrlvrl I.UimI. TAKK .VOTICk lltal Airrrd Sanw, r prum- hHtwri. rruisn Mjiiiirr, in trod Iv tvt '"f a k-ae ot I In foll-Inir larnid lands: rfiniwf,iii ai a l fiaati-d al II nurin tva ui wnio nariun iintu: inntr. artiund Uic'lataml al Wall lrr mark and nnuiiuD kt arm, nxt ur Um.. A I.I III I WMiiV Ap(4lraol- lnld April 17. ttt. 3 doz. Siinkisl Hrances or Lernonsli...- r m....A,'i. ...i.i.i. . in,pn,trinrni weight Ihe Professor, are .el in Lon don; they are sometimes allrac IN PROBATE. In tha Suprama Caurl of Brlllah Catumkla. In lira Miller of llw A(lmlnUlrilk,n Art and III IIm Mlltrr "f llw i:UI if Albert Btim. OvrraMMl. Inlrtlali-. TAkK MlTUir. Ihal Ur trdrr i.f III lliniur, r. Urn. Y-iiinr. Ihr llli l April. A O. Ii. I a appoii'lrd Allium (iral'ir uf Ihr r.tilr r AlUrrl IIumIm. rtrrrmrd, and all parlir. Iiatlnt rlaliif ariiml lb uld r.talr arr lirrrhj- rrnuir i rd to luml.b !, penrl)' rrlfl1. in i iim -Mi r brfurr ilir f'tli dat ul May tvit,. and all parllr indrliird In thr lr an- rrnulrrd to pay the annum! Uieir liKlrtilrdiKW In n fnrilinlth I ,vi!l AX A. WATT. orilrlal AdminKlralnr, rnnr nuiirri. uprrt h.i nn-d ili f nn dar f April improtamania Women today are hyylenlcally, r,- . A Ii lt and artistically dressed, while siimtr m itc ennre nnin Minim . rtlwl.l..n ... II.. SLm.. In . I.I.I k. men are die worst dressed ant- L.v.r.a. o,. ".h "i", l.m.V.'iT Ilials on earth according lo t-akr. I.awnil tioldrr San Iiatm. um Linel l rcidlierj:er. Professor of!07r.. Hyifiene at ihe University of t -,"'V0",:aNV,'ln?;M (ireifswald. The present fashion,!" '"n tay tmia ih due . ., . . i ncr II, lu apiJiy ! Ilic Mil of women's clolhiitjf bares the for a Vrilfirair of Imprnrrnirnu for itir 3 III. Ontario Cliees $1-00 throat allow ,.f frm eircnlnlinn p'Tp""" "f ihtlnin i tromi Oram nf 3 large tins Libby's Asparagus r ai, ull(1 vC!f ,,0,iyi!S,,VnU,,dr7 1 'I'" r l,uu from pressure, therefore a mini form P. Notka of Application for Cartifkata Alt Mlnrral Art.' lltuil lir rinnnrni-.l h,. for ihr iMuanrc of uch Ortirirale ol J . MM ' ny, nu...n.., ,hia rd day fir rrhmar. isis previously Inclined have i 1 1 i i. 1 1 ii mi v ft were.. ipn. iiifiiii.i mivn. nwjtn mi .1. iiun. 7 lb. extra Fancy, .Dry - Prunes )raf.ti,.ay .ji.Jred. Men are ' 't i t,,wuI .' colli continually iniinllv nierilreMseil. overdressed, iiml and H F t Krony trrnl m l"l,u Huy prunes now) Jt'-;.''-. leir skin is dPpnVed of the. air Noiiea or iniamion to aPPi, u Laaaa Land 3 tins Lihhy's Delmontrjror. Mal. jt w,HlrM. for A(;lo, instance, , ,..d ,,rn,rd;rT in .,r Prior, kins Jlesl Sliced Pineapple .Veii in winter. .carries less than Jis'ri. ami uuai on .Mm-m Maud. ci AO 1, ... . A ... . . V.1"'" liarliille dmiip. m iinnaiiird In- . . . . . . , f..w 7 tins Heinz Pork & Hearts $1.00 7 tins. Campbell's Tomato Soup $1.00 Fre&h Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Whipping Cream Dally, B.C. Butchers and 2 per cent of its weight as hair:n men sometimes wear clothing M- llirrr mllra (oil I ft uf llr j Hrrlie In TAkK MlTICK thai Tlir Canadian Huh amounting to u ' tenth of their (W'' "f vaiimuvir. nr. Men's fashions, Bnygl for a Ira.r ur lim rol'tnwlnr drairl'ljrrl live but are intended for a ell male severer llian is found In Grocers, Ltd. ZST" """ Professor iVeiUbergcr pro- land: OiiniMHirliir at a ria pUntnl at hrart .r Intel mllr north ut unnininl l.rrrk; llii'iwr ..t n ,-n,; thpll.r ,.,, i, imiua: iiipiiik en ju i-lialna liimr f.r Iran, lo tn.i-r llnr- ih...... ..;... rrly rmiiiwinf atrnrr Una to P.O.c. and ....... V-l P1IU l.lllll.lllllll. Ill ..M.. - I - . ...... ....... .1. ,1 TF, iimiip ur IPII THE CANADIAN I'tsilINO r.OVPUY ' MMITHl Aimli..., ... lr William Atrred Bower r m nyiii, f..v Friday, Mar ? t9 , DIAMONDS Our diamond display is Always an Interesting ai.h. The Brilliancy of the stones, the modern setting and ih in moderate prices aro very attractive. Prospective purchasers of diamonds would do wtlit visit our store where cheerful and courteous expert semi Is rendered to those who Tavor us with a visit. 1 Optical Department Eyes examined, VUion tested, Glasses fitted b registered optometrist. All lenses are ground by an i perlenced operator, exactly to prescription and carefull spected. This expert optical service may be had t ?! reasonable prices. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue Tlio Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "THE UNHOLY THREE" An .(li-'iilniig -l'M uf Ihe iiinlervvurl'l .jde-shiiw hu m iie IIk ii miii auuy Jmiwci -luid i-lii- i iiiih . talc in which i enln1.. man and ti dw.iri unite in H-rMtiMliug u ci : l-erie. with the aMUurf uf h girl f i . eeiijull bring rtlMMit their downfall- A. iii i initk liraiiui I'.ickcd through" it Hli prices, thrill- .mil nimatice, uuvil m loiieei in evecnlnin. ah tlhaue), (he weiwn" gi. nun, famuli for hi Mirlrnid uj The llni- ! Danie." di-pla hi" iiiuiiie tnlenl- to ri-i. n luge in lln aiiiaxiiig photo pla I Hrv nl!. Lon Chaney, Victor McLaglen, Harry Esrles, Moore, Mae Dutch, Msrjorie Morton and n. . COMEDY CLYDE COOK IN "SHOULD SAILORS MARRY?" Xylophone Sole by VV. F. Browne. PATHE REVIEW 50c and& Everything for the Biflder LUMOER- c lime the imoiI roimdele ! iIiinenion. hiplap, tir liiuii, IIimih . veneer, etc.. in Noil hern H.tL We can supply everything In a building from tht fee- dation to the last piece of finish. lie fore inning iomiI our -to. k. II W'i ; pnres are riglil. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 CEDAR MOPS with ' t nu ll handle $1.25 each Floor Wax, both liquid and solid. Furniture and Bn Polish. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Ki'iulsite Stock of I'ur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave Dr. Alexander Smith Dloek Phone 676 DENTIST SANDALS These nre utidinililedly the best Sandu the lowesl possible price ever Iniuleil in 1 1 I A special purcliasu of u larjfe qnuiilily l! " offer pussililu. . ,t Chllds' llrmvii Smnlals, solid leather nlo " ' j$ ... iieels, sixes front 5 lu 7Vi, prii.Oil at Youths' Hriiwii Hatiilals, solid ionilier soles, w heels, sizev front H In lll'i, priceil ul Misses' llruwn Hamlals. solid lenlher s(U'". w " heels, ?jizcs from i I tu 2, priced ul Ladles' Hamlals in llrown, Patent uiul I'.lk $1 in", $2J5 Jabour Bros., Ltd. VISIT OUR 100 and 1Bo DEPARTMfcNi ,7th Phone 645. r.nnp nro wui ii '