V e luur f A O m Km till Phone 8 Slii Ami see Jinw II wilt Imp- .. . I. ;ii .... 1. : - . k -in fnuiAiiiiiv ill ' I .1.1 Wo linvn some beauties TIllH OII sllOW I.elO is a I H I'll (I II I. III I III I 1111 1 Ut lnit'k.'fM'i nl if.15.0tl. '(. i.no. V ! tt'' Jtave l good Kills olio Burner I Id. Jewellers IJII I. SKI mm mm a mm m mm 'I - 1 a I I w -i ar at Cleaning and Pressing a "in' .ii-,j mm .-'-i-i-u e.i.i.y .-III'", BIIOIIKeil mm ,-i,ri-il a i ,iir . 1 1 1. i i n ii it .i I, i an tiii'imru Willi TItHI'll VI .1111 i I U " -ll.ll(l- iiiicj ' .1 . lllfl n uri Kit i. mm . nz.mr Overeoals. sponged Ladles' List PuH. ttark colors 12.00 jjIIs light color 2.50 Hklrt dark colors ? .00 Pklris, Hunt colors .25 9 I .00 I ip skri pleated. CI. on fman Vacuum Pressed Is Best RY CLEANERS usages 5 I Pork Natis.igo, per lb 30o : ii till I'iirL- nikttncvA iiiti- 25o 25o hrtH-lnR, por U.. . 10c Inn a tint anrtl Ki Rfl lu 8 Doodson Sixth S,rcet M ONN UUA Mil UAH . r? o hp . I. O. 1 111 DENTIST erson Block, prince Rupert, B.O. Phone GBG. iuo9uay and Tnursuay . .von I n ara IlUnQ AV'C MM. M LF L i n J - - a w r iiu ik -1 ' ' 1UUUBIU, mia trihlltlnv. Tnm nr , wwi nvriig. ' - ...... V T V I . ....aw HIIW 'ur waving, PILCHARD FISH REDUCTIONS VERY POPULAR ! Seventeen Plants to be Operated on west Coast of Vancouver Island "this Year VICTOIIIA, May 7. No Intuitu) seyenleon jdlchard fish re iliirlion plan Is will In- ojuiar -i qjt, Hie wpsI coast or Vuticoiiv. Island this ar, as compared wild only mxph last year. i:xiarilon of JlrilUU Colutn-hla' laloikl ilnvlopinont in iho NkIiImk iinlii-liv dim vi-.ir will iaihl mi 1 1 ton of .luiliii- lo I ft" harvil rinm I In- ia. l'ilrlird ri-lilny wa rii-ii iniimltiwil in HrllUli lluiuliia wali-nt in (025. ralrli lli' fir.l year wnn alunl at :::. Ilii a'moun: wa dprlvpil finin thp fulluwinM .Hilpi.t: nil, i!5,ora gallons. "ll.rt.ir.: meal, 2,0Ka Unt, 8l,3H;i; caiinotl, 37.182 anK IHH,6'0. OffiiuiU of Hip rompaniet mn-priu'. ilciMarp thai lh i'J2 lulal will In- at Inasl trn tfmi'-llml of Ht.Ti, Tli- t nilPil Slal-i iilini (mm tin- prcm ul outpt! r tin- in:, i.iuiii!.. iiu- in ,'la iii fitli rctjiictiiiii plunl-i "iipwimI iulivil in lnplniiliin!.' iiiTi-. Ilii'f' ln-iiiK no than i-di vriiir lii.al im-l'l chii-Iruplton. Omipui iKon of I In- iiiiinlipr f 1'iti'haril iiliinlo oM-rnti'il in llrit-ih lUiliiinliin IiikI year wiKi lli.i' wlni'h will IiiiihIIp Hit V-ar'n run rrM-uU (Iip rxirot the p"poriO'nl in Mm- intttixt i- !".: nr.-.. ItHrrluy Smiinl :i i.lavtMiuol I S.VtlllPy InlPl 1 KiMiika imiiiiiiI I I -prrsmn InlPl 1 Kvinjtiot . o( (.'iiiiioiiio h'nuiil o I ota I hVlUBlt WATLRS PROTCCTION ACT, R.s.a ieo, cHPTtH us. Thr Imnn f'i-ii.n l I'l'km im !) I inn I' d. rrtitlrml ftirr al Ml (.M.I. hrrHit ni nlir ital u h MiMlrr wlli 7 IUr mM V' l dr 4lrri with IhP MlnlM'-r r I'liMIr Virk 4t IIIUV. Hl .11 IM otlKr il Ittr III Irlrl HHilrar ( lr M Itfitatry ir rrtnrr limri. l the i:ii .if l-nn n Hu il. rmmrr al Biillnh O.liimtiii. tt-wriMh -.f iir ami plana a vharf and ptrr .riiwrtl lu ttr built al a-'il. V.I.J.. I uw rn-vinrt- of HriiMi 4iliiwliia. un M laJ.'urru i lurMl l-Ull. I'm ttim. i.r llrlllib i ilnmhU iimI lake IMHH- Dial flf Utr rfHra Ihmi i if .MM' UHiiitli Oim iIn dai 14 lip Orl iwMKatlon of ihl nulKv Hip I an I ara nMfif a I'arkiiw .miHH!r Uaaltnl. villi titular rrllmi of llv aM III. a N) l.i lit illoi'i' t nr rMMtr W'nrk. a' lu urrm' in lit i.lii .if ntuwa. fur an of Hit m -no in plan tad tv Kr.ir.l are l, mnairnri Uw ald wharf ami Hr. datnt al Vrxnrr Huprrl. !.: IM inl ilajr nl Ma . iya. LOMIA IIMII-t.l a Ptl MVI lOVl AN. IIMITEH. It) III. illrl!u: . Vlluiitf, Mai)ii 'igiitalsa -NAVIQABLS WATERS PROTECTIOd ACT," R.S.C. CHAPTER tIB. iMIKMK MM. I.I (III I IVIITKIi, rfant-rf.l nrrini at ;t Il..f Sln-pl. in lllr I lly of VaiU'iMiirr, I'rtiviiirr ur ttrui-h - luiulila, Hl.llHIV HIVr.4 MilU K ilul II Ua umlfr K.-ritun 7 nf ihi nalil ri imiiihI villh llr Mliimlrr r I'litilir V.ira- al otuwa. ami In Ihr .ifri- nf llHt OIllirt llrlillntl if tin- laml li'inlr nitnri ..r l'rinn i ii--ii. al iTiiim' ItiiiHTi. H. i'.. a b'fTli ii.hi l th- Hi' anil iUii- "f a warl atMl iiHilii for I'arrvlnv a walur nli- Jinn nniwMMl lu bo Lull! al. Shannon lli ...lu... lalknJ In Him PhAlliM f Uriilah roluii'lii. nn lurrnlmri ica.' or lot I M a. (,iiii-n :tiarl.iuo IMantti, in !! I'mvlnif f Hflllaft inlnmtiia. anl a tmrnn liv plan. rMitialnlna- In aU an arra ..f imhIii ,f ai ri'i. iiinrii r k. M TAIir! MTH:: that aflir Ih an-Plralinn at ixir 1 1 . iiiuiiin rnun Ihc tUif i.r lH' rirt polilnttl.wi of thin iKrtlcr. (l.nw Mtlknt l.lniilnl will iimlrr rrll.n ; nr Oh Mill Art ai'flv In Iho VllnllUr or ItililH- Work a al hl omr In lln illy .if illtiwa ror anproval nr lti aUt alii-an.l plan ami fr Ifavi- in iimi'titHi IIh-Hit vitiarr amt lrtlo. lult-rt al Print- ttnrmrl. n.C.. thla SOlh UJ nr Aiirll. v n. nnsf Mil i f:ni i.imitko. n v lit .sn)i.'iii.ii Willmni. Mannn Dnnral.-. Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for $1.00 No rnorp clioppinR or klnd-lin Safp. sifnplo ami economical. Manufactured by HydeTransfer 139 Second Avonue Phone 680 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES, TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Qreon 238, Black 735. Night. Phones 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. O. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Sphiig-Cleaii sfru mental piano. Mi-s .ii'ji ifk inv nrw ii i i iiii3 will he installed hrlMivn - - 1. k. ska I I'laititirr (JadamiiU Creditor,!, and f. I.. iKi iiK.Nsii.X. aa rnU.tr nr Uw I.-.I.I.. ..P fc' " iii,lt.n4.tii anil M 11 MUi (lav nf Jiiiif. tuva, I wilt nrrer fur sale liv imbllr un'Ot n mi Friday, tin- 14th day nr Slay, lUK., al lhi hnur or ii iVltirk nnnii, al tli Oovi-riuiii'iH liiilldlnir. Ilaxt-luili, IM ., til tlin illhl, IIU. and In-tei'vil nf F. I.. Slrnlienniii, a rteriitur nf llu- etla nr K. ft. sii'iiliiin(iii, and s. II. 1:1 tun durhiit 1 110 lirt'lliiw id the l.ili' K. 1;. sir-flii'iiMHi, mi'ti'r the name nf snih.'ii-'M . i:rnm. and sirpliriniui 1:1 him, in Uie rull'iwliiir liiul": ' rait a, us arr's nr Lot in 1, flrmip I, 1 lar ljimrli'l. Pruvliirn ut lli'ipsli t'.nl-Hinlila. a u Tin' l;ind si) In tie' sMd are Sntijerl to iMtmr irinro-inrcit and laws thrrriiti. jndiniii'nt i;rMlrr J. k Seal.v. Jnde-mriil lieDlofv. r. 1.. siepliensnn. rji-ru-Inr ur th rilati ur K. Sliihensnn aihl s. II, Oniiil dill'lnir the llTi'Miur nr Uie late K. ;. SleMienmili. under the name r ; Hii'plioiiKi 111 k criiiu. and Stephi'iimn K I i;rtim. I The r.illi.w liifr rlmrires fi.l atalnst llie hind: MiTtuuitiV 10. (aviir ot F. I.. Sleplieimmi a eernlrr uf llie oatate T K.ilwanl C. Sltiii'lswt fnr MIU.n0 which InlerfM will lie ""III III llie tline of the aale. I Jndjnnent ,n. 1.1, Klled llie Mill dav Inr .NuMMibiT. 1013. 1. K. Seal)' I'luliilirr I vs. T. I,. Sleidiennin a pxwntnr nr llie Jentiite or K. "., Sieidii'iianii. and S.' II. I i:eiMii. dilHiiif the liretlmn or Uw lale K. I.. Stephenson, Under Hie name or Steplieii I ni ; Cl lim, ami Slepliensmi A Cruin. de rendanta, which JiidKineiil waa renewed. "ii I lie Ulli d.iy or .Vivemtier, 105. Terms or sale; ran; Paird 111U v Hi iliv r April. IflJfi, JOHN SIIIIil.KY. Sherirr mr llm i:oumy or rrince luipcrt. THZ DAILY HEWS JAPANE8E IMMIQRATION AND THE METHOD OF DEALING WITH ORIENTAL PROBLEM AS IT AFFEOT CANADIANS. (continued from pape two) Par following ,H2 1, lhal Im, lo I March 31, lii-'i, Hip inimigralion 'of .lapanpp wa 1,288, or 429 annually. My far Mip ftrealor inuntiPi' of llipjtp remained in lrilih Cnliiiniifa. During' f he H.imp thrpp par& Jul in?ludii!K lo Hip pml "of 1021, Jpanpia ihorn in the Pacific Coml ro-jviiicp miiiiliprPil 2.(580, wliilt 'ili'atli i)pproiitnapil '0i). In I!riliH, Cnliiinliia llm Jar--l:uipip arn Piiaa?pil fdiipfly J I Ik riiliin iinliulry. in inarko. eiarilpiiinjr. in llu InyKinsr ranii. TJAVE you ever noticed ja"'' "faw-mlll", whilp in Hip ci-x thdt when you have cut, lie Hicy Jiavp cpnireil their at. bruised or burned yourself jlptiiion on lallorinx and c Vou are always knocking the lioiichoid , uprvipp, Their con-sore place ajrainst something? .neelion Willi Hip fWiinjr industry No matter what your task, j,,J1 ,",,, "cpasion of thn you are haninered by even mil spoken' opposition, for the mott trivial ol injuries. It Iioldi has Iii't-ii elafniPil lhal their doh"nsWrk" " hU" OU ' l,rlW,,,, "wishl ahoul iho al- ,. ".. j. .... Iiiiott lolal pjicluion of faith However, the real danir.er lies in the ..ilt , , i minute germ, of di.ea which awarm I!'"1" Imliann.. I his proi.- into sny break of thetlin and tet up ' lalfil care of by a fK)ionou infrrt ion unle Zam-Uuk ijfraiiual annual rpdiictinii in the ia appuru. am-nuic immediately soothe awavoain and orotectaasaimt dangerous ncrmi. It ran always be depended upon t? beat quiikly and cieaniy witn ime new akin. Now. at Spring-cleaning time more I than ever, you cannot afford, to be without this wonderful Zam-Buk AImj in cases ol eczema, pimples, poriaii, impetifEO, ringworm, piles, ulcers, boi.'a, atwceiae, poWonrd woundi. etc., Zam-Uuk ia moat soothing an.l efficacious. Iw SiairM caa lafafy tkn tnat kartal kolar al Uc kai. i Ur IJ1. Zl-It t Tarwit, l tfmi mall MM IPal ima Sai rail aa naant. MUSICAL PROGRAM ROTARY LUNCHEON (,IU" ,,,an ,ri"h .i No Speaker Yesterday Aftsrncon Cut Number of Soloists at mid-Week Event ptTPPiilap of li'pnps ? ran led lo laiiiii''ip, a inpaiip which canip inln force twti years ago. Sought Amendment Mhotixh popular opposition tii (Hie Japanesi has not been con- fined to Hip past few years, It assumed concrete form In November, 1021, whey the Hrilisu Columbia Legislature reiuetp. t tip amendment of Hie Immire lion Act n as to pxelmle Asia-'n. In May the following year look place in Hip lloti of Coin-tnon Hip debates nnd the adoption of the resolution already referred to. Two years later the. amended application of the (ienllemen's Apireiiient was maile etTeelivo, limiting thenum-Iier of Japanete entering Can- ...l.l to 15(1 annually- While per- iiap meeting in lartre measure nip wine. or tlic orovmcp' s nieasiire Tell Tar short or the action desired on the Pacific coast and on Heccmber 17, 1921, the l'vislature again pxprpssed il-elf In the nvolutlon staled it .... .... Hie openin? ' paragraph of thi here was no speaker at the of ,. tlotary Ignel.eon y. enlay ar- MtUlUftn an. , r,..ar,,(.(l a. er.H.1.., hut InMead lliere was a .om)Ilj tl:lI1 poli,ical ver inlere.ltpR muAK-al pivR.... (frvwrU (ani! jt wu wm .ven by oral vot alU., ami in- fop of -.trumentMnsIs I . mark, Jr. , ,ulaInr wa, UMnimmtl. b i mlnnli.ro, by Presiilen , , f Mru lymonl as an .' Old .;k"-r.- Collnllia havp takpn n . ,.v.. been fa,rn In hat , if , , , , :,.-r....,y. pav two very pi. oy- California hip violin stiltio, iicctinipanii'd by ' . ,. . , n r: ! which be atiriPd wilit ,, ,, . . ,,, , , , was lo Mrs. Hubert Wnnl, who also ., , , , , , . , . , . playPd l he appompanlment. for Xnl 0 y irovlnce p, Hip siujurs ami a two in- il4,, , .. till ill. ,1.1 i iiiniiy lt'i, ,......! r...n.- i.. ri... .. r j i,i-u i.r iiiiiiii'i lllllll.v Ul ,, , . , "Orientals, hut nl.o it favors les-(IfiH.prinp Jopes san ,...,, i.n i. tZ ...,.l ..l. (..n.. nn,l ...... II.. """" ' ilakablv of a discriminatorv nal- eneoretl. Mrs. I.tmlsay auuli i ,.. . ,,. ,...,.,.:, , ... , ... o Hlf 111 lllttl I Ml" 1 1 1 1 1 I I I all slllll saiiR Scottish , will, l soups poo PomnlPrcia, nelivill(.s of OHonl. tTepf John l.avlp who Yas in nN , fh , xeellenl volefc also pave Iwo ) j ?"!- ,. ., ... .t'..j' Leolslature Tested When the application of sucti i a policy is apaiu brought forward, C. .1. Ouantip. O.N.H. superin- unuoutiieiiiy will pp in view lendent or motive power, arrived Hio provin anti-Oripntal in the pity on ypslerday arier-j iliinehl in Hritisl. Gojumbia, noon's train iiftr nn 'inspeel ion I Hhtp , will :rio (he dellcatn but trip alongthe line in the in- inyitnfilo qdeslion of how Hih I as kaa aj I (I kl.l Atl 1 I k ff If Sla"i I I l iieadiiuartirs in Vancouvi;r on '' i rfl p-( i p ip . a iTo p, t? d i ; Ln Jau- the I'rlnep (Iporgo IhK lifter noon. SHERITF'S SALE OF LAN 08. In tha Suprama Court of Brttlah Columbia. nnescM'aiioiisj illyf Ihi't Iri'aty of'; lull, which placps them "in all respects on the same footing as native subjects" in' retard to travel and residence, and which gives them most-favorcd-nation treatment in the acquisition ot njoyable and (immovable (pro t.niig. iiun'iia iii iireUiiic ni the late port)- upon condition of reci r.. I.. .iritlK-IIMIII, lllllll-r UW 11.1111.- " ' .I.. I ni.ifil.ln.. T II. In SteMM'iiMiii i.riim. ami STKI'IIK. !l'l'OCity. I.effislaluro of this so k i:ni.M. iiptMidanu (JiKiamtiu jy0 was tK t iii the courts elared invalid a Itritish Colum bia statute which declared that in all government contracts, M'T : -''smuLmisstahafiM PA06 s FIVE V BEST 7 W ii r . hfCS," lift blend oh s J V( s (v. thousands Si W - vincial electorate believe that! Hie imprests of Hritisl. Colum ! bia, both economic and soj-ia:. are being sacrificed by the olhe provinces of the Oominion where it is claimed the seriousness of. Hip so-called "Oriental menace" Is not understood. This has the natural tendency lo cause the! province lo ask for much in j the hope that it may receive at. least some protection from what s'till remains of Asiatic immigration. Workable Arrangement II is generally uccepleil how ever, by intelligent Canadian. Hint the Uenllemen's Agreement has (bus far proved itself to he n workable arrangement even if it has not satisfied the radical opponents of Asiatic iiumipra -Hon in Hritisl. Columbia. Whether Canada will find i: necessary 'lo azain reise Hie application of Hie Agreement o, lo adopt a new method of control is a matter oT opinion and one lhal the future will reveal. The attitude of Jhe Dominion (lovernment which has made nn recent statement on the subject has been above question. Hy delegating ils yowers under the Agreement lo Japan it expressed confidence in the sincerity and integrity 0 Hie Japanese government. Japan's altitude toward the revision showed readiness to co-opWrate with any reasonable policy which Canad.t in Wit wish lo establish. I. would be idle to say that divergent views tlo not exist in bolh dom oT the polfey. Nevertheless Hie development or the Canadii-n (ienllemen's Agreement suggests that a final solution may be found oji the subject or Japanese immigration in Canada that will be just and reasonable ami will in no way occasion "'grave consequences" to Hie happy relationshij) now existing iMiKit ami nv vniTiK m an Order) in 1923 when the Judicial Gom-lhetweeii the two eountries lllil'li- ny nn-i.uiiiM iim mini.-., ini.iiri ...ti.w-i 1 , - ,ilrt II-;,,. In....nil ,1. 'mil lee of the Louncil de- 4ii:i r Uir siii.rrni cmiri nr iiritiMi I'm) I i.iilnntliia, . HUM I.UIT-M dJIrd ai , VanmHtrr, ....... . H.i:.. uif - " give its support to a Federal policy which had' as its object the passage or ai effective exclusion law In take the place of! the Canadian (icntlrmen's Apree-j menl. This allUnde, may be explain ed in pari because even more, jmodcrative elements in the pro-j NOTICE GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT, OF APPLICATION FOR BECR LICENCE. MUIC.K IS I1KUKH HIVES that on the tsm day or May neu ine unnrraiiriitHi in- leases ami concessions ?oKJ. o .pnij im uq., con.ro. Chinese or Jaoanese sl.Ol.ld lie i,rn.ii liemr nan or ihe buildiiK Known employed. This judgment kW!:'. W given on the ground Hint tlm nied Lot . h Wk n. Man .sua,: statute violated Ihe treaty of 1911. Itritish Holumhia legislators will iirobably find support fo" their policy toward the Astuth. and now in patiicular against the Japanese, in the passage of llie Kxcliision Law of May, 1921. II is iloulilli'ss true Ihat (lie Provincial Legislature was Influenced hy lhal act when It formulated its resolution lo thy lomin-ion Hovernment on December 17, l92t. Exclusion Land 'Furthermore there ,U tilth; r.wispn lo question the statement Ihat a considernble section of the electorate would readily I'rlnee Rupert Land Keirlstrallon District, In the I'rurlnre nr Uritmli iluluinliia, tm-l Ihe aale nr Ueer by the sl or by th I oiM-n imille ror eonsnmptlon on the pre- , mist's. . . DATEP at the r.l.y or trlnre nupeM, I Provlnee or British Columbia, this fJtn. day or April. A.li. lOf ft. NILDIIEU 1.1 l.l.VN IHIM.N. I Applicant ttOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notlca of Application (or Baar Llcanc. ,otii:k is ii mi k my oivk.n that on the siii ,i.,v nr Miv net! (lie underslsiied In tends to apply i Ihe Liquor Control Hoard ' tnr a llii'iire m reecl to preiulte! known aa -u w.v.A. tintei, -iiuaie in me tuwnaii or Port Clements, B.C., upon th-lands desrrlhed aa smith hair or lots 8 and . blork 4(. Olsthet lot 4, gueen Ch.trlnltejslands niatrtet. aecordmir lo a registered map or plan deposited at ttie Land llerlslry orrire in the CJly or prlnr lltiNrl, B.C., and nimibered 1079, tol' the ale or beer hv the Flats or by Ihe open boltli) ror consumption nn the premises. Piled at rrlnre Itupert, B.C.. this till day or April. fR f Arpiictnt. "I see trouble" ays the rorlune-teller, looking inlo Hie wasnltib. lint nobody needs a fortune-teller to know that wash-tubs and trouble go band in hand. What you want is a good for-lune-teler to tell about dur Thrif-T-service. It cost very little per pound, hut it sends off every va!itnl trouble that ever existed. You'll find it a good luck charm Ihat works every week in the year. Thrif-T-Service 5c a pound, 1c per piece Everything washed and flat work ironed CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipselt Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SU Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 ' P.O. Box 196 Simmon's Steel Heds, Springs, and Oslermoor Mattresses in every room. ,52 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water, llaliis and Showers, Steam Healed, Electric Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth SU PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Steamship and Train Service B.S. PRINCE OEORQE and PRINCE CHARLES will leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Intermediate points. FRIDAYS and MONDAYS at 8 an. (or STEWART and AN VOX WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN tornlablly for VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PA8SENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally rsei-pt Sunday at it. Jo a.in. ror prince qeoroe, Edmonton, Winnipeg, all iiointa Eaxrni s Canada, roiled Slates Agtncy all Ocaan Staamahlp Llnta. 1'se Canadian N'ailoiial Express fur Money Order, Foreign Cheque', etc, al,u for ynur next shipment, Oltf Tlcaat Oftlea, 628 Third Aia., Prlnc RtiptrU Phon 260.